WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine (2024)

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:00 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Two orcs captured in Bakhmut. Lucky guys!

2.0K views20:08

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:39 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Daily routine of the 1st Mechanised Battalion, 3rd Assault Brigade in Bakhmut.

2.0K views20:16

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:08 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Yesterday, Russia adopted a new law where electronic mobilisation subpoenas will be considered delivered from the moment they appear in the personal account, limiting the ability of future mobiks to leave the country. More material for the meat assaults!

And now, it appears Russia is exploring imposing a new military tax of 2-3% in addition to the income tax.

9.0K views20:34

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

0:36 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Prigozhin confirms he will not take Girkin into Wagner in case the latter gets jailed in Russia.

2.0K views10:28

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

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A video allegedly showing Russian servicemen inserting a metal tube into the rear of one of their brothers-in-arms as a punishment for misconduct.

16.5K views10:45

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:12 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Russian mobik says they are positioned right next to Vuhledar, although they should be in the territorial defence. All they can do is simply hide from shelling and pray to not get hit.

In addition, they are not paid daily allowances for the same reason - supposedly they are in the rear, and not on the front lines.

7.5K views09:09

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:07 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Russian mobik caught an officer engaging in sexual activity with another mobik and was sent to the assault brigade for this.

18.4K views10:52

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

6:49 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Russian mobilised from the Moscow and Ivanovo regions recorded a video message with complaints that they were illegally taken from Rostov-on-Don to the Luhansk region, with all their documents seized.

It's a complete mess but what seems to have happened is that they were all forced to go to Ukraine by the orders of god-knows-who. They're not getting promised payments and those with injuries are returned to combat. They don't know where they are, which units they belong to, who are their officers, and what their next steps are.

8.0K views09:19

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:11 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

"Representative" of "Wagner PMC" talks about the concentration of Ukrainian strike groups totaling up to 80k people to unblock Artemivsk (Bakhmut), using both Soviet and Western equipment.

7.6K views09:45

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:19 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Vladimir Solovyev addressed Ukrainian soldiers over the radio in Donbas, urging them to topple the "hom*osexuals dancing on Kreschyatyk" (not a parody).

7.4K views12:29

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:19 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

A surprisingly self-aware Russian soldier reveals that he doesn't why he is in Ukraine, in this intercepted call. He states that the locals are hostile to the invaders and being here makes little sense.

Note that while published by GUR recently, the call might be quite old.

2.2K views11:59

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

5:09 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Avdiivka, the frontline town in the Donbas, to award its defenders.

8.0K views12:35

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

0:53 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Update from Bakhmut by the commander of the 127th Territorial Defence Brigade, Roman Grischenko.

8.6K views16:07

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

2:01 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Girkin slams Margarita Simonyayn by calling her a rotten alcoholic and says that until Russian authorities change and start believing in Girkin's cause, nothing will work.

8.3K views09:52

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:22 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Former Yermak's advisor Oleksiy Arestovych says it is essential for Ukraine to prepare for the second war with Russia in 4-6 years' time. He believes Russia will attempt to learn from mistakes and have another go, similarly to the Second Chechen War.

8.3K views22:09

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

2:58 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

An intercepted call reveals the morale of the Russian troops during the February Vuhledar kamikaze column burning. In this call, the Russian soldier tells his wife that "so many of our boys were burned inside the tanks". Reacting to her question about equipment delivery, he says it's all being stolen, and the Donbas people (separatists) are similar to a criminal bandit gang in their dealings.

He also mentions the 70th regiment which was one of the first to enter Ukraine in Feb-Mar last year, the "elite" unit which took enormous casualties and was abandoned by contract soldiers. The regiment is now under the risk of having it banner withdrawn.

1.9K views14:05

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

5:26 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

18-year-old "Maliy" is a serviceman of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade. He decided to take up arms and destroy the invaders. He says that his motivation is twofold, since he comes from the Zaporizhzhia region - he dreams of liberating his native land from the enemy and taking revenge for his fallen friends.

Original: Butusov https://youtu.be/wMwp8-PeFrA

2.2K views16:02

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

2:39 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Brothers morale high: video from the other side shows Russian soldiers complaining about their command, about sitting in a trench for a month, barely shooting from their guns. All they're doing is retreating while being paranoid about drones and Ukrainian mortar fire.

(Sorry for the poor quality, all I could find).

2.7K views15:37

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

4:54 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Rats abandoning the ship: leaked phone call reveals two Russian businessmen slamming Putin and Russia's war. The men in the call are identified as Roman Trotsenko and Nikolai Matushevsky, some of the richest men in Russia. The original call dated to 10 January is over 40 minutes, but the 5-minute snippet contains the juiciest bits. Translation by us included.

Whether the call is real is impossible to establish, but it could well have similar objectives as the call released last month between Iosif Prigozhin and Farkhad Akhmetov: to distance themselves from the Russian authorities, and "wash off their sins", remove sanctions.

The call was published by "Nastoyashee Vremya" agency.

2.4K views16:54

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine

1:08 Media is too big VIEW IN TELEGRAM

Commander of the 127th Territorial Defence Brigade, Roman Grischenko, reporting from Bakhmut on 26 April 2023.

3.0K views17:12

WarTranslated | Archiving the War in Ukraine (2024)


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