The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)

TWELVE THE KOKOMO TRIBUNE MONDAY MARCH 30 1942 Near-Capacity Crowd Attends Grace Church 85 Are Received Into Membership Two extremely large gathered at the Grace Meth-j Ddist church Sunday at the morn-J Ing and evening while attendance at the regular, Sunday School meeting also was unusually large. At an "ingathering" morning, service, 85 persons united -with the 1 church, either by "confession faith" or by transfer from other churches. A total of 39 persons were given the ritual of Including 17 babes-in-arms. This; service was unusually Impressive, with the Rev. Jesse Fox, administering the rite, assisted byj Miss Thelma Atkinson, church sec-; retary.

Because of the length of the "In-' gathering" service, there was no! Bermon but the combined Seniorj and Treble choirs, comprising 100J voices, presented the "Hosanna." Grace church filled almost to capacity at this! service--only a few seats in the; balcony remaining unoccupied-forming the largest crowd that has attended a regular morning service of the church in several years. Sunday evening a congregation that almost filled the main auditorium greeted the Men's Glee Club of Taylor University which sang a concert of sacred and secular music. The Rev. Mr. Fox preached on the subject, "The Ministry of Silence." urging that all persons take time for silent meditation upon their own lives.

ARMY'S NEW RIVETLESS TANK GETS GUNS Stales May Prohibit Use Of Pickets Washington, March supreme court, by a 5 .4 division, ruled today that state may prohibit peaceful picketing which is not confined directly to the labor dispute from which it grew. The ruling: came in a decision upholding a -Texas state court In junction which barred two unions from picketing cafe. The decision was onue of three significant rulings handed down the court today on labor matters. Both the other labor rulings were unanimous. One held that enactment of the National Labor Rela-, states labor peace statutes, specifically The other set aside a New York state court injunction which prohibited peaceful picketing in a New York City labor controversy.

In the Texas case. Justice Felix Frankfurter delivered the majority opinion in which Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone and Justices Owen J. Roberts, James F. Byrnes and Robert H. Jackson Justices Hugo TJ.

Black, William and FOR COUNCILMAN AFL Houston tions from law did not prevent enacting their own -NEURALGIA Cajnidlne tart It's quid, relieving palM oj neuralgia j. Soothes upset only AS directed. All drug. lOc. 30c, BOo bottles.

Liquid CAPUDINE Army's new rivetless mcdlum'taiiic complete with 75 mm. (run and a buttery of machine guns. The M-4 has an all-cast body and mounts Its big gun on revolving turret in center instead rf lower down on the right side as on the JI-3 tanle. Business Today Transportation Becomes Big Problem CURTAIN NEWSI FOR SPRING Tailored Lace Panels, QMjn yds, lonff. Tailored Lace Fairs $4 4 2H yds.

ionir, Tailored Lace Panels $4 .10 each JL Washable Rayon Marquisette Funds 2H 'ds. Ionic Washable Kayon Marquisette Panels. ff 4 OA wide. 3V4 yds. Yd.

Crisscross Ruffle Curtains pr.lfJ M. Tailored Lace Panels. J4.2S 60" wide. ZVi yd. long en.

M. Extra Wide Crlss Cross $4 .88 nuffle Curtains, JL 6 PC, Cottage Sets White House Paint, gallon 11x12 Size Felt Baso Kufcs. Reflector Floor Lamp (with shade). Window Shades Cut to size Free Closeout Wallpaper Save to 69c SI.35 $3.99 $3.99 29c By PAUL GESNER and WILLIAM PINKERTON Washington, March World)--High school students got a -wartime break in Washington. They don't have to be in class- rooTtiB now until 9:30 a.

m. No one set about to pamper the moving back the schools hours was a matter of necessity to the war capital. It vas a matter of using to the full the city's limited means of trans- ortatlon. Many citiles already are facing he same problem, according 1 to Joseph B. Eastman, director of de- 'ense transportation, and others will face it before the years is out.

Bus Traffic On Increase Eastman estimates passen- er traffic on local bus and street car lines will increase from 20 to .00 per cent this year in many American cities. War-production cities of less than 100,000. population --where a large proportion of the workers normally travel back anc forth in their own cars--will be bit particularly hard. While the number of people going to work in war factories is increasing by leaps and bounds, private automobiles fast are using up their rubber and tires and steel foi SLIP COVERS CHATO SOFA (.99 $9.19 up (Carried In s.s $0.99 Stock) TORE he least expenditure of rubber, uel and steel? To save rubber, Eastman has new street cars and buses like wise are becoming scarce. Getting" war-workers to work is becoming an increasing seriou.

problem as the rubber shortage becomes more apparent. It is problem which apparently every city must solve for itself. Staggering Hours In Washington, the government --the city's main industry--is staggering working hours aU'eady so that employes in different offices i report for work at half-hour inter- vala, ranging from 7:30 a. to' 9:30 a. m.

Many war-production centers have adopted similar staggered hours to spread the traffic on street cars and buses and to cut down the congestion of automobile traffic. Every industrialist and everycity faces this question: How can. we get our men to the factories with orbidden local transit companies substitute buses for streetcars their lines. Although new buses ire being manufactured, they will doled out on a basis of special necessity. Here are some of the ideas for cities facing a transportation snarl: Some Traffic Ideas 1.

Staggered hours. Under dinary circ*mstances, more than 50 per cent of a city's traffic-- street cars, buses, cars moves during the morning and evening rush hours. 2. Doubling up on cars. In some places, factory managers are poll- their employes to find which ones join together in using the same automobile to come to work Families planning to move this spring can help solve their own and their city's, transportation problem by moving close to the breadwinner's factory.

3. Emergency transportation Many war-production plants, buil in corn fields during defense days provided large parking lots lor employes. the tire shortage, new means of getting these men to work must be devised. Eastman in encourlng local transit companies to make use abandoned tracks and old street cars still available for hauling passengers to once-abandoned localities. CIO Workers Pledgej Speed-Up of Work Evansville, March --Delegates attending: the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers (CIO) district meeting here Sunday adopted a resolution pledging their effort to increase ID per cent within 90 days in factories where the union holds contracts.

The convention went on record for continuance of overtime pay for -work beyond 40 hours a week or eight hours a day, but endorsed the national CIO position on eliminating; extra pay for Saturday and 40 O. Dauglas, Frank Murphy Stanley F. Reed dissented. The picketing in question vms begun by the Carpenters and Painters unions when the owner of Rit- cafe engaged a non-union con- to construct a building for ilm. There was no dispute with cafe Itself, which employed union members.

The actions were held by Texas courts to be coercive to an individual in the lawful conduct of business and In violation of the state anti-trust law. The unions protested the injunction as a violation; of their rights to communicate freely their position in a labor controversy. Morris "Bill" Summers, above, 1049 South Waba'sh street, has filed his declaration of candidacy for Republican councilman of th Fourth district. Mr. Summers at tended Kokonto high school.

Since leaving school, he has. been asso ciated with the- Prmtcraft Print ing Continental Steel, Sinclai Refining and Montgomery Ward He is a member of the Main Street Methodist church Moose and Company I 6 the Indiana state guard stationec at the -local armory. This is hi: first time to run for a public of fice and any support his friend can give him will be appreciated. Sunday work not in excess of hours weekly. Delegates from locals in Indiana, Missouri, Iowa and Arkansas attended the meeting.

be NOTICE responsible for only those debts contracted by myself FLOYD FILLENWARTH. Anti-Sub Drive Under Scrutiny Of Congressmen Washington, March The navy's anti-submarine cam- in the Atlantic came under scrutiny of Congress today and Chairman-Walsh (D-Mass) said the; Senate naval affairs committee probably would call Admiral Ern-l est J. King, commander-in-chief of the fleet, for an inquiry into effectiveness of counter measures, Walsh told reporters the committee had received many requests to look into the organization of surface and air patrols "which, have been combatting the Axis undersea. marauders which have sunk some 70 merchant vessels since they invaded- coastal and Caribbean wa- move to inquire Into tho counter- submarine campaign should not be looked upon as presaging: criticism o'f navv efforts thus far. ters United States claration of "I think committee membci's; want to be satisfied that every- thing possible is being done to eliminate this TJienEtce," Walsh said.

"If Admiral King can spare the time frotn his duties, I would like to have him come before the committee and- tell us confidentially what Is being done." Walsh said that t.hc committee's OMNlfMlllly rinM off in nm- wing water. Savci bother and of filter clolhi or gtatl your til CODY ROD 'Ebanrifi 216 North Main St BLACK JOE BURNS BETTER Gall COADY For GOAL 6 1 0 1 EASTER CARDS SWEETS Coming to Kokwmci at HOTEL UNION, April -1 from 2 to 8 p. DR. S. F.

SUTTUN. Spccialist of Fort Wayne. PILES Removed without Pain or Cutting. I treat all rectal diseases except cancer. Don't put it off until some incurable diseases develops.

Have no fear. There is no PAIN, no DANGER. Results positive. Examination Free. GIFTS For Easter Bibles, Testaments.

Rosaries and Crucifixes. Artificial Flowers, Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Handbags Xlastcr Baskets Bunuics Keligipus Placques Candies, Costume Jewelry Knitting Bag's Fountain Pens, Pencils Glassware, Fiesta Latest Fiction SWEET Book Store HIGH PRICES for'GLASSES ARE UNNECESSARY CASH OR CREDIT We Manufacture AH Glasses We Sell, Saves You Several Profits No longer any need to pay high prices for good. glasses. These quality Rhodium-Rimless glasses complete with TORIC stock lenses for FAR OR NEAR VISION, all complete, only $3.45. Factory-To-You Deal with our local factory branch and save many dollars.

All lenses ground on prescription of Licensed Doctor. Save Middleman's Profit Volume purchasing and single ownership of largest chain of optical stores in America save you the middleman's profit. IS DAY TRIAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE NATIONAL Optical Stores Co. 117 N. BUCKEYE ST.

Stores In Principal Cities Open Saturday Evenings to 9 P. M. FOUNDED TONIGHT SAM CUFF IS ON THE AIR In NBC Program "THE FACE OF THE WAR" STATION WKMO at 6:15 Compliments of-Wm. H. TURNER Co.

BUY IT NOW! Oliver Planter with Fertilizer-Bean Attachment. 3 John Deere Planters. 2 Little Wonder Plows. 12" John Deere Plow. Deering Mower.

14" A. C. Plow. 10' Case Binder, 3 vears old. 1937 A.

C. Combine. 1937 W. C. Tractor on rubber.

1938 W. C. Tractor on rubber. 1934 Reg. Farmall with Cultivators.

3 Cows, will freshen May 1. 1930 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck, good tires. NEW MACHINERY Dillinger Corn Sheller. Dunham 7' Cultunulcher. Stover Sheller.

Dunham 7' Disc. Black Hawk Planters. Allis Chalmers 7' Disc. A. C.

Tractor Plows. Oat Seeders. 40 All Crop Harvesters. New Holland Balers. Spike Tooth Harrows.

SHOPE IMPLEMENT CO. Walton, Indiana District Youth Rally to Be Held Here Tuesday Night A district youth's rally will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the Free Methodist church Jackson and McCann streets, in connection with the revival meet- now in progress at the church. The rally will bring a number out of town guests and speakers. A motorcade consisting of the Rev. Gerald Mikels of Pine Village, the Rev.

Cleo Denbo of St. Francisville. 111., the Rev. and Mrs. Leroy McDowell of Vincennes, Milbern Wills of Indianapolis and the Rev.

Dale Cryderman of Michigan will be here. The Rev. Mr. Cryderman is eastern youth director of the Y. P.

M. Mrs. McDowell is conference superintendent in the Y. P. M.

S. and Mr, Wills is conference president of the Y. P. M. S.

They will be the speakers at the rally. Special music will be furnished by a women's quartet and a male quartet from Indianapolis. Delegations are expected from Lafayette and Indianapolis as well as groups of young people from several of the churches of this city. A fellowship supper is being planned by the young people of the host church for the visiting groups, to he served from 5 to 6 o'clock at the Recreation Center, 211 West Mulberry street. A cordial Invitatio his extended to all interested persons and pecially to the young people of the city to attend the service.

3 Local Men Sent To Police School Sgt. Harold Swope, Patrolman Harold Shockley and Haines Sleeth began'studies at tha police school being held at Logansport the first three days of this week were looking to becoming instructors in the auxiliary police classes to be started shortly in Kokomo. Police Chief Clinton D. Jackson selected the three men with a view of having them later act as instructors for the auxiliary police classes. The state police, an the Indiana Chiefs' Association will provide.the instruction at the Logansport school.

Entitled To Four-Year Term. Brazili March John W. Baumunk in Clay circui court Saturday -ruled that Mrs Edith Lautenschlager is entitled serve out the full four-year term as county recorder. She was ap pointed to take over the offic wnen her husband died in 194 after serving less than one year. Easter Cards--BOYCE'S RODEO OR RANGE- TOP-HANDS AGREE: "THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A CAMEL" GRAND CHAMPION ALl-'ROUND COWBOY.FRITZ TRUAN also has a Saddle Bronc title to his wherever the riding is the you'll find Fritz in action--either on a sun-fishing saddler or enjoying a Camel (right).

"Yes, mildness counts plenty in my game," says Fritz. "And Caxaels are extra mild. I've smoked "em for 10 years." "AFTER A RIAL TOUOH RIDE, believeffie, nothing hits the spot like a Camel," says Steer-Riding Champion Gene Rimbo (right). "That full, rich flavor is great--and no matter how much I smoke, Camels always taste swell. What's more, the extra smoking in Camels is mighty welcome economy." The smoke of slower-burning Camels contains LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested-less than any of them--according to independent scientific tests oj the smoke itself! "LESS NICOTINI in the smoke makes good horse sense to me," explains Bareback Bronc ace Hank Mills (left).

"Camels have the mildness that counts. They've got the flavor, too." Everywhere you go, it's the same--for extra mildness, coolness, and flavor, there's nothing like a Camel--Amelia's favorite. ame THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS B. 1. BenoUl Tobacco Connw, WlniUn-Sllun.

North Oiollut.

The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)


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