The Weekly Democratic Statesman (2024)

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The Weekly Democratic Statesman (1) Previous item

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.JANUARY 8. 1330
A barbed wire factory ia to be started
in Houston.
Daring the Iato cold snap many cat-
tle sad horses died in the State.
Tbo negroes says the Pilot believe
they are called of heaven to go to Kan-
sas. McLennan connfy negroes do not
know whether Kansas cr Liberia is
their promised land.
There is noreason wby the fig crop
of Texas should not be one of oar most
important fruit crops.
The quince is a much esteemed and
valuable fruit and can be easily culti-
vated in western Texas.
The Washington county poor farm
ia alt in applepie order and the county
paupers are going to occupy il lmme--diately.
Jlr. Jlunro of Marion county from
the " Munro grass'' has made six toss
of hay to the acre and this too in a
dry season.
The conamfesioners1 court of Palls
county have purchased a carload of
corn to be distributed among desti-
tute persons.
Bryan puta in a claim for the big-
pest hoir. It was two years old and
weighed 000 pounds which lets the
I'roiesaor out.
The Brenbam Hmnrr has attained
the fourth year of its existence and if
energy and good taste has its reward it
will live on forever.
The Courier is unhappy about one
killing in Waller county occurring out-
side of Hempstead. It was Ilockly
thia time that mado reputation.
Bat one legal banging has ever oc-
curred in Navarro county. The second
:s announced to take place in Febru-
ary John Henry being the subject.
The Banner larns that the grading
nn the Santa Fe railroad from the
Yegua to the town of Caldwell Bur-
leson county will bo completed within
a month.
The climate of western Texas ia ad-
mirably adapted to the almond riant
a few nuts this fall on rich low land.
The trial will cost nothing and will
yield large results.
At Victoria and Indianola there are a
number of date palms in full bearing.
flnweil-protectcd yalleys the date will
grow exJiijtfitvTiy Jield largely in
! jjcia section of Texas. 'w. s
An artesian well near
ia bSO feet deep. And the auger has
- tne eight hundred feet through hard
iate. The boring continues at the
rate of four feet per day.'
Sergeant Smithcrs and six other men
guards for convicts took their Christ-
mas in I' usk and earned things with
sucU a high hand that all the stores
and saloons had to be closed.
Navarro county has organized an im-
migration society. It it. intended to
circulate documents and to put an
agent in the field to secure settlers.
And now what will Trayis county do?
A lady and her daughter living near
Waco make a living and have bought
a farm by cutting and hauling cord
wood. The Telephone mentions the
cas9 as an example to masculine loafers.
Says an exchange : It appears no ac-
tion of the State towards utilizing the
poor remnant of our public domain can
1) Jowithout raising up a host of
(a r33. sharp enough to foil the
y empjrees.
V0'"on Teh cnttin9 a hteh
of Wm- Erueggerhoff
JTrccta upon how happy he
Ude those seventy-six blind pupils
"ad the ninety odd Teutonic sprigs in
the German-American school.
D. A. Smith of Johnson's Bayou
East Texas has a half acre of ground as
an orange grove and last year his profits
from his oranges amounted to five hun-
dred dollars. A thousand dollars per
acre should satisfy anyone yet Texas
orange groves aro very rare.
Tco body of a young American was
found near Marion. A bullet hole in
the forehead Indicated that be had
teen murdered. The deceased had
Leen in San Antonio a few days pre-
vious and stated that he was farming
between Marion and Scguin.
A baby only a few weeks old was
found wrapped np in shawls and blank-
rf ia -a thicket near Whitesborro.
Kind people took in the little waif.
and saved it from the wretched death
that would have been mected out to it
by an unnatural and brutal mother.
. C!party of juveniles were playing
volcano aw can ivnionio wua a powaer-
loaded bottle. They buried it in the
earth with fire about it when presently
the youngest and most enthusiastic of
the set lost a part of his visage and
then went howling after his mamma.
Col. Teeler replies to Gan. Lewis'
"malicious attack upon my character"
in a column advertisem*nt in the Dal
las Ht-rall' Commercial. Col. P. quotes
roetry twice and now if Gen. L. will
' ist run eff into blank verse tbe lives
f two most valuable public men may
Lo saved to Texas.
Dick Hardeman a Texas desperado
wis killed by a party of twenty men at
juucoin. M. lie was Tom Walker
rf JlcJIutlea county who fled the
State for the murder of a man at Cor-
pus C'.ii!-t! and for' a murderous as-
f u'.t oa C .rter at Buffalo Gap
Taylor county lie died with his boots
The persimmon is peculiarly a south
em fruit and no Texts farm should be
considered complete unless a few choice
1 ersimmon trees are pUnted in a favor-
able locality on it. North Carolinans
(houldknow tbis and Georgians that
's:oobcr" grow well enough in the
rU u soils of Texas to make excellent
The Houston 'TeUmtn says that at
11- senbere Junction where the 8un-
stt and Sinta Fo reads intersect each
i 'her the latter road took away from
t a former a whole carload of Oalves
t. a louad passengers. The reason is
t' o Santa Fe road is two hours shorter
t"sa via the Sunwt and Galveston
i. irnsturg and Utinacrson route.
Tlie Fort Worth IkmocraU under
l";e Lead of personals ssya Horace
l rsr of Kansas ia "autographed for at the El ruo" and that
. lr. Smith removes the"supeirlous mat
'.-..r tissue oi tne oovine iromita an-
rcvicg proximity to his dental devel
i -cuts with an El F&so tooth pick"
: l ta toucfs so through a quarter
:'. c lann and tho main object seems
; i i o U advertise a hotel.
IVo years sgo old man Daniel T.
A'. Tiller was convicted of murder in
t e rst degree and the punishment
-.j commuted to Imprisonment for
; ; When he committed the deed he
v. . i :a the prima of life but when
i vTicted iO yesrs later he was old
i i;: :rr end but little was left of
. . Ticorous murderer. He shot
: 1 xi:t-.t Aikard in Lamar county
..'.i A.kard was r.via boards. Oaly
.' Ki:.;...fs s.iw ti e deed d.ino and
t v.-:vs Aikard's Lti'e bov Alexan
- ; ! I t. Arkss and Iho boy
' a s -It :-a cstii tbst when he be
: a r-tn Lo would hunt Alexander
- : and I r hiia to justice and
:i 1 1 .:) etit'i. And stranger
ca t .t: tu d evi rv pp.rtiele of ey
. : - e w us rtt:a'ie-;d j'.ns 8s perfectly
i -r -J ti e Kvntuice bad hap-
tie diy before. All of the'ions aca ecuota prior
: r.e k..;.c? were produced not
-. l.av-i!t uii'J or moved aw&v io
: !.s t'.h of t rr.e. We venture that
-.eis rot av.oibrr siciilsr case oa
: 1 11 J a) j''ft t een pardoned
Kerr county wants immigration.
Robert W. Jockusb of Galveston
is dead.
Mulberry trees gTOw readily in WeeT-
ern Texas.
- The boom of a lively business is beard
throughout Texas.
Pork is selling for four cents per
pound in Young county.
The Waco Examiner enters its
thirteenth ytar of existence.
There are thirty-one students in the
Vandcrbilt University from Texas.
Bob Halles got thirty years in the
pen for murder io the second degree.
Regular trains commenced running
from Gainesville to Denuoa last Mon-
day. Trees and shrub? may be safely trans-
planted in the fall as in the spring in
this latitude.
At Galveston the other day th:e
were 23 vessels loaded with cotton for
foreign ports.
Lemons limes and oranges will
thrive in aby of tbe well watered val-
leys of Texas.
Tbe next session of the Court of Ap-
peals will be held in Gal vet ton com-
mencing January 5.
The Will Pointer says that Mr.
Jacob Rhodes at sixty years of age
has given birth to a son.
Fifty thousand dollars is about what
the Fannin county school lands will
bring in cash when sold.
Delegates to the State Grange will be
carried by the roads at one and one-
fifth fare for the round r:p.
John W. Adams lately of William-
son county and a school teacher com-
mitted suicide at Bre lham.
The Texas and New Orleans railroad
will be completed and cars running
through to Houston by April 1 188
Increased attention to fish culture in
the South is an encouraging sign and
Texas is not behind in tbis enterprise.
Six hundred and sixty pounds wss
the weight of a hog killed in Hopkins
county last week by a Mr. B. S. Lsc-
wrighu It is probable that the Central rail-
road may become the purchasers of the
Galveston Hourton and Henderson
A law and order society has been
formed in Hopkins county which is
determined to run every lawless man
out of the country.
Every woolgrower and stockman in
Texas should plant a few acres in Ber-
muda grass. It is proof against drouth
spreads rapidly and makes the best of
The steamer Borussiu that went down
at sea had a number of Good Templars
on board who were coming to Texas to
Brownwoodssett9-iijar Denison. Some of the
friends of theiSALwIll come.
James Batts went to HearneSeoJsipp
for stolen mules. He found one in
possession of a white man and two in
the hands of negroes starting for Kan
sas ine exodusters dusted but tne
mules didn't.
Mrs. Wells wife of Mr. George V.
Wells of Chicago died on the train
just tefore reaching Atoka Indian
Territory one was going nome in
delicate health and was taken with a
congestive chi'l on the train.
The Comanche Chief says the bell
punch system is a "mocking disgrace"
to the State and other papers want the
Governor to call an extra session of the
Legislature to repeal the law that the
state may increase its revenues.
A bed of can pel coal was discovered
recently east of Dallas near the line of
tbe Texas and Pacific Fine samples
larger than a man's head have been ex-
hibited in Dallas. Mining on an exten-
sive scale will commence within twenty
The Comptroller di ects that lands
sold to the State for taxes may be re-
deemed on payment of the actual taxes
for which the lands were sold with 8
per cent interest with costs of sale.
The law thus providing was passed by
the last Legislature.
And now since the fashion has been
started in tbe Denison Herald of pub-
lishing the names of New Year call-
ers the average young man who as-
pires to the position of society belle
may hope to see his name in the pub-
lic print once in a twelvemonth.
The Fort Worth Democrat says : The
Stockraisers' Association of North
west Texas lately in session at Jacks-
boro took steps to secure a better tariff
on cattle shipments from Texas points.
The present rate from Fort Worth is
$100 to St. Louis and $130 to Chicago.
Cattle are shipped from Kansas points
at t40 to Chicago. The distance in the
drive from tne Wicnitaa to UoffeeviUe
is but little more than to Fort Worth
not enough to make any material dif
ference to the stockraiser. Roads do
ing business in Texas should consider
the matter and give the shippers a bet
ter rate if possible as the amount of
business they bring to tbe roads is too
great to be lost and tbe stock men
threaten to drive to Kansas if the re
duction is not made.
Edmund Burleson an inteligent ne
gro man from Burleson county was re
turning with other negroes through
Dallas the other day from Kansas
when he was interviewed by a Uerahl-
Commercial reporter. He went as far
as Parsons where he found tbe exodus
ters huddled in great numbers in the
churches and school houses. After
paying their railroad fare with but
few exceptions none of them had any
money left and when the cold snap
came on their suffering was terrible.
The night before he left Parsons one of
their number froze to death. The cold
was intense and their clothing being
thin and their bed-clothing skimppy
they suffered severely. Destitute and
penniless they have been forced to
forage on the surrounding country for
food to keep them alive and would
have frozen to death had they not
stolen coal from the railroad. Their
depredations on the settlers have
caused an ill-feeling on the part of the
resident towards tbero and they are
fast feeling the effects of their dis
pleasure. He sajs that it took cash
and lots of it to purchase the bare
necessities of life. The only thing
be saw that was cheap was corn.
which sells at from ten to twenty
eight cent a bushel. There were so
many of them together that it was im
possible lor them to get work at any
price. Land rents are required to be
paid cash down and the rates are gen
eraliy from three to tour dellars per
acre. Lauds that rent at this price
are without fences or bouses of any
kind. He thought the lands of Texas
far superior while they produced
greater variety. "I would not so far
as I am concerned rive Burleson
county for the whole ot Kansas" said
tne old man with much earnestness.
Tbey wish themselves back but the
trouble is they have spent all their
money getting there and but very few
have anything to get away on. He went
from Parsons to Emporia where he
found tbe same state of affairs exist
ing. There are numbers ot them leav
ing every day afoot and without
means walking through to this State
on their return home. One of the
women that accompanied him was
sent back by her husband who had
barely enough money to pay her paa-
sage while be ia coming t a roue a aloot.
He regards the whole matter as a polit-
ical movement engendered by the Re-
publicans for the purpose of swelling
the rote of Kansas.
At last the bloody shirt era have
something with which to occupy their
minds at home. Blaine has been con-
tinually tinging this proverbial gar-
ment to tbe breeze and now he baa
something ia Maine worse than
bloody shirt to play with. In fact be-
fore Uarcelen gets through with him
and bia piratical crew they will have
only a rareJ be J rabbled garment to
tlane la U.e i ce cf an j body.
Printing paper is sharing the fate of
other manufactured articles at tbe prtf-
ent time in experiencing a very decided
boom. A continuapce of the rise in
price which has been going on for a
few mon-hs past wili senoutdy contract
the prrfi: of publishers unless inven-
tion shall come to their rescue in the
meantime with cheaper methods of pro-
duction and new fields for capital
Tbe Xiw York Herald says that Sen-
ator Tkurman while speaking in the
Senate leans forward not with round
shoulders but earnestly. II s voice is
loud clear somewhat grating hut still
rr sonant though no sweet. He wipes
his forehead much with a red handker-
chief and seems to ponder in bis speech.
He is regirded as tbe foremost man io
taat body in debate but he lacks polit-
ical coursge anil often l.iaes by waver-
ing where a point should be carried
with boldness.
While experimenting on (o' i brace-
lets which bave a tiny mouse holding a
diamond aNw York artisan discover-
ed a method of turning gold to any de-
sired color. He succeeded in produc-
ing a perfect mouse color through an
accident discovered that a chemical ac-
tion would impart variegated hues and
now gold emblems in all the harmo-
nies of color are produced. Autumn
leaves are turned out ra gold with the
exact splendor of nature and gold birds
have their feathers tinted in natural
Murat nalstead says of Grant: "We
got along very well without Grant
while he was going around the world
and we do not need him now. There
are 1000000 citizsna of the United
Spates as capable a he of being a good
President for the four years succeeding
Hayes. Any capable justice of the
ccace is tqial to the chief magistracy.
Tbe American people must not be per-
mitted to make asses of themselves
about the need cf rulers. We do rot
require anybody to rule over us. We
are Republicans and rule ourselves.
The President isn't a ruler."
Government is a necessary evil. The
weaker the people the stronger must
the government be. The demand
wbieh the Republican party makes
for a strong government is therefore
a confession of the failure of the ex
periment of self-government in this
country. But the Republican party
standa on universal suffrage and the
equal rights of all man.
Senator Kelloger ot Louisiana says
the Maine affair is precisely like the
case in Louisiana some years ago. The
returns elected the Democratic Gover-
nor and legislators but Kellogg says
he telegraphed to Grant and tbe gov
ernment recognized him and. left Mc-
Eoery out in the cold. He thinks tbe
President will recognize the Republican
egislature in M arne.
fBKaoxville Tribune says : Sena-
ton Blaine. vT&cn speaking makes bis
most emphatic andNWUScular gestures
with his left arm. Ha might try a
cood. strong straieht-froia-the-shoul.
der left-bander on Governor Uarcelon
with more effect than his chin-wagging
about "bloodshed and fight" is likely
to bave. Garcelon a man of stern
character of unbending and unflinching
determination cannot be moved by an
oratorical bully. Let Blaine show him
that a wrong has been committed and
unless the Governor's character is mis-
taken he will right it. There is some
respect for law in these United States
and talk about "bloodshed" in a matter
of this sort is ridiculous.
The Rev. Mr. Sargent of Maine"
(Rap.) would "carry a musket over
bis shoulder and a revolver in each
pocket if necessary" to organize the
Legislature on a Republican basis.
The Rev. Mr. Sargent should go west
as far as St. Louis and match himself
against a Siberian bloodhound. Per-
haps however the foam of fury which
abviously ornaments the lips of tbe
Kev. Mr. bargent may bo attributable
to the mastication of castile soap
rather than to the uncontrollable work
ings of a high Cistilian spirit. It is
possible that if there was to be any
righting at Augusta next week the rev-
erend gentleman might remember that
he had a trustees' meeting or some-
thing on hand at home the moment he
heard the roll of the Federal drum and
saw the riotous Blaine led off by a po-
liceman. FOREIGN NOTE?.
William Hepworth Dixon the his
torian and traveler is dead.
If the Liberals come again into power
in England the result will be due to
the influence the eloquence and the
learning of Gladstone.
The police of Berlin have discovered
a printing press used for Socialist pur
poses. Tbe printer and two of his
assistants were arrested.
The Turkish Sultan's dinner partirs
are said to be rather joyless affaire.
The food is either cold or ill-cooked
and the few Turkish nobles who are
admitted to tbe batquet sit in utter
silence save when the Sultan addresses
Party etiquette however will ac
cording to uage give the premiership
to one of two figure-heads Lord Har-
rington or the Earl of Granyille.
Strange world! Even in the land of
the free and tbe home of the brave the
leaders are seldom first in office.
A Bsrlin dispatch to the Standard
says : "Tbe Russian government does
not conceal its intention of attacking
Merv and possibly Herat in tbe
spring. Gen. Kaufmann will command
an expedition starting from the Amu
Darya river and Gen. TerguVasoff an-
other starting from the Caspian sea."
French polities seem to be comprised
in the words innovation and revolution.
The temperament of the people ia averse
to stability of government. They glide
with equal facility from a Monarchy to
a Repuollc; from a Republic to an Em
pire and then flinging crowns aside as
baubles take up arms in defense of
egalite and hi republique. Orleanist
Bourbon and Bonap rtiat factions have
not yet settled tbe question of preced
ence or the right of succession. A
French crisis has occurred in Wadding
ton ministry and the members have
sent la their resignations which were
forwarded to President Grevy. Paris
has not indulged tor some time in barri-
cades and coups d'etat. Perhaps those
national games mil revive ere many
months to the great delight of tbe ga
mins and revolutionists of the gay cap
Origin of Plant.
Cabbage grew wild in Siberia ; buck
wheat originated in Sbena; celery
originated in uermany ; the potato is a
native of Peru; the onion originated in
Egypt; tobacco is a native of South
America ; millet was first discovered in
India; the nettle is a native of Europe;
the citron ia a native of Asia ; oats orig
inated in Nor'h Africa; rye came orig
inally faom Siberia; parsley was first
discovered in Sirdinia; the parsnip ia a
native or &rama ; the sun flower was
brought from Peru; spinach was first
Cihiyted in Arabia; the pear and apple
are from Europe ; tbe hom-chestnu' is
a native of Thibet ; the quince came
from toe Island of Crete ; the radish ia
a native of China and Japan; the pear
is supposed to be of Egyptian origin ;
too noree-raaifcu came. irom tne south
of Europe.
Ex-Marshal Bazaine who at the
conclusion of the last Franco-German
war was convicted of treason ia the
surrender of Mets and whose sentence
of death was commuted by President
MacMihon to twenty years' imprison
ment in the Fortress of the Fe S&inte
Marguerite whence he escaped with the
assistance of his wife and cousin has
solicited permission to settle some fam-
i'.y affairs in France but has been re
are extracted from Vegetable prodJctet
combining in Uiem tlid'Maiidrake or M&y
Appla. which iareoognized by physicians
aa a substitute tor calomel posseasmjt all
tbajvirtuea of that mineral without its
bad after-effects.
they are Incomparable. They stimulate
thaTbRPID IilVXHtovirate the
NERVOUS SYSTEM andjeive tone to
the DIGESTIVE OliOANS.creatinK per-
fect dtfeationand thorough assimilation
of food. They exert a powerful influence
cn the KIDNEYS and LIVES and
through these organs remove all impuri-
ties thus vitalizing the tissuesof the body
and causing a healthy condition of the
They have no equal ; and as a result act
as a preventive and cure for I? ilioaa Re-
mittent Intermittent Typhoid Fevers
and Fever and Ague. Upon the healthy
action of the Stomach depends almost
wholly the health of the human rac
Cf the present generation. It Is for tne
Cure of this disease and its attendants
have gained snch a wide spread reputa-
tion. No Remedy has ever been discov-
ered that acta so speedily and gently on
the digestive organs giving them tone
and vigor to assimilate food. This being
accomplished of course the
3etag composed of the juices of plants
extracted by powerful chemical agen-
cies and prepared in a concentrated
form they are guaranteed free from
any thing that can injure the most del-
icate person.
A noted chemist who has analyzed them says
We therefore say to the afflicted
Try this Remedy fairly it will not
harm you' you have nothing to
lose.butwill surely gain a Vigo-
rous Body Pure Blood Strong
Nerves and a Cheerful Mind.
Principal Office 35 Marry St. N. V.
Bold by Druggists throughout tho world.
Grit Haib on Whiskers changed to
Buck by a .ingle ayjiiwartiea ;r ti'u DTK. It im-
pans. Ntttnftukir act. Instantaneously and ia
. -llSrinleaa a.fru-ina water. Sold by Druggi&ta r
mem Dyexprea. on receioi
Office 35 Murray St.. Now York
ess n raa
M :i' ...
F02 HA1T C3 BIAS?.
ffiwa medicine ht'n iR.'&iifotv u.
! its woi iu million o
oi in million ofjcji.s !..; v..ftt'
n tliinl ot n t-ciit'.lfv; v. h-n '1 h:si
j rv;irli.l every ji:rf
' !i.o v.-.;;i:i hi
numUerlosd families
t'vtryv. It !: ro;i-;
I suient tlie only-rime rr'ii-t it ir. .-.-:v ;.:.iV '. ss;i i
I such a mcdiciub
This i8 the enfle riV. the ISlvx'cnu
Mustang Llnlmcni l.viiy
brings intelligence of a TnTw.; ! 3i:rt'
avetl tho nyon if nn u-.v;';i! sc.-il;" .r
linrn snbducil the- JiovToi'd ot r'mn.
niatism overcome anil Oi ti ltu'usit;;il-nml-ono
other b:cs sings u! u:crcn-a
performed by the oM rt-iuib?" Tiet-
lcan Bluatatig Iinlmeui.
AH forms ot outward disease ore
speedily cured by tbe
Mnstang Liniment.
It penetrates muscie membrane ami
tissue to the very bone banishing pain
and curing disease -with a power that
never foils. It is a metlicino icedcd bv E
everybody from the runcliero who rides
over the solitary ttlains. to the merchant
Erince ami the woodcutter who splits I
is foot with the axe. !
It cures Rheumatism wbe all other !
applications tail.
This wonderful
speedily cures such ailments of vhe
Rheumatism Swelling. RtlfT
Joints. Contracted Muscle. Ilurna I
and Scald. Cuts Urulaea audit
Sprains Poisonous Bites aml
Mores fleers. Frostbites Chilblains.
Sore Nipples Caked Ifrea.t and
Indeed every form of external dia-
easc. It is the greatest remedy for the dis
orders and accidents to which the k
Brute Cbbatiom are subject that bus E
Sprains Swlnny Stiff Joints
Founder ITarne.s Korea Hoof lis
eases Voot Kot bfrew Worm Scab
hom*ow Horn hcra'chri Wind-
trails. Spavin Farcy It Ing bone.
Old Sores Poll Eril Film npon
the Slsrht and every other ailment
to which the occupants of the
a table and Stock Yard are liable.
A twenty-five cent bottle of Mexieji
Mustang Liniment lias oiten saved a
valuable horse a lUe on crutches or
years of torture.
It heals without a Scar. It proes to
the very root of the mutter penetrating
even the bone.
It cures everybody and disappoint
no one. It has been in steady us-j for
more than twenty-tlve years and is
U Bid kaSa U V.
F03 HA1I 03 EZAC7
Kerned i ; an
Dialling care
for 8 emisa 1
cy and all dis-
- - - th.l fflJ
Before Takingerof'glfter TaJrin
Abase: as Loss of Meawrv. Universal Tasaitnde
Pain in the Back Dimness of Vision. Premature
Old Aee and many other Diseases that lead to
Insanity or Consamptioa and Premature
For TMrtlcnlara in onr
pamphlet which we desire to send free bv nvl
to every one. fjBThe Specific Medicine is o'd
by all dro exists at $1 per packare or rx pck-
ipi iut rt w wiu vm vent ire o j mail on re
eel pi of tn money by addressing
rJu. 10 Mechanics' Block Detboit. Mam
CV Sold in .Austin andverrwMrs bv
Drajxista scp3i)dawl
l"srfaet flfa ..... u i.
- - -.wu. mtmm p isww w otu. i
Cm. Krpamna; done at shor noEeca&d
work wnrra&iea. Under Arenas Botd.
y ill
.ill K. - GH
V V4.4 -
-W I prTTTirm rwTTi'm Br :';f.-.rJa IV--'
I - l a.aWa WaAW ts a MM I ' -' ' J M I ftt) r
V- Wftr th Disasa Comrnot b i ' ' . ' I R lW-L
: a nv ruu f j i j?
il i ri iir"f 1 ' iT
' ' ' " '- " ' - '
For the Blood ;
For the Nervesj
For the Stomach and Lungs ;
For the Liver;
For the Bowels;
For the Mucous Surfaces;
For the Kidneys and Bladder.
Itlaconstantlygrowinginfavor. Persons whe
have given it a faitlifal trial speak in tho kigbest
Urms of its virtues. Convaleacenta whose rc
covery has been Blow and doubtful are speedily
restored to perfect health by its proper use.
principal ingredients of this medirfue are Iron
and 1'hoephorua and since Phosphorus is the
quickening power of brain th& nerve matter
overworked brains and irritated nerves are toned
hito healthful condfjons; and since Iron is the
life cf-etir blood our circulation receives new
power for building np the wasted tissues by this
wonderful and justly popular medicine.
told by all Druggists and Dealers in Mcdicinti
MORLEY BROS. Sole Prop. Austin. Te
Pure Fresh Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
703 Congress Avenue
Has on hand tho largest stock In Austin.
The following goods and others which are
offered at the lowest price.
Patent SXedicines.
For Medical Purposes
Paluts Oils Varnishes Window
Glass Imported and Domes
tic Perfumery. Soaps Toilet
Articles a Large Stock of
Trasses Bandages and
Prescriptions skillfully compounded Atj ot
night. Leading mineral waters on hand. Conn
try ordors promptly lllod.
apl dwly
Whc!8S3.l3 33d Retail
T. O. Petmeclrp
Is better prepsred than ever to furrb-h the Stats
of Totis with BKEECH-lOADIJJa OUN9
6UXd. from Jli and upwards. A foil stock o
Of the best and most Improved Engllfh and
Amerioiu nacniacuire. Aiso a full stock of
WADS. CAPS od fnll 11ns of FISHING
Kepa r!r and faniish:r for (rsM tpedaltr
Ea will (mmratlee as good work as scicaUac
Ktochai iaa can uodaca. Cad and see htm.
matt a dkwlv
iHvrKir4 work TS
i n..rwd and nu.
nffbron ta wjMvt
f. il il 6 rrw. -
tZ I I 5 i I ru. tef rfi-wr. m tn.
T aad arl ak mjJCSm7M
bounty wsrrwt Ko. !5. for lW am land;
bvol io Ira Waum May tl. 1I
found ta airwty days s:rl-auoa wul : M aaatfe
for dapiicaic. C. C. K.SM-i Adniuirato.
J.W. Ufi.Nviirt.
Uovembcr l liT oit-twi
Dry Gcofls (Mill Boots Sta Gents FmniEMiii Cecils Hals Kefes Tiniits and Valises
ADT. f?cte7c5ynn? tbat R"ri! kPPt Cla.s DRY GOODS ANT CtOTniXO KSTABLISHMKXTS. Onr extennve
and FA1U DEALIN(i is thecaote f OVK 8ri"CE8S. and on onr i ai-t record we t ih rn.iin:.i.n ..r
CUKtomiTn .liar Prli. ana nill nara.. .a lull' a a '.. ..v... '""t
and try us aktU we will prove what we say at the Pvcaa birevt Store corner Pccaa and fcau J ciuto streets Austin.
1 now have the largest fc horl-Dsrn ranch in Texas
Thororgh Bloods and High Grades.
And am prepared to famish youse stock and
milch coas st fair prieea All are iuviied to call
a"d pee my herd Ave miles south of the town
of Bastrop Texas. A. W. MOOKB.
Mf Annual Catalocne of Vegetable
and flower Seed for 188U rich in en-
eravine 'mm photographs of the orhjinls will
be sent FftErt to all who apply. My old ensto-
me s need not write for it. I ( tier one of t he
largest c llectlons of vegetable seed ever sent
rot by any seed House in America a large por-
tion of which were grown on my six seed farini.
Full directions for cultivation on each package
All seed warranted to he both fresh and true to
neme; so far thit fhould it prove otherwise. I
will refill the order erati. The original intro-
ducer or the Hubbard Squat h Phinney's Melon
Marblt headed Cabbages Mex can Corn and
score of other vrgetaul s I luvite the patron-
age of all wbo are anxions to have their seed di-
rectly from the grower freeh true and of the
very nest strain.
TAMES J. II. GREGORY Uaiblehead. Mass.
dec9 wtit
We deUverSTRONO POT ROSES forWintet
tllrvyn. ....1 Dl.nHnM ".... m.T .7 .t all
liiuum ni.u A j . u. ..... r V If I " " "
post-offices. Five Splendid Varietiesyurciofce
all labeled for S 1 1 for $2 1 19 for 3 26 foi
$4 33 for $5 T5 for Slu t 100 for S13. Bend
for our New Guide to Rom Culture and
choose from over 600 Finest Sorts. Onr Great
Specialty is growing and distributing Roses
ogMi-ClrawcrajU iJtt uOVJ ''"'''" Cof a.
aTak t.
rff JR!f fVV Tf a ;
VIllbcmaiMrantoall appltcanU inilli in i wttbout
orderinir it. It conUiat four colored plaUa Sua mrrmwur.
about iUO jmm aod full dacrtptiou prteM aed dlroctlont fur
plntlug Itw vartetla of Vmtabl. aod Flowor flmli flaau.
2totwt Xav.luabU to air Swdforlt. 11 iIiIiim.
JD. M. FS7 4 C0 Detroit Klob
5 & 10c Counters.
TO THE TRADE: The live business men of
the day are startiug these counters We are
the Originators and Headquarters! We bave
the only two Exclusive 5 A 10c Jobbing Houses
in the United States bend for Catalogue and
SOO c 22 Randolph St. Chicago.
26 4c 28 Cbauncy OU Uoaton.
oc9ta tbn sat8m
for the core of Kcrofuia Bcrofnloas
Taint. Rhenmatlsm.Whlts Swelllaij. Uoct
Goitre Consamptioa Bronch.tls. werroas
Debility and all diseases arising from aa
impure con lit! on of lae Blood.
The merits of this valuable preparation
are so well known that a passing notice U
hat necessary to remind the readers of this
journal of tbe neccealty of always havinc
a bottlA of this medicine among their siock
of family necessities.
Certificates can be presented from man J
leading Physicians MinUtrrs and head
of families l hronehont the Sooth endors
ing in the highest terms 7u ilui-i JZxtrOct '
Dr. R. Wilson Carr of Battlmw
ssys he has used it in ease of Scrofula ana
other d incases with much satisfaction. '
Dr. T. C Pascal of Baltimore rec-
ommends it to all persons suffering srlU
diseased Blood saying It is superior to ary
preparation he has ever ased. j
Rer. Daey Ball of tbe Ball-
more M. & Conference ttoata says he las
been so much benefited by its aee thatbe
cheerfully recommends It to all ais friesds
and acqnaintancea.
lrarea ic Co.. Drngrfsts st Oordeia.
tUK Vsv say It never has failed to e
sst in fan ion
I'ennessee tars U cored him of
Bnramallsm when aJ els fatted.
Rosadalis is not secret quack ncpra-
Uoa Its tagredtenta are paalised ot ev-
ery packaee. Show It to yoar Ktiyvtiaa
and he will tell yna It is composed o( the
otrorurest aiteratiTes that extt atad a aa
ezi-elient Blood Pariller Did ar vace
admit we eoald glre yoa testimoaial from
every State In the twain and frota preoos
koown to every man woman Suid child
either personally or by repa:
R need slit Is sold by all DriggUa.
JOim T. HE5RT cvrsjLs tco.
8 CoUee Placi
pew vorK.
Par sals by i. W. Graham torm; Aastla
-r.TTKi ivrmvr".
Tar Uirraal mm F.llmali M.
CrKK! Jietiraigau DiptulMTia CroapArtb
sat. Brooci.rIia.lnflo-sia.Si m LenrshleedtBr at
tie Lacra Curocuc rJoarseda Hmtlif 'oo.;h.
Vhoopuig Coara.Chrualr Kaenmiin Cbrouc
l".a.-TtKT Crrnmic ITMOie7. Iboers korbaa.
auary 1 mutt vntmmf ot tie fejuoa sad
fe 9Z ' iA -. -m
O s ... -G-1
--vo d
S -x .1 i
-.w r m
And will conduct the Fame in
And U prepared (o furnleh
Walnut and Rosewood Collins
Orders can be ltft at the ECLIIVH
fiSJ'-'-t:'i--'V V -J'f iv'-r - - N -ifli va
Special Fiayomg Siiracts.
Eminent Chemisis vr;6 Phyaiv-.iana certify that these uroodf
are free from r.duit;- -e.t:or. rich r mora effaotive produce bettor
results than luiy o' - o- . Viat thoy uo ibeva. in their own
TITI TlTsTfiYUft ;f;!y t'riii.rr-'uBAES t.'-aGcaa.of Al!
II l-S l-K Sl M V VCrKEFlE r...v.v. Is ita .hful Ltquid D
III! I IHI" Si il a-tiVOM SUCASt. ri.-c.vta for Lemonj.
Tit lint Hop least i th fforta.
STEELE & Pfirjl Lianfrs.. Chicago i. Louis and Cincinnati
Unexcelled in Eccnobiy of hzl
Unsurpassed in Construction J
Unparalleled in Durability
Jimm ia ttie MLl "ILU titem tne
612. ei4. e:6 & e:s ca. MAIM STREET ST. LOUIS MO.
p"IS and ORGiLETS.
laifeest Stcfi'x and Lowest Prices.
- r- mj-m 111 K-.- .i: I ssr T I r r il
Largest sssoincnt of Metalic Rtwewood and
cniiaren s roDes. i rompi ana
A.-ya'Om vud
Agent for tbe
I I .iir-
3 T
Come and examine my stock before yon purchase. Con frees A venae opposite Raymond House
ITo. 818 Coxxgres3 Avenue Austin Texas
These Stoves
leut com
ties. cnfnme Least
Cook R-wrtanrl Broil
other Stove uude. ;
Tlioy Have iSTo mcxtil-
9 ... ra -Tjv ifiRari-r
Prompt ausauos to aa JOB HwaJv
irtend. and
one dime all.
conrection with the' veil known
STAKLES anj hour day or n!Kht
rotlii tr.
Al! Odors
other coffins and caskets. Ladles seats
pcrsunai w i wuc&r
Boles d'Aro. .-tasstlxa..
- . .11 c
II V 1
j jyj tj7 3JJ ZFL
s moet uniauip. ma
a w a i .a
Foe' and will Bake
more erc&I lLan dj
i 1 1 1 I 1 1 . J
E tied 'CARPETS.
STATE OF T EX A 3 Cocstt or
To the Honors! le County Clerk of Travis Coub-
ir .uu fiu oia(fr;
The unlerieucd wonld tvmefnll annaanca
th i foliow tig sttniye. o-i. :
t brown h:nw. r 8 mm o'd. hraoded H on
1 ft . taould.T li!h;ly b ird
l tray raw. m d.u4 rilgn btanded Con
cerk and X wt'h oalf-rJrcle below ll on left
ih u'.dcr. about T year o d
1 bay loai. with ai'Ht 5 co;t. aK-.ut l'S bands
hvh. branrel 1' II n iui((d. V lever v d. on
1. ft!rr. about 10 jvaia o d.
i aua norve. 14 n-.ui men e or 7 rears oin
branded t L on K-ft shot Idcr and Mm left
thiiih; wt-raabel'. .
1 brown nuro. It han b 7 or 8 year old
branded - r on l!t b u.Ucr right eye blind;
u.s a jrariiug O'li.
- 1 so.rei mure. 7 or 8 Tears eld. branded 111
conmc'eU. 7 tnyiTIc-t.
1 white nun 7 or 8 years old branded T wltB
bar above ua h.raMor and U on
1 while marv years uld branded T II on
.1 ould.-r and 14 nn taw.
1 y-atling no lircuu.
1 Milt no brand.
1 h.-.V mm. )ir.i....l A r MhiiMdjl nn ahnul.
1 biy hnr.e br.mW V on thUih X on Jaw and
oHip 7or8yt-r. Id.
.A ."I b'auUed C 8 on lelt shonlder
13 band hlyh
1 by nvare brand -d C R on left sbooldrr.
1 gray hur.e U yeirsi.ld. branded with half
rtrrl . b loa on !cft .houldir T at R with bs-
I w on left Ul(.
I hrown ware branded J L fn .boulder.
1 marc br-nd.-d rtwr ker.
1 brt wu mare. rrard-d O with half.rcle
above u le"t ihieh abd O with halt circle abova
un I t abuulile-.
1 sor.-oi nia.r brandrd mole .hoe with horl-
conial H utmvj i n rhoulder.
1 fof-l roaiu branded I V with bar below oa
tvrt s ouldc-r.
1 or ci mre brv:did II 7 with 1 inverted oa
left th.wl-i r
1 biown mre. br.intrd 6 W on tblch and round
heart with balf-cic-lr altuve ou left shoa.der.
I blutr a y nr-o d tl v no bra d.
Thealmve l..r. were raL nt; about Brcwa.
tan liuud. Si milt s ve au.ud.
Jann3F. fonuly OommUsloner.
(rriri or thi Int hatioxal ikd Gaaar I
rxmniKiis KaiunoAD t'oaraKV V
Fai.xsti u Texak ll.corabor 8 1819. )
Nxtl ci. hen b tircu lliat a special meeting
ol Hi.. MiKkboUer. of '.hiatcmipiuy will b held
al 111 ufreeo' the company at i'al. sllne Texas
on iln KIDliril Ua. OK MAKt'll. lrt. at Id
o'cl vk a. m i-iirwiant ti a resolution of tbe
ll.wrd of D.iecior a'lupt.d Uccrmtter 8 1STH
(or tbo iuriKiiti nf niikliiiatnfr npiiroYiuir. rati-
fyiiiK and Q mint: a uri;.;:c eeculed In me
name of the t-cinpauy on Aovvmber 1 187M lo
a cure the puiuiiio( Ova million six bundled
and twnt -four ttKiipuivt ( tildlll) dollars
s:d a further Kuui of 1:0 ft u per mile of new
road aiid a soc lid rooriK.xe execu'ed in the
name ot Hie t'lm.pAiiy on me Sams oay to ae
ore tho paimeuc of four million st ven hun-
dred snd I'retiiy rour thonaabd $l.7iH(i00) del-
la'. and a further sum of $10.i U per mils of
bcw road and a'so for tlie purKW of ratifying
or rcji-clinfr the ac'lnuof tue Board of Dime-
tor nt a meeting held at ralectlno on October
irt. lS7'iaud al j fori ho puip ae of ratfy ins or re-
Jxiinx tbo action of anieuliue t.f Siotkooleeraof
t' y held at Palestine oa November 4
ltTRI. and anotber meetiug of said blockhohters
held Nov. maer 17 ISi'.t. and alito tor the purpose
of anthor sing ratifying and coLlltmlu the ae-
copiancd by itili ..nipauv of a deed of certain
ra lrtwds and other p uperty from Me.srs. Jolia
S. Kennedy asd Sniuii 1 Hit su. Tin urea to this
Company xecutcd N. vernier 1 1S7M snd also
for the puroae of suibormiut rattfylLg and
coi n ni ni; the acceptance i y thi. Company tbe Receiver of the property of I hi- Com-
pany of all the prooerty remaiulug In hia hands
on Novcmbel 1 18t!l and tli as.uuipilon by
this Comp ny of all b'S liabilulc on that day.
snd the execution to Mm by this Company of a
bond of indemnity aam.t all such I abilities
and also for the transaction of men other bust
nesa as may c; me befuie.l h- meeiinir.
Tbe poll will open at 10:4-1 o'clock In th'
forenoon aud clo-e st lx o'clock nooa of said
By order of tfio Bo-d -t Direrlors.
11! 1 U. KVANs Hecrelary.
dccll wlomat8.'N.
C'HU f Y t V 111 AVIS
The S'ale ( f Trxai lo . Ii fheilfl or any COS
ai.iile or .mi. ci'ui' v r
l i a are nereiiy c miuaiiiivii I pummnrcr
(.uiill utiun l r four ni.'irrlvo wahkTTI lome
n VKiiap r p i .lo i In Travis couut J bn H.
VVidtiiitr Kuii e 11 N'.-irO l.uey N. Howard
fn M. Oleoit bate Nei-on l.lxalo P. Nelson
8a'li II V in ii ami Mary N. l.on uou rr.l-
donli f ilia Suie i.i I ex te an l all persons In-
tere tid In raH eelato u bo and personally ap-
pear liefor.) the houordblo Hi County Court of
Travis c ini'y. 'I x f mi b : held wl'hin and for
.aid county of Travlo nt Iti-eoi.rt houae thereof
In au tin ou the iliird Moitdiy in January A.
D. 18 'U ill. 'ii aud tneti to rli.iw eaue why lbs
e.Uio of Willlnru Nelaon der.i aid shonla not
be paititiomd and ilininliuied among the noire
aud le.tee. or .aid emate upon the sppllca-
lion of Frm k ll'imll'rn and Itoiiert A. ftnrlh
executor itien-of l ow tin Mi In thetleik's
ol lice of mild Cmirly rotirt of Tiavls county
lieu and w aero j ou ll .11 uiuku known bow you
havotxueutril til.' va-i e
Wiluer. lfrnx II own clerk rf said court
and the -oil tl'.ereof allaclK-il this ntnoleeulh
usr of DoCl-ilI). i 1H7'J.
It. 8 1 i'UANlv BKOWN aerk.
lly virtue of power In me ve. ted by a deed of
tiu.t ria uted iy il. B t henpard ol William-
son county on ilia t weiil lei li day of February
IbT't. to e ure the paytneut lo Moruan C. llain- .
Hlon o' a no e of .alii dale (or t rrii HJ and lu-t-
rest I wil1 sell wl hiu leRal lioii's on Tues-
day the sixth duy of January lHrtO at the door
of tli Trav s c-iunty con it house for earn.
Hire- liurdr. d and twenty acres of laud on lbs
north bunk of Urn.liy creek in Willsmaoa
on' ty. on 'of the rmveve named on I ha map
Jo in C. Duval and M. Knlh beirlunlng st a -stake
on ihe north but.U of creek 608 .
varan up thi creek from the souihea.t ooroer f
suid Duval survey boinif the s nihweal corner
of a tract sold out of ttiei-e surveys to V. It. C
and W. T. Avery; there north ten degrees
east to the nortn line of said hath survey a
corner; I hence north eighty degrees west fJl
vara. to the n.irthwest c rnor of this trait ;
thence sotllti ten decrees west to Brushy creek
atid thence down said creek to tbe beelnulng.
dell 41 law Trnstse.
I will tell on liberal terms one-fourth cash
the balance In three or more annual payments
drastng ten per cent inter at one of tbe rich-
est most productive snd boat Improved farms
In Fayette county. It is situated on tbs eaat
side of the Colorado river four miles below
Winchester twelve miles sbevs !aurang snd
fourteen miles from (iiddlngs. The tract eon.-
Lain. 1500 seres Wo in a high state of cultivation.
The improvements are new and good-a large
roomy house with ten rooms ci. em kitchen
barn and gin bouse. There are fift'en rent
houses on the place; one and one-half mile of
fence Incloses nearly the whole tract being a
large bend of the river. The yield of corn snd
cotton on this farm this very dry yesr bss been
40 bushels of corn and one bale of cotton pec
acre. I will jruaraniee the prod net Ion of GO
barbels of corn snd one bale o' cotton per acre
for ten years with proper cultivation. No plc
in the county more healthy. Anyone wl.hl.g to
porehsae can see ma at Uis place or addiea ma
at Winchester. ALBX VuOW.
LaOrange. October 7. 1879. ocWt'al
The Stats of Texas to all Demons Interested
In ths estate of Or are Beule Frank snd Him-
mle Greenwood minors.
Mrs. Cammlle K. hlmley gnsrdlsa of the es-
tate of tbe above named minora baa fil.d her
annual aocoabt Snd application to be diwd.rifed
In tbe county court of Travis county which will
be acted on st thnxt term of said coart eon-
aaencmg tbe tbtfd Monday in January I two
st the coart house thereof in tbe city of Aa.Un
at which time all person. In ter ea ted In said es-
tatJB may appear and make objections thereto
Wline... Frank brown clerk of aaid coart
LU 1 and tbe seal tharof altarbrd
tbs fix h day of December 18TH.
declJ w3t FKANia bUUWM Clerk.
1 be State of Texas to all persons interested
In lbs administration of th estate of William
Nelson Deceased:
Frank HamllUiav and Robert A- hmlth exsesv
tors of the UU of WUi aa Nelaoo duorevaed '
have die their final aerosol and aipllcalloa IO
be disc harmed in tb Coauly Court of Travis
roanty which will be acted on at tbe next term
of raid euort. eommcnc.nx tbe third Monday In
January l(y0. st the court boa a thereof hi the
lty of Aa.Un at which time s'l p -r.. s lijtr-
estcd In raid estate may appear aud eoultal too
same if they see p o;.;r.
Wilaea. Frank Brown clerk of said roert.
IL. 8.1 snd the seal tbereor siue a a t.j
nineteenth risr t DreiTc iKTH.
dataO-Md FKAoiK BUOW.N Clcik.
By vino of power In me vested by s dd of
trust executed by U. B. bbetipard. of William-
son county oa tlie twenty ninth day of April
ItfTfl to secure th payment lo Mofao C. Il.ujil-
ton of a aoui of that date for at sod so-
other note of that data for :aijui I wm sell
wil bia lefral hoars. onTaeed.y. the silts dsyof
Jsnaaiy tmo at tbe door of the Travis county
coart house for cash foar hoodred acre of
land vs.: 1 he west J0 acrr out of thoon sur-
ver. on tho north bar k of Bruihy creek ta
WU iammo eminty n tbe name of Joua C.
Duval and M.-Kuih. exUndlng fil said crt-
to tbe north He uf said Kaib survvy say fieri
var. and about tot vara. mm-. -hXtiltLZT
A. eSflTD.
dccll JOt
t octav. fJUPOHCAW M Stops S sets af
mm - w.t.l. r ajiA eab-lkass. Patast
grsnd'orran and kne swell b ack walnut ea.sf
wl'baaaasome mirror top. stool sad bock only
V ATEBW 1 oe'sv Booewoed Fisioe with
stool clots t"' and ltrurKB bock ouy
1141.00. WATEK.H' octave Koewod rlaboe
wita stool eiotb cover and lusinirtioa txoX
only t)f4 tA. All my Instro man 14 new aod fat-
ly nrruilsi. f'fii for H unrated e' alroe.
T. LKiii'i WATIiK-. Agent jt Its Wil
IIRIDI Sc. i"0H twm
w m m ssw w w ss.tiaj va
'" 1 ' W i.e. saa m-m ulJ
- - l - ft aval LTSajlL
S A re a tA. IjoaUated circulars of a tapla ttd
I. avirr vAtw
4. UH I UK dc .. I f 1 I 1
S. Ilrsatway. -If!
Ksw loss. alL
Eauv.n.hcd ira. rsvorah'j Laowa tu
taa UaJiad buus.

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Weekly Democratic Statesman. (Austin, Tex.), Vol. 9, No. 7, Ed. 1 Thursday, January 8, 1880,newspaper, January 8, 1880; Austin, Texas. ( June 6, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Views: 6671

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.