Trump Sends Message Letting Everyone Know What The [DS] Is Planning To Do, Buckle Up – Ep. 3346 (2024)


May 5, 2024x22report


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Ep 3346b – Trump Sends Message Letting Everyone Know What The [DS] Is Planning To Do, Buckle Up

Ep 3346a – Biden Admin Are Gas Lighting The People, It’s Not Working, Everything Is About To Change

The Biden admin is continually trying to gas light the people, they are trying to convince the people that the economy is much better than when Trump was in office. The people are buying it, the people know. They see it and are experiencing it. It’s all going to come down around the [CB]. The [DS] realizes that the indictments are now working. People see the truth that it is a two tiered justice system and Biden is going after this political opponent. It is no longer a conspiracy because it is documented. The [DS] will now move into their next phase, which is trading out Biden and ramping up their plan to bring us to war and to delay the elections. Trump sends a message via a Truth and says first there were protests now we are approach WWIII and much more.


White House on When Prices Will Drop if Biden’s Re-Elected: We’ve Cut Some Costs
  • v
  • Host Elaine Quijano asked, “But in terms of a timeframe, Jared, if people try to look ahead and plan for their futures and budget for things like groceries and those tangible sort of everyday goods, what should they be looking at if there is any kind of potential timeframe in mind if the President is re-elected, how long would it take for prices to come down?”
  • Bernstein responded, “Well, again, I think one of the things we can look at is numbers like those in the jobs report today. One of the things we saw in this job[s] report is that if you look at the share of women working in the workforce, the employment rate, that’s the highest it’s ever been, with data back to 1948. That is [a] historical record. We’ve talked about the record on the low unemployment. I think we also need to reference the fact that wages have been outpacing prices, real wage gains, for about 13 months in a row, on a year-over-year basis. So, paychecks are going further.


How bad has affordability become?

More than 1 out of 5 Americans are skipping meals to afford monthly housing costs, according to a Redfin survey.

Over the last year, ~35% of people surveyed took no or fewer vacations to cover housing expenses.

Meanwhile, 21% worked additional…

— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) May 5, 2024

Bidenomics Is Killing the American Dream of Owning Your Own Home Nationwide – Study

  • A new study, for instance, finds that it is now cheaper to rent than it is to buy a home in the country’s 50 largest metro areas. And this is putting serious pressure on home builders andsales.
  • It is more cost effective to rent a place to live than toown a home, Bankrate said ina reportit published at the end of April.
  • The personal finance resources company notes that owning a home now costs nearly 37 percent more than renting.
  • 56 percent, said that their income prevents them from fulfilling that dream, while 42 percent said home prices are too high.




— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 5, 2024

Trump Sends Message Letting Everyone Know What The [DS] Is Planning To Do, Buckle Up – Ep. 3346 (4)

Jeffrey Epstein’s “Black Book” Is Up For Auction, Bidders’ Identities Will Be Held Secret

  • Jeffrey Epstein’s infamousblack book, which has hundreds of associate contact information, is going up for auction.
  • The New York Posthas reported that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s black book is going up for auction, and bidders who participate in the auction are being promised their identities will be held secret.
  • The book was discovered in the 1990s by a female musician in New York’s East Village, but how it got there remains a mystery.
  • It’s estimated the black book will rake in over $200,000.
  • The book contains 349 names in total, 221 of which were never listed in Epstein’s more famous and widely reported “little black book.”

PerThe New York Post:

All bids in the auction will besealed.


  • voted on by the people. It is all working, will never go back to the Federal Government, and our Country will soon start uniting on this long contentious issue. At the same time, nobody wants to see abortion in the 7th, 8th, or 9th month or, execution after birth, as some states, like the former Democrat Governor of Virginia said, was permitted. Listen to your heart, but common sense must also be applied. Remember, politicians must also win elections!

Geopolitical/Police State


  • Russian military personnel have moved into a military base in Niger where American troops are stationed, U.S. defense officials said Thursday, sparking fears of escalation as tensions mount between Moscow and Washington amid the war in Ukraine.
  • “[The situation] is not great but in the short-term manageable,” a senior U.S. defense official told Reuters.
  • The arrival of Russian troops at Air Base 101 in Niamey, Niger’s capital, follows a demand by the ruling military junta there—which took power in a coup last July—that the U.S. withdraw its nearly 1,000 military personnel from the country.
  • Newsweek has contacted Russia’s Foreign Ministry and the U.S. Defense Department for comment by email.
  • The proximity of Russian and U.S. troops comes at a time of heightened tensions between Moscow and Washington over the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which was launched by Russian PresidentVladimir Putin in February 2022.


Trump Develops ‘Detailed’ Plan On Achieving Ukraine Peace: Telegraph

  • Trump has developed a detailed plan for achieving Ukraine peace.
  • “There is a plan
  • Below is the section of the Friday Telegraph report which previewsthe plan:
  • A source close to the Trump campaign has told The Telegraph that adetailed Ukraine-Russia peace plan has been drawn upbut will not yet be disclosed in any detail before his in an effort to maintain leverage.Mr Trump will style himself as the only candidate who can end the war, with a simple “bumper-sticker” slogan, they said.“He wants to stop the killing,” said the source.“That’s the bumper sticker: Trump will stop the killing.”
  • “President Trump is the onlyone talking about stopping the killing. Joe Biden is talking about more killing.”


False Flags

New York Times spent years attacking anyone who had questions about the COVID vaccines – “misinformation”, they said.

Now they’re suddenly reporting on these very issues surrounding the vaccines.

How many times does it need to be proven that these people LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING?

— Patri0tsareinContr0l (@Patri0tContr0l) May 4, 2024

New Study Suggests Risk of Getting COVID Rises with Each Shot

  • A new report suggests that risk of getting COVID rises with each shot an individual takes, according to a new study.
  • The report comes from an analysis of data from Cleveland Clinic that found people who received two or more doses were at higher risk of COVID-19 based on a comparison was against “people who received zero or one dose of a vaccine.”
  • The researchers said in the paper, “The exact reason for this finding is not clear. It is possible that this may be related to the fact that vaccine-induced immunity is weaker and less durable than natural immunity. So, although somewhat protective in the short term, vaccination may increase the risk of future infection.”

The Epoch Times reports:

The risk of contracting COVID-19 was 1.5 times higher for those who received two doses, 1.95 times higher for those who received three doses, and 2.5 times higher for those who received more than three doses, the researchers found. The higher risk was compared to people who received zero or one dose of a vaccine.

  • The latest study comes after the news that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19vaccines caused multiple deathsbefore claiming that there was no evidence linking the vaccines to any deaths.

“COVID misinformation.” “Conspiracy theories,” they said.

#13 – Repeated COVID shots weaken the immune system

#12 – Ivermectin worked!

#11 – The unvaccinated were scapegoated for failure of COVID vaccines

#10 – Mask wearers paradoxically had an increased risk of contracting…

— Dr David Cartland (@CartlandDavid) May 2, 2024

  • #13 – Repeated COVID shots weaken the immune system
  • #12 – Ivermectin worked!
  • #11 – The unvaccinated were scapegoated for failure of COVID vaccines
  • #10 – Mask wearers paradoxically had an increased risk of contracting COVID.
  • #9 – Natural immunity proves to be seven times more protective
  • #8 – Ivermectin, is now showing 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action
  • . #7 – Hospitals murdered COVID patients.
  • #6 – New-found emails prove Biden White House hid COVID-19 vaccine harms from the public.
  • #5 – The COVID shots were not the only toxic measure forced on humanity.
  • #4 – Nearly 1 in 3 COVID vaccine recipients suffered neurological side effects.
  • #3 – Research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot.
  • #2 – Pfizer hid nearly 80% of COVID-19 vaccine trial deaths from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.
  • #1 – Perverse brainwashing techniques Ryan Cole


44 Senators Call on Biden to Reject Two Totalitarian Agreements That Surrender U.S Sovereignty to WHO

  • Attendees from all 194 WHO member countries are set to vote on major amendments to the International Health Regulations that would effectively strip all power away from sovereign countries and turn it over to the WHO’s global health board in the event of a pandemic.
  • If the ratifications are agreed to this month, the WHO will also be granted sole authority over what constitutes a pandemic.
  • 44 Republican senators have sent a strongly worded letter to Joe Biden, urging him to reject two forthcoming international agreements under consideration at the World Health Organization (WHO) that would compromise U.S. sovereignty.
  • Sen. Ron Johnsonwrote on X, “Two international agreements are being considered at this month’s World Health Assembly that surrenders U.S. sovereignty to the WHO. [Biden] should reject them, or at least submit any agreement to the Senate as a treaty. The entire Senate GOP conference has signed onto my letter to Biden demanding just that.”
  • In their collective statement, the senators criticized the WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it an absolute and predictable failure that caused significant harm to the country. They assert that the United States must demand comprehensive reforms within the WHO before considering any amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) or engaging in new treaty negotiations that would extend the organization’s authority.
  • The letter reads:


The problem of shoplifting and retail theft is a major concern for Americans, and more than a fifth say stores have closed in their community because of the problem.

More At Rasmussen Reports:

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 4, 2024

‘Somebody Is Radicalizing Our Students’: Weapons and Terrorism Book Discovered at Pro-Hamas Encampment by NYPD (VIDEO)

  • The New York Police Department (NYPD) has uncovered alarming discoveries within a pro-Palestinian encampment on a college campus. According to reports, the police found weapons and a book on terrorism while clearing the encampment.
  • NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry shared a concerning update from Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall on X.
  • Pencils, books, laptops, those are the tools of students and what you expect to find on a college campus. But here’s what the NYPD found in Hamilton Hall at Columbia University after we were able to arrest the protestors and agitators for commandeering and barricading themselves inside the building. Gas masks, ear plugs, helmets, goggles, tape, hammers, knives, ropes, and a book on TERRORISM,” he wrote.
  • “These are not the tools of students protesting, these are the tools of agitators, of people who were working on something nefarious. Thankfully, your NYPD was able to prevent whatever they were planning and stop them before they could do it. Continue to peacefully and lawfully protest; but know that if you engage in illegal conduct, the NYPD will hold you responsible and hold you accountable—someone has to,” he added.


‘Violent’ Columbia protester is heir to ad empire, has mansion, model babymama — and long rap sheet

  • One of the most violent leaders of the Columbia University riots is allegedly a professional agitator and limousine liberal — the scion of millionaire ad execs who owns in a $3.4 million Brooklyn brownstone, has a model babymama and a stepmom dating John Cougar Mellencamp.
  • James Carlson, aka Cody Carlson, aka Cody Tarlow, is “a longtime anarchist,” a high-ranking police source said.
  • He bought his 2,893-square-foot, three-story brownstone with four wood-burning fireplaces and a carriage house in Park Slope in 2019 for $2.3 million, according to property records and online listings.
  • The provocateur, who has arrests dating back to 2005, is one of three children ofprominent advertising execs Richard “Dick” Tarlow and his wife, Sandy Carlson Tarlow.


You love to see it! The counter revolution is gaining steam. Now at the University of Chicago, pro-American counter protesters blast “Born in the USA” while waving American flags.

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 3, 2024

Doesn’t make sense that American taxpayers are forced to fund anti-American activities

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 4, 2024

Tim Scott to College Presidents: Federal Funding Is a Privilege, Not a Right

Interesting contrast recently 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) May 4, 2024

  • Interference only used by Third World Countries. Now we have the protests, and Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t know what to do — Next will be World War Three, and everything else! We are a Nation in Serious Decline, a Failing Nation, but we will not be a Failing Nation much longer. Four years ago we were a GREAT NATION, AND WE WILL SOON BE A GREAT NATION AGAIN!!! MAGA2024


Biden Handlers “Looking to Shorten His Speeches” – But Won’t Admit Purpose is to Hide Cognitive Decline (VIDEO)

  • Biden’s campaign is looking to shorten Joe Biden’s speeches. Of course, this is to hide Biden’s obvious cognitive decline.
  • Biden campaign spox Quentin Fulks insisted it’s about “quality over quantity.”
  • The Biden campaign knows that Joe Biden is declining and unable to string a sentence together.

Before I address the evidence-tampering filing posted by Special Counsel Jack Smith last night, let's turn to the motion that forced Smith to admit what happened–one filed by Walt Nauta's attorney on May 1.

Remember the photo of "classified docs" strewn on the floor with scary…

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) May 4, 2024

  • looking cover sheets to depict the classification level of various papers? It appears those cover sheets, or slip sheets, were produced and used by the FBI after the raid. The cover sheets do not represent the format in which the records were found–an intentional misrepresentation in the court docket for special master lawsuit and by the media. Here is how Nauta’s attorney described what we now know is the FBI’s use of “slip sheets” to replace alleged classified papers. Look familiar?

Jack Smith finally admitted yesterday the FBI used those sheets as placeholders (I mean, you can't really say "props" to help stage a "stunt") in his filing last night.

Then laughably claimed FBI found so many classified records they ran out of stunt covers/slip sheets.

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) May 4, 2024

More here from Jack Smith:

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) May 4, 2024

Exclusive — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘Everyone Should Be Terrified of Mike Johnson’
  • Greene announced Wednesday she will force a vote on a motion to vacate on the floor after House Democrat leadership said that they would protect Johnson’s(R-LA) speakership.
  • “This isn’t something that we want to be doing, but I think it absolutely has to be done,” Green told Boyle about forcing the motion to vacate vote. “Everyone always talks about the uniparty in Washington, DC. Well, the uniparty is on full display with the Democrats coming out saying that they will vote to save Mike Johnson and then yesterday it being reported in the news that they’re going to extract some kind of deal from him in exchange for their vote.”


  • Republican National Committee’s chief counsel, Charlie Spies, has parted ways with the organization only months after taking on the role.
  • Spies was fired on President Trump’s orders in recent weeks, The National Pulse understands.


Google banned this ad!

Please make sure that you don’t REPOST🔁IT😏…

— Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) May 4, 2024

  • Google was on the receiving end of significant outrage over the weekend after the company banned a pro-Trump ad that spotlights massive cost of living increases under President Biden. The ad was eventually reinstated after thousands of users expressed outrage.
  • The shortadbegins with a black voter answering a call from a Biden phone bank. After a woman informs him that she is with the Biden campaign, the man replies by informing her that he voted for Biden last time. He quickly informs her that “everything costs more,” including essentials such as gas, food and housing.
Trump Sends Message Letting Everyone Know What The [DS] Is Planning To Do, Buckle Up – Ep. 3346 (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.