The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)

3 the scene rence of a THE DAILY ADVERTISER, LAFAYETTE, LA. FURSDAY, Medical Auxiliary Plans For Benefit Style Show, May 24 The Lafayette Parish Medical Auxiliary had its regular monthly meeting at a luncheon Corners. Restaurant Wednesday, with Mrs. J. Boring Montgomery, president, presiding.

Mrs. F. H. Davis gave a very interesting report of the Medical Auxiliary meetings to the State Medical Society were held New Orleans Maligns, 6, ranch 7. drier report also included a summary of the year's activities of the Lafayette Parish Medical Auxiliary for the past year.

It was decided at this meeting that the Medical Auxiliary will sponsor a style show to be given in the Southwestern Louisiana Institute gymnas um at 8. p.m., May 24, for the benefit of Cancer Society. Mrs. F. H.

Davis will be in charge of the sale of tickets for the style show. The members who were present at the meeting were: Mrs. J. O. Duhon, Mrs.

C. K. Olivier, Mrs. George Gardiner, Mrs. F.

H. Davis, Mrs. J. Boring Montgomery, Mrs. H.

C. Voorhies, Mrs. R. D. Voorhies, Mrs.

L. O. Clark, Mrs. Ed. Wynne, Mrs.

L. A. Prejean, Mrs. Sidney Hernandez, Mrs. John M.

LeBlanc, Mrs. Z. H. Bienvenu, Mrs. Paul Kurzweg.

Mrs. E. A. Lacour Entertains Club (Special to The Advertiser) ABBEVILLE Members of the 500 Card Club met with Mrs. E.

A. Latour as hostess, entertaining at her home Charity St. Members present were Mesdames: Frank DeGraauw, Tony Guarino, Emile Dutel, Frank Frederick, M. L. Thomas, and E.

Bergeron. Mrs. Latour had as her guest Mrs. Cecile Gosselin. Mrs.

DeGraauw was awarded first prize, Mrs. Guarino, second and Mrs. Dutel cut consolation. The hostess served delicious home made ice cream to her guests. A Social Situation Ala a letter to a friend.

WRONG WAY: Begin with a long apology for not having written sooner. RIGHT WAY: Realize that it is better to make a tardy letter entertaining then to weight it down with the burden of your apologies for having put off writing. Now She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful Backache When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it maycause nagging backache, rheumaticpains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under er the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder, Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 50 years. Doan's give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood.

Get. Doan's Pills. All retiring officers, newly elected officers and city co ancil officers of the local Parent Teacher Associations of Lafayette held a spring luncheon here. The newly elected PTA presidents. first row, left to right, are: Mrs.

Grady Harris of Northside Primary: Mrs. James A. Bourg of N. P. Moss Junior high; W.

L. Shoemake of Myrtle Place: Mrs. O. A. Reade of Lafayette high.

Second row, left to right, are R. E. Mrs. Witty of F. M.

Hamilton training school; Mrs. Frank Courreges of Mt. Carmel; Mrs. Homer Miers of Central Grammar; Mrs. Alfred L.

Mouton of St. Genevieve and Mrs. T. Allen Bonnet of Cathedral high. (Advertiser Staff Photo) Garden Club Installs Heads And Hears Guest Speakers Mrs.

J. F. Kelly graciously entertained of the Lafayette Garden Club with a garden party and business meeting at her home, afternoon. A strikingly Wednesday, effect had been achieved in the reception rooms with numerous floral arrangements. of Calla lilies, day Wallace A.

LaFleur, who has received his Master's degree in floriculture at Ohio State University and worked toward his Doctor's degree in landscape designing, spoke to group commending the club on the outstanding success of the flower show "Springtime in Lafayette." He stated that citizens of yette were justifiably proud of the event, in which 231 entries had been made, and that re hoped that next year there would be 1000 entries. He spoke a also on the arrangements, stating that the primary purpose in learning to make pleasarrangements shouid be to make homes more attractive rather than concentrating on arranging for exhibition. A discussion followed as to ways of making next year's show an even greater success. Dr. H.

L. Dozier, government biologist of the U. S. Fish and Wild Life Service, who is iocated at Southwestern Louisiana Institute on a cooperative agreement, doing research work on fur bear ng animals, spoke to the "Dahlias" which are his avocation. Dr.

Dozier has worked with and studied dablias for 25 years. He stated there 3 no reason for holding dahlias back in Lafayette. They can be, planted early and thus bloom sooner than the usual fall blooming per iod. Highlighting the business session, There's Mouth-watering Goodness in our FRIED CHICKEN! Always a Favorite at Don's Seafood Inn 305 E. CONGRESS PHONE 900 TREMENDOUS SALE! Dress Fabric Remnants Famous Name Cottons Chambrays -AlsoDimity Black and Muslins White Rayons Quadriga Spuns Cottons Failles only 69.

39. Yard Yard The Ladies' Shoppe 103 Stewart Street New PTA Leaders which was presided over by Mrs. F. H. Rhymes, president, was installation of officers with Mrs.

Ruord Smith conducting the ceremony Taking office were Mrs. Rhymes, re-elected president; Mrs. Donald Labbe, vice president; Mrs. Charles Doran, secretary and Mrs. Luther Miller, treasurer.

Mrs. Rhymes expressed her gratitude to all the past year's officers and comittees for their splendid cooperation and asked that the new ofifcers help to make the coming year an even more successful one. Mrs. F. B.

LaFleur read a most interesting article on "'How to wear Flowers and Corsages'. Mrs. Rhymes named chairmen of the standing committees as follows: Mrs. John Gaugler, membership, Mrs. Ruford Smith, social, Mrs.

W. F. Parker, scrapbook, Miss Shirley Kurzweg, yearbook, Mrs. Don Labbe, program and Mrs. C.

L. Rush, publicity, and Mrs. Thomas Bostic, flower show. Board members are Mrs. Bostic, Mrs.

Aubrey Bowers, Mrs. John Gaugler and Mrs. Paul Mouton. Mrs. Rhymes also announced that the club had been invited to send an arrangement to the flower show in Alexandria on May 13 of which Mr.

Lafleur is to be one of the judges. During the social hour, Mrs. J. W. Faulk presided at the punch towl.

The table, overlaid with an exquisite lace cloth, was centered with a levely oval arangement of pink roses and green tapers. The color scheme was repeated in pink and green petit fours, cookies and mints. More than 30 guests were present at the meeting. "Louisiana Today" Be, Topic Of Woman's Club Meet The Woman's Club will meet Saturday afternoon, at 3:00 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. W.

S. Law on 117 Myrtle blvd. with Mrs. Fred Singleton, co-hostess. The program topic for the meeting, will be "Louisiana Today' by Mrs.

G. T. Preer. Also featured at the meeting will be reports by each member on the "Growth of a It was pointed out that a president's prize will be awarded to the member who has been able to make the most money from his initial investment, the announcement stated. The newly elected officers will also be installed at this time.

Meetings TODAY Lafayette Chapter No. 46, Order of Eastern Star, will hold its regular meeting at 8:00 o'clock in the Masonic Temple building. A covered dish supper will be held in the club room at 6:30 o'clock. Court. Immaculata No.

503, Catholic Daughters of America will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 o'clock in the Knights of Columbus Home with Reverend Michael J. Benedict, pastor the newly established parish of Our Lady of Fatima as guest speaker. Election of officers will take place. The Lafayette Conservation club will hold a meeting at the city hail at 7:30 o'clock for all who are interested in bettering fishing and hunting conditions. FRIDAY The Mount Carmel Parent Teacher Association will meet at 3:45 o'- clock in the school auditorium.

Regular services will be held at Temple Rodeph Sholom at 7:00 o'- clock. The heads of all women's organizations in the city will meet at 5:15 o'clock in the council room of the city hall to plan for an open house and silver tea in the new Salvation Army headquarters. SATURDAY The Woman's Club will meet at 3:00 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. W. S.

Law on 117 Myrtle blvd. with Mrs. Fred Singleton as cohostess SOCIAL ITEMS Please Telephone All sonal News Items, Social the Advertiser Office, Affairs, and Meetings of 1125 or 1126 izations. Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Chauvin of Patterson visited here a and in Broussard as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.

E. Stone enroute to their home from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mrs. G. J.

Griffin of Abbeville visited in this city. Mrs. Martial Billeaud returned her home in Broussard after a business visit here. 8 Mrs. Joe Dodson of New Iberia was visiting here recently.

3 Mr. and Mrs. L. Campbell and their children of Broussard returned come after a visit in this city with riends. Mr.

and Mrs. Dudley Guidry and heir family of Port Arthur, Texas vere visiting with relatives and riends here. Marcel Dugas has returned to his ome in Sulphur following a visit in this city with relatives and friends. Mrs. Curtis Simmoneaux of Baton Rouge was a recent visitor in Lafayette.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chauvin and their son returned to home in Lake Charles after a brief stay here.

Mrs. Howard Stansbury of Port Arthur, Texas was the recent guest of relatives and friends here. Mrs. Norman Regis returned to her home in New Orleans following brief visit here with friends and relatives. Mrs.

U. B. Landry of Youngsville was visiting in this city with friends. Mr. and Mrs.

W. I. Walden of Lake Charles visited in Lafayette, Abbeville and Broussard as the guests of relatives and friends. Mrs. Saul Bernard of Broussard was a visitor here.

Mrs. Albert Vincent returned to her home in this city after visiting in Youngsville where she was the guest of relatives and friends. Mrs. Ernest Stutes of Houston, Texas visited with friends and relatives in this city. Mrs.

Daley Broussard returned to her home in Milton after a visit here with friends and relatives. Mrs. Merle Gardner and ter, Carolyn have returned to their home in Kansas City, Kansas after visiting here with relatives and friends and in Carencro with her mother Mrs. Clay Breaux and with her sister, Mrs. Ray Gilbert in Houma.

Upon her return she was accompanied by her sister, Miss Odette Breaux who will be her guest for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley 1 Mouton and their children, Florence, Frances and Dudley, Jr. of Kaplan visited in this city as the guests of relatives and friends Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hall and their sons, Thad and Charles, have returned to their home in Maplewood after visiting this city where they were the gues's of Mrs. Hall's mother, Mrs. Charles Gaiennie at her home, on Myrtle blvd.

Miss Dot Smith has returned from a visit in Baton Rouge with her brother and sister-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Mrs. Mary Trappey has returned to her home from a visit in Madisonville, Texas where she was the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Trappey. Miss Sadie Dugas was the recent guest of friends in New Roads. Miss Anita Broussard of Scott was a business visitor in this city.

Sonny Hudspeth of Rosa spent the weekend here visiting with Raymond Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Broussard and their family have returned from visit in Maurice where they were the guests of relatives and friends. George Peck has gone to Houston, Texas where he is receiving treatment in the Southern Pacific hospital there.

Mrs. A. Taylor of Arnaudville was a visitor in Lafayette. Mrs. Sidney Champagne returned to her Breaux Bridge following a short visit hose.

Mrs. C. North of Arnaudville was visiting in Lafayette. Mrs. Charles Reaux of Broussard was a visitor here.

Mrs. Anna Belle Griffin returned to her home in Parks after a visit in this city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T.

E. Stone Broussard were the guests friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T.

B. Hopkins Lake Charles are visiting here with friends and relatives. Mrs. Lanis Landry and daughter. Yvonne, of Broussard visited in this city recently with her mother, Mrs.

A. Landry. Miss Rena Falcon returned to her home here following a recent visit in Duson where she was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Falcon.

Mrs. Hilda B. Emmer of Broussard was a business visitor in Lafayette. Mrs. F.

A. Godchaux, Sr. of Abbeville was a visitor here. Engaged Mr. and Mrs.

John Hebert announce the engagement and the approaching marriage of their daughter, Leora, Romero, son of Mrs. Cecile Romero, all of Lafayette. The wedding is scheduled to be an event of Saturday. May 21. Toujours Fidele Hears Discussion On Puerto Rico Mrs.

Odon Bacque, formerly of Cuagas, Puerto Rico was the featured speaker at the social meeting of Toujours Fidele Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Werner Henke with Mrs. P. J. Voorhies, Jr.

as cohostess. Mrs. Leufroy Mouton, president, presided over the event. She brought out that Puerto Rico, an island of the West Indies, eleven miles long and 35 miles wide was one of Spain's colonies from 1493 until 1898 which accounts for the continuation of the Spanish language. The social life, she continued, centers around the main "Plaze" or square of each city and town.

ball is the main sport of the island and nightclubs are just becoming popular. There is a Mardi Gras season there just as here, the only difference being in the fact that there the Queen is the more important figure instead of the King as here in the States, she said. Another of the island, is that of the custom. nading of one's beloved" which is still prevalent. She pointed out that religions and the play a great part in the lives Puerto Ricans.

churche Mrs. W. A. Atkinson, a club member, added some interesting facts about Cuba, where she lived for three years near Santlago. Guests at the meeting were Mrs.

Bacque, Mrs. Thomas Blackstone of Houston, Texas and Mrs. Les Eakin and Mrs. Walter Horner of Lafayette. Members were reminded of the club barbecue which will be held on May 14 at the home of Mr.

John E. Prejean, on Saturdays. St. Mary blvd at 6 p.m. The first three men in the lineup for the Philadelphia A's in a game against the St.

Loui- Browns MAY 12, 199 Stitch and Chatter Club Entertained Jimmie Steen Is Honored At Party (Special to The Advertiser) ABBEVILLE- Jimmie Steen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steen, entertained at a delightful birthday party at the home of his parents on N. Main in celebration of his fifth birthday. the spacious lawn of the Steen home provided a lovely setting for this gala affair.

Gay colored balloons decorated the lawn and the large refreshment table, which was centered with the beautifully decorated birthday cake. At one end of the table was a huge basket decorated with crepe paper streamers which held the many lovely gifts presented Jim.ny in remembrance of this occasion. Mrs. Steen. assisted by Mrs.

Alvin Sandoz, Misses, Evelyn Morgan, Gloria Fay and Betty Ann Melebeck, served ice cream, cake, popcorn and candy to the following guests: and David Carlson, Sandy Sandoz, Kay and Edward Piazza, Dee Sigur, Wes Steen, David and Danny Gooch, Claire and Edward Karl Weill, Dale Morgan, Susan Landreneau, Jimmy Moss, Linda LeBlanc, Barbara and Catherine Karl, Susan and Paul Villien, Steven Broussard, Gene Marie Gremillion, Frank Motty, Skipper and Dianne Blanchard, Joelle Goldberg, Michael and Marcel Richard, Mister Pres and Susan Summers, Put, Robbie and Mary Stacy Putnam, Nancy Boynton, Susan Lewis, Marion Guarino, Benny and Claudette Melebeck, Betty Ann Melebeck, be rt Hunter, Terry Jones, Marcia Miller, Connie and Martha Minvielle, Judy and Johnny Morris Tonie Frederick, Ann and Gwendolyn Doyle, Caldwell, Sunny Brasseaux, ConKatherinen rad Ledet. Scott Hollier, Joan Jennaro, Justin and Becky Broussard and Frank Craig, Jr. Jr. Fortnightly Elects Leaders (Special To The Advertiser) NEW IBERIA, Mrs. William Patout, was elected president of the Junior Fortnightly Club, during a meeting of the group at the home of Mrs.

Harry Smith. Other officers include Mrs. Felix Broussard, vice-president; Mrs. Louie Cyr, secretary; Mrs. Cornelius Voorhies, treasurer and Mrs.

W. E. Williams, reporter. Mrs. Patout Burns was program leader and presented a program on Russian Literature.

During a social hour refreshments were served to Mesdames Bernard, Broussard, Al Bullock, Louie Cyr, Francis Dalton, E. A. Dauterive, Jr. William Culver, Malcolm Duhe, James Helm, Ferdie Heebrt, Edwin L. Landry, Jacob Landry, Lawrence Simon, W.

E. Williams. The ABBEVILLE The Advertiser) Tommy home of near Erath, Mrs lovely party was the entertained Club members of the when Stitch sta and The Chatter hostess served and ner guests. fruit punch, mints and a salad candy course, following members and to the Bienvenu, Pierre Broussard, Raga guests: Broussard, Dudless Dubois, Norris Karl, Irby Hebert, Las. Lallande, Bill Lester, J.

P. Jotzey and Paul Swerangen. Chicken Supper Is Feature Club Meet (Special ST. MARTINVILLE Advertiser W. Burke entertained Mrs.

dat Magpies with fried members el Evangeline Park Lodge. a chicken After supper the Mrs. Burke for dessert guests joined where beautiful at home spring flowers arrangements house a festive air. throughout gave de Members and guests delighful occasion were: enjoying the Zerban Bienvenu, C. Mesdames Gertrude Bonin, D.

A. S. Fournet Durand Mrs. Alphonse Guerin. and To Cherish Mrs.

Paul Smelker To Head Methodist Sunday SchoolGroup An election of officers featured the meeting of the Grace Agate Sunday School class of the First Methodist church in the home of Miss Onesia Beadle at 214 Jackson with Miss Evangeline Gerac and Mesdames Mark Mitchell and Dick Jolley as co-hostesses. Beautiful arrangements of purple sweet peas, iris and snapdragons and white cala lilies, Easter lilies, and shasta daisies were placed at vantage points throughout the living room. The meeting was opened by prayer, led by Miss Beadle. The devotional was given by Mrs. T.

Y. Ramsey, who had as title of her discussion, "Christ the Countryman'. The discussion pointed out that Jesus always went the countryside to meditate, and teach his followers. president, Mrs. Otto Haack presided over the business meeting, at which time it was decided to have a picnic for members and families of this class and the men's Sunday School class, at Girard Park, Friday, May 27.

More plans to be announced at a later date. New officers were elected to take office in June. Elected to lead the group as President is Mrs. Paul Smelker. Other officers are: first vice-president, Mrs.

Thurmond; second -president, Mrs. L. M. Harris; third vice-president, Mrs. J.

D. Concienne; fourth vicepresident Mrs. J. F. McMinn; recording secretary, Dick Jolley and reporter, Mrs.

J. C. Palmer. After other routine business, the meeting was adjourned. During the social hour which followed, the hostesses served delicious refreshments to the following members: Mesdames Paul Smelker, J.

F. McMinn, Robert Prejean, Mark Mitchell, L. M. Harris, Otto Haack, V. W.

Barber, R. H. Agate, J. D. Concienne, T.

Y. Ramsey, Bill Ferrill, J. C. Palmer, George Cage, J. R.

Holmes Thurmond and Miss Hermine Tate. Wesleyan Guild In Abbeville Selects New Heads At Meet ABBEVILLE An election of officers highlighted the meeting of the Wesleyan the Abbeville Methodist Church, held at the Church with John Stansbury as hostess. The meeting was opened with the group repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. William Miller was in charge of the program for the evening titled "The World at Our Door" and emphasized the vast responsibility that is America's today in establishing a truly Christian world.

Mrs. Jonathan Ramsay, chairman of the nominating committee, then gave her report and the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Olga C. Golden, president; Mrs. Rom Hebert, vice-president; Mrs. R.

K. Lanier, recording secretary; Mrs. John Nunez, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Morton Schwartz, treasurer; Mrs. William Miller, publicity agent; Mrs.

Jonathan Ramsay Christian social relations, Mrs. O1- lie Bales, missionary education and service and Mrs. Elliott Cade, spiritual life. Plans were formulated for a iod style show in the near future. Delicious refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served to the following members: Mesdames Elliott Cade, Lester Thomas, R.

K. Lanier, Jonathan Ramsay, E. W. Day, Olga Golden, John Nunez, Rom Hebert, Ollie Bales Morton Sehwartz. John Stansbury and WilMiller.

Bride-Elect Honored (Special To The Advertiser) NEW IBERIA, Miss Frankie Mae Olivier, ride-elect of Gervais Patout was the inspiration for one of the lovely parties of the late spring season, when Mrs. Andrew Emmer and Mrs. Clifford Schexnayder entertained at tea at the Iberia Golf and Country Club. Alternating at the punch bowl were Mrs. Owen Southwell and Mrs.

E. T. Weeks, Jr. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Nick J.

Breaux, Mrs. A. A. LeBlanc, Mrs. Lambert Duhe and Mrs.

Preston Duhe. About 140 guests called during the hours of the tea. BEAUTIFUL WEDDING PORTRAITS To make a memorable day--unforgettable! Phone 517 FOR APPOINTMENT Air-Conditioned Blue's Photo Studio 625 JEFFERSON last season collected 13 hits. THE WASHDAY HELPER YOU'VE WAITED FOR is here again! AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD with these famous THOR FEATURES Thor Agitator Action. washes dirtiest clothes CLEAN without friction or wear.

Adjustable Pressure Wringer easily set for every kind of every thickness. Tre wringer positions. Famous Thor bar release assures safety. White Porcelain Enamel Tubs easy to clean. Big, familv-size loads are no problem for the Thor.

Suds-Sealing Tub Cover avoids splashing, keeps floors dry. Heavy, long water band. Functional, Modern Design large, free-rolling casters compact clean lines gleaming white finish -easy to move and store. NOW ONLY 9950 See Our Thor, Automagic Nout On Display. (HARDWARE APPLIANCES Plenty HOME Completely Air-Conditioned SUPPLY of Parking Space PHONE 1786 538 OAK AVE..

The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.