My Life As The Dauphin - MadWheelerShipper27 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Un Chapter Text Chapter 2: Nouveau Reflet, Nouveau Monde Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Rencontre Avec Marie Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Le Fabricant D'épées Flirte Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 5: Suppression De La Tentation Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Révéler La Vérité Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Les Prèparatifs Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Aller Chercher La Fiancée Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Des Menaces Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: La Robe Empoisonnée Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Être Un Allié Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Se Battre Pour l'Ecosse Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Pari Désespéré Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Le Meurtre De Tomas Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Un Pique-Nique Avec Marie Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Passe un Joyeux Petit Michel Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Arrivée d'Olivia Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Marcher Sur La Corde Raide Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Luxure Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: L’argument Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Déchirant Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Une Autre Attaque De Luxure Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Dette Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Verser Le Sang Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Pardon & Tromperie Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Faire Des Affaires Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Arrêter Le Comte, Aimer La Reine Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Planifier Pour L'avenir Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Une Proposition Fatale Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Cour De France En Fuite Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Débattre De Nostradamus Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Pris Au Piège En France Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33: La Gentillesse Des Étrangers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: L'histoire Du Dernier Duel Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 35: Un Dernier Plaidoyer Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 36: Le Mariage Secret Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37: De Retour Au Tribunal Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Lettre Á Claude, Rire Avec Lola Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Planification De Mariage Effrayante Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 40: La Douleur Causée Par Catherine Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Un Peu De Temps Seul Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Maison Bourguignonne, Première Partie Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 43: Paris Insensés Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 44: La Chienne Mythique Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 45: Prédictions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 46: Un Nouvel Espoir Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 47: Nouvelles Arrivées Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 48: Le Mariage Royal Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 49: Fête Du Cul Nul Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 50: La Lune De Miel Commence Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 51: Faire L'amour Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 52: De Retour Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 53: Affaire Risquée Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 54: Lumière Assombrie Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 55: L'arrivée De Lord Julien Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 56: Jour Des Damnés Summary: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Un

Chapter Text

American University of Paris. Paris, France. March 14, 2023.

I am Nolan Ayers and this is my story. The story of how I became the king of France. I cannot write this story myself, for this sickness from which I suffer has crippled me. Therefore, I am dictating this story to a good friend of mine: Leith Bayard; He will write down the words. I am writing this story, not for the public to read; as they would write my ass off as a madman, or a warlock, or a demon or something like that. No, I am writing this story for Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scotland and France; My queen, my wife, my one true love.

This story is being written because Mary, my Mary, deserves the truth about her husband and king. She believes that I am Francis Valois, but I am not Francis; I never was and I never will be. I've always felt such guilt for having deceived Mary, even though I tried to be the best husband I could have been and have come to love her. But since I'm practically on Death's doorstep, I don't want to go to my grave having spent our entire marriage lying to her like a cowardly connard. Therefore, Mary will know the entire story of how I came to be Francis.

My name is Nolan Ayers. I was born and raised in a town called Kalispell, in the great state of Montana in America. I had a pretty uneventful childhood, if I'm being completely honest. My mom died in childbirth with my younger sister, Crystal. My old man was a raging alcoholic and a mean drunk to boot. I learned from a young age that you can only really count on yourself in this world.

For years, Crystal and I only had each other, having been deprived of love and affection by our "parents", if they can honestly bear those titles. However, even the safe haven that was my sister was taken away from me. I was 17 while she was 15 when one of her reprobate ex-boyfriend invited her to a party and she, like hundreds of thousands of other teenagers in Montana tried meth for the first time. Soon enough, all Crystal ever did was meth; She became unrecognizable; even to herself. Crystal stole money, sold herself, robbed houses, and in doing these things, burned down any bridges that had ever been built for her.

I was able to figure out pretty f*cking quickly that there was just absolutely no future for me in Montana; like whatsoever. Luckily, I had options. At my high school, they offered French as a foreign language course. I decided to take French 4 years in a row and became fluent in the language. I decided that I wanted to get as far away from my f*cked up family as I could and from what I can only describe as divine providence, I was granted a scholarship to the American University of Paris in France.

It turned out to be a Godsend for me. The city and the people were far more healthy for me than the messed up hometown that I came from. I made quite a few friends and I felt like I was able to put the horrors of my life in Montana behind me. What really gave me some solace was watching Reign. I had discovered the show back when it was still on Netflix in 2020 and I found it to be quite entertaining indeed. To be fair, I knew next to nothing about Mary Queen of Scots when I started watching it, and I'm certain that they took liberties with the true story. However, I loved the show all the same. I was especially a huge shipper of Francis and Mary; or Frary as their fans affectionately branded them.

In season 1, their relationship had seemed so doomed, but so beautiful at the same time. However, season 2 showed Francis and Mary at their absolute worst. It honestly made me question why they even got together in the first place. When I finally got a chance to save Francis's relationship with Mary, it was a far more daunting task than I thought. It all began one night in my dorm room. My roommate had gone over to his boyfriend's dorm to hook up and I was left on my own.

I decided to binge watch Reign for the 50th time as I got high on a new brand of marijuana that a friend had smuggled into France. It was a variant called Mexican Joker and the rumor was that it gave you a high like no other brand of pot could. As I lit up and shut up, I had gotten to the point where Mary was in her bathtub with the mythic bitch Catherine de Medici holding a blade to her throat. As the action played out on the screen, I began to fall into a weed induced haze. I had experienced such a feeling before, but this was a different sort altogether.

As I faded in and out of consciousness, it was as if the colors of the chamber and the characters within slowly faded out of the TV and their essence seemed to envelope me like a warm blanket that you knew you needed to remove at some point, but wanted to push off the point of removal as far as possible. I was unaware at that moment, but my life, as I knew it, had come to an end.

Chapter 2: Nouveau Reflet, Nouveau Monde


Nolan Awakens to find a reflection & a family that is not his own.

Chapter Text

French Court. Outside of Paris, France. April 16, 1557.

It felt as though I had slept for a month of Sundays. When I finally awoke, I knew right away that something was way, way off. First of all, the bedroom that I was in, was not my dorm room. The room that I did wake up in looked like something of a medieval museum. The walls were made of stone and covered in tapestries. As for the bed I was sleeping in, it seemed to be an old style type of build and instead of sheets, I was covered by an animal's pelt; a wolf if I was to venture. I slowly got out of the bed and on my feet. I went over to a dresser that was in the room and it had a mirror next to it. As I looked in the mirror, I was stunned to see the face and body of Toby Regbo looking back at me. His bright eyes and golden curls were on display for all to see.

"Toby…Toby Regbo?" I asked as I stepped closer to the mirror. I studied every inch of his face and his torso as I moved my hands up and found that Toby's moved in sync. I stopped dead in my tracks as I started to move my arms all over and Toby copied my movements exactly. I was floored as I realized that I was not looking at Toby, but at my own reflection. I pressed my face to the mirror as I studied the features. Toby's face was now my face, his body now my body.

"What the f*ck is this…" I whispered as I couldn't tear my eyes away from the mirror. Suddenly, I head a knock on the chamber door.

"Your highness, will you need any help dressing?" A man asked from the other side of the door. I figured it must be a servant and I was in no mood to deal with anyone just yet.

"Um…I shall dress myself today, Merci." I called back as I sat down while my mind was racing. Everyone looked so familiar and now I knew why. I had gone from watching Reign to being in Reign. Even more fantastic, my soul had somehow been transported into the body of Francis Valois: Dauphin to the French throne. It all seemed impossible at the time and quite honestly still does. In that moment, I assumed that I must have been on a trip, on account of the weed that I had been smoking. I decided that the only thing to do was to ride it out and do the best I could to not cause trouble for myself.

I found several articles of princely clothing in Francis's wardrobe and I quickly scraped a uniform together. I wasn't used to 1500's clothing and I almost regretted not taking up the servant on his offer to dress me. Eventually, I got myself looking somewhat presentable. As I exited my bed chamber and walked through the castle, I tried to collect my thoughts. I had no idea at which point in the series that I was in. I figured it had to be most likely season 1 or 2 because that's when Francis was alive. If I was going to get through this, I was going to need to find an ally and right soon. Luckily, as I walked up a flight of stairs, I saw Francis's half brother: Sebastian de Poitiers. He looked exactly like he had in the series premier. I cleared my throat as I approached him.

"Sebastian!" i called out as the King's bastard turned to face me.

"Francis, they were looking for you everywhere, Tough to find you." he said as his eyes shined in the near mid day sun.

"I was riding." I said quickly, coming with an excuse for my disoriented state.

"Really, Who?" Bash inquired as we both shared a chuckle. That had always been what I liked about the character, he was always goof for some comic relief.

"So Bash, how's the mood?" i asked, trying to get some sense of why I was being sought after.

"Father's or the mood in general? Tense to both." Bash replied. "Planning for your sister's wedding." It was official: I was in the very first episode of the series. It took some of the weight off my shoulders as I could follow along now.

"Is your mother in there?" I inquired, sticking to the script.

"No, only royals and their attendants allowed. But your mother Is in fine form, God save you." Bash said as my stomach did a backflip. Catherine de Medici was, in my opinion, a psycho bitch from Hell, and I was going to have to stand next to her and pretend that she was mommy dearest.

"God save me, indeed." I replied as Bash patted my shoulder.

"I'm off now that you're here." he said as he promptly walked off, leaving me to deal with the mess to come.

"Lucky bastard." I quipped as I finally appreciated Bash's freedom from the royal bullsh*t.

I eventually found my way into the King's chambers and I finally saw them up close. Henry II, King of France and my Father, was being dressed by his manservant. Meanwhile, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France and my mother, was giving him Hell about Mary Stuart's impending arrival.

"Mary should be protected, Hidden." The French Queen insisted.

"So you've claimed. You also claimed she needed to be kept at convent for her education, when we both know She simply irritated you." The French King shot back.

"Mary's arrival now upstages Our daughter's wedding." Catherine argued.

"It's the perfect occasion To showcase the alliance with Scotland." Henry argued back. "Half the continent's royalty will be feeding at our trough."

"There are those that say Too many alliances make a king look weak." she pointed out,

"Then why did we sell our daughter to Spain?" he asked incredulously. I finally decided to walk up and make my presence known.

"I'm told I was needed, Or should I just come back on my wedding day?" I asked, waiting to see if I could pass myself off as their eldest legitimate son. "You've chosen my wife; have you set the date, too?"

"Here's the date: When I say so." Henry declared in my face. "Or England turns its sword In our direction; She's on her way." I had honestly forgotten how much of a royal douchbag Henry was and I was not looking forward to his end of season madness.

"Mary Stuart, you mean, I heard." I lied as I tried to stay calm.

"You don't sound Very enthusiastic." King Henry said as he picked up on my nervousness. "You were playmates once."

"She had skinny legs, A missing front tooth and strong opinions." i recited from memory.

"I'm sure the adult tooth has come in. The opinions you can ignore." Henry dismissed. "Isn't that right, Catherine?"

"Her ladies-in-waiting are on their way as well. Three titled, the other ridiculously rich. Just your type." Queen Catherine shot back as she wasn't putting up with her husband's sh*t.

"At least your bride has a country, And an army, should you need it." he pointed out, trying to sweeten the deal as he made his exit from his Italian wife.

"I may not have been born with a crown, But this country relies on my money." She insisted as she turned to look me dead in the eye. To be honest, I felt the urge to piss my pants a little bit; staring into her dark eyes, "Let him talk like a king. Your wedding won't happen Until I say so."

"Oui, mother." I replied, forcing a smirk onto my face as she caressed my cheek with her hand.

"I'm on your side, Always." Catherine insisted as she tried to act all motherly towards me.

"I know." I replied, nor knowing if I had entered fanboy Heaven or fanboy Hell.

Chapter 3: Rencontre Avec Marie


Nolan meets Mary, Queen of Scots in the flesh.

Chapter Text

Later that day.

After surviving my first run with my new role parents, I spent a few hours exploring around the palace to familiarize myself with my new home. Eventually, the announcement came throughout the palace that Mary, Queen of Scots was on her way. I decided to make my way outside, along with everyone else in the castle. As I headed out, I saw Bash lingering around. I motioned for him to come with me, which he silently agreed to do. As everyone lined up to greet my bride to be, I decided to hold back as I took in the sights around me. The front of the castle had been decked out in beautiful flowers and banners. All of the nobility and the servants were in lines, ready to greet their potential Queen.

Eventually, I saw several carriages pulled up and Mary's ladies in waiting came out of them. There was Kenna, the hedonist. There was Greer, the heartbreaker. There was Lola, the baby momma and finally there was Aylee. Now that she was a real person, it sounds messed up, but I had never really cared too much about Aylee. Neither did anyone else, she died pretty early in season one at Clarissa's hands and after the halfway point, I don't think she was even mentioned again until the finale. The same thing happened to Kenna after she ran off with her bastard. Lola was still mentioned after her beheading at Elizabeth's hands; which was something I suppose. Eventually, the final carriage arrived and Mary, Queen of Scots emerged from it. I knew that Mary or Adelaide Kane, was breathtakingly beautiful, but I wasn't prepared for seeing in her real life. She looked so innocent and happy in season 1 and to be honest, I felt a twinge of pain at the idea of having to watch her grow older, wiser, and sadder as the show progressed. Eventually my dickhe*d of a dad emerged.

"His Royal Highness, - King Henry II!" The herald announced as he came out, arm and arm with Diane de Poitiers, Bash's mother and the most long lasting of Henry's whor*s. Sebastian soon joined them to get a glimpse of the new Scottish females at his disposal. Finally, the she Devil decided to make her presence known.

"Her Majesty, Queen Catherine!" The herald announced again as my mother, if you can call her that, marched out to gaze upon her soon to be arch nemesis. Now it was my turn. I took a few deep breaths, got my head in the game, and walked out to officially greet Mary; not as a playmate, but as my unofficial fiancee. I bowed my head as Mary curtsied before breaking out into a smile. It was hard for me to be anxious when she seemed so excitement. Her joy was more contagious then the COVID.

"I don't believe it." She said with her rare season premier smile.

"Your Grace." I said, trying to be respectful.

"No, call me Mary, please." She insisted.

"Francis." I replied, doing the same.

"The castle seems bigger, Is that possible? And you, too, of course." She chattered on as her ladies giggled at her expense.

"Is that such a surprise?" I inquired with a smirk.

"No, Especially since your legs were always longer than mine. You know, I hated that when we were young. I was always chasing after you but now...Uh now it suits you." Mary babbled before regaining control of her tongue.

"Well, I suppose that now we can chase each other, albeit in a more dignified manner." I replied as I offered Mary my arm. We proceeded to walk along the pathway that had been made for us as we entered the castle. On our way by, I saw Catherine give us a deadly glare and I knew that Nostradamus had just filled her in on his prophecy. I tried the best I could to hide my groan. I didn't want Mary to think that I was groaning at her when I was really groaning at the idea of having to play this cat and mouse game with a psycho bitch like Catherine de Medici. She was way better at this kind of sh*t than I was and I had seen enough of Reign to know that she was a most dangerous enemy.

I tried to push the Italian serpent out of my mind for a few moments as I walked through the foyer of the castle with my bride to be.

"So…I heard you've been living in a convent since last I saw you. Did you ever give any thought to joining the ranks of the holy sisterhood?" I asked as Mary chuckled.

"I have to admit, the pious life of a nun was most tempting, but that wouldn't really mesh well with my status as queen of Scotland, would it?" She inquired as I savored the feeling of her hand interlaced with mine.

"A fair point. Although for what it's worth…I'm willing to wager that you would be the most beautiful nun in that or any other convent." I replied as I saw Mary attempt and fail to hide a small blush that was forming on her cheeks.

"I don't remember you being such a flirt." She giggled as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, now that our marriage is set to happen any day, I figured that I'd better brush up on my skills so that I can ensure that my wife knows that I find her beautiful." I insisted as I put Mary's hand to my lips and kissed it. I honestly have no idea where I got the balls to flirt with Mary Stuart, but it seemed to work. I knew that everyone around me was going to move Heaven and Earth to keep us from the alter, but I knew that Mary was absolutely worth the struggle.

Chapter 4: Le Fabricant D'épées Flirte


"Francis" & Mary discuss their skills in everyday matters, as well as flirting.

Chapter Text

French Court. Paris, France. The next day.

After Mary's official debut to the French Court, the nobles and servants could talk of little else. Meanwhile, I was planning out my next move. I knew that in the first episode of Reign, Francis had been snagging some squirrel before the Queen of Scots showed up. I couldn't remember her name for the life of me, but I knew I would have to spurn her. It would give me good practice for when I had to deal with the Olivia D'Amencourt situation. Part of me knew that staying faithful to Mary would save us both a sh*t ton of grief down the road, but another part of me genuinely wanted to be faithful. I wasn't in love with her yet, but I did care about her.

I continued exploring the castle after breakfast. I knew that I needed to familiarize myself with the castle if I was going to convince anyone that I had lived here for my entire life this far. I tried to be as discreet as possible while I looked through chambers that were not locked.

Eventually, I stumbled upon a room that I recognized from the series premier. It was the room in which Francis had conducted his sword making. I went inside and I admired the swords that Francis had hanging around. He had clearly been skilled in the art as the blades were free of any defect. Plus, they looked sharp as Hell. Eventually, my impressed attitude gave way to concern. I had no skill at sword and knife making. I had never attempted it. I knew that I would have to find someone to teach me discreetly or just drop it altogether.

As I was making plans for how to deal with my lack of blacksmith skills, I saw Mary herself standing in the doorway; right on cue.

“Mary, what brings you up here?” I asked, trying to act cool.

“I was exploring.” She answered. “These were my old rooms. Don't you remember?”

“Not anymore, no one comes up here.” I recited from the script.

“Except you.” She shot back as she saw the workbench and immediately took an interest. “What is that? Is all of this yours?”

“I make knives, and swords.” I lied as I let out a chuckle at my own expense. “At least, I'm trying to learn.

“To be a blade smith? Is that a requirement for future kings now?” Mary inquired with curiosity.

“When you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous, yes.” I admitted sheepishly as kings didn’t usually bother with that sh*t.

“No, no, I think it's fantastic. Did you make all these?” Mary asked as she gave her attention to Francis’s creations. “Why?”

“I can't help thinking that every man, even a king, should have some kind of skill.” I explained, remembering how Francis wanted to have something to fall back on in case the whole King of France thing didn’t pan out for him.

“Well, you're going to be a great ruler someday. Isn't that enough?” She inquired.

“I hope it will be, but I meant a real skill.” I elaborated as I let my eyes linger on my sexy as Hell bride to be. “One that I didn't inherit, wasn't given to me, and can't be taken away.” I pulled out a stool from the main bench & motioned for Mary to sit down, which she did.

“You shouldn’t be ashamed of wanting to better yourself.” Mary insisted.

“My brother…my half-brother, Bash…he has so many skills.” I continued, pumping some sunshine up his ass. “He wants to learn something, he does, he wants to go somewhere, he goes; with my father's blessing. They don't worry about him dying so much that they don't let him live.” I had never really appreciated it in the show because I’d only seen him as a character, but despite his illegitimate status, Bash had it pretty damn good until Mary conspired to make him legit.

“Because he'll never be king.” Mary reasoned.

“Exactly, I just feel like we royals should do more than order people around and spend money all day. We should actually know how to do everyday things, no offense.” I added as Mary gave me her signature smile.

“None taken,” She pauses. “If you want everyday things, I can milk a goat and cut peat for the fire.” Mary said, clearly trying to avoid seeming silly. “The nuns, you know.”

“I can admit to being impressed.” I replied with a chuckle at her expense. “I suppose if there was ever an uprising that sent my line into hiding, I could sneak off to some backwater village and earn a living in the blacksmith business.” I cringed inwardly, since unlike Francis, I knew jack sh*t about being a blacksmith. I made a mental note to study on the subject as soon as possible.

“But I'd save you.” She countered with genuine concern. “And we could go to Scotland and rule there.” I had to admit that the thought was tempting. It would have made for a good plot twist if Condé’s Protestant uprising had panned out. Mary and Francis fleeing to Scotland, ruling there while planning on how to reclaim France. It would have saved Mary some major heart ache later on in the series and definitely kept her away from that sh*t head Darnley.

“I suppose that being a Scottish King consort could have a certain charm to it.” I conceded, earning another smile from Mary. “Plus, I heard that Scotland is very beautiful; as is its queen.” My flirting was working as Mary’s cheeks turned bright pink.

“Did you pick up flirtation along with sword making?” Mary asked as she stood up from the stool while I moved closer.

“Not really, I have to work hard at blacksmithing, flirting is more of a natural talent.” I said softly as our faces came close. I wanted so badly to kiss her right then and there. As embarrassing as it sounds, getting a kiss from Adelaide Kane was on my bucket list, but I knew it was too soon and courtship was different here than in my time. Plus, our engagement was in limbo, especially with Catherine and Nostradamus plotting Mary’s downfall. I pulled away before our noses could join in an Eskimo kiss.

“This is a good time to take a break from my swords.” I replied, trying to regain my cool. “I trust that we can continue this conversation later?”

“I’d like that.” Mary replied as she quickly excused herself from the room, hiding her blush as best she could.

Chapter 5: Suppression De La Tentation


Nolan dismisses Francis’s mistress as he plans for the future.

Chapter Text

I quickly made my way back to my chambers, only to run into my first major obstacle to Frary. A beautiful woman was in my room. I knew that Francis was fooling around with a girl in the series premier, but I still couldn't remember her name. In my defense, she was only in that 1 episode and then she basically disappeared; drama was caused and her purpose was served. Besides, when they brought Olivia on, she was a much better rival for Francis's affections.

"Um…did anyone see you come in here?" I inquired, not really knowing what else to say.

"No, they never do." She assured me as she came closer. "They never will."

"That's good." I said in earnest as the last thing I needed was word getting back to Mary that I was snagging some French squirrel behind her back.

"Nothing's changed here, nothing has to." She assured me as she started to feel me up. I have to admit that her touch was pleasing, but I was eventually able to regain my senses and gently move her hands away.

"Is something wrong, Francis?" She asked with concern as I prepared to let her down.

"I've enjoyed our time together…but now that Queen Mary has arrived, our marriage will happen soon and it is best that we not fool ourselves into thinking that we can continue as we have been." I explained as her face filled with pain.

"So that's it then?" The girl asked as she fought back tears.

"Yes, I'm so sorry…but for what it's worth, I don't regret a moment of our time together…" I tried hard to remember her name, but it just wasn't coming to me. When you watch 4 seasons worth of material, you end up putting the sub plots that don't go anywhere out of your mind. I kept struggling to remember the girl's name. At first, she looked at me with confusion, but then she caught on and she was pissed.

"My name is Natalia, damn you!" She cried as she stormed out of my room. By the look on her face, I knew that if I wasn't the next king of France, she would have smacked the sh*t out of me and I'd of had it coming too. At least the dalliance with Natalia was over, so now I could focus on nurturing my courtship with Mary. I knew that she was going to be coming any moment and I could only hope that she wouldn't run into Francis's slice of ass on the way up to his chambers.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock at the door and I figured it was my Scottish fiancee. I opened up the door and sure enough, Mary was there and still looking lovely.

"Mary, what is it?" I asked as I let my eyes rest on her while she held up some of the pebbles she found near the water.

"Um, I brought you something, to decorate your swords with." She answered as she dropped the stones that she had found at the pond into my hand.

"That's very kind of you Mary and I appreciate it." I replied as I set the stones down on one of my dressers. "I would invite you to come in, but the last thing that either of us need is servants gossiping before our actual wedding."

"I understand, perhaps we can have a moment after your sister's wedding?" Mary asked hopefully as she held my hand tightly.

"I'm looking forward to it." I replied as I took her hand and pressed a gentle kiss upon it. Mary tried to hide her blush and failed miserably as she went away and left me feeling rather pleased with myself as my efforts to stabilize Frary seemed to be going quite well indeed.

Later that night.

I thought that I was prepared for most of the challenges that I would face from Reign. However, one thing that the show did not prepare me for was how boring royal weddings are. The ceremony took up the better part of 3 hours and most of it was in Latin, so I didn't know most of what was being said. Mercifully, once Leeza was wed to King Philip, it was time for the royal reception. It seemed to be a serious rager; by 16th century standards.

As I looked around for Mary, my eyes went wide. I saw her conversing with Colin, Lola's soon to be former flame. He was kissing her hand and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor bastard. He was being used by Catherine to make Mary unmarriable. I knew that the plan wouldn't work since Clarissa had warned Mary not to drink the wine, but still, I knew that I couldn't let an innocent boy fall victim to that Medici witch. I needed to figure out a way to save Colin without blowing my cover.

Before I could approach the Scot, Mary grabbed her ladies in waiting and began to do a group dance. My feet were frozen in place as I watched them move about. I was overcome with pity. In the series premiere, Mary and her ladies were so innocent and trusting. It pained me to think of how things would end up by the series finale: Aylee would be dead, Lola would be dead, Greer and Kenna would be alone with bastard, their hearts broken. As I gave the ladies a smile as i watched the feathers fly down from the ceiling, I wondered if anything could be done to save them from their fates. I knew that my main priority had to be keeping Frary intact, but could I not try to save others too?

Chapter 6: Révéler La Vérité


Nolan comes clean to Mary & Bash as he tries to save a life.

Chapter Text

Eventually, the dancing came to an end as the bride and groom went off to conduct the consummation of their wedding. Mary and her ladies were going to eavesdrop which gave me time to plot my next move. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to run this Fix Reign campaign on my own forever. Sooner or later, I was either going to need help or get caught. The only option was to bring someone on board and there was only 1 dude in mind: Sebastian de Poitiers. Bash had proven himself time and time again to be a vital ally to both Francis and Mary. If I had to let someone in on my secret, there was no one better than him. I made my way over to Bash and motioned for him to have a private conversation.

"Something troubling you brother?" Bash inquired as I took a deep breath before addressing the King's bastard.

"Bash…I know that what I am about to say sounds like pure madness…but I am not Francis Valois." I said quietly as Bash got a smirk on his face. He clearly thought I was screwing with him and understandably so.

"All right then, who are you?" He asked in teasing.

"My name is Nolan, I am a commoner from from Paris. Somehow, my soul has been transferred into the Dauphin's body." I lied, as I knew that I had to water my story down to make it somewhat believable. If I told him that i was an American dude who watched his life play out on a television show, it would have been overwhelming for him.

"I see, it's an intriguing premise, I'll give you that." Bash said, still disbelieving.

"Bash, I swear to you, I am not lying. Look me in the eye and call me a liar!" I demanded as Bash looked deep into my eyes for a few moments before stepping back with almost stunned silence. Clearly, whatever he saw convinced him of my truth.

"You…are not jesting with me?" Bash asked quietly.

"I truly wish that I was. I'm sorry Bash, but I had to tell someone." I pleaded as I grabbed his shirt. "I've managed to pass for Francis thus far, but there will be things that I don't know that your brother is expected to know. Eventually, I'm going to slip up and when that happens, I'll need your help." Bash nodded as patted my shoulders in sympathy.

"All right…Nolan, I'll help you however I can. I've been around Francis his whole life, no one knows him better than me." Bash vowed as I embraced him with thankfulness.

"Thank you Bash, I don't know how this happened or if I will ever get back to my old life, but while I'm here, I'll try to do right by France."

"I suppose that is all anyone can truly ask of you." He shrugged as we both heard a clearing of the throat. We turned to see Mary waiting to speak with me.

"Your Grace, I assume you wish to speak to my…brother." Bash said, still reeling from what I told him.

"Yes please." Mary replied with a simple smile on her face.

"I'll leave you be…but our conversation is not over." Bash cautioned me as he gave us some space. I knew that I was going to have to give him more details eventually and now that I had started down the pauper to prince story line, I couldn't backtrack.

"Is something troubling Bash?" Mary inquired.

"Nothing that concerns us…but I need to speak with you about something important." I insisted as I took Mary aside. I knew that Mary was still naive about French Court and I needed to prepare her as best I could for the trials and tribulations that Catherine would throw her way.

"What is the matter Francis?" Mary asked as she stroked my hands.

"Mary…I care for you deeply and I want to marry you; not just for the alliance, but for me personally. I hope that is what you want as well." I explained as the Scottish Queen blushed at me.

"It is Francis, I care for you too." She promised as she raised her hand to my cheek. I let it linger there a moment, to feel her touch before lowering it.

"We want to be wed to each other, but…we must accept that it may not be on our timetable." I continued as her smile fell.

"What do you mean?" She asked nervously.

"You possess a winter coat, yes?"

"Of course I do, I have a few strong winter coats."

"Do you wear them all the time or only when it's cold; and when it's warm, you put them in the closet, yes?" I asked, trying to explain Henry's thinking.

"Francis please, where are you going with this?" Mary asked anxiously.

"My father sees you and Scotland as a winter coat. He bought you with the offer of marriage because he believes that he may need you if England turns its sword on us, but he doesn't want to commit to you until he knows for sure that France needs Scotland." I finished as Mary caught into my reasoning.

"So he's brought me to court only to hang me up in a closet until he danes to wear me?" She asked bitterly.

"I tried Mary, I begged him to set a date for our wedding…but he reminded me that I am not yet King and that our marriage will only happen when and if he says so." I added as I could see the joy go out of her like a candle extinguished.

"Where does that leave us, Francis?" She asked in fear.

"As soon as my father gives the word, I will be yours. But for now…we have to be patient." I said as I took her close. Mary let me hold her for a moment before pulling away.

"France has all the time in the world…Scotland doesn't." Mary reminded me as she walked away with her head bowed in sorrow. I cursed myself as I was already breaking her heart. But the fact was that Henry had me by the balls and we both knew it. I tried to put the heartache from my mind as I prepared myself for the next phase of Operation Save Frary.

Later that night.

My nerves were up to 11 as I snuck throughout the castle. I knew that Lola's main squeeze was on his way to rape what he assumed would be a drugged Mary. If I couldn't get there in time to stop him, the Scot would die for Catherine's sins and that was intolerable to me. I refused to let that mythic bitch kill another innocent if I had a say in the matter. I found my way to Mary's bedchambers, which was surprisingly devoid of guards. I kept a hand on my dagger as I gently opened the door. As I peeked in, I saw Colin heading over to Mary, prepared to do Catherine's bidding. I pulled out my dagger as Colin slowly climbed onto the bed. Before he could start to unbuckle his trousers, I pressed my blade to his neck and my hand to his mouth.

"If anyone screams, the guards will

Come in and you are a dead man. If I let you speak, will you scream?" I asked as Colin shook his head with fright while I removed my hand.

"Now listen to me. I know why you are here and that you were put up to this. I can get you to safety, but you have to trust me. If not, I can alert the guards and have you beheaded for the attempted rape of your Queen. You can come with me or go with them; you make your choice and you make it now." I demanded as I pressed on the blade to show Colin that I wasn't f*cking around.

"I'll go with you, your highness." Coin whisper as I let him up so he could get out of Mary's bed.

"Smart boy." I teased as I motioned him to follow me out into the hall.

"Please your highness, I didn't want to hurt Queen Mary…" Colin said as he started to beg for his life.

"But Catherine de' Medici commanded you to, probably threatened to harm you and your intended if you refused, right?" I asked as we walked.

"How did you know that?" Colin asked in shock as he struggled to keep up.

"That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is getting your ass out of here alive." I insisted as I grabbed his hand to make him keep up.

"And leave Lola?" Colin asked in disbelief.

"If you stay here, if you reach out to her in anyway, you're giving Catherine a way to control you." I pointed out as I led him out of the castle. Our next stop was the stables where I had a horse saddled and ready.

"Here's a horse and here is 300 Livres that I swiped from the treasury to buy you passage." I replied as I shoved a sack of coins into his hands.

"Passage to where?" Colin asked as he climbed onto the horse.

"Anywhere that isn't France. You must leave this country and never return or else Catherine will kill you to cover her ass." I reminded him as I felt such pity for the boy, losing everyone he cared for. "Returning to your people in Aberdeen would be ill advised. That is the first place that she'd look for you. Good luck Colin and Godspeed."

"I am forever in your debt, Dauphin." Colin said with a nod of gratitude.

"Then repay me by not getting killed." I commanded as Colin rode to the gates which opened to let him out. As I went back into the castle, I knew that Lola would be heartbroken, but at least Colin was alive and out of Catherine's reach. It was a better ending then most of her pawns got.

Chapter 7: Les Prèparatifs


Francis discusses Colin’s exit with Bash as he goes with Mary to greet Charles’s bride to be.

Chapter Text

The Next Day.

After I had helped Colin make his getaway, I knew that I was going to have to come up with some sort of explanation for his disappearance. Luckily I had Bash to give me advice. I had decided to wake up early that morning and rope him into teaching me how to fight with a sword. I had no real experience and as a result, Bash was able to kick my ass with ease.

"Well Nolan, you'll need to improve your swordplay considerably if you plan to keep up your cover as the next king of France." Bash chastised me as I picked up my wooden practice sword after Bash had disarmed me.

"Yeah, I'm feeling that." I replied as I took a moment to catch my breath while sitting on the grass in the courtyard.

"One thing still bothers me: if we are to assume that Catherine did put Colin up to this act and it wasn't just out of control lust, what motive would your mother have for ruining Mary's virtue?" My false half brother inquired as he sat next to me.

I had gone to Bash early that morning and confided in him about the incident with Colin and he was surprised that Mary could have invoked the wrath of the Queen of France after only a couple days. I couldn't tell him about the prophecy that Nostradamus had come up with unless I came clean about being from the future. So, I kind of had to leave him in the dark a bit.

"I don't know, maybe she thinks that if we get married and the alliance is assured, France might weaken itself trying to defend Scotland from the English; or that we might bring Bloody Mary's troops onto French soil." I reasoned, trying to throw Bash off the scent.

"To be fair, your mother's fears are justified. Scotland has been an enemy of England for a while now and if we tie ourselves to the Scots, France is going to brought into a war that no one wants." Bash pointed out.

"I know that, but I…care deeply about Mary; and not just as an ally. I can't just abandon her to face the English on her own." I pointed out in return.

"I see your point, all I'm saying is be careful." Bash cautioned me as I patted him on the back.

"Anyway, I was hoping that maybe you could get word to Lola that Colin had to leave?" I asked, not wanting to do it myself and have to tell more lies.

"You can't give her the message yourself?" Bash asked in return.

"Until I figure out why Catherine wants to send Mary packing, I can't be involved in this." I explained to him. He seemed to buy the excuse.

"All right, I'll speak to Lola." Bash relented as I gave him a look of gratitude.

"Come on, I could use some more practice." I insisted as we got back to our training.

The next day.

I stood silently as I listened to my parents discuss Charles's new and impending nuptials. Truth be told, I didn't remember the details of this betrothal too well. It was one of those plot points that was started for no reason and ended the same. Except this one was special. This subplot didn't end, it just...stopped.

Charles was engaged to be married to Mademoiselle whoever for this one episode, the girl came, caused some drama by bringing the English with her, and then disappeared, never to be seen again. It was never confirmed that the engagement fell through, you just had to eventually assume it did when Charles re emerged with open prospects in season 3.

"Let's agree it's a brilliant match." Catherine said, trying to convince Henry. "Madeleine's French, so there's no question of her family's loyalty, very wealthy."

"But not royal, so they're hungry for power." Henry argued.

"They'll pay for it." Catherine shot back.

"It's only right to accept the support of one's loyal subjects." He conceded as she turned to her young son.

"And she has a giraffe!" She exclaimed, trying to sweeten the deal for young Charles. "Well, Madeleine's widely traveled. She's come from far away, by ship."

"Do I get a giraffe, too?" Charles asked with excitement.

"The moment she's your bride." Catherine answered.

"Francis, to show our respect, I want you to accompany your little brother to the landing." Henry commanded me as I knew that sticking to the script was best for now.

"Can Bash come as well?" Charles asked hopefully.

"Charlie, you know that Bash isn't really your brother." Catherine reminded her boy bitterly. "He's just your father's son. His presence is disrespectful."

"To them or you?" I asked in anger before I could think better of it.

"You do not send a bastard to greet guests, especially those you seek to impress." Catherine reminded me as she gave me a cold look that give me a shiver.

"The girl's parents were enjoying Morocco, so they sent her on alone." Henry said, trying to defuse tension.

"Clearly, she was more afraid of meeting her future husband than of pirates." Catherine chuckled as she fussed over Charles. Well, that's to be expected at age seven. She'll get in line, we all do."

"Perhaps I can go with Francis?" Mary offered out of the blue. "I came here, too, when I was a child. Perhaps I can reassure her."

"It's several hours' journey." Henry cautioned her.

"Then we'll take food and treats, I don't mind, really." She insisted as I took her hand in mind.

"I agree, a long carriage ride would give us some quality bonding time." I pointed out, earning a smile from my betrothed.

"On second thought, why don't we greet the girl here?" Catherine said, clearly worrying about the prophecy. "We don't know, the journey might not be safe."

"They'll stay on the King's road." Henry assured his wife. "A dozen well-armed guards will keep any bandits away. Prepare a carriage for Mary, Queen of Scotland."

Chapter 8: Aller Chercher La Fiancée


Nolan and Mary travel together to fetch Charles's bride to be.

Chapter Text

Eventually, I was loaded into the carriage, along with Charles and Mary as we were sent off to greet Charles's new squeeze. As the carriage proceeded down the King's Road, Charles elected to take himself a nap. That was fine by me, because it gave me and Mary a chance to talk.

"So, how is Lady Lola?" I asked, trying to gauge her reaction to Bash's report on Colin.

"Bash sought her out and told her that Colin had left French Court on important business, do you know anything about this?" She asked pointedly. Mary had seen right through me and it was going to be pointless to lie.

"I discovered that…Colin had been approached by someone who is against our engagement." I admit as this got Mary's undivided attention.

"Someone in the castle?" She asked in shock as her mind starting running fast. "Was it the English?"

"Colin wouldn't say, he was so afraid. They wanted him to…sneak into your chambers as you slept and take your virtue by force so that you would be unfit to marry me." I explained as I could see the light bulb go off in Mary's head.

"Francis, the night of your sister's wedding, I heard a voice in my chambers. It told me not to drink the wine." She reported as I pretended to be stunned; even though I knew Clarissa was looking out for her.

"Who was this voice, how did they know about the plot?" I asked, trying to sound clueless.

"I don't know…but there is someone at French Court who is against the alliance. Who else has motive to ruin me except the English?" Mary asked.

"It could be someone French, who fear that the alliance could draw France into a proxy war with England." I admitted, avoiding throwing around Catherine's name.

"If what you're saying is true, then I'm not safe at French court." Mary insisted as I took her hands in mine.

"Mary, I swear to you that I will move Heaven and Earth to keep you safe." I vowed as I found myself meaning what I said. Mary was a beautiful person inside and out and I refused to let Catherine or the English hurt her.

"You can't keep that promise Francis, your father won't even set a date for our wedding!" She exclaimed as I got down on my knees as the carriage moved on.

"Mary, if I could, I would force this carriage to head towards the nearest priest and I would marry you this very hour; I know that my father is making us wait, but God knows that we are married in our hearts. I will stand by you against any enemy; as your ally if not your husband." I pleaded as Mary gave me a smile that was mixed with gratitude and sadness.

"I believe you Francis." She assured me as we embraced tightly while we kept prancing towards Madeline. Maybe it sounds weird saying it...but I have never felt more safe than as I felt in Mary's arms.

Later that day.

As the carriage ride clocked in at 5 hours, Charles had woken up and it was now Mary's turn to catch some Z's.

"She even smells nice." Charles remarked as he leaned against a sleeping Mary.

"I know." I chuckled as I did have to admit that Mary's perfume was pleasing to the nostrils. It smelled of some berry, but I couldn't figure out the specific type. Eventually, we arrived at the appointed place.

"Can I finish my puzzle?" Charles asked as Mary woke from her slumber.

"We'll come for you once the girl's boat has come ashore." I promised as my Queen to be and I got out of the carriage and went to oversee the boat coming ashore. Sure enough,there was an English warship in the harbor and 8 rowboats headed ashore.

"There are too many boats, that's not a French ship; those are English." I said, sticking to the script.

"Is that a warship?" Mary asked nervously as I gave her a nod.

"Guards!" I called to the soldiers near us, I had to pretend that I had no idea what the English were doing there and assume that Mary's life was in danger.

"What are they doing here?" Mary asked again.

"I don't know. I think it's a hostile landing." I lied again.

"But England and France are at peace, have they come for me?" Mary inquired fearfully.

"Get Mary out of here, hide her!" I commanded as one of the guards brought a horse over.

"Mary, can you ride?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"Get my brother out of here, someplace safe." I ordered the guard nearest to me as the others prepared to shoot arrows at the English. "Mary, now!" I commanded as right on cue, Bash came riding up to warn us about the English's true purpose.

"No, wait, don't shoot!" Bash called out to us. "Stand down!"

"There's an English warship." I pointed out.

"The English come in peace." Bash countered. "The French ship took on water it was in distress. The English were nearby and gave rescue."

"How do you know this?" I inquired, even though I knew already.

"They sent an emissary on ahead to the castle." Bash explained. "He's being held. If they're lying, they'll have his head."

As it turned out, the story was true and Lady Madeline was brought to us; courtesy of England. She walked up to Charles and waited for him to greet her, but Charles wasn't having it.

"Go and introduce yourself." I whispered to my little brother, but he just shook his head. Even from his young age, Charles was a stubborn little sh*t. Unfortunately, it was only going to get worse as he grew older, especially when season 3 rolled around. In the end, it was up to Mary to make the pleasantries.

"Hello Madeleine, I'm Mary." She said as she bent over to get on Madeleine's level. "I know you've had a very long journey, but you're safe now; and you're very welcome here." Mary held out her hand for Madeline, which she took. The little couple had a brief interaction which was a bit cute, but at the end of the day...pointless.

Chapter 9: Des Menaces


Nolan tries to aid Mary as she faces threats within French Court & without.

Chapter Text

The Next Evening.

After Madeline and the English came ashore, King Henry's chamberlain put them all up in what rooms we had to spare. The little lady was allowed to have a day's rest before the engagement celebrations commenced the next evening. When the party finally happened, it was very much in the spirit of the previous party for Leeza's marriage. There were a lot of nobles, decked out in their Sunday best, dancing the night away. Charles and Madeline were praying about as little kids their age were wont to do.

As I was sipping on my goblet of wine, I saw that Mary was being harassed by Simon: the English envoy. By the look on her face, it was clear as day that he was threatening her with the nun they'd poisoned at the convent. That sh*t wasn't going to fly and it was time he knew it.

"Darling, you're missing the game." I said as I put an arm around my future bride. "Antoine's had seven cups of wine. Every time he hiccups or burps, we must have one ourselves." I then turned to Simon and gave him a death glare.

"Simon, back at court?" I asked with the evil eye.

"And very pleased to be here." He replied with a smirk.

"I'm sure you are...ass eating sh*t." I muttered through my teeth.

"What was that?" Simon asked as he nearly spit out his wine.

"I said the candles are well lit." I said quickly as I grabbed Mary. "I have another game in mind for you." I pulled her over to a column to speak in private.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Don't move, don't push me away." I cautioned as I held Mary close in my arms. "You're shaking, you can't show these English assholes that you're scared."

"He threatened me here at French court." Mary pointed out as if I didn't know it. "He wanted me to know that they tried to poison me at the convent."

"He's heard things about my father's refusal to set a date for our wedding." I groaned.

"Then they're aware, that I don't have your country's protection here." Mary said as I grasped her hands.

"But you do." I argued.

"There are dozens of English here, hundreds more camped on the coastline."

"I'm at your side." I vowed as I looked into her eyes. "You may not have my father's support or my mother's, but you have mine. We'll prove to them our union is strong."

"But it isn't." Mary pointed out.

"That's on a need to know basis and they don't. We need to show them that we are madly in love." I explained as I held out my hand for a dance. "Can you do it?"

"Absolutely, can you?" She asked in return as I gave her a smile.

"I can do long as I'm with you." I answered. Perhaps it was a really cheesy thing to say, but the look of relief on Mary's face was well worth it. As we moved into the dance floor, I saw Catherine and Nostradamus out of the corner of my eye. Surely she already suspected that Colin had not date raped Mary. Now, she would know that he had escaped. Luckily, she had no idea that I had aided the boy from Aberdeen.

I tried hard to push the serpent Queen from my mind as I focused on dancing with Mary. As we danced, I couldn’t help but feel at home with the Queen of Scots’s hands on mine. We didn't say anything as we danced because we didn't need to. Our eyes spoke volumes.

The Next Day.

The next day, a picnic was held for Charles's engagement to Madeline. I honestly wondered why everyone gave such a damn since Madeline would never come back after this episode. But I didn't dare say it. I made sure to sample all of the treats as I walked about. Medieval food was not nearly as hygienic as modern day food, but some of it had the most amazing taste.

Meanwhile, Charles was playing some romantic version of Blind man's bluff. I had to admit that it was a bit entertaining to see. Mary seemed to be getting a chuckle out of it as well as I walked up to her.

"Do you remember this game?" Mary inquired of me.

"Charles!" The girls and Madeline cried out, trying to gain his attention.

"Yes." I lied as I only remembered it from the 1 scene in the show. "And she's getting irritated with him.

"He's not listening. He's distracted by this one and that." Mary argued.

"She's impatient, like somebody else I know." I argued back, quoting lines from the show. "You always were; Never finished a game, never sat through a story." I saw that Mary's smirk had fallen and I knew that the words had hit a nerve with her.

"What is it?" I asked like I didn't know already.

"I wish I could be patient." Mary said wistfully. "My situation isn't easy.

"I know that, you must feel misled." I said as I took a deep breath. I couldn't keep her in the dark about Colin any longer. I didn't know how to say it and Mary could tell that I was conflicted about something.

"Francis, what's wrong?" She asked gently as she took my hand. I had to tell her.

"The reason Colin because I told him to leave France and gave him the funds to do so." I admitted as Mary's eyes went wide.

"You sent Colin away...but why?" Mary asked in shock.

"Because he was forced to take part in a plot against you." I explained quietly, making sure the serpent wasn't in ear shot. "He was ordered to...lay with you; to take your maiden hood so that you would be unfit to marry me." Mary didn't want to believe my words, but I could tell that she did.

"Who would make Colin do this...was it the English?" She asked, assuming that her mortal enemy was behind this. I shook my head as I prepares to drop the bombshell.

"It was Catherine..." I admitted. It was so hard to call that woman mother. Some people came to like her character, but I never could. I loathed her from the first episode to the last.

"Your mother...but I don't understand." Mary whispered as she tried to keep her wits about her. "Why would she do this to me?"

"I don't know." I lied as I looked at Mary with pain for causing her fear. "Colin told me himself that she wants you gone and wants you gone bad. God only knows why. can not trust that...woman."

"It seems like I can't trust anyone at French court." She replied solemnly as I used my fingers to tilt her chin up to look in my eyes.

"You can trust me." I whispered as she offered me a smile filled with sorrow.

Chapter 10: La Robe Empoisonnée


Nolan tries to aid Mary as a another attempt is made on her life.

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. Later that day.

After Mary went off to start trying to make contact with Clarissa, I stuck around to keep an eye on Catherine. With her and Nostradamus around, it was clear as day that Mary was unsafe. Now that I had changed the course of the show, other things might change as a result. I had to watch my ass. Catherine was nothing if not determined.

Eventually, watching the serpent brood lost its luster. I decided to head back into the castle. If memory served me correctly, it was time for Simon to whip out his poisoned dress scam. I was going to enjoy putting that numb nuts in his place when the time came. After about 5 minutes of wandering near Mary's chambers, she called on cue.

"Guards, someone, help me!" I heard Mary scream. "Somebody help me, please! Guards!" I raced up to her, pretending to be confused as Hell.

"Mary, what's going on?" I asked with concern as I grasped her shoulders.

"There's a servant in my room." Mary said breathlessly. "She was wearing one of my dresses...and it was poisoned." I saw some guards approaching, no doubt tipped off by Mary's screams.

"Guards, with me." I commanded in the most princely voice I could muster. We went into Mary's room and sure enough, the bitch in the poisoned dress was AWOL.

"She was right there on the floor, she was dying!" Mary exclaimed. "Where...where could she have gone?"

"They took the evidence. Whoever did this realized they f*cked up and tried to clean the mess." I reasoned, knowing that Simon surely told his skan* how to make a clean getaway.

Go, now! An assassin with a dying girl could not have gone far." I commanded the guards as they raced to do my bidding.

"She was right there, how could anyone have escaped with her?" Mary wondered when she realized something. "The passageway. I don't know how far it goes or where, but could they have gone through here?"

"No, they'd echo. We'd hear them." I quoted. "These passages are all stone, nothing in them, but I didn't know one connected to this room."

"You know about them?" Mary inquired.

"I wouldn't call myself an expert but I know that the passageways connect the older parts of the castle to the new." I replied as I looked at Mary. Odds are there isn't anything to them, but i'll have the guards check them anyway." I took Mary in my arms and held her close. I hated seeing her in pain and I wanted to comfort her as best I could.

"I was so afraid..." she whispered as I stroked her hair.

"Mary, where were the guards outside your door?" I asked softly.

"Well, they...they weren't here." Mary admitted tenderly. "I saw the servant, and I thought I thought it was safe."

"They're going to get hear for abandoning their post." I vowed as I squeezed Mary's hands. "In the meantime, that English piece of sh*t Simon needs to be detained and questioned. I'd wager 100 livres that he's responsible for this.

"Do that, by all means." Mary replied as she tried to calm herself.

Later That Day.

After the poisoned dress plot was begun, I knew that I was going to have to have a conversation with Henry and I was not looking forward to it. He didn't seem to really give too much of a sh*t about Mary; otherwise, he would have let me put a ring on it. I eventually found him after he'd chatted with Kenna and informed him about the plot and in true Henry form, he drug his feet.

"The English can't do this, not under the laws of diplomacy, not under French law, not in our home." I insisted as I walked with him.

"You can't prove they did anything until the servant's body is found." Henry replied nonchalantly.

"Mary doesn't lie and she isn't mad. If she says this happened, it happened. What we need to do is beat the answers out of that English bastard." I declared.

"Simon's having a glass of Sherry with my advisor." Henry explained. "He's well aware of the consequences if we can prove he's behind this." I threw my hands up in the air. Henry's attitude had been grating in me ever since I got here.

"You're not gonna do a gosh damn thing, are you?" I asked sarcastically.

"I didn't say that." Henry argued.

"You didn't have to, I could see it in your eyes!" I growled as I had lost patience with the prick. "You're just going to keep her here, like some acquisition, a weapon you might never use."

"Alliances are weapons." Henry growled in return.

"Her life is at risk over an alliance that you may never honor." I pointed out.

"Her life is always at risk." Henry countered. "She first came to us when she was six because the English wanted to kill her."

"I'm tired of this argument. Either allow me to marry her as agreed or...send her away." I demanded. I didn't want Mary to leave, but it wasn't fair to lead her on like this.

"Where do you think she's going to go, back to Scotland?" Henry asked with a smirk. "Her mother doesn't want her back, not without a King for a husband."

"Then let's give her one! Bring me a priest, call for Mary and we'll do the job we were meant to!" I pleaded in vain.

"She's here doing her job, and her job is waiting for me to decide when you should marry her." Henry shot back with the air of superiority that he was well versed in. "She is not going anywhere."

"She's not just an alliance; She's a girl, under your care." I argued as his eyes pierced me.

"But that's of no matter to you, is it? I'm intrigued by how much she matters to you. I was under the impression that you didn't want to marry her." Henry teased as I tried to keep myself from decking him.

"I...wasn't sure if she was the right choice for me...but now I am. She will be a good wife and a good Queen." I pointed out, trying to plead her case. "Father...please, let me marry her. I want Mary in my life."

"You will wed the Scottish Queen when and if I allow it Francis." Henry declared as he stared me down. "Control your emotions or they will overwhelm you." I watched the king walk away as I knew that I was just as much a prisoner here as Mary was.

Chapter 11: Être Un Allié


Nolan tries his best to show Mary that he is on her side.

Chapter Text

French Court. Later that evening.

Simon had been questioned and he hadn't talked. As furious a so was at Simon, I was equally fearful of breaking the news to Mary. I couldn't afford forever. I saw her later and pulled her aside to talk.

"The English Envoy has been questioned, he had an alibi for everything." I reported.

"I'm not surprised." Mary admitted solemnly.

"I hope you know I take your position seriously and I want to help as best I can." Mary nodded as squeezed her hand before walking away. While she had her meeting with Clarissa, I needed to have words with Bash. I found him having a glass of wine on his chamber balcony.

"So, how are you finding royal life, my peasant friend?" Bash teased, earning a eye roll.

"I'm doing my best, but it's hard, especially with all the sh*t that Mary is going through. The English are threatening her with Catherine's blessing." I remarked as I sat next to my half brother.

"I know that she is a serpent, but she does not unleash her venom without motive; what quarrel does she have with your betrothed?" Bash inquired.

"I don't know for sure...maybe she feels that she can't control a daughter in law who's a queen in her own right." I lied as Bash put his hand on my shoulder.

"What about you you love Mary?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I wouldn't say that I love her...but I do care about her and I don't want to see her harmed." I insisted as Bash nodded his understanding. I felt it was too early for love. Part of me still saw her as a character. If I did come to love her, I wanted to love Mary for Mary; not for Adelaide Kane playing Mary.

"Then you'll have to tell Catherine that she must leave Mary be...or lose her son's love." He replied as I nodded my head. I honestly didn't believe that Catherine di' Medici had it in her to love anyone; but what else could I do?

I managed to find Mary after she had confronted Simon and his skan*. She was clearly shaken up about the ordeal, so I brought her some wine to wet the tongue.

"I thought you looked thirsty." I said, offering the goblet. The Scottish Queen took with the ghost of a smile on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as if I didn't know.

"With Colin fleeing the country, in have no proof against my enemy." She replied as she looked me in the eye. "I came here to marry you, a marriage that will protect both me and my country and it scares the English."

"They fear your country's power and Those brits are going to fear it a hell of a lot more when I'm King, I promise you." I vowed, thinking of Simon's treachery.

"And I would wait, for our marriage, for the chance of your country's support...If I had some faith that I could survive your mother." Mary said with fear in her voice.

"Mary, do you realize that you're accusing the Queen of France of attempted murder; among other things.?" I asked, even though I knew she was right.

"I can't prove it. I have no one who will speak openly, no evidence that you can hold in your hand." Mary pleaded as she held my hands. "I have nothing but confirmation from an enemy And someone else, a girl, who I believe more than anyone."

"Mary, I swear that I believe you and I refuse to let anyone, even Catherine get between us!" I insisted as I cupped her face. "I won't let anything happen to you. If you don't have faith in my father or in France...have faith in me. Because I have faith that once we wed...our life will be beautiful." Mary looked at he with a sad smile as she felt my cheek.

"I believe you Francis...I've always had faith in you." Mary promised as we held each other tightly. In that moment, it was just us. The outside world didn't matter.

I knew that it was a bad idea, but the serpent queen needed to be put on notice. I sent a servant to tell Catherine to meet me in the throne room. A half hour later, she came. I steeled myself to face the mythic bitch.

"I hope to be a good King someday, which is why I will never put anything, any love, ahead of the love for my country." I said as I admired the thrones before turning to Catherine. "Why do you doubt that?" I asked.

"What makes you think I do?" She asked as I moved towards her.

"Clearly you think that my judgement is so inadequate that I can't handle my own marital issues." I remarked as I stared at her. "We can't prove it...but Mary and I know that you were on league with Simon to torment her into leaving."

"If Mary told you that, she is wrong." Catherine said flippantly.

"No, it is you who are wrong for thinking that she is no good for me!" I barked back. "Mary has been my betrothed since we were 6 years old. We are going to get married."

"Francis...listen to me..." the Queen mother started to say.

"You listen to me Catherine!" I shouted a saying her name caught her off guard. "Whatever schemes you have planned against Mary, stop them now! If a single hair on her head is harmed, I will suspect you and all you will receive as reward for your efforts is my hate."

"She brings death to our home Francis...I can bear your hate as long as you live!" Catherine declared as I took a deep breath.

"You have brought death to more homes that Mary has and that's a fact." I teased, getting under her skin. "Leave Mary alone!" I stormed out of the throne room, feeling strong and vulnerable at the same time.

The Next Day.

I had not slept well that night. Images of Catherine di'Medici with the fangs of a snake filled my nightmares. I knew that I was playing with fire, but I had to make sure that Mary knew I was on her side. Early the next morning, I found her outside on the grounds and I took her hand in mine.

"I believe you and I'm sorry for all that you've been through." I quoted as I looked Mary in the eye. "I believe that your life is safe least from my mother.

"How?"' Mary inquired.

"You'll just have to trust me, and I'll have to trust her love for me."

"You told her?" She asked in surprise.

"I raised my suspicions, not yours." I clarified.

"Even if putting your mother on notice was enough, I have more enemies than you can count." Mary reminded me.

"Isn't that why you came here, for an ally?" I asked.

"I know that you want to be one for me Francis...but your parents..." she started to say before I put my index finger to her lips.

"Are done running my life. If I am going to be King of France, I need to start making my own choices." I said as I squeezed her hands. "I choose to be at your side against foes seen and unseen, as your ally."

"Is that what we are now?" She asked coyly.

Well, I'd rather be your husband but...we gotta start somewhere." I shrugged as Mary squeezed my hands back.

"Yes, it is a good place to start." She agreed as we looked out over the horizon. The more I changed things, the more uncertain the future became. But Mary was a constant and one I was damn lucky to have.

Chapter 12: Se Battre Pour l'Ecosse


Nolan & Mary try to convince Henry to aid Scotland against an English incursion.

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

The next few days, I spent as much time as I could trying to learn how to be a better Dauphin. I started taking Spanish lessons for when I had to deal with Spain in the latter seasons. I also tried to brush up on my etiquette and courtly manners; areas in which I was sorely lacking. Bash proved to be most helpful in these areas; despite his status of bastard. He got me up to date on everything that I needed to know as the next king of France.

My swordsmanship was also improving, under Bash's tutelage. He still bested me in our sparring sessions, but now, he actually had to push himself to beat me. I was improving everyday, but I knew that wasn't a good enough swordsman yet.

Unfortunate, my lessons with Bash were interrupted when the English army had to start being assholes on the Scottish border. I was summoned into the throne room to overlook the situation with King Henry and his advisors. Bloody Mary Tudor was sending English troop to amass on the border of Scotland and civilian casualties has been reported. Henry was willing to send supplies and foodstuffs to the outnumbered Scottish Army; but when it came to putting French boots on the ground, that was where he drew the line. His advisors didn't care to object; but when Mary stormed into the throne room, she made it clear that she would.

"Your Grace, we've been discussing this business in Scotland. You have my sympathy." The King replied in true politician fashion. It was disheartening to hear that some things don't change.

"Father, I believe that a tad bit more than sympathy is in order." I said calmly as he gave me an annoyed look.

"Of course, we're sending wagons, gunpowder, supplies for your army..." Henry recounted before the Scottish Queen cut him off.

"Supplies are useless without men. Surely you can spare a few." Mary pleaded to the King. "You have so many more soldiers than we do."

"And Many more borders as well." Henry argued. "You only have to worry about England. I have England, Spain, a hundred Italian and German principalities."

"You are supposed to be our ally." Mary shot back If our positions were reversed, Scotland would help."

"Mary, I'm sorry." Henry said, trying to sound like he meant it.

"Eight companies." Mary offered as Henry stayed silent. "Six!"

"I believe that six companies is a fair request for such a valued ally." I added as Mary looked at me with gratitude.

"I hope I will have the happiness of seeing you tonight at the entertainments, yes?" Henry asked with a slight bow, signaling that the conversation was over.

"I hope you understand the position you're putting us in; lives will be lost." Mary said in quiet anger as she left us.

"She asked for six companies, not the entire French army." I snapped at my so called father.

"And what if we lose those companies?" Henry asked me in annoyance. "We look weak in England's eyes. So we send more and we lose those. When do we stop? Before or after England decides we're soft prey?"

"So what, we just say f*ck it and let Scotland fall to the English?" I ask, equally annoyed.

"At the moment, the Scottish border is quicksand. You know this." Henry told me with a glare in my eyes. "A pretty girl doesn't change that fact, even if she happens to be your fiancée and their Queen." It was clear that he wasn't going to be moved, so I also took my leave. Luckily, Mary hadn't gotten too far away.

" father just...the political situation is complicated." I said as I raced up to her.

"Complicated?" Mary asked incredulously. "People will be dying soon. Isn't that complicated enough?"

"Look Mary, I think you're right about this." I said as she turned to me.

"You do?" She asked surprisingly.

"Yes, I think France should help Scotland." I replied as I looked into her eyes. "We're at a tilting point: If England invades Scotland and succeeds, it'll be that much of a stronger enemy to France. We are your allies, so it's high time we start acting like it."

"Then we're on the same side." Mary said with relief.

"For all the good it does, one day, we'll rule France and Scotland and we'll be together." I promised as I tried to stay positive, despite my knowing of what laid ahead. "Now we have no real power."

"If we have no power, then we must find a way of getting some." Mary replied with determination as I too her hand in mine.

Later that day.

I marched my ass back into the throne room as Mary was off for her eventual meet cute with the Portuguese royal bastard. Meanwhile, I had to do something. It wasn't a good plan, but it was all I had. As I arrived, Henry and Bash were sparing with wooden swords.

"We should help Scotland and not just because of Mary. The English attack is a threat to French security." I insisted as they stopped to look at me.

"By all means, explain." Henry said, motioning me on.

"When you say that the border is quicksand, you assume that we'll lose. England hasn't sent its entire army north." I explained as best I could: "They're poking to see what reaction they get. We could strike fast and hit back hard. Once they realize that we intend to defend Scotland, they'll back down. But if we do nothing, we risk losing the entire Scottish alliance; years of planning, wasted."

"So it's a balance of risks either way, very good." Henry said as I braced myself for the rejection. "Except I've decided the reasons against outweigh the reasons for; and guess what: I'm King." He then turned to back to Bash.

"Another round?" He asked as I took a deep breath and decided to throw a Hail Mary.

"You never spar with me." I pointed out as I got his attention once more.

"Is it a good idea for a King to spar with his usurper?" Henry asked in jest.

"You mean his inheritor." I clarified as I took the wooden sword from Bash. "If you win, I shut up about this whole subject. If I win, you send those six companies of men." Henry nodded his consent as we got into position and began our duel.

Fighting Henry was a pain in the ass. When I was sparring with Bash, he took it easy on me because he knew that I didn't have the training that Francis had. Henry however, didn't hold back. It took all of the strength that I had to parry his thrusts. Eventually, Henry for the drop on me and delivered a harsh blow to my ribs; knocking me on my ass. As I caught my wind, the King pressed his wooden blade to my throat.

"No one is going to Scotland and that is the final word on the subject." Henry commanded as he walked away, leaving his 2 sons.

"I could have told you that you weren't ready to face him." Bash said as he helped me up.

"I already feel like enough of a fool, I don't need you rubbing it in." I snapped as I stormed off, uneager to tell Mary that I'd let her down; again.

Chapter 13: Pari Désespéré


Nolan & Mary make desperate gambles to aid Scotland.

Chapter Text

Later that evening.

By the time of the party that was being held in honor of Tomas's arrival, I was still nervous about letting Mary know that Henry had kicked my ass.

"You look lovely." I said with an awkward smile on my face.

"Is the King still refusing to send the men we need?" Mary asked in pain.

"I've pushed as hard as I can, I even got my ass kicked for Scotland." I insisted as I pulled up my top to show Mary a nasty bruise that was forming on my stomach.

"My God...Francis...what happened?" Mary asked in shock as she saw the bruise.

"Challenged my father to a due for the safety of Scotland...and I lost." I admitted as the Scottish Queen gave me a look of pity.

"Well, I know you've done your best, thank you." Mary replied, leaving me alone as I felt like an utter failure. I couldn't stay in that ballroom another moment and hauled ass out of there. I knew what was coming next: Nostradamus's prediction of Aylee's death, Greer falling for Leith and Lola falling for Lord Julien. Also, I definitely didn't want to be there when Tomàs used Portuguese music and dance to mark his territory.

As I paced about in the hall, I knew that I could get Henry to send the requested troops by blackmailing him concerning his pursuit of Kenna, but that left the problem of the ambush from Calais. I knew it was Tomàs's doing as opposed to that sh*thead Simon, but how did he do it? I doubt that he himself would risk the ride to Calais. He probably forced Miguel to ride out and tip off the English.

I knew that if this was going work out, I would have to make sure that Tomàs and Miguel were down for the count. As I decided upon a course of action, I saw Mary and Greer arguing over what had just transpired. I pretended to be pissed over Tomàs's behavior in the throne room.

"Mind telling me why that Portuguese bastard was putting hands on you?" I asked in annoyance.

"Tomas asked me to marry him." Mary explained nervously. "He's being declared legitimate. He says his father wants him on the throne imminently. It's not what I want, but my options are extremely limited."

"You went behind our back?" I asked, feigning surprise. "You're making a new alliance with Portugal?"

"It was his idea, not mine, and he's willing to actually get married, too, which is more than your family is offering." Mary shot back.

"That's not my fault, you know that I would marry you this very moment if I could!" I argued.

"But you can't!" Mary reminded me. "You said that we had no power, that there was nothing we could do. I don't like it but I found a way. If France won't help us, then I will have no choice but to accept Portugal's offer."

"No, you have no choice but to accept Tomas's offer." I shot back as I looked in her eyes. "You're marrying this man, not the whole entire country of Portugal!"

"It's what my mother would want and what my country needs." Mary declared as she turned on her heel and walked away.

"sh*t!" I yelled as I knew that I was going to have to find someway to endure that France came to Scotland's aid, not Portugal.

Later that night.

I knew that the boating party was my last chance to convince Henry to send troops and to keep Tomàs from snitching to the English. First, I had to pull off a little blackmail Thankfully, Kenna was aiding me in this; albeit unknowingly. Neither he nor she would want it to become public knowledge that Kenna had offered her heart and her ass to the French crown. I downed a couple glasses of liquid courage before marching my ass over to Henry's boat.

"If the Scottish alliance is worth saving, we need to send troops." I declared as the king rolled his eyes.

"Your wager was that if you lost, you would shut up about the subject." Henry reminded me.

"Kings make promises all the time. If it benefits the realm, we keep them. If not, they never happened." I quoted, which got a smirk out of the man.

"Finally, you've learned something about being a true king." Henry said with pride as I went in for the kill.

"I see the way that you look at the Lady Kenna and the way that she looks at you." I said, leaning in close. "I know your pattern. Now, I'm not sure that you've slept with her yet."

"What's this? " Henry asked as he tried to conceal his surprise that I knew.

"But I wonder how your Medici wife and, more importantly, your French mistress will react when they find out that you moved in on a new girl?" I asked with a smirk of my own. "I think we both know that Diane and my mother have a way of making life very difficult when they wish, even for a King." Henry was quiet for a moment before conceding to my blackmail.

"Very well, King in waiting." Henry said. "We'll try it your way. Win or lose, you will answer for it. That's what Kings do."

"Fine." I agreed.

"There are six companies of men quartered between us and the channel." He explained. "You'll send our fastest rider to mobilize them. Do you know who our fastest rider is?"

"I do, but...let's keep this between us father, we don't want the English to gauge our plans." I cautioned as Henry nodded at me before I walked off to do something chivalrous and horrible.

I found Bash drinking wine with Kenna in the castle. Hopefully, he wasn't too drunk for what I needed from him.

"Kenna, might I have a word with my brother?" I asked politely.

"Of course, your Grace." Kenna said as she curtsied before leaving us. Once she was out of ear shot, Bash leaned in.

"Is something wrong, Nolan? You look worried." Bash thought out loud as I sat down with him.

"Mary is about to make a horrible mistake. I know things about Tomàs. He is a cruel man and a wife beater. His first wife probably died by his hand." I declared as Bash looked furious.

"Does Mary know this?" He asked in shock.

"No and by the time Tomàs reveals himself, it will be too late for her to escape." I replied as Bash tried to hold in his fury.

"We can't let Mary do this, but if we tell her, she might go through with it anyway to save Scotland." Bash pointed out as I took a deep breath.

"There is only one way to ensure Mary's safety...I am going to murder Tomàs and I need you to help me." I said solemnly as Bash was taken aback by what I said. "I can't force you to aid in this...but Mary and I would owe you a great debt." Bash was silent for a few minutes before looking at me with determination.

"When and where?" He asked.

Chapter 14: Le Meurtre De Tomas


Nolan & Bash put an end to Tomas in order to save French & Scottish Lives.


I've recently been informed that my story is based on multiple seasons of drivel & that I am an idiot because I write for Reign. I'm only gonna say this once. If you like Reign, great. If not, I understand. But If I want negativity, there is plenty waiting for me offline. If you think my story sucks, don't read it. Don't kudos it. & don't comment on it. Why waste the time?

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. The same night.

To be honest, I had never planned a murder before in my life. I'd like to tell you that I was able to turn off my emotions like a regular sociopath; but if I did, I'd be a liar. The Lord's honest truth is that I was so scared that I felt as though I was going to piss my pants. It hurt my conscience as I struggled with the thought of taking a human life.

Was Tomàs of Portugal a domestic abuser? Yes. Was he a low down piece of sh*t? Yeah. Would the world be better off without him in it? Probably. But did I have the right to off him? It's a huge chasm to hop over; from wishing that dickhe*ds like Tomàs would drop dead to going out and actually making it happen.

Then I thought about Mary who was a desperate young woman being taken advantage of and duped into a life of submissiveness at the hands of that Portuguese brute. I also thought of his manservant Miguel and how he lived in fear of Tomàs's abuse. It had to be done. Tomàs had to go. I reassured myself that if we didn't kill him now, Bash was just going to kill him anyway, once we learned that he had snitched to the English.

What Bash and I were planning to do was cold blooded murder, but it was certainly justified. We planned out the whole thing. The best way to kill Tomàs was to make it look like Tomàs had not been killed at all.

"So, we're agreed." I said as I walked with Bash. "I've sent a message to Tomàs to meet me on the balcony connected to my chambers in an attempt to make him reconsider his original deal with Henry and ply him with wine. At some point, I will utter this phrase; may you and Mary have a happy marriage. That is your cue to strike."

"Then I shall emerge from your wardrobe, we push him over the railing and it will appear as the Portuguese prince to be took a drunken spill." Bash finished as I nodded my agreement.

"Mary can never know about this; she would be crushed, despite the justification." I insisted as Bash nodded.

"I understand Nolan, Tomàs will be stopped and then, we defend Scotland." He assured me as I went to the balcony to await the bastard's arrival while Bash hid himself within my wardrobe. After what seemed like a half hour, the door to my chambers opened and in walked Tomàs.

"Good evening, Milord." I said as I bowed my head.

"I must confess, you're Grace, I was surprised to receive your invitation." Tomàs said as he walked up to me.

"I wanted to speak to you personally, on my father's behalf." I lied as I offered him a smile. "I understand that you are engaging in a deal with Scotland to buy lumber."

"Queen Mary has made…a very intriguing offer; one that I can not refuse." Tomàs replied as I walked over to a jug of wine, popped the cork, and handed it to him.

"Is there nothing that my father could do to convince you to stick with French timber?" I asked as Tomàs drank the wine.

"I'm afraid not. Mary will surely accept my offer to wed me. I know that she was promised to you, but you didn't seem willing to commit." He explained as I needed to lure him in.

"To be honest, you're lifting a great cross off my shoulders." I remarked, trying to gain his trust. The Portuguese bastard looked at me in confusion.

"But...I thought you were in love?" Tomàs questioned as i threw him a fake smirk as i took a sip of wine.

"We need to put on an act to fool the English because they are a threat to both Scotland and France...but the truth is that I can not stand Mary Stuart. Her boldness, her impatience, her refusal to heed any advice save her gets on a man's nerves." I replied as I could see Tomàs changing his tune. "I hope that she will be more agreeable to you."

"She will be...or she will be sorry." He said coldly as i had him in my trap.

"What do you mean?" I inquired innocently as he gave me a wicked chuckle.

"When the time comes, I will discuss some rules, rules she will live by in Portugal." Tomàs explained with his cold dark eyes on me. "She seems to believe that until she's married to me that she is free. If so, she's mistaken."

"I like the sound of that, tell me more milord." I said, feigning glee.

"Whatever freedoms of actions or thought she took advantage of here, she'd best forget them." He declared with with malicious intent. "When I am King, I will rule like most Kings: What belongs to my Queen belongs to me."

"Well then, may you and Mary have a happy marriage!" I declared as Bash emerged from my chambers right on cue; surprising Tomàs.

"I didn't know that the your father's son would be joining us." he said as Bash grinned like a cat.

"I just wanted to offer my sympathy on your passing." He replied before winking at me. Before the Portuguese bastard could reply, Bash and I grabbed him, lifted him off his feet and flung the next king of Portugal over the balcony. Tomàs screamed in anger before he hit the concrete ground below. Bash and I saw a ghastly sight as he head was crushed and bloody. I still felt guilty about committing murder, but i suppose...when in medieval France. After Mary's abuser to be was sent to Hell, I turned to Bash.

"Now you must ride, send a message to all six captains." I commanded. "Tell them that they'll board ship at Outreau."

"I'll leave at once." Bash replied as he finished off the wine.

"Are you sure you're all right to ride?" I asked.

"I am a riding fiend, Nolan." Bash assured me with a grin. "You'll be happy, Scotland will be happy, Mary will be happy, and Mary will stay."

"Just be careful." I cautioned.

"Aren't I always?" he asked playfully as he walked out of my chambers.

"Well, if always means never." I said to myself as I went to alert my guards of the terrible accident.

2 days later.

Everything went exactly as planned. I alerted the guards to what had happened and sure enough, Tomàs was found below my chambers with a broken wine bottle, When King Henry was alerted, I informed him that Tomàs had come to my chambers to discuss how to woo Mary over a bottle of French wine. He'd gotten exceptionally inebriated and fell to his death. Everyone believed my story or was unwilling to challenge me if they didn't. The bastard's body was to be shipped back to Portugal along with gifts for the Portuguese King in condolence. After the ship carrying Tomàs's body had set off for Lisbon and the shock had somewhat calmed down, I went to see Mary. She was in the courtyard, playing with her dog Sterling.

"How is Sterling today?" I asked as Mary offered me a smile.

"In fine spirits...unlike most at court." She replied as I held her hand.

"I'm sorry about Tomàs...I know that he made promises to you." I replied as she squeezed my hand in return.

"I can't be upset about that now...Scotland is still in danger and I have no way to save my people." Mary replied solemnly.

"Then it's a good thing France does." I said with a smile. "Six companies are on their way to Scotland as we speak."

"What...Francis...but how?" She asked in a mixture of shock and joy. "You said the King wouldn't change his mind, that you'd done all you could."

"I suppose I was inspired." I said with a shrug as we walked hand in hand with Sterling trailing after us.

"I can't believe it." Mary said with relief on her face as we walked.

"I still can't marry you right away." I cautioned as I turned to face my betrothed. "However, I can offer you hope and my word that I will never try to force you to be someone you're not. Mary...I...I love you as you are."

"I would rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else." Mary insisted as I gently caressed her cheek.

"Mary...would you be terribly offended if I asked to kiss you?" I inquired as the response I got was her lips on mine. I ain't ashamed to admit that I had fantasized about kissing Adelaide Kane; how it would feel, how it would come about. This was different. I had see Mary go through so much over those 4 seasons and yet remain the beautiful bad ass she always was. As we kissed and she wrapped her arms around me, I decided that if I wasn't in love with her, I was pretty f*cking close.

Chapter 15: Un Pique-Nique Avec Marie


Nolan enlists the help of Leith Bayard to secure a private moment with Mary.

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. 2 days later.

What I feared had come to pass, I suffered nightmares of Tomas. His screams of fury, his look of anger and betrayal, his blood and brains splattered on the ground beneath my balcony. I suppose it was only natural to feel some kind of guilt over taking a life; even it Tomàs was a wife beating sh*t face. I was just worried about when I, when Francis became king. I would have millions of lives in my hands and as much as I wished it wasn't, killing was an avoidable necessity in these dark ages. However, I was determined to not let it become a habit. Murder, while necessary, had to be a last resort.

However, a bigger problem was that for the next while, I would be flying blind. Now that Tomàs was slain, the next episode was altered. It was supposed to be about how Francis and Mary revealed Tomàs to be evil. Now...I didn't know what was coming; what would take place at the Michaelmas banquet. I didn't know what to prepare for. It was one of the hardest parts about flipping the script.

I tried to push these thoughts out of my head as the powers that be kept an eye on the crisis in Scotland. Unlike the original timeline, Bash returned to court safe and sound. The 6 companies were en route to the front lines in hopes of getting Bloody Mary to cut the Scots some slack.

"Our men will have gone north to the channel." I explained as Mary and I looked over a map of the territory in question. "Calais is in English hands, so our men will take ship at Outreau. It will take them 4 days to reach the port at Campbeltown; barring incident."

"Hopefully, England will back down when they realize that France stands behind Scotland." Mary replied with a grin as I held her hand.

"I promise you that they will and then, once the crisis is averted...we can convince my father to allow us to wed." I remarked as Mary planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I would long for such a miracle to pass." She said as she left me with the map. As I watched Mary walk away, I decided that we needed a moment together; just me and her. No drama, no bullsh*t, no threats from England or Catherine. But if I wanted to pull this off, I was going to need help.

I made my way down to the kitchens and by the way the servants reacted with , it was clear that royals rarely came down here, if ever. After wading through a crowd of stunned servants, I found Leith Bayard cutting up vegetables.

"Excuse me, Leith?" I asked as he raised his head up to look at me with the same shock that I saw on the faces of the other servants.

"Your Grace!" Leith exclaimed in surprise as he bowed his head. "I must confess, I'm surprised that you know who I am."

"Greer of Kinross speaks highly of you, she said that your expertise on picnicking is 2nd to none." I lied as Leith couldn't help but feel proud.

"I'm glad to see you, I require your assistance in a very important matter." I said as I took his knife. "You see, I'm taking Queen Mary on a picnic and I need someone who knows about food."

"Well, for something to not spoil your dinner...I would suggest a fine loaf of bread, some goat's cheese, and some delicious apple tarts." Leith explained as I had to trust his judgment; since I didn't really know anything about medieval food. Since I'd been here, I'd been dining on large feats of meat and poultry, but it all blended together

“That sounds lovely Leith, do you think you could prepare it for me as quickly as possible?” I asked.

“Of course, your Grace, come back in a hour or so and I shall have your picnic ready.” Leith answered back as I went to fetch my betrothed.

Later that day.

"Francis...can I please open my eyes now?" Mary asked desperately as I led her by her hands outside the castle.

“Not yet.” I said with a smirk as i led her onto the grass where Leith and I had set out the food upon a blanket. “All right…now!” Mary opened her eyes and a smile appeared on her face.

“Francis…what is this?” Mary asked as I sat down on the blanket and motioned for her to do the same.

“After everything that’s happened with England and Scotland…and Tomàs…I wanted us to have a moment without drama…just us.” I explained as Mary’s cheeks turned bright pink.

"Francis...thank you, you don't know how much I've wanted this." She insisted as I sliced up a couple pieces of bread and cheese for us. After we’d devoured the bread and cheese, we sunk our teeth into the apple tarts. I had to tip my hat to Leith Bayard. That dude could cook like Betty f*cking Crocker. Once we had eaten our fill, Mary and I laid next to each other on the grass and watched the clouds as we rested our bellies.

“Mary?” I asked as we held hands.

“Hm?” She asked in return as our eyes met.

“I wanted to thank you.” I said as she looked at me curiously.

“Thank me, for what?” She inquired as I drank up every image of her. “You’re the one who’s been doing so much for me.”

“The crown is a heavy burden, you of all people know that. When I’m with you, I don’t feel like the next king of France…I feel like, me.” I admitted as she smiled and pressed a kiss to my lips.

“We can be that for each other. We don’t have to be prince Francis and Queen Mary. Let’s be just Francis and just Mary.” She spoke as I gave her an Eskimo kiss with my nose.

“That sounds wonderful.” I replied as we began to kiss passionately and the clouds were forgotten.

Chapter 16: Passe un Joyeux Petit Michel


Nolan has himself a very busy Michaelmas

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. Michaelmus Day.

On the day of the Michaelmus celebration, everyone was gathered in the throne room for the ball. Keeping in with the show, I dressed up in the visage of St. Michael; it was a bit pretentious, I must admit, but this was all on the show. As I went into the great all where everyone was enjoying the masquerade, all of the nobles and other guests were gussied up in various guises in celebration of the holy day. I noticed that the large chair at the far end of the room sat empty. As much as I would have loved to see Simon meet the headsman for terrorizing Mary, it wasn't fair for the ass wipe to be put to death for the crime of another.

When I walked in, familiar faces stood out to me. There was Lola in her Norse myth getup. Kenna appeared in her forest sprite costume, eager as ever to jump King Henry's bones. I finally saw Bash out of the corner of my eye. He was wearing his usual type of clothing, except that he was also wearing a lion's pelt for a cape. I grinned as I made my way over.

"Aha! St.Michael, aren't you?" Basks asked in jest. "As I remember, we already slew Lucifer."

“And Mary’s life will be the better for it.” I assured him and partly myself as we picked up goblets of wine and toasted them.

When I saw Mary in her costume, I nearly spit out my mouthful of wine. She was an Angel; a literal Angel. Mary was sporting a beautiful white gown with gold colored tassels. She was sporting big white wings; similar to those that Lola wore. A headband similar to a golden halo topped it all off. I was struck dumb by her heavenly beauty as she walked up to me.

“Mary…you look…” I stuttered as I looked like a virgin.

“Heavenly?” She asked with a shy smile.

“Yeah…that.” I replied with a chuckle as I offered my hand and led her into the floor to dance.

“May I ask, why the Angel?” I inquired as I remembered that in the show, she had dressed like a huntress in a vain attempt to please Tomàs.

“When you told me that you were going as St. Michael, I felt that I could be seen as your angelic bride, a reward for casting the devil out of Heaven.” Mary replied, not knowing how closely her words hit home; considering what Bash I had done for her.

“I would kill a million devils to have you as my bride.” I remarked as she wrapped her arms around me while we moved to the music. I was amazed by how easy it had been for me to fall in love with her. I had thought it would be harder, it the more that I spent with Mary, the more that I saw how amazing of a person she was. The only problem was that unless I was able to change Francis's fate, I might not get to have a long life with her.

We danced a few more dances, each were very enjoyable, but I eventually stopped when I saw Leith dancing with Greer. I hated to see how Leith was falling for her, considering how she would only break his heart twice in the end. I had to say something to him.

"Are you all right Francis?" Mary asked as she could see my discomfort.

“Of course, I just need to attend to a personal matter, please excuse me?” I asked as she nodded her consent. I then walked over to Leith and Greer who were surprised to see me.

“Your Grace!” Greer said in shock as she curtsied.

“Would you mind if I borrowed Leith for a moment?” I asked as both were shocked that I knew what was going on.

“Of course, your Grace.” Leith said with a head bow as we excused ourselves and walked out into the hall.

“I know that you and Greer of Kinross are…whatever it is you’re doing and please don’t deny it.” I remarked as Leith was stunned into silence. “I must ask that you end it and break off whatever you have going with her.”

“Because I am below her station and am not worthy to court her?” He asked bitterly, assuming that was my issue.

“No Leith, you are not the problem; Greer is.” I declared as he was once again stunned by my words. “Listen to me Leith Bayard, you are a kind and honest man with a good heart. None of that matters to Greer. She is a girl who only cares about what she has and how she looks.”

“It’s not that simple.” Leith insisted as he tried to defend his crush.

“She’ll tell you that she’s doing it for her family, that her father is in debt, that her sisters need dowries, but the truth is that her reputation matters to her above all else.” I pointed out as I tried tog eye through to him. “She wants the life of a noblewoman and she would never give it up willingly. At the end of the day, Greer only cares about Greer.”

“I see…” Leith said, feeling forlorn as I put my hand on his shoulder.

“I tell you this not to hurt you Leith, I say this to spare you from drowning in a sea of unhappiness and if you pursue Greer, that is surely what you will find.” I insisted as I stood up and left him to think about what I had said.

Meanwhile, I sought out Bash. I had to get serious about the threats to Frary. There was Catherine, who would put Olivia into play soon enough. There was Henry who would eventually go mad and try to kill me. There was the evil f*cker Narcisse, who set into motion the events that led to Mary’s rape. The list went on and I knew that I couldn’t fight them on my own. I would need an army behind me.

“Bash, a word?” I asked as he excused himself from his drinking buddies and followed me into an empty room.

“What troubles you, Nolan?” Bash inquired as I turned to face him.

“Simon…Tomàs…they are only the tip of the iceberg. Mary has so many enemies here at court and we can’t fight them all by ourselves.” I told him as he looked at me seriously.

“What enemies?” He asked, concerned about Mary.

“Many, but that serpent Catherine is the most pressing.” I explained. “She sees Mary as the key to my ruin and that bitch is out for blood.”

“How do you expect us to stop Catherine di’ Medici? She is skilled in getting her way and removing all obstacles in her path.” Bash asked me as I leaned in close.

“We have to fight this fight the way she does. Catherine has a flying squad to gain information…we need to make one of our own.” I reasoned as Bash looked surprised.

“You want a flying squad?” He asked with amusem*nt as I shook my head.

“No…a secret society, an army of spies to help us root out our enemies and crush them.” I explained with a grin as Bash shared my sentiment.

“A secret society…we’ll need to recruit those we can trust.” Bash replied as I looked over at Leith.

“And I know our first recruit.” I replied as I clasped hands with Francis’s brother. “We will become the Varden.” I had gotten the name from Eragon: one of my favorite fantasy stories.

“The Varden?” Bash asked.

“I read of them in a fairy tale. A group of warriors who rebelled against a wicked tyrant; as we will.” I assured Bash as I was ready to begin my war to save Frary.

Chapter 17: Arrivée d'Olivia


Olivia D’Amencourt Arrives as Nolan prepares for the road ahead.

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. A week later.

Once the festival atmosphere of the Michaelmas banquet had subsided, I had to start making plans for when Olivia D'Amencourt arrived on the scene. She was going to throw herself at Francis and I knew it was going to be harder to resist her than I hoped. By now, I had come to love Mary, but if I was being completely honest. a part of me had always been sympathetic to Olivia. She had clearly loved Francis and he had surely felt something for her. Plus, I was a fan of the actress who played her after seeing her in one of those Hallmark rom-coms. Besides, if I could manage to establish a platonic relationship with Olivia, she could be a valuable ally against Catherine. Bash and I had agreed to form our own Varden, but we needed to recruit. Lord Aloysius Castleroy would be arriving soon and begin courting Greer. A part of me wanted to save him from her gold digging ways; but if his marriage to Greer remained set, it would be a good reason to keep his ass around & bring him into the Varden. In the meantime, I enjoyed a walk with Mary as the Harvest festival began that day.

"I'm glad you came to see me." Mary said as we walked through the corridor.

"Yes, well, I thought we should discuss where we are with one another." I replied with a smile.

"All right." Mary conceded, motioning me to begin.

"With the borders quiet in Scotland, my father and his advisors seem pleased that our alliance remained intact our our engagement, and seeing as there's no political decisions" I rattled off.

"Please just stop, I was hoping we wouldn't talk anymore of politics." Mary pleaded as I couldn't help but chuckle. It was always good advice to leave politics out of any meaningful conversation.

"OK, then you talk." i insisted.

"Since the borders are secure, as you said, I was hoping we could be just..." Mary began as i took her hand.

"Just a girl, as you called yourself once?" I inquired with a smirk.

"And just a boy." She countered. "Well, a man, nearly."

"Go on woman." I teased as she struggled to respond. I shook my head before quoting more script. "All right, then, I will. If I were just me, Francis, not the future king of anything, and you were just you, Mary. Well...this would be the moment that I declared myself yours; only yours."

"And I'm yours, truly." Mary replied as we both squeezed each other's hands. I led her off to one of the windows as I admired her features in the light

"And once I did that, I'd probably invite you to the Harvest Festival." I pointed out.

"And I would probably say yes." Mary replied with a grin.

"And...I would probably try to kiss you." I admitted with as much suaveness as i could muster.

"And I probably wouldn't let first." Mary whispered as I leaned in and kissed her deeply. I enjoyed the feeling of her in my arms, her lips on mine. I'd had a few "girlfriends", and I use the term loosely before; but i was never serious about any of them. What I had with Mary was a relationship that I actually wanted to see through.

After the make out session with Mary, we went to the Harvest festival. There was way more to do than what was seen in the show. There was freshly made cider and apple bobbing, as well as a sh*t ton of delicious pastries and desserts that I lost track of eventually after partaking of so many. I eventually stopped by the boat stand that I had seen in the show. In canon, Francis had made a boat from scratch. I however, had no such talent, so I had to shell out 11 livres to buy a well made boat.

"You are greatly skilled, monsieur." I said as i forked over the cash. I then took out the dagger that I had gotten used to keeping on my person and gently carved JUST MARY on the starboard side.

"Merci, my Dauphin." the boat maker replied graciously as I made my way over to Queen Mary and revealed my purchase.

"I see you've bought a boat." She said with a smile.

I have indeed, and I've christened it, too." I added as she looked over the boat.

"The Just Mary." She said sweetly as she grinned at me.

"May she sail as strong and true as her namesake." I said in an admittedly cheesy fashion. I was rewarded with a kiss on the lips as it was to be our last happy moment before the next plot line kicked in.

"Pardon me, but we found a woman running at the perimeter of the woods, My Lord." A guard declared as he came up to us. "She's had quite a fright. Her carriage was overrun by bandits and she's asking for you." Sure enough, a disheveled, but still pretty Olivia D'Amencourt stumbled in and caught my eye.

"Francis." she gasped as I knew that I had to act surprised and shocked.

"Olivia...Excuse me." I say as i touched Mary's arm before racing over and embracing Olivia tightly as she collapsed in my arms.

"We were attacked." She gasped as she looked in my eyes. "They killed my servant...right in front of me, dead."

"Shh,'s all right." I said as i rubbed circles on her back, trying to calm her down.

" was horrible...they cut her throat..." Olivia stuttered as i cupped her face.

" are safe here, I swear to you. I will not let anyone or anything harm you; please believe me." I pleaded as she nodded eagerly.

"I do believe you...I always have..." she stuttered as she wrapped her arms around me.

"We need to get you to the castle, clear a path!" I commanded as everyone obeyed me as i led a visibly upset Olivia to the castle. Once we were inside, I ordered the servants to take her to the infirmary; to see her fed and bathed. As the servants led her away, I cussed silently as I knew that there was no going back. I was going to have to walk the tightrope that Mary and Olivia had created.

Chapter 18: Marcher Sur La Corde Raide


Francis begins walking the tightrope between Mary and Olivia

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. Later that day.

After waiting a couple hours, I figured that now was as good a time as any to check up on Francis's former flame. As I made my way into the infirmary, a cleaned up Olivia in a white gown looked up and was clearly happy to see me.

"I hear you're feeling better." I said as i pulled up a chair to sit next to her.

Yes, much, Thank you." Olivia said quietly as I took her hand in mine.

"Are you up to talking about what happened?" I inquired as if I didn't already know the answers. "Why did your driver cut through the woods?"

"The Kingsroad was flooded, a young man told us." Olivia remarked as the memories came flooding back to her. "Francis, the bandits they came out of nowhere and they spoke in this strange tongue."

"Do you remember any of it?" I asked.

"Lumenick...Lumenick dush...something guttural and foreign; I couldn't identify it." She answered as I squeezed her hand. We needed to get her shame out of the way.

"Look Olivia...I know this isn't the best time, but..." I started to say.

"You're wondering why I'm here." She finished for me.

"When you left to marry another, you gave me the distinct impression that you would not return." I pointed out.

I know, but things have changed since then." Olivia replied as she grew quiet. "It was discovered that you and I were intimate."

"How?" I asked in surprise, even though I knew it was Catherine's latest scheme.

"I don't know, perhaps a servant whispered to another; but the source hardly matters." She insisted. Once it got in the air, I was ruined. "I'm so ashamed to come here this way but I had nowhere else to go."

"I promise Olivia, I'll find someway to fix what I've broken." I vowed as I planted a kiss on her hand, which made her smile. "I never meant to cause you shame."

"I know that." She assured me as she raised a hand to caress my cheek. I was the one in shame at that moment for feeling attracted to a girl who wasn't Mary.

Things only got more complicated when I went back to my chambers to gather my thoughts, only to find Mary already waiting for me.

"Mary...I wasn't expecting to see you here." I lied as she stood up from her seat.

"Francis...I know about you and Olivia." Mary replied as I groaned, knowing that the bastard had outed me.

"Let me guess, my brother told you?" I asked pointedly.

"Please don't blame Bash for telling me about Olivia. I pressed him unmercifully." Mary insisted as I sat down on my bed while she joined me.

"So, why did she leave?" She asked.

"An offer of marriage." I answered. "Not to mention the fact that my mother made her life absolutely miserable."

"Honing her skills on your first love." Mary reasoned with a look of annoyance directed at Catherine. "What didn't she like about her?"

"There was an incident In the boathouse." I explained as gently as I could. "An incident where we were found in the boathouse."

"I see...and, um, Olivia is married now?" Mary asked as the subject of Francis being intimate with anyone besides her was clearly uncomfortable.

"No, the offer fell through once people learned of our relationship." I recited.

"Oh." Mary said as I put my hand in her cheek and made her face me.

"Mary, I'm I'm sorry that my my past has come back, but know that it is in the past." I tried to assure her, even though I felt uneasy about it myself. "What I feel for Olivia now is a sense of responsibility. I took her maidenhood and I put her into this situation."

"It's not all on you Francis." Mary insisted as she held my hand. "She would've known what she was entering into. We've been engaged since you were a child. Obviously you couldn't offer marriage. Which is not to say that I don't understand why you want to help her. Of course, I do..." I silenced her with a kiss before looking into her big brown eyes.

"Thank you." I said with a smile. "It might take some time, but with my support, Olivia will regain her credibility and find a match. One that ensures her happiness and her well-being. So we can all move on." Mary grinned at me as we shared a kiss and an embrace as I tried desperately to put the blonde haired beauty out of my mind and focus on the beautiful and strong Scottish Queen in my arms.

Later that day.

After Mary had been temporarily pacified, I went to give Bash a much needed ass chewing.

"Well, hello there!" He declared as I found him walking through the castle grounds.

"What exactly did you tell Mary about Olivia?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Just that she was Francis's first." He said with a smile. "I never said of how many."

"Don't be an ass and keep your opinions to yourself." I snapped in frustration. "This whole thing is turning into a mess."

"Well, forgive me if I overstepped." Bash shrugged with indifference. "Is that all?"

"No, I have reason to believe that Olivia's carriage was attacked by Pagans." I replied as I needed an excuse since Bash had never spoken the words that he knew when he and Francis found Colin's body. "She heard words that sounded like something a pagan would say: Lumenick gush...whatever?"

"Well, what were they even doing driving through the Blood Wood?" Bash asked.

"Olivia's driver was told that the Kingsroad was flooded; which it ain't." I answered as I leaned in close. "Bash, the Pagans aren't just picking off fools who wander where they ought not...they're luring people in."

Chapter 19: Luxure


Nolan struggles with his lust for Olivia as he tries to hold onto Mary.

Chapter Text

That evening.

As I wrestled with myself about how to handle Olivia's pursuit of Francis, I remembered that Aylee was going to get caught stealing one of Mary's rings and subsequently blackmailed by the Medici serpent. I had thought about intercepting Aylee before she stole the ring; but to be honest, I had more to worry about then a kleptomaniac. I looked at the letters that I had penned. 1 to Leith Bayard, the other to Lord Castleroy. They were anonymous, telling them to come to the wine cellar at midnight. I didn't want to reveal that I was behind the Varden until I had them where I needed them. I summoned a servant and instructed him to deliver the letters without being seen. A few minutes after he'd left, there was a knock at my door. I opened it and there stood Mary, looking distressed.

"Mary, come in." i said as I motioned her inside. She came in and I closed the door after her.

"Francis..I just had an..interesting conversation with Olivia." Mary said as she wrung her hands uncomfortably. " propose to her?" she asked anxiously as I groaned. Francis had said that and now I had to clean up his BS. I took Mary's hands and sat down on the couch with her.

"We did discuss marriage once, a moment of weakness." I had to admit.

"Lovers, dreaming of a future together." Mary remarked as her voice stung like a wasp.

"I was caught up. Plus, my father was losing faith in the Scottish alliance." I explained as i felt so guilty as I looked in her beautiful brown eyes. "It seemed like he was going to call the whole thing off. If he had...I could have taken Olivia as my wife." Catherine be damned."

"Caught up with a noble girl and a very rich one." Mary reminded me as if i needed it. "Not one with a country in need, hanging around her neck. It's ironic, isn't it? That the very alliance that forged our engagement has always complicated it terribly." She took a deep breath as she struggled to keep composed.

"It has, but that is beyond our control." I admitted as I leaned over and cupped Mary's cheek. "And the fact of the matter is, I am committed to you now."

"I am glad to hear you say it, and towards that end, the Viscountess Demarchelier has offered to house Olivia in Paris." Mary replied as she revealed to me her plan. She has a very lavish estate."

"In Paris?" I asked on script.

"I thought it best she go, Olivia still has feelings for you." Mary insisted as I heaved a sigh at the thought of her making a move on Francis. "She only confided in me to stake a claim. I know that you feel responsible for her, but I wanted to help you find a comfortable arrangement."

"I'll let Olivia know." I said with a weak smile as Mary returned it.

"I should go." Mary said as she stood up, but I quickly pulled her back.

"Mary...please, will you stay for a bit? I just...I really need to be around you right now." i asked as I needed her desperately in that moment. The fear that I might give into my lust for Olivia was terrifying me. I didn't want to lose what I had found with Mary.

"Of course Francis, i'll stay." Mary replied with a smile as I opened my arms and she snuggled up to me on the couch. I held her and felt her warmth, smelled the perfume on her skin. It felt like a home that i'd never known i needed. Mary noticed how deep in thought I was and touched my cheek.

"Are you all right Francis?" she asked as I looked at her face.

"I just...I don't ever want to f*ck this up..." I whispered as Mary leaned in and kissed me deeply, not saying a word.

The Next day.

I was a bundle of nerves the next morning. I knew that the next major run in with Olivia was coming. The previous night, i'd had a dream about being with her, her blonde hair, her porcelain skin, the taste of her lips on mine. I used to have dreams like that about Mary and they had been glorious. Now, I felt like I was betraying the woman that I had promised my heart to. Eventually, the moment that I feared came upon me.

"Lady Olivia d'Amencourt requests an audience, My Lord." A servant said as the blonde bombshell waltzed right in.

"Olivia, I was coming to find you, actually." I lied as she revealed a bottle of French wine from a old timey hand warmer.

"I couldn't resist." She said with mischief in her voice.

"We've been old enough to drink for a while now." I reminded her.

"Yes, I know, but smuggling it in was always half the fun." She countered as I couldn't help but chuckle at the truth of her words.

"Touché." I conceded as she popped the cork.

"Have a drink with me." She commanded.

"All right, just one." I said, even though I knew I was pushing it.

"Ah, but that's what you said last year. Do you remember?" Olivia asked in teasing.

"I remember nothing of last year." I said, which was the absolute truth for once.

"You were spongy with liquor." She explained. "I had to keep you hidden from your mother all day. God, how she hated me." She poured us each a glass and we toasted. Truthfully, I was thankful for the wine; hoping it would give me some liquid courage.

"I should tell you my news while I have the chance." I said as I looked at Francis's former flame. "I've arranged for a very well-regarded family in Paris to host you for as long as you need."

"What?" Olivia asked in shock as it was clearly unwelcome news.

"Surely the rumors have not reached as far as Paris." I reasoned. "It's far away from here, far from your home. The Demarcheliers will make valuable introductions to society, and from there..."

"But you said I could stay here." Olivia replied, cutting me off. "Why are you changing your mind?"

"I think you know." I said with a glare, letting her know that I knew her little power play with my betrothed. "This is best for all parties involved."

I don't see why I can't just stay here, for a time, anyway?" Olivia asked, trying to plead her case.

"Mary told me that you told her that you still care for she telling the truth?" I asked, putting Olivia on the spot.

"I did say that, because it is true." Olivia said, without a hint of shame in her voice. "I made such a mistake leaving."

"Olivia, we both knew that you would." I reminded her. "I've been engaged to Mary for over a decade; we have a valuable alliance."

"Engagements break, alliances end." Olivia pointed out.

"This one hasn't, the only thing that's changed are my feelings for Mary...I love her." I pointed out in return.

"The man I knew put his country first above all else." Olivia insisted as she looked at me, trying to bring me back to my senses. "I so admired that about you, your sense of duty. That's the man I fell in love with. It's the man I love still."

"Olivia, I am sorry...but the man you love is not here." I argued by telling her the truth. "I'm not that man anymore. I know that I will be king someday, but I shouldn't have to sacrifice everything in my to be a good one. There are more important things than France. You can't believe that I will just send Mary packing and walk down the aisle with you?" Olivia didn't love me, she loved Francis and he was lone gone.

"I have to!" She pleaded as she looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. "Francis, this year has been torture, and not because of the scandal, but because I had to endure it without you."

"I know and I'm sorry..." I muttered as she put her finger in my lips.

"Do you know how many nights I would lay in bed and remember how you used to touch me?" She asked as I felt my list growing out of control. "I want to stay; if not as your wife then as your mistress. Because I would rather have some small part of you, than none of you at all." I didn't know what to say as Olivia leaned in close. In a split second, I closed the gap and we kissed. Her lips tasted wonderful as we wrapped our arms around each other.

We were both hungry for each other as we continued to make out. For a moment, I tricked myself into thinking that I was kissing Mary. When I opened my eyes and saw Olivia pressed against me, I was horrified and quickly broke away from her grasp. I had betrayed Mary, I had kissed Olivia. All of the arousal turned to shame immediately. There was only 1 things to say in that moment.

"sh*t!" I exclaimed loudly as we glared at each other in frustration.

"You want me and I want you!" Olivia declared in anger.

"You think I don't know that?" I asked in equal rage. "What do you want me to say Olivia, that I want you? Fine, I want you. Happy now?"

"I'm telling you you can have me any way you want." Olivia insisted as I shook my head.

"I can not, if I have you, I will lose Mary." I insisted as I struggled to calm myself. "Maybe Catherine is content to share her husband, but Mary is not and she shouldn't have to be. Mary should be enough. If I were to take you as my mistress...I would sever myself from Mary and that is fate worse than death."

"Scotland would still be in an alliance with France, she could not just leave." Olivia reasoned with me.

"I would. It lose her physically...but emotionally, it would be like I sent her back to Scotland in shame." I explained as I felt myself tearing up. "Olivia...if you truly love me as you claim, you will not ask me to spit on Mary's heart; because I will not do it. She is too priceless a treasure."

Chapter 20: L’argument


Nolan & Mary get into a fight over Olivia as the Varden takes shape.

Chapter Text

Later that evening.

After I had pulled myself away from Olivia, I had a strong urge to call off the whole Varden meeting. I couldn't though, I had summoned Leith and Castleroy and I had to see it through. When night came, I went to the wine cellar along with Bash.

"Are you sure that you want to do this Nolan?" He inquired as i steeled my nerves.

"We have to protect Mary and we can't do it alone." I reminded my false half brother. After a few minutes of waiting, Lord Castleroy came down the stairs into the cellar, followed closely by Leith Bayard.

"Your highness?" Castleroy asked in shock as Leith looked equally perplexed.

"Welcome Lord Castleroy, Leith." I replied as I looked at Bash to explain our purpose.

"We've invited you here because we believe that you can be trusted. France is in danger." Bash explained as our guests looked stunned.

"What is this danger?" Leith asked.

"We can not reveal it all to you yet, but know that the house of Valois has powerful enemies and we need to establish a line of defense against them." I added as the men were listening to us with rapt attention.

"My brother and I are creating a network of spies to wage a covert war against the enemies of the Valois line." Bash finished as he stared both men down. "We will be called The Varden."

"We can not force either of you to join our army, but know that you would have the eternal gratitude of the next king of France." I begged them as Leith and Castleroy were both silent for a few moments as they thought it over. Leith was the one to go first.

"Your highness, I am honored to be asked to join you." Leith said as he pledged himself to the Varden.

"As am I, I am loyal to the crown and to you." Lord Castleroy agreed as we clasped hands.

"Thank you, your loyalty shall not go unrewarded." I promised them both as the Varden was beginning to take shape.

The next day.

The following day was when everybody sent off their regrets on the boats. Everyone was excited, except me. Not only was a confrontation with Mary coming, but she was going to get sauced and kiss Bash. I had tried to avoid her as long as I possible, but eventually she found me.

"Mary, there you are." I said, trying to keep my cool as she looked at me with judgement in her eyes.

"Have you moved Olivia into the castle?" She asked in fear. "Tell me it isn't true."

"I was coming to tell you." I lied as I forced myself to look at my bride to be. "I've had word that the home of the viscountess is no longer an option. She's learned of Olivia's reputation."

"But perhaps you could insist?" She pleaded.

"I don't want to make Olivia live with people that will resent having her." I pointed out.

"But I resent having her." Mary pointed out in return.

"I understand that and I'll find her somewhere else to stay. It just might take a little time." I pleased as I felt the guilt eating me up like a flesh eating virus. It didn't get past Mary as her BS detector must have been off the charts.

"Has something happened between you two?" She asked anxiously as I didn't know how to tell her what I'd done. "Francis, tell me or I'll imagine the worst."

"I am not talking about this here." I insisted as I drug Mary out of the pavilion where we could converse privately.

"Tell me what happened." She demanded again as I groaned in shame.

"Olivia came to my room, I told her that we'd found suitable arrangements and she...admitted her feelings for me." I explained as I felt the sweat run down my forehead. "She begged to be my mistress and when I tried to refuse her...she kissed me."

"She kissed you?" Mary asked in a mixture of shock and anger.

"it was for a moment...but when I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't kissing you...I pulled away in disgust." I insisted as I touched Mary's cheek only for her to pull away.

"I want her gone." She demanded angrily.

"She will be." I promised, but she wasn't having it.

"Now, I want her gone now." Mary declared.

"As much I wish I could, I can't just snap my fingers and make her vanish into thin air!" I protested.

"You just told me she kissed you!" My bride to be insisted.

"It won't happen again, I'll lay down the law with her."

"It's already happened again."

"Mary, enough!" I cried out in frustration. "Until I can find somewhere for her, Olivia is staying here."

That's it, then?" Mary asked with hurt in her voice. "You can just decide?"

"Yes I can, actually. I know it sounds bad, it I need Olivia here for now." I argued. I couldn't tell Mary, but I was hoping to turn Olivia into a double agent. If I could bring her into the Varden, I would have eyes on the side to help spoil Catherine's schemes. "And I'm the future king of France."

"And I'm your future queen." Mary countered.

"Then you need to respect my decisions!" I exclaimed.

"Respect goes both ways!" Mary shouted back. "I will not have a relationship like your mother and father." That got to me. Henry was a pig and she was comparing me to that piece of sh*t.

"I am nothing like that pig bastard and for you to compare me to him is beyond insulting!" I growled as she was way out of line.

"Then why are you acting like him?" She asked as I lost it. I had tried so hard to save Frary from the unnecessary drama and heartbreak and she was treating me like some f*ck boy who had no qualms about cheating on her.

"Screw you Mary!" I screamed angrily as I stormed off, feeling like a giant piece of sh*t.

Chapter 21: Déchirant


Nolan & Mary share a heartbreaking mosmnt together.

Chapter Text

The same day.

It took a few minutes for my anger to subside, but when it did, I felt nothing but shame. I had basically told Mary to eat sh*t. She had ever right to be mad at me and Olivia both. I was promised to Mary and I had locked lips with another woman. If I was being honest, she should have kicked both out asses and we'd have had coming too. I knew that I needed to apologize and right away. I quickly began to scour the grounds for my betrothed, but I didn't exactly have a map of the castle grounds.

After about 15 minutes of aimless wandering, I spotted Mary with Bash on a grassy knoll. They were sharing the flask and most likely bitching about how much of an ass i'd become since Olivia showed up. I started walking towards them until Mary leaned over and planted a kiss on the lips of my false brother. She pulled away for a moment, only to have Bash press his lips to hers once more. It felt as though they had both plunged a knife into my heart. I stumbled away as fast as I could. I didn't want either of them to see me have a royal breakdown. I had to believe that Mary had just kissed Bash because she was drunk and pissed and he's offered her comfort. The idea that she could actually be falling for him wasn't something that I was willing to entertain.

I felt the tears bursting out of my eyes like the Hoover damn had broken. It honestly made me wonder what the f*ck I was even doing there. I had been trying to alter the show's timeline, to change things for the better, but it seemed like my efforts were in vain. I felt though I was being pulled in so many different directions. So many people wanted so many different things. Mary wanted this, Olivia wanted that, Catherine, Henry, Leith, Greer, the list went on and on. I just wanted them to understand that I was trying my best.

After I spent about 5 minutes throwing myself a pity party, I heard the trumpet sound and I knew that it was time to launch the boats. I collected myself as best I could and I headed out to the little jetty where everyone was gathered. I wrote down my regret, which seemed superficial, but it needed to be said: I can't please everyone. As I attached the paper to the stern end of the Just Mary, the ship's namesake herself came over to follow suit.

"My regrets are not hard to summon." Mary said in a voice filled with contriteness as she wrote out her note and attached it to her boat. "I'm sorry we fought, i'm sorry I didn't eat more and drink less, and i'm sorry I overreacted. "Perhaps after this we can talk?"

"If we must..." I said quietly as we both sent our boats off. As the current carried them off in 2 different directions, I couldn't help but see it as a bad omen.

After the boats had all been sailed away, Mary and I left the jetty and walked along hand in hand to a secluded spot where we could talk freely.

"You wanted to talk, so talk." I said, sounding more bitter than I meant to.

"Francis...I wanted to apologize for the fight that we had." Mary started to say with pain in her face. "I understand why you feel the need to help Olivia, but you must understand..."

"Do you have feelings for him?" I asked quickly as I could contain myself no longer.

"For who?" Mary asked in confusion as if she didn't know.

"Bash. I saw you kiss him and then he kissed you back." I pointed out as Mary's eyes went wide as dinner plates.

"Francis...I drank too much and I was hurt because you admitted that Olivia kissed you, do you have feelings for her?" Mary asked pointedly as I broke down once more, being confronted by my weakness.

"I...I have lust towards her." I admitted as I could see the heartbreak on Mary's face. "But I don't love her! I love you Mary, you're the one I love!"

" just admitted that you have feelings for another woman!" Mary argued as she started to tear up. The pain that I had caused her was overwhelming and I fell to my knees, crying like a baby bitch. Mary was right; even before Olivia had kissed me, I had looked at her with lust. I had already committed the sin of adultery and it tore me the f*ck up. As I wept, I felt Mary kneel down and put her hands on me.

"Francis...Francis please get up..." she begged as I threw myself at my Queen to be and held on for dear life.

"I'm so sorry Mary...please don't leave me, You're all that I want, you're all that I have!" I wailed as she pulled me close and began to rock me in her arms.

"Look at me Francis." Mary commanded as she took my face in her hands and forced me to look her in eyes that were just as tear stained as my own. "I love you and I am not leaving you. We are going to get through this together."

"Truly?" I asked as I looked up at my future wife with hope.

"Truly, but you have to be honest with me." Mary pleaded as she wiped my tears away. "If you feel fancy Olivia, come talk to me and I'll try to understand, but the only way we'll endure is if we stay together."

"Mary...can we stay together forever?" I asked as she kissed me deeply.

"I hope so, my love." Mary replied as we embraced each other and enjoyed the safety that we provided each other.

Chapter 22: Une Autre Attaque De Luxure


Nolan is tormented by his lust for Olivia & his anger at Bash.

Chapter Text

2 days Later.

After Mary and I had recommitted ourselves to our relationship, I had done my best to avoid temptation AKA Olivia. Luckily, I had plenty of distractions provided by King Henry. Kenna had told Mary that he was going to Paris to break off his affair with Bash's mom, but he wasn't. On that note, I'd also been avoiding Bash like the COVID. I was still pissed that he'd made a pass at my future wife. Mary had been drunk and pissed because I was listing after another woman; so I was willing to give her a pass on the kiss, but what was his excuse?

On the day that Henry was sent to return from "dumping" Diane de Poitiers, my luck finally ran out. A bunch of advisers were grilling me about new sewage issues in Paris when Francis's former flame finally found me.

"Francis!" She called out to me.

"Excuse me." I told the advisors as I went to greet her.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." She said with a smile as she walked alongside me.

"Well, you found me." I said, earning a chuckle.

"Where were you hurrying to?" Olivia inquired.

"My father's returning from Paris, his carriage is arriving." I explained.

"May I join you?" Olivia offered as I felt compelled to allow it, lest Catherine throw a bitch fit.

"Please." I answered as I tried to keep my longing at bay while offering my arm.

"How are you?" She asked as we promenaded together. "I've barely seen you lately."

"Whenever my father's away, courtiers swarm me." I said, which was not exactly a lie. Those losers had been pestering the Hell out of me. "Seeking approval of the next King, in case the current one doesn't return."

"And that awful business with the butcher boy." Olivia commented. To be honest, I wasn't too overly concerned with the Pagans, because I trusted that Bash and I be able to protect Mary, just like they did in the show.

"Yes, we're trying to find his family, to return his effects." I replied, although the show never said if he had family outside of his pagan pals.

"That's not why I've barely seen you." Olivia countered as I groaned inwardly, knowing that she could tell how uncomfortable I was. "Are you feeling bad about the moments we shared? I felt I had to be honest with you about my feelings."

"To be honest, it has weighed heavy on me...but I appreciated your honesty." I assured Olivia as I squeezed her hand, earning a smile. "I could use more of the same from others in my life."

"If she's to be your wife, you need to trust her." Olivia replied as I could sense her trying to see seeds of doubt.

"I do trust Mary, she's been...incredibly patient, regarding my...adultery." I admitted as Olivia looked confused.

"What adultery have you committed?" Olivia asked, assuming that the kiss didn't count.

"The church says that if I've looked at another woman with lust in my heart, I've already committed adultery." I explained. In my old life, I'd been raised Catholic, but after my sister became a meth head, I kind of stopped subscribing to religion.

"Francis...I'm sorry..." Olivia said as she looked as guilty as I felt.

"It's not your fault, I just have to exercise self control." I said as I held her hand. "Anyway, I can trust Mary. It's my brother that's lacking trust."

"Sebastian, what has he done?" She inquired.

"Let's just say that I'm not the only one breaking commandments." I replied, not wanting Catherine to know about the kiss between Mary and Bash.

"That sounds complicated." Olivia replied as she kissed my hand. "If you're ever yearning for someone you can be sure of; someone who wants only you, you know where to find me." Olivia then gave me a kiss on the lips before she walked off as I needed to find Mary. Putting Olivia out of my mind was going to be an uphill battle.

Later on, everyone gathered outside to greet King Henry. A part of me wanted to be there to see Diane wipe the smirk off of Kenna's face. I knew that she was Mary's friend and all, but that girl was too obsessed with her own pleasure and she needed a dose of reality. Luckily, Mary approached me as I stood in the line of greeters.

"Francis, are you well?" She asked as I quickly held her hand.

"I'm just really glad you're here." I replied as she could tell that I wasn't here. She looked at Olivia, who was standing in the other side of the Medici bitch and she figured that I was having another lust attack. Mary quickly began to stroke my hand with her thumb, trying to calm me down.

"Francis, look at me." Mary whispered as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm sorry that I'm struggling with this, you shouldn't have to be competing with a woman I don't even love." I said as she shook her head.

"You said that you only love me, if that's true, then I am not competing with Olivia." Mary assured me with a small smile as I leaned in and kissed her deeply. Neither Francis, nor I deserved her. She was so strong and so kind. Why couldn't she get a break? Eventually, the carriage arrived and Henry emerged from it with Bash's mom. My spirits were lifted by seeing Kenna's sh*t eating grin evaporate into thin air. They were then promptly deflated when my bastard brother walked over.

"Francis, Mary, we need to talk." Bash said with seriousness in his voice. "It's important, follow me."

Chapter 23: Dette


Bash reveals that he owes a debt to the pagans.

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Later that day.

"The people of this faith, they claim that I owe them a debt." Bash explained after he had pulled Mary and I into the castle. "More than once, in their minds, I've interrupted their blood sacrifice. The butcher boy said, if I didn't choose someone else to sacrifice, they'd choose for me."

"So that's what's been going on in the woods: Pagan sacrifice?" Mary inquired, shock written on her face.

"Among other dangers, yes." Bash answered.

"And now they've chosen me?" Mary asked, trying to hide any fear she had.

"Because somehow they've got the idea that threatening you is a good way to get to my brother." I said as I gave Bash the evil eye.

"He knows about the kiss." Mary told Bash as the bastard looked like he'd just been bitch slapped.

"But that doesn't matter now, does it?" I asked bitterly as I tried to control myself. "What matters is finding out who left this marker in Mary's chambers. What matters is her safety. I'll make sure that there's a guard outside your room at all times." I squeezed Mary's hand as she reciprocated before I turned to Bash.

"You need to find out exactly how serious this threat is." I quoted from the script. "Ask the hunters that you know in the woods. Talk to the guards, Nostradamus, anyone."

"Maybe the servants saw how the necklace got into my rooms. I'll question them." My betrothed said as she walked off, leaving me with Bash.

"Mary, i'm sorry." Bash called out to her before turning to me. "I'd never have cut those bodies down if I'd known it would lead to Mary."

"I don't blame you for cutting the bodies down, i'd have done the same thing." I snapped as I couldn't contain my anger any longer. "I blame you for making a pass on the woman I love!"

"Nolan, it was a single kiss and she made the first move upon me..." Bash tried to argue.

"Cut the sh*t Bash, cut it!" I exclaimed angrily. "Don't blame Mary, she was drunk and she was upset because I allowed my eye to wander. You were neither, so what's your excuse? Besides having feelings for her!"

"No more than the feelings you have for Olivia!" Bash threw in my face.

"I don't love her and I will never lay with her!" I shouted as I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Look Bash, you need me and I need you. I need you because you're the only one who knows I'm not Francis. You need me because when Henry dies and die he will, you're existence will depend on my favor, so we need to stick together, are we agreed?"

"Agreed." Bash growled as he didn't want to admit I was right.

"Then look at Mary as your sister in law and as your Queen, but no more." I demanded as I stormed off, leaving the bastard to stew.

After trying to get over my anger at Bash for the better part of 2 hours, I heard an ear splitting scream and it only meant 1 thing: Mary had found the stag's head. I ran into her chambers like a bat out of Hell. Mary sprung from her bed and leapt into my arms. As I saw the stag's head hung over her bed, I had to admit that it was way more freaky than it had been in the show. Everything on the CW was fake, but this was dangerously real.

"We need to get you out of here." I insisted.

"They must have drugged me..." Mary stuttered as I held her tightly. "There's no other way I would sleep through this. My head feels as heavy as that stag's."

"Please sit down, then." I gently commanded my Queen as she looked at her palm which had a burn in the shape of a stag's antlers.

"Look at my hand, it looks as though I've been burned." She remarked as she studied the burn.

"Where you touched the pendant." I commented as i gently traced it. "Perhaps it was dipped in some sort of poisonous oil, sumac or ivy?"

"How much danger am I in?" Mary inquired as I gently planted kisses on her hands.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." I swore as Bash suddenly made an appearance.

"Mary, are you all right?" Bash asked as I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to to still be pissed, but I was.

"Stay here, I need to have words with my brother." I told Mary as I dragged Bash out of the room where no one could hear us.

"I hope that you're pleased with yourself Bash, thanks to you licking lips with my future wife, you've drug her into your little feud with the pagans!" I growled in fury, trying to let out my anger.

"It was a mistake, I never meant to bring harm to Mary!" My false brother protested before looking around to make sure we were alone.

"This was meant to terrorize us and motivate you. That's why they chose Mary." I pointed out:

"This horror was not my doing." Bash declared as he grew as angry as I was.

"It matters not, you need to remedy this!" I snapped, knowing that despite Mary surviving on her own, the pagans were not to be underestimated. "I'd do it myself, but it's you that they want something from."

"You do realize what you're asking me to do?" Bash asked as he tried to gain my sympathy.

"I don't blame you for their actions, but it's you who brought this on Mary." I pointed out, avoiding the question.

"They're asking me to take a life; a person!" Bash pleaded as he made me understand. "To hang them from a tree, slit their throat, and bleed them out." As messed up as it sounds, I didn't care in that moment. Mary was in danger and if those pagans needed a sacrifice, they would get one.

"It is not the first time you've taken a life to spare Mary and I doubt that it will be the last." I reminded him as Bash shook his head.

"This is not the same!" He argued in vain. "Tomàs was a wicked man, a wife beater. He was killed instantly, he didn't feel any pain when we flung him off the balcony!"

"Our reasons are the same: Mary was in danger and we saved her." I argued back as I heard Catherine come on the scene. I wasn't about to leave Mary alone with that wicked bitch.

"Francis please..." Bash pleaded.

"There are surely evil men in France, find one and pay what is owed." I demanded as I looked him in the eye. "Because if I see Mary strung up, you will have 2 worthless legs and nothing in between to prop you up!" I left Bash to his debt as I went to support Mary.

Chapter 24: Verser Le Sang


Nolan, Bash, & Mary all struggle with the cost of shedding blood.

Chapter Text

As I went into Mary's chambers, she was getting into it with the Medici bitch.

"Why don't you tell us how it's done?" Mary asked bitterly.

"Are you accusing me of this?" Catherine asked angrily.

"She's got good reason to be suspicious of you, even the servants know that you hold no love for my Queen to be." I retorted as Catherine gave me a glare.

"Your loathing towards me is wearing thin, Francis." Catherine declared as she was clearly done with my BS.

"Please stop, both of you!" Mary exclaimed as she placed herself between us. "This isn't helping." As much I wanted to tell Catherine to eat sh*t, Mary was right.

"Do you know who's done this?" Catherine inquired of us.

"Right now, we're less worried about who than how." I quoted.

"They'd have to have drugged her." Catherine reasoned as she inhaled the cup that Mary had drank from. "This is poppy, I suspect your guard was given the same thing. Where is he?"

"Infirmary, with stomach pains." I said.

"That means he drank too much of it." Catherine figured as she was clearly out off guard by the Pagans. "A stag's head, what message is that meant to convey?"

"It's a symbol of the pagans." Mary explained as Catherine's face turned to stone.

"What do either of you know about pagans?" She asked anxiously.

"Only what everyone knows: That they're becoming bolder, more ruthless, and thirsty for blood." I quoted from the script as I tried to act concerned. "And it seems the more fear they spread, the more power that they gain."

"These devils have come inside our walls, inside my home." The Queen mother said in quite anger.

"These heretics worked together to threaten us, now we must work together to stop them." Mary insisted as I knew that Catherine was going to threaten to burn down the servants homes to get her answers. That was the kind of cold hearted bitch that she was.

That night, the court was celebrating the king's return with fireworks. Normally, I enjoyed seeing fireworks, but not this night. I was wracked with guilt about the blood that had been spilled to protect Mary. Bash and I had killed Tomàs and now Bash was killing that thief to save Mary and himself. I know that Mary was absolutely worth it, but it was still painful to take lives. As I was pacing through the castle, thinking about how Bash was taking a poor thief to die, Mary walked up to me.

"You're missing the fireworks." She chastised me.

"So are you." I shot back as I kept walking.

"Most of the household staff has been interviewed. We caught a groom in a lie, but it led nowhere." She reported to me as if I didn't already know. "Has Bash learned anything? He said he was going to question the seriousness of the threat.

"He knows how serious it is." I replied as I stopped in my tracks to face the woman I loved. "I've been doing some questioning of my own, and do you know what I've learned?"

"No, tell me." Mary asked curiously.

"That Bash used his position, and money to take a prisoner from the castle jails. A prisoner he warned would not be returning; a thief." I explained as it was no longer an actor, but a real man that Bash was going to kill. "And I can guarantee you that that thief does not deserve to be strung up in the woods and slaughtered like an animal and Bash does not deserve to be the one to do it."

"Is that what it means to pay the debt, human sacrifice?" Mary asked in horror as she realized that my false brother was up to. "Bash wouldn't do it."

"I know that he would, for you and I can't say that I don't want him to. Because I care for you as well." I insisted as I took her hands in mine. "I knew that my brother had feelings for you, I just had no idea how deep they ran." The last part was a lie, which felt like a slap in the face.

"You needn't worry about that; It was a mistake, I wasn't thinking, and he..." Mary started to protest as I put my finger to her lips. I could take it anymore. Everyday that I told her a lie felt like slow poison and it was hurting my heart.

"Mary...I need to tell you the truth... and I know you might hate me for it." I told her as she gently raised her hand to my cheek.

"Francis, please tell me...whatever you've done, I'll try to understand." Mary said in a gentle voice that was breaking my heart.

"Mary...I know that Bash would kill for you...because I've killed for you." I whispered as her big brown eyes grew wide. She didn't know what to say for a moment as she dropped her hand.

" can't be wouldn't..." Mary stuttered as I stood there silently.

"Mary...I..." I gasped as I was trying to find the words.

"Who did you kill?" She asked, her voice turning to stone.

"Tomàs of Portugal." I replied as I could see Mary refusing to believe it.

"No, he was drunk and he slipped off the balcony. That's what you said!" She exclaimed in pain.

"I lied, I got him drunk and then I pushed him over!" I exclaimed in return. I didn't tell her that Bash had helped me. I didn't want her to punish him for something that I had forced him to do.

"Why Francis, why would you do such a thing?" Mary asked as I saw tears stream down her face.

"Tomàs was not the savior you thought he was." I explained as I needed her to believe me. "He was cruel to his servants, to his whor*s, he killed his first wife! I couldn't let him force you into a life if slavery!" Mary said nothing, she only shed silent tears as she turned on her heel and walked away. I fell to my knees and wept bitterly, for I knew not what else to do.

I knocked on the door and a surprised Olivia D'Amencourt opened it.

"I did a bad thing for a good reason...and I don't want to be alone." I admitted with tear stained eyes as Olivia took me into her arms and held me tightly.

"It's all right Francis, I want to comfort you." Olivia whispered as she began to cover my face in kisses. I slowly pushed her away.

"I will not make love to you...but if you will let me sleep in your can tell Catherine what she wants to hear." I offered as Olivia was stunned that I knew about her arrangement with the serpent.

"How do you know?" She inquired in shock.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I need company and Catherine needs a win. We can all have what we want." I insisted as I took off my boots.

"You want me to lie to your mother and say that we f*cked?" Olivia asked in surprise.

"Let's play a trick on the old girl." I replied as Olivia couldn't help but smile at me. I took off my jacket and climbed into bed with Olivia. We did not make love that night and I barely got any sleep. Olivia kept me warm, but she could not stop the images of Mary's heartbreak that were living rent free in my head.

Chapter 25: Pardon & Tromperie


Nolan tries to get Mary's forgiveness as a deceptive Count makes his way into the palace.

Chapter Text

French Court. 1 week later.

That next week was the longest that I'd had in quite a while. Mary avoided me whenever possible and her ladies in waiting whispered behind my back; except Kenna who was too busy screwing the King to engage in gossip. I kept sleeping in Olivia's bed, but I refused to touch her. As agreed, she told Catherine that I was bedding her and the serpent seemed pleased that there was separation between Mary and myself. Olivia told me that Catherine had commanded her to made sure that I stayed in her bed. Eventually, news came that there was an uprising of peasants. Henry rode out with soldiers to quell them, setting up the Count Vincent subplot.

Catherine was running around like a headless chicken, preparing everything for the count's arrival. She had provided Charles and I with the golden fancy forks that we would be using during the dinner.

"On guard!" I exclaimed as we pretended to duel with the fancy forks. Charles was getting so much into it that I had to shut him down before he skewered me.

"It's not a toy, Charles." I chastised my kid brother. "It's an instrument of diplomacy."

"Let's go, Charles." His nanny said as she came to fetch the boy to his lessons. As Charles exited from the room, a stone faced Mary walked in. Catherine had probably been bragging about how she believed that I was banging Olivia's brains out. We hadn't spoken since I confessed to killing Tomàs, so it was safe to say that we both felt awkward.

"My mother's fault..." I said, trying to lighten the mood. "She's forcing everyone to learn how to use these things: Forks. A Neapolitan count is coming and and doesn't want us to look like barbarians before a fellow Italian."

"Is that why your father has asked you to stay?" Mary asked.

"He must be greeted by a king or a dauphin or else it's an insult." I answered as I knew what was coming.

"Well, at least you'll have more time to spend with Olivia; in bed." She snapped as I sighed at the damage control that I would have to do.

"I have been in bed with Olivia, but not in the way you think." I clarified as I turned to face Mary. "I sleep in her bed to alleviate my loneliness at night, but that is all. I do not hold her, I do not kiss her, I do not touch her and I do not f*ck her."

"Why do you feel the need to sleep in her bed?" Mary asked, her voice losing its venom.

"Because this past week has been torture." I replied as I walked up to her. "To be without you because of a horrible thing that I pains me beyond belief." I fought the urge to cry as Mary gently took my hand.

"Bash came to me...he told me that he, helped you murder Tomàs." Mary stated as I was surprised that Bash had outed himself.

"He did?" I asked in surprise.

"Why didn't you tell me that Bash helped you?" Mary asked in return.

"I didn't feel the need to throw Bash into the fire for something that I probably forced him into." I admitted as the whole thing had been my idea to begin with. Mary nodded before trying to hold my hand, but pulling back at the last minute.

"Bash also confirmed everything you said about Tomàs, the kind of man that he was...the horrid things that he said about me." Mary whispered in disgust as she must have surely regretted ever considering his proposal.

"Then you have to understand why I did it Mary, if you had married that Portuguese prick...he would have beaten you and thrown you in a gilded cage." I explained, trying to defend myself. "He would have had you trapped Mary and you would have died if you couldn't get free. Maybe not at first, because you are so strong...but at some point...that fire inside of you that I love about you Mary...that fire would have died out." Mary let tears fall from her eyes as she forced herself to look at me.

"Francis, I know that you did what you did because you love me and I don't doubt that you would march into Hell itself for me." Mary said to me as she looked in my eyes. "But the thought of a man's blood on your hands...I just need forget about what you felt forced to do for me."

"Take all the time you need, i'll wait forever if I have to." I promised as I had to admit that what she was asking for was fair.

"Forever is a very long time." Mary said as we both got to our feet.

"Then it's a good thing you're worth it." I replied, earning a smile from my future bride.

Eventually, the Count and his men arrived to the palace. I had thought about asking Catherine to send him away and avoid the whole episode, but the odds are that I wouldn't have been able to come up with a good enough argument. So, I just had to stand next to the serpent as we waited to receive our guest.

"Be on your best behavior." Catherine reminded me as if I was Charles's age. "He's from a minor family, but they have influence."

"The Honorable Count Vincent, of Naples!" the herald called as the count and his men walked into the castle.

"There's no one to misbehave in front of as French court is nearly vacant." I quoted in response.

"Smile, remember, it was less than a year ago that Henry was at war with half of Italy." She chided once again before Vincent walked up to us. In the show, he looked like a deceitful bastard and seeing him up close just confirmed that he was an Italian serpent like Catherine. She greeted him in Italian, but I couldn't understand it.

"Your Majesty, what a blessing to be in your luminous presence." the Count said as he planted a kiss to her hand.

"Grazie." Catherine replied, thanking him in Italian.

"I should explain my lack of punctuality to King Henry, but I see the son and not the father." Vincent pointed out.

"Unfortunately the king is away at the moment." I explained.

"But what better host than a fellow Italian?" Catherine interjected.

"Your Majesty, I must ask the count's men for their weapons before I show them to their rooms;King Henry would expect it." One of the guards insisted.

"Of course, it's just a formality, Count; you don't mind?

"I insist." Count Vincent agreed as his men withdrew their weapons. I knew that somehow they would manage to turn the tables on. I could do nothing, but brace myself for the long night ahead.

Chapter 26: Faire Des Affaires


Catherine & Nolan both make deals with Count Vincent to damn & save Mary

Chapter Text

Later on, Mary came to present herself to our honored guest and right off the bat, Count Vincent poured on the charm almost immediately. Considering what he almost did to my bride to be later on in the episode, it took all of my self control not to slug that Neapolitan bastard right in the face.

"Your Grace." Vincent said as he pressed his lips to her hand before turning to me. "You must guard her close, Dauphin, or someone might steal her away."

"Wise advice indeed." I replied with a fake smile as the count was poured a glass of fine French wine.

"How delightful." Vincent said as he admired the craftsmanship of the alcohol. "All of Italy has heard of the gold goblets given you by Pope Clement on your marriage. No doubt you keep them for more important guests."

"So, Count, is this your first visit to France?" Mary inquired, trying to alleviate the tension and failing miserably.

"No, I was on French soil less than a year ago to negotiate for my son." Vincent explained as the tension continued to rise. "He was taken prisoner along with some other officers near the Italian border."

"I'm sorry..." I said as I knew that despite his outward demeanor, the count was pissed.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, war is costly." The count assured us all. "One's money must be recouped somehow. Holding hostages for ransom is an old tradition."

"And did you secure your son's release?" Catherine asked.

"Of course, Roberto was held for eight months." Vincent answered. "I bargained like any Italian would: shrewdly. I worked my way up through two colonels and a general and negotiated with the king; and one day he was returned to me: for 1,500 ducats."

"Thank God that your son was returned to you, Count Vincent." I replied with a weak smile as he gave me a stone cold look in return.

"It is hard to appraise the value of a human life, but now I know my son's: 1,500 ducats." Vincent continued as bitterness continued to creep into his voice. "I have France to thank for that clarity."

"To peace and long friendship." Catherine said, offering a toast.

"To clarity." The count toasted in return as I took Mary's hand in mine. I knew damn well the clarity he spoke of and there was no way for me or anyone to avoid it.

"Tell me, Your Highness, when do you expect King Henry to return with his men?" Vincent asked as I could see a couple of his men coming in with I'll intent.

"Quite soon." I lied, trying to keep up a poker face. "Knowing my father, he could return at any moment."

"Really?" Count Vincent asked as he saw through my BS. "I understand they traveled to Lorraine to put down some village unrest."

"And yet you seem surprised he wasn't here to greet you." I pointed out as a guard whispered in his ear. My first thought was to get Mary out so she could begin planning an escape.

" need to go..." I whispered.

"I'm not leaving you." She whispered back with determination. I heaved a sigh as I turned back to the count.

"Count, perhaps it's time to tell us why you're here. It's not a diplomatic visit." I said, trying to move this plot along.

"You're right, Dauphin, I've come for restitution."

"Restitution?" I asked, as if I didn't know what the Hell he was talking about.

"The conditions of my son's confinement were not ideal." Vincent explained as he drank his wine. "Roberto was returned to me, yes, but he died of dysentery on his journey home."

"Count, I'm so sorry." Catherine said in an attempt to comfort her countryman. "To outlive a child, the pain is unimaginable."

"My wife is dead, I have no other children, i'm the last of my name. Am I not due satisfaction?" The count inquired.

"Perhaps this discussion should be postponed until the king's return?" The serpent offered.

"If I wanted to wait for the king's return, I wouldn't have camped in the woods for the last three weeks, waiting for Henry and his men to leave." The Italian count pointed out as the growing number of guards made it clear that he was up to no good.

"You may leave with your life, that is all we can offer." I insisted as I put my hand on my sword.

"No one is leaving, Dauphin." Vincent insisted in return as we were surrounded by Italian guards who someone had gotten their swords back. "With your soldiers gone, my men control the entrance. They've taken your few aged guards prisoner, we have their weapons."

"The castle is secured, my lord." One of the guards reported as Mary, Catherine, and I were held at sword point by Vincent and his boys.

"This castle is now under my protection until I receive satisfaction." The count declared to all of us. I felt like telling that son of a bitch to get f*cked, but I knew that mouthing off wasn't going to do any of us any good. Plus, if everything played out as it did on the show, Vincent would get his just desserts soon enough.

"You mean money, you're holding us for ransom?" Mary asked angrily as she stared down Catherine's countryman.

"Queen Mary, I apologize. You are an innocent in all this." The count said tenderly before turning his venom on the Medici serpent. "Now we will negotiate, one Italian to another."

After Mary was sent away to seek help from Clarissa, Catherine and I went to her study in an attempt to reason with Count Vincent, but the negotiations went nowhere fast.

"That is ten times what you paid for your son, think of all the things you could buy with that gold; it is a generous offer." Catherine insisted as Vincent clearly didn't give a damn about monetary gain.

"But it does not grant me satisfaction." he argued as I could see the light bulb going off in her head and the wicked plan forming.

"Of course, Gold will not resurrect your son, or your family line." She admitted as she attempted to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. "What you need, Count, is a bride."

"Mother, don't you dare." I growled as she brushed me aside.

"The Queen of Scotland is unmarried and still a virgin, she could give you sons; royal sons." Catherine offered as she grew gleeful at the thought of avoiding the prophecy while I grew enraged. "Take her back with you. Demand ransom, or force a marriage. Once she's ruined, she'd have to accept."

"That is a generous offer, does the dauphin agree?" the count inquired as I couldn't hold it in any longer and decided to unleash some venom of my own on the serpent.

"No, the dauphin thinks his mother is a most wicked and vile creature and that a proud and noble count such as yourself should be above dealing with such villains!" I exclaimed as Catherine looked at me with anger.

"How dare you speak to me in such a way!" she exclaimed loudly.

"How dare you sell off the love of my life as she was a whor* and you her madam!" I shouted back as the count let out a whistle to stop our quarrel.

"If the dauphin feels that his mother is unworthy to deal with me, then why doesn't the dauphin himself make me an offer?" he suggested. I nodded as I knew there was only 1 thing I could offer.

"Tell me, noble count, have you read the book of Exodus?" I asked, trying to sound smarter than I was, if i'm being honest.

"Bits and pieces." Count Vincent admitted.

"In chapter 21, verses 23 through 27, the code of law is laid out: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life." I explained with a smirk. "The punishment must fit the crime; King Henry took your about you take his?"

"Francis no, my son is not well!" Catherine exclaimed quickly as she tried to stop me from sacrificing myself for Mary.

"Take me for ransom, we can leave for Italy tonight and you will have the heir to France as your hostage." I said as I saw a gleam of joy in the count's eyes.

"At last, a serious offer...and one I will accept." he replied.

Chapter 27: Arrêter Le Comte, Aimer La Reine


Count Vincent meets his end as the engagement between Mary & Nolan reaches a climax.

Chapter Text

I sat as I watched Charles and Henry play together. True to script, when Count Vincent had stopped in to make sure I was still under guard, he had actually taken some time to play with Francis's little brother and true to form, it didn't seem to affect him. The good news was that he didn't stay long, the bad news was that he added a new stipend to our deal. In addition to me, the count also announced that he would be taking Charles and Henry as well. I didn't even bother protesting because for 1, it would do no good and for 2, it wasn't going to happen anyway; Catherine would see to that. Thankfully, Mary eventually cam into my room and she embraced me tightly.

"Catherine told me what happened. Why would you sacrifice yourself?" Mary asked anxiously as I leaned against a chair.

"She was offering you up as a bride, it was the only card I had to play." I insisted as i breathed deeply. "It wasn't enough though; he's taking Charles and Henry with me."

"Francis, no...not your brothers, too." Mary replied in sympathy.

"The count was in here earlier, he actually played with Charles for a few minutes." I said with a wistful chuckle. "You'd think that someone who played with a child would enjoy it, but his eyes were dead. Mary, Count Vincent doesn't give a damn about gold or title. He's lost his line, he's gonna take my father's in return."

"This is why you must agree to our plan." Mary commanded as i rolled my eyes at the idea of leaving her in the hands of the Medici bitch.

"The plan is madness, maybe you haven't seen the way the count looks at you, but I have. Even if he didn't lust for you, leaving you alone with Catherine? You know she'd sell you out for a dozen livres!"

"Francis..." Mary started to say before I stopper her.

"No, if I get out of this room, the first thing I'll do is come for you." I promised as i held her face.

"If you come for me, they will kill you, and your brothers will be lost."

"I am not afraid of that bastard Mary, I am afraid of losing you, I won't leave you and that's all there is to say about that." I vowed as she held my face in return. It felt so good to feel her hands on me, to look in her eyes? I had sorely missed being in her presence and my emotions got the better of me.

"Mary..." I gasped as my voice broke while my eyes started tearing up

"I know..." She replied with the ghost of a smile, as if she read my mind.

"I'm so sorry about Tomas...I just wanted to keep you safe." I swore as she shook her head.

"I was never angry with you, I was just worried that having blood on your would change you; but it hasn't." She told me with a tearful smile. "You are still the man I love. Your brothers, the others who are trapped here, they are our people now. If we are to rule as king and queen, we must trust each other to do what is necessary. I believe that you can lead them to safety; believe that I can get myself out of that room."

"You're the only good thing in my life Mary, you're my everything!" I exclaimed as I took my future bride and kissed her passionately. She returned my kiss as we enjoyed a moment with each other before an Italian guard came in for her.

"Promise me you won't come back." Mary demanded as she went to ready herself for Count Vincent's feast.

As I waited with my brothers, we developed the plan. Charles would let out a cry as if he was being attacked. When the guard came to investigate, I would take his ass out. At the appointed time, Charles let out a shriek and sure enough, a guard burst in. I was ready with an empty candle holder with a sharpened edge and I plunged it into his took a few minutes for him to bleed out, but bleed out he did. I quickly took the sword that he had on him and waited for the 2nd guard. When he came, I pulled off the same move and he too bled out from a stomach wound.

"Ok, I need to be quick and quiet boys...follow me." I commanded quietly as I led Francis's brothers out of the room. We then went to the servant's quarters where everyone was gathered.

"Ok, Leith is staying here, the rest of you stay behind me." I ordered as we all began moving towards the secret passage. A 3rd guard was standing between us and it, but a good sword thrust made short work of him. I did the secret knock and Olivia opened the wall for us.

"Come on, quickly, down the stairs, wait for me at the bottom The right passageways are marked with chalk." I ordered the servants and my brothers as they all headed down, offering words of gratitude as they did so. As I prepared to head down, Olivia grabbed my arm.

"Please, take me with you." she begged anxiously. "I hear the guards walking by, I know they'll find me."

"Olivia, you need to wait here for Mary and her ladies, or they'll be trapped." I reminded her as she gave me a bitter look.

"So I must stay for the woman you really love?" she asked as i'd had about enough of the whole situation.

"Well, Yes!" I shot back as she shot daggers at me.

"I'm nothing to you or your mother but a game piece to move back and forth at your will!" Olivia growled in anger. "She crushed my reputation like you crush an insect and you're just as bad!"

"I've had my fill of that serpent coming between me and Mary!" I exclaimed as I got in Olivia's face. "I'm only gonna say this once: I don't love you, i'm not gonna marry you, you are just another of my mother's schemes. Leave me alone!" By the candlelight, I saw tears roll down Olivia's face as she struck me.

"To Hell with you Francis!" She shrieked in rage. "If you love Mary so, you open the door for her!"

"I will!" I shouted back as she followed the group through the tunnels. I knew that I should be leading them out, but as long as they followed the chalk, they would be ok. Plus, now that Olivia was leaving with the group, she wouldn't get snatched by the Darkness. I waited for what felt like a half hour, but eventually, I heard the secret knock. I opened the door and Mary and her ladies were relieved and shocked to see me.

"Francis, what are you doing here?" Mary asked in surprise.

"Making sure you all get out safely, hurry!" I whispered as the ladies made their way down the stairs as I followed suit. As I led Mary and her ladies out, a small part of me was worried for Catherine alone with Vincent and his men, but I assured myself that a serpent like her was too stubborn to die.

The Next Day.

Count Vincent's men were poisoned by the gold and the count himself was slain by Catherine's own hand, paired with a fancy fork. Olivia D'Amencourt had also managed to make it out without running into the Darkness. She had also left French Court immediately and Catherine didn't seem concerned enough to stop her. Perhaps a small part of her knew that we had been trying to pull a fast one. Truthfully, I felt bad about the last conversation that i'd had with her, but I was thankful that she was gone and now I could focus on Mary.

Speaking of Mary, she came into my room the next morning and started pounding on me half halfheartedly.

"Why did you come back, you could have been caught?" Mary cried as I pulled her close.

"I told you that I wasn't gonna leave you and I never will." I reminded the woman I loved as she held me tightly.

"Francis, I don't want to be away from you ever again!" Mary insisted as she looked into my eyes.

"Then don't, I am yours." I promised her as I kissed her deeply. Mary wrapped her arms around me as I held her close and kissed her neck. As I did this, Mary made the sweetest sounds that I had ever heard or am ever likely to hear in my life. I lifted her off of her feet as I carried her to the bed. Mary was so breathtakingly beautiful as I laid her down on my bed. My hands slowly moved over her body as I looked into her eyes.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked as I rested my hand on her upper left leg. I didn't want to force Mary into something she wasn't ready for.

"Never Francis, never." Mary declared as she kissed me deeply while she wrapped her legs around me as I lowered my trousers and we made passionate love.

Chapter 28: Planifier Pour L'avenir


Nolan & Mary discuss their future while Henry II makes plans of his own.

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. The Next Day.

The next morning, I woke up to find a naked Mary sleeping next to me in my bed. Last night, had been one of the best nights of my life. I couldn't admit it to Mary, but I was also a virgin before last night. I'd dated plenty of chicks before, but I never wanted to get serious with any of them. When you get serious with a girl, you have to open up to her about all your baggage. I wasn't willing to expose an innocent woman to my f*cked up family.

Now that I was Francis, my family was still f*cked up, but at least I didn't have to fill Mary in on the details. Maybe it was creepy, but for a few minutes, I just laid there, watching her sleep. When I gently touched her face, Mary finally woke up and smiled at me.

"Good morning Francis." She said sweetly as she missed my lips.

"I just...I can't believe this..." I said as I ran my fingers through her luscious hair. "I am yours?"

"Yes, you are." She said as she looked in my eyes.

"And you are mine?"

"Yes, I am."

"Mary, can I say something at the risk of sounding improper?" I asked as she looked at me with a weird smile.

"All right?" She replied with an awkward chuckle as I leaned in close.

"I really hope that I got you pregnant." I whispered as Mary's eyes went wide in shock.

"Why Francis, what a thing to say!" She exclaimed with surprised laughter.

"Think about it, if you were pregnant, the King would be forced to let us marry immediately!" I exclaimed as I ran my fingers over Mary's strong skin. "He would never risk having our child being a bastard."

"You don't think we are being too reckless, seeing as we are not yet wed?" Mary asked tenderly as I pressed my forehead to hers.

"God knows we are married in our hearts, the ceremony will only make it legal." I told my bride to be as I kissed her neck. Mary rewarded me for my efforts by uttering the sweet sound she had made last night.

"I love it when you make that sound, Mary." I said with a smirk as she giggled.

"I love it when you kiss me on that spot." Mary replied as suddenly a knock was heard at my door. Mary quickly concealed herself under the covers as a servant came in.

"Forgive me, but there's word for you from the Holy See." The servant said.

"The Pope?" I asked.

"The cardinal from the Vatican is in the throne room." The servant answered.

"I shall be there presently." I assured the man as he left while my love emerged.

"We are so not finished here." I promised her as Mary laughed loudly as we held each other for a few minutes more, enjoying each other.

Later That Day.

Mary and I joined the entire court in the throne room as King Henry got on his soapbox to let everyone know of his desire to take England for his own.

"God bless us all!" Henry declared with glee. "There is news sent to us by Cardinal Tesson, the papal emissary." The Cardinal bowed his head as the King continued on. "In England, the Tudor queen is dying."

"While she has not named her successor.." the Cardinal started to say.

"Many suspect and believe, the rightful heir to the English throne is you: Mary Stuart." Henry continued as he approached my bride to be. "The second England's queen dies, you will make your claim. Your marriage to my son will strengthen that claim, as it will show the world that you have the might of France at your side. France fulfills its promise to Scotland and to you, it's time you and Francis are wed." Mary was stunned into silence as I tried to appear the same, despite knowing that everything that Mary and I had built was sent to crumble. Catherine was pissed at this turn of events as we locked eyes. I tried to put as much strength as I could into my glare, hoping that she would retreat.

"We must celebrate, it's God's will." Henry said as he raised his goblet in a toast. "Do you hear me? It's God's will!"

"Am I understanding this right?" Mary asked as she looked at me nervously. "That a new condition of the alliance, of our marriage, is that I deliver England to you?"

"My father wants it and the Vatican's support makes him think he can get it." I replied on script.

"Elizabeth has support as well; armies she's been gathering for years." Mary pointed out as i took her hand in mine. "You realize what laying claim to England could cost me?"

"If Elizabeth wants your head, she will have to go through me." I assured Mary as I planted a kiss on her forehead. I knew in that moment I meant what I said; I would glad my life for Mary's. She was more important than I was.

"When the English Queen dies, so does Henry VIII's line." Henry II declared in his study where he, Mary, Catherine, and myself had gathered after the refreshments had been consumed. "You are his next relation by blood."

"Elizabeth is Henry VIII's daughter." Mary pointed out.

"By Anne Boleyn, her parents' marriage was never recognized by the Catholic Church. She's illegitimate. Her claim is weak, at best. In God's eyes, she doesn't even exist." Henry pointed out in return.

"How convenient God has this opinion, as Elizabeth happens to be Protestant." Catherine interjected in her typical bitchy way.

"The Pope doesn't want to lose a nation to Protestantism, can you blame him?" Henry shot back in his typical I want what I want way.

"A Scottish queen on the English throne?" the Medici bitch asked in disbelief. "A daughter born of one of Henry's wives, dismissed? There will be uprisings, wars, Catholics against Protestants, neighbor against neighbor."

"England against Scotland." Mary added.

"And Elizabeth against Mary, have you thought about that?" I finished as someone needed to speak for Mary's safety.

"They say she's very cunning, and that she has many followers." Catherine explained.

"And she's always perceived Mary as a threat." Henry claimed as he turned to the woman I loved. "She will come after you, whether you've reached for the crown or not. As for strife, civil wars, England will never be weaker. What better time to strike? If they push back, if there are wars, we will win."

"You hate them." Mary realized as she saw this attempt by Henry as the personal vendetta that it almost certainly was.

"England tore into my country for half a century, they spilled French blood on French soil." Henry spat, justifying his rage. "Yes I hate them, you can make them ours. Together, you will some day rule half of Europe: England, Scotland and France. Don't let fear keep you from greatness. This is your destiny." As Henry went off to threaten his wife, I looked at mine.

"Mary, I swear to you, I will never leave your side, no matter what decision you make." I vowed as I saw nothing but fear in her face for the future to come.

Chapter 29: Une Proposition Fatale


Nolan makes a proposal to Mary, & a fatal error.

Chapter Text

After listening to Henry's English ambitions, I talked Mary into taking a walk with me.

"I'm sorry that my father is complicating the Hell out of everything." I told Mary as we strolled about the castle grounds.

"I don't want the English throne, I never did." Mary insisted as she held my arm as we walked. "All I ever wanted was for England to leave Scotland in peace."

"Mary, you need to know that I will stand behind you, no matter what decision that you make." I assured the woman I loved. "If you want England, I will fight with you. If you don't want it, that's fine too."

"But your father has made it perfectly clear that he expects me to get England for him." Mary reminded me.

"You know what Mary, I don't give a damn what Henry or Catherine or the Vatican wants; all I want is you!" I insisted as I took Mary's hands in mine. I needed her to know how much she meant to me. I had to tell her the truth as best I could. "Mary...please understand...all my life, I have felt the worst loneliness, my parents weren't as present as I needed them to be, my sister...left and never returned."

"Francis..." Mary whispered as she stroked my cheek as I felt myself tearing up. Thinking about Crystal and how the meth had destroyed was the worst kind of pain to watch someone you love go though that. The trauma had followed me like a stalker for so many years, even to Paris. However, ever since I had met Mary, I felt free of it; free to be happy.

"The point is that there has only been 1 person in my life who has brought me true happiness and that is you. You didn't give up on me when I lusted after Olivia and I will never give up on you. I want to marry you and we can figure out what to do about the English thing later." I explained.

"You want to deceive your father into thinking that we agree with him?" Mary inquired in surprise.

"Yes, I would deceive every king in Europe to have you as my Queen." I declared as I dropped to my knees and pulled off 1 of Francis's rings. I looked up as Mary who was stunned and tearing up.

"Mary Stuart, will you be my wife?" I asked as she nodded eagerly.

"Yes, yes!" she exclaimed as I put the ring on her finger. My heart was so full of ecstasy and joy that I couldn't help but lift her up and spin her around as Francis had. I grabbed Mary's hand as we ran together though the sea of grass underneath our feet. We were finally together and in that moment, it felt as though nothing could

After Mary accepted my proposal, the only logical thing to do was to go to my chambers and consummate our engagement. The 2nd round proved even better than the first. Mary always seemed to be such a proper woman in public, but with God as my witness, the Queen of Scots turned into a freaking sex goddess as soon as we crawled under the covers. After we had both reached climaxes of pleasure, I went to refresh myself as Mary rested in my bed.

"I want you to know whatever happens, that I love you." Mary said as she looked at me.

'i know that Mary, but the only thing that's happening is that we're getting married tonight." I assured her as i sat down next to her on the bed.

"I know you're scared, talk to me." I pleaded softly as i grasped for her hand. "If it's about England..."

"It's not politics, it's us." she clarified as I knew that she was trying to say. "We already have so much, to ask for more...Do you think we're testing fate?"

"Testing fate how?" I inquired as if I didn't know. It was clear that Catherine and Nostradamus were getting to her, but it was too early to let her know that I knew about the prophecy.

"By believing we can have everything we ever wanted." Mary replied with worry on her face. "Perhaps that privilege is reserved for gods, not queens and kings, perhaps there is a terrible price to pay.

"We've devoted our lives to our nations." I quoted on script as I looked into Mary's eyes. "We're still taking an enormous risk for our countries, whether we lay a claim to England or defy my father and the Vatican, for what we think is right for our people."

"I like that word, we and our." Mary said as I leaned into steal another kiss from my fiancee.

"Mary, you're so much like me. You've been alone in your struggles your entire life." I replied as I looked into her eyes. My heart was full of love for her and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. "That's over now...I would die for you." Mary's face showed fear for a moment before we heard a loud scream. We quickly raced out of Francis's chambers and found Aylee in a pool of blood at the bottom of a stairway.

"f*ck!" i exclaimed in shock as I was genuinely shocked, but not for the reason the others were. I had been so busy thinking about my engagement to Mary, so caught up in pre wedded bliss, that I had completely forgot about Aylee's death. I forgot that she had drank the poison meant for Kenna, that she had been pushed down the stairs by Clarissa. I could have planned something, found someway to save Aylee, but I had left Aylee slip from my mind and now Mary and her ladies were paying the price for my forgetfulness.

"They found her like this, they came to us, looking for you." Lola said on the verge of tears as Mary went to comfort her friend.

"He said...i'd never go home again." Aylee whispered as Mary held her blood stained head.

"Aylee, no" Mary said as she wept for her lady.

"Too much blood...shed for you." Aylee stuttered as she slowly breathed her last. "You...we must go home now." As the ladies wept for their sister, Mary caught sight of Nostradamus standing off in the distance.

"You are sent from Hell..." Mary growled in anger as I tried to hold her back. "You are the Devil!" I tried to wrap my arms around her, but she broke free. I could see that she believed in Nostradamus now. I was filled with anger at him and Catherine and myself. I stormed over to the seer and I sucker punched him right in the face.

"Leave me alone!" I exclaimed as I grabbed him by his collar. "Go to Hell and take the wicked, evil, murdering Medici bitch with you!" I stormed off in anger as I punched a wall in pure fury.

"This is all my fault...IT'S ALL MY f*ckING FAULT!" I screamed as I realized that my forgetting to prevent Aylee's death had ensured that Mary would believe Nostradamus's prophecy. Our love was all but ruined and it was my doing; or undoing.

Chapter 30: Cour De France En Fuite


Nolan, Mary, & Bash decide to flee French Court, as Nolan pleads for time with his love.

Chapter Text

Later That Day.

I wept silent tears as I returned to my chambers. My carelessness had cost a life and most likely my marriage to Mary as well. I knew that she was packing her bags to return to Scotland this very day. I then realized that I couldn't just sit on my bed and cry like a little bitch. I refused to just let Mary ride away as Francis had. I had to fight for the woman that I loved and by God, that's what I was going to do.

I collected myself and went into the throne room where King Henry II was discussing his battle plans for when Bloody Mary Tudor eventually kicked the bucket. Henry invited me over to discuss the planning, but my mind was elsewhere. Eventually, Mary stepped into the throne room and I braced myself for the heartbreak.

"As Queen of Scotland, I have made a decision: I lay no claim to the English throne." Mary stated as she looked Henry dead in the eye. "There are too many lives at stake, and I have a duty to those who would die for me, who believe that I would die for them, regardless of my personal happiness."

"Wait, Mary..." I started to say before she cut me off.

"I know your terms, I know this will cost me the man I love." Mary continued as she forced herself not to look at me.

"Mary, no!" I exclaimed as I saw Henry develop a silent rage within him.

"You're risking everything, everything you've spent your life waiting for." Henry declared in shock.

"I know." She replied.

"You're walking away from England, from more power than you could ever imagine." He insisted as Mary gave him a cold look in return.

"I'm walking away from France." The Queen of Scots clarified as she stormed out of the throne room.

"Mary, You're frightened, now is the time for courage!" King Henry called out as I ran after her & grasped her hand.

"I don't understand." I lied as I squeezed Mary's hand.

"Please don't, I've made up my mind." Mary insisted.

"Without telling me?" I inquired incredulously.

"I told you I was afraid, I told you I wasn't sure if this was the right choice for my country." Mary pointed out as I refused to let her go.

"What does that have to do with marrying me?" I asked as I fought back my tears. "I told you, I have no term, I only want you."

"I can't trust that." Mary lied as I saw the love in her eyes. She knew I loved her, she was just trying to defy the prophecy.

"I don't believe you, if you really want me to let you go...then look me in the eye and tell me that you don't love me and we'll call this whole thing off; right here, right now." I challenged as I saw Mary's resolve all but crumble.

"Please Francis...don't do this..." Mary begged as I held her hands tightly.

"If you want me to let you go, you need to look in my eye and say that you don't love me." I commanded as Mary struggled with what I was asking. She eventually close her eyes tightly.

"I...don' you..." Mary stuttered as she fought hard to utter the lie.

"I told you to look me in the eye!" I exclaimed as the lie cut deeply. Mary forced her teary eyes open as I gazed into them.

"I...don't...Mary gasped as if each word was a stab wound.

"You don't what?" I grit my teeth as Mary finally caved.

"Please Francis, please Stop!" She wailed as I took her in my arms.

"Then tell me the truth, do you love me?" I demanded as i cupped her face

"You know that I love you, you know it!" Mary screamed as I kissed her deeply. We made out passionate for a few moments before I pulled away.

"You're upset, about Aylee." I quoted as I kissed each of Mary's tears away. You can't make decisions now, but I can, and I love you forever."

"All I ever wanted was you." Mary said as she stroked my cheek. I needed time to explain to her what I knew and it wasn't safe to do so here.

"Then go away with me." I said as Mary looked at me with confusion. "There are secrets we must share and we can't share them here. We'll find somewhere safe, we'll say what we need to and then we'll figure all this sh*t out. I just need to gather some supplies; I don't know how long we'll be gone. Mary please...wait for me?"

"I'll wait for you." Mary promised with a weak smile as I kissed her before running to my chambers.

I ran to the treasury room and gathered all of the gold coins that I could fit in a saddle bag. When I returned, I was so relived to find that Mary had stayed. To be honest, I had thought that Mary would have left as the script demanded.

" stayed..." I said, unable to hide my relief.

"I told you that I would." Mary replied as I grabbed her hand and led her to the stables. I was amazed that it had worked. Maybe I had changed the timeline by opening myself to Mary's love from the start, unlike the real Francis who did everything to keep the Scottish Queen at arm's length until it proved impossible. When we got out to the stables, there was a stable keeper overseeing the horses.

"Your majesties, may I be of service?" the stable keeper asked as we tried to keep cool.

"We're going for a ride, we'll be fine." I said.

"I'll alert the guards." the stab

"Please, uh, don't." Mary said quickly and anxiously.

"But it's not safe for you alone." the stable keeper pointed out.

"We're fine here." We turned to see Bash approaching us with 2 horses. He was fleeing French Court before the Medici bitch could tell Henry that Diane was trying to legitimize his ass. "I'll be glad to accompany the Dauphin and Queen; I have horses ready for us."

"Horses ready?" the stable keep asked in confusion. "But you just offered..of course." Bash gave the guy a look that screamed walk away. Once the stable keeper made his way out, Bash turned to us both.

"Where are you going? What's wrong?" my false brother asked in quick succession.

"We're leaving, we are going away." I explained as briefly as possible.

"And if you love your brother, you will not stand in our way." Mary added with seriousness in her voice.

"Away where?" Bash asked for the 3rd time.

"Far." Mary answered

"That's my destination as well." Bash admitted with a look of knowing on his face.

"Then we can go there together." I decided as Mary and I got on a grey horse and Bash upon a black one. Mary held onto my torso tightly as we galloped out of the stable and onto the King's road. I had no idea where we were going, but I was to go to the ends of the Earth to keep Mary for my own; because I knew she would for me.

Chapter 31: Débattre De Nostradamus


The trio make plans for their escape as Nolan tries to bust the myth of Nostradamus.

Chapter Text

Paris, Kingdom of France. Later that day.

After we were no longer in sight of the castle, we started to make plans for our future.

"After I see you and Francis off to Scotland, I'll find passage a different way." Bash declared, earning a look of shock from us both.

"You can't be serious, after all that we have gone through together, endured together, fought for together, you would abandon us?" I asked incredulously as Mary clearly shared my feelings. Mary and I needed Bash desperately and we both knew it. Neither Mary nor I had ever been to Scotland and if we were going to consolidate Mary's power upon our arrival, we were going to need a man who could kick ass and a man that we could trust with our lives.

"Bash, you must come with us to Scotland." I chastised my false brother as our horses trotted along. "If Mary is to get to Edinburgh in one piece to claim her rightful throne, she will need us both to defend her against threats known and unknown."

"Please Bash, please come with us." Mary pleaded as she looked at him wistfully. "After Francis and I have established ourselves in Scotland, you may leave if you wish." Bash thought about it for a moment and then agreed.

"I suppose that you shall have to teach Francis and I how to speak Scottish." He remarked with a smirk as Mary returned it.

"The original language is called Gaelic, not Scottish." She corrected him.

"So...if my memory serves correctly, there are 2 main port cities where we can try to find passage to Scotland: the first one is at Cherbourg-en-Contentin. If we tried to get a ship there, it would take us through the English Channel where we might run into Tudor vessels." I explained as he rode at a slow pace after a couple hours of hard riding.

"Best to avoid those if we're traveling with the Queen of Scotland." Bash remarked.

"You said there was another port?" Mary inquired.

"Yes, the port of Brest. It's far closer to Scotland and would allow us to avoid the channel altogether." Bash added as I threw him a nod.

"Then to Brest it is." Mary conceded as we spurred our horses on forward towards our hopes of freedom.

Later that night.

After we'd made decent progress in our quest to find a ship sailing to Brest, Bash decided that it was time to set up camp. We found a clearing that didn't seem to be occupied by any savage beasts. The first thing that we needed to do was to build a fire. Unfortunately, we didn't have any axes and the swords that Bash and I did possess were not meant for the chopping of wood. Bash volunteered to go gather what loose wood that he could while I would remain with Mary and see her protected. After Bash had gone off to collect the wood, Mary and I finally had a moment to talk things out.

"So...are you going to tell me why you really don't want to marry me anymore?" I inquired as Mary grew silent.

"Whatever reason that I could offer you would never satisfy the hunger in your heart." Mary replied as I took her hand in mine.

"I know Mary, I know about the prophecy foretold by Nostradamus; and all of the wicked things that my mother did to you so that it might be prevented." I said with intent as her eyes went wide in pure shock.

"How did you find out?" Mary asked as I knew that I wasn't going to get away with just brushing it off. It may have worked with Olivia D'Amencourt, but that sh*t wasn't going to fly with Mary Stuart.

"I overheard Nostradamus discussing the matter with Catherine one night when I couldn't sleep. She asked him if his prophecy had changed and he told her that it had not; that if we were to wed, it would guarantee my demise. " I lied as I tried to sound as believable as I possibly could.

"Then you know why I can't not marry you." Mary pointed out.

"Even though you love me?" I asked as I felt my eyes tear up and saw hers do the same.

"Even though I love you." Mary confirmed as I shook my head. I was utterly in love with Mary, not Adelaide Kane playing Mary, Mary. I had never loved any woman in my life as I loved Mary. I had never been as vulnerable with any woman as I was with Mary and I couldn't let her walk out of my life; I just couldn't.

"You would let some old crackpot's superstition keep us apart?" I inquired in pain.

" I believe him Francis, he predicted Aylee's death and she never went back home again as he said she would not." Mary pointed out as I took both of her hands. I knew that telling her too much about the subplots wasn't a good idea, but I had to let her in on more secrets if I was to break the hold that Nostradamus and the Medici bitch held over her.

"Aylee didn't die because Nostradamus saw it, she died because of a fall, people fall down flights of stairs all the time, it does not mean that their death has been written or the stars." I reasoned as I looked into Mary's eyes. I wanted to tell her about Aylee drinking the poison, but there was just no logical way for me to explain how I would know about that without spilling the beans about my being from the future and her life being a TV show.

"Even if that is true, I can't take a risk on your life!" Mary exclaimed in tears.

"Would you rather that I live a life of loneliness, because I swear that is all that awaits me if you refuse to marry me. I can't love anyone else like you Mary; believe me, I tried." I exclaimed in return as Bash dropped a bundle of sticks at our feet before Mary could respond.

"If you two could stop arguing about Nostradamus for a moment, we can make a fire." he replied with his usual tongue in cheek wit.

Chapter 32: Pris Au Piège En France


Nolan, Mary, & Bash try to flee France, only to be head off by King Henry & Queen Catherine.


If there’s anything you want to see before we get back on canon, let me know.

Chapter Text

Port city of Brest, Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

Mary, Bash, and I rode long and hard to reach the port at Brest. After camping out in the woods of North East France for 3 days straight, we were actually looking forward to sleeping in cabins on a ship. Meanwhile, I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around Mary. I had convinced her to stay with me for the time being, but she still believes too heavily in Nostradamus's prophecy on account of the death of Aylee. I couldn't point out that it wasn't the prophecy because to do so would eventually evolve into me telling Mary the whole truth that I hadn't even told Bash. Our engagement was already on thin ice because of stupid Nostradamus, if I told her the truth about who I was and where I came from, I would lose her for good.

As we made our way through Brest, we didn't attract too much attention. Along the way, Bash had pointed out that we were dressed like royals or in his case, a royal bastard. There was only so much that we could do about our looks, but our fancy ass clothes were a dead give away as to our stations. Thankfully, we had come across a house of peasants on the road and Bash had managed to barter with them for some of their clothes. Personally, I much preferred peasant clothing to royal clothing.

You see, the problem with expensive clothing is that the looks, more often than not, take precedence over the feels. Rich people's clothes, especially when we're talking about royalty, are designed to show status and to look exquisite as sh*t. They are not however, designed for freedom of movement or for a person's comfort. It was for sure one of the hardest parts about living as a royal; not just in the 1500's, but royalty in general.

"Thank God you bartered for these clothes Bash, we're blending in quite nicely as peasants." I said as we walked our horses. I was wearing a plain white shirt & loose brown trousers; along with a pair of muddy shoes that gave me the dirt poor farmer look. Bash was wearing the same because the peasant man that he'd bought the clothes from, thankfully had two sons that were just our sizes.

"Fortune would appear to be on our side, brother." Bash replied with a smirk as the port was finally within our sight.

"I just pray that we can find a ship that's bound for Scotland." Mary replied as she walked along side me. While Bash and I were wearing clothes that once belonged to the peasant's sons, Mary was wearing garments that from the peasant's wife; who was exactly the same age and size as she was. Mary was wearing a light brown dress made of plain cotton with shoes that were nearly worn out. While it wasn't anything that could be classified as stereotypically pretty, it would prevent people from believing her to be a woman of nobility; which was what we needed until we landed on Scottish soil.

"We don't have much money, so odds are that we'll have to work for our passage; provided that we can actually find a ship bound for Scotland." I said as we finally reached the dock of Brest. Unfortunately, our detour ended up being the wrong idea. Before we could even approach any of the captains or boat owners, we saw that soldiers in French army uniforms were patrolling around the ships.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that either Henry or Catherine or both of them had ordered in the troops to go hunting us up. Mary, Bash, and I quickly hid behind some barrels that were filled with who the Hell knows what before we could get spotted. As we slowly peeled through the cracks in the barrels, we saw that everyone was being checked before they entered a ship and that if their supplies looked big enough to hide a person inside them, they were ransacked and throughly searched. Obviously, this put a huge dent in our escape plans.

"sh*t, I guess we aren't going to Scotland anytime soon." I groaned as we all sat down behind the barrels.

"Or anywhere outside of France for that matter." Bash added as he looked as pissed as I did. "Father and Catherine must have expected that we would try to find passage on a vessel leaving France."

"We're trapped in France." Mary said with resignation in her voice as she turned to me with pain in her eyes. "If you had let me go alone, your mother wouldn't be sending guards after us."

"If I had let you go, you would have broken our engagement for superstition. What I was supposed to do Mary? Blow kisses and toast champagne as the love of my life runs away?" I asked angrily as I tried to grasp her hand, only for her to pull away. It felt like she was plunging a dagger into my heart.

"I am breaking off our engagement to save your life!" Mary argued as she teared up.

"And by doing so, you condemn me to life of loneliness. Do you truly hate me so much Mary?" I asked as I was crying like baby at this point and not giving a sh*t about it.

"You know that I love you Francis!" Mary exclaimed tearfully as I could see the pain in her voice.

"Then don't let Catherine and her fortune telling lap dog pressure you into throwing away what we have!" I demanded as i cupped Mary's face; forcing her to look at me.

"You are pressuring me..." she wailed as she tried to pull away, but I held into her for dear life. "Nostradamus says that I will have to watch you die because of me. Please don't make me watch Francis...I don't want to!" Mary and I wept as we held each other closely while Bash could say nothing to comfort us.

Chapter 33: La Gentillesse Des Étrangers


Our trio get caught in a storm & end up at the home of a nobleman with a familiar name.



Chapter Text

Carrouges, Kingdom of France. 4 days later.

After we had seen the soldiers guarding the port of Brest, Bash theorized that Henry and Catherine had sent royal guards to every port of call in France, hoping to re acquire us. That meant that not a one of us was going to leaving France anytime soon. Mary was understandably upset about this development, but I was personally relived. This would hopefully give me more time to convince Mary that Nostradamus was full of sh*t and that we could still be married.

Thanks to Bash and I killing Tómas, the lion and dragon had never fought on the field of poppies. The only thing that was making Mary believe the stupid prophecy was Aylee dying. That was on me because I forgot to prevent it. I was too busy with my impending marriage that I forgot that Clarissa pushed Aylee to her death. Now, I was trapped in this grip of fear that Mary had.

On the one hand, it was clear that she loved me. The fact that she was willing to give me up, to choose a future without me in it, if it meant my survival. However, it didn't make me feel any better to how deep her love was for me, because I didn't want to continue to live in this world of Reign without her by my side; I refused to. I would rather live 5 years with Mary Stuart as my wife than 50 years without her. Didn't I have the right to choose my own fate? For so many years, I hadn't any control over my life. My sister's addiction to meth and my family's response to it had robbed me of my choices. Now that I finally had the power to choose what I wanted to be and who I wanted to be it with, I was in no great hurry to give it up.

"The sky is getting dark, there's a storm coming." Bash remarked wistfully as we walked along. We no longer had our horses. We had been forced to sell them in exchange for food and shelter over the past 4 days as we made our way through the French countryside; narrowly avoiding anything that resembled law enforcement in the way to where we were going; wherever the Hell that was.

"Perhaps we should find an inn? The last thing we want is to be caught in a storm with no protection from the elements." Mary suggested as she had taken the miles of walking far better than Bash or I had expected her to.

"We only have a few livres left. We might have enough for 1 lodging, but not 3." I explained as there was no point in haggling with an innkeeper when we had so little. The storm came up on us and it was a bad one. Bash, Mary, and I struggled to keep trudging on the road as the rain started getting fast and heavy. I took off my shirt and tried to cover Mary with it to keep her a little more dry, but it was futile. Eventually, a bolt of lightning struck a near by tree and it fell before us

"FRANCIS!" Mary screamed as I dived to get her out of the way of the falling hickory. I somehow managed to avoid the huge tree trunk, but then I felt something heavy hit my head and my whole world went black.

House of Veneur. Carrouges, Kingdom of France. The next day.

When I finally woke up, the first thing that I noticed was that my head stung like a bitch. The next thing that I noticed was that I was in a rather elegant looking bed room. As I stirred, I felt someone moved about the room and then open the door before running out of it. I reached up slowly and felt a wet cloth on my forehead. As I moved the cloth, I felt that there was a pretty decent sized bruise on my head from where the tree branch had hit. As I tried to get up, someone else walked in. From what I could see, he was a noble looking dude with long brown hair that went down to his shoulders and these deep brown eyes that chicks would love.

"I am pleased to see that you are awake, my Dauphin. You took a nasty branch to your head, The nobleman said with a smile as that caught me off guard. Perhaps our disguises weren't as good as we thought.

" you know...who I am?" I asked groggily.

"Thank the King's bastard." He answered. "He brought you here, slung over his shoulder like a new born calf. You happened to be on my land. It took a bit, but eventually he convinced me of your identity. I sent for the local physician."

"Who are you?" I asked again as he chuckled.

"Forgive me, my Dauphin; my manners have escaped me." The nobleman said as he did a dramatic bow. "Tanneguy Le Veneur, Count de Tilliéres, loyal son of the house Carrouges, at your service; milord." The name Carrouges sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had heard it. There were more important things on my mind anyway.

"Where is Mary?" I asked nervously as I tried to sit up.

"Peace my Dauphin, the Queen of Scots is well. She is with my sister, the lady Marguerite Le Veneur." Tanneguy explained with a smile. "When she saw the rags that your betrothed was wearing, she was overwhelmed with pity and demanded that Queen Mary borrow one of her gowns for dinner, praised be that they are close enough in size."

"Dinner, what time is it?" I inquired.

"You slept the day away, but you are just in time for the evening meal." Le Veneur replied. "You must be mad with hunger, my Dauphin. Come and fill your belly." My stomach was sounding like Chewbacca getting off, so I knew that I needed to eat. I nodded as my host left me to dress for supper.

Chapter 34: L'histoire Du Dernier Duel


Nolan, Mary, & Bash dine with the Veneur siblings & hear the story of Sir Jean de Carrouges





Chapter Text

My Life As The Dauphin - MadWheelerShipper27 (1) My Life As The Dauphin - MadWheelerShipper27 (2)

House of Veneur. Carrouges, Kingdom of France. The next day.

If I had been concussed, I seemed to have made it out all right; except for the nasty bruise on my forehead. To my surprise and gratitude, I found that the count of Tilléres had a close of clothes prepared for me. They never would have fit my body, but they fit Francis just right. I picked out a dress shirt that looked a bright shade of blue, along with some dapper trousers before exiting the room.

As I walked through the manor, I had to admit that I was impressed with the decor. It was a rich style, but overly luxurious. It was as though Tanneguy was trying to show off his wealth, while also trying to be subtle about his boasting. I made my way down the stairs where I saw Mary speaking to a very pretty young lady with a long head of brown hair and an auburn colored dress.

"Mary." I said with a smile as the love of my life turned to me with a look of relieved happiness upon her face.

"Francis, you're all right!" Mary exclaimed as she ran over and threw herself into my arms. I held her tightly and inhaled her scent.

"It's going to take a Hell of a lot more than a damn branch to keep me from you." I vowed as she leaned in and kissed me deeply. I kissed her with equal passion.

"You are both blessed to find such happiness, despite your marriage being arranged." The young lady said as she eyed us with glee and perhaps a bit of jealously. We slowly pulled away, not in the mood to put on a show.

"Francis, this is lady Marguerite Le Veneur, the count's sister." Mary introduced as Marguerite curtsied to me.

"Milady, your brother has been most hospitable. We owe him a great deal." I replied as I bowed my head with respect.

"Tanneguy is so pleased at entertaining the future King of France, as well as the rightful Queen of Scotland and England. His friends shall be absolutely sick with envy." Marguerite said with a wicked grin.

"Come, Bash is already in the dining hall with Count Tanneguy." Mary told me as she grabbed by hand and pulled me along to the dining room. Sure enough, my false half brother was pouring himself a glass of wine near the head of the table where Tanneguy was seated.

"Francis, good to see you on your feet." Bash said as he got up, walked over, and embraced me.

"My head is going to be slightly deformed for about a week, but I should be all right." I joked as he cracked a smile at my expense. I sat down next to Mary as the servants brought out an array of Medieval French dishes. They had prepared cabbage chowder for an appetizer, lamb stew for dinner, and for dessert, the cook had prepared cream custard tarts.

"A toast, to the dauphin, the Queen of Scotland, and the son of King Henry II, your presence brings honor to the house Carrouges!" Tanneguy declared as he toasted to us with a very delicious brand of red wine.

"You have been most hospitable Milord, we would love to repay your kindness, if we return to court." Mary replied politely. As we dug into the chowder, I was racking my brain to figure out why the family name was familiar to me and then it hit me: I had seen a film called The Last Duel that was about 2 knights fighting over a rape charge. I cleared my throat while Tanneguy and Bash were discussing what game there was to hunt locally.

"Pardon me Milord, but would you have any relation to Sir Jean de Carrouges?" I inquired as Tanneguy smiled with pride.

"Indeed my Dauphin, he is my ancestor and a truer French patriot could not be found anywhere." The count insisted.

"I remember that story, Carrogues fought a duel against another knight who raped his wife, it was a popular one when I was younger." Bash added.

"It is such a wonderful story, your majesty, you should tell her brother." Marguerite said to Mary and then her brother.

"I'm sure that the Queen of Scots doesn't want to here about such things, sister." Her brother said, trying to sound modest.

"Actually, it sounds like a very chivalrous story, I'd love to hear it; if you don't mind." Mary insisted with a smile, wanting to please our host.

"Oh I don't mind at all, in fact, Sir Jean's duel is a source of pride for our family." Tanneguy insisted as he sipped on his wine. "Well, the story truly begins at the Battle of Limoges on the 19th of September 1370. Jean and Jacques were both fighting the English. The soldiers were ordered to hold the bridge, but when Jean saw that the English were massacring innocent peasants, he charged forward without a second thought."

"That was very brave of him." I said, feeling as though I was watching the truth according to Jean de Carrougues again.

"That was his nature, Jean was a noble man who believed in helping his neighbor." Tanneguy agreed.

"Unfortunately, Limoges was lost and Jean's liege Lord, Count Pierre d'Alençon, blamed him for the defeat." Marguerite added wistfully.

"That sounds unfair." Bash said with a head shake.

"Pierre was a hedonistic man who devolved in all manner of perversion and Le Gris was eager to join him. Jean was a chaste lover, albeit passionate." Tanneguy explained with anger. "A few years later, Jean married Marguerite de Thibouville; my sweet sister's namesake."

"She was a pious, kind, and strong woman. Our father hoped I would be the same." Marguerite explained with pride.

"I'm certain that Lady Marguerite would be very proud of the woman you've become." Mary said with a smile squeezing her hand.

"As part of her dowry, her father promised to Jean, the estate of Aunou-le-Faucon. It was one of the Thibouville's most valuable estates and it held great sentimental value to Marguerite." The count continued. "It had lovely rose gardens, a large tree that she spent many hours swinging in. But then, Robert was forced to give it up to Count Pierre for taxes."

"Even though the land was worth twice what her father owed." The count's sister added angrily.

"So Count Pierre kept Aunou-le-Faucon for himself?" I asked, pretending that this was the first time I'd heard the story.

"No my Dauphin, he gifted it to Jacques Le Gris as a reward for balancing his finances." Tanneguy remarked in anger. "And that was just the beginning; Jean sued Count Pierre for the land on the grounds that it was rightfully his. He lost the suit and in retaliation, upon the passing of Jean's father, who was the captain of Fort Belleme, as his father had been before him, deprived Jean out of his rightful captaincy and guess who he gave it to?"

"Jacques Le Gris." Mary, Bash, and I all said in unison.

"Exactly, our family has never forgotten that injustice!" Marguerite growled. "Le Gris got the captaincy at Belleme, not because of his military prowess, but because he knew how to kiss Pierre's ass."

"My sister's words are unladylike, but the truth falls from her lips." Tanneguy chastised gently as he drank some wine.

"And then...Le Gris took Marguerite by force?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"He did, he and his friend, Adam Louvel, forced and manipulated their way into her house and he held her down while Le Gris mounted and had his way with her." Tanneguy snarled with disgust. "She protested, but those savages overpowered her."

"I am sorry Milord...she should never have endured such brutality." Mary said as we could all imagine the pain she had gone through.

"Sir Jean went to Count Pierre for justice, as the law demands.

"With how friendly they were, any investigation was probably just a formality." I remarked, knowing how the politics of nepotism work.

"Pierre actually said that Marguerite must have dreamt it!" Her namesake said in anger.

"Dreamt rape, that is absurd." Bash remarked incredulously.

"Sir Jean had no choice but to appeal to the king and demand a duel." The count continued. "He fought with honor and slew the villain Le Gris."

"Did the king return Aunou-Le-Faucon or the captaincy at Belleme?" Mary inquired hopefully.

"No...despite being proven guilty, Count Pierre defended Le Gris after his death and made sure that Sir Jean never got what he was owed." Marguerite replied wistfully.

"I choose to live in hope that one day, what we lost shall be returned." Tanneguy replied as we finished our dinner, the story of the last duel hanging over us like a shadow.

Chapter 35: Un Dernier Plaidoyer


Nolan makes one final plea to Mary not to give up all that she and Francis share.

Chapter Text

Veneur Estate. Carrouges, Kingdom of France. 1 week later.

After roughing it in the French countryside, I think that it is safe to say that the 3 of us would never ever take mattresses, pillows, or sheets for granted every again. To be honest, I had missed having servants to tend to all my menial needs. Living at the home of the Veneur's was quite pleasant indeed. It wasn't nearly as luxurious as French court, but it was pleasant enough.

As the next week past, Bash and I often joined Tanneguy in the woods for a hunt. There was plentiful game around his estate and we ended up eating venison rather often. I was content as a guest of the Count of Tilliéres. However, I was still trapped in unhappiness.

Despite the prophecy, that she had received from the visions Nostradamus and the terror that she had suffered at the hands of the Medici bitch, Mary had agreed to come with me thus far. However, the distance that had been put between was still there; like a stain that had soaked into my shirt that would not come off, even after a thousand washes. Every time that I tried to hold her, to kiss her, to share any form of intimacy...Mary pulled away from me like I had the plague or some sh*t. It was f*cking unbearable and I was utterly sick of it.

On the 7th night of our stay at the Veneur estate, I decided that this sh*t with Nostradamus and his bullsh*t prophecy needed to be out to rest once and for all. I went to Mary's chambers and I knocked on the door eagerly. Mary came to answer it after a moment and the look on her face revealed that she did not expect me to be there at all.

"Francis...the hour is late, you shouldn't be here." Mary said softly as she tried to work up the nerve to shut the door in my face.

"I don't care, this distance between us has gone on for way too long and it ends now." I demanded angrily as I stood in the doorway like a stone statue. Mary could tell that I wasn't going anywhere; so she reluctantly let me come inside her room before closing the door.

"Francis...why do you keep doing this?" Mary asked in frustration as she set her furious eyes upon me. "Can you not appreciate that I am trying to save your life?"

"No, I don't appreciate it because you are condemning me to a fate that is far worse than whatever Nostradamus sees in his vision!" I exclaimed angrily as I glared back at her with equal frustration. "Mary, I love you and I know that you love me too."

"That doesn't matter anymore, it can't!" Mary exclaimed in pain as I saw the heart break on her face.

"I am a grown man who can assess the situation, judge the risks and rewards, and make a decision. If you won't let me make MY own decisions with MY own life, then you don't respect me!" I shot back.

"You think I don't respect you?" Mary asked incredulously.

"Not really, you torment me day in and day out." I argued as I stepped towards the woman I loved. "You shy away from me at every turn as if I've got the Black Death or something worse and worst of have let some lunatic and a vile, wicked she serpent convince you that denying what we have and condemning me to a life of loneliness and misery is the best option."

"Francis, she is your mother!" Mary exclaimed in shock at my bad mouthing Catherine.

"Ha, Catherine de Medici is many things, but a mother is not one of them." I declared with fury as I let loose on the bitch. "A mother teaches her son right from wrong, a mother puts her son's happiness above what she wants, a mother doesn't lie to her son over and over and over and over again. Catherine has done none of that and I refuse to give her credit for something she hasn't done!" I started tearing up as Mary reached out gently and took my hand in hers. It was the first time that she had willingly touched me in a while.

" know that I love you, more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life." Mary said solemnly as I held her cheek in my hand.

"Then tell Nostradamus and my mother to go to Hell. Marry me, love with me, laugh with me, cry with me, raise our children with me." I pleaded as I looked deeply into the eyes that never failed to captivate and enchant me. "I know that whether or not Nostradamus's prophecy is true that there will be risk, but I want to face it with you. Because a short life with you is far better than an long life without you. If I had to choose between a moment with you and an eternity without, I would choose the moment every damn time because you are my life Mary Stuart, do you hear me: You. Are. My. Life."

"You are my life Francis...ever since I stepped out of that carriage and saw the way you looked at me...I knew you were all I wanted." Mary said with tears of her own as our lips met. I kissed her deeply before before I lifted Mary off of her feet and carried her to the bed, where we shared our most intimate embrace.

Chapter 36: Le Mariage Secret


Nolan & Mary decide that they must elope to be free of Catherine’s schemes.



Chapter Text

Veneur Estate. Carrogues, Kingdom of France. 1 week later.

After Mary and I reconciled and vowed to begin our love anew, everything seemed to be perfect for us. It was like the early days of our romance all over again. We ate together, walked together, rode together and yes, we slept together as well.

Bash had noticed our change in demeanor and was happy for it. He seemed to have put away any feelings that he had once possessed towards Mary and seemed to be settling into the friend zone better than we could have hoped for. I just hoped that Bash would still end up with Kenna. Despite the fact that they had been force together by that raging lunatic Henry Valois, Bash and Kenna had the potential to be a good pair for each other, if Kenna could ever get over her hedonist ways and make the most of what she had.

Tanneguy and Marguerite had also noticed that Mary and I seemed considerably happier and were now stuck to each other like glue. It was clear that the whole household was happier as a result. As Bash and I got close to Tanneguy, Mary and Marguerite became better friends themselves. It had been hard for Mary to be without her ladies in waiting; especially after Aylee had died. Having Marguerite as a surrogate gal pal helped ease the loss considerably.

As we played games and enjoyed the pleasant company, I was grateful for the fond memories that Mary and Bash and I were making at the Veneur estate. I knew that with all of trials and tribulations to come, it was important to be able to have these happy memories to look back to.

Deep down, I knew that our vacation couldn't go on forever and sure enough, it eventually came to an end thanks to my bride to be. Tanneguy had a swing on his property that he had built for his sister, but they had both allowed Mary and I to use it at our leisure. As she was swinging, Mary suddenly stopped and turned to me.

"Francis...being here has been wonderful...but we need to go back to court." Mary said as i heaved a sigh. I knew that she was right, but that didn't mean I had to like it.

"Mary...if we go back, Catherine will only force us to be part once again. She takes Nostradamus's visions as gospel." I pointed out as Mary nodded while she looked deep in turmoil. She took my hands and squeezed them.

"Do you trust me, Francis?" Mary asked me as I kissed her hands.

"You know I do." I told her honestly.

"Then let us find a priest and get married this day." Mary said, catching me off guard. I hadn't expected her to be one for eloping.

"Mary...if we do this..." I stuttered until she put a finger to my lips.

"If we do this, there is nothing Catherine can do." She insisted eagerly. "Your father will support us to have a chance at England and your mother wouldn't dare risk trying to get an annulment. Francis, this is the only way to stop her." I leaned in and kissed my Queen deeply before looking into her eyes.

"I shall be your husband or no one's." I promised her as I picked Mary up and held her close.

St. Matthias's Catholic Church. Carrouges, Kingdom of France. That evening.

It was dusk as we rode up to the church. I helped Mary dismount her horse as Bash dismounted next to us.

"So much for getting sauced at your wedding." Bash gripped as Tanneguy pounded on the church door.

"There is always the chance that Henry might make us marry publicly, you can drink your fill there." I said with a chuckle, clapping my best man on the back. Meanwhile, Marguerite was overjoyed to serve as Mary's maid of honor. I saw Tanneguy discussing things with the priest, Father Matthieu Gérald. He put a pouch of coins in the priest's hands, earning a nod.

"We are set, I told Father Gérald that you are lovers from rival families who seek to wed behind your parent's backs." The count explained. I fought to stifle a laugh. The dude was ripping off Romeo and Juliet before it was even written. "Your names are François and Marie."

"All right." Mary replied as we all walked into the church. It was near dark and quiet as we all took our places for the ceremony.

"Welcome, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together François and Marie in holy matrimony.” Father Gérald said as I looked at my beautiful bride. She wasn't wearing a white dress, but her happy face made up for it.

"François and Marie, you have come together this evening, so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of this minister of his word and your family and friends and so, in the presence of this gathering, I ask you to state your intentions." The father continued. "Have you both come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? If so, answer by saying I have."

"I have." Mary and I said in unison

"A reading from the Apostle Paul, 1st Corinthians, chapter thirteen, verses 4 through 7." Father Matthieu said as he opened the Bible. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." I saw Mary fighting back tears as we held onto each others hands.

"Let us pray for this couple as they make their marriage vows." The priest continued as we bowed our heads. "Father, as François and Marie pledge themselves to each other, help them and bless them that their love may be pure, and their vows may be true. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. You may now say your vows." I took a deep breath as I looked into Mary's eyes.

“I, François take thee, Marie to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. This is my solemn vow.” I said as I could have never imagine making this vow to anyone before I met Mary Stuart.

"I, Marie, take thee, François to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish m, till death do is part. This is my solemn vow." Mary replied with what I prayed were tears of joy on her face.

"Who had the rings?" Father Gérald asked as we realized that we had no rings. I quickly pulled a couple of loose strings off of my shirt and handed one to Mary.

"I do." I replied as everyone chuckled at my quick thinking.

"Necessity is the mother of invention." The priest said, chuckling. "François, please take the ring you have selected for Marie, As you place it on her finger, repeat after me: with this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed." I told Mary as i tied the string around her left ring finger.

"Marie, please take the ring you have selected for François." Father Matthieu continued. "As you place it on his finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Mary replied, her voice breaking as she tied the 2nd string around my left ring finger.

"May Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness." Father Gérald prayed one more time. "May the Lord bless you both all the days of your lives and fill you with His joy, Amen."

"Amen." We all said, crossing ourselves.

"By the power vested in me by the Church, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The Priest declared. "You may kiss the bride!” Mary leaned into me and we kissed passionately, earning claps from Bash, Tanneguy, and Marguerite as we drowned them out and just focused on how we were finally free and secure in our love.

Chapter 37: De Retour Au Tribunal


The newlywed royals return to court & face down Henry & Catherine.

Chapter Text

Veneur Estate. Carrogues, Kingdom of France. A week later.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face as I laid in bed with Mary. Her cheek upon my right pec, the sun hitting her hair just right so that it looked like someone had snuck in at night and sewn tiny jewels into her milk chocolate brown hair.

My eyes roamed over her nude feminine physical form. It seemed like she was a designer wife; every single body part, every single aspect of her personality had been made to utter perfection. I struggled to remember why I had ever felt such lust for Olivia D'Amencourt as I had, Mary was everything that I wanted, everything I needed in a wife, a partner, a Queen, a best friend. I knew now that I could never touch, think, or look at another woman as I now did at my wife.

Mary eventually opened her eyes at me and smiled the smile I had come to adore.

"Good morning, husband." Mary whispered as I gently kissed her forehead.

"Good morning yourself, wife." I replied as my eyes drank in her beauty.

"Last night was..." Mary said as she struggled to find the right words to describe how our wedding night had been.

"Glorious?" I asked with a smirk, earning a giggle from my new bride.

"Something like that." She replied as she planted a kiss on my lips. The insanely beautiful love making hadn't been our first foray into the epic art of sexual relations, but it was so far the best. Mary and I stayed there for a few minutes; kissing, cuddling, and enjoying each other. Eventually, Mary pulled away and held my cheek.

"Francis...these last few weeks have been wonderful...but we must return to French court." Mary told me as my heart sank. That place had held such suffering for us. I was in no hurry to go back there.

"Mary, please...why can't we stay here or go to Scotland?" I asked desperately.

"Because we have a duty to France." Mary insisted. "You are its future King and I am it's future Queen, we can not leave like this."

"But Catherine will do anything to destroy us." I reminded her as I didn't want to see the Medici bitch ever again.

"We are married now, not even Catherine de' Medici can undo what has been done before God." Mary assured me as I buried my face in her chest, inhaling her scent. I didn't want to risk Catherine harming my wife, but I knew Mary would not be deterred.

"Mary...I don't want to lose you." I said, feeling a tear of fear roll down my cheek.

"You won't lose me Francis." Mary assured me as she gently kissed the tear away. "You have me and we have each other." She laid my head on her bosom as I held onto Mary for dear life.

"I can't thank you enough for all you have done for us." I told Tanneguy as Bash loaded our supplies in the saddlebags. The count had offered us 3 horses for our return to court and plenty of supplies for the trip.

"It is the least I can do for the future monarchs." Tanneguy replied as we watched Mary and Marguerite embrace each other in the spirit of farewell.

"I pray that we may return the favor and invite you both to court." I said, eager to keep a loyal ally close to me.

"We would be mad to refuse such an offer." The count said as we embraced.

"We'd best be on our way if we mean to make Paris by dusk." Bash cautioned as I broke away and got on my horse.

"The kindness of the house Carrogues shall not be forgotten." Mary assured the Veneur siblings as we waved goodbye before riding off towards the French snake pit.

French Court. Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

As we rode up to the castle, we saw the guards open the gates for us. Everyone has gathered in the courtyard to greet us: Henry, Catherine, Kenna, Greer, Lola, Leith, everyone. I felt a sudden urge to tuck tail and run. The only thing I feared more than returning to French Court though, was sending Mary and Bash in there alone. As we dismounted our horses, King Henry came to greet us.

"We will discuss your absence, but not here." Henry growled as he motioned for us to follow him inside. I grasped Mary's hand as the guards flanked us while Henry and Catherine walked us into the throne room.

"The guards say you chose to return." Henry stated as he and his wife sat on their thrones.

"We are here on behalf of Sebastian and to make peace between our nations, as it seems there is some ill will in the wake of my decision not to marry your son Francis." Mary declared as she stood her ground, her hand in mine. "I am hoping you can help me with this."

"I'll help you make peace. Marry Francis, as we'd agreed. Lay claim to England." Henry demanded as he stared her down angrily. "The story for your abrupt departure is this: you were a bride overcome by nerves..."

"No." I interjected as everyone turned my way.

"No?" The king asked in shock.

"I can not wed Mary." I replied as I saw a bright gleam of hope in Catherine's eyes.

"If Francis does not wish to marry her, you must respect his wishes." The Queen, trying to support me.

"I can not marry her, because we are already married." I clarified as I could see Catherine's heart sink like a rock.

"You did what?" She asked with pure anger.

"We found a priest in a small village and gave him false names, we exchanged vows with Bash as our witness and we consummated our Union." Mary replied as Catherine and Henry were dumbfounded.

"There were improper intimacies?" She asked.

"I laid with my husband, there is nothing improper about it." Mary replied as Catherine was seeing red.

"Do you realize what you have done?" She snarled with venom in her voice.

"We have freed ourselves from your grasp, you witch!" I exclaimed with pride as Catherine stood up in anger.

"I grow weary of your constant disrespect!" She growled at me as I finally lost my sh*t.

"I grew weary of you by the end of episode 1!" I exclaimed angrily before I could realize what I had just said. Everyone was taken aback by my comment.

"What could you possible mean by that?" Catherine asked in confusion as I tried to backtrack.

"I misspoke, what I mean to say was that I grew weary of you long ago and for good reason." I replied as I forced myself to stare her down. "You would gladly condemn me to a long life of misery then to see me loved as I always wanted to be. You are so eager to prevent my death...but I assure you that there are gates far worse then the grave. If I must die, let Mary's arms be my death bed, for I shall have no other."

"As touching as this is, you both must realize that you are not legally married." Henry replied as Mary and I looked at each other in fear.

"We are, we spoke our vows in front of a Catholic priest!" I growled angrily.

"Mary said you used false names. Therefore, your marriage is not valid." The king declared. "The only solution is to have you married again; in a proper ceremony befitting the next King and Queen of England, Scotland, and France."

"If you promise us safety from Catherine, we shall marry again and pursue your ambitions." I told my father.

"It shall be arranged." Henry promised as I kept my eyes on Mary, my only oasis in this tempest.

Chapter 38: Lettre Á Claude, Rire Avec Lola


Nolan pens a letter to Claude & has a heart to heart with Lola.

Chapter Text

French Court.Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

The entire court was in mad preparation for the renewal of my vows to Mary. The throne room was being transformed into a epic sanctuary to host leaders and nobility of other nations for our reception. Meanwhile, our actually wedding ceremony had was going to be held in Paris, at Notre Dame of all places. I wanted to make a joke about hunchbacks, but I held my tongue since no one would get it.

Meanwhile, Henry had attempted to make good on his promise by locking Catherine in the dungeon. He knew that she had been behind Mary's initial reluctance to marry me, but he didn't know about Nostradamus's prophecy; the only reason that the Medici bitch still drew breath. Mary and I tried to feel relief, but she and I both knew that Catherine still had tricks up her sleeve. We were both confident that we weren't anywhere near out of the woods yet.

I set myself to a task as everyone else was preparing for the wedding: writing to Princess Claude. In the original timeline, she wasn't supposed to come back to French Court until season 2; after all of the sh*t had gone down with psycho king Henry. But the fact was that I needed Allies. Sure, I had Mary, her ladies, and the Varden, but a wise dude once told me that you can never have enough friends. Claude had proven throughout the course of the show that she was a good person to have in your side when sh*t went South; which in the world of Reign happened more often than not.

So, I got my hands on a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a quill and got to writing. To be honest, I was still getting used to writing with a quill and ink, but my penmanship had improved over the weeks that I had been at French court.

Dearest sister,

I pray that this letter finds you in good health and in contentment. I am delighted to inform you that I will soon be wed to her majesty: Mary, Queen of Scots. I regret that it has been so long since we last saw each other, but I am writing you now because I must plead with you to come home and be at my side. Certain circ*mstances have arisen at court. Circ*mstances, that I can no longer face alone. I pray that you will be home soon Claude. Your presence has been sorely missed indeed.

All my love,


After I had written the letter, I had summoned a servant to my chambers and called upon him to make sure that my letter to princess Claude was delivered. He gave me every assurance that it would be and departed. Once that was done, I began thinking about my other sister, Clarissa.

Now that Mary and I were back, I knew that we would eventually run into her again and I wanted desperately to help her if possible. The way that Nostradamus had forced her to live for years on end was inhuman. Would she ever be able to live a normal life or was hiding in the shadows as good as it would get for her? I honestly didn't know the answer to that question. After racking my brain for the better part of 10 minutes, I decided to head over to my fiancé's chambers.

As I was making my way to Mary's room, I ended up running into Lady Lola Fleming, of all people.

"Your highness." She curtsied as I bowed my head in return.

"Please, just Francis will do." I said with a chuckle.

"All right Francis, were you heading to Mary's chambers?" Lola asked with a smile.

"I was actually, unless she isn't there?" I replied.

"She grew weary of the dress fitting, so she went out to the grounds to play a few rounds of golf with Bash and Kenna.

"What a pair she has on her hands?" I teased as only I knew that Bash and Kenna were going to end up together, hopefully for good if I could get him a title that could satisfy Kenna's materialistic needs.

"They are quite old, aren't they?" Lola asked with a laugh of her own as we walked along the hallway.

"I was just hoping I could talk to Mary about wedding stuff." I admitted.

"Your brother would say that I'm a good listener." Lola offered as I decided to spill my guts out to her.

"I'm just worried mother hasn't given up her quest to prevent our Union and the fate the Nostradamus sees." I admitted as I tried not to sound like a puss*.

"It's understandable for you to be frightened, Catherine de' Medici is a powerful foe." Lola agreed as she had still not forgiven the serpent queen for costing her the first love of her life; even if Colin was still alive.

"I just don't know what I can do to keep Mary safe from her." I said anxiously as Lola have my hand a squeeze.

"Francis, all you can do is be there for her. You love her and she loves you. You have to trust that you and Mary can weather any storm as long as you are together." Lola insisted passionately as I knew that she had a point. Mary and I had survived with our love in tact for this long. Maybe we could go all the way.

"Bash is right, you are a good listener indeed." I replied with a chuckle as she blushed a bit.

"It's a gift." She shrugged as we both laughed while I tried to be confident that I could be everything that Mary needed me to be for her.

Chapter 39: Planification De Mariage Effrayante


Nolan faces his fear of Catherine as the royal wedding inches closer.

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

As the date of my wedding to Mary drew closer and closer, I couldn't escape the sense of guilt that was trailing behind me everywhere I went. I had watch Catherine de Medici plot and scheme, and hustle and murder for 4 whole seasons. The idea that she would ever yield in her quest to rid the Valois family of Mary Stuart was a joke. I knew deep down that she was plotting something, I just didn't know what.

The only thing that could raise my spirits was seeing Mary so happy as she prepared for our 2nd and royal wedding. She was managing every detail of the celebration and considering that I didn't know Jack sh*t about royal weddings in the 1500's, besides that they had to be grand and filled with obscene luxury, I was more than happy to step back and let my wife handle it all.

For example, Mary picked out the feast that we and all the guests would enjoy after the ceremony. I was in the throne room when Mary came up to me with a look of joy on her face.

"Francis, I'm glad that I found you." Mary said as she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. "I was thinking that for the main course, we could have roasted pheasant."

"It sounds absolutely delicious." I told my wife and I wasn't lying. I had developed a taste for the dish during my time at French Court.

"And for the cake?" Mary asked.

"We'll, it is a wedding, so I would say white cake." I answered with a weak smile on my face. Not even the idea of all the cake I could stomach could cheer me when Mary's safety was still at risk. My wife saw through my ruse and grew concerned.

"Francis, are you all right?" Mary asked worried as I forced myself to act happy.

"It's fine, just pricy council meetings with father; they take a lot out of you." I lied as she seemed to accept my answer.

"Then you should get some rest, my love." Mary insisted as I kissed her.

"Come to my chambers tonight?" I pleaded as Mary heaved a sigh. I needed her comfort desperately.

"Francis...we need to be careful. We technically aren't married yet." She reminded me as I whipped out the puppy dog eyes.

"Mary!" I begged as she rolled her eyes and giggled.

"All right, I shall come." Mary assured me as I took her in my arms, allowing myself a moment's happiness.

Royal Dungeon, French Court. Kingdom of France. Later that day.

I groaned as I walked through the hallways of the castle. I hated lying to Mary, but I also hated upsetting her and I wanted her spirits raised as she planned our official wedding. Just because I was worried about Catherine didn't mean Mary needed to be. As I walked aimlessly, I happened to see Lola paging through a book. I got closer and found that it was a book of designs for exquisite dresses.

"Adding another to your collection?" I asked teasingly as Lola looked up and smiled at me.

"It's not for me, Mary asked me to find a suitable design for her wedding gown." She clarified as I sat down.

"And she trusts you with such a monumental task?" I teased again, earning an eye roll.

"No one knows Mary's style of fashion better than me, I'll choose a wonderful dress and you will thank me." Lola declared as we both laughed.

"Hopefully father will postpone the beheading until after our wedding." I remarked as Lola put the book down.

"It's all right for you to miss her Francis, no matter what she did to you, she's still your mother." Lola reminded me as she gave my hand a squeeze.

"She was hardly a mother to any of her children, especially me. She just wanted to make sure that her hold on power was secure after father dies."

"I'm sorry." Lola said as she pulled me in for hug. Knowing that the timing was near for the 2nd biggest mistake, I felt that I shouldn't be getting so close to Lola Fleming. But Bash was off on another of his adventures. Leith was being worked to death in the kitchen and Lord Castleroy was overseas working out a spice deal. I didn't really have anyone else to talk to about this stuff; plus Lola gave great hugs as it turned out.

"Anyway, I want to visit Catherine... before it goes down. I need to say goodbye." I decided as I didn't want what I said to her in the throne room to be her last memory of her son.

"If it will give you closer, you should do it." Lola encouraged me as I stood up and moved to leave before turning back to my wife's lady in waiting.

"Would you...come with me? I don't want to face her alone." I asked, not trusting Catherine to behave herself.

"Of course." Lola said with a sad smile as she followed me to Catherine's holding cell. The serpent Queen turned to face us as we walked in.

"It seems that my son has come to see me at last; and Lola, you're back. Apparently, last time I wasn't unpleasant enough." Catherine said with a sneer as the showdown between her and Mary's ladies must have still happened.

"I came to say goodbye, mother." I said as I stood my ground against her glare. "I didn't want what I said when I came back to be the last thing I said to you. I really want to believe that deep down, you love me and that's why you did all of this. But you would have willingly condemned me to a life if heartbreak. That is truly wicked."

"I had to make sacrifices for you Francis and I picked your life over your love." Catherine replied solemnly.

"And now I have picked love or life and however long I have to live, I will love well with Mary by my side." I remarked as Catherine looked away from me.

"Love is for fools." She insisted, probably assuming how her marriage to Henry had been Hell.

"Is that why you seek to ruin anyone's chance at love?" Lola asked with calm anger as she let loose on Catherine. "A few months ago, you force a man I loved to flee for his life."

"Ah, Colin. So, you're bitter, then." Catherine said as I wondered what exactly Bash had told her about the boy from Aberdeen.

"No, I'd say that title falls to you." Lola snapped back. You justify what you do to protect your son, but where is he now? You've driven him away. You're bitter, and alone."

"I had my reasons."

I don't care why you abuse your power. I just want it taken away from you; Forever."

"How do you know it was I who drove Colin away?" Catherine asked with a cruel grin on her face. "Perhaps he fled after trying to seduce your Queen?"

"That's a lie, Colin loved me." Lola growled angrily.

"Oh please, you are nothing compared to Mary. When compared to her, she will win every time. Perhaps Colin preferred her to you. Wasn't there every any moment where he seemed a bit too charmed by her for your liking?" This seemed to hit a nerve with Lola and I was wondering if maybe there was some truth to her words. I had never seen Colin before the pilot, so I had no idea that the nature of his relationship with Lola truly was.

"I shall applaud when you lose your head!" Lola said as she walked out do the dungeon before the tears came.

"What she said goes double for me. Good bye mother." I said as I walked out, washing my hands of the Medici bitch once and for all.

Chapter 40: La Douleur Causée Par Catherine


Nolan debates whether or not to let Catherine go to the block & seeks comfort from a troubled friend.



Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. A week later.

After I left the jail cell, I decided that I had made my peace with Catherine de Medici. I knew that she had gone through much suffering in her life and maybe that had shaped her into the utter force of nature that she had become, but all I could offer that woman was pity. She had engaged in an all out assault on the only woman that I had ever loved or ever would love. I could neither forgive or forget. The only reason that I even considered asking Henry to show clemency was that I had no idea how different the show would be if Catherine actually died.

The Serpent Queen was a such a huge presence on the show for its entire run. If she was beheaded as Henry wanted, it would feel like something was missing. I would be responsible for doing irreversible damage to the Reign universe. Was I letting my hatred for Catherine take precedence over what was best for the show as a whole? I felt vengeful and bitter and hateful and guilty and unsure all at the same time. I had been racking my brain over the issue for a whole week and my wits were sore from the ethics of it all. I needed a 2nd opinion. My first thought was to seek counsel from my wife, but Mary had gone to Paris that day to meet some big fancy tailor who had been hired at great expense to make a wedding dress that in his own words, "would make the blessed virgin blush in the face of such beauty." Despite Bash not being heir anymore, the plot with Isobel and her pagan baby had not been removed and he'd received a message for her requesting his aid; so he had gone. There was only 1 person who wouldn't ask questions that I couldn't answer.

I made my way through the castle and knocked on the door. Thankfully, Lola opened the door and gave me Anna Popplewell's toothy smile.

"Good day Francis, if you're looking for Mary, she's..." Lola started to say.

"At an expensive tailor in Paris, I know. I was actually hoping that I could visit with you?" I asked gently as her face brightened.

"Of course, please come in." she beckoned me as she sat down on a sofa across the room from her bed and motioned for me to sit beside her.

"I'm sorry if i'm interrupting something, but with Mary and Bash away, I need someone to talk to." I admitted as Lola clasped both my hands tightly. Her hands were not like Mary's. Mary's hands were strong because she had known common work, but Lola's were smooth and gentle; as if she'd never worked a day in her life.

"You weren't, I was just reading Norse mythology. Without Mary, things can be quite dull for us ladies." She teased as we turned to face each other. "Please, talk to me."

"It's Catherine...I don't know how to feel about father sending her to the block." I admitted with frustration. "There are just too many reasons why we would all benefit from her passing. She has never really been a mother to me, She threatens, bullies, and murders anyone who refuses to play by her rules. She lets her desire for power override every and any good quality she has and then she has tried to hurt Mary in every possible way she could. She would rather see me heartbroken than to spend my remaining days with the woman I love. How can I forgive that Lola?"

"Francis...I can't tell you how to feel about Catherine." Lola replied hesitantly as I could hear her trying to phrase her words correctly. "I know that she's your mother and that you should love her...but I have my own reasons for wishing her out of our lives."

"You mean because of Colin?" I asked as I was instantly hit with a fresh wave of guilt over sending Lola's fiancee away. She got up and looked away from me. I stood up and paced, trying to let out some energy. "Lola, I'm so sorry that I sent him away, but it was all I could think to do."

"I don't blame you Francis. If you hadn't have caught him, he would have been executed for what Catherine forced him to do." Lola said quickly as she looked in my eyes. "I blame Catherine...and Mary."

"Mary, how can you find fault with her?" I asked in amazement.

"Because...I feel there may have been truth to Catherine's barbs." Lola admitted fearfully as I could see the turmoil. "When I talked with Colin about Mary...he always seemed so enraptured with how good she was. I merely assumed that it was adoration for his Queen, but then at Leeza's wedding...he was so close to her. Colin was my only love...and now I have no one to love me."

"That's Bull." I chided as I wiped away the tears that were forming in Lola's eyes. "You are loved. You have Kenna and Greer and Mary and me. We are your friends and we love you. Perhaps not romantically, but true affection all the same." Lola offered me a sad smile as she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me.

"Mary is so fortunate to have you." Lola whispered as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"And I am lucky to have her." I replied as I thought of my impending royal wedding and how after it, no one and nothing would ever tear us apart again.

Chapter 41: Un Peu De Temps Seul


Mary & Nolan manage to share some much needed alone time.

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

As I waited for Claude to arrive, I felt like I was hardly spending any time with Mary. I had been spending time with Lola and she helped me fight off boredom, but it wasn't the same as being near the woman I loved. I decided that what she and I needed was some much needed us time. I decided that I would take Mary to a small cottage that existed a few miles down from the castle. Bash had pointed it out to me on one of our rides and I knew that it would be a perfect place for a romantic getaway. I had gotten Leith to stock it well with ample food and firewood as autumn was nearing its end and winter would soon come in earnest. When I told Lola, she thought that it was a wonderful idea. She jokingly suggested that she come with us, but I was able to convince her that I needed a couple's getaway. Thankfully, she seemed to understand.

After she had finished wedding preparations for the day, I told Mary about my idea and luckily, she loved it. She was in complete agreement that we needed some serious alone time.

Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

As we rode our horses out of the gates, I felt more free than I had in quite a while. It only took us about 15 minutes to reach the cottage, but it felt like we had traveled an entire world away from the dangers and deception of French court.

"It looks lovely Francis." Mary said as she dismounted her horse while i dismounted mine.

"It's no castle, thank God." I teased as I unlocked the door and held it open for my Queen. After Mary and I walked inside, I shut the door and I finally felt like we were safe from Catherine and Henry and all of their plots and schemes. I went and immediately embraced Mary as if I hadn't touched her in a hundred years.

"You seem inspired, my love." Mary said with a smile, holding me just as tightly.

"I'm just thankful to finally be alone with you. With all of the wedding planning, it feels like I've hardly seen you at all lately." I admitted as she caressed my cheek.

"I know and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to make time for you." Mary said, guilt appearing in her face.

"It's all right, Mary." I assured my wife as I deeply kissed her on the lips. "Planning a regular wedding is enough of a nightmare, I can't even imagine all the hassle you must be going through with planning a royal wedding."

"It's all worth it, we'll finally be married legally and then no one can tear us apart again; not Henry and certainly not Catherine." Mary assured me as she held onto me. My smile faltered as soon as Mary had to mention that woman's name. To tell the truth, I wasn't at all sure about what I should do in regards to the Medici bitch; or furthermore, if I should do anything at all.

Once she had gotten past the whole issue of Mary bringing about Francis's demise, she had become a strong ally to them both. A part of me knew that it would be good to have her on our side when Henry went mad and then again when Louis, prince of Condé came into the picture. But there was another part of me that wanted to let Henry have his way with her. If he did, he would surely marry Diane de Poitiers before the year was out. Surely she could take Catherine's place as our ally? She may not be as clever as Catherine, but her actions towards Claude's twin sisters showed that she was just as ruthless; if not more so.

"Speaking of father is convinced that he will have enough evidence to have her executed soon enough." I remarked as Mary could tell that I was feeling confused about the entire thing.

"It's all right to feel upset about what's happening. Despite how she hurt us, she is still your mother and she loves you." Mary spoke softly to me as I stared up at the ceiling.

"I know that...but if she was freed; could you ever take a safe breath again without worrying that she might be moving to strike you down?" I inquired as Mary looked uncomfortable because she knew that there was truth in what I said. The fact of the matter was that unless Nostradamus had his new vision in which he saw a future for Mary and Francis, Catherine would never leave the dungeon a free woman. Whether or not my being here meant he would still have said vision was anyone's guess.

For the time being, I pushed the matter out of my mind and allowed my fingers to run over the flawless skin of Mary Stuart. My wife smiled up at me as she planted a few kisses on my bare chest.

"I don't what I did to deserve you." I whispered as I lost myself in her brown eyes.

"You loved me, Francis." Mary replied as she gazed back into my eyes. "When you didn't have to, when it was difficult for you. You always put my needs ahead of your nation's. That is what you did to deserve me." I smiled as I leaned in and enjoyed a kiss full of love and passion. That was one of my most favorite things about Mary, Queen of Scots. Every time that you kissed her, she always made it feel as though you were kissing her for the very first time.

Chapter 42: Maison Bourguignonne, Première Partie


Nolan & Lola head for the Burgundy House & things quickly spiral out of control.

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. 1 week later.

Things began to move more rapidly for us. The wedding was ready and I received a letter from Claude saying that she would arrive at court any day. Thankfully, now that Bash wasn't an option for the throne, Charles and Henry were not in any more danger than they were naturally. Mary had told me about the frost fair in the village and how much the boys would love it. Despite Bash not being an issue, I knew that Clarissa might still owe Catherine a spite. So I allowed Mary to take the boys, (behind Henry's back), as long as she had guards go with.

Meanwhile, I was concerned about Lola. She had surely gotten the letter from her brother and would be going to the Burgundy House in Paris as the plot required. I didn't want to leave my wife, but without Francis, Lola would have to f*ck the owner to get out of there. Besides, she was my friend and I couldn't leave her hanging. I luckily managed to reach her as she was heading for a carriage.

"Lola, where are you off to?" I asked as she turned to face me.

"The Burgundy house in Paris. My brother has got himself in a bit of a jam and he needs my help getting clear of it." Lola replied as I opened the carriage door.

"I've heard that the Burgundy house is of ill repute; Mary would be furious if I let one her ladies go to such a place unaccompanied." I said as Lola rewarded me with a smile.

"Then come with me." Lola beckoned as I called for a servant and charged him with informing Mary where I had gone. Once this had been done, I got in the carriage with Lola and off we went. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about sleeping with Lola since she didn't seem to show any interest in me as a lover.

Bergundy House. Paris, France. 2 days later.

It was long ass carriage rides that made me miss cars. Thankfully, Lola kept me entertained with funny stories that she had heard around court until we finally arrived at the gambling house.

"So, your brother gambled more money than he had?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Yes, it's one of his more unsavory habits; I'm afraid." Lola said as we exited the carriage. I offered her my arm, which she took and we made our way in. Seeing a gambling den/whor*house on TV is one thing, but it's something else to see it in person. Luckily, we didn't have to look very far for Lola's burden of a brother.

"Lola?" He asked as he came into the main foyer. He had a shiner from breaking house rules, but he otherwise seemed OK.

"Fredrick, are you all right? Have they mistreated you?" Lola asked with worry as she embraced her brother. "I'm fine, as long as you brought the..." Frederick started to say.

"I brought the money." She assured him.

"Thank God, sorry you had to come all the way. You wouldn't believe the string of bad luck I've had at the tables." He said, trying to defend his habit.

"If you're in a hole, maybe stop digging?" I offered as Frederick gave me a look.

"Who the Hell are you?" He inquired annoyingly.

"Francis!" Lola cautioned me as she turned to her brother. "Let's just get you out of here. To whom do you owe the money?"

"Maurice Bisset." We turned and looked as the owner of the Burgundy house presented himself to us.

"Please excuse the trouble my brother has caused. Here's the sum he owes, plus interest." Lola said as she produced what was owed.

"How lucky you are to have such a lovely sister willing to go to such lengths to secure your release." Maurice said as he took the cash.

"Shall we?" Lola asked as I didn't move because I knew we weren't going anywhere.

"Unfortunately, this debt is more complicated." Monsieur Bisset pointed out as 2 bouncers blocked our way.

"What do you mean?" Lola asked anxiously.

"In addition to lying about his means, your brother attempted to cheat at my tables; a very serious breach of house rules." He explained.

"Perhaps an additional sum would help smooth things over?" She offered in vain.

"Such a grave crime requires more than money to repay it, don't you think?" Maurice asked.

"What are you suggesting?" Lola asked in return.

"I admire the passion you have for your brother; perhaps you would consider sharing some of that passion with me." Bisset suggested as I quickly stepped between them.

"I am sorry, but I'm afraid the lady isn't on the table." I insisted to Maurice.

"You are neither her father nor brother, so I fail to see how this is your concern." Bisset said as he sized me up.

"This is Francis, the Dauphin of France and I am his mistress." Lola said, outing me and shocking everyone in the joint; most of all me. I had to cover my mouth to stop from gasping. Mistress? Where did she get the ovaries to say such a thing. The very idea of taking a mistress when I had achieved perfection in Mary Stuart made me sick to my stomach. But Lola begged me to play along with her eyes; so reluctantly, I did so.

"That's right, Lady Lola is my...mistress." I could barely force the word out.

"Forgive me Dauphin, but I thought you were set to marry the Queen of Scotland." Maurice said, a bit taken aback.

"Do you really think that the Dauphin would flaunt his indiscretions?" Lola inquired as I realized this had gotten way out of hand.

"The point is, we will get you any sum you wish, but you will not take her to bed!" I insisted feverishly.

"I will have satisfaction for this breach of house rules and none of you are leaving until I do." Bisset declared as the bouncers stood in front of the door. Once Bisset had left, I quickly took Lola aside.

"What in the Hell was that?" I asked angrily as I grabbed her arms. "You are not my mistress, I don't have a mistress; I don't want a mistress!"

"I had to think of something!" Lola exclaimed as she tried to calm me down. "I thought that if I told him that I was yours...he would halt his pursuit of me."

"That's...actually not a bad idea." I growled as I hated to admit it.

"Just play along until we can get out of here." Lola pleaded as i heaved a sigh.

"Fine, but if word of this gets back to Mary, you're going to answer for it." I insisted as I stormed off to get a drink. Now I knew why a lot of Reign fans hated this episode. Lola had seemingly lost her sh*t!

Chapter 43: Paris Insensés


Nolan & Lola both make foolish wagers

Chapter Text

Lola, Frederick, and I were stuck waiting around the Burgundy House as we racked our brains to think of a way out. I already knew how to smooth things over, but i wanted to time things just right. I didn't want to risk upsetting the natural order any more than necessary.

"What are we supposed to do?" Lola asked in frustration. "I refuse to sleep with that horrid man."

"Tell Monsieur Bisset that you can play him double the debt." I offered as I took Lola's hand in mine to comfort her. "I can bribe someone to go back to the castle and tell Mary. She'll get the money together, but it might take like a week or so."

"Come with me, please?" Lola pleaded as I couldn't say no to her when her brother had landed her in such sh*t. We went back to Maurice and got back on script.

"I've made some arrangements. I can pay you double the debt, but it'll take a week to assemble the money." Lola offered in vain.

"I don't think so." Bisset refused as he watched a dude win some weird ass game. I knew what was coming next. "Well done, what incredible luck you must have." The man was smiling until Maurice brought a hammer down on his hand.

"sh*t!" I exclaimed as the cheat was drug away.

"He's a cheat, just like your brother." Monsieur Bisset explained to Lola.

"Was that really necessary? " She asked, horrified by the discipline.

"He's lucky I didn't crush both his hands. That's the penalty at most establishments, but I prefer to be merciful." He answered as he locked his eyes on my friend. "Your brother begged me to spare him that fate. He said that your family was wealthy, and that he'd make it worth my while. I had no idea how worthwhile until I laid my eyes on you."

"Why me?" Lola asked in desperation to avoid getting into bed with him. "You can't make this offer to many. It's not good business."

"You're a lady of title, I've taken money from many a noble, but none ever treated me as an equal." Bisset explained. "I'd like to know what it feels like to touch what only they can touch. Do we have a deal?"

"No, we don't." I insisted as I stood my ground. "Lady Lola is my...mistress and I won't pimp her out like a common whor*." I fought the urge to upchuk as I called Lola my mistress.

"Then you leave me no choice but to exact justice upon her brother." Maurice threatened as I decided to make my move.

"Your business is making wagers, so I'm going to make a wager so ridiculous, you'll have to accept." I said as I got his attention.

"What do you consider ridiculous, my Dauphin?" He asked.

"16 times Frederick Fleming's debt, plus Lola...on 2 cuts of the cards." I challenged as both Maurice's and Lola's eyes lit up in amazement.

"Francis, you can't!" Lola pleaded as she grabbed my arm.

"Do you agree or is the owner of the celebrated Burgundy House is afraid of a simple wager?" I taunted as I knew he would have to take the wager to save face.

"2 cuts of the cards." He insisted as we made our way to the table. 15 times the debt, plus your mistress if I win."

"And if I win, the debt is forgiven, and Lola is mine." I reminded as our game began. Maurice drew a Jack of diamonds and I drew a 4. I kept my poker face as Lola looked nervous and Maurice looked thrilled as he cut once again. As the show predicted, Bisset drew a queen of clubs and I drew a King of hearts. Lola was beyond relived as the patrons gathered around applauded me. But Maurice has other plans in store for me.

"I feel that this feels wrong." He remarked with a smirk. "I won the first cut, you the second...we should have a tie breaker!"

"That was the deal, 2 cuts of the cards; that was it!" I demanded angrily as he refused to back down.

"My house, my rules. Tie breaker." Bisset demanded as I knew I was trapped. It was moments like these where I lost my nerves. When I was thrust into something the show didn't prepare me for, but I had to keep Lola safe for Mary's sake. I nodded my consent as we played another round. This time, Maurice drew a 1 of spades. I carefully drew my card which thankfully, was a 7 of clubs. Lola happily wrapped her arms around me as Maurice was crestfallen.

"Well-played, my Dauphin." He muttered.

"Luck of the draw." I replied with a shrug as I turned to Lola. "Shall we retire to my room, my lady?"

"We shall my love." Lola said gleefully as she hooked onto my arm and we retired.

Once we were in the room I had rented for the night, I was able to relax at having avoided disaster. Lola too was pleased with me for having saved her from being Maurice's Bisset's f*cktoy.

" saved me from whoring myself out to that dreadful man. I'm so thankful that you care so much about me." Lola said, tearing up from gratitude.

"Of course Lola, you're my friend." I said as I wrapped her up in a hug. I was enjoying how warm her embrace felt that by the time I realized she was kissing me, it was already too late. Her hands were on my cheeks and I could feel her tongue touching mine. I immediately pulled away in shock and anger.

"What the f*ck Lola?" I asked angrily as she looked at me on the verge of tears.

"I love you Francis, from the moment I got off the carriage and saw you coming to greet us on our first day at French Court!" Lola exclaimed desperately as I could hardly believe my ears.

The show had never made any mention of Lola having legit feelings for Francis; although the hookup had come right out of nowhere though. I wasn't against the idea of the show runners doing something unexpected, like Francis cheating on Mary. But here's the thing: even if it's unexpected, it still has to make sense and the Frola hookup at the Burgundy House didn't. There had been no build up.

"I don't love you Lola." I said as I wiped the taste of her lips off mine. "I love Mary and when we return to French Court, I am going to marry Mary. But for right now, I'm gonna find another room to sleep in, because I can't be around you right now. I quickly stormed out of the bedroom as more than anything, I wished that Mary could be here to rock me in her arms and ensure me that she still loved me as much as I loved her.

Chapter 44: La Chienne Mythique


Lola exposes her cunning side & makes Nolan an offer he can’t refuse.

Chapter Text

Burgundy House. Paris, Kingdom of France. The next day.

I eventually found a couch to sleep on. It wasn't really comfortable, but it was better than risking Lola trying to get in my pants. When morning came, I woke Frederick's ass up and told him to roust his sister out so we could get on the road. I needed to get back to the castle and to Mary, as soon as possible. It was the ass crack of dawn and if we could get the carriage going at full speed, we might be able to shave half a day off the trip.

"Headed back to French court then?" Monsieur Bisset asked as he approached me. I groaned while Frederick and Lola revealed themselves.

"Yes, unless you have more demands." I snapped.

"I mean you no trouble, just wanted to ask the lady a small favor." Maurice promised as he tossed a sous into Lola's hand. "When the queen is led out to the executioner's block, throw that at her for me. Tell her to try to buy her way out of this one."

"Glad to see that you view my mother's death as a trivial thing." I growled as I'd officially had it with this prick:

"The king plans to behead her within the week and I, for one, will welcome the end of her Medici money rotting France." Bisset smirked as he stepped aside for us to leave the Burgundy House. "Oh, bring that coin back with her blood on it, and I'll give you a fortune in house credit."

French Court. Kingdom of France. The next day.

We had rode long and hard but we did manage to make record time in our return trip. It was a mostly quiet trip. I refused to speak to Lola and she didn't speak to me. Frederick tried to break the ice, but after a while, he just shut up and slept on and off during the trip. Eventually, we made it back home and my first thought was hugging my wife and never letting go.

"Frederick, go on ahead and tell them that the Dauphin has returned, I need to speak to Francis privately." Lola said as her brother got out and left us alone. Being alone with Lola made me feel uncomfortable as Hell and she knew it.

"What do you want?" I asked in annoyance.

"Are you planning on telling Mary about our moment of passion at the Burgundy House?" Lola inquired matter of factly.

"First of all, there was no moment of passion and second, you bet your ass Mary's going to know about how you threw yourself at me." I declared as Lola just say there with a smirk on her face.

"No she's not." She replied as I was caught off guard by the ovaries on her.

"Excuse me?" I asked incredulously.

"You're not going to tell Mary anything because if you do, I'll explain that you ravished me and begged me to become your official mistress." Lola explained as my jaw dropped.

"You really think that she'll believe you over her husband?" I inquired.

"She will believe her best friend, her best friend's brother, the owner of the celebrated Burgundy House and dozens of other witnesses who heard you refer to me as your mistress." Lola shot back as she grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You've struggled with lust before, it's reasonable for you to play with infidelity once again."

"Damn you, you planned this all along. You befriended me just so you could try to jump my bones!" I exclaimed as I pulled my hand away. I knew that she had ammo to use against me. The evidence against me was circ*mstantial, but if Lola was able to convince Mary of her version of events, the love of my life would leave me for good; alliance or no alliance.

"I'm not sure what bones have to do with this, but I know that even if Mary believes you and banishes me, there will always be doubt in her mind. Would you really do that to her?" Lola asked as I knew that she had me by the balls.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"For you to spend time with me, to become your secret mistress. A chance to make you love me as I love you." Lola insisted with a smile.

"I will not engage in carnal relations with you." I vowed as she leaned in.

"I can be patient, do we have a deal?" Lola asked as I knew that I needed to time to get rid of the evidence she had against me before I could tell Mary. I couldn't defeat Lola alone, I would have to call on the Varden once more.

"I'll agree to your terms." I conceded as Lola planted a wet kiss on my lips.

"Do not feel sad, my love. Mary took Colin, I'm merely balancing the scales." Lola told me as she exited the carriage. Once Lola was gone, I made my way out of the carriage and found my spirits lifted at the sight of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, running towards me. I ran to her and we caught each other in an massive embrace.

"Francis, I've missed you so!" Mary said with happiness as we peppered each other in kisses.

"I've missed you more than you could possibly know!" I exclaimed as I held her tightly as I felt tears running down my cheeks. Mary was the only good thing in my life, the only bright spot in a world of darkness and now she could be taken from me at any moment by a jealous bitch.

"Francis, why are you crying?" Mary asked as she gently wiped my tears away with her finger tip.

"I'm just so happy to have you in my arms again." I told her, which wasn't a lie. "Mary...I can't love anyone else but you. I won't love anyone else but you. You are strong and beautiful and way smarter than I am...I don't deserve you."

"Well you have me and we have each other." Mary assured me as she laid her head in chest as for a moment, it was just her and me.

Chapter 45: Prédictions


Nostradamus confronts Nolan with new visions & new hope.

Chapter Text

As Mary and I went into court, arm in arm, Catherine was preparing a grand execution worthy of a Medici Queen. Everything was adorned with gold and it all looked superfluous as Hell.

"Henry believes that she's just stalling." Mary replied as we watched the dress rehearsal for Catherine's beheading.

"I don't know. Knowing my mother, she would want to make her execution as grand an affair as possible; secure her place in the history books, perhaps garner some sympathy from future historians." As we watched the proceedings proceed, I caught Nostradamus out of the corner of my eye, he was watching me intensely and it was creepy as Hell. Eventually, the court seer made his way up to me and bowed his head.

"My Dauphin, I'm afraid I must speak with you; alone." He said in his typical raspy voice.

"Can it wait?" I asked, not wanting to leave Mary's side.

"I'm afraid that it can not." Nostradamus insisted as I gave Mary's hand a squeeze and followed Catherine's confident out of the throne room.

After we made our way to Nostradamus's study, he barred the door. That definitely got me on edge.

"What is this about?" I asked, trying to keep my cool as Nostradamus stared me down.

"My vision that showed that your union with Mary would bring about your death, it has changed." He answered as I was stunned. The vision was supposed to change after Clarissa died, but she was still alive and as far as I knew, unaware of her true parentage. It was another move that the show had not prepared me for.

"How can this be?" I inquired as the seer got closer to me.

"Because I predicted the death of Catherine's first born...and you are not her first born, Nolan." Nostradamus explained as my heart literally skipped a beat. For a brief moment, I thought about spewing some bullsh*t, but I knew it was pointless; especially because if he told the wrong people, I'd burn as a warlock.

"You saw me in your visions, the real me?" I asked, still trying to get over the shock.

"The life you had, hundreds of years from now." Nostradamus confirmed as I sat down to catch my breath.

"I was smoking one day and the next, I'm waking up in Francis's body. Can this be undone?" I asked, hoping he had some answer.

"If what happened to you can be remedied, I know not how. I also saw you confiding in Sebastian. He has been helping you masquerade as prince Francis." Nostradamus commented as I gave him a nod.

"I needed help, I can't run this con on my own and Bash was the one one I could trust." I replied as Catherine's seer sat next to me.

"I will not share your secret with anyone, provided that you can convince King Henry to pardon Catherine." Nostradamus offered, clearly wanting to protect his most ardent defender from the block. To be fair, I couldn't blame him for wanting to keep his meal ticket alive and well. I would most likely do the same if I was in his position; didn't mean I had to like it though.

"Even if I wanted to save Catherine's ass, what makes you think Henry will listen to me?" I asked genuinely.

"Tell Catherine that my visions have changed. Tell her that I see you and Mary having a long life, with children who will rule long after you depart from this world. She will no longer be a threat to marry and promise the same to her husband." Nostradamus insisted as I literally felt my heart jump up into my throat.

"Did you say...children? Mary's not going to lose them? I'm going to be a father?" I asked in quick succession as I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks like raindrops on a window pane.

"I saw that Mary will be the mother of your children, you will have twins: a boy and a girl." Nostradamus promised as he held my hand and gave me a small smile as I felt utterly overwhelmed.

I had never expected that I would ever have children. I didn't think that being a family man was really in the cards for me. I never felt worthy enough to have a loving family of my own after l the bullsh*t I'd had to put up with: my mom dying, my dad not giving a sh*t, and of course my meth addicted bitch sister. I didn't want to risk my sister's sh*tty ass genetics being passed onto some poor innocent kid. But the truth was that I had always wanted a wife; I had always wanted kids. I had wanted a family of my own, people that would love me back. Now, Nostradamus was telling me that Mary would give me the family I always wanted.

"I'm...going to...have a family..." I stuttered as I plopped on the floor and cried tears of joy.

"That is why you must save Catherine from the axe Nolan. She is ruthless and cruel, but her cruelty is outweighed only by the love she beats towards her children and her grandchildren." Nostradamus declared as he picked me up off of the floor.

"I will do what I can to get Henry to drop the charges, but I can not promise that he will listen to me." I replied as I knew that despite her black heart, Catherine de Medici would be a powerful ally in the conflicts to come; especially with Lord Narcisse in the 2nd season. As much as she deserved it, I couldn't let Catherine get beheaded. I needed her, my wife needed her, and my children needed her too.

Chapter 46: Un Nouvel Espoir


Nolan secured a pardon for Catherine & tells Mary about Nostradamus’s new prophecy.



Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. Later that day.

After I had calmed myself down, I quickly made my way to Catherine; who was still overseeing preparations for her grand demise. She was currently arguing with Henry, who was determined to behead the serpent queen without any further adieu.

"Mother, father; I must speak with you." I insisted as they both turned to look at me; not pleased that I had interrupted whatever argument they had been in the middle of.

"We are busy, Francis. Whatever troubles you, it must wait." Henry insisted in return.

"It can't, you don't have to kill mother; she is no longer a threat to me or Mary or your lust for England." I told my father before turning to a confused Catherine. "You have to listen to me: I spoke to Nostradamus. His visions have changed."

"What do you mean?" She asked anxiously, since she took his predictions as the word of God.

"He has seen a future for me and Mary, I will survive if I wed Mary. The Valois line will continue and Mary will give me children!" I exclaimed, desperate for her to believe me as Catherine's eyes went as wide as mine had when I heard the news.

"Children?" She asked in disbelief as her eyes lit up at the thought of having grandchildren.

"So now that your precious seer has told you that Francis will live, now you're willing to leave his wife be?" Henry scoffed in disbelief at Catherine's superstitions.

"Nostradamus is seldom wrong. If his vision truly has changed, then there is no harm in letting them be wed." Catherine said, trying to save herself.

"Why in God's name should I pardon you?" Henry asked as I put myself in between him and his wife.

"Because it would make a splendid wedding present to allow my mother to live." I answered as I played the only card that I really had to play. "You are not putting her to death for adultery, you are putting her to death because her cruel meddling nearly cost you the chance to possess 3 thrones. She understands that her crimes against Mary were wrong, she is sorry, and she will not stand in your way as we prepare to move against England."

"That Medici bitch tries to kill Mary, ruin her reputation, and torments her...yet you beg for her life?" Henry asked in confusion as I knew that he would never make a sacrifice like that. His efforts to kill Bash and Francis in the original timeline where proof enough of that..

"I hate her for what she did to Mary, but I not ashamed to admit that both you and I will need her in the years to come. France has many enemies both foreign and domestic and we will need all the allies we can get." I reasoned as I took a look at the serpent. "Let Catherine's ruthless ways work in our favor for a change."

"A weddings present?" Catherine asked with a roll of the eyes.

"My wife is going to give King Henry the French, English, and Scottish thrones. I think he can do this one thing for me." I remarked as Henry heaved a sigh.

"Fine, I shall pardon my wife for her crimes; but I expect your marriage to occur before the week is out." Henry demanded as he stormed off, leaving a thankful Catherine kissing my cheek in gratitude.

Later that evening.

After I had successfully convinced King Henry to spare the live of his serpent queen, I made my way to Mary's chambers. Luckily, I had managed to catch her just before her maids came to dress her for bed.

"Francis, I received word from my mother. She'll be here tomorrow for the wedding." Mary told me as I leaned in and kissed her passionately. I didn't want to think about how that nasty woman, Marie de Guise was going to trick Henry into speeding up the marriage in order to secure her sinking ship of a reign over Scotland.

"Do you remember when Nostradamus took me aside to talk?" I asked eagerly

"I do." She answered slowly.

"It was because he had a new vision which cancelled out the old vision!" I exclaimed as I held my wife's hands in mine as I tried not to get too overly emotional. "He said that our marriage will not bring about my death. Nostradamus saw you and me living long lives together...with our children." At this, Mary lit up as her beautiful brown eyes began to water.

"Children...he saw that we would have children?" Mary asked as she cupped my cheeks in her warm hands.

"Yes, he said that we would have twins: a boy and a girl." I told her as I couldn't help but lean into the loving touch that she offered me. "The Valois dynasty will be secured and we can finally have a family all of our own."

"I've always wanted to be a mother. Mary told me as we began to kiss each other over and over and over again until it felt like our lips had swollen up.

"Nothing else will matter except for you and me and our kids." I promised Mary as I wrapped her up in a tight bear hug.

"Promise me Francis, promise me that you and I will be better parents than our parents were; that we will let our children be themselves and that we'll never force husbands or wives into them for political advantage."

"I promise we will Mary, our children aren't going to be pawns in some political game." I assured my wife. "They will be our treasures, the most important achievements that you and I will ever have."

Chapter 47: Nouvelles Arrivées


The French court receives some new arrivals.

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. 2 days later.

The day before my wedding, I was relaxing in bed with Mary. I never got tired of the feeling of my fingers on her bare skin. She laid her head on my chest as we enjoyed each other's company.

"I wish we didn't have to get out of bed." I griped as Mary kissed my cheek.

"We have to, the wedding is tomorrow we have so many nobles and foreign royals to impress." She pointed out as I responded with a groan.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." I shot back as Mary climbed on top of me, leaning in close to my face.

"Just get through one more day of preparations and then...we can have our wedding night early." Mary offered with a smirk.

"I'm all for making love without a damn audience." I teased as we kissed passionately for a few moments. However, we were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I declared as Mary hid under the covers as a servant came in my room.

"There's a royal visitor in the throne room, your royal highness." He said matter of factly.

"I shall be there presently." I assured as the servant left. I then looked down at my naked wife who was giggling at my expense.

"So much for that moment of happiness." I groaned as I went to get dressed.

Later that day.

After Mary and I had dressed ourselves and went to the throne room, Marie de Guise strutted in like she owned the damn place. She looked exactly like she had in the show: cheap, but confident. I wasn't supposed to know who she was yet, so I kept my mouth shut.

"French court has gone to hell, but I'm here now, dear." Marie said as Mary offered a smile.

"Mother." She said awkwardly as I turned to her.

"Mother?" I asked as the Scottish Queen mother offered me her hand; which I reluctantly kissed, it seemed rude not to.

"I'm Marie de Guise: your mother in law; if you so desire. I need to speak with my daughter and you might as well be there." She said as she ushered us out to an empty room so she could have her say.

"So I sent you here to wed a king and find you having fled from court for weeks?" Marie asked incredulously as she was clearly displeased by our stunt. "My darling, your engagement to Francis was a careful negotiation set in place when you were six, and now you tell me that you nearly threw it all away because of a prophecy?"

"One I believed, Mother." Mary shot back as she grabbed my and. "We did this and Bash went along with us to save Francis's life."

"From a fate a magician predicted." Marie remarked as if Mary was tripping balls.

"It's no longer an issue. Nostradamus's visions have changed and he sees us living a long and happy life; heirs included. There is nothing to worry about...mother." I replied, backing Mary up as best I could.

"Mother, it's all very complicated and we haven't been together in so long." Mary pointed out.

"I came to the convent for your 11th birthday." Marie argued. "Half the ship's crew died along the way, but I was there, gift in hand."

"I only meant to say that I've missed you." My wife clarified. "And I wanted to talk to you about this, about Francis, about everything. Please don't make light of Nostradamus's warning or our choice."

"I make light of nothing concerning you or our country's future." Marie insisted.

"It all happened so fast."

"Good, perhaps there's still time for you to see things with a clear mind. I've wanted to be with you as well, but there is trouble at home; Scotland is in peril."

"The English, I know." Mary replied.

"It's worse, our country is on the knife's edge of falling into Protestantism and we are Catholic rulers." Marie added anxiously. "You need France, a Catholic country, at your side now. Marry its next king, and the Protestants will scurry into the darkness; Marry Francis."

"She is marrying me, first thing tomorrow morning. I swear, everything will be fine." I told Marie, even though I wasn't quite sure if I could deliver in that promise.

"I'm glad to hear it." Marie said with a smile as she kissed us both on the forehead. "Let us hope all goes well, for all our sakes."

Later that afternoon.

As if having my unsettling mother in law around wasn't nerve wracking enough, Princess Claude finally arrived after weeks of waiting. As Mary and I went forth to greet her, anyone could see that Catherine was pissed. Now, to be fair, I only called Claude back to bring her into the Varden and at some point, get her shacking up with Leith Bayard. The fact that it upset Catherine was strictly a bonus. Claude grinned as soon as she saw me.

"And my brother, Francis." She said as we hugged each other tightly.

"Claude, you look well." I quoted as Catherine rolled her eyes.

"The picture of health." She jested as Mary walked up to us.

"Dearest sister, may I acquaint you with Mary, my wife to be and your queen to be:" I said as Claude curtsied to the love of my life.

"Princess Claude, welcome back." Mary said pleasantly enough. "You probably don't remember me."

"Oh, but I do. I recall your lovely dark hair and your smile. You seemed so tall in those days." Claude remarked with a bit of her humor that really developed as the series progressed. "And sporty. You loved to muck about outside; do you still?"

"Love the outdoors? Yes, perhaps we could go for a walk sometime." Mary offered, trying to endear herself to my little sister.

"I'd like that." Claude replied before she went off to see Bash. I kissed Mary's hand, thankful that I had another ally in my struggle to keep Reign on the right course.

Chapter 48: Le Mariage Royal


Nolan and Mary are wed at Notre Dame.

Chapter Text

Notre Dame Cathedral. Paris, Kingdom of France. The next day.

I had visited Notre Dame only once before as part of a class tour. But being here now, it was overwhelming. The cathedral was filled with French nobility and visiting foreign royals and outside, the throngs gathered to cheer us on. I stood at the altar with the Bishop and with Bash standing in as my best man. I had even gotten Lord Castleroy and Leith Bayard invited. Mary's ladies were naturally in attendance; even Lola who kept stealing glances at me. I did my best to ignore her until the wedding march started.

Mary looked beautiful enough when I saw her during the wedding scene on the show; but seeing her in person in that amazing dress, she was breathtaking. I teared up as I saw her wide smile as she walked down the aisle. We knelt down before the bishop as the service began.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirit.” The bishop said as everyone said amen.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” The bishop continued. "Be attentive to our prayers, O Lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.”

I smiled as Mary as she held my hand.

"A reading from the book of Genesis 1:26-28:" the bishop recited as he opened a Bible. "Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.” God created man in his image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.” God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. The word of the Lord.’

"Thanks be to God.” The assembly replied.

"A reading from the New Testament, 1 John 4:7-12:" the bishop recited. "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."

“Thanks be to God.” The guests said again.

"A reading from the Gospel, Matthew 5:13-16: You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

"Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.”

"John 3:30 says ‘He must increase, but I must decrease." The bishop continued. "Those simple, direct words of St. John the Baptist, whose feast we celebrate today, summarize the life of the Christian disciple. In all things, we want Jesus to increase and our own will, our own desires, our own attachments, to decrease. In my heart, in my prayer, in my family, in my parish, in my work, in my study, in my leisure, in my entertainment, may the Lord Jesus increase!"

“Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church’s minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal.” The bishop told us as we both looked up, hands still holding.

"Christ abundantly blesses the love that binds you. Through a special sacrament, he enriches and strengthens those he has already consecrated by holy baptism, that you may be enriched with his blessing, so that you may have the strength to be faithful to each other forever, and assume all the responsibilities of married life. And so, in the presence of the church, I ask you to state your intentions.”

"Francis and Mary, have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?”

“I have.” We both said in unison.

"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?”

"I am.”

"The couple will now exchange their vows." The bishop said as I turned to my beautiful wife and tried not to cry as I looked deep in her eyes.

“I, Francis, take you, Mary, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.” I said as she gently stormed my hand with her finger.

“I, Mary take you, Francis, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.” She recited as I couldn't wait to kiss her.

"Bless, O Lord, these rings which we bless in your name. so that those who wear them may remain entirely faithful to each other, abide in peace and in your will, and live always in mutual charity. Through Christ our Lord.” The bishop prayed.

"Amen.” Everyone said as The bishop sprinkled the wedding rings with holy water before handing them to us.

"Mary, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.” I spoke as I placed the ring on Mary's finger.

"Francis, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.” Mary said back as she placed the ring on my finger.

“Now let us humbly invoke God’s blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony.” The bishop said as we partook in holy communion. Mary and I each had a tasteless wafer and a sip of red wine.

“By the power vested in me by the most holy Catholic Church, and the Kingdom of France. I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!” The Bishop declared as Mary and I quickly kissed each other with all of the passion that we could muster.

"Mary, I love you!" I exclaimed, blind with joy.

"I love you Francis, I always have, I always will!" Mary cried out as I picked up my Queen and spun her around as we were both crying waterfalls in front of all the royalty and nobility, but we didn't even give a sh*t. No one could take away from our happiness.

Chapter 49: Fête Du Cul Nul


Before they can start their honeymoon, Nolan & Mary must escape a lame ass party.



Chapter Text

Paris, Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

I had a death grip on Mary's hand as the carriage we were in sped away from French court. Forgive me for sounding naive and cliche and all that other childish bullsh*t, but I had always imagined that my wedding night, if I had one, to be special and romantic and Heavenly and all that stuff you see on Hallmark. So naturally, having almost the entire French court watching me make love to Mary, was really messed up. Even more f*cked was that after the ceremony, Lola had cornered me and forced me to have a make out session with her. I felt so dirty as she kissed me over and over, it was by God's Grace that Mary hadn't woken up.

Truth be told, the consummation ceremony wasn't the only reason that I wanted Mary and I to get some time away from French Court. Luckily, honeymoons were a thing in 1500's France, so Mary and I decided to go to the village of Anet. We would be passing through Paris on our way to the cottage that was owned by Henry and that caused me concern. We would have to attend parties and meet with nobles who were more likely than not, power hungry.

"I wish we didn't have to visit Paris, I wish we could just go straight to Anet." I griped in the carriage as Mary held my hand.

"I know my love, but King Henry insists on us attending this ball in Paris." Mary said as she pressed my hand to her lips. "We need to endear ourselves to the nobles since we are the future king and queen of France."

"I get that, but I want our honeymoon to be just us." I pleaded.

"And it will be Francis, after we get through this ball, we will go straight to Anet and it will be 2 months of me and you and no one else." My wife assured me as we shared a passionate kiss. I held her in my arms, enjoying the feel of her skin, her scent, the sound of her voice.

Rented Estate of the Duke of Estouteville. Paris, France. 3 days later.

As it turns out, nobility parties are a lot more boring in real life than they are in TV and movies. There was hardly any dancing and mostly just drinking and all of the men were standing around with drinks in hands, congratulating themselves on being masters of France. Even the dancing that was going on felt more like a chore than a fun activity.

As we found out upon our arrival, his Grace: the Duke of Estouteville was one of the most straight laced nobles in the entire Kingdom of France. If you wanted a stereotypical French party with lots of drinking and sex, he was not the guy for the job. Thankfully, Mary felt as bored as I was; even through she fought tooth and nail to keep from showing it to anyone. Misery does indeed love company.

If we were back in the 21st century, I would have more likely than not, been able to make up so bullsh*t excuse so Mary and I could have fifteen the Hell out of there and back in the way to our honeymoon. Unfortunately, it was a totally different deal in the 16th century. According to Henry, the Duke of Estouteville was a very prominent noble. Not as prominent as that sh*t eater Lord Stephane Narcisse, but he did have plenty of prestige in his own right. That meant we had to make him feel special in order to maintain his loyalty and his favor; ignoring the fact that as the French royal family, the loyalty of the nobles should have been already in our hands.

Anyway, near the end of the night, the Duke of Estouteville was talking my freaking ear off about some religious pilgrimage he had made in Southern France. I couldn't care less about this holy trip, but naturally I had to pretend that I gave a damn in order to keep in his grace's good...graces. Let me assure you, whoever is reading this, that there are only a few things more insufferable than hearing someone talk excessively when they have nothing of interest to say. It's like Chinese water torture or some sh*t.

As fate would have it, my amazing wife would end up coming to my rescue. While I kept waiting for a moment to end the conversation that I was having with the Duke of Estouteville, or at the very least change the topic of conversation to some th Inc remotely interesting, I saw Mary out of the corner of my eye. She dropped a goblet of wine that she had been drinking and fell to the floor.

"Mary!" I cried out as I quickly rushed over to the love of my life as I scooped her up in my arms. Thankfully, she was conscious and looked up at me.

"Francis...I'm so tired...the room is...spinning." she whispered as her eyes fluttered.

"The Queen of Scots is unwell, I must take her to her chambers. Please excuse me, your Grace." I said as j quickly made my way out of the ballroom and to our chambers. After I closed the door, I laid Mary in the bed as I knelt next to her.

"Mary...are you all right?" I asked anxiously.

"Are we alone?" she asked weakly.

"Yes my love." I assured as she opened her eyes wide and pecked me on the lips.

"Then I'm fine." Mary said with a cheeky smile as my confusion turned to amazement.

"You faked that dizzy spell just to get us out of that bore fest!" I exclaimed as she pulled me on top of her.

"I couldn't stay with those ladies another minute, they were so dull." Mary griped as I kissed her deeply.

"I love you."

"I know."

Chapter 50: La Lune De Miel Commence


Nolan & Mary begin their royal honeymoon in earnest.

Chapter Text

Anet, Kingdom of France. 1 week later.

After enduring France's most boring ball hosted by France's most boring Duke, Mary and I were finally on our way to our cottage in Anet. Despite how stuffy it was, Mary was pleased because she had made some headway in getting her girls married off. She had found suitable noble men for Greer and Lola. Under normal circ*mstances, it would have been a very good thing indeed; except for me, it wasn't.

I honestly hadn't decided what to do about Leith Bayard yet. Now that I'd brought Claude to French court sooner than the show did, I had myself a serious choice to make: Should I, against my better judgement, try to get Greer to grow some ovaries and be with Leith, her greedy ass family be damned? Or, should I try to make a noble out of him so that he can marry Claude. It was an impossible decision, because without Leigh, both women would end up alone and miserable. I just had to decide whose happiness meant more: Claude's or Greer's.

As for Lola, I knew damn well that she wasn't going to settle for any noble that Mary threw in front of her. She was only interested in trying to get me to give into my list so that she could hurt Mary as payback for losing Colin, her precious boy from Aberdeen.

I guess that I may have been thinking harder and for longer than I had intended to, because I knew what was happening, Mary was jostling me out of my train of thought.

"Francis, we're nearly at the chateau." Mary replied as I gave her a nod. "Are you all right, it seemed like you weren't all there for a while.

"Yes...I was just...thankful to finally be alone with my wife." I said with a forced smile as I pressed Mary's hand to my lips. I didn't fool Mary at all, I could see it in her eyes that she didn't believe me when I told her everything was fine. Thankfully, she pretended to buy it and snuggled up close as the carriage pulled in sight of our chateau. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the carriage slowly came to a stop outside of the chateau.

"Ready to finally begin our honeymoon?" Mary asked with a wide smile as I took her hand in mine. I got out of the carriage before offering my hand to Mary so she could do the same. I was given the key by a servant and I unlocked the main door to the Chateau. As we walked inside, I noticed that it looked nice; plain but nice. It was nicer than most other places of the day, but when you've spent serious time living at French Court, you start to get used to being in the lap of luxury.

"It looks lovely." Mary said with a grin as she slid her arm into mine.

"It does, my Queen." I said, gazing at my wife while the servants carried in our clothes and possessions and food and everything else that we had brought along for our honeymoon. We had reached an agreement with my parents that only 2 servants and 2 bodyguards would be with us at the Chateau. They wanted to make sure that we would be safe, so far from the palace. But I managed to convince Henry that the less attraction that we drew to ourselves, the safer we would be.

"We have 2 months without the drama of French court." I said as I wrapped my arms around Mary, craving the feeling of her next to me.

"Just me and my husband." Mary said dreamily as she leaned onto my chest. I inhaled the scent of her dark chocolate brown hair and I know that whoever reads this will label me as some perv, but the truth is that I just loved every part of her so much, I wanted to memorize every patch of skin on her body, count every hair on her head. Luckily for me that Mary's as real now. If I was still talking about a fictional character, even I would be creeped out.

After about forty five minutes worth of arguing, Mary and I convinced the guards to let us go on a walk through the woods by ourselves. There was a glade near the chateau and it was very pretty. There was even a pond within it.

"So, you think you might be able to find some suitors for your ladies?" I asked Mary as we strolled by the pond. I was hopeful that if Mary waved a noble in front of Lola, she would take it and run.

"They seemed interested from what I told them of Greer and Lola. I know that Greer needs a match desperately." Mary answered.

"She could have suitors a plenty if she stopped letting her father do her thinking for her." I remarked as I wanted to save Leith as much heartbreak as I could.

"Let's focus on us." Mary insisted as she held onto my arm. I let my eyes land on the pond as I got an idea.

"Then let's focus on us." I said as I went over to the water's edge and began to remove my clothes.

"What are you doing?" Mary asked in surprise.

"Going for a swim." I said as I finished removing my trousers and boots, leaving myself naked.

"Francis!" Mary exclaimed with a violent blush as I jumped into the pond.

"Come on Mary, swim with me!" I exclaimed as she rolled her eyes before she began to undo her dress.

"I can't believe this..." she muttered as she revealed her perfect nakedness and hopped into the water with me.

"If you tell anyone about this Francis..." Mary warned me as we held onto each other; wet, naked and happy.

"No one is going to know about this, except us." I assured my Queen as I splashed her in the water.

"You have started a war with Scotland!" Mary exclaimed as he began splashing each other with water, trying to get the other to concede.

Chapter 51: Faire L'amour


Francis & Mary spend their honeymoon making love & wishing it could never end.

Chapter Text

Royal Chateau. Anet, Kingdom of France. 1 month later.

Those almost 2 months in Anet were the happiest times of my life; so far anyway. Mary and I were as alone as we had ever been since she first came to French court. For those months, we played our hand at being a domesticated and normal couple. We had talked so long ago about what it would be like if she were just a girl and I were just a boy. This honeymoon was going to be as close as we could get to fulfilling that fantasy.

When we weren't cooking or cleaning or enjoying nature, we were screwing like rabbits. I'm not trying to be a perv or anything, but our love making was beautiful. It was genuinely making love, it wasn't just sex for the sake of pleasure. If I'm being totally honest, it could be really scary at times. I had never had a real committed relationship in my life, because I hadn't wanted to taint an innocent girl with all of the baggage that came with me and my family.

But now that I was Francis Valois, Dauphin of France, it was so easy to push Nolan Ayers away. This honeymoon was the point where I stopped feeling like Nolan and began feeling like I was truly Francis. This love that I shared with Mary Stuart, it was wild and passionate and raw. I'd never had a love such as this and I wasn't really prepared. But that's what it made it beautiful and magical.

I wasn't a dumb ass though. I knew it couldn't last. Even royals couldn't honeymoon forever, especially when you're next in line for the throne. In the show, when Francis ascended to the throne, that was when everything went to total sh*t. Narcisse played Francis into confessing to regicide, the anti Protestant legislation...Severin raping Mary. I knew that I couldn't let that happen.

When Francis was just the heir, what he and Mary had was beautiful; but when Francis became king, he made sh*t decision after sh*t decision and they went down a path that they could never come back from. The first few episodes of season 3 tried to convince us they could, but it was all bull sh*t. You don't come back from telling your wife her miscarriage disappointed you. You don't come back from telling your wife to basically divorce your ass. You don't come back from leaving your wife to be raped while you cover your own ass and you don't come back from cheating on your husband and claiming that it's healing. Season 2 was filled with sh*t and I had the power to clean it up and I would, or die trying.

The best times of our honeymoon were right after we finished our most recent bout of love making. We would snuggle up together in our bed, a bright sheen of sweat covering out naked bodies, and we would listen to the sound of hearts beating quickly until they slowed down to a normal rhythm. During one such moment, I gently traced circles on Mary's right cheek with my pinky finger as I thought of all the good things that I had and how I knew that it would kill me to lose them.

"What's wrong, my love?" Mary asked as she looked deeply into my eyes. It was pointless to try and keep any secrets from the Queen of Scots; Mary could always see right through any deception.

"I was just thinking about makes me afraid sometimes." I admitted solemnly as Mary looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

"I make you afraid?" She asked with a twinge of fear in her voice.

"What I am afraid of is that...all this might be too good to be true." I clarified as Francis's blue eyes looked deep into Mary's brown ones. "I fear that one day, I'll wake up and I'll find that all of this was just a dream. We won't be married and I'll never have felt the joy of loving you and being loved by you; it's a fate worse than death."

"Francis...I promise you, I am not a dream; we are not a dream." Mary assured me as she stroked my cheek with all of tenderness that existed inside her. No one on Earth had never made me feel safe like Mary did; odds are no one else ever would.

"What if we could just stay here, forever?" I asked idealistically as I gazed with longing at my most perfect wife. "Having food brought in, a couple men to protect us, cooking all day, bathing in the pond, making love whenever we want." This got a giggle out of Mary as she snuggled closer to me.

"It would certainly be an a enjoyable life." She agreed playfully before her face was blanketed by a shade of sorrow only the coldness of reality could provide. "But such a life can never be ours and we both know it to be true; no matter how badly we wish it to be." I couldn't even tell her that she was full of sh*t, because she wasn't; like at all. This honeymoon was going to be over in less than a month and then it was right back to French Court where we would have to deal with protestants, the English, the soon to be madness of King Henry II, and worst of all, Lola's jealous ass who was going to keep coming at me; trying to get me to f*ck her so that she could rub it in Mary's face.

"At least we'll always have the precious memories of this place, this time. I fear we may need them in the years to come." I said as I planted a kiss on Mary's head as we both fell asleep a few minutes later, nestled safely in each other's arms.

Chapter 52: De Retour


Francis & Mary reluctantly return to the cutthroat world of French Court.

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. A month later.

After 2 blissful months of honeymooning, we got the long awaited letter from King Henry II, insisting that we return to French Court. Thus, we packed up our sh*t and got on a carriage back to the castle. Mary and I were both miserable at having to return to the place that had caused us such torment, but she was a Queen and I was a king to be. We couldn't just tell the court to piss off; no matter how badly we wanted to and believe me, we did want to.

"You're very quiet, are you warm enough?" I quoted as Mary looked out the window. There had recently been a snowfall and the entire estate was caked in white.

"I just wish that we could go back to two months ago, do it all over." Mary lamented as I rubbed her hands. Me in my wedding gown, walking down the aisle to you at Notre Dame.

"But instead, we have to come back to reality." I groaned.

"Politics, backstabbing, murder. Just another day at French court." Mary groaned before turning to me hopefully. "Francis, can we turn around and go back to the country house at Anet?"

"If we did, my father would tan our hides." I remarked.

"Everything we felt there alone, away from court. Somehow our love seems so fragile, suddenly." She said anxiously.

"Things are different now." I said. "We're married, the future king and queen, My mother is no longer an obstacle; Nostradamus's prophecy no longer a threat..." I almost talked about Bash being in Spain, but thanks to me, the rift never happened and he was still loyal. "However, there is one thing that people will be expecting from us."

"A castle full of little royals?" Mary asked with a chuckle as I leaned and made out with her. We shared as many kisses as we could as the castle grew nearer and nearer.

The entire court came out to greet us as Mary and I entered the castle. Bash and Mary's ladies were on center stage. I saw Lola making eye contact, letting me know that she expected me to make up for lost time. Luckily, Bash flashed the Varden hand sign and came over to me.

"I've missed you brother." Bash said with a smile as we embraced.

"Varden business?" I asked quietly as I leaned in his ear.

"Much has happened since you were away, Nolan."

"Do I have to hear about now?"

"No, it can wait until dusk."

"What about Leith and Lord Castleroy?" I inquired.

"They've both been summoned." Bash assured me as he patted me on the back. I nodded, knowing that whatever was going on, it would have to wait.

"I missed you all!" Mary exclaimed as she embraced her ladies in waiting.

"You both look happy." Greer remarked with a smile.

"We were, we are. I'm sure we'll be just as happy here as we were in Paris, and Anet, and every castle from here to the Loire Valley. Oh, which reminds me: I found a wonderful suitor for you, Greer."


"And there's one in Paris who is very keen to meet you, Lola." Mary said with excitement.

"Wonderful." Lola said with forced gaiety as she stared at me, the both of us knowing that a suitor was the last thing Lola wanted if she felt that there was still a chance that she could steal me from my wife.

"Mary, Oh, how I've missed you!" Catherine said, coming just in time to end the awkwardness. She kissed us both on our cheeks before leaning into my ear. "A word."

"And so the politics and backstabbing begin." Mary complained as she went off with her ladies, leaving me with the Medici bitch. Before she followed suit, Lola leaned in and hugged me.

"I expect you in my chambers tonight." She whispered before walking away.

"You must tell me all about your travels, later." Catherine insisted as she looked in my eyes with utter exhaustion hiding behind them.

"What's wrong mother?" I asked, wondering what she had gotten into this time. In the show, she told Francis that Bash had killed his guards, but since I hadn't banished him, that sub plot never happened. So, I didn't really know what she was going to tell me.

"I think that your sister has been at court long enough and she should return from where I sent her." Catherine insisted as I remembered that for a while, she had despised Claude for believing that she had killed Francis's younger sisters; when actually it had been Diane De Poiters.

"What exactly has she been doing to vex you so?" I asked, hoping that she hadn't gone too wild in my absence; although that was most likely wishful thinking on my part.

"She drinks, she gambles, and she lays with every man that she can get her hands on: noble and low born alike!" Catherine growled as I closed my eyes. To be honest, I had been worried that something like this would happen when I brought Claude back to French Court early. Luckily, while I was on my honeymoon, I had come up with an idea to try and keep Claude under control: I was going to bring her into the Varden.

"Don't worry mother, I will deal with Claude's behavior; but for the time being, I need her to remain here." I said, firmly but kindly. Before anyone tells me how awful it would be if Claude were to be a member of the Varden, hear me out. In the series, she always wanted a purpose. Plus, the princess had certain skills that would make her an asset.

"Why on Earth do you need Claude?" Catherine asked incredulously.

"Because she is family." I replied as I walked away, not wanting Catherine to know I was building up a spy network under her nose.

Chapter 53: Affaire Risquée


Francis meets with the Varden while dealing with Lola's Lust



Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. Later that evening.

Once the castle had calmed down for the night, I made my way down to the wine cellar for my meeting with the Varden. Sure enough, when I arrived, I saw Bash, Lord Castleroy, Claude and Leith Bayard all waiting for me.

"Thank you for coming, my brother has called this meeting, so let's hear what he has to say." I said as I have the floor to Bash.

"During your honeymoon, I was exploring the woods and I have come across something you need to be made aware of." Bash declared.

"It's dangerous to go into the blood wood, Bash. You know that the Pagans use those woods as their hunting grounds." Lord Castleroy said with alarm in his voice.

"That is exactly what I need to make you aware of." Bash insisted as he continued. "I grew close with some people who are also knowledgeable in the Pagan's ways and they told me about something they call The Darkness."

"What is The Darkness?" Leith asked in confusion.

"Sounds like some villain in a children's story." Claude replied, unimpressed.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that it is some sort of supernatural being in the Blood Wood." Bash answered.

"You don't believe in those Pagan fairy tales, do you?" Castleroy asked with a scoff as he clearly felt that the Pagans were full of sh*t.

"It doesn't matter if I believe it or you believe it or if anyone in this cellar believes it. What matters is that the Pagans believe that The Darkness is real and that is why they are performing blood sacrifices in the woods; to appease it." Bash pointed out, finding Lord Castleroy's lack of faith disturbing.

"Whether or not there is a Darkness isn't the main issues right now." I said, stepping in before an argument could erupt. "The fact of the matter is that the Pagans are using The Darkness as an excuse to butcher innocent people. I'm all for freedom of religion, but murder can not be tolerated."

"I agree, The Darkness needs to be found and slain." Leith remarked.

"We have to move carefully, we don't know for sure who or what it is." I cautioned as i doled out tasks to my spies. "Bash, you need to gather more intel from your contacts in the woods, Leith, some of the servants might be Pagans or Pagan sympathizers, see what you can glean from them. Lord Castleroy...this might be a long shot, but perhaps there are Pagans who fancy pepper; keep your ears open on the spice trade. We will reconvene if any information presents itself, we are dismissed; Claude, please tarry a moment." The others took their leave, leaving me and my sister.

"What do you need me to do?" Claude inquired.

"I need you to befriend my wife, spend as much time with Mary as you can and get close to her." I commanded as I knew that I needed a distraction for Mary while I worked to deal with the Lola situation. She made it clear that she wasn't going to go away and I needed time to pacify her.

"Why do you need me to be Mary's friend, that has nothing to do with The Darkness." Claude complained as she surely felt that she was being sidelined.

"I have personal business to tend to and I would not have Mary know of it; distract her for me, please." I begged as she reluctantly gave in and agreed to what I asked.

Lola's bedchambers. Later that night.

My stomach felt queasy as I slowly knocked on the door to Lola's room. She opened the door and greeted me with the toothy smile that I had always felt was lovely on Anna Popplewell. She motioned me in and I closed the door behind me.

"I've been waiting for you, my prince charming." Lola teased as she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. I forced myself to take her in my arms as we kissed. I would never have been able to keep up the charade if I had not managed to pretend that I was kissing Mary. The last thing that I needed was for Lola to know that I didn't enjoy this. It might anger her and convince her to fill Mary's head with all sorts of lies.

"I had some royal business to attend to." I replied as she caressed my cheek.

"Well, allow me to offer you some distraction." Lola said with a cheeky tone of voice as she pulled me towards her bed. My heart started beating more rapidly than normal as she began to kiss me feverishly. I tried to return the kiss as best i could, but when she started an attempt on removing my trousers, I quickly grabbed her hands in mine.

"Lola..." I gasped as she looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong Francis?" she asked as I heaved a sigh.

" you remember all those talks we had, the time we spent together?" I inquired.

"Of course, I love spending time with you." Lola replied softly.

"I have to ask: did you spend time with me because you wanted to be my friend...or just to hurt my wife?" I asked intently as Lola's smile fell.

"Francis...I spend time with you because I like you." she promised me as she laid her head on my chest. "You're kind and honorable and courageous. I've never met a man like you in my entire life; not even Colin treated me the way you do...hurting Mary is strictly a bonus." I said nothing as I let Lola lay on me. I knew that I had to stop this before it could go any further. I managed to avoid her attempts at love making that night, but i knew that Lola would eventually get impatient.

Chapter 54: Lumière Assombrie


Francis holds onto the light of Mary while dealinn with Lola’s darkness



Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. A week later.

While dealing with Lola's pursuits, the subplot of Henry killing the Bohemian duch*ess came and went. It was the beginning of the Mad King plot that would play out for the remainder of season 1. It was going to be a pain to get through, but the most important thing was that I couldn't be the one to kill Henry. If my hand took his life, that cum guzzler Narcisse would have me dead to rights and it would destroy my marriage.

I was thinking of these things while everyone in the castle was enjoying the first light feast. It was some Valentine's Day knockoff for couples to potentially be matched. It was a relief because even though I hadn't knocked Lola up, hopefully Mary would still be looking to set her up with someone. Speaking of my wife, I saw her getting accosted by the servant girl as she had in the show. I quickly made my way over to rescue her.

"Pomegranate tart, Your Grace?" I heard her ask.

"Oh, thank you." Mary said politely as she took a tart.

"If I may?" The girl whispered as she leaned in close. "My sister ate ten of these a day, and she was with child in less than a month."

"Oh." My Queen said, clearly not expecting the conversation to revolve around her womb.

"Ten a day?" I asked as I put my arm around Mary. "Are you sure the change in your sister's figure didn't have more to do with butter and sugar than with her husband?" That sh*t the servant girl up as she curtsied and walked off.

"Thank you." Mary whispered as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Not at all, she only meant to help. There are two nations that are very excited for us to have a family." I replied as she held my hand.

Two nations, Is that all?" She inquired as I looked around and spotted Lola with lord Nardeen. He's been a guest at one of those boring ass parties on our wedding tour and she thought he would be good for her.

"Is that Lola with Philipe Nardeen?" I quoted from the show.

"It is, I invited him to court." Mary replied as we watched them dance.

"He looks very happy to be here, very interested." I said, although the same could not be said for Lola; however she tried to hide her apathy towards him.

"I thought he might make a good suitor for her." Mary I knew that Lola would never abandon her quest to get me to cheat on Mary for some low level noble.

"Shall we dance?" I asked as I offered my hand to Mary. She graciously took said hand as I led her onto the dance floor. As we danced in front of the entire court, I was someone able to tune out all of the nobles and their quests to get the chick of their choosing to light a lousy candle. I held Mary close to me as we danced and her arms just felt like home.

"I don't think that I will ever get tired of dancing with you." I said quietly as I didn't need any nobles or servants trying to eavesdrop on our conversations.

"You'd better not, because I don't plan on letting you dance with another woman." Mary said with cheek as she matched my movements perfectly. Unfortunately, the song was finished far too soon and Mary and I made our way off the dance floor. As we returned to our appointed places, I saw Lola strolling about the throne room with Lord Philip Nardeen.

She was clearly humoring the son of a bitch as he put on his most charming face and voice before bringing up the subject of her lighting his candle. Lola wasn't going to raise a match to his candle and she knew that I knew it. That slippery bitch was still counting on being able to rip Mary and I apart and install herself as my mistress. I waited for Nardeen to bid Lola adieu before I made my presence known.

"Lady Lola, May I speak to you in private?" I asked as she curtsied to me.

"Of course, your highness." She replied as I led her out of the throne room. Once we were away from prying eyes, she leaned in and kissed me deeply.

"Lola...this must come to an end. You should entertain Lord Nardeen's suit; he would make a fine husband and see you provided for." I pleaded as she made a face that told me she wasn't having that BS.

"Why would I settle for a noble when I can have the next king of France at my Beck and call?" Lola asked.

"You don't. I have entertained this fantasy of yours out of a desire to protect Mary, but I'm getting tired of humoring your ass!" I exclaimed angrily.

"I can ruin you with the rumors I can spread. I can have what I want!" Lola snapped as I finally lost control and pinned her to the wall.

"Prince Tomàs of Portugal thought he could have what he wanted too. His pride came before his fall." I snarled as I leaned in. Lola got a look of pure fear in her eyes as she picked up on what I was saying.

"You...murdered Prince Tomàs?" She asked fearfully.

"He was like you, trying to take Mary from me. I've been nice to you because I thought we were friends, but I see that it's time to take a new approach: cease your pursuit of me, find a suitor, and leave French Court, or I'll see to it that you pay the ultimate price for your villainy." I threatened before letting her go and storming off.

I didn't really want to kill Lola. Tomàs had been a special circ*mstance. I just needed Lola to think I could kill her. Hopefully, she would back off and get away from us sooner rather than later.

Chapter 55: L'arrivée De Lord Julien


Lord Julien arrives at French Court & is made an offer he can’t refuse.

Chapter Text

French Court. Kingdom of France. 2 weeks later.

By the time the Queen Penelope sub plot finally rolled around, things were getting worse around the castle. Henry's madness was getting more severe. His appetites for violence and sexual depravity grew more extreme. He would summon servant girls, prostitutes, noble ladies, anyone, and by time it was done, many of them were traumatized beyond words. It probably hadn't been in the show because it was way too graphic for a TV14 audience.

The good news however, was that Lola had seemingly ceased her pursuit of me after I told her about Tomàs. She made it a personal mission to stay as far away from me as possible out of fear that I might not be bluffing.

Bash too, had been distant. He was tracking down the Darkness near the blood wood. I felt relief that I had managed to spare Olivia D'Amencourt from its clutches; despite giving her a broken heart. My only true comfort was Mary. We always took every meal together and...attempted to make heirs with great frequency.

"So any servant can become queen for the day?" Mary inquired as we walked towards the throne room on the day of the whole bean thing. "I don't remember this tradition."

"It's because we were children.I think my mother hid it from us for a while." I quoted as saying held my wife's hand.


"My father welcomes the temporary queen in his own way."

"In his bed." Mary deduced with a smirk.

"If the girl who finds the bean in her slice of cake happens to be pretty." I clarified with a smirk of my own. "She wears my mother's crown, the finest clothes, and spends the day ordering servants around. By dawn, she has a hundred ducats, a pile of gifts, but she is a servant girl once more."

"A true fairy tale ending." Mary dryly remarked.

"It's a tradition I always prefer to avoid; especially when Diane de Poitiers was here." I replied with a chuckle at the idea of Henry juggling all his bitches. "To watch my father juggling a mistress, my mother and the Bean Queen. Bash and I always fled for a hunt."

"Well, at least the bean gives them something new to gossip about." Mary said with relief in her voice. "It's the first time in weeks that no one's pestered me about giving you heirs."

"Perhaps I should pester you." I teased as she gave me a kiss.

"Mary, Greer's ready to present him to you now." Kenna said as she walked up to us.

"Who?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Lord Julien: Greer's fiancé." Mary replied as she took her leave. As I walked behind her into the throne room, I saw Lord Julien AKA Remy standing next to Greer. I'd already made up my mind to bring him into the Varden. With his brand of cunning, he would be a valuable asset. I just needed to get the false nobleman alone so that I could make him an offer he couldn't refuse. Eventually that snaky slu*t Penelope got her hands on that stupid bean.

"Yes, yes, I've won!" She exclaimed with glee. "The bean! I found the bean!" Catherine would later accuse her of f*cking the pastry chef to cheat; but it was never proven if she did or not. Although, considering how she became Henry's whor*'s plausible.

"What is your name?" Henry asked as he walked up to her; clearly liking what he saw.

"Uh Penelope, from the kitchen." She said awkwardly.

"Well, you're very pretty." Henry said as Catherine came over to bestow her tiara on the bitch's head.

"Penelope, I crown you Queen of the Bean." My mother said as Penelope was hoisted up onto a couch and carried out of the throne room on fine style. After that fiasco, I went over to Lord Julien to introduce myself.

"Lord Julien." I said as the false noble bowed his head.

"My Dauphin, it is an honor to meet you." He said with a smile.

"May I trouble you for a moment of your time?" I asked as i motioned him to walk with me.

"Of course." Remy replied as we walked out of the throne room and into a chamber where our conversation would not be overheard.

"I wish for us to speak plainly, would that be agreeable...Remy?" I asked as his eyes went as wide as dinner plates.

"My Dauphin...why did you call me Remy, you know my name is Julien..." he stuttered desperately as I raised my hand.

"Let us not waste time. You were the secretary for the real Lord Julien when he died in a fire. The local magistrate mistook you for he and you didn't correct him." I rattled off as Remy broke out into cold sweat.

"How...could you possibly know this..." he whispered in disbelief.

"How I know doesn't matter, what matters is that if you want my silence on this matter, I will require something in return: your membership." I asserted.

"My membership?" The false lord asked in confusion.

"I'm about to tell you something very few people know: I am the master of a secret society of spies that inhabit every corner of French Court and beyond; we call ourselves The Varden." I explained.

"You wish for me to join this...Varden?" He asked in shock.

"If you wish to keep masquerading as Lord Julien, yes. Your skills in deception make you a valuable asset to our cause. The choice is yours...sort of." I answered as Remy paced about the room for a minute, trying to decide what to do now that I knew his dark secret. Finally, he slumped his shoulders in defeat.

"My Dauphin, I humbly accept your invitation to join the Varden." Remy stated as I shook his hand.

"Excellent, stay around Court for now. When we need you, we'll be in touch; Lord Julien." I said as I left the chamber; thankful to have another agent in my group.

Chapter 56: Jour Des Damnés


Francis & Bash seek to destroy the Darkness before Henry plans a miserable marriage.

Chapter Text

French Court, Kingdom of France. Later that day.

After securing Remy's membership in the Varden, I was summoned to the main hall where I was greeted with the sight of a disheveled Bash who looked like he had just gotten out of a fist fight.

"Bash, what the Hell happened to you?" I asked with concern.

"I'm back for the castle's resources, its armed men and horses, to seek out and destroy the Darkness in the woods." Bash explained as he reached for a goblet of wine to quench his thirst.

"What threat?" Mary asked as she came up on us.

"You've seen the sacrifices in the Blood Wood. These pagans endanger every man, woman and child in the realm." Bash answered as I took Mary's hand in mine. "They even tried to sacrifice you; and they do it all in service to a monster they call the Darkness.

"Bash..." Mary sighed as it was clear that she didn't really believe him.

"I know how it sounds, but there is a monster in the woods. I saw it, in the shadows, myself." Bash insisted desperately. "It took a girl, a girl I cared for. Her name was Rowan, and now she is certainly dead."

"I'm sorry brother." I said awkwardly as I had honestly forgot that Rowan existed. I can't remember every single detail immediately!

"This creature is the cause of all the horrors in those woods. If you want to protect your realm from these devils, you must kill the monster they serve." Bash cautioned me as Mary waited to see what answer I would give.

"I'm not sure if I believe in monsters...but I do believe in fear." I clarified with my hand in my sword hilt. "And whatever this Darkness is, the pagans fear it enough to terrorize and slaughter my people."

"Then let us kill it, once and for all." Bash declared with anger.

"I shall send for some guards to aid us." I said as I felt better about our chances of success in this altered timeline. Since Bash and I weren't at each other's throats, I wasn't worried about Henry trying to kill him; madness or not.

Blood wood near the castle. Later that day.

I had managed to convince Henry to send a armed group of guards with us and we set off to catch the Darkness. There was still a foot of snow on the ground; which limited how fast we could track. Bash led us to a meadow where he had last seen Rowan; because in this timeline Olivia was gone and Bash had discovered the tracks on his own.

"All right, let's split up men, the lair of the Darkness could be anywhere." I declared as i unsheathed my sword and began walking in the direction of the lake. I knew that I had to be careful not to touch the thin ice because I had no desire to experience an impromptu ice water bath. After a couple minutes of slow trudging, my ears were assaulted by the sound of clanging steel. I ran back and saw Bash being circled by our guards. They struck at him and he was trying desperately to fight them off.

"Francis, help me!" Bash cried out as he saw me run over to him. I struck at the guards and slew 2 of them. As I fought them, I saw that they weren't trying to hurt me, they were only after Bash. After 10 minutes of intense fighting, we stood victorious.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing, as soon as your back was turned, they drew their swords on me." Bash answered, out of breath.

"Henry commanded those guards to come with us, I think we need to have a talk with our father." I told Bash as the look of shock and betrayal on his face grew large as he caught on to what I was saying.

French Court, later that evening.

After we got back, Bash and I went straight to Henry's chambers and by the look on his face, he was surprised to see his bastard alive.

"Francis, did you kill this creature in the woods?" Henry asked awkwardly.

"We didn't get a chance, I was set upon the guards you set." Bash declared as Henry decided that it was time to settle accounts.

"Well, now that he's here, we need to finish this once and for all." Henry said.

"Finish what?" I asked as he turned to Bash with anger.

"I know, about the kiss you shared with Mary and Francis was bedding Olivia. You will always covet what your brother has." Henry snapped as I used this to get a confession.

"Father, did you speak to the guards you sent with us? Did you order Bash's execution?" I inquired cautiously.

"Sacrifices must be made." Henry replied as Bash was stunned that Henry had actually ordered his death.

"What has happened to you, Father? Have you lost all sense?" I asked incredulously.

"Do not question me!" The mad king shouted. "Mark my words, he would strike you down to take what is yours. If he is a threat to you, then he is a threat to everything I want."

"He's your son!" I exclaimed angrily as I moved to shield my brother.

"Scotland, England, a peaceful France!" Henry said as he pulled out his sword and moved towards Bash.

"Father, stop this!"

"He will never let Mary go; not completely."

"He has let her go, Mary is my wife, she doesn't like him that way."

"You haven't listened to your king. When people don't listen to their king, when they've wax in their ears, drastic measures are needed."

"Piss on your wax, Bash is my oldest brother and I love him as such." I insisted.

"Don't get sentimental, you must cut down any threat like a weed." Henry chastised:

"Your son is a friend to your realm." I shot back.

"Francis, don't anger him." Bash cautioned, trying to get me out of the line of fire.

He has guarded your heir's life, and pursued your enemies." I pointed out as I wouldn't have survived this long without Bash at my side. "If you harm this man...your son, you harm yourself."

"I am pleased to see you two getting along again." Henry said after a few tense minutes before sheathing his sword. "I know just the thing to preserve this lovely harmony.If it doesn't work, this sword will take two lives tonight." Bash didn't know what Henry had in mind, but I did: he was getting married.

Later that night.

Everything happened as it did in the show. Despite my best efforts, Leith had been caught with Greer and sent to the front, Bash was being forced to marry Kenna, and Catherine had been drugged. Y that skan* Penelope.

"How is she?" I asked Mary after she gave me the news.

"Nostradamus is treating her now." Mary answered. "She fell into some sort of drugged sleep, but she's coming out of it."

"I just can't believe that Henry would do this." I lied as Mary took my hands.

"Your father...he's not well." Mary explained.

"I am aware of that." I replied. "He got so angry at Bash that I thought he'd take his head off. He might kill him yet." On cue, the bastard walked into the room.

"What happened?" I quoted from the show. "Did Father forgive you?"

"Not exactly, but he illuminated me on his solution." Bash explained. It's a bit of a horror show, actually. And you're both invited; now, on pain of death."

That is how we all found ourselves in the throne room where King Henry II and Queen Penelope of the skan*s were presiding over the impromptu wedding of Bash and Kenna. Catherine was even there in her drugged state. The 2 newlyweds looked miserable as f*ck and it was honestly hard to watch.

"And so, under the eyes of the Lord, we prepare to consecrate this blessed union with two sacred oaths." The priest spoke:

"You want me to say an oath?" Kenna asked with lain in her voice. "What about your oath? You promised me someone with a title!"

"Fine...Bash, I hereby declare you the Master of Horse and Hunt." Henry said dismissively as if that fixed the situation

"What does that even mean?" Kenna inquired incredulously.

"Shut up and say the words."

"Please, this is marriage.It can't be undone..."

"Say the words!" Henry shouted angrily. I thought about telling Kenna that divorce was possible if she converted to Protestantism, but I knew that would not be well received.

"I Sebastian, take this woman to be my lawful wife under the eyes of God, from this day forward." The groom spoke as the bride cried her eyes out as Mary held my hand throughout this wedding of the damned.

My Life As The Dauphin - MadWheelerShipper27 (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.