Spring Bucket List: 15 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy The Season - Life's Mustard Seeds (2024)

Spring Bucket List: 15 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy The Season - Life's Mustard Seeds (1)

Yay! Spring is so close I can smell it! Spring is arguably most people’s favourite season, as it means an ending to those short dreary days and the promise of new life around us with plenty of sunshine to come.So we need a Spring bucket list to go with it…..

There is always something refreshing about a change of any season. This could just be me, but I always get tired of the current season by the end of it, and the next one on its way means an end to whatever downsides there are to every season.

Take summer as an example: right now at the end of winter I CANNOT wait for it to arrive……but by the end of August, I’ve had enough of those sticky, hot days where you can’t sleep particularly well. Autumn, as it starts to creep in, gets me excited for those beautiful colours, fresher days and all things pumpkin!

Anyway, the first few signs of Spring are doing that to me right now! Yesterday’s dog walk was just perfection – sunny and warm (well, warmer than it has been), with new buds of life all around me.

There was a man sitting on a fairly hidden bench just enjoying the peace and the view he had in the sunshine. The sound of children all around the woods playing happily was just about drowned out by the birds tweeting……and the occasional shout from a dog owner to their exuberant dog.

Everyone I walked past was just cheerful. It was a Springy assault on the senses, and at the risk of sounding cheesy, my heart genuinely sang!! I switched off my podcast and just basked in the moment.

As I left the woods and walked home, my mind inevitably started to make plans for making the most of this season, and so, this is a Spring bucket list I came up with (disclaimer – just like my excitement at the start of every season, I won’t do half of these, but it’s fun to plan):

Table Of Contents

  1. 1: Check The Sales For Next Winter.
  2. 2: Reorganise Your Clothing
  3. 3: Spring Clean Your House
  4. 4: Catch Up With House Maintenance
  5. Get The Monthly Newsletter
  6. 5: Decorating The House
  7. 6: Give The House A Spring Freshen
  8. 7: Have A Makeover
  9. 8: Have A Diet Makeover
  10. 9: New Exercise Regime
  11. 10: Get Out Into Nature
  12. 11: Do Some Gardening
  13. 12: Get Picnic Ready
  14. 13: Research Local Events
  15. 14: Fill Your Calendar With National Dates
  16. 15: Plan And Book Your Summer Holiday
  17. 16: Plan Ahead For Easter
  18. 17: Check your SPF
Spring Bucket List: 15 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy The Season - Life's Mustard Seeds (2)

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1: Check The Sales For Next Winter.

Before it gets too late into Spring, my first and more urgent item on this Spring bucket list is to check out the sales.

Sales normally start Boxing Day and continue right the way through January, however, my extensive research (ok, so I just looked up a handful of stores I could think of) shows they still have sales right into February.

Granted they are final clearance, and some of them you have to hunt for in the dropdown menu, but they’re there.

This is an amazing way to get cheap clothing for next winter. I bought a winter coat last year and just immediately stored it away with my other Winter clothes when I brought my Spring stuff out. It was so exciting when I found it at the start of this Winter as I had completely forgotten I bought it!

Remember though, it’s only a bargain if you need it, and I so needed that coat…..honestly (funnily enough, my husband didn’t think I did either!).

This doesn’t just work for clothes: there may still be the odd store that has Christmas items you can buy to put away for next Christmas. Why buy wrapping paper, crackers, cards etc, at full price in December when you can get them at a fraction of the price in January?

I’ve tried doing the same with presents, but failed miserably with that – items that seemed a good idea in January were just plain weird in December! You might do a better job there though…….

I always get tired of the current season by the end of it, and the next one on its way means an end to whatever downsides there are to every season.

2: Reorganise Your Clothing

I’m afraid some items on this Spring bucket list do include a little bit of work, but it’s worth it!

Go through your wardrobe and take out clothes that are obviously for the depths of Winter. The thermals, thick woolly jumpers, Christmas clothing etc may not be needed anymore and just take up space.

It’s obviously too early to wear the little vest tops and Havaianas, but if you want to get ahead and sort out your entire summer wardrobe, then knock yourself out!!

I typically have a mass sort of clothes twice a year, and store/bring out what is clearly Winter and Summer clothing, but I’ve always struggled with the in-between season clothing.

This last year I worked out that actually, Spring and Autumn clothing are all the same, so now I do tend to keep those items out year round – after all there may well be a particularly warm day to the end of Winter when a denim jacket would be perfect for (and likewise a particularly chilly day in Summer).

I have to say it’s just my clothes I reorganise this time of year. No one else in my family has enough clothes to require seasonal sort-outs, but if that’s not the case for you, you may well have to multiply this job by however many in your household need this doing.

I do, however, with my youngest have the occasional sort out more for growth spurts, rather than season changes, whereas the teenagers I leave to their own devices with their clothes. They have reached the age where they want control of their belongings, naturally, and I did encourage this responsibility when they were tweens.

Spring Bucket List: 15 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy The Season - Life's Mustard Seeds (3)

3: Spring Clean Your House

Well, this was always going to be on a Spring bucket list! The Spring cleaning tradition dates back 3000 years ago in Persian culture where they would “shake the house”, as it was believed that sweeping dust and removing clutter would prevent bad luck in the upcoming year.

I can’t promise that cleaning your house top to bottom in Spring would ensure nothing bad will happen to you that year, but I can tell you you’ll feel like you’ve achieved a heck of a lot!

Clearing away the literal and metaphorical Winter cobwebs will freshen your home for the upcoming year, and remember, this includes decluttering as well as cleaning. Have your 3 bins available – 1 for moving to another location, 1 for donating and 1 for chuck – and clean the new-found empty space as you go.

There are a gazillion and 1 free printable Spring Cleaning check-lists on Pinterest which you can print out and use to help you through. Here is a great one from By Lana Ly

The Spring cleaning tradition dates back 3000 years ago in Persian culture where they would “shake the house”, as it was believed that sweeping dust and removing clutter would prevent bad luck in the upcoming year.

4: Catch Up With House Maintenance

I’d say this is the last chore-based item on this Spring bucket list, you’ll be pleased to know!

Winter is a tough time on our houses – the elements battering it from the outside and us spending more time inside means there most likely are some areas that could do with fixing.

With the hubbub of the build-up to Christmas, Christmas itself and then New Year, it’s hard to find the time to do these jobs….plus who wants to when the weather is so miserable?

With the warmer weather and longer daylight hours, now is the time to get going with addressing these areas, ready for the year ahead.

I’m afraid the reality of having a house is this has to be on your Spring bucket list.

5: Decorating The House

Maybe, after the long Winter months, certain areas of the house need more than a quick house maintenance job. Perhaps that downstairs bathroom has just got too tired and is beyond a quick wipeover of the walls (guilty!).

If the budget can stretch to new furniture, curtains etc then put a complete room makeover onto your Spring bucket list, but sometimes all a room may need is a lick of paint……a relatively cheap way to bring a fresh new look to a tired room.

It may not even be a whole room that needs redecorating – my Spring enthusiasm has given me the idea to paint all the internal doors white. Thinking about it, that may be harder work than redecorating a room, but I’m determined to give it a shot!

6: Give The House A Spring Freshen

This is my favourite item on this Spring bucket list…..I just love to change the house around for the seasons.

It may be redecorating isn’t on the cards for this year, but you can still freshen the house. It may be that all your house needs.

Open the windows when you can and allow the fresh air in. Pack away those heavier, winter-scented candles and find some lighter fresher-scented ones – likewise with reed diffusers or essential oils if you have an electronic diffuser.

Fresh flowers are wonderful any time of the year, but there is something extra special about having Spring flowers in a vase. Tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are the classic flowers we think of this time of year and there are so many varieties and colours available to choose from.

They are also so very cheap this time of year, with the majority of supermarkets selling bunches of daffodils for as little as £1 at the checkout – you could have a vase of them in a few rooms of the house!

Word of warning though: don’t put daffodils in a vase with other flowers – apparently they emit a gas that kills the other ones.

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7: Have A Makeover

After spending all that time and effort (and money!) giving your house a makeover, how about you?

After a season of hiding our hair under hats, it’s quite likely that you discover more grey, roots and split ends than you would prefer. How about pushing the boat out and freshening things up with a new hairstyle?

The same goes for our makeup – it does have a shelf life, so maybe it would be a good idea to empty all your makeup and throw away what you no longer use, what you’ve never used (guilty!!), and what no longer suits you.

Some makeup works with the seasons too. I’ve come to realise arguably what quickly became my favourite lipstick colour last Summer, looked utterly ridiculous during the Winter months.

You’ll be pleased to know I found another lipstick in my stash, that weirdly was too dark when I had used it in Summer, that seemed to work perfectly for Winter……crisis averted!!

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8: Have A Diet Makeover

These days with supermarkets selling everything all year round our eating is merged into one throughout the year, but most of us are aware of the benefits (to our bodies, the environment and our bank account) of eating seasonally.

The Winter diet is typically known to be heavy and hearty with lots of thick stews and casseroles, but the Spring brings with it lighter, fresher produce, so why not try a makeover of your recipe bank to include something seasonal?

Visit a local farmers market or a PYO farm to get your produce uber-fresh and seasonal.

Spring seasonal fruits and vegetables include:

  • Artichoke
  • Asparagus
  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Celeriac
  • Kale
  • Leeks
  • Peas
  • Radishes
  • Rhubarb
  • Sugar snaps
  • Spring greens eg rocket, spinach, lettuce and chard
  • Spring onions
  • Lemons
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberry (just!)

BBC Good Food has a whole catalogue of Spring recipes you can try, or allrecipes.com have a facility where you can hunt for recipes with a particular ingredient that you put in the search.

9: New Exercise Regime

I know most of us had a well-meaning exercise New Year’s Resolution (or a goal – check out this post), but you could argue that is not always the best time to make it.

We’ve only just got past the shortest day so there are not many daylight hours, plus the weather is still pants – a lot of excuses right there to stay inside in front of the box!

By Spring there is a noticeable difference in the time the sun sets, giving us a longer window to get out and exercise, plus why would you not want to get out into that Spring sunshine which feels significantly warmer?!

Of course, you don’t have to get outside to exercise, there are plenty of options for indoor exercise after all (and I regularly encouraged my diabetic patients to find an exercise which is non-season and weather dependent), but there’s something about that 1st whiff of Spring that gets us enthused to do more outside, so why not ride that wave?

Incidentally, if you’re getting into a new exercise regime, here’s a post on why we should consider our skincare pre and post-exercise

In Spring we’re often thinking ahead to Summer and an event like a holiday or a wedding. Whereas I do get a bit twitchy with people needing a goal to get fit for (will you bother with focusing on your health if you don’t have anything on the calendar?), it certainly does have its place as a focus and a drive to keep the exercise momentum going.

Just promise me you’ll keep up the healthy habits after Summer and the holiday is over!!

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10: Get Out Into Nature

This has to be naturally on everyone’s Spring bucket list – we naturally crave it I’m sure.

I know I’m incredibly blessed to live next to some stunning woods in Sussex, but the rapid changes of nature are never more evident than in Spring. We start with snowdrops and crocuses, move swiftly into daffodils and end with a finale of bluebell carpets!

If there is only one “Springy” thing you do, I urge you to find a bluebell wood with a carpet somewhere – stunning!!

Some country public footpaths will take you alongside farmland with lambs gambling around – squeal!!! Actually, local farms to me have open days to visit the lambing which is normally mid-March to mid-April but does vary due to, well, nature, so check before you visit.

In the UK, the National Trust is amazing for outdoor nature in Spring, with plenty of Spring activities for kids during the February Spring half term.

A few words of warning with nature walks – it’s important to follow your country’s Countryside Code. Here are some highlights of the UK Countryside Code and general good practice if your country doesn’t have one:

  • Make sure you follow public footpaths.
  • If on farmland stay to the edges to avoid damage to crops, and avoid fields with livestock
  • Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges and walls
  • Close a gate you go through if you find it closed
  • Keep dogs under control – this is a biggy, farmers will not hesitate to shoot your dog if they cause their animals distress
  • Protect wildlife, plants and trees – leave natural places as you find them. Spring is a time for new birth in nature so be extra careful at this time to keep away from animals and birds to not cause stress.
  • Take your litter home – best not to get me started on this!!
  • Be extremely careful around any risk of fire

Grab your all-weather walking boots – yes they will still be needed in Spring – and go out for a walk. Hey, maybe you could find a decent new pair in the sales selling off their Winter gear?!

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11: Do Some Gardening

It can’t be a list of things to do in Spring without a mention of gardening, and if your garden is anything like mine come Spring, it’s the one time of the year you will spend the most time on it.

I genuinely would love to do more with our garden, but with 3 football-loving boys and a dog, it’s just not worth the heartache of seeing everything you’ve lovingly nurtured either bashed with a football or dug up.

We spend time getting the garden ship shape in February. The one thing I do work on with our garden is container growing, so we start off clearing out the dead plants from last year and get the pot and compost ready for this year (I’m sure I’m meant to do that at the end of the growing season last year, but, hey ho!).

Despite the occasional really warm day in early Spring that can get your green fingers itching, there’s not much point doing anything else other than preparation as it’s too early to get any plants out.

If you’re really dedicated you could start seed growing in February – if directly in the soil best to wait till march and only with hardy plants, but you can certainly get going if using a propagator in February.

Other jobs include mowing and sowing the lawn, feeding soil, pruning and planting tougher plants (March for the last two on that list).

Once we get warmer in March and then April, that’s when we can get our creative gardening juices flowing!! If you really can’t wait till then to get some Spring colour, Garden centres and even supermarkets now will have ready-made pots or baskets

If there is only one “Springy” thing you do, I urge you to find a bluebell wood with a carpet somewhere – stunning!!

12: Get Picnic Ready

Hands down our favourite budget thing to do as a family is a picnic. We try to do this every weekend during the Summer months if the calendar allows, but it’s also a great time waster with little ones during the long Summer holidays when trying to fill the week.

There have been many trips, particularly at the start of the season, where we make an impromptu decision to go for one only to find our picnic rug in need of a wash, the tubs mouldy and the picnic baskets AWOL – always embarrassing when said picnic is actually with friends and we’re late for our rendezvous!!

Not this year!! This is one job I shall be getting ticked off nice and early. All equipment will be hunted out, inspected and replaced where necessary and I recommend you do the same if picnics are your jam too.

You could even take it a step further and research good picnic recipes that are easy to transport, don’t give you dysentery when eaten in the heat (even if you have a cool bag), and easy to eat without a table – this may be something to add to my to-do list!

Do you know any good picnic locations? You may have some family favourite locations, but it might be quite nice to hunt out some more.

If you need to get some ideas in the UK, Countryfile Magazine has 21 ideas for some particularly special locations, however, a quick Google search worded “good picnic locations in ______” (pop in the location required) brought up a plethora of results.

You could also google “good picnic spots near me”, with your location allowed, to search for even closer ideas.

The National Trust in the UK are a trusted stalwart of an organisation to provide you with some perfect locations, some of them free and some at a cost, but quite honestly your local park is most likely all you need to get some fresh air, Vitamin D and a space for the kids to blow off some steam.

13: Research Local Events

Apart from the build-up to Christmas, the end of Spring and the whole of Summer have a huge selection of events and fun activities to attend that can keep our calendars full for the whole season. Some open-air museums close for Winter and reopen in Spring to a fanfare of colour with events like tulip festivals.

Think of all the museums, farms, parks, sports clubs, wildlife sanctuaries, zoos, castles etc in your area and spend time visiting their websites to make notes of all the events they have planned for the year.

In West Sussex, we have a variety of free magazines that vary from county-wide events to local events in our village. We get them through our door every month, but the kids also bring home a magazine each season from school with family-based local events.

Assuming we’re not the only county to have this facility, I would also recommend spending time hunting through them to find other events that are taking place throughout the year. You are more likely to find free events with those.

Apart from the build-up to Christmas, the end of Spring and the whole of Summer have a huge selection of events to attend that can keep our calendars full for the whole season

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14: Fill Your Calendar With National Dates

This works alongside researching local events. Pop on your calendar all notable dates throughout the Spring and Summer seasons as a lot of them move each year.

Most likely your calendar will have the most important dates written down. I mention this, however, as we do sometimes have calendars from different countries (it’s easy to get hold of a US calendar here in the UK) which won’t have our Bank Holidays.

Here are some notable dates for Spring 2024 in the UK, the year and location this post is written:

  • 14th Feb – Valentine’s Day
  • 13th Feb – Shrove Tuesday (pancake day)
  • 14th Feb – Lent begins
  • 7th March – World Book Day
  • 10th March – Mothering Sunday
  • 10th March – Ramadan begins
  • 17th March – St Patrick’s Day
  • 20th March – Spring equinox
  • 29th March – Good Friday Bank Holiday
  • 31st March – Easter Sunday
  • 31st March – British Summer Time begins (clocks go forward)
  • 1st April – Easter Bank Holiday Monday
  • 1st April – April Fool’s Day
  • 22nd April – Earth Day
  • 9th April – Ramadan ends
  • 6th May – Spring early Bank Holiday
  • 4th May – Star Wars day (May the fourth…….I had to include this!)
  • 5th May – Cinco de Mayo
  • 27th May – Spring late Bank Holiday

It’s good to know when these dates are and plan ahead.

Have you got maple syrup in the cupboard for pancake day? Anything you fancy giving up for Lent (I really, really should consider chocolate, my one poison)?

Give yourself more time to come up with a costume for your child’s World Book Day outfit – maybe this year their Winnie the Pooh honey bee costume could actually produce honey and levitate, rather than the yellow T-shirt with black gaffer tape combo they wore last year.

15: Plan And Book Your Summer Holiday

The Spring job we enjoy the most – plan your Summer holibobs! Does anyone notice how many travel adverts there are on TV at this time of the year?

I remember as a child the excitement of going to our local travel agent and bringing home all those brochures to go through. These days we just go online, but it is just as exciting!

Have a chat with the family and get ideas of what they all fancy doing. Andy and I chat through it with the kids and genuinely do take their suggestions on board – they do come up with some sensible suggestions……..occasionally!

Give yourself more time to come up with a costume for your child’s World Book Day outfit – maybe this year their Winnie the Pooh honey bee costume could actually produce honey and levitate, rather than the yellow T-shirt with black gaffer tape combo they wore last year.

16: Plan Ahead For Easter

Easter is not far away once Spring hits. We all know the shops have Easter eggs as soon as the Christmas ware has gone, so why not get ahead and stock up on them?

If you start early you have plenty of time to buy one a week for the kids (and the adults!), so it’s not such a big hit on the bank balance when bought all at once.

When our oldest was little, one year we didn’t get around to buying the eggs until easter Saturday. Well, we learned from that mistake – there was hardly anything left in the shops, apart from extremely expensive adult eggs.

If you have Easter egg Scavenger hunts, get all the equipment together early and get writing the clues.

If you’re hosting on Easter Sunday, work out the menu now so there is no last-minute planning. Like the eggs, you can start purchasing ingredients slowly and gradually.

17: Check your SPF

What kind of a skincare and parenting blog would this be without mentioning skincare in this Spring bucket list?

Chuck out last year’s sunscreen – yes do it! I don’t care if it is a quarter full! Sunscreen has a shelf life, which most of the time is only one year so that quarter of a bottle from last year most likely won’t do a good enough job.

Also, did you know that sunscreen can get damaged if exposed to heat? Last year’s bottle most likely has spent a Summer season sitting out in the sunshine or in a hot bag for prolonged periods of time. It’s had its time and is probably past its best.

Obviously, I’m talking about those bottles of sunscreen that are used for all the family, not your facial SPF which you use all year round…….right? Just checking!

So, if you’ve got those old bottles out of the house, that means you’ve got to replace them for this year. Even mid Spring can have high UV levels these days, so it would be wise to stock up now so you are prepared for those impromptu family trips out

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Spring Bucket List: 15 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy The Season - Life's Mustard Seeds (8)

Spring is such an exciting and revitalising time of year. As the dreary winter days come to an end, we can look forward to warmer weather, longer days, and the beauty of nature coming back to life. This seasonal shift brings with it so many opportunities for creating new memories with family and friends.

I hope these Spring bucket list ideas have sparked some inspiration for refreshing your spring this year.

Whether it’s finally tackling that home organization project, planning some fun outdoor adventures, or prepping for your dream summer getaway, now is the perfect time to make the most of the warmer months ahead.

Of course, this list is just a starting point – the possibilities are endless when it comes to making the most of spring. Take some time to chat with your family about what activities excite them this time of year.

And don’t forget to pause and soak in the little moments too – like that first picnic in the park or a leisurely stroll surrounded by spring blooms.

Wishing you a revitalizing and memory-filled spring season! Let the sunshine and warmer weather nourish your soul.

Let’s have a chat: What’s your favourite part of Spring? Will you be doing anything on this list or do you have your own Spring bucket list? Let me know in the comments below….

Spring Bucket List: 15 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy The Season - Life's Mustard Seeds (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.