Mulling Spices Recipe (2024)

By Wendy O'Neal Leave a Comment

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My Mulling Spices Recipe is perfect for fall. It has all the spices you think of when you think of fall, like cinnamon, allspice, cloves, cardamon, and more.

Mulling Spices Recipe (1)

This homemade Mulling Spices Recipe is great for making mulled wine and mulled cider. I like to add mulling spices to baked goods or as a meat rub for delicious fall flavored foods. It’s a great to swap for pumpkin pie spice (and as y’all know…I’m not a fan of pumpkin pie spice blends so this is a great swap). This recipe is also naturally gluten and dairy free and can fit in a keto/low carb lifestyle.

Get creative with this blend. I like to use it whole, package it for gift giving with a cute tag, lightly crush it, and fully grind it up. It’s so versatile and will last all fall and winter.

Mulling Spices Recipe (2)

Ingredient notes and substitutions:

  • cinnamon sticks
  • cardamom pods
  • allspice berries
  • whole cloves
  • star anise pods
  • dried orange peel – store bought or dried in oven
  • black peppercorns

Homemade Mulling Spices

What is Mulling Spice made of?

Mulling spice is made up of a collection of whole dried spices such as cinnamon, cardamon, allspice, cloves, star anise, black peppercorns, and dried orange peel.

Can you drink Mulling Spices?

You use the mulling spices to infuse flavor into a warm drink. Strain the spices out of the beverage before drinking and discard.

Mulling Spices Recipe (4)

How long do mulling spices last?

Homemade mulling spices should last 6 months in an airtight container. So it’s great to make a huge batch at the beginning of fall to use through the winter.

Mulling Spices Recipe (5)

What are mulling spices used for?

Mulling spices are used mostly in the fall to add flavor to hot drinks and also to simmer on the stove to make the house smell good. I like making up a large batch to use all season long and to give as last minute gifts.

How much to use for tea? Add 1 teaspoon per cup of tea as it’s brewing.

How much to add to cider? Add 2 heaping tablespoons per ½ gallon of apple cider.

How much for a bottle of wine? Add 4 heaping tablespoons of spices for every 1 gallon of wine.

How to use for milk? Add 1 teaspoon per cup of milk as it’s heating.

How much to use for smell? In a small pot (or slow cooker) add 3-4 tablespoons of the mixture and put heat on low. Watch closely so the water doesn’t boil off. Water can be added over and over to keep the pot going. Replace spices once they are no longer fragrant.

How to use as a swap for Pumpkin Pie Spice? Use a clean coffee grinder to grind up a little of the mulling spice mixture and use 1:1 for pumpkin pie spice in baked goods, breakfasts, or even as a meat rub.

Mulling Spices Recipe (6)

How to make Mulled Spice Syrup

Simmer 2 tablespoons mulling spices in a 3 cups of water for 30-40 minutes. Strain. The mulled spice syrup will last in the refrigerator for about a month. Add a little bit to coffee or tea for a quick treat.

Mulling Spices Recipe (7)

Mulling Spices

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

My Mulling Spices Recipe is perfect for fall. It has all the spices you think of when you think of fall, like cinnamon, allspice, cloves, cardamon, and more.


  • 3 oz cinnamon sticks
  • ⅓ cup cardamom pods
  • ¼ cup allspice berries
  • ¼ cup whole cloves
  • ¼ cup star anise pods
  • ⅓ cup dried orange peel - store bought or dried in oven
  • ¼ cup black peppercorns


  1. Place cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods, allspice berries, cloves and star anise in large resealable bag.
  2. Crush with rolling pin.
  3. Add orange peel and peppercorns to bag and toss to mix well.
  4. Store in airtight container for up to 6 months.
  5. See notes on preparation options. Serve warm or room temperature.


To Use:

Add 1 teaspoon per cup of tea as it’s brewing.

Add 2 heaping tablespoons per ½ gallon of apple juice or cider.

Add 4 heaping tablespoons of spices for every 1 gallon of wine.

Add 1 teaspoon per cup of milk as it’s heating.

In a small pot (or slow cooker) add 3-4 tablespoons of the mixture and put heat on low. Watch closely so the water doesn’t boil off. Water can be added over and over to keep the pot going. Replace spices once they are no longer fragrant.

How to use as a swap for Pumpkin Pie Spice

Use a clean coffee grinder to grind up a little of the mulling spice mixture and use 1:1 for pumpkin pie spice in baked goods, breakfasts, or even as a meat rub.


Simmer 2 tablespoons mulling spices in a 3 cups of water for 30-40 minutes. Strain. The mulled spice syrup will last in the refrigerator for about a month. Add a little bit to coffee or tea for a quick treat.

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Mulling Spices Recipe (8)
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Mulling Spices Recipe (2024)


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