GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF … · 2020. 8. 6. · Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (2024)

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (1)

Liječ Vjesn God. | Vol. 142 [2020] Broj | Num. Supl. 1 Str. | Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska | Croatia


UDK 61(061.231)=862=20 CODEN LIVJA5 ISSN 0024-3477 (TISAK) ISSN 1849-2177 (ONLINE)

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (2)

G L A S I L O H R VAT S K O G A L I J E Č N I Č K O G Z B O R AUtemeljen 1877.

UDK 61(061.231)=862=20 Liječnički vjesnik tiskano izdanje ISSN 0024-3477Liječnički vjesnik citiraju: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Scopus, EBSCO, Hrčak Liječnički vjesnik on line izdanje ISSN 1894-2177


PredsjednikMladen Belicza

TajnikMiroslav Hromadko

ČlanoviNada Čikeš (Zagreb) – Hedvig Hricak (New York) – Miroslav Hromadko (Zagreb) – Mirko Jung (Zürich) – Ivica Kostović (Zagreb) – Ante Padjen (Mon-treal) – Marko Pećina (Zagreb) – Dinko Podrug (New York) – Miljenko Puka-nić (Sydney) – Smiljan Puljić (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) – Berislav Tomac (Hagen) – Marko Turina (Zürich) – Ljiljana Zergollern-Čupak (Zagreb)

UREDNIČKI ODBORBranimir Anić (Zagreb) – Anko Antabak (Zagreb) – Branka Aukst Margetić (Zagreb) – Alen Babacanli (Zagreb) – Ivan Bojanić (Zagreb) – Boris Brklja-čić (Zagreb) – Venija Cerovečki (Zagreb) – Mislav Čavka (Zagreb) – Željko Ferenčić (Zagreb) – Božo Krušlin (Zagreb) – Martin Kuhar (Zagreb) – Julije Meštrović (Split) – Mislav Planinc (Zagreb) – Dražen Pulanić (Zagreb) – Duje Rako (Zagreb) – Željko Reiner (Zagreb) – Zdenko Sonicki (Zagreb) – Davor Štimac (Rijeka) – Adriana Vince (Zagreb) – Miroslav Župčić (Rijeka)

MEĐUNARODNI UREDNIČKI ODBORJurgen Deckert (Wüzburg) – Patrick Erik Eppenberger (Zürich) – Michael Fuchsjäger (Graz) – Primož Gradišek (Ljubljana) – Andrej Grajn (Zgornja Ložnica) – Emir Q. Haxhija (Graz) – Tomas Jovaisa (Kaunas) – Jamin Kashwa (London) – Živko Steven Pavletić (Bethesda) – Semir Vranic (Doha)

OpisLiječnički vjesnik je najstariji hrvatski medicinski časopis koji neprekidno izlazi od 1877. te redovito bilježi sva važna stručna i strukovna dostignuća u hrvatskoj i svjetskoj medicini. U Liječničkom vjesniku objavljuju se uvodnici, stručni i znanstveni radovi, pregledni članci, prikazi bolesnika, lijekova i metoda, preliminarna znanstvena i stručna priopćenja, osvrti, pisma uredništvu, prikazi knjiga, referati iz literature i drugi prilozi. Svi rukopisi podvrgnuti su procesu recenzija.Rukopis i svi članci šalju se Uredništvu Liječničkog vjesnika, Zagreb, Šubićeva ul. 9, tel. (01) 46-93-300, e-mail: [emailprotected].Članarina, pretplata i sve novčane pošiljke šalju se Hrvatskomu liječničkom zboru, Zagreb, Šubićeva ulica 9, na IBAN HR7423600001101214818, OIB 60192951611. Članarina Hrvat-skoga liječničkog zbora iznosi 200 kuna; za liječnike pripravnike i obiteljska članarina iznosi 100 kuna. Pretplata za Liječnički vjesnik je 315 kuna (inozemstvo 84 eura). Radi redovitog primanja časopisa svaku promjenu adrese potrebno je javiti Uredništvu. Svaki član Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora ima pravo besplatno objaviti članak u Liječničkom vjesniku; autori koji nisu članovi Zbora moraju platiti naknadu u iznosu od 187,50 kuna + PDV.

Tiskano u Hrvatskoj

Autorska prava: Objava: Hrvatski liječnički zbor.Svi su članci slobodno dostupni pod uvjetima Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 međunarodna licenca. Ova licenca dopušta drugima da preuzimaju radove i podijele ih s drugima sve dok vam priznaju, ali ih ne mogu ni na koji način promijeniti ili komercijalno koristiti.



Glavni i odgovorni urednikBRANIMIR ANIĆ

Tajnik uredničkog odboraŽeljko Ferenčić

Tajnica redakcijeDraženka Kontek


Slog„Gredice” – Horvaćanska 67, Zagreb, Hrvatska

TisakPRINTERA grupa – ulica Franje Tuđmana 14, Sveta Nedelja, Hrvatska

Web stranicaAlen Babacanli

Naklada400 primjeraka

Zagreb 2020.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (3)


UDK 61(061.231)=862=20 Liječnički vjesnik printed edition ISSN 0024-3477Liječnički vjesnik indexed or abstracted in: EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Scopus, EBSCO, Hrčak Liječnički vjesnik on line edition ISSN 1894-2177


PresidentMladen Belicza

SecretaryMiroslav Hromadko

MembersNada Čikeš (Zagreb) – Hedvig Hricak (New York) – Miroslav Hromadko (Zagreb) – Mirko Jung (Zürich) – Ivica Kostović (Zagreb) – Ante Padjen (Mon-treal) – Marko Pećina (Zagreb) – Dinko Podrug (New York) – Miljenko Puka-nić (Sydney) – Smiljan Puljić (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) – Berislav Tomac (Hagen) – Marko Turina (Zürich) – Ljiljana Zergollern-Čupak (Zagreb)

EDITORIAL BOARDBranimir Anić (Zagreb) – Anko Antabak (Zagreb) – Branka Aukst Margetić (Zagreb) – Alen Babacanli (Zagreb) – Ivan Bojanić (Zagreb) – Boris Brklja-čić (Zagreb) – Venija Cerovečki (Zagreb) – Mislav Čavka (Zagreb) – Željko Ferenčić (Zagreb) – Božo Krušlin (Zagreb) – Martin Kuhar (Zagreb) – Julije Meštrović (Split) – Mislav Planinc (Zagreb) – Dražen Pulanić (Zagreb) – Duje Rako (Zagreb) – Željko Reiner (Zagreb) – Zdenko Sonicki (Zagreb) – Davor Štimac (Rijeka) – Adriana Vince (Zagreb) – Miroslav Župčić (Rijeka)

INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARDJurgen Deckert (Wüzburg) – Patrick Erik Eppenberger (Zürich) – Michael Fuchsjäger (Graz) – Primož Gradišek (Ljubljana) – Andrej Grajn (Zgornja Ložnica) – Emir Q. Haxhija (Graz) – Tomas Jovaisa (Kaunas) – Jamin Kashwa (London) – Živko Steven Pavletić (Bethesda) – Semir Vranic (Doha)

DescriptionThe Croatian Medical Association started publishing its professional journal Liječnički Vjesnik in 1877. Liječnički Vjesnik is one of only about a hundred international journals that were coming out in the late 19th century, maintained continuity during the 20th century, and then entered the 21st century. It is also the oldest Croatian medical journal and regularly captures all important achievements, professional and trade events. Editorials, professional and scientific papers, review articles, patient reviews, medications and methods, preliminary scientific and expert papers, reviews, letters to the editor, book reviews, literature papers and other contributions are published in the journal Liječnički Vjesnik. Through publishing original scientific and professional papers by local authors, Liječnički Vjesnik has contributed to the overall health care improvement. All manuscripts are subjected to a review process.All articles should be addressed to the Croatian Medical Association, Office of Liječnički Vjesnik, Zagreb, Šubićeva 9, tel. (01) 46-93-300, e-mail: [emailprotected] AND SUBSCRIPTION: Membership, subscription or any other cash dispatches should be sent to the Croatian Medical Association, Zagreb, Šubićeva 9, Croatia. Bank account: HR7423600001101214818, VAT number HR60192951611. The membership fee for the Croatian Medical Association is 200,00 HRK. The membership fee for the family member is 100,00 HRK. Subscription fee for Liječnički vjesnik is 315,00 HRK (84 euros). Members and other legal entities are advised to inform Croatian Medical Association – Editiorial Board of Liječnički Vjesnik about any change of address in order to receive the journal regularly. Each member of the Croatian Medical Association is allowed to publish the article in the journal Liječnički vjesnik for free. Non-members are also allowed to publish the article with administration fee in amount of 187,50 HRK + VAT.

Printed in Croatia

Author’s. Published by: Croatian Medical Association.All articles are freely available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 International Licence. This license allows others to download works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.



Editor-in-ChiefBRANIMIR ANIĆ

Secretary of the Editorial BoardŽeljko Ferenčić

Secretary of the Editorial OfficeDraženka Kontek


Typesetting“Gredice” – Horvaćanska 67, Zagreb, Croatia

Printed byPRINTERA grupa – Franjo Tuđman street 14, Sveta Nedelja, Croatia

Web pageAlen Babacanli

Edition400 copies

Zagreb 2020


GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (4)


GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (5)


Project full title: Innovation for Better Ageing

Project acronym: BFHA 2020

Programme: European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme Other Actions/Call 2020-IBA-SC1-Presidency-2020

Grant Agreement number: 952781

Conference Committees


Marijan Klarica, Blaženka Divjak, Vili Beroš, Gordan Grlić Radman, Vesna Bedeković, Damir Boras, Željko Reiner, Antoinette Kaić-Rak, Krunoslav Capak, Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak


Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Ana Borovečki, Tea Vukušić Rukavina, Jasna Lovrić, Lana Škrgatić, Goran Sedmak, Zdenko Sonicki, Krešimir Luetić, Irena Martinović Klarić, Tomislav Benjak, Branko Kolarić, Željka Skočilić, Martina Bogut Barić, Zrinka Bukvić Mokos, Ksenija Vitale, Dinko Mitrečić, Dagmar Radin, Aleksandar Džakula, Iskra Alexandra Nola, Zlata Ožvačić Adžić, Željka Krsnik, Milan Milošević, Venija Cerovečki, Slavica Sović, Marjeta Majer, Marina Roje Bedeković, Mario Ravić, Krešimir Ivanda, Marija Bubaš, Drago Horvat, Danko Relić, Pero Hrabač


Željko Reiner, Marijan Klarica, Miloš Judaš, Ivana Čuković-Bagić, Tomislav Rukavina, Zoran Đogaš, Jure Mirat, Davor Miličić, Vida Demarin, Ivica Kostović, Zvonko Kusić, Slobodan Vukičević, Miroslav Samaržija, Mirna Šitum, Marko Pećina, Leandro Pecchia, Željko Krznarić, Boris Brkljačić, Branimir Anić, Sven Seiwerth, Davor Ježek, Drago Batinić, Svjetlana Kalanj Bognar, John E. Vena, John Middleton, Ilaria Bellantuono, Nenad Bogdanovic, Venet Osmani, Ivana Rosenzweig, Rain Laane, Mladen Boban, Paulo de Carvalho, Anđelko Akrap, Stjepan Šterc, Dan Ehninger, Slavko Orešković, Branka Marinović, Zdravka Poljaković, Stjepan Orešković, Selma Šogorić, Aida Mujkić, Graziano Onder, Marjeta Mišigoj-Duraković, Suzanne M. Babich, Ratko Magjarević, Danijela Štimac Grbić, Hrvoje Tiljak, Nada Božina, Sanja Musić Milanović, Antonija Balenović, Miroslav Hanževački, Petrana Brečić, Marin Strmota


Ana Borovečki, Tea Vukušić Rukavina, Patricija Janković, Damir Panić, Olja Ulični Nikšić, Danko Relić, Mislav Šelendić, Alma Šimunec Jović, Ana Petrić, Jasna Turković

Under the auspices of the Government of the Republic of Croatia

SUPPLEMENT EDITORS:Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Željko Reiner, Marijan Klarica, Branimir Anić, Ana Borovečki

ART PROCESSING:Alma Šimunec-Jović



GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (6)


2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN


PREFACE XVMirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Željko Reiner, Marijan Klarica

INTRODUCTORY SPEECHDubravka Šuica XVIIHans Henri P Kluge XXIŽeljko Reiner XXIII

KEYNOTE SPEAKERSJonathan Cylus, Gemma Williams, Charles Normand, Josep Figueras

Economic, Fiscal and Societal Consequences of Population Ageing – Looming Catastrophe or Fake News? 3

Ilaria BellantuonoGeroprotectors: Time to Change the Way We Take Care of Older People? 9

Zoran ĐogašImportance of Sleep for Healthy Ageing – Impact of Sleep-Disordered Breathing 9

George VradenburgConfronting the Dementia Pandemic: A World Economic Forum and Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s DiseaseGlobal Partnership to Speed Collaboration and Innovation 17

John MiddletonDying Young, as Old as Possible: Public Health Challenges for Healthcare Systems in Ageing Societies . 22

Leandro PecchiaBiomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Healthy Ageing 24


Session A1: Changing Pathology of Ageing Society

Invited lecture

Ambrogio FassinaEvolving Needs in Pathology Education 29

Claude CuvelierChanging Pathology of Ageing Society 30

Oral presentations

Philippe AmouyelThe Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND), Towards a Globally Shared Brain Health 32

Davor JežekHealthy Ageing in Men: How to Prevent Andropausal Syndrome? 32

Melita Šalković-PetrišićRepresentative Model of Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Use for Testing of Novel Therapeutic Strategies 33

Poster presentations

Sven SeiwerthDiagnostic, Prognostic and Predictive Biomarker Testing in Pathology – Needs and Opportunities in Solid Tumour Oncology of the Ageing Society 34

Roko Žaja, Hana Brborović, Mihael Ries, Milan MiloševićEarly Diagnosis of Hidden Hearing Loss as the Prevention of Hearing Impairment in Older Working-age Population 34

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (7)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 CONTENT

Session A2: Molecular Basis of Ageing

Invited lecture

Dan EhningerLifespan and Health Span in Mice: Mechanisms and Interventions 35

Oral presentations

Zdravko Petanjek, Ana Hladnik, Ivana Bičanić, Domagoj Džaja, Dora Sedmak, Ivan Banovac, Andrea Blažević, Sanja Damopil

High Capability of Human Prefrontal Cortex Microcircuitry to Maintain Its Structure During Ageing 36

Nikola Sobočan, Ana Katušić-Bojanac, Nino Sinčić, Marta Himelreich-Perić, Jure Krasić, Željka Majić, Gordana Jurić-Lekić, Ljiljana Šerman, Maja Vlahović, Andreja Marić, Davor Ježek, Floriana Bulić-Jakuš

Antioxidant Ameliorated Negative Impact of a DNA-Demethylating Agent on Placental Growth and Morphology of Aged Preterm Placentas 36

Gordan LaucGlycans as Biomarkers and Functional Effectors of Age and Age-Related Diseases 37

Poster presentations

Piotr Sunderland, Justyna Augustyniak, Leonora Buzanska, Ewa SikoraSenescent Phenotype and Disturbances in Autophagy in ATM-Deficient Neural Precursor Cells 37

Session A3: Ischemic, hypoxic, hemorrhagic brain disorders & ageing

Invited lecture

Ivana RosenzweigIdiopathic Rapid Eye Movement Behaviour Disorder 38

Oral presentations

Renata Pecotić, Linda Lušić Kalcina, Ivana Pavlinac Dodig, Maja Valić, Zoran ĐogašObstructive Sleep Apnoea Assessment in the Elderly 38

Domagoj Vidović, Ana Marija Šantić, Marina Mioč, Ana Jadrijević-Tomas, Hrvoje Grbavac, Petrana BrečićI Forgot to Sleep 39

Ana Marija ŠantićREM Behaviour Disorder and Neurodegenerative Disorders 39

Poster presentations

Adrijana Košćec Bjelajac, Jasminka Despot Lučanin, Eva Anđela Delale, Damir LučaninPredictors of Sleep Quality in Older Adults in Zagreb 40

Ace Dimitrievski, Saso Koceski, Natasa Koceska, Eftim Zdravevski, Petre Lameski, Hrvoje Belani, Vladimir TrajkovikPatient-Centred Care Based on Fog Computing Paradigm: A Case of Sleep Apnoea Detection 40

Marina MiočTeatment of Sleep Disorders in Elderly 41

Ivana Pavlinac Dodig, Linda Lušić Kalcina, Renata Pecotić, Maja Valić, Zoran ĐogašObstructive Sleep Apnoea Aggravates Age-Associated Decline in Psychom*otor Performance 41

Tatjana Škarić-JurićSleeping 8.5 or More Hours per Day – Is It Too Much? Characteristics of Very Old Persons (85+) According to Sleep Duration 42

Maja Valić, Renata Pecotić, Ivana Pavlinac Dodig, Linda Lušić Kalcina, Zoran ĐogašCardiovascular and Metabolic Changes Related to Sleep and Ageing 42

Session A4: Neuroscience and Neurodegenrative Disorders and Ageing

Invited lecture

Monica DiLucaThe Impact of Neuroscience Research in Europe for Healthy Ageing 43

Oral presentations

Dean NižetićGenes and Mechanisms Modulating Ageing and Neurodegeneration Derived From Studying Down Syndrome 44

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (8)


CONTENT 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Goran ŠimićThe ALZENTIA System: A Sensitive Non-invasive Hidden-Goal Test for Early Cognitive Impairment Screening 45

Fran BorovečkiGenomic Diagnostics in Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases 45

Poster presentations

Marija Ana Bosnar PuretićChallenges in Headache Treatment in Elderly 46

Dunja Gorup, Sanja Srakočić, Srećko GajovićHallmarks of Corticogenesis After Ischemic Stroke in Mice 46

Jelena M Kezić, Vicki Chrysostomou, Paul G McMenamin, Jonathan G CrowstonEffects of Age on Retinal Macrophage Responses to Acute Elevation of Intraocular Pressure 47

Nataša KlepacCognitive Training: New Therapeutic Approach to the Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment 47

Tena Križ, Mia Zorić Geber, Tin Šklebar , Lorena Karla Rudež, Katia Novak Lauš, Marko Škrabić, Ozren Gamulin, Zoran Vatavuk

Role of Vibrational Spectroscopy in the Early Detection of Glaucoma 48Tena Križ, Jadranka Sertić, Ana Merkler, Ana Kozmar, Mia Zorić Geber, Katia Novak Lauš, Zoran Vatavuk

BDNF, IL-6, PPARγ Gene and BDNF Protein Polymorphisms in Patients with Glaucoma 48Sonja Tošić Grlač, Valentina Biševac

Lend a Hand Project 49

Session A5: Good Clinical Practices for the Improvement of the Age Related Diseases

Invited lecture

Alpana MairGood Clinical Practices for the Improvement of the Age-Related Diseases 50

Oral presentations

Branimir Anić, Ivan Padjen, Boris Karanović, Miroslav MayerEarly Intervention Optimizes Long-Term Treatment Results in Patients with Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases 52

Nada Božina, Nikica Mirošević Skvrce, Lana Ganoci, Iva Klarica Domjanović, Livija Šimičević, Tamara Božina, Vladimir Trkulja, Viola Šarinić-Macolić

Pharmacogenomics – a Promising Tool for Elderly Patients on Polytherapy 52Ervina Bilić, Barbara Sitaš, Hrvoje Bilić, Mirea Hančević, Fran Borovečki

International Networking and Clinical Practice in Neurodegenerative Diseases 53

Poster presentations

Anamaria Balić, Branka Marinović, Romana Čeović, Zrinka Bukvić MokosCommon Clinical Challenges When Prescribing Dermatologic Therapy in Geriatric Patients 54

Ana Bonetti, Ivana Šimić, Drago PrgometVoice Disorders and Voice Therapy in Elderly 54

Marijana Braš, Veljko ĐorđevićThe Person-Centred Medical Interview for Elderly Patients 55

Mislav Budišić, Marina Roje Bedeković, Marijana Bosnar Puretić, Lidija Dežmalj Grbelja, Sara Drnasin, Lejla Ćorić

Stroke and Mechanical Thrombectomy in Elderly 55Vlado-Vlaho Ćubela, Iva Galić, Ante Pašalić, Petar Bešlić, Edvard Galić

Different Faces of the Same Problem: Lipid-Lowering Therapy in the Elderly 56Romana Čeović, Mikela Petković, Zrinka Bukvić Mokos

Therapeutic Options of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer in Elderly 56Lidija Dežmalj Grbelja

Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis in Elderly Patients 57Držislav Kalafatić, Slavko Orešković, Lana Škrgatić, Iva Miškulin

Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction in Women Undergoing Three Different Operating Techniques for Pelvic Organ Prolapse – a Pilot Study 57

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (9)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 CONTENT

Boris Karanović, Ivan Padjen, Branimir AnićOsteoarthritis – Leading Cause of Disability in the Elderly 58

Sanja Martić-Biočina, Perla el Hasan, Zlata Pjević, Vesna Barić, Kristina DraguzetTherapeutic Movement Therapy (TMT) and the Healthy Lifestyles (HLS) Education in the Day Hospital (DH) – Reflections and Suggestions 58

Milan Milošević, Hana Brborović, Roko ŽajaAssessing Fitness to Work Among Older Workers: Literature Review 58

Ante Pašalić, Petar Bešlić, Vlado-Vlaho Ćubela, Iva Galić, Edvard GalićIs Ischemic Heart Disease as Huge Problem as We Think, or Is It Much Bigger? 59

Željka Petelin Gadže, Katarina Ivana Tudor, Maja Živković, Andreja Bujan Kovač, Biljana Đapić Ivančić, Sibila Nanković, Vlatko Šulentić, Ira Brezak, Petra Nimac Kozina, Barbara Sitaš, Borislav Radić, Monika Mudrovčić, Zdravka Poljaković, Sanja Hajnšek

Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Epilepsy – Single Centre Experience 59Marina Roje Bedeković

Immunosenescence and Stroke 60Mirna Sisek-Šprem, Ninoslav Mimica, Mira Štengl-Martinjak, Aida Križaj, Ana Papić

Preparing Life for Healthy Longevity 60Domagoj Vlašić, Helena Kaštelan, Antonela Gverović Antunica

Current Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration 61Orjena Žaja

Why Care About Nutrition and Eating Habits in Early Life? Impact on Healthy Ageing 62Kristina Žužul, Zrinka Bukvić Mokos, Romana Čeović

Clinical Practices for Improvement of Psoriasis in Elderly 62Miroslav Hanževački, Venija Cerovečki, Branimir Anić, Spomenka Tomek-Roksandić, Željko Reiner

Education of Physicians to Provide Healthcare to Elderly in Croatia 63


Session B1: IT Technologies in the Service of Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture

Giuseppe FicoIT Technologies in the Service of Healthy Ageing 67

Oral presentations

John WaterworthNot the Computer but the Place: Designing and Evaluating Future Ambient Spaces for Improved Quality of Life in the Elderly 69

Željka Car, Matea Žilak, Ivana RašanPotential of Accessible Website for Elderly – Case Study Research 69

Andrija Štajduhar, Goran Sedmak, Miloš JudašDetermining the Parameters of Healthy Ageing Using Automated Neuron-Level Analysis of the Laminar Structure of the Human Brain 70

Poster presentations

Mateja Banović, Maja Banadinović, Dorja Vočanec, Aleksandar DžakulaSmart Home – a Solution Compatible with the EU Home-Based Care Priority? 71

Jelena Jakab, Nikola Volarić, Luka Malenica, Ljiljana Trtica Majnarić, Aleksandar VčevModern Technologies and Devices for Remote Health Monitoring in Elderly Healthcare 71

Mihaela Marinović Glavić, Vanja Vasiljev, Lovorka Bilajac, Tomislav Rukavina, Oscar Zanutto, Stefania Macchione, Anastasios Rentoumis, Athanasia Karanasiou, Tamara Alhambra, Jorge Garcés-Ferrer, Elena Curtopassi, Nigel Clark, Anthony Polychronakis, Siok Swan Tan, Ellen Rouwet, Sophie Korenhof, Hein Raat

SEFAC App – Tool to Support a Better Health 72Hrvoje Mlinarić

Information and Communication Technologies in Service of Improving and Maintaining Mental Health in Ageing Society 72

Marija Švajda, Valerija Bralić-Lang, Zrinka Mach, Tamara PoljičaninThe Role of Standardized Diabetes Data Set in Improving the Quality of Care at Primary Care Level 73

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CONTENT 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Session B2: Modern Urban Planning in the Service of Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture

Julia WadouxModern Urban Planning in the Service of Healthy Ageing 74

Oral presentations

Ivana FabrioSocial Design for Healthy Ageing 76

Sanja BencetićInclusive Design (for Ageing Population) 76

Agnieszka Olszewska-GuizzoGreen and Healthy Cities – Environmental Exposures and Urban Design for Healthy Longevity 76

Mandica SankovićHealthy Urban Planning for a Better Future for Healthy Ageing – Healthy Urban Planning, the Croatian Healthy Cities Network, and the City of Vinkovci (Croatia) 77

Poster presentations

Martina Jurjević, Maja Lang Morović, Sanja Musić Milanović, Mirjana Kujundžić TiljakUrban Planning for Healthy Ageing: The Example of Park Planning in the City of Zagreb 78

Jadranka MustajbegovićThe Need for Early Evaluation of the Implementation of the Re-orientation Programme for Home Assistance Services to Ensure Its Sustainability 78

Session B3: The Role of IT Companies in the Innovation Practices for Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture

Rain LaaneThe Role of IT Companies in the Innovation Practices for Healthy Ageing 79

Oral presentations

Stjepan Orešković, Mario RavićHealth, Social and Financial Consequences of the Application of AI, ML and Digital Health – Going Far Beyond the Traditional Healthcare System 79

Dora Matić, Ivan Bejić, Ivan Buterin, Zvonimir Jukić, Filip Kozlik, Vladimir Slošić, Ivan Hrabar, Frano Petrić, Zdenko Kovačić

Humanoid Robots as Assistants in Healthy Ageing 80

Sabato Mellone, Pierpaolo Palumbo, Beatrix Vereijken, Jorunn L Helbostad, Lorenzo ChiariSimulating and Comparing the Effects of Preventive Programmes: An Application Example on Fall Risk Reduction 80

Poster presentations

Alessia Gallucci, Pietro Davide Trimarchi, Carlo Abbate, Cosimo Tuena, Elisa Pedroli, Fabrizia Lattanzio, Marco Stramba-Badiale, Matteo Cesari, Fabrizio Giunco

ICT Technologies as New Promising Tools for the Managing of Frailty: A Systematic Review 81

Session B4: Mobile Techonoglies and Primary Healthcare

Invited lecture

Venet OsmaniMobile Technologies and Primary Healthcare 82

Oral presentations

Maddalena IllarioSet Up of an Ecosystem for the Digital Transformation of Health and Care: Campania Experience 83

Antonija BalenovićEU Project for Innovative Active and Healthy Ageing – City of Zagreb 83

Jadran MandekićBridging the Digital Divide – ICT for Older People in Rijeka 84

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 CONTENT

Session B5: Computer Technologies in Healthcare System, Organisation and Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture

David MendesIntelligent and Explainable Shareable Clinical Pathways 85

Oral presentations

Alexander Kurz, Lea Pfaeffel, Marina BobanInterprofessional Educational Intervention in Dementia Care 87

Branko Kolarić, Tomislav Rukavina, Lovorka Bilajac, Tanja Ćorić, Nada Tomasović-MrčelaCommitment to Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health 87

Ivana Portolan Pajić, Filip Glavač, Monika TomasOživi Me – from a Student Initiative to National Campaign 88


Session C1: Demographic Challenges in the European Ageing Societies

Invited lecture

Gerda NeyerDemographic Challenges in the European Ageing Societies 91

Oral presentations

Krunoslav Capak, Tomislav Benjak, Iva Pejnović Franelić, Ivana Pavić Šimetin, Dunja Skoko Poljak, Marija Bubaš

Croatian Priority During the EU Presidency – Healthy Ageing 92Marija Geiger Zeman, Zdenko Zeman, Sanja Špoljar Vržina

What Does Healthy Age Mean – Sociological and Anthropological Considerations 93Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička

Legal Protection of Older Persons: Do We Need a Special UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons? 93

Poster presentations

Lejla Ćorić, Marijana Bosnar Puretić, Mislav Budišić, Sara Drnasin, Lidija Dežmalj Grbelja, Marina Roje Bedeković

Cognitive Impairment as Risk Factors for Falls 94Asta Sarkauskiene, Leta Dromantiene, Zeneta Paskauske

The Correlation Between the Physical Activity and Health of Older Adults: Case of Lithuania 94

Ivana Marasović ŠušnjaraDemographic Determinants of the Split-Dalmatia County Population 95

Josipa Meštrović ŠpoljarAgeing as Main Driver of Healthcare Expenditures – Reality or Not 95

Anna Mrzljak, Danko Mikulić, Branislav KocmanLiver Transplantation and Ageing 96

Iskra Alexandra Nola, Tatjana Nemeth BlažićChallenges of Ageing and Sexual Health 96

Dominik Oroz, Marija BubašWork of the Second Instance Committee of the Division for Occupational Health of the Croatian Institute of Public Health from 2014 to 2019 97

Urelija Rodin, Ana Ivičević Uhernik, Tanja Mišić, Ranko Stevanović, Mario Trošelj, Sandra Mihel, Željka Draušnik, Vesna Štefančić Martić, Marijana Radić Vuleta, Ivan Cerovečki, Danijela Fuštin

Long-Term Care for the Elderly in Croatia 97Sanja Ožić, Danijela Štimac Grbić, Anja Belavić

Demographic Challenges and Long-Term Care the Elderly in Croatia 98Romana Galić, Andreja Ninić, Antonija Bobić Lazić

Local Community Answers to the Ageing Challenges 98

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CONTENT 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Session C2: Bioethics and Ageing

Invited lecture

Chris GastmansDignity-Enhancing Care for Older Adults: An Ethical Framework 99

Renzo PegoraroAgeing Ethics and Challenges for Care 100

Oral presentations

Luciana Caenazzo, Sarah GinoEthical Challenges for Healthcare Professionals in Managing Elder Abuse 101

Hrvoje Tiljak, Hrvoje Jurlina, Nina Bašić Marković, Antonija BalenovićWhat Sort of Discrimination Among the Geriatric Population? 101

Zdravka Poljaković, Svjetlana Šupe, Josip Ljevak, Marko Radoš, David Ozretić, Ivona ŠomleDoes Revascularisation Therapy for Acute Stroke Improve Functional Outcome in Elderly Patients? 102

Poster presentations

Stella Fatović-Ferenčić, Martin KuharAgeing of the Yugoslav Population: Andrija Štampar’s and Branko Kesić’s Detection of Demographic Changes in the Middle of the 20th Century 103

Session C3: Epidemiological Trends on Prevention of Age Related Frailty Syndrome and Diseases

Invited lecture

Tomislav Benjak, Vesna Štefančić, Željka Draušnik, Ivan CerovečkiFrailty – What Is and What We Can Do in Croatia? 103

Oral presentations

Danijela Štimac Grbić, Peter Allebeck, Tugce SchmittAgeing and Health: Importance of the Topic for Europe and the Croatian EU Presidency 104

Denis Juraga, Vanja Vasiljev, Lovorka Bilajac, Oscar Zanutto, Stefania Macchione, Anastasios Rentoumis, Athanasia Karanasiou, Tamara Alhambra, Jorge Garcés – Ferrer, Elena Curtopassi, Nigel Clark, Anthony Polychronakis, Siok Swan Tan, Ellen Rouwet, Sophie Korenhof, Hein Raat

Implementation of the SEFAC Project in Four European Cities 105

Mladen BobanModerate Alcohol Consumption and Healthy Ageing 105

Poster presentations

Dijana BabićAssessment of Risk Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Functional Limitations in Elderly with Cardiovascular Diseases 106

Ana Balorda, Marija Škrgatić, Ljilja BalordaPrevalence of Dementia in Croatia from 1995 to 2018 106

Ana Balorda, Marija Škrgatić, Ljilja BalordaUnintentional and Intentional Injuries Mortality Data for Women Aged 50+ in Zadar County from 1998 to 2018 107

Ivana Brkić Biloš, Natalia Jadrijević, Maja Silobrčić Radić, Sandra Mihel, Verica Kralj, Mario Šekerija, Lara Meden

Injuries in the Elderly in Croatia 107Milka Dančević-Gojković, Senada Tahirović

Current Health Status of People 60+ in Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina 108Marija Delaš Aždajić, Robert Likić, Antonio Kovačić, Danijela Štimac Grbić

Pharmacoepidemiology of Benzodiazepine Use and Ageing in the City of Zagreb, Croatia 108Katarina Gvozdanović, Željka Draušnik, Darko Gvozdanović, Ivan Jurak, Kristina Fišter

Secondary Use of Routinely Collected Health Data and Caring for the Elderly: A Case Study of Potentially Harmful Prescribing 109

Verica Kralj, Mario Šekerija, Ivana Brkić Biloš, Maja Silobrčić RadićCardiovascular Diseases Mortality Trends in Croatia, 2001-2018 110

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 CONTENT

Ivana Pavić Šimetin, Maja Valentić, Dragica Katalinić, Danijela Štimac Grbić, Dijana Mayer, Ana IštvanovićAgeing of Persons Treated for Psychoactive Drug Abuse 110

Nada Pjevač, Tomislav Benjak, Neda Pjevač, Mirjana Kujundžić TiljakCorrelation Between Physical Activity and the Quality of Life of Older People 111

Jasna Pucarin-Cvetković, Milan MiloševićVitamin D in Fall Risk Prevention in the Elderly: Current Literature Review 111

Mario Šekerija, Marijan ErcegTrends in Lung Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Croatia in the 21st Century 112

Iskra Alexandra Nola, Sonja Frančula-Zaninović, Matias TrbušićElderly Cardiovascular Patients in Croatia 112

Diana Jovičić Burić, Barbara Raguž, Ljiljana Muslić, Iva Pejnović Franelić, Sanja Musić MilanovićMotives of Alcohol Drinking in Different Age Groups of Adults in Croatia 113

Session C4: Community Based Approaches and Medical Wellness for Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture

John E Vena, Ronald W Gimbel, Hermes J FlorezPopulation Health Initiatives, Ageing and Health System Sustainability and Promoting Healthy Longevity 114

Oral presentations

Iwona Kowalska-Bobko, Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka, Anna KozakIncreasing Wellbeing Through Co-production of Health Promotion Activities at the Local Level – the Role of Senior Councils 116

Stanisława Golinowska, Marzena TamborHealth Promotion for Older People in Europe – the Results of Pro-Health 65+ Project 116

Selma Šogorić, Silvije Vuletić, Josipa Kern, Dorja VočanecCommunity-Based Approaches Towards Healthy Ageing in Croatian Healthy Cities and Counties 117

Efstathios RestemisTowards Sustainable Ageing: Overcoming Obstacles in an Industrial Environment 117

Poster presentations

Nataša Basanić Čuš, Tihana MikulčićHealthy Aging Strategy of the City of Poreč-Parenzo 118

Hana Brborović, Ines Šarić, Željka Sokolović Pavić, Marija Bubaš, Milan Milošević, Roko Žaja, Ognjen BrborovićDo Healthcare Professionals Age Healthy? 119

Lovela Machala Poplašen, Hana Brborović, Ognjen BrborovićHealthy Ageing for Healthcare Professionals: A Transition to a New Role in Retirement 119

Danijela-Lana DomitrovićMultidisciplinary Approach to Healthy Ageing in the Work of a Public Health Nurse 120

Helena Dukić, Sarah Bjedov, Ivan Jakovljević, Miro JakovljevićMusic and Psychological Resilience in the Process of Healthy Ageing 120

Valentina Đurek, Martina ŠarićQuality Aging in Krapina-Zagorje County 121

Rea Janda, Ksenija VitaleSWOT Analysis of Retirement Club 121

Iva Josipović, Helena Glibotić Kresina, Nevenka Vlah, Jadran Mandekić, Karla MuškovićDemonstrating Models of Good Practice in Working with Older People by Implementing Healthy City and Healthy County Projects 122

Helena Koren, Marija BubašOlder Workers in the World of Work – Psychosocial Aspect 122

Maja Lang Morović, Slaven Krtalić, Sanja Musić MilanovićHealthy Ageing Promotion Throughout the Life-Course: Nurses as a Link Between Health System and Communities 123

Nika Lazić, Almenka Balenović, Ljiljana VukotaCare for Elderly Women with Cancer at the Everything for Her Centre for Psychological Support 123

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CONTENT 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Dijana Mayer, Ivana Pavić Šimetin, Anja Belavić, Ljiljana VukotaYoung Promoters of Healthy Ageing, Presentation of the MAMA Project, BE HEALTHY, PINK OCTOBER IN CROATIA 124

Andrea Miškulin, Saša Radić, Ivana Vasilj, Sanja Lulić, Marija TufekovićFrom CrossCare to Integrated Care – What Have We Learned From Interreg Slovenia Croatia Project 124

Ivan Miškulin, Katarina-Josipa Siroglavić, Ivan Vukoja, Maja MiškulinKnowledge and Attitudes Towards Influenza Vaccination Among Elderly in Eastern Croatia 125

Ivana PašerThe Zagreb County – The Programme Home Care Assistance for the Elderly 126

Ivana Portolan PajićCity of Zagreb – Dementia Friendly Community 126

Eva Rupert, Romana Čeović, Branka MarinovićSkin Cancer Has Become a Public Health Problem 127

Danijela Štimac GrbićHealthy Ageing as a Part of the National Mental Health Development Strategy 2019-2030 127

Sonja Tošić Grlač, Valentina BiševacIMPULS for 54+ 128

Smiljka Vikić-Topić, Miroslav Rajter, Fran Borovečki, Slobodan VukičevićProjects Related to Ageing in Horizon 2020, Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 128

Magda VrviloMy Golden Split 129

Session C5: Healthcare System Organization in the Advent of Chronic Diseases Caused by Ageing

Invited lecture

José Ma Martin MorenoCan the Health System Be Better Organized to Meet the Challenge of Chronic Diseases and Ageing Disorders? 130

Oral presentations

Ronald Gimbel, John E VenaClemson University-Medical University of South Carolina Rural Health Innovation Partnership to Improve Health Outcomes & Equity in South Carolina, USA 131

David Ozretić, Marko Radoš, Ivan Jovanović, Danilo Gardijan, Zdravka PoljakovićFormation of Endovascular Stroke Service Network in Croatia 132

Hermes FlorezHealthy Ageing Through ICOPE and the Implementation of Lifestyle Interventions for Diabetes Prevention 132

Tomislav SokolEuropean Union Legal and Policy Instruments for Improving Treatment and Prevention of Chronic Disease 133

Poster presentations

Damir Andabaka, Jagoda Doko JelinićBalneology for Healthy Aging 133

Ana BobinacValue for Money in Spending on Pharmaceutical in Croatia 134

Željka Draušnik, Vesna Štefančić Martić, Sandra Mihel, Ana Ivičević Uhernik, Urelija Rodin, Mario Trošelj, Ivan Cerovečki, Danijela Fuštin, Ranko Stevanović

Health of the Elderly in Croatia at the Primary Healthcare Level in 2018 Seen Through the Croatian Central Healthcare Information System (CEZIH) 134

Ana Ivičević Uhernik, Sandra Mihel, Vesna Štefančić Martić, Željka Draušnik, Mario Trošelj, Urelija Rodin, Danijela Fuštin, Ivan Cerovečki, Vlasta Dečković-Vukres, Ranko Stevanović

Self-Reported Unmet Needs for Health Care Among Urban and Rural Elderly Population in Croatia 135

Ino Kermc, Filip Njavro, Maksimilijan Mrak, Jakov Ivković, Danko Relić, Ivan VukojaRole of Non-governmental Organizations in Public Health and Healthy Ageing on the Example of the Andrija Štampar Association of People’s Health 135

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 CONTENT

Ninoslav MimicaHow to Live Longer Well with Alzheimer’s Disease 136

Dorja Vočanec, Iva Lukačević Lovrenčić, Maja Banadinović, Marko Marelić, Aleksandar DžakulaEU Financial Period 2021-2027 Is Approaching – Is Croatia Ready for the Negotiations and Projects? 136

Ana Vukoja, Ivan Vukoja, Matea Vujnović, Pero Hrabač, Ivan Miškulin, Željko GlavićAge Distribution and Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients in General County Hospital Požega 137

Hermes Florez, Juliana Ferri-Guerra, Daniela Pirela, Raquel Aparicio-Ugarriza, Jorge RuizPropensity Score Matching to Determine the Impact of Metformin on Mortality in Older Veterans with Diabetes 138

STUDENTS’ POSTERSHaris Ahmić, Petra Sulić, Laura Tomić, Robert Likić

A Review of Public Health Project: Zaželi – Program Zapošljavanja Žena 141Adi Ashkenazi

Integration of The Elderly Day Life with The Children Day Care – Example from Israel 141Hana Hajsok, Tomislav Kottek, Costa Shani, Ivana Karla Franić, Ana Giljanović, Luka Matanović, Damir Mišura

The Effect of Different Exercises on Osteoporotic Bone 142Nika Kelc, Lara Sever

Can Elderly Sleep Without Any Medication? 142Tihana Kuljiš, Roberto Mužić, Ivan Radilj, Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Marjeta Majer, Iskra Alexandra Nola

Active Ageing in Croatia from the Public Health Perspective 143Matea Marjanović, Lea Kalajžić, Antonia Precali, Ema Kuhar, Emanuel Brađašević, Iva Lukačević Lovrenčić, Aleksandar Džakula

How to Optimize the Salt Reduction Interventions Targeting Elderly Population? 143Luka Maršić, Ana Magdalena Glas

In-house Care for the Elderly in Town of Slavonski Brod Through the Projects of European Union 144Jennifer Förster, Ana Mičić

Are Elderly Family Members a Burden on Your Family? 144Mislav Mokos, Lana Kovač Bilić, Mario Bilić

Vertigo in the Elderly 145Amit Moses

Elderly and Students Housing 145Hanna Pašić, Luka Vujević, Tea Mikula, Marija Bošnjak Pašić, Ivan Mikula

Cognitive Impairment and P300 Changes in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis 146Josip Stojić, Milan Milošević, Marina Boban

The Attitude and Knowledge of Medical Students Regarding Dementia 146Petra Sulić, Haris Ahmić, Petar Maleš, Luka Vujević, Hanna Pašić, Filip Sedlić

Effect of Autophagy Modulators on Cardiac Aging in Mouse Models Studies: A Systematic Review 147Paula Pavlek, Lucija Skalicki, Zrinka Šakić

Medical Literacy and Opinion of Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause 147Laura Tomić, Petra Sulić, Haris Ahmić

Sleep Deprivation and Its Role in The Early Pathology of Alzheimer’s Disease 148Luka Vujević, Hanna Pašić, Haris Ahmić, Petra Sulić, Branko Kolarić, Nada T Mrčela

Attitude of Medical Students Towards Older Persons 148Luka Vujević, Hanna Pasic, Emil Klarić

Timing of Antiviral Therapy with Neuraminidase Inhibitors and Baloxavir for Seasonal Influenza in Older Patients 149

Lovro Pavlaković, Goran Šeketa, Ratko MagjarevićA Review of Different Solutions for Automatic Fall Detection and Alerting 149

Sijana DemirovićThe Risk for OSA Increases with Advanced Age – a Large Population Study in Western Herzegovina 150

Policy Paper on Healthy Ageing – BFHA2020 Conference 153Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Marijan Klarica, Željko Reiner, Ana Borovečki, George Vradenburg, Branimir Anić, Zoran Đogaš, Dinko Mitrečić, Irena Martinović Klarić, Dagmar Radin, Ilaria Bellantuono, Monica DiLuca, Dan Ehninger, Miloš Judaš, Agnieszka Olszewska Guizzo, John E Vena, Julia Wadoux, David Mendes, Gerda Neyer, Venet Osmani, Boris Brkljačić, Davor Ježek, Ratko Magjarević, Stjepan Orešković, Zdravka Poljaković, Tomislav Rukavina, Sven Seiwerth, Josep Figueras, John Middleton


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2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN


The scientific conference during Croatia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union entitled Better Future of Healthy Ageing 2020 (BFHA 2020) is organized by the Univer-sity of Zagreb School of Medicine in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, under the auspices of the European Commission and the Govern-ment of the Republic of Croatia as part of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the Euro-pean Union. The organization of the conference is funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.

The Conference is organized with the contribution of all Croatian medical schools includ-ing University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine, University of Split School of Medicine and Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Medicine, as well as other faculties of the University of Zagreb – the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Eco-nomics and Business and Faculty of Croatian Studies.

Organizational support is provided by the Ministry of Health, Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia.

The overall mission of the Conference is to stimulate research, implementation and scaling up innovations to manage health and wellbeing of the ageing population. BFHA 2020 is a scientific conference that enables a discussion on the transformation of health and care services into more digitalized, long-term, integrated and personalized care models while promoting innovative ecosystems to deliver a better quality of life among the elderly. In line with this mission, the Conference addresses growing demand caused by the global trends of population ageing and the expansion of chronic diseases by focusing on potentials large-scale implementation of innovations to foster functional ability and wellbeing of older people.

The objectives of the Conference are as follows:•   to address issues of ageing of biological systems through the topics of regenerative med-

icine, neuroscience, clinical medicine and other fields of medicine with the emphasis on personalized and integrated medicine;

•   to showcase the impact of smart technologies for age-friendly ecosystems by providing a discussion on scaling-up innovations and solutions for age-friendly environments;

•   to analyse the issues of ageing and healthcare system sustainability at various levels (e.g. institutional, regional, state, EU level).

The Conference addresses the main topic across the three objectives through different dialogue and exchange formats including keynotes, plenary discussions panels, thematic ses-sions, and poster presentations. The final Conference outcome is the Policy Paper aimed at stakeholders, policymakers, the scientific community, and healthcare providers.

The Croatian EU Council Presidency Conference on Better Future of Healthy Ageing 2020 (BFHA 2020) has been planned to take place from April 6th to 7th, 2020 at Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. Unfortunately, that was not

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (17)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 PREFACE

possible due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation, as well as due to the earthquake that hit Zagreb in March 2020. So, the BFHA2020 conference has been organized online from June 3rd to 5th, 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the global population in drastic ways. In many countries, older people are facing the most threats and challenges at this time. Although all age groups are at risk of contracting COVID-19, older people face a significant risk of devel-oping severe illness if they contract the disease due to physiological changes that come with ageing and potential underlying health conditions. The pandemic outlines the importance of disease prevention using hygiene measures, well known long-ago. Our legacy in disease prevention and health promotion came from one of the most important physicians all over the world, Doctor Andrija Štampar, globally known as one of the founders of the WHO and his definition of health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity is still a part of the WHO Constitution. In light of his words, we can conclude that every person on Earth should have the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. We hope that this E-conference Better Future of Healthy Ageing 2020 would contribute to the improvement of health care for the elderly and pave the way toward healthy aging.

Professor Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak,Director of the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Head of the Organizing Committee

Academician Željko Reiner,Head of the Scientific Committee

Professor Marijan Klarica,Dean of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Head of the Steering Committee

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2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN


“Demographic Challenges for Ageing Societies in the EU”Dubravka Šuica

Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography

Ladies and gentlemen,It is a pleasure for me to speak to you today. The current COVID-19 pandemic brings a

new light to this conference, that I was planning to attend in person in Zagreb back in April.Let me start by thanking the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb and the

Croatian Ministry of Science and Education for their efforts in making today’s event happen.Speaking on behalf of the Commission, I am particularly happy that your work has

benefitted from funding by Horizon 2020. This proves once again the importance of our funding and highlights the positive synergies it creates at EU level.


My address to you today is a partial preview of the Report I’m planning to publish this very month on the Impact of demographic change in the EU. In drafting it, I have devoted a particular attention to the trend of Ageing Societies in the EU and the set of challenges it brings in relation to health care, the provision of services or the social expenditure.

The Commission was on the frontline of the COVID19 fight already in January earlier this year when we invested €10 million EUROS in research. Since then, we have scaled-up our interventions. We may have had a slow start but we learnt from it and the real European Union stood up and showed its true self. EU finance ministers approved 500 billion euros to support the economy. This is vital. EU solidarity is also clear from the €800 million euros we have made available from the EU Solidarity Fund. The Coronavirus Global Response pledging event launched in May by President von der Leyen registered an initial EUR 7.4 billion in pledges from donors worldwide for collaborative development and universal deployment of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. And the next step is the revamped MFF that will give the EU the additional firepower necessary to respond decisively to the most urgent challenges.

Demographic challenges

COVID19 highlighted the importance of addressing demographic challenges. First, the virus has not hit every Member State in the same way. A better understanding of a country’s age structure, its population concentrations, household structures or intergenerational inter-actions can help predict the burden of critical cases and aid in more precise planning. Authorities at all levels are working on such plans and can benefit from this type of support and information. Currently all our efforts go into protecting our citizens and addressing the

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 INTRODUCTORY SPEECH

negative consequences of the ongoing crisis. But we need to ensure that we put the European Union on a path of sustainable recovery and growth. So we must look at other key changes impacting our societies, such as the green and digital transformations and of course, demo-graphic change. This is one of the areas I focus on in my role as Vice-President for Democracy and Demography.

Demographic change

For the EU, what does demographic change mean today? It means an ageing population, low birth rates and decreasing working-age population. Changes in these areas significantly affect our economy, our social and employment policies, and public finance. Not to mention territorial cohesion. Addressing this impact on our citizens and regions is a key priority for this Commission. It has to be. Why?

The European Union’s population is ageing. Over the last fifty years, life expectancy at birth has increased by about 10 years for both men and women. Yes, this is a great achieve-ment. We are living longer with good living standards. However, living standards and social security are not the same everywhere. Approximately 31 million citizens live in low-income regions with a fast-declining population. Living longer in better health is one of the highest expectations of European citizens. This brings challenges and opportunities for individuals and societies – here, research and innovation have a role to play. We need to use our strengths and knowledge to prepare for the future in a wise way.

Upcoming commission report

Ladies and gentlemen,How can we best support people and regions to adapt to changing realities? Evidence in

my upcoming Commission report on the impact of demographic change will help identify the people and regions most affected by demographic change. The report is the basis for a well-informed policy debate and paves the way for a green paper on ageing and a forthcoming long-term vision for rural areas.

This work on demographic change plays an important role in the aftermath of COVID-19 and in supporting long-term growth. Managing both the present and the future. I want your conference today to directly feed into the shaping of the Green paper on ageing that will launch the reflection – on EU level – on the demographic challenges linked to ageing societies in the EU.

Healthy and active ageing

The Report I am about to publish, points to the fact that by 2070 only every second person will be of working age. We need to look at increasing labour market participation, through supporting people in remaining healthy and ensuring attitudes towards older members of the labour market are positive and constructive, while at the same time, facing the challenge of adapting our societies and social systems to the needs of the growing group of older people. Pensions play an important role in enabling older people to age with dignity. My report will demonstrate how important services are to older people, especially long-term care and health care. They are essential to their well-being and demand for these services will increase steeply with population ageing. They must be accessible, affordable and of good quality. Long-term care is the most important of them, along with health care. The European Social Fund and the European Regional and Development Fund are essential tools to cover current gaps. As the EU population ages, health care costs will likely increase from 6% of Gross Domestic Product

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in 2020 to 7.5% in 2050. This in term calls for increasing our reliance on prevention, commu-nity support and innovative practices. Active ageing has a role in addressing current and fore-seeable needs of the older people. By fostering comprehensive policies that address health, safety, participation in work and volunteering activities, education, social and sport activity, there is a large potential for longer, healthier and more active lives.

Ageing in light of COVID-19

The current health crisis has impacted the oldest members of our society disproportion-ately. Older people, especially those with chronic diseases and disabilities, are facing a much higher mortality rate due to COVID-19, compared to other age groups. Long-term care sys-tems have been strongly affected by the pandemic. Figures about high mortality rates in care homes have highlighted the difficulties of long-term care systems in coping with the crisis. The pandemic further risks exacerbating loneliness and social isolation, making it more difficult to assist older people in health and social needs. Social distancing could also bring increased loneliness in particular for old people who live alone – the majority of which are women. It is at the heart of our European values to make sure our elderly receive the healthcare they de-serve, in a non-discriminatory, respectful way. This means protecting and restoring health in the best possible way, but also fighting socio-economic difficulties, not least when it comes to isolation. Protecting the vulnerable is, and will remain, an essential part of our common European values.

Research and innovation

In the COVID-19 crisis, we have pulled together to protect the weak and keep our health systems working. We are joining forces to deliver high quality and affordable healthcare innovations. Research and innovation in healthcare and health systems are key to ensure bet-ter protection of older people, achieve the breakthroughs needed by an ageing society, and provide evidence for policy responses to the demographic changes. As I already mentioned, our Coronavirus pledging event registered an initial EUR 7.4 billion from donors worldwide for development and deployment of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. To help reach the objectives of the Coronavirus Global Response, EUR 1 billion will be mobilised under the EU flagship programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020. Since January 2020, a total of EUR 352 million has already been mobilised under Horizon 2020., including for new research projects to advance understanding of the epidemic, contribute to more efficient clinical management of patients infected with the virus, as well as to public health preparedness and response.

Efforts do not stop here: a second call for expression of interest was published in May and I invite you to follow the updated, dedicated website. Healthy ageing can only be achieved with health promotion and disease prevention activities from early ages and throughout life, reducing the high economic burden of non-communicable diseases and reducing pressure on healthcare and social systems. Horizon 2020 supports key issues for healthy ageing of popula-tions, such as (i) multi-morbidity, (ii) better rehabilitation, (iii) polypharmacy, (iv) preventing falls, and (v) studying social inequalities. The next Framework Programme, Horizon Europe (2021–2027), will further maximise the impacts of research and innovation for a healthier and more inclusive society. The digital transformation of health and care is another key aspect to support an ageing population, improve their quality of life and enable the economic sustain-ability of health and social care systems. Research and innovation will be crucial to deliver person-centred approaches to organising health and care. However, digitisation can also exac-erbate inequalities as these tools are often less accessible in remote rural regions due to the

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lack of high-speed internet connections and older adults also tend to have lower rates of digital literacy.

The European society, while ageing, has many positive aspects. This is reflected in the ‘Silver Economy’ that highlights the immense economical resource that Europe’s older citizens constitute. The economic potential of the Silver Economy is very high in terms of technologi-cal innovation, investments, growth and jobs. It could also provide much needed solutions associated with ageing, such as promoting active life, health and well-being, transport, hous-ing and much more. If we can gather the knowledge, good ideas and resources of Europeans, old and young, to find solutions and implement them, we will be able to build a stronger and safer European society for the future and a better future for healthy ageing, like the title of your conference rightly says.

Concluding remarks

Ladies and gentlemen,Let me conclude with this thought. COVID-19 has reminded us all that we live in a world

of uncertainty and risk. Our best protection is to invest in resilience. Your conference today provides a much needed opportunity for us to discuss how, together, we can best stimulate research and innovation for the health and well-being of the ageing population – and more widely, how research and innovation can support more resilient societies. I look forward to your policy paper with recommendations to feed into my Green Paper on ageing, which I intend to proceed with after the adoption of my Demography Report. I am confident that this event will highly contribute to our reflection on how to ensure that we can all enjoy a healthy and active present and future, where no person and no region is left behind and how to ultimately create a better future in the EU for healthy ageing.

Thank you very much and looking forward to receiving your contribution to the reflec-tions on ageing I’ll be launching after the publication of my demography report.

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2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN


WHO Regional Director for Europe

Honourable ministers, distinguished delegates, dear friends,It is a pleasure to speak to you at the opening of the “Better Future of Healthy Ageing”

Conference.The reason you are meeting virtually today, “to stimulate research, implementation and

the scaling up of innovations to manage health and wellbeing of the ageing population” could not be timelier given the impact of COVID-19 on the lives and well-being of older people. I welcome the broader health scope of the Croatian Presidency that encompasses lifelong health care, demographic challenges and social policy. No one could have anticipated how critical these issues would be when the topic of the health of older people was chosen.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank you, the Member States of the European Union for your dedication and solidarity in fighting the pandemic, and for your unwavering support to WHO, underlined once again at the recent World Health Assembly.

COVID-19 has a firm grip on the 53 countries in the WHO European Region: it took nearly 3 months to reach 1 million cases in Europe, but just 5 weeks for that number to double. To date, there have been more than 2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the Region, and sadly, over 180,000 people have lost their lives. For those who have lost loved ones, you have my deepest sympathy. Cumulatively, the European Region accounts for 36% of cases and 49% of deaths globally. The risk across all countries in the European Region remains very high.

For older people, the burden of COVID-19 is particularly heavy. While the median age of all reported cases is around 55 years, 94% of deaths are in those over the age of 60. Advanced age, underlying health conditions, possible cognitive challenges in understanding and following health and hygiene advice and navigating the infodemic of health advice, are all factors that can put older people at greater risk.

Yet in response to COVID-19 we have also seen incredible examples of innovation, resilience and collaboration for, with and by older people.

This pandemic has shone a spotlight on some of the overlooked and undervalued corners of our society – long-term care has often been notoriously neglected. But it should not be this way. We have a clear investment case for setting up integrated, person-centred long-term care systems in each country. The event you are attending today provides an invaluable opportu-nity to reach consensus on how we collectively transform health and care services to improve quality of life across the life-course, particularly for older people.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe has just released new technical guidance that out-lines 10 policy objectives, illustrated by policy examples, which I hope can provide inspiration to create more resilient, better quality services for the future. WHO’s Second Global Action Plan on Ageing and Health, and the Decade of Healthy Ageing that runs from 2020–2030 also prioritize long-term care for older people, contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and seeking to leave no one behind.

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Beyond defeating the disease, the great test all countries will soon face is whether current feelings of common purpose will shape society after the crisis. Recovery must lead to a differ-ent economy – an economy of well-being where people are at the centre, and our later years are an opportunity to contribute, be valued, and lived in good health.

As Professor Andrija Stampar put it so well, “In the matter of people’s health, no distinc-tion must be made between the economically strong and the weak”.

“U pitanju narodnog zdravlja ne smije se činiti razlika među ekonomski jakim i slabim”I wish you a successful conference.

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2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Speech of Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament and president of the Scientific Committee Željko Reiner at a Conference “Better Future of Healthy Ageing 2020”3 June 2020

Dear professor Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, President of the BFHA2020 Organizing CommitteeDear professor Marijan Klarica, Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and co-president of the BFHA2020 Organizing CommitteeDear professor Damir Boras, Rector of the University of Zagreb,Dear Dr Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe,Dear professor Figueras,Dear MinistersHonourable Vice-President of the European Commission, Mme. Dubravka Šuica,Esteemed colleagues,Ladies and gentlemen,

At the very beginning, I must emphasize how happy I am to have a chance to greet you in Andrija Štampar School of Public Health. Dr. Andrija Štampar was internationally recognized leader in the field of social medicine and public health, known worldwide as one of the found-ers of the World Health Organization. During the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, Croatia’s results in combating COVID 19 disease are excellent, largely due to the fact that Croatia is one of the worlds’ leaders in promoting and protecting public health, mostly thanks to dr. Štampar.

With ageing of the population, the public health policy agenda oriented towards healthy ageing becomes the highest priority for the European countries. Promotion and education about healthy and active aging have become a standard in every developed country. It aims to reduce morbidity of the elderly especially for preventable diseases, increase the quality of life and overall happiness and satisfaction of older people.

But, how can we achieve healthy ageing? That is a question which we rarely asked ourselves when we were younger. We were healthy, but apparently we were ageing. We didn’t notice this at the time. Which reminds me of a saying of the British writer Sir Terry Pratchett: “Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.”

Croatia’s population, as well as a big part of the whole Europe’s, consists of about 20% of population over 65. This phenomenon of aging of Europe, also known as the greying of Europe, is characterised by a decrease in fertility, a decrease in mortality rate, and a higher life expec-tancy among European populations. Analysts predict that the median age in Europe will increase from 37.7 years old in 2003 to 52.3 years old by 2050. This gives a whole new meaning to the known phrase “The Old Continent“.

Ageing affects our societies at numerous levels. I’ll focus on 3 of them:•  Socioeconomic•  Political•  and Bioethical.

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The socioeconomic consequences of aging of the population affect all aspects of the society including health, social security, education, socio-cultural activities, family life and the labour market. The total number of the older population will increase even further in the near future, with the peak of the post-war baby-boom generations reaching retirement age between their 65 and 75 years. This will cause a high burden on the working age population as they provide for the increasing number of the older population. Throughout history many states have worked to keep high birth rates in order to have moderate taxes, more economic activity and more troops for their military. But since the fertility rate is decreasing, this is no longer an option.

This is why many governments consider increasing retirement age in order to stabilize labour market. Why should we dismiss knowledge and skills of a 65-year-old just because he, or she, has to be retired? And especially if he, or she, wishes to continue working and has the mental capabilities and health to keep working? It gives older adults a feeling of purpose, satisfaction and contribution to the society – ensuring them a happier and healthier ageing. As the famous actress Ingrid Bergman once said: “Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!”

Ageing of population affects political structures of society more than it seems at first glance. If you think about 20% of your country’s population – people 65 years of age and older – you just have to consider them as a huge part of voters and an interested public for your policies. Every serious political party or platform should focus on wellbeing of this part of their population as well.

People over 65 and particularly those older than this age have different social, economic, and medical needs than children or adults who are still in the workforce. Governments will have to adapt to their changing demographics, and it’s not clear yet how to do so. One way to start would be to look at nations that already seem to be handling these transitions well. Two years ago a team of researchers and policy experts ranked OECD countries with best practises when it comes to looking after their elderly. Their work put Norway at the top, followed by Sweden, the US, and the Netherlands. They came to a conclusion that policy makers should focus on exploring opportunities for elderly people to contribute to society, calculate efficient retirement age, support and enable employment for people over 65 and so on. However, it is interesting that exactly some of these countries are among those with the highest death rate per million inhabitants in CORONA-19 pandemic, with particularly high numbers of deaths among older citizens.

Croatia is a young democracy. Through the past 30 years we had to switch to a complete-ly new political structure, we had to, let’s say, start from the beginning. It’s hard to compete with old democracies such as, for example, Scandinavian countries. But, we are very aware that older adults are a big and important part of our society. We always bear in mind the words of Mark Twain: “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Pension reform was one of the priorities of the current Croatian Government, and it gave us impetus for further work in this area.

Bioethical effect of ageing on our societies is most familiar to all of us, because it consists of emotional components, our affection to our ancestors, grandparents and parents. We should all look at ageing through this prism, because it could make us better people. As a medical doctor I put a strong focus on empathy and consideration when treating elderly patients. As a University professor, I try to teach my students, future doctors, the values of altruism and empathy. In the coronavirus pandemic we have witnessed unimaginable situations around the world, due to shortage of ventilators, where doctors were forced to choose which patient will be treated with a ventilator – an old one, or a young one. In some countries doctors have been

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prioritising younger over older patients to determine who gets not only the ventilator but also the intensive care unit bed first. No one should be put in such a situation. My thoughts are with doctors who were forced to make such painful decisions.

Some cultures treat their elderly with more respect and dignity than the others. “Respect your elders”, they say. For example, in Japan, seniors are highly respected. Japan even has a national holiday called “Respect for the Aged Day” to show appreciation for seniors. China and India also honour their elders. Most countries have an appreciation for their elders, but unfortunately elderly are still a subject to prejudice and stereotyping in many societies. Many older adults around the world struggle with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Symp-toms of elderly depression can affect every aspect of their life, impacting their energy, appetite, sleep, and interest in work, hobbies, and relationships. Unfortunately, too many depressed older adults fail to recognize the symptoms of depression, or don’t take the steps to get the help they need. Their depression is also not recognized by their families and acquaintances, which leads to assuming that ageing is sickness, per se.

Ladies and gentlemen,We should use all our resources and knowledge to encourage healthy ageing. Modern

technologies and IT sector can contribute to wellbeing of the elderly. More developed coun-tries exploit those resources to its maximum already!

The ongoing pandemic showed us that humans are a weak link in the chain of Earth’s life. I have mixed filling regarding this issue, because, although I’m fascinated by the development of technologies, especially smart technologies and artificial intelligence, I somehow fear that nature will find a way to fight back.

I’d like to end my address by two simple words: coexistence and respect. To the nature, and to ourselves, of course including our older citizens.

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Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:Suppl 1:3–25 https://doi org/10 26800/LV-142-Suppl1-1


Economic, Fiscal and Societal Consequences of Population Ageing – Looming Catastrophe or Fake News?Jonathan Cylus1,2,3, Gemma Williams1,2, Charles Normand4,5, Josep Figueras1

1 European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels, Belgium2 London School of Economics & Political Science, United Kingdom3 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom4 Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland5 King’s College London, United Kingdom

Population ageing is often perceived negatively from an economic standpoint. Yet, taking a more balanced view, it becomes evident that an increasingly older population is not necessarily very costly to care for and that older people provide significant economic and so-cietal benefits – particularly if they are healthy and ac-tive. In this brief article we consider key policy ques-tions associated with population ageing, bringing to-gether the latest evidence. We review what is known about the health and long-term care costs of older people, and consider many of the economic and soci-etal benefits of healthy ageing. We also explore policy options within the health and long-term care sectors, as well as other areas beyond the care sector, which either minimize avoidable health and long-term care costs, support older people so that they can continue to contribute meaningfully to society, or otherwise contribute to the sustainability of care systems and the wider public sector in the context of changing age de-mographics.

IntroductionBy 2050, nearly every country will experience an in-

crease in the share of their population over age 60 due to reductions in fertility rates, coupled with declines in both infant mortality and premature deaths that have enabled longer life expectancies(1). High-income countries in particular are seeing sizeable increases in the oldest old, those people 80 years and older.

Such population ageing presents both challenges and opportunities for societies around the world (2, 3). As the share of the population at older ages increases, there are concerns over how to respond to greater health and long-term care needs and how to cope with the possible economic and fiscal implications of hav-

ing a smaller share of people at traditional working ages. Many perceive that a changing population age-structure will have inevitable consequences for house-holds, public finances and possibly even for economic growth and development.

However, evidence suggests that many of the com-monly considered macro effects of population ageing are exaggerated and that there are a range of appropri-ate policy responses that can help avoid the worst out-comes commonly associated with population ageing. First, while ageing will bring higher needs for and costs of care, population ageing is not and will not be-come a primary driver of health expenditure patterns. The additional demands on the health system coming from a larger older population can in part be moder-ated with better choices and configurations in health and social care. Likewise, although population ageing will lead to changes in economic behaviours (and in turn the ability to generate public sector revenues through taxations), there are a number of strategies that can mitigate the effects on public finances. Lastly, the evidence suggests that while many older people leave the formal labour market, older people can pro-vide significant economic and societal benefits – par-ticularly if they are healthy and active –through both paid and unpaid work, including caring for other older people.

To manage the challenges and to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by population ageing, poli-cy makers must act across a range of domains such as, on work and employment, on income security, on pro-moting healthier lifestyles and on developing new and more efficient models of care. This short article aims to provide a balanced summary of the evidence, drawing on some of the work from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies programme on the Economics of Healthy & Active Ageing.

What are the implications of population ageing for health

and long-term care expenditures?In general, on a per person basis, health and long-

term care needs and expenditures increase with age. This contributes to concerns that an ageing population will rapidly accelerate health expenditure growth rates. It should be noted, however, that there are important differences across countries in how much is spent on health per person for older people. For example, ac-cording to health care spending by age data collected for countries in the European Union (EU) by the

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Working Group on Ageing Populations and Sustain-ability (AWG) of the European Commission, in 2015, health care spending for the average 80-year-old in Hungary were almost 16 times higher than spending on the average 20-year-old in Hungary, but this differ-ence was only 2.7-fold in Cyprus(4).

Despite this typical pattern of higher health care spending on older people, available data show that population ageing has in fact a relatively modest effect on health care expenditure trends compared to other important historical drivers of health expenditure growth, such as prices or technological innovation. Changes in population age structure alone are expect-ed to add less than one additional percentage point to the average annual per person health care expenditure growth rates between 2010 and 2060 in the average EU country (Figure 1). Population ageing is simply too gradual a process to rapidly accelerate health care ex-penditure growth.

Additionally, much of the evidence suggests that calendar age itself is not the primary reason for higher health care spending associated with older ages any-ways. Rather, related factors such as proximity to death and poor health are more important determinants of health spending (6–8). Poor health and disability are important drivers of health care expenditure trends at all ages, not just among older people. Likewise, al-though health care spending increases rapidly in the final months of life, there is research showing that be-ginning at some age, the older people are when they die, the lower their health spending is near to the end of their life(7) (9). This is likely due to lower use of re-source-intensive interventions in older ages (although it may also reflect discriminatory practices and age-ism). Therefore, as longevity increases, it is possible that the health care costs of older people relative to younger people will actually fall, especially if older

people live in better health, thereby reducing the oth-erwise expected effects of population ageing on total health care expenditure growth in the future.

It is worth noting that the presence of a formal or informal long-term care system may be another rea-son behind declining health care expenditures among the oldest old, as costs are shifted outside of the tradi-tional health care sector into other settings. Where formal long-term care is available, its costs are expect-ed to increase rapidly as a result of population ageing. However, this growth in spending on long-term care is coming from a low baseline in most countries. The majority of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries with data avail-able currently spend less than 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) on long-term care, which means that even large increases in spending are unlikely to con-sume a large share of resources.

How will population ageing affect the ability to generate revenues

for health and the public sector more broadly?There is a common belief that older people are ‘de-

pendent’ on the financial support of society, particu-larly younger people in paid employment who fund the public sector through their taxes. This misconcep-tion is reinforced by traditional metrics like the old-age support ratios, which assume that all people over a certain age threshold (usually age 65) depend on the support of all adults below it. However, not all people over 65 retire and/or are dependent and many people stop paid work below the age of 65. Alternative ap-proaches to measuring support ratios attempt either to more properly account for changes in population health and disability (though few studies measure care or functional dependency states), or for changes in the

Figure 1. Additional growth in per person health expenditure attributable to population ageing, European Union average, 2015–2060

Source: (5)

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Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

number of consumers and producers in the popula-tion(10) (11). These refined indicators suggest that population ageing will create significantly fewer de-pendency related challenges than anticipated. For ex-ample, estimates from the United Kingdom suggest that while the traditional old-age support ratio will increase from 27% (2005–10) to 41% (2045–50), the share of the adult population with disability will stay unchanged at 10% during the same period.

It is important to move even further beyond old-age support ratios to have a clearer sense of how popula-tion ageing affects the ability to generate public sector revenues. In European countries, the main sources of public sector revenues are income taxes, goods and services taxes, property taxes, and social contribu-tions. As populations age, countries will likely experi-ence changes in the ability to generate revenues from each of these sources. Older people on average con-tribute less to public-sector revenues than working-age people as they leave the formal labour market, al-though they do still contribute significant amounts through taxation. For example, older people who are not in paid work continue to pay goods and services taxes as well as taxes on non-labour income and assets (e.g. property). These may still be significant shares of public sector revenues: tax revenues generated from purely non-income sources (i.e. non-labour, but also capital gains which may be earned by older people) comprise around 30% to upwards of 50% of tax reve-nues in OECD countries (12).

Simulations allow us to quantify precisely how pop-ulation ageing affects the ability to generate public sec-tor revenues from different revenue sources. Using population data from Japan, where a large share of the population is already at older ages and increasingly ex-iting the formal labour market over time, estimates suggest that relying on social contributions primarily

generated from the labour market to raise public sec-tor revenues and pay for health and other services re-sults in declining revenues per person over the coming decades (13). Other forms of taxation, such as taxes on goods and services or income taxes appear less sus-ceptible to population ageing, while property taxes may even increase as the age-structure of the popula-tion shifts (Figure 2).

Possible policy options to address declines in la-bour-related social contributions due to population ageing include: increasing the number of contributors; increasing the contribution rate on social contribu-tions; and diversifying the mix of financing sources. However, for countries that depend heavily on the la-bour market to finance health, none of these policy op-tions on its own is likely to make up for the shortfall in revenues due to population ageing according to simu-lations. Declining social contribution revenues can be expected even if the revenue base were broadened or if contribution rates were raised equally across all age groups. Diversifying the mix of revenue sources in fa-vour of sources that are less affected by ageing may be an appropriate solution. However, countries will likely still need to reprioritize their current public-sector budgets and allocate more resources to health, or in-crease tax rates on alternative revenue generation sources in order to maintain sufficient and stable rev-enues for health(13).

This type of analysis demonstrates that sustainable revenue generation is possible in the context of popu-lation ageing, but it underscores the importance of moving away from financing the health system and public sector more broadly through labour-related contributions and premiums and instead relying more on general non-earmarked taxation as the population ages.

Figure 2. How will per person tax and social contributions be

affected by population ageing? (Japan example, index 2015 = 100)

Source: (13)

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (33)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

What are the implications of population ageing for paid

and unpaid work?While population ageing will likely lead to changes

in economic behaviours that have consequences for public sector revenues, as discussed above, there re-mains great scope for older people to contribute mean-ingfully to society and the economy through both paid and unpaid work, particularly if they are healthy and able to remain active. Although many people leave paid employment in their 60s, others do remain in paid work(14). Comparatively older workers have his-torically produced less economic output than younger workers, however this may reflect labour market reali-ties that are no longer valid, such as requiring the ca-pacity to carry out physically demanding work. There are important differences in how productivity changes over the life course by type of occupation; for example, jobs requiring less physical exertion may benefit from additional years of experience where skills continu-ously improve with age, and more experience often improves the quality of the work. Even if older workers are slightly less productive (which may be due to dis-criminatory practices and ageism, such as poorer ac-cess to training at older ages), they are still able to make a positive economic contribution compared to if they are not working at all. In fact, empirical evidence suggests that on average many people have consider-able health capacity to continue to engage in the for-mal labour market at older ages (15, 16).

Many older people produce unrecognized economic and societal value through unpaid work. One of the most relevant forms of unpaid work is informal care-

giving. If national statistics accounted for informal carers (adjusted for full-time equivalency (FTE)) it would have a substantial effect on measured employ-ment rates of older people. For example, among the population aged 55+ in Portugal, including informal carers would have increased the employment rate by nearly 13 percentage points in 2014 (Figure 3). Meth-ods to monetize the value of unpaid informal caregiv-ing also demonstrate its considerable economic value, with one study in Spain suggesting the value of infor-mal caregiving being in excess of 2% of GDP (17). However, informal care, especially if it is very demand-ing on those providing it is not without cost, and the availability of informal caregiving depends in part on the supports given to carers and the availability of complementary formal care.

Provision of informal care by older people also has knock-on effects on formal employment rates, for ex-ample, of adult children. If older people are able to provide informal care to dependent older people or care for grandchildren, adult children who would oth-erwise be providing care may be able to work in paid employment. This is an important channel through which older people contribute to the economy that re-mains invisible in national statistics.

The policy options: how can decision-makers respond

to population ageing?The health care and long-term care costs of older

people, as well as the ability of older people to contrib-ute meaningfully to society and the economy are de-

Figure 3. Participation in paid employment and full time equivalent (FTE) informal caregiving among the 55+, selected European countries

Source: Author’s calculation based on ESS, 2014 [31] Notes: Sorted by size of workforce in informal caregiving

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (34)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

pendent on a number of factors, many of which are amenable to policy intervention. Undoubtedly, health and functional ability are of utmost importance. This is because of their intrinsic value as well as their indi-rect effects on the economy via their impacts on reduc-ing care costs and promoting the ability of older people to contribute. Healthy older people require less inten-sive and expensive care; they are able to engage in paid or unpaid work if they choose to do so; and they ac-cumulate greater asset wealth compared to unhealthy people. Policy-makers can employ a range of policies and strategies in order to control costs of care and en-hance economic and societal contributions of older people, ensuring that population ageing does not lead to undue economic pressures. Examples of such inter-ventions, both indirect (via improvements in health and functional ability) and direct, are summarized below.

Policies to promote healthy and active ageingThe types of interventions that support health and

activity at older ages include those that delay the onset and progression of disease, as well as those that pre-vent or delay care dependency. Importantly, policies which encourage behavioural changes can have sig-nificant health effects even if those changes do not occur until older ages. For example, there is good evi-dence that those who quit smoking at age 65 live lon-ger than those who continue to smoke. To prevent de-pendency, a key focus should be on preventing cogni-tive decline, where there is some evidence that taking a multidomain approach can improve or maintain func-tionality. Other interventions to prevent or reduce frailty, such as resistance training or promoting physi-cal activity at older ages, can also be effective.

Policies to promote cost-effective health and long-term care interventions

Technological advancements, such as telemedicine, as well as assistive technologies, such as digital memo-ry aids or automated medication dispensers, can be ef-fective ways to provide care using relatively low re-source levels. There has also been widespread interest in integration of health and long-term care and other models of care delivery to help control care costs, par-ticularly given the complex care needs of older popula-tions. There are many varied examples of delivering coordinated or integrated health and long-term care. There is also good evidence that supporting better treatment and care choices near the end of life can re-duce the use of unnecessary treatments and tests, lower costs, improve the experiences of patients and carers and even, in some cases, contribute to longer survival.

Policies to support acceptable, equitable and efficient funding and income transfers

Given likely reductions in the share of the popula-tion in paid work as a result of population ageing, health and long-term care financing systems may need to diversify their sources of revenue if they are to con-tinue to generate sufficient, stable resources. For ex-ample, health and long-term care financing systems that are heavily reliant on payroll contributions may need to be redesigned to fill the financing gap from general revenues or private sources.

Increasing the reliance on locally raised taxes or, conversely, centrally raised taxes is one focus of ongo-ing debate and reforms, with countries moving in dif-ferent directions. The use of hypothecation (or ear-marking) of payroll or ‘sin’ taxes has been seen by some as a potential source of funding. However, many argue that this introduces unwelcome budgetary con-trols and that spending is ultimately determined by revenue generated rather than based on changing needs and demand. Earmarked funding sources are also likely to be susceptible to economic fluctuations, resulting in unstable revenue streams. Similar argu-ments have been made against the introduction of mandatory long-term care insurance arrangements, such as those seen in Germany, Japan and Korea. Overall, acceptability of higher taxes and transfers var-ies between countries and can depend in part on the transparency of the process and the perceived fairness of the rules.

Policies to support paid and unpaid workWhile there is widespread interest in keeping people

in paid work for longer, raising pension ages alone may simply divert some older people into other state support for unemployed people or people with dis-abilities if they are not healthy enough to work pro-ductively. Health systems can usefully help to keep older people healthy and able to remain in the work-force. There is also growing recognition that workplace health promotion interventions, such as screening ac-tivities to identify potential health risks and lifestyle management activities to improve health and health behaviours, can keep older workers healthy and pro-ductive. Adapting work practices to accommodate older workers’ needs and circ*mstances can also help older people to remain in work. Good evidence shows that flexible working practices, such as flexitime, part-time working, job-sharing and working from home, can help older people, particularly those with health issues or caring responsibilities, to remain in employ-ment for longer and can result in healthier lives over-all. Changes to the physical work environment can also support older workers to remain in employment, while contributing to improvements in productivity.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (35)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

On the unpaid work side, strategies that support in-formal carers through training or by providing cash for care have been shown to reduce carers’ stress and may also improve the quality of care. However, it is im-portant to acknowledge that cash-for-care benefits can act as a disincentive to participating in formal employ-ment. Much emphasis has been placed on implement-ing reforms to enable carers to combine unpaid care with paid employment, including the introduction of paid or unpaid leave and flexible working arrange-ments.

ConclusionPolicy-makers require high-quality information to

make informed decisions and develop policies with re-spect to older people. This overview of evidence on some of the costs and benefits associated with popula-tion ageing suggests that older people are likely to be less costly to societies than often perceived, at least in terms of health and long-term care. Older people also provide benefits that are frequently not quantified, such as in the form of informal caregiving, while oth-ers remain in paid work at older ages, particularly if they are healthy enough and choose to do so.

There are many benefits from investing in the health of older people, not least for the sake of economic growth and sustainable public finances. Any questions regarding the costs of interventions to support the health and activity of older people should take into ac-count the potential benefits not only from an econom-ic perspective, but also in terms of improving quality of life and experiences in older age. As has been de-scribed above, these sorts of benefits are often not properly taken into account.


1. United Nations. World Population Ageing. 2017. 2. Bloom DE, Canning D, Fink G. Implications of population

ageing for economic growth. Oxford Rev Econ Pol. 2010;26 (4):583–612.

3. Cylus J, Figueras J, Normand C. In: Sagan A, Richardson E, North J, White C, editors. Will Population Ageing Spell the End of the Welfare State? A review of evidence and policy op-tions. Copenhagen (Denmark)2019.

4. European Commission. The 2015 Ageing Report: Economics and budgetary projections for the 28 EU Member States (2013–2060). Brussels: 2015.

5. Williams GA, Cylus J, Roubal T, Ong P, Barber S. In: Sagan A, Normand C, Figueras J, North J, White C, editors. Sustainable Health Financing with an Ageing Population: Will popula-tion ageing lead to uncontrolled health expenditure growth? Copenhagen (Denmark)2019.

6. Zweifel P, Felder S, Meiers M. Ageing of population and health care expenditure: a red herring? Health economics. 1999;8 (6):485–96. Epub 1999/11/02.

7. McGrail K, Green B, Barer ML, Evans RG, Hertzman C, Nor-mand C. Age, costs of acute and long-term care and proxim-

ity to death: evidence for 1987–88 and 1994–95 in British Columbia. Age and ageing. 2000;29(3):249–53. Epub 2000/ 06/16.

8. Riley GF, Lubitz JD. Long-term trends in Medicare payments in the last year of life. Health services research. 2010;45(2): 565–76. Epub 2010/02/13.

9. Polder JJ, Barendregt JJ, van Oers H. Health care costs in the last year of life--the Dutch experience. Social science & med-icine. 2006;63(7):1720–31. Epub 2006/06/20.

10. Sanderson WC, Scherbov S. Remeasuring Aging. Science. 2010;329(5997):1287–8.

11. Lutz W, Sanderson W, Scherbov S. The coming acceleration of global population ageing. Nature. 2008;451(7179):716–9.

12. OECD. Revenue Statistics – OECD countries. Paris, Organ-isation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD.Stat (, accessed December 2019). 2017.

13. Cylus J, Roubal T, Ong P, Barber S. In: Sagan A, Normand C, Figueras J, North J, White C, editors. Sustainable Health Fi-nancing with an Ageing Population: Implications of different revenue raising mechanisms and policy options. Copenhagen (Denmark)2019.

14. Avendano M, Cylus J. In: Sagan A, Normand C, Figueras J, North J, White C, editors. Working at Older Ages: Why it’s important, how it affects health, and the policy options to support health capacity for work. Copenhagen (Denmark) 2019.

15. Milligan K, Wise DA. Health and Work at Older Ages: Using Mortality to Assess the Capacity to Work Across Countries. Journal of Population Ageing. 2015;8(1):27–50.

16. Coile C, Milligan K, DA W. Health Capacity to Work at Older Ages: Evidence from the United States In: Wise DA, editor. Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: The Capacity to Work at Older Ages. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 2017. p. 1–52.

17. Oliva-Moreno J, Pena-Longobardo LM, Vilaplana-Prieto C. An estimation of the value of informal care provided to de-pendent people in Spain. Applied health economics and health policy. 2015;13(2):223–31. Epub 2015/03/13.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (36)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN


Geroprotectors: Time to Change the Way We Take Care of Older People?Ilaria Bellantuono

Academic Unit of Bone Biology The University of Sheffield, The Medical School Sheffield, United Kingdom

Human life expectancy has been increasing steadily over the last century but this has resulted in an increas-ing incidence of age-related chronic diseases. Patients often present with more than one disease at the same time (multimorbidity) and develop frailty. Multimor-bidity and frailty have complex medical needs and are strongly associated with disability and hospitalization. However, current treatments are suboptimal with problems of polypharmacy due to the fact that each disease is treated individually.

Geroprotectors target fundamental mechanisms of ageing common to multiple age-related diseases and shows promise in delaying the onset of multimorbidity in animal models. I will present preclinical data on a new geroprotector, Zoledronate (1), together with the recommendations from the European network Mouse-AGE and Healthy Lifespan Institute thinking on the steps required to ensure these new interventions are translated from the bench to the bedside




Importance of Sleep for Healthy Ageing – Impact of Sleep-Disordered BreathingZoran Đogaš

Dean, University of Split School of MedicineHead, Department of NeuroscienceDirector, Sleep Medicine Center

AbstractSleep Medicine is growing multidisciplinary field

within the biomedicine and health. According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 3 (ICSD-3), there are about 80 sleep disorders, divided into 6 different clinical divisions: insomnia, sleep-re-lated breathing disorders, central disorders of hyper-somnolence, circadian rhythm sleep–wake disorders,

parasomnia, sleep-related movement disorders, as well as “other sleep disorders”. Some sleep disorders are strongly associated with specific age and they ap-pear almost exclusively in childhood or in the elderly, but most sleep disorders may appear in all age groups. However, the prevalence is significantly positively as-sociated with ageing. Also, there is a significant nega-tive correlation of sleep duration and sleep quality with age, but the impact of poor sleep quality and sleep disorders on health, healthy ageing and quality of life is not recognized enough, and the public awareness is not at the satisfactory level. It is important to state that general statements about sleep architecture and sleep stages proportions in the total sleep time presented in the literature can only be made regarding sleep in the normal young adult without sleep complaints who is living on a conventional sleep-wake schedule. One of the most notable findings regarding sleep in the elder-ly is the profound increase in inter-individual variabil-ity, which thus precludes generalizations such as those made for young adults.

The most prevalent sleep disorders of today, such as insomnia or sleep-related breathing disorders are strongly positively associated with age and make one of the most important risk factors for diminished qual-ity of life, as well as increased morbidity and mortality of the most prevalent diseases in general population, such as cardiovascular and glucose metabolism disor-ders, but also cancer, which has been published in many recent studies. Also, cognitive and psychom*otor impairments are facilitated in the elderly in the pres-ence of sleep disorders.

Increasing public awareness, improving and ex-panding diagnostic and treatment capacities for sleep disorders, as well as education of sleep medicine ex-perts, which was recently developed in the Republic of Croatia according to European guidelines, are the pri-mary goals of up-to-date sleep medicine, one of the most prosperous medical discipline, which is going to be even more important in the future due to increased longevity in general population and strong links of sleep medicine and ageing.

SleepThere are many definitions of sleep. According to a

simple behavioral definition, sleep is a reversible be-havioral state of perceptual disengagement from and relative unresponsiveness to the environment. It is also true that sleep is a complex amalgam of physiologic and behavioral processes. Sleep is typically (but not necessarily) accompanied by postural recumbence, behavioral quiescence, closed eyes, and all the other indicators that one commonly associates with sleeping (Carskadon and Dement, 2011). We spend nearly one-third of our lives asleep, and many mammals, includ-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (37)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

ing small laboratory rodents, spend half or more of their existence in this state.

The sleep-wake cycle is regulated by two separate biological mechanisms, which interact together and balance each other. This model is often referred to as the two-process model of sleep-wake regulation com-posed of the Process C that reflects the circadian rhythm, and the Process S that reflects the sleep-wake homeostasis (Borbély, 1982).

There are two distinct states of sleep, defined on the basis of several physiologic parameters. Rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep exist in most mammals studied. These states are both differ-ent from wakefulness and distinct from one another (Dogas et al., 2014). However, differentiating sleep (or sleep stages) from quiet wakefulness is hardly possible at the behavioral level. NREM sleep, formerly sub-divided into four stages according to standard Recht-schaffen & Kales (R&K) sleep scoring rules (Rechts-chaffen and Kales, 1968), is currently distinguished into three stages according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) scoring rules (Iber et al., 2007; Berry et al., 2014). Those stages are mostly de-fined based on the electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG pattern in NREM sleep is commonly described as synchronous, with characteristic waveforms such as sleep spindles, K-complexes, and high-voltage slow waves. NREM stages (stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to R&K, and stages 1, 2, 3 according to AASM, stage 3 according to AASM being composed of stages 3 and 4 according to R&K) represent a depth-of-sleep contin-uum, where the arousal threshold is generally lowest in stage 1 and highest in stage 3 (or 4) sleep. Classical studies showed that the sound intensity needed to awake a subject is positively correlated with the depth of sleep. That is, during deep sleep characterized by the slow wave activity as seen in the EEG (hence the name “slow wave sleep”), sound intensity had to be greatest to lead to awakening. In traditional perspective, NREM sleep was usually associated with reduced mental activity. However, recent studies showed it is not the case, as for instance there are strong associations between NREM sleep and memory consolidation processes.

Importantly, general statements about sleep stages proportions in the total sleep time presented in the literature can only be made regarding sleep in the normal young adult without sleep complaints who is living on a conventional sleep-wake schedule. One of the most notable findings regarding sleep in the elderly is the profound increase in inter-individual variability, which thus precludes generalizations such as those made for young adults (Carskadon and De-ment, 2011).

Chronotypes and sleepIn humans, the most obvious variation in behavior

organization, during the 24-hour day, can be seen in their preferred timing of sleep and wakefulness. Total amount and the timing of sleep are determined by sev-eral factors, including environmental factors, endoge-nous circadian rhythms and time awake. Human pref-erences in the timing of sleep and wake are called “chronotypes” and are at least partly based on genetics. Human chronotypes can be easily investigated using convenient self reported questionnaires, such as Horne-Ostberg morningness-eveningness question-naire (Horne and Ostberg, 1976), and Munich Chrono Type Questionnaire, that differentiate timing of the daily activities during workdays versus free days (Roenneberg et al., 2007). Chronotypes (morning-ness–eveningness) are one of the most common inter-individual differences in circadian rhythmicity. As such, chronotype represents a phenotypic aspect of the circadian rhythmicity. Morning-type and evening-type persons differ in endogenous circadian phase of their biological clocks (Roenneberg et al., 2007). Moreover, it is well known that diurnal preferences (morningness–eveningness) are influenced by person’s gender, showing a greater shift toward morningness in women than in men. They are driven by reproductive hormones and thus endogenously generated. Sex dif-ferences in human chronotypes disappear at approxi-mately age of 50 (Roenneberg et al., 2007).

Diurnal preferences are associated with age, as well. Although thought to be primarily a genetic trait, it is well established that chronotype is not constant throughout the adult lifespan. During the childhood, children are more morning-types, while during the adolescence change in chronotype occurs, shifting adolescents towards eveningness-types. Also, it has been found in cross-sectional studies that chronotype changes towards a morning-type orientation with ad-vancing age (Monk and Buysse, 2014). The biological foundation of this has been confirmed by laboratory studies showing that older adults (seniors) have circa-dian rhythms, which phase at an earlier clock time (usually by 1–2 h) than those of younger adults (Monk and Buysse, 2014).

Sleep and ageSleep is an important component for health and

wellness across the lifespan. However, older adults do not sleep as well as younger adults. Why? What altera-tions in sleep quantity and quality occur as we age, and are there functional consequences? What are the un-derlying neural mechanisms that explain age-related sleep disruption? There are well-known changes in human sleep quantity and quality in cognitively nor-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (38)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

mal older adults and the functional consequences of age-related sleep disruptions. However, there is a still-debated question: do older adults simply need less sleep, or rather, are they unable to generate the sleep that they still need? (Mander et al., 2017).

Sleep disturbances are a common presenting symp-tom of older-age adults to their physicians. There are normal changes in sleep pattern with ageing and pri-mary sleep disorders in the elderly, but behavioral fac-tors and primary psychiatric disorders affecting sleep in this population are numerous.

Normal age-related changes to sleep-wake physiology

Physicians addressing sleep complaints in older adults are commonly asked about how much sleep is enough. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7–8 hours of sleep for adults aged 65 and older. This recommendation is supported by evidence that older adults sleeping anywhere from 6–9 hours have better cognition, mental and physical health, and quality of life compared to older adults with shorter or longer sleep durations. Thus, the need for sleep is not reduced in older adults, but the ability to get the required sleep may be decreased due to normal changes in sleep ar-chitecture through the lifespan. Age-related changes in sleep physiology have been well-documented using polysomnography. Most age-dependent changes in sleep parameters occur by age 60 years, with the excep-tion of sleep efficiency. Sleep efficiency (percentage of time spent asleep while in bed), on the other hand, continues to show an age-dependent decline beyond age 90 years. Older adults also have a decline in total sleep time, with corresponding decreases in the per-centage of time in slow wave sleep (SWS or N3) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. SWS and REM sleep are thought to promote metabolic and cognitive recov-ery, and to enhance learning and memory, respective-ly. Older adults also have an increase in time awake after sleep onset (WASO). While the number of arous-als from sleep increase in healthy older adults, evi-dence suggests they do not have greater difficulty fall-ing back to sleep. There is an increase in sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep) up to age 60, with no clear age effect beyond that point (Monk, 2005).

Circadian rhythm in elderlyCircadian rhythms also change over the lifespan.

These rhythms are 24-hour intrinsic physiological cy-cles that are involved in control of sleep-wake and many other physiologic processes (e.g. blood pressure, bone remodeling, release of certain hormones). Age-ing is associated with a phase advance, resulting in an earlier onset of sleepiness in the evening and earlier morning awakening. Daytime wakefulness is affected

by phase advance, with older adults being more alert in the morning and more somnolent in the evening. Studies conducted in different age groups revealed that adolescents and elderly population are two popula-tions predominantly at the risk of circadian rhythms disorders. Adolescents go to bed considerably later in the evening. This is mostly pronounced during work-ing days and associated with sleep rebound, character-ized by extended time spent in bed on weekends. Changes in circadian rhythm associated with advanced age include a tendency to sleep earlier and shift toward morning type, with an increased number of naps dur-ing daytime (Park et al., 2002). While napping is com-mon in older adults, results with regard to the benefit or harm of this practice are mixed. Some studies show beneficial and potentially protective effects of napping in later life, while others show it to be a risk factor for morbidity and mortality. There is some evidence to suggest that naps are protective for mortality if night-time sleep duration is short, but are associated with increased mortality risk if nighttime sleep duration is longer than nine hours.

Changes in circadian rhythms are associated with a decline in sleep quality due to increased sleep latency and more pronounced sleep fragmentation during the night, emphasizing weakened and fragmented circa-dian rhythms during ageing (Huang et al., Bliwise et al., 2005).

Sleep, Ageing and GenderThough reliable macro and micro sleep differences

exist between younger and older adults, not all older adults suffer the same degree of sleep disruption. In-stead, there is large inter-individual variability. This means that age per se is not the sole determinant of sleep disruption in later life. Rather, factors that inter-act with the aging process must confer vulnerability or resilience to age-associated declines in sleep quantity and quality.

In the context of older age, one such interacting fac-tor is gender. Men experience far greater relative dis-ruption and impairment in NREM sleep than women later in life. In a study comparing over 2,500 older adults between the ages of 37 and 92 (Redline et al., 2004), increasing age was reliably associated with the same features described above: decreased slow wave sleep time, reduced sleep efficiency, increased NREM stage 1 sleep time, increased number of arousals, and modest decreases in REM sleep time. However, when stratified by gender, differences emerged. Men over the age of 70 demonstrated a highly significant 50% reduc-tion in slow wave sleep, relative to men under the age of 55, together with a concomitant increase in lighter NREM stages 1 and 2. In contrast, women showed no such significant decline in slow wave sleep or increase in lighter NREM sleep time relative to their younger

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (39)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

gender group. Compared between genders, men over the age of 70 had more than a 3-fold deficit in slow wave sleep amount compared with age-matched women. Meta-analyses have replicated this gender-specific difference in slow wave sleep in older age (Ohayon et al., 2004). Interestingly, the moderate re-duction in REM sleep time in the oldest participants

(>70 years old) was common to both males and fe-males, suggesting a gender-independent deterioration of this sleep stage.

Gender also impacts age-associated changes in slow wave sleep homeostasis. Older adult men demonstrate significantly less homeostatic slow wave sleep rebound during recovery sleep following sleep deprivation than equivalent-age older women. As with the comparison of basic sleep stages, both elderly men and women show similar homeostatic rebounds in REM sleep dur-ing post-deprivation recovery nights (Reynolds et al., 1986). Therefore, gender-dependent and gender–inde-pendent effects emerge in older age, further suggesting a model in which some homeostatic mechanisms of sleep remain equivalent and somewhat intact in cogni-tively normal older adult men and women, such as REM sleep, while others show strong gender-depen-dent differences, such as slow wave sleep.

Despite gender-specific changes in NREM sleep quantity and quality being more severe in men, a para-doxical and, as yet unexplained, finding is that women are more likely to suffer subjective complaints of poor sleep as they get older, relative to older men (Ohayon et al., 2004). Whether this is due to report bias on the basis of gender, or is explained by an underlying phys-iological mechanism, remains unclear.

Sleep medicine and ageingSleep Medicine is growing multidisciplinary field

within the biomedicine and health. According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 3 (ICSD-3), there are about 80 sleep disorders, divided into 6 different clinical divisions: insomnia, sleep-re-lated breathing disorders, central disorders of hyper-somnolence, circadian rhythm sleep–wake disorders, parasomnia, sleep-related movement disorders, as well as “other sleep disorders”. Some sleep disorders are strongly associated with specific age and they ap-pear almost exclusively in childhood or in the elderly, but most sleep disorders may appear in all age groups. However, the prevalence is significantly positively as-sociated with ageing. Also, there is a significant nega-tive correlation of sleep duration and sleep quality with age, but the impact of poor sleep quality and sleep disorders on health, healthy ageing and quality of life is not recognized enough, and the public awareness is not at the satisfactory level.

Sleep disorders in elderlyThe number of people in Croatia, as well as in the

United States who are 65 years or older is steadily in-creasing. In Croatia, according to the State Depart-ment for Statistics and the Teaching Department for Public Health „Dr. Andrija Štampar“, in 2011 there

(A) Prototypical sleep stage architecture across a 9 hr sleep period in a younger adult (top) and an older adult (bottom), using classic sleep stag-ing criteria (Rechtschaffen and Kales, 1968) Relative to younger adults, older adults demonstrate: longer sleep latency, a greater number of tran-sitions to lighter stages of sleep and wakefulness, more time spent awake after sleep onset, more fragmented sleep, and less time in slow wave sleep, especially within the early sleep cycles (B) Upper: Representative topographical head plots of EEG-quantified dif-ferences between younger and older adults in slow wave activity (left upper) and density (right upper) A similar sleep spindle density for fast sleep spindles (13 5–15 Hz; bottom left) and slow sleep spindles (12–13 5 Hz; bottom right) is shown in the bottom image The hotter colors repre-sent higher values The center rainbow topoplots in each image represent the subtracted difference between younger and older adults, with darker blue representing larger deficits in older relative to younger adults For both slow waves and sleep spindles, older adults demonstrate the largest regional oscillation impairments over frontal EEG derivations (From Man-der et al , 2017; the data are adapted from previous reports Mander et al , 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016b)

Figure 1. Schematic of Age-Related Changes in Sleep Architecture and NREM Sleep Oscillations

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (40)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

were about 17,7% people at 65 years or older and this proportion increased in 2016 to 19,41%.

In the US, proportion of this population is expected to double over the next 25 years to about 72 million. By 2030, roughly 1 in 5 people in this country will be over the age of 65.

Sleep complaints are common among older adults, and as this segment of the population grows, the prev-alence of sleep disturbances will also increase. How-ever, sleep problems are not an inherent part of the ageing process (Miner and Kryger, 2017).

There are changes to sleep architecture over the lifespan that are not, in themselves, pathologic, but can be viewed as making older adults more vulnerable to sleep disturbances. It is the consequences of ageing, in the form of medical and psychiatric comorbidity, medication and substance use, psychosocial factors, and primary sleep disorders that put older adults at risk for sleep disturbance. The increasing prevalence of multimorbidity (i.e., having at least 2 concurrent dis-eases in the same individual) among older adults means that sleep disorders might arise from multiple different domains. Thus, sleep disturbance in this age group should be considered a multifactorial geriatric health condition (previously referred to as a geriatric syndrome), (Miner and Kryger, 2017) requiring con-sideration of multiple risk factors and a comprehen-sive treatment approach.

In general, changes to sleep architecture with nor-mal ageing include decreases in total sleep time, sleep efficiency, slow wave sleep, and REM sleep, and an in-crease in wake after sleep onset. Although sleep distur-bance is common with ageing, it is not an inherent part of the ageing process and medical, psychiatric, and psychosocial factors overshadow age as risk fac-tors. There are numerous studies confirming that sleep disturbance in older adults is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and the evaluation and man-agement of sleep disturbances in older adults is best approached as a multifactorial geriatric health condi-tion, arising from impairments in multiple domains.

The most prevalent sleep disorders of today, such as insomnia or sleep-related breathing disorders, among which, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most prevalent and important one, are strongly positively as-sociated with age and make one of the most important risk factors for diminished quality of life, as well as in-creased morbidity and mortality of the most prevalent diseases in general population, such as cardiovascular and glucose metabolism disorders, but also cancer, which has been published in many recent studies. Also, cognitive and psychom*otor impairments are facilitated in the elderly in the presence of sleep disorders.

Increasing public awareness, improving and ex-panding diagnostic and treatment capacities for sleep

disorders, as well as education of sleep medicine ex-perts, which was recently developed in the Republic of Croatia according to European guidelines, are the pri-mary goals of up-to-date sleep medicine, one of the most prosperous medical discipline, which is going to be even more important in the future due to increased longevity in general population and strong links of sleep medicine and ageing.

Obstructive sleep apneaObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) increases with ad-

vancing age, with prevalence estimates differing de-pending on the definition used. Using a definition of 10 or more apneas and/or hypopneas per hour of sleep, OSA prevalence estimates in older adults may be as high as 70% in men and 56% in women. This is in con-trast to prevalence estimates in the general adult popu-lation of 15% in men and 5% in women. While it is more common, this condition frequently goes undiag-nosed because the phenotype of OSA can look very different in older adults. After the age of 60, the preva-lence of OSA is equivalent in males and females, obe-sity is no longer a significant risk factor, and witnessed apneas and snoring are not as frequently reported. Older adults are also more likely to present with more sleep-related complaints, including daytime sleepiness and nocturia. Older adults are at risk for OSA for sev-eral reasons. With aging there is loss of tissue elasticity as well as sarcopenic muscle wasting. There are also structural changes to the upper airway, including lengthening of soft palate and upper airway fat pad de-position. These age-related changes increase the ten-dency for oropharyngeal collapse. In addition, ventila-tory control instability may predispose older adults to apneic events. The negative consequences of OSA in older adults include excessive daytime sleepiness, de-creased quality of life, neurocognitive impairment, nocturia, and worsening of cardiovascular disease, particularly hypertension, heart failure and stroke. Diabetes mellitus and depression have also been found to be more common in older adults with OSA. The im-pact of untreated OSA in older adults on mortality is not clear. However, older adults have similar adher-ence rates to treatment, so there is no clear reason not to treat older adults with OSA. Recently there was a report of estimated risk for OSA in the Croatian popu-lation published using the standardized international questionnaire named STOP (S-noring, T-iredness, O-bserved apneas, elevated blood P-ressure), which was validated in Croatian language and proved to have high sensitivity and a reasonable specificity for detect-ing people at risk for OSA (Dogas et al., 2018). In this report, on a rather large sample of almost 11,000 re-spondents, there were high proportions of people at risk with strong and highly significant positive associ-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (41)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

ation with age (Figure 2). Also, men were at signifi-cantly higher risk than women until elderly, were the numbers were similar.

Sleep and ageing during the COVID-19 pandemics

Poor sleep is a risk factor for mental health, well-being and susceptibility for infective diseases such as COVID-19 especially considering the crisis measures such as quarantine

Long-term home confinement due to an unprece-dented global viral outbreak by COVID-19 of vague duration entails increased levels of stress and anxiety, disruption of established daytime and nighttime rou-tines, as well as working schedules, causing deteriora-tion of positive associations between home, relaxation and sleep (Altena et al., 2020). Given the commonness of stress-related sleep problems with possible adverse health consequences and the well-known bidirectional relation between emotional and behavioral reactivity and sleep quality, sleep disturbances during quaran-tine may become an important issue for everyone. Furthermore, misalignment between behavioral and environmental cycles and environmental setting changes during isolation, including limited beneficial effects of natural daytime light exposure and artificial light suppression of the regular circadian rhythm, may impair circadian system organization and significantly influence sleep patterns, resulting together in an array of metabolic abnormalities (Altena et al., 2020). The rising pervasiveness of circadian rhythm and sleep dis-ruptions during home confinement with increasing evidence of detrimental effects on health, emphasizes the importance of circadian system function and ad-dressing sleep disturbances.

Sleep has been well-recognized as a marker of men-tal health, especially in the elderly. Sleep problems

were observed in most mental disorders and it has been proposed that sleep disturbances imply an arous-al system imbalance likely representing a basic dimen-sion of mental health, with polysomnographic find-ings possibly playing a key role in psychiatric comor-bidity processes. Also, it has been well established even in non-clinical populations that sleep quality is associ-ated with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress. Considering that elderly population is at particular risk for sleep disorders and mental health problems, the proposed association is of spe-cific relevance in this population. Association of sleep and mental health has been extensively reported in el-derly females, even after controlling for risk factors common to both. In addition, mental health is associ-ated with physical health issues including general health status, activity limitations, and chronic health conditions in elderly females. The clinical and epide-miologic evidence on the relationship between sleep and physical and mental outcomes highlight the rele-vance of screening sleep issues in the general popula-tion, and especially in vulnerable groups such as the elderly, those with multiple chronic diseases, sucha as sleep breathing disorders patients with cardiovascular and glucose metabolism comorbidities, but also stu-dents as a partucularly sensitive group due to their specific sleep habits and risky environment such as quarantine and ongoing online education process.

Vulnerable population groups in COVID-19 pandemics

Present data point to the fact that COVID-19 infec-tion is particularly serious in some population groups. Thus far, there is an international consensus that vul-nerable populations for COVID-19 may include any-one who is an older adult (65 years of age or older), anyone at risk due to an underlying medical condition

Figure 2. Obstructive sleep apnea risk according to STOP questionnaire in different age groups (blue columns – male, red columns – female) in the Croatian population (Dogas et al., in prep).

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (42)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

(such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabe-tes, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer), anyone at risk due to a compromised immune system from a medical condition or treatment and anyone with se-vere obesity (BMI>40) (ECDC-Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the EU/EEA and the UK – eighth update; WHO-Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report-51). At present, there is no data that sleep-disordered breathing (especially Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA) increases the risk for contracting or developing more severe forms and outcomes of COVID-19. However, OSA is a condition character-ized by many comorbidities including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases (especially diabetes mel-litus type 2; see Table 1 and Figure 3 for illustration of this overlap in the Croatian population; Dogas et al., 2018) and respiratory diseases (Bonsignore et al., 2019), all of which put the individual at a higher risk of COVID-19. Although it is considered a sleep disorder, OSA is also included in the International Classifica-tion of Diseases list as a chronic respiratory disease (ICD-11, WHO). In OSA, the respiratory function is severely modified such that the episodes of partial or complete airway obstructions affect normal breathing patterns and gas exchange. Additionally, OSA is also more common in the older population (Young et al., 2004), therefore it can be viewed as a superimposing factor to the initial risk stated for this specific popula-tion. Finally, another risk factor for COVID-19 is obe-sity and obese patients have been shown to have a higher incidence of OSA (Malhotra et al., 2002; Young et al., 2004), but are also more prone to developing other chronic diseases, especially the ones affecting the immune system. Having all of this in mind, this could make the individuals suffering from sleep-relat-ed breathing disorders more susceptible to viral pneu-monia-like diseases, such as COVID-19. Considering the high prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing, which is estimated in recent studies to be up to 25–50% in the adult population, it is of major interest to assess the risk, prevalence and the outcomes of the COVID-19 disease caused by novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in this population.

OSA patients as a vulnerable group particulary sensitive to COVID-19

So far there is no data that OSA by itself increases risk of infection. For most OSA patients, a reduction in their quality of life is due to symptoms such as poor sleep quality, excessive daytime somnolence, and fa-tigue with differences between gender, ages and na-tions. Also, because of the known comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity OSA patients are at higher risk in all age groups, especially in elderly, but also in many cases where OSA was not recognized

and diagnosed before the COVID-19 infection. Also OSA patients might be more likely to develop compli-cations of COVID-19 than other individuals because of an already compromised upper airway system, re-petitive episodes of hypoxia and hypercapnia during the night, and also immune system. Therefore we might speculate whether OSA promotes negative out-comes and more complications in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 especially if they have been diagnosed with comorbidities such as arterial hypertension, dia-betes mellitus and obesity.

In patients who are diagnosed with moderate to se-vere OSA, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device is a gold standard therapy and should be used permanently during sleep because without treatment, exacerbation of the disease will also include further weakening of the immune system, which make them more susceptible for infection. Precaution should be advised for patients who are at home in quarantine and regularly use CPAP devices. Usage of CPAP could spread the virus through the exhalation port, which al-lows carbon dioxide to escape from the mask. This port also may release smaller virus-containing parti-cles as an “aerosol,” which can remain suspended in the air for a few hours. However, patients with severe OSA should continue using CPAP while sleeping alone in a separate bedroom. So far, there is no studies show-ing that using CPAP will cause more severe forms of

Table 1. Proportion of subjects with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DM2) in the groups of respondents with and with no risk for OSA according to STOP questionnaire in different age groups; Number of subjects and proportions in each subgroup (%) are shown.

Age group(years)


No riskfor OSAN=4794

With riskfor OSAN=5402

χ2 P*

<21 48/2944(0.6)


17/269(6.3) 40.59 <0.001

21–30 76/2628(2.9)


24/375(6.4) 19.17 <0.001

31–40 59/1112(5.3)


27/254(10.6) 18.57 <0.001

41–50 75/1547(4.9)


45/580(7.8) 17.04 <0.001

51–60 157/1479(10.6)


108/740(14.6) 24.72 <0.001

61–70 131/589(22.2)


96/372(25.8) 7.42 0.006

>70 124/555(22.3)


96/389(24.7) 4.09 0.043

Total 670/10854(6.2)


413/2979(13.9) 419.32 <0.001

*Chi-squared test

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (43)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

COVID-19, but we need more scientific research to provide evidence.

It should be emphasized that due to the lack of evi-dence on COVID-19 infection severity and outcomes in OSA patients, both those treated at home or in a hospital settings with provided respiratory care (oxy-gen and/or mechanical ventilation), especially in the vulnerable elderly populations during quarantine, this research question provides an innovative scientific re-search interest.

ConclusionsSleep Medicine is growing multidisciplinary field

within the biomedicine and health. The most preva-lent sleep disorders of today, such as insomnia or sleep-related breathing disorders are strongly positive-ly associated with age and make one of the most im-portant risk factors for diminished quality of life, as well as increased morbidity and mortality of the most prevalent diseases in general population, such as car-diovascular and glucose metabolism disorders, but also cancer, which has been published in many recent studies. Also, cognitive and psychom*otor impairments are facilitated in the elderly in the presence of sleep disorders.

One of the most notable findings regarding sleep in the elderly is the profound increase in inter-individual variability, which thus precludes generalizations such as those made for young adults.

The latest global developments empasized the fact that poor sleep is a risk factor for mental health, well-being and susceptibility for infective diseases such as COVID-19 especially considering the crisis measures such as quarantine.

At present, there is no data that sleep-disordered breathing (especially OSA) increases the risk for con-tracting or developing more severe forms and out-comes of COVID-19. However, OSA is a condition

characterized by many comorbidities including car-diovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, metabolic diseases (especially diabetes mellitus type 2) and obe-sity, all of which put the individual at a higher risk of COVID-19.

Increasing public awareness, improving and ex-panding diagnostic and treatment capacities for sleep disorders, as well as education of sleep medicine ex-perts, which was recently developed in the Republic of Croatia according to European guidelines, are the pri-mary goals of up-to-date sleep medicine, one of the most prosperous medical discipline, which is going to be even more important in the future due to increased longevity in general population and strong links of sleep medicine and ageing.


1. Altena E, Baglioni C, Espie C A, et al. Dealing with sleep prob-lems during home confinement due to the COVID-19 out-break: practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT-I Academy. J. Sleep Res. 2020. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13052.

2. Berry R B, Brooks R, Gamaldo C E, Harding S M, Lloyd R M, Marcus C L and Vaughn B V. for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events: Rules, Terminology and Technical Specifications, Version 2.1., Darien, Illi-nois: American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2014.

3. Bliwise D L, Ansari F P, Straight L B and Parker K P. Age changes in timing and 24-hour distribution of self-reported sleep. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2005;13:1077–1082.

4. Bonsignore M R, Baiamonte P, Mazzuca E, et al. Obstructive sleep apnea and comorbidities: a dangerous liaison. Multidis-cip. Respir Med 2019;14:8.

5. Borbély A A. A two process model of sleep regulation. Hum Neurobiol, 1982;1:195–204.

6. Carskadon M A and Dement W C. Normal human sleep: An overview. In: M. H. Kryger, T. Roth, W. C. Dement (eds). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2011: p. 16–26.

Figure 3. The proportions (%) of respondents with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) among those with and with no risk for OSA according to the STOP questionnaire in the Croatian population.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (44)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

7. Dogas Z, Pecotic R and Valic M. Regulation of sleep and wake-fulness. In: C. L. Bassetti, C. L., Z. Dogas and P. Peigneux (eds). Sleep Medicine Textbook, European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Regensburg, 2014: p. 13–26.

8. ECDC-Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the EU/EEA and the UK – eighth update; WHO-Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report-51

9. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Corona-virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the EU/EEA and the UK – eighth update. Stockholm: ECDC; 2020 [cited 18 April 2020]. Available from:

10. Horne J A and Ostberg O. A self-assessment questionnaire to determine morningness-eveningness in human circadian rhythms. Int. J. Chronobiol., 1976, 4: 97–110.

11. Huang Y L, Liu R Y, Wang Q S, Van Someren E J, Xu H and Zhou J N. Age-associated difference in circadian sleep-wake and rest-activity rhythms. Physiol Behav, 2002;76:597–603.

12. Iber C, Ancoli-Israel S, Chesson A, Quan S for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The AASM manual for the scor-ing of sleep and associated events: rules, terminology and technical specifications. 1st ed. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2007.

13. Malhotra A and White D P. Obstructive sleep apnoea. Lancet 2002, 360(9328): 237–245.

14. Mander B A, Winer J R and Walker M P. Sleep and human aging. Neuron, 2017;94(1):19–36.

15. Minner B and Kryger M H. Sleep in the aging population. Sleep Med Clin, 2017;12(1):31–38.

16. Monk T H. Aging human circadian rhythms: conventional wisdom may not always be right. J Biol Rhythms, 2005, 20(4): 366–374.

17. Monk T H, Buysse D J. Chronotype, bed timing and total sleep time in seniors. Chronobiol Int., 2014;31(5):655–659.

18. Ohayon M M, Carskadon M A, Guilleminault C and Vitiello M V. Meta-analysis of quantitative sleep parameters from child-hood to old age in healthy individuals: developing norma- tive sleep values across the human lifespan. Sleep, 2004;27: 1255–1273.

19. Park Y, Matsumoto K, Seo Y, Kang M and Nagashima H. Ef-fects of age and gender on sleep habits and sleep trouble for aged people. Biol Rhythm Res, 2002;33:39–51.

20. Rechtschaffen A, Kales A. A manual of standardized termino-logy, techniques and scoring system for sleep stages of human subjects. Los Angeles: Brain Information Service, Brain Re-search Institute, UCLA; 1968.

21. Redline S, Kirchner H L, Quan S F, Gottlieb D J, Kapur V and Newman A. The effects of age, sex, ethnicity, and sleep-disor-dered breathing on sleep architecture, Arch Intern Med, 2004;164:406–418.

22. Reynolds 3rd, C F, Kupfer D J, Hoch C C, Stack J A, Houck P R and Berman S R. Sleep deprivation in healthy elderly men and women: effects on mood and on sleep during recovery. Sleep, 1986;9:492–501.

23. Roenneberg T, Kuehnle T, Juda M et al. Epidemiology of the human circadian clock. Sleep Med Rev, 2007;11:429–438.

24. World Health Organization. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report 51. Geneva: WHO; 2020 [cited 18 April 2020]. Available from:

25. Young T, Skatrud J and Peppard P E. Risk Factors for Obstruc-tive Sleep Apnea in Adults. JAMA 2004;291(16):2013–2016.


Confronting the Dementia Pandemic: A World Economic Forum and Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s DiseaseGlobal Partnership to Speed Collaboration and InnovationGeorge Vradenburg

Convener, The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: The Urgent Need for Action

The world is confronting an emerging pandemic with absolutely no preparedness plan – one that threat-ens to be larger, longer, more devastating, and more costly than COVID-19. The emerging pandemic: the expensive and lengthy chronic diseases of aging, espe-cially dementia. The COVID-19 outbreak illustrates the dire consequences if health systems don’t prepare for dementia, which is already devastating older popu-lations and impacting every aspect of society. It comes at a time when caregiving and working-age popula-tions are shrinking, when national fiscal budgets need-ed to support aging healthcare costs are under stress, and when the monetary policy mechanisms to drive economic growth in the face of a declining global workforce are exhausted. While COVID-19 is the cur-rent public health priority, global leaders cannot afford to overlook dementia’s immense impacts – today and in the long-term. Already, more than 2.4 million peo-ple die from dementia every year, and, in the U.S. alone, cumulative costs of care could exceed $20 tril-lion from 2015 to 2050.(1,2) As the next pandemic, dementia is both inexorable and foreseeable.

The world needs a global preparedness plan for de-mentia. On our current course, global dementia prev-alence is projected to triple to 152 million families by 2050, or close to 500 million affected people. In Eu-rope, the number of people 60+ with dementia will grow by roughly 60% to more than 14 million by 2040.(3,4) This surge in prevalence threatens to take an un-sustainable toll – upending people’s lives and commu-nities, straining healthcare systems, generating im-mense costs, and draining workforces and economies.

We can change this trajectory. There is a growing consensus about the elements of a dementia prepared-ness plan: early and systematic testing and detection, a standing global, industrial- strength, trial-ready sys-tem for testing new therapies, public health interven-tion plans to reduce peak prevalence, and a healthcare system ready and able to get the right intervention to

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (45)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

the right patient at the right time in disease progres-sion. Sound familiar? What we largely did not have in place to address COVID-19, we need to put in place to address dementia.

This plan will require overcoming a number of chal-lenges, from basic science to healthcare and public health system preparedness. Researchers need a better understanding of the heterogeneity of the causal path-ways of dementia. Differential pathways require bio-marker systems that can identify the differential popu-lations for testing differential interventions. Current sporadic clinical testing systems must be built into ef-ficient global trial platforms. Healthcare systems need accessible and affordable diagnostics to identify those at-risk for dementia and deliver precision interven-tions to the right patient when they need them. Physi-cians need training, tools, and incentives to provide early, accurate diagnoses. And the public needs the hope and confidence that there is something that can be done to prevent or treat cognitive decline – now.

To address the challenge of developing a global pre-paredness plan for dementia, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Global CEO Initiative on Al-zheimer’s Disease (CEOi) launched a new, global effort in Davos in January 2020: The Davos Alzheimer’s Col-laborative (DAC). DAC is premised on the proposition that all nations and all sectors are in this together; that individual governments, as well as inter- governmen-tal organizations, the pharmaceutical and biotech in-dustries, leading researchers, and patient advocates, must come together to develop and execute a consen-sus preparedness plan.

DAC will link current dementia efforts, scale suc-cessful models, and create new initiatives – targeting four key areas:•   Build a targeted global cohort of populations with 

or at risk of Alzheimer’s disease to drive discovery of precision intervention targets by focusing on research with populations that have genetic and genomic diversification.

•   Build a clear, coordinated, and comprehensive pre-cision biomarker development process to accom-pany the development of new precision targets.

•   Create a global platform to support global clinical trials capable of bringing new drugs to market at a faster rate.

•   Drive healthcare system preparedness to improve early detection and diagnosis, diagnostic and treatment delivery infrastructure, and patient af-fordability of treatments.

We believe these steps are essential to making faster progress toward the discovery, testing, and delivery of precision interventions for dementia – and we believe Europe can and should take the lead. On behalf of DAC’s leadership and members, we look forward to

discussing this urgent issue with European policymak-ers, exploring opportunities for collaboration, and deepening our shared commitment to speeding de-mentia innovation and preparedness.

Challenge: Global Population Aging and the Growing Impacts of Dementia

Rapid population aging presents a number of press-ing challenges for every nation, for global economic growth, and for families around the world. Scientific and medical advances have brought us unprecedented longevity, raising average global life expectancy by more than 30 years in the past century.(5) There are now roughly one billion people over the age of 60 globally, and this number is projected to increase to 2 billion by mid-century.(6) Europe is at the forefront of this trend: there were more than 100 million people over the age of 65 in the EU-28 in 2018, or 20% of the population, and these numbers are projected to in-crease to 149 million older people, or 29% of the popu-lation, by 2050.(7)

While today’s aging and longevity are a modern miracle, they will also dramatically increase the bur-den of age-related health conditions. We are not pre-pared for this emerging pandemic, and dementia is the epicenter of the looming crisis. More than 50 million people live with dementia globally; projected to in-crease to 152 million by 2050.(8) Europe is on the frontlines due its aging population. The number of people 60+ with dementia in the EU increased from 5.9 million in 2000 to 9.1 million in 2018, and, if cur-rent prevalence rates continue, this total is projected to grow by roughly 60% to 14.3 million in 2040.(9)

Without an urgent and coordinated response, this dramatic rise in prevalence will generate tremendous impacts on people, families, communities, and nation-al healthcare systems, as well as on economic growth, workforce size and participation rates, and fiscal and monetary policy. Dementia is already the fifth leading cause of death worldwide, and, as of this paper, the only one of the top ten leading causes of death for which there is no truly effective treatment or cure.(10) The condition is responsible for roughly $1 trillion in annual costs, and this total is projected to double by 2030.(11) Dementia also takes an enormous toll on families, who often provide unpaid, informal care for years or decades.

Now is the time for leaders to join together, across sectors and national boundaries, to take immediate, sustained, innovative action to develop and execute a dementia preparedness plan. We must accelerate re-search progress to improve our understanding of de-mentia and develop precision therapies and accompa-nying biomarkers, while also drastically improving healthcare systems’ preparedness to effectively differ-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (46)


Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

entially diagnose dementia and deliver precision ther-apeutics as they become available.

Context: The State of Dementia Science and Policy

There is a growing consensus that meaningful thera-peutic progress against dementia will require “shifting the science to the left” – understanding, detecting, di-agnosing, and treating the condition in its earliest stages, including even before symptoms arise. This early intervention appears to be necessary for disease-modifying therapies to maximize their effects over a long period, as indicated by promising recent clinical trial results for aducanumab and BAN 2401.(12,13) Therefore, “shifting to the left” offers a potential break-through in an area where a new therapy has not been approved in the U.S. or Europe since 2003, and where more than 99% of clinical trials have not advanced to regulatory approval – the lowest for any therapeutic area.(14,15)

At the same time, there is also a growing scientific consensus that the causes and course of dementia var-ies from individual to individual based on individual genetic, biological, and phenotypical variability and heterogeneity. This means that more diverse cohorts of individuals must be investigated to identify the “clus-ters” of populations with sufficiently similar character-istics that can be treated with the same intervention. That variability, in turn, requires accompanying bio-markers or biomarker “clusters” to stratify populations for clinical research studies and for clinical diagnos-tics, so that the healthcare system can “match” preci-sion medicines to different subpopulations with or at risk of dementia.

As effective therapies are developed, regulators and payers will need to develop innovative methods to ap-prove and reimburse for treatments that may slow, but not stop, disease progression and that may not show health system cost savings for years or decades – chal-lenging current regulatory and payment models. Healthcare systems will need to improve rates of early detection and diagnosis, better characterize patient populations and people at-risk, and ensure necessary infrastructure to diagnose and deliver treatments. Ad-ditionally, many dementia patients have one or more comorbid chronic conditions, further complicating ef-forts to understand the disease, characterize patient populations, provide appropriate therapies, and mea-sure the economic and health benefits of treatment.

Despite these challenges, growing momentum among policymakers, the private sector, international organizations, and dementia advocacy organizations points a way forward – and Europe can play a leader-ship role in developing a transnational dementia pan-demic preparedness plan. Europe has already led his-

toric efforts to address dementia, including the first national dementia plan in France in 2001 and the United Kingdom’s focus on dementia at the meeting of G8 Health Ministers in 2013.(16,17) Today, global leaders are stepping up their focus on dementia, as this topic was on center stage at the World Economic Forum in 2020 and spotlighted at the 2019 meeting of the G20 in Japan.(18)

These efforts provide hope, especially in light of re-cent positive clinical trial results, a promising pipeline of new therapies, and a number of innovative demen-tia initiatives in countries around the globe. Leading governments, companies, and international organiza-tions are better positioned than ever before to change the trajectory of dementia and elevate dementia pre-paredness on the global agenda. We cannot leave the lessons of COVID-19 unlearned as we confront the slow-burn pandemic of dementia.

The Global Initiative: The Collaboration to Speed Alzheimer’s Innovation

In January 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease (CEOi), launched the Davos Alzheimer’s Collabora-tive (DAC), a multi-stakeholder, pre-competitive co-alition designed to drive global scientific, business, policy, and financial coordination in dementia pre-paredness.

DAC will build a coordinated strategy to link, scale, or initiate actions to diversify, accelerate, and deepen dementia preparedness efforts. Our long-term vision is to create a highly prioritized, well-resourced global Alzheimer’s research environment with an efficient path to market, supported by an engaged healthcare system.

DAC is uniquely positioned to achieve this vision because of members’ recognized global leadership, deep expertise, significant resources, and long-stand-ing commitment. Members include leading govern-ments, the leading and largest biopharmaceutical companies working in the dementia space, top inter-national organizations, and influential organizations from the philanthropic sector. In addition, DAC is conducting ongoing discussions with a number of na-tional governments to lead the policy element of the collaboration – including the United States, the Neth-erlands, Japan, and Brazil – and we are eager to explore collaboration with other governments.

The leadership and members of DAC recognize that there are a wide range of important dementia efforts already underway around the globe. Therefore, DAC will embrace a “link, scale, create” approach – linking together relevant efforts to maximize their impact, identifying and scaling the best existing models, and creating new initiatives when no relevant efforts al-

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

ready exist. We believe this approach will enable great-er efficiency and faster results.

Based on discussions with leaders and experts, DAC will target four key opportunities for innovation in de-mentia: global cohort development; biomarker develop-ment; global clinical trials; and healthcare system readi-ness. We believe these four pillars offer the greatest promise to solve existing challenges in the space and catalyze rapid progress that makes a meaningful differ-ence for people living with or at risk for dementia.

1. Build a targeted global cohort of populations with or at risk of Alzheimer’s disease to drive discov-ery of precision intervention targets by focusing on research with populations that have genetic and ge-nomic diversification.

Progress against dementia requires a comprehen-sive, nuanced understanding of the condition. How-ever, at the present time, researchers do not fully un-derstand the disease’s heterogeneity. This lack of un-derstanding limits the ability to identify new targets for drug development, as well as to execute precision medicine approaches to dementia.

DAC aims to address this challenge by creating a large prospective cohort – ideally, including 1 million people or more – with standardized approaches to deep biotyping and phenotyping. This effort will in-clude the creation of Centers of Excellence to serve as pilot sites and leaders on innovation. To create the co-hort, DAC will explore how to link relevant efforts that are already underway.

2. Build a clear, coordinated, and comprehensive precision biomarker development process to accom-pany the development of new precision targets.

New targets for therapeutic interventions and preci-sion medicine approaches require validated, standard-ized biomarkers and diagnostics to improve early de-tection and diagnosis, identify people for select treat-ment, and better measure the efficacy of new therapies. However, existing biomarker development efforts are largely siloed, and biomarker data is rarely reproduc-ible. Further, there is no clear pathway for the private sector to validate or qualify biomarkers, and there are limited commercial incentives to invest in this area.

DAC aims to address this challenge by building a clear pre-competitive pathway for the identification, standardization, validation, and reproducibility for bio-marker development. The platform will standardize data sharing for biomarkers and enable the sharing of biological samples, thereby speeding research and treat-ment delivery. The platform will also align stakeholders on high-value biomarkers and testing through current and future trials, further accelerating development.

3. Create a global platform to support global clini-cal trials capable of bringing new drugs to market at a faster rate.

Progress against dementia requires faster and less costly clinical trials, thereby accelerating the develop-ment of new therapies and attracting research invest-ment. However, clinical trials are currently slow, labo-rious, and expensive, often requiring years of effort from researchers, trial participants, and care partners, as well as immense investments from biopharmaceuti-cal companies.

DAC aims to address this challenge by creating a global clinical trial support infrastructure. This will in-clude a standing, trial-ready platform and an integrated network of high-performing institutional and private trial sites. The effort will also develop the capacity for adaptive and combination trials. These initiatives, to-gether, will accelerate the delivery of new, more diverse therapies to market at greater speed and lower cost.

4. Drive healthcare system preparedness to im-prove early detection and diagnosis, diagnostic and treatment delivery infrastructure, and patient afford-ability of treatments.

DAC will engage national healthcare systems to im-prove their preparedness for new Alzheimer’s thera-pies, focusing on increasing testing and diagnosis, ex-panding the availability of healthcare infrastructure and capacity, and ensuring access when new treat-ments become available.

Progress against dementia requires dramatically im-proving rates of early, accurate testing, detection, and diagnosis. Currently, testing, detection, and diagnosis is often late, slow, or inaccurate, if it’s made at all. In-deed, 50% of patients with any form of dementia are not formally diagnosed, and, when diagnosis is made, it’s delayed by an average of 2–3 years after the onset of symptoms.(19,20) Further, 25% of patients clinically diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s disease during their lifetime are found not to have Alzheimer’s pa-thology at autopsy – raising questions about the accu-racy of diagnosis.(21) There are a number of causes for these diagnostic challenges: providers lack sufficient training; the public is not educated about brain health, and patients rarely raise symptoms with providers; and there is a lack of simple, effective, and inexpensive di-agnostics.

DAC aims to address this challenge through efforts to train physicians, educate the public, and spur the creation of diagnostics. DAC will increase the number of healthcare providers who are trained to detect and diagnose dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as priori-tize brain health and dementia prevention with the public and healthcare systems. DAC will also catalyze innovation in diagnostics and provide access to those diagnostics.

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Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

Progress against dementia requires healthcare in-frastructure to effectively and efficiently test for the condition and provide appropriate treatment. Howev-er, healthcare systems currently lack critical infra-structure for imaging, fluid, and genetic testing, infu-sion sites for treatment, and sufficient training of the healthcare workforce. For example, genetic testing is not available in Germany, and Italy only provides re-imbursem*nt for infusion in a hospital by a specialist.(22) The introduction of new treatments will place greater pressure on these gaps.

DAC aims to address this challenge by improving access to existing infrastructure and creating addition-al system capacity. Working with national govern-ments and healthcare systems, DAC may support the development of a “treatment-ready” population, drive access and acceptance of cerebrospinal fluid testing, and address access barriers for existing infrastructure.

Progress against dementia requires sufficient access to treatment for new therapies that enter the market. However, payers are concerned that new dementia ther-apies will require high upfront costs, but without clear evidence, available when they enter the market, about whether and when a treatment will reduce downstream costs, improve health outcomes, and provide value. These concerns are particularly pressing for therapies that will need to be administered in pre- symptomatic or early-stage patients for a number of years.

DAC aims to address this challenge by increasing patient access, while reducing the risk to payers. Spe-cifically, DAC will support innovative payment models and catalyze a post-approval platform to capture data on costs and outcomes in heterogenous populations. DAC will also support reimbursem*nt for diagnostic testing and the availability of approved fluid diagnostic tools.

The Path Forward: Building Cross-Sector Collaboration

and Leadership for Dementia InnovationGlobal leaders must prioritize dementia innovation,

if we are to build a healthy, prosperous, and productive future. While past dementia efforts have delivered im-portant results, there is a pressing need to dramatically accelerate the pace and scale of global cross-sector col-laboration, leadership, and innovation. This is the only way to achieve the advances that can make a meaning-ful difference for communities, societies, and econo-mies, as populations age in Europe and around the world.

DAC is eager to explore collaboration with Europe-an governments to achieve this vision. National gov-ernments will play a critical role as members of DAC by providing policy and financial support, co-conven-ing stakeholders, and prioritizing and crafting innova-

tive dementia preparedness systems within their coun-tries.

Together, we can seize the most important opportu-nities for innovation and change the course of demen-tia in our aging world.

For more information and to join our effort: Please contact Drew Holzapfel, Executive Director, The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease at [emailprotected] or +1.703.599.9617.

R E F E R E N C E S 1. 2.

tory-r.pdf 3.

2019.pdf 4.

2018-19-en.pdf? 5.

_contents 6.

and-health 7.


8. 2019.pdf



11. 2019.pdf






Osaka%20Leaders%20Declaration.pdf19. Boustani M et al. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann

Intern Med. 2003;138(11):927–937.20. Balasa M et al. Neurological Tissue Bank/University of Bar-

celona/Hospital Clínic NTB/UB/HC Collaborative Group. Neurology. 2011;76(20):1720; Boise L et al. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Dem. 1999;14(1): 20–26

21. TG et al. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2012;71(4):266–273; Sabbagh MN et al. J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;56(2):441–446

22. Based on a CEOi-member provided analysis.



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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers


Dying Young, as Old as Possible: Public Health Challenges for Healthcare Systems in Ageing SocietiesJohn Middleton

Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)Public Health Chester UniversityPublic Health Wolverhampton University

Immediate Past President, United Kingdom Faculty of Public Health Sir Richard Doll said he wanted ‘to die young as old as possible’. In his vision, the chance for more people to live to the Biblical 70 years was made greater by his discovery of cigarette smoking killing people prematurely, from lung cancer and heart disease and the opportunity presented to prevent all these diseases, by education. There was a post Second World War and post antibiotic revolution chimera, that infectious disease had been conquered and now we would apply all our efforts to the epidemics of non-communicable disease. We would eradicate these too by rational investigation and removal of risks.

The reality in the United Kingdom, and perhaps for most countries is that this ideal is not being delivered. For many ’70 maybe the new 50’ but the benefits in improving life expectancy are not being experienced equally, within countries, or between countries and continents. Life expectancy may have been improving greatly in many countries. Healthy life expectancy is improving less, and inequalities in healthy life expec-tancy are widening. Sir Michael Marmot’s graph of life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in over 200

neighbourhoods of England shows a gap of over 10 years in life expectancy, but a gap of over 20 years in healthy life expectancy. This gap represents the time a person will live with one or more long term condi-tions. (1)

I used to be Director of Public Health in Sandwell in the post-industrial West Midlands of England. There, a poor working-class man in West Bromwich may think it is normal to have chest pain at 45, or to be breathless climbing a flight of stairs. Many more will live with the daily diet and treatment rituals of obesity-induced type 2 diabetes. Obesity is the norm in the West Midlands, with over two thirds of the adult pop-ulation obese or overweight. Lifetimes of poor and in-secure employment, poor education opportunities and life without hope, leave people prone to the ravages of multinational companies peddling highly processed high-fat high-sugar foods, alcohol, tobacco and gam-bling. The multi-national companies employed the ‘merchants of doubt’ to question Sir Richard’s rational evidence of tobacco as the cause of lung cancer. The ‘Big’ purveyors of non-communicable disease, Big Food, Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, Big Gambling, Big Fossil fuel, have all adopted their merchants of doubt,

Figure 2. Life expectancy at birth by neighbourhood deprivation percentiles, 2009–13, England

a) Males

b) Females

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Department for Work and Pensions (14) (15) (16)Note: Each dot represents life expectancy (LE) or disability-free life expectancy (DFLE) of a neighbourhood (middle level super output area)

Life years

Life years







40100 40 60 80 90 10050 703020

100 40 60 80 90 10050 703020








Most deprived

LE 2009-13 Male DFLE 2009-13 Male Fitted line LE 2009-13 Male Fitted line DFLE 2009-13 Male

State pension age increases planned from January 2020 to 2037/9

Least deprivedNeighbourhood deprivation percentiles

Most deprived

LE 2009-13 Female DFLE 2009-13 Female Fitted line LE 2009-13 Fitted line DFLE 2009-13

State pension age increases planned from January 2020 to 2037/9

Least deprivedNeighbourhood deprivation percentiles

Figure 1.

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Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

are still alive and thriving on human misery. Years of austerity since the 2008 financial crash, have seen a double assault on the health and livelihoods of people in the poorer areas of the United Kingdom. Health has been directly damaged, with the resultant diseases of despair- alcoholism, addictions, poor mental health and suicide, accidents and violence. Alongside this the services many have come to rely on to help them in these times of need, have been cruelly and cynically cut. I reviewed the extent of the damage to United Kingdom public health in my President’s valedictory address to the members of the United Kingdom Fac-ulty of Public Health in June 2019. ( It has also been graphically set out by Marmot and colleagues this year. (1)

A public health approach to healthy ageing requires good data to describe the position of older people are living in and to propose solutions and evaluate inter-ventions. It requires thorough knowledge of the major causes of ill health, dependency and inequality- in poor housing, inadequate income, environmental problems, poor and unrewarding work and poor chances for a fulfilling life and leisure, unsatisfactory family and social support networks. And it requires healthy public policy interventions to address these.

A public health approach requires improvement of environments in which older people live- involving town planners and engineers in moves towards ‘de-mentia friendly cities’, and ‘accessible cities’, and for communities which enable active travel and participa-tion throughout life. Strong community involvement is required, and inter-generational activities. Citizen-led activities to promote healthier ageing are vital; a central tenet of health promotion is that health and care needs cannot be met solely through expert and professional provision- most care is delivered by fam-ily and community carers, so too must preventive in-terventions. Across the social divide, people live in-creasingly sedentary leading older people to become frail and dependent before their time. Resources de-veloped by Sir Muir Gray in the United Kingdom seek to help people stay active, physically and mentally, as they get older, developing the concept of “optimal age-ing’ Individuals can be given the tools for personal support and for main-taining their own health- support from peers, self help groups, ‘expert patients’ can be important in helping people to maintain their independence and assert their personalities and their dignity and respect as human beings. Social prescribing has come into vogue- health professionals able to ‘prescribe’ a fitness class or a cooking class. This risk professionalising everyday ac-tivities, but it also enables prescriptions to be for more appropriate care. Many schemes recognise the need

for housing repairs on prescription and welfare rights, rather than just ‘lifestyle’ prescriptions. Some of the tools for personal support are in the fields of new tech-nology. Video conferencing has been propelled to rou-tine and everyday by the current pandemic. Older people who may not have been computer literate are picking up the controls. Micro-technologies also en-able more activities of daily living to be supported; the costs of mass production and modular production for aids and adaptations is coming down and enabling more people with disabilities, to not be handicapped, and so remain independent.

And we need health and social care services which are reoriented towards effective interventions, and which are responsive to personal needs. Within health systems, public health approaches are important – some of these can be considered the ‘epidemiology of health care’. ‘Value-based health’ also as advocated by Muir Gray, and as presented in a European Union re-port last year (2), require all working in public health and health care to re-evaluate effective health service interventions and eliminate wasteful practices and the least effective clinical and care measures. The OECD report on “Wasteful Spending in Health” (2017) pre-sented alarming data on inappropriate care and wasted resources with estimations ranging from a conservative 10% up to 34% of expenditures. Less wasteful care can reduce costs, but also reduce health harms, iatrogenic disease including side effects of medications, hospital acquired infections and blood clotting disorders, acute anxiety and disorientation, and so on. Appropriate care requires much more active involvement of individual patients and their carers. Less intervention may be bet-ter care. ‘Adding life to years’ becomes more important than merely ‘adding years to life’. Quality of life be-comes of paramount importance. But even where high technology and heroic intervention is justified, pa-tients, carers and families, must be informed and be able to play an active part in the decision making, in what has come to be called ‘the co-production of health’. Even in end of life care, a public health approach, as exemplified by the compassionate communities model, is important; as advocated by Professor Alan Kellahear, death cannot be professionalised and managed exclu-sively by health and care services; families and com-munities are the most affected and need to be given the tools and resources to be confident in talking about death and being supportive for people in the last period of life, and those around them.

All of these areas of intervention require a public health system and public health professionals to be in-clusive and working in partnership, with health and care services, but also with many other agencies, com-munities and disciplines. The public health profession-al does not have exclusive and comprehensive knowl-edge of everything that can be done to protect and improve the health of the public. We need to under-

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 Keynote speakers

stand other languages- and speak them well enough- town planner, transport manager, housing specialist, economist, educationist, communications expert, community activist, public policy analyst and increas-ingly, we need to add climate scientist, ecologist, theo-logian, international lawyer and political scientist. All of these and more are vital to the health of the people and planet (3)

And we need to embrace law, ethics, rights and val-ues. We need to reaffirm our values. We need to restate our belief in equality, in the rights of individuals to health and to access to health and social care which is universally available. We must value all individuals equally. We must avoid drifting into the uncaring sen-timents, which do not value or recognise the rights and autonomy or even become a cynical expression of political philosophy, such some have expressed in the current COVID-19 pandemic. ‘It’s only killing the el-derly’, or, ‘those with underlying conditions’; invoking herd immunity in which some will ‘taking it one chin’ for others to survive.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted weak-nesses in my country, of social care, which is run by private companies and individuals, which is un-planned, unresilient, and dependent on an army of over 1.5 million low paid care workers who are mainly from European Union countries and minority ethnic groups. Some English local health organisations have been reluctant to support privately run care homes with NHS expertise, in such crucial areas as infection control, medicines management, falls prevention and tissue viability and pressure sores prevention. There is a growing call for a national health and social care sys-tem in England. Other countries may face similar problems- while others, notably Scandinavian coun-tries, have organised older persons care more securely.

There is clearly much to be done, in our respective countries, and internationally, to ensure we all have the maximum opportunity to live fulfilling lives, free of ill health for as long as possible, and protected by safety net coverage of health and care services when we need them. The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered weak-nesses in services in some countries and offered glimps-es of how health might be improved for the future. Be-yond COVID-19, we will need to redouble our efforts to prevent climate breakdown, address major health dam-aging trade problems, curb the obscene powers of mul-tinational corporations which damage our health and address global problems of intolerance, epidemic resort to violence and organised armed conflict.

There is an emergency planning cliché, that ‘we should hope for the best and plan for the worst’. The best we should hope for, is to die young as old as possible, in a peaceful , more equal world, but we should plan for the worst- develop our health and care systems and our preventive services, to make our hope a reality.


1. Marmot M, Allen J, Boyce T, et al. Health equity in England: The Marmot report 10 years on. London: Institute of Health Equity, and health foundation, 2020. (accessed May 19th, 2020)

2. European Commission. Expert panel on effective ways of in-vesting in health (EXPH) Opinion on defining value in “val-ue-based healthcare”. Brussels, European Commission, June 2019. (acces-sed May 19th, 2020)

3. Middleton J. ISIS, crop failure and no anti-biotics: what train-ing will we need for future public health? European J Public Health 2016; 5/735


Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Healthy AgeingLeandro Pecchia

Applied Biomedical Signal Processing and Intelligent eHealth Lab, University of Warwick, UK

In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that more ‘trained and qualified biomedical engi-neering professionals are required to design, evaluate, regulate, maintain and manage Medical Devices, and train on their safe use in health systems around the world’. In 2015, the European Institutions engaged in a wide discussion with the European (i.e., European Al-liance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Sci-ence, EAMBES) and the global (i.e., The International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering, IFMBE) community of biomedical engineering (BME) practitioners and scholars. The results of this discus-sion resulted in a report published in the European Journal in April 2015 (2015/C 291/07) stating that ‘Biomedical Engineering is not simply a subset of mod-ern medicine. Modern medicine predominantly secures important advances through the use of the products of biomedical engineering’. In 2018, the European Com-mission included for the first time “Biomedical Engi-neering” in the European Skills, Competences, Quali-fications and Occupations (ESCO) database.

This growing attention is probably due to the dizzy-ing growth of the main product of biomedical engineer-ing: medical devices. In fact, Europe is leading the growth of the medical device sector, accounting for the 30% of the global market, employing about 1 million

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Keynote speakers 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 3–25 LIJEČ VJESN

of workers in this area and leading by large the innova-tion in this field (e.g., number of papers, patents and research grants in this area). The market of medical devices will probably become one of the main drivers of the EU economy over the next years. A proxy for this forecast is the number of patent applications sub-mitted per year. In fact, while the yearly number of patent applications per pharma and biotechnologies is still doing very well (about 6,000 novel patent applica-tions per year), the number of patents for medical technologies is doing twice better, with over 12,000 novel patent applications in 2016 (1).

The fast evolution and diffusion of available and af-fordable medical devices is contributing to shape the future of medicine focus and practice. In fact, medi-cine is going to be more focused towards the wellbeing (not just health) of citizens, focusing more and more on primary prevention and lifestyle management. After hundreds of years, medical practice is expanding the remit of medical care from hospitals towards the monitoring and correction of citizens’ health trajecto-ries in real-life.

The fast development of artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), telecommunications (e.g., 5G) and the convergence of these technologies into the medical device domain is offering novel and unprece-dented opportunities to collect and use huge amount of data (a.k.a., big-data) for advancing medical knowl-

edge and improving patient management, especially in later life.

In this fascinating scenario, this talk will illustrate how AI, IoT and big-data are going to be used in the forthcoming years in order to make healthcare inter-ventions more affordable, sustainable, effective and safe.

This talk will present a series of pilot studies in which these innovative technologies are used for fos-tering active and healthy ageing and to improve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of chronic conditions.

Finally, this keynote will rise the attention on cur-rent gaps, which are hindering the adoption of these promising technologies in everyday clinical practice and citizen life, and what policy-makers can do, in order to foster this unprecedented opportunity to im-prove the quality of life and the independency of se-nior citizens. Among other challenges, policy-makers will have to drive the change towards the adoption of novel assessment and reimbursem*nt strategies for technologies improving primary prevention.


1. Pecchia L, Pallikarakis N, Magjarevic R, Iadanza E. Health Technology Assessment and Biomedical Engineering: Global trends, gaps and opportunities. Med Eng Phys. 2019;72:19–26.

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Theme A

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Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:Suppl 1:29–63 https://doi org/10 26800/LV-142-Suppl1-2

Session A1: Changing Pathology of Ageing Society

Invited lecture


Evolving Needs in Pathology EducationAmbrogio Fassina

Dpt of Medicine, Section of Pathology, University of Padova, Italy

History of medicine is evidently and strongly con-nected with the history of human thinking, connec-tion and collaboration with other sciences such phys-ics and chemistry. Pathology as well was and is depen-dent and involved in technology evolution from its very beginning (Table 1).

Table 1

1591 compound microscope

1673 Anton van Leeuwenhoek simple microscopes with single lenses

1848 first microtome (for animal tissues)

1885 Cambridge Rocker microtome

1886 minot microtome

1910 sledge microtomes

mid1800s paraffin wax for infiltration and support clocks

1893 first use of formalin

staining hematoxilin and eosin

silver impregnation

Last century approach is basically still in use for nowadays routine diagnostic, with significant changes in time and quality, but slide preparation for surgical pathology is still artisanal and human dependent. In the sixties of last century, biology introduced the pro-tein purification and the development of antibodies against antigens of cell component, and immunohisto-chemistry changed the diagnostic perspective, bring-ing pathology in the real circuit of medical decision about prognosis and therapy. More recently, biology, physics, statistics and chemistry introduced new tools in the approach to human tissues that again obliged to move to different requests from clinicians and a differ-ent expertise of pathologists.

In the meanwhile, the pathology laboratories grew in terms of manpower number and expertise of the technical personnel and in terms of machinery, both for sample handling and preparation and for preana-lytical, analytical control and finally for Informatics for communication to colleagues and patients.

Medical Education is a national prerogative, but the need for harmonization in Training Programs is an obligation in order to more satisfactorily fulfill the Bo-logna Declaration about the free movements of Doc-tors in all EU countries.

Union Européenne des Medecins Specialists (UEMS) produced European Training Requirements (ETR) for each Medical Specialty, and last year the Patholo- gy ETRs were approved during the UEMS General Assembly in London. ( assests/pdf_file/0006111795/UEMS-2019.44-Europe-an-TRaining-Requirements-on-Pathology.pdf), where three areas were identified, namely the Residency pro-gram and achievements, the trainers and the training center qualifications and facilities. In these ETRs, we stressed that pathology is a specialty in which time, pre-analytical and technical procedures are critical, in the everyday routine practice and when during open surgery the modality choice and the rapid on-site evaluation of a frozen section require skills and high-est scientific preparation of the dedicated specialist.

Pathology encompasses knowledge and skills of sur-gical pathology, autopsy pathology and cytopathology and additional competences in areas of special interest such as dermatopathology, forensic pathology, neu-ropathology, paediatric pathology, cardiovascular pa-thology and paleopathology.

Finally, patient education and public health aspects must be also be considered.

Nowadays, is clear how pathology plays a funda-mental role in modern healthcare systems, addressing the comprehensive diagnostic needs of all patients, coordinating and directing the therapy choices. The pa-thologist must possess not only the essential scientific knowledge and skills necessary for complete and cor-rect diagnosis, but also the organizational insights and capabilities needed to work efficiently in the pathology laboratory/department, cytopathology office, the autoptic and forensic department, additionally joined with molecular biology facility and other modern tech-nologies (eg. bioinformatics, biobanking).

Obvious knowledge and data from Hospitals all around the world were confirmed by a rapid survey of

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

the activity of the Department of Medicine, Section of Pathology and Cytopathology of Padova University clearly demonstrating the evident increase of disease in advancing age.

The problem of aging is common for the entire world. The problem of rapid population aging is espe-cially pressing in China, as its population aging rate and aging dependency growth are among the fastest in the world, with the absolute number of the elderly being the largest in the world (about 167 million or 12% of the country population over 65 in 2019, which will grow to as much as 330 million or about 26% by 2050). As the aging health problems increase, so do in-

However, this evidence appears to be sort of neglect-ed in the EU education system, at the contrary for in-stance to the attention given to the medicine of gender, and, at least in Italy, the few gerontology departments have been closed and patients transferred to general internal medicine wards. Advanced age is not a dis-ease, instead should be regarded as a resource, but if “advanced aged” subjects become patients, their dis-eases should be reconsidered with the psychological attitudes, social and familiar situation, mental and physical performance status, along with the character-istics of the disease.


1. Engels M, Michael C, Dobra K, et al. Management of cytologi-cal material, pre-analytical procedures and bio-banking in ef-fusion cytopathology. Cytopathology. 2019 Jan;30(1):31–38.

2. Fassina A, Cappellesso R, Tötsch M, et al. Next-generation learning and training: The Cy-TEST experience. Cancer Cyto-pathol. 2017 Sep;125(9):669–67.

3. Salto-Tellez M, Cree IA. Cancer taxonomy: pathology beyond pathology. Eur J Cancer. 2019;115:57–60.


Changing Pathology of Ageing SocietyClaude Cuvelier

Pathology Department, Ghent University, Belgium

The world is facing an unprecedented situation! There are more older people than children and more people at extreme old age than ever before. As the pro-portion of older people and the length of life increase throughout the world, key questions arise. Will popu-lation ageing be accompanied by a longer period of good health, a sustained sense of well-being, extended periods of social engagement and productivity, or will

World Population Prospects 2019:

•  Confirms that the world’s population continues to grow, albeit  at a slowing rate;

•  Points to the challenges facing some countries and regions related to rapid population growth driven by high fertility;

•  Notes that population size is decreasing in some countries  due to sustained low fertility or emigration;

•  Underscores the opportunities available to countries where  a recent decline in fertility is creating demographic conditions favorable for accelerated economic growth;

•  Highlights the unprecedented ageing of the world’s population;

•  Confirms the ongoing global increase in longevity and the narrowing gap between rich and poor countries, while also pointing to significant disparities in survival that persist across countries and regions;

•  Describes how international migration has become an important determinant of population growth and change in some parts of the world.

2015–2019 Surgical and Molecular Pathology (171644)M 71008 F 100636

Clinical Cytopathology 2015–19Non-vagin*l 25025 M 8473 (34%) F 16552 (66)Urine Cytology 30918 M 21794 (70,5) F 9124 (29,5)

crease the capabilities of biomedical science and tech-nology to solve the related problems. For example, 5G technology will allow us to develop from information sharing to internet of things (IOT). Artificial intelli-gence (AI) will greatly improve our ability to under-stand and solve complex problems, while the break-throughs in stem cell technologies and other geropro-tective therapies will allow us to redefine healthy aging and to completely treat major diseases.

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Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

it be associated with more illness, disability, and de-pendency? Ageing will affect health care and social costs.

Global efforts are required to understand and find cures to prevent diseases like Alzheimer and frailty and to extend existing knowledge about the preven-tion and treatment of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

The improvement in life expectancy is accompanied by the rise in chronic non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. They reflect changes in lifestyle and diet and ageing. The economic and societal costs of non-communicable diseases of this type rise sharply with age.

Ageing is characterised by a progressive degenera-tion of the tissues that has a negative impact on the structure and function of vital organs. Loss of physio-logical integrity, a reduced capacity to respond to envi-ronmental stimuli with age contribute to increased risk of disease and death. Ageing is among the most important known risk factors for most chronic diseas-es. In general, it is determined by the interaction be-tween injury and repair and the balance between cell death and cell replacement to maintain organ integrity. If cells die faster than they can be replaced, the remain-ing cells need to respond to greater demands that can eventually lead to pathological changes and deteriora-tion in cell health. Factors that modify the balance be-tween cell death and replacement have considerable impact on the ageing process.

One common factor underlying the process of age-ing is the accumulation of molecular damage and age-ing may be considered to result from the accumulation of cellular damage, consequent changes in gene ex-pression and epigenetic factors related to DNA dam-age, and structural modifications of the DNA such as telomere shortening. Thus, ageing is influenced by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Two main theories of ageing are the free radical theory and the replicative senescence theory.

Evidence is accumulating that an optimal amount of radical oxygen species (ROS) are required for ageing. They can trigger proliferative and survival signals in response to physiological and stress signals. With age-ing, levels of ROS increase in an attempt to maintain survival until they reach a level where they enhance age-related damage. ROS can also be formed by exog-enous processes such as irradiation, environmental pollutants and inflammation, and normal cell metabo-lism. Free radicals can accelerate replicative senes-cence via shortening of telomeres, activate inflamma-tory redox-sensitive transcription factors like nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) that regulate transcription of genes encoding pro-inflammatory cytokines and induce DNA damage. Chronic inflammation, characterised

by higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the infiltration of inflammatory cells into tissues, is a feature of ageing and most age-related diseases includ-ing COPD, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, rheu-matoid arthritis, cataract and Alzheimer’s disease.

The other theory of ageing is the replicative senes-cence theory based on the fact that with every cell divi-sion there is incomplete duplication of the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes containing 1–5 kb of (TTAGGG) repeats that protect DNA against degrada-tion and recombination, thus supporting chromosom-al stability. In most somatic cells telomeres shorten with every cell cycle since replicative DNA polymer-ases lack the capacity to completely replicate the ter-minal ends of linear DNA molecules, which is a prop-erty of the specialised DNA polymerase known as telomerase. Most mammalian somatic cells do not ex-press telomerase which leads to loss of telomere pro-tective sequences at the ends of chromosomes. This is a result of the replication history, but also of a number of factors, such as cumulative oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, acting on progenitor cells. Suc-cessive cell divisions result in telomere shortening of chromosomes until cells are no longer capable of di-viding. Therefore, the balance between cell death and cell replication is affected and defence, maintenance and repair of the body becomes increasingly impaired. Telomere length is considered as a measure of biologi-cal rather than chronological age or as a biomarker of somatic redundancy that is the body’s capacity to ab-sorb damage. There is a strong relationship between short telomeres and the risk of mortality.

To conclude, understanding the mechanisms of age-ing may provide a novel target for the treatment of this condition.

R E F E R E N C E1. Suzman R, Beard J. Global health and aging. NIA, NIH, WHO.

Public. 11-7737, 20112. Atella V, Piano Mortari A, Kopinska J et al. Trends in age-relat-

ed disease burden and healthcare utilization. Aging Cell 2019; 18: e12861

3. Scott Kehler D. Age-related disease burden as a measure of population ageing. Lancet Public Health 4, 2019: e123–124

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Oral presentations


The Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND), Towards a Globally Shared Brain HealthPhilippe Amouyel

JPND – Inserm – Fondation Alzheimer – Lille University, France

The Joint Programming Initiative was originally cre-ated as a Member States-led initiative in Europe. It aims to address “grand challenges” to the EU and glob-al society by coordinating national research pro-grammes to increase the impact and effectiveness of research efforts. Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) and dementia in particular, represent one of the world’s most pressing medical and societal challenges and the solutions are likely beyond the scope and resources of any single country. JPND aims to find causes, develop cures and identify better ways of caring for people with neurodegenerative diseases. Although JPND was orig-inally a European initiative, it has since then gone global, with 30 countries participating today. Since its creation, JPND has raised more than €200 million for ND research. The tremendous progress of medicine in the last 50 years has led to a huge increase in total life expectancy for each of us. However, longer life expec-tancy without disability is greatly dependent upon our brain health: neurodegenerative diseases and demen-tia affect one third of the aging populations over 85 years of age, mental health disorders including addic-tions affect 12% of the entire population and neurode-velopmental disorders affect 15% of children. This problem will only get worse as the European and glob-al population inexorably ages. Together with JPND, several large European Commission (EC) initiatives have been established in Europe, to collectively face these huge challenges, namely: NEURON, an ERANET in the other fields of brain health and the Human Brain Project, an EC research flagship. These initiatives have addressed research questions related to determinants of mental health (from depression to addictions and compulsive disorders), neurodegenerative diseases (from Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease to related disorders) and neurodevelopmental disorders (disturbance of the development of the central ner-vous system). Since last year, all three initiatives have begun discussions in the context of EBRA (European Brain Research Area), to find operational synergies and identify gap. All these three initiatives have now

acquired invaluable experience and trust. Strongly supported by the EC and Member States, the initia-tives encompass significant non-European interna-tional partners. This has allowed for the development of a unique holistic view of the European Brain Health research. By integrating such cutting-edge research dynamics and initiating an active translational mo-mentum, the way for a powerful innovative force ready to consolidate an ambitious partnership on Brain Health in Horizon Europe is paved.


Healthy Ageing in Men: How to Prevent Andropausal Syndrome?Davor Ježek

Center of Excellence in Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, CroatiaDepartment of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

The advanced age in men is connected to an array of health disorders that bring significant pressure on public health system. The main androgen in men, tes-tosterone, tends to decrease by 1–2% per year after age of 40. According to the European Male Ageing Study, there is a significant prevalence of low androgens lev-els (also known as “biochemical hypogonadism”) in aging men (40 – 79 years old); it is estimated to be 23.3%. Reduced serum levels of testosterone can occur in both young and aging men. A significant decline in serum testosterone levels affects about 5 million men in USA, including 20%–50% of men over age 60. Other men who also present themselves with biochemical hypogonadism include those with sickle cell disease and spinal cord injury, hypogonadotropic hypogonad-ism and primary testicular deficiency (primary hypo-gonadism). However, majority of men with biochemi-cal hypogonadism remain asymptomatic. Those who became symptomatic have broad spectrum of symp-toms such as sexual dysfunction, metabolic disorders, overall dissatisfaction, as well as increasing emotional disturbances, moodiness, irritability, nervousness, de-pression, fatigability, poor concentration, and deterio-rating memory. All these symptoms are known as an-dropausal syndrome. The main source of androgens in men are Leydig cells (>95% of testosterone produc-tion). The rest of androgens are coming from the cor-tex of suprarenal gland. In ageing men, Leydig cells seem to be less responsive to LH. Morevoer, this less responsiveness is often combined with other comor-bidities such as metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and

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Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

diabetes, adiposity, cardiovascular problems, psycho-logical disturbances (including dementia) and osteo-porosis. Early recognition/screening programme of biochemical hypogonadism and andropausal syn-drome in particular is critical in prevention of ageing symptoms mentioned above. The screening pro-gramme may, among other parameters, include mea-surements of total testosterone, free testosterone, de-hydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and insulin-like growth factor 1. Androgen substitution therapy is one of the strategies how to fight andropausal syndrome.


Representative Model of Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Use for Testing of Novel Therapeutic StrategiesMelita Šalković-Petrišić

Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, CroatiaCroatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ageing has imposed itself as a major risk factor in development of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly its sporadic form (sAD) which affects about 13% and 50% of patients aged >65 and >85 years, respectively. sAD is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder character-ized by a progressive memory loss. It presents the most common cause of dementia affecting over 45 million people world-wide. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) stands out as the most prominent age-related risk fac-tor associated with sAD. Recent data suggests that sAD and T2DM can be considered as “syndrome of accelerated ageing” so elucidation of their common pathophysiology, and their prevention and treatment is of utmost importance for healthier ageing. Brain in-sulin resistance (BRI) has emerged as a potential link between metabolic and cognitive dysfunction shared by sAD, T2DM and aging, in addition to oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Thus, approved antidi-abetic drugs like glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) re-ceptor agonists are now being tested as suitable candi-dates for sAD treatment. Ineffectiveness of the avail-able symptomatic AD therapy and a failure of pharma industry in new AD drug development imposed an urgent need for a successful disease-modifying drug which should be tested in a representative sAD animal model. We have developed a non-transgenic rat sAD model based on the administration of streptozotocin (a compound which following a peripheral adminis-tration of high dose induces diabetes mellitus) into the lateral brain ventricles (STZ-icv model). The model

develops BIR (but not systemic diabetes) and our re-search on its further characterization has demonstrat-ed that the model eventually manifests many sAD-like behavioral (cognitive decline), neuropathological (amyloid ß/tau protein accumulation, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation), and cerebral structural (cortical thickness) and metabolic (glucose hypometabolism) characteristics. We use the STZ-icv rat model also as a platform to test novel therapeutic strategies in sAD treatment. Our current research explores stimulation of the endogenous GLP-1 by oral galactose with pre-liminary results indicating that 2-month daily expo-sure to oral galactose initiated in the early sAD-like stage improves impaired learning and memory func-tions in STZ-icv treated rats accompanied by normal-ization of brain glucose hypometabolism, increments in active plasma GLP-1 levels and increased expres-sion of GLP-1 receptors in the brain. Determination of the therapeutic potential and limitations of this novel nutrient-based therapeutic approach in sAD treat-ment is in progress. Funded by the Croatian Science Foundation IP-2014-09-4639, IP-2018-01-8938.

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Poster presentations


Diagnostic, Prognostic and Predictive Biomarker Testing in Pathology – Needs and Opportunities in Solid Tumour Oncology of the Ageing SocietySven Seiwerth

Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Neoplastic disease are, having some exceptions in the field of hemato- and neuropathology, by far more common in older people. The theoretical basis of this is wide, not always will defined by clearly including passing of time as one of the key factors. Simply being around for a longer time period makes us more ex-posed to intrinsic and extrinsic stressors, meanwhile diminishing our defense mechanisms and capacity. In today’s medicine the recently widely opened field of new drugs enabling more directed, „individualized“ therapy is currently representing the backbone of a rapidly evolving success in fighting cancer. In most in-stances these „smart“ drugs need „smart“ diagnostic tools in order to better define targets for tailored thera-peutic approach. Despite the fact that currently most of this happens in the field of genetics, the story begun with hormones – ER i PgR in breast cancer being the first targets of a directed therapy. The next step was also breast cancer – HER-2 (already an amplified gene receptor from the EGFR family). After a relatively si-lent period (in which we got the c-kit mutated positive GIST as a target of imatinib mesylate) an explosion happened. In the last ten years we are witnessing inclu-sion of more and more mainly genetically targeted therapy – RAS in metastatic colon cancer and EGFR TKI’s leading the group, followed by ALK, ROS and MET in lung cancer, BRAF in melanoma (and lung cancer) and BRCA in triple negative breast and serous ovarian cancer. As of last year the 1p/19q co-deletion is a WHO recognized biomarker in oligodendrogio-ma. Meanwhile especially in soft tissue and bone tu-mors a wide array of diagnostic biomarkers is evolv-ing, with so far litle or no therapeutic consequences. Ever sophisticate technologies are today opening widely the field of multigene testing, meanwhile also opening the question of rationalizing diagnostic ef-forts. Commercial suppliers introducing several stra-tegic, financial and ethical questions often offer this type of testing an open a wide field for discussion.

Should we test everyone? Should we diagnose genetic changes with not known targets? Should we invest more into treating known targets with known drugs or should we try to come to the genetic basis of every ma-lignancy, despite the costs and with doubtful rationale? Can we (financially) treat all our patients with the most high-end therapy? We have many difficult ques-tions to answer but live one of the most exciting peri-ods in modern oncology.


Early Diagnosis of Hidden Hearing Loss as the Prevention of Hearing Impairment in Older Working-age PopulationRoko Žaja1, Hana Brborović1, Mihael Ries2, Milan Milošević1

1 Department for Environmental Health, Occupational and Sports Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is preceded by a cochlear synaptopathy and a conse-quential hidden hearing loss (HHL) with no shift in hearing threshold. In middle-aged working-age popu-lation, HHL or NIHL are exacerbated by the onset of age related-hearing loss. The hearing threshold usually shifts bilaterally at high frequencies after years of ex-posure to noise intensity levels greater than 87 dB(A) during the 8-hour working day. The objective was to analyse the applicability of existing procedures in the diagnosis of HHL in order to prevent further noise exposure and the following hearing impairment. Methods. Literature review was made in PubMed Da-tabase using keywords: age-related hearing loss; noise-induced hearing loss; hidden hearing loss. We did our research on studies published in the past 20 years. Results. As a direct measure of the cochlear synaptop-athy degree, some studies suggest the reduction in the auditory brainstem response wave I amplitude and others an increase in the ratio of summating and ac-tion potential. However, wave I amplitude is highly variable in humans, and it is not completely clear how loss of cochlear synapses leads to an increase of sum-mating potential. Loss of synapses was also found in autopsy material of otologically healthy persons, sug-gesting that this synaptopathy may be independently mediated by aging. On the other hand, prolonged noise exposure at the workplace increases sympathetic activity and causes an increase of the cortisol concen-tration in the blood. This increase is consistent with

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Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

the increase of salivary cortisol and salivary cortisone concentrations easily measured during the workday. Conclusion. Auditory and extra-auditory noise effects should be observed simultaneously and measured non-invasively. Except standard audiological test bat-tery, electrophysiological results, such as auditory brainstem response findings should be also taken into account and supplemented by psychometric and hor-monal findings. With such diagnosis and with evi-dence of excessive noise exposure, it is important to

find technical solutions or restrict the work in such hazardous working environment and to advise work-ers on the use of personal protective equipment with regular supervision. Further studies should explain the relative contribution of noise exposure and age, re-spectively, to the development of cochlear synaptopa-thy. This kind of approach to the early diagnosis could significantly reduce the risk of developing severe hear-ing loss in older age and eventually increase the work capacity of noise-exposed workers.

Session A2: Molecular Basis of Ageing

Invited lecture


Lifespan and Health Span in Mice: Mechanisms and InterventionsDan Ehninger

German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Germany

Aging is a major risk factor for a large number of adult-onset disorders, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular diseases and cancers, and is associated with a broad range of functional impair-ments. Targeting aging processes with suitable pharma-


1. Xie K, Ryan DP, Pearson BL, et al. Epigenetic alterations in lon-gevity regulators, reduced lifespan, and exacerbated aging-re-lated pathology in old father offspring mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018;115(10):E2348–E2357.

2. Xie K, Neff F, Markert A, et al. Every-other-day feeding ex-tends lifespan but fails to delay many symptoms of aging in mice. Nat Commun 2017;8(1):155.

3. Neff F, Flores-Dominguez D, Ryan DP, et al. Rapamycin extends lifespan but has limited effects on aging in mice. J Clin Invest 2013;123(8):3272–91.

cological or dietary interventions could potentially rep-resent a powerful inroad for the development of preven-tativesor treatments for aging-associated disorders.

A large number of genes and pathways have been identified that extend lifespan in invertebrates. In some cases, analogous manipulations have been shown to also extend lifespan in mammals. Relatively under-explored, however, is the question to what degree these lifespan-extending manipulations also slow mamma-lian aging rates and promote overall healthy aging in mammals on the level of organs and tissues. Large-

scale analyses of aging-associated molecular, cellular, physiological and histopathological changes constitute an effective approach to identify and dissect possible treatment or prevention effects in animal models.

This presentation will cover data detailing how aging phenotypes, in a range of physiological systems, unfold across the lifespan of mice and humans. Moreover, I will share data examining how key biological processes im-plicated in aging change over the murine lifespan. Fi-nally, I will discuss the question to what extent lifespan-extending manipulations slow mammalian aging rates and promote overall healthy aging in mammals on the level of organs and tissues. The line of work discussed exemplifies a research approach that is key for providing a foundation for translational opportunities that link the biology of aging to new medicines for the preven-tion of a broad range of age-related diseases.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (63)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Oral presentations


High Capability of Human Prefrontal Cortex Microcircuitry to Maintain Its Structure During AgeingZdravko Petanjek, Ana Hladnik, Ivana Bičanić, Domagoj Džaja, Dora Sedmak, Ivan Banovac, Andrea Blažević, Sanja Damopil

Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

We analyzed changes in dendritic morphology and spine density on associative layer IIIc cortical project-ing neurons and large layer V subcortical projecting pyramidal neurons to establish age-related changes within microcircuitries of the human prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area 9). Postmortem human brain tissue of adults was processed using the rapid Golgi method in two age groups: 38 – 64 years (n = 8) and 72 – 91 years, (n = 7). Neuropathological findings were unre-markable in all analyzed brain specimens. From each layer, the basal dendritic arbor and side dendritic branches from 10 – 15 well-impregnated pyramidal neurons per subject were three-dimensionally recon-structed using Neurolucida software. Soma size, total dendritic length, total segment number, individual segment length and spine density were quantitatively analyzed. Regarding layer V neurons, no significant differences were observed between adults and the el-derly, either for dendritic morphology or for the spine density. The interindividual differences in the elderly group were however higher than in adults. Regarding associative layer IIIc pyramidal neurons, the mean val-ues of spine density, on both side branches and basal dendrites, were 20–25% lower in the elderly than in adults (p = 0.07). In two aged cases the spine density was around mean level of adult and in the remaining aged subjects values were lower than in all adult sub-jects. These data show that the dendritic morphology and synaptic connectivity of the major classes of principal neurons in higher order associative areas are largely preserved in aging, while the connectivity of associative cortico-cortical layers is more prone to regression.


Antioxidant Ameliorated Negative Impact of a DNA-Demethylating Agent on Placental Growth and Morphology of Aged Preterm PlacentasNikola Sobočan1,2, Ana Katušić-Bojanac1,3, Nino Sinčić1,3, Marta Himelreich-Perić1,3, Jure Krasić1,3, Željka Majić1, Gordana Jurić-Lekić1,4, Ljiljana Šerman1,3, Maja Vlahović1,3, Andreja Marić5, Davor Ježek1,4, Floriana Bulić-Jakuš1,3

1 Center of Excellence in Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Merkur, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Department of Medical Biology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia4 Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

5 Department of Internal Medicine, County Hospital Čakovec, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. We showed that a DNA-demethylating agent/ epigenetic drug 5-azacyti-dine (5azaC) used in treatment of human malignan-cies is a teratogen that impaired development of both embryos and placentas in treated rat dams, while pre-treatment with the antioxidant N–tert– Butyl–α–phenylnitron (PBN) improved development of rat fe-tuses. We now investigated whether PBN could im-prove the placental development and aging. Methods. On the 12th and 13th days of gestation, Fisher rat dams were pretreated by an i.v. injection of PBN (40 mg/kg) and one hour later by an i.p. injection of 5azaC (5mg/kg) or only with 5azaC. Controls were treated only with PBN or were sham- treated. On the 15th and 20th days of gestation placentas were weighted. Immu-nohistochemical signals of the Proliferating Cell Nu-clear Antigen (PCNA) and markers of oxidative/nitro-sative processes (8-oxoDG and nitrotyrosine, respec-tively) were stereologically quantified by the numeri-cal density (Nv). Apoptotic index was calculated and DNA-methylation was assessed by pyrosequencing. All results were statistically evaluated. Results.Pre-treatment with PBN ameliorated placental morpholo-gy of aged preterm 20-days-old placentas which was disturbed by 5azaC. PBN-pretreatment significantly improved weight of 15- and 20-days old placentas. In aged preterm placentas apoptotic index was signifi-cantly lower in samples pretreated with PBN than in only 5azaC treated, and that was associated with a sig-nificantly lower Nv of 8-oxoDG and nitrotyrosine. Nv for the cell proliferation marker (PCNA) was signifi-cantly lower in all treated with 5zaC than in controls. Conclusions. Pretreatment with the antioxidant PBN ameliorated negative impact of the DNA-demethylat-

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Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

ing epigenetic drug on the aged, preterm placentas. Because DNA demethylation causing oxidative stress might also be of importance for placental premature aging during human gestation, we propose further in-vestigation of the antioxidant PBN activity.


Glycans as Biomarkers and Functional Effectors of Age and Age-Related DiseasesGordan Lauc

Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Croatia

The majority of proteins that evolved the after ap-pearance of multicellular life are glycosylated and gly-cans significantly affect structure and function of these proteins. However, due to structural complexity of gly-cans and the absence of a direct genetic template, the analysis of protein glycosylation is much more compli-cated than the analysis of DNA or proteins. Conse-quently, the knowledge about the importance of indi-vidual variation in glycans for both normal physiolog-ical processes and diseases is still limited. In the last few years it is becoming increasingly clear that varia-tions in a DNA sequence are only a beginning of the understanding of complex human diseases. Genetic polymorphisms have to be put in the context of com-plex biology of life and a more elaborate approach that combines different ‘omics phenotypes is needed to un-derstand disease mechanisms and perform patient stratification that transcends genomics. Glycomics, as by far the most complex posttranslational modifica-tion, has an immense potential in this respect, which is only beginning to be investigated. By generating gly-comic data for over 100,000 individuals from some of the best characterized clinical and epidemiological co-horts we enabled glycomics to meet other ‘omics. The analysis of this rich gold mind is painting a picture of a very complex genetic and epigenetic regulation of gly-cosylation that fine tunes protein activity in multiple biological systems and also contributes to ageing at the molecular level. In particular, the evidence is accumulating that in cardiometabolic diseases chang-es in glycosylation are not only biomarkers, but func-tional effectors that actively participate in disease development.

Poster presentations


Senescent Phenotype and Disturbances in Autophagy in ATM-Deficient Neural Precursor CellsPiotr Sunderland1, Justyna Augustyniak2, Leonora Buzanska2, Ewa Sikora1

1 Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Ageing, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

2 Department of Stem Cell Bioengineering, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

ATM is a kinase involved in DNA damage response (DDR), regulation of response to oxidative stress, au-tophagy and mitophagy. Mutations in the ATM gene in humans result in ataxia-telangiectasia disease (A-T) characterized by a variety of symptoms with neurode-generation and premature ageing among them. In this study, we have focused on the process of senescence in A-T cells. Given that brain is one of the most affected organs in A-T, we turned our attention to neural pro-genitor cells (NPCs) derived from A-T reprogrammed fibroblasts. We observed that A-T NPCs obtained through neural differentiation of iPSCs in 5% oxygen possessed some features of senescence including in-creased activity of SA-β-gal and secretion of IL6 and IL8 in comparison to control NPCs. This phenotype of A-T NPC was accompanied by elevated oxidative stress resulting in 4-HNE protein modification. A-T NPCs exhibited symptoms of impaired autophagy and mitophagy with lack of response to chloroquine treat-ment. Additional sources of oxidative stress like in-creased oxygen concentration (20%) and H2O2 re-spectively aggravated the phenotype of senescence and additionally disturbed the process of mitophagy. The latter was confirmed by transcriptional analysis of sev-eral mitophagy-associated genes. In both cases only A-T NPCs reacted to the treatment. We conclude that oxidative stress may be responsible for the phenotype of senescence and impairment of autophagy in A-T NPCs. Our results point to senescent A-T cells as a po-tential therapeutic target in this disease.

Supported by grant no. 2012/07/B/ NZ3/02180 from National Science Centre to ES and statutory funds to Mossakowski Medical Rearch Centre to LB.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (65)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Invited lecture


Idiopathic Rapid Eye Movement Behaviour DisorderIvana Rosenzweig

King’s College, London, UK

Idiopathic rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behav-ior disorder (iRBD) is increasingly recognised as an important precursor disease state of alpha-synucle-inopathies. This parasomnia is characterized by a his-tory of recurrent nocturnal dream enactment behav-iour, loss of skeletal muscle atonia, and increased pha-sic muscle activity during REM sleep. Neuroimaging studies of striatal dopamine transporter uptake tracer signalling suggest increasing dopaminergic deficit across the continuum of the alpha-synucleinopathies, with early sleep dysfunction suggestive of early cau-date dysfunction. We will discuss the implication of utilising this window of the opportunity in the disease process to intervene, and to potentially abort, further development of neurodegenerative process.

R E F E R E N C E S1. Arnaldi D, De Carli F, Picco A, et al. Nigro-caudate dopami-

nergic deafferentation: a marker of REM sleep behavior disor-der? Neurobiol Aging 2015;36(12):3300–5.

2. Chersi F, Burgess N. The Cognitive Architecture of Spatial Navigation: Hippocampal and Striatal Contributions. Neuron 2015;88(1):64–77.

3. Christensen JAE, Jennum P, Koch H, et al. Sleep stability and transitions in patients with idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder and patients with Parkinson’s disease. Clin Neuro-physiol 2016;127(1):537–43.

Oral presentations


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Assessment in the ElderlyRenata Pecotić, Linda Lušić Kalcina, Ivana Pavlinac Dodig, Maja Valić, Zoran Đogaš

Department of Neuroscience, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most common sleep related breathing disorders character-ized by repetitive episodes of complete (apnea) or par-tial (hypopnea) cessations of breathing due to obstruc-tions in upper airways followed by significant oxygen desaturations. Chronic intermittent hypoxia com-bined with frequent arousals during sleep results with dysfunction of autonomic nervous system that pro-motes development of hypertension, glucose intoler-ance, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorder. Prevalence of OSA tends to increase due to increased prevalence of obesity and ageing of the population. OSA has negative impact on health and quality of life and aggravates ageing and ageing-related diseases and comorbidities. As such, OSA should be adequately screened in order to apply adequate medical care espe-cially in the elderly. Different clinical models have been developed to evaluate patients who are at risk for OSA. Usually we use screening questionnaires such as STOP (Snoring, Tiredness, Observed apnea, and high blood Pressure) and STOP-BANG (STOP + Body mass, Age, Neck circumference, Gender), which are concise and easy-to-use in daily clinical practice. In a large sample of 4136 subjects from the area of Split and Split-Dalmatia County, screened with STOP question-naire we found that the risk for OSA steadily increases with age. Particularly vulnerable was the group of men aged 41–50 years, in whom the risk of OSA and associ-ated excessive daytime sleepiness was significantly more pronounced compared to female respondents of the same age. In older population (> 60) we found highest risk for OSA, with women becoming at risk for OSA as much as men (55% vs. 51%). When we investi-gated the validity of OSA screening questionnaires against objective diagnostic polysomnography and polygraphy procedures, the STOP and STOP-BANG questionnaire revealed similarly high sensitivity (0.87), specificity (0.54) and positive predictive value (0.90) in the detection of OSA when applied in a population of

Session A3: Ischemic, hypoxic, hemorrhagic brain disorders & ageing

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (66)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

sleep clinics patients in Split Sleep Medicine Center. This indicates that the prevalence in general popula-tion is really high, and is strongly associated with age-ing. Also, some recent publications indicate that screening for OSA among elderly were prevalence of OSA is as high as 83% requires modifications. Further validation studies of applied questionnaires designed specifically for the elderly population are necessary in order to reduce negative effects on health and avoid unnecessary and costly OSA diagnostic procedures.


I Forgot to SleepDomagoj Vidović1, Ana Marija Šantić1, Marina Mioč1, Ana Jadrijević-Tomas1, Hrvoje Grbavac1, Petrana Brečić1,2

Center for Sleep Disorders, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, CroatiaSchool of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Sleep is essential for healthy living and relationship between dementia and insomnia is a complex one. Both conditions are highly prevalent among demented patients and sleep disorders, with insomnia in first place, makes things even more difficult to treat. Con-temporary view on insomnia among demented pa-tients and pathways to care will be explained. Non-pharmacological, often neglected methods should be tried out first, with somatic conditions, dose titration and side effects of medication being biggest obstacles in psychopharmacology. Personalized medicine ap-proach regarding stage of dementia, housing condi-tions, caregiver’s possibility and general medical con-dition should be implemented in treatment.


REM Behaviour Disorder and Neurodegenerative DisordersAna Marija Šantić

Center for Sleep Disorders, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, Croatia

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disor-der (RBD) is a sleep disorder characterized by enact-ing one’s dreams during the REM sleep, with most of the dreams being violent or aggressive, so that patients often complaint to hurt themselves or bed partner during these episodes. Prevalence of RBD, based on population, is 0.38–2.01 %, but much higher in pa-tients with neurodegenerative disorders, especially synucleinopathies. RBD may herald the emergence of synucleinopathies by decades, such that it may be used

as an effective early marker of neurodegenerative dis-orders, precisely synucleinopathies. Lesion or dys-function in REM sleep and motor control circuitry in pontomedullary structures cause RBD phenomenolo-gy, and degeneration of these structures might explain the presence of RBD years or even decades before the onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD), dementia with lewy bodies (DLD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). RBD occurs in 30–50 % of patients with sporadic PD, preceding the onset of parkinsonism by several years in about 20 % of them. The majority of patients with MSA have RBD, recent meta-analysis reported preva-lence of clinically suspected RBD in MSA of 73 %, while polysomnographically confirmed RBD was up to 88 %. RBD is recognized as one of the core features of DLB and may occur either in advance or simultane-ously with the onset of DLB. The prevalence of RBD in DLB is up to 76 %. On polysomnography RBD is pre-sented as repeated episodes of vocalization and/or complex motor behaviors during REM sleep which reflects the loss of normally present atonia in REM (i.e. REM sleep without atonia – RSWA). Sometimes when typical behaviors are not seen in polysomnography but are known to exist based on medical hystory, even the presence of RSWA is sufficient to diagnose patients with RBD. In cases of idiopathic RBD, precisely those patients who at the time of diagnosis don’t exhibit clin-ical signs of Parkinson disease, DLB or MSA, the treat-ment is mainly symptomatic and is based on lowering motor activity in sleep, promoting sleep contiuity and readdressing sleep desynchronization. Clonazepam and melatonin are main substances used in treatment. While there is not known effective neuroprotective substance yet, it is important to recognize these para-somnias as they can precede typical motor and cogni-tive symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases by many years and as such demmand regular neurological and neuropsychological follow-up.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (67)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Poster presentations


Predictors of Sleep Quality in Older Adults in ZagrebAdrijana Košćec Bjelajac1, Jasminka Despot Lučanin2, Eva Anđela Delale3, Damir Lučanin4

1 Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Division of Psychology, Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia3 Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia4 University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

The changes in sleep-wake process over the lifespan are well established. Epidemiological data show that 50–65% of older adults report impaired sleep quality (SQ). This impairment can rather be attributed to health status and various psychosocial factors than to the aging process per se. The results of our previous study showed the expectedly impaired SQ in nursing home residents, best predicted by self-perceived health and functional ability. The aims of the current study were to examine SQ of older adults living in different arrangements and to examine factors contributing to their SQ. Participants were 334 older adults (73% fe-males) from Zagreb. Half were the NH residents and half OH residents. Their dominant age was 78 years, varying between 69 and 100 years. All were ambula-tory, without diagnosis of dementia. Trained inter-viewers collected data individually, through structured interviews in nursing homes and in gerontology cen-ter. Questionnaire comprised of general questions, questions to assess self-perceived health and standard-ized scales to measure social participation, functional ability, life satisfaction, and SQ. SQ was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Our results showed PSQI score greater than 5, indicating poor SQ in 60% of older adults. In NH residents the percentage was higher than in OH residents (71% vs. 50%, p < .001). Selected set of predictors explained small but significant proportion of variance in PSQI score and 7 domains. Predictors explained the highest proportion of variance in the use of sleep medication (22.6%) and subjective SQ (21%). Expectedly, women had poorer total PSQI, longer sleep latency and used more sleep medication than men. Older age significantly predict-ed only the use of sleep medication, as was expected within this age range. Living in NH predicted worse PSQI, shorter sleep duration, less sleep efficiency, more use of sleep medication and poorer daytime functioning. Greater life satisfaction predicted better total PSQI, higher subjective SQ, longer sleep dura-tion, shorter sleep latency, less sleep disturbances and

less use of sleep medication. Poorer self-perceived health predicted poorer PSQI, worse subjective SQ, more sleep disturbances and more use of sleep medi-cation while better functional ability predicted shorter sleep latency and better daytime functioning. Separate predictors’ analyses of NH and OH older adults are called for to enable tailoring preventive strategies ac-cording to specific needs. Contribution of psychoso-cial factors in SQ prediction in older age points to the necessity of investment in sleep hygiene education and psychosocial support, especially to NH residents.


Patient-Centred Care Based on Fog Computing Paradigm: A Case of Sleep Apnoea DetectionAce Dimitrievski1, Saso Koceski2, Natasa Koceska2, Eftim Zdravevski1, Petre Lameski1, Hrvoje Belani3, Vladimir Trajkovik1

1 Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, RN Macedonia

2 Faculty of Computer Science, University Goce Delčev, Stip, RN Macedonia3 Ministry of Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Sleep apnea is medi-cal condition that affects about 4% of the population and may cause various medical complications such as fatigue, hearth problems and elevated blood pressure, diabetes type II, metabolic syndrome and others. Nowadays, there is a huge demand for technology so-lutions and new care models that will help in under-standing patient’s needs and characteristics, facilitat-ing treatment adherence and shared-decision making. Methods. This paper proposes a system and method-ology based on fog computing paradigm to unobtru-sively detect sleep apnea and to enable patients with sleep apnea and health care providers to be active par-ticipants and collaborate in chronic disease manage-ment. The methodology is based on findings that sleep apnea is accompanied by body or leg movement. Therefore, the proposed system uses non-invasive PIR and piezoelectric-based sensors placed under the mat-tress. Data processing and sleep apnea detection is performed by machine learning algorithms on the edge nodes. Anonymized data are also sent to the cloud for further evaluation and assessment by medical ex-perts and are used for model improvement. Results. In order to evaluate the proposed system and methodol-ogy, an experiment for continuous monitoring of a single person over a period of 8 hours was conducted. Signals obtained from PIR and bed sensors were seg-mented and signal features were extracted. Depending on the window length 250 to 270 features in total were

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (68)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

generated, and then reduced to 32 by discarding those with low importance or high data drift sensitivity. Four machine learning algorithms for sleep apnea detection were applied on the obtained feature set and the results were compared. The accuracy of the different classifi-ers based on different sliding window configurations was analyzed. It was found that, as windows length in-creases, the accuracy increases too. When using win-dows of 5 seconds the accuracy was 80%, when the window length was increased to 10 seconds, the accu-racy raised to around 90%, and for 20 seconds win-dows, the accuracy further improved to above 95%. Conclusions. The use of novel technology, like unob-trusive sensors and fog computing, can improve the patient-centered care for patients with sleep apnea. The flexibility of the fog architecture enables better placement of computing and network resources. The fact that accuracy is increasing for larger window length is an important discovery. It can be used for de-sign of a system that makes several predictions at the same time. In this proof the concept of the proposed system architecture we have conducted experiment with only 3 patients, which has to be increased.


Teatment of Sleep Disorders in ElderlyMarina Mioč

Center for Sleep Disorders, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, Croatia

Changes in sleep architecture and duration are a part of a normal ageing. It is crucial not to mistake sleep disorders for physiologic changes in sleep-awake patterns in elderly because untreated sleep disturbanc-es may predict the risk of dementia and they are asso-ciated with worse late-life cognition.

Frequent sleep disorders in elderly include: insom-nia, obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), restless legs syn-drome (RLS), circadian rhythm sleep disorder with phase advance and REM behaviour disorder (RBD). Treatment of these disorders include different phar-macological measures and non-pharmacological ac-tivities which include stimulus control, sleep hygiene education, relaxation therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, bright light therapy and CPAP for OSA.

Pharmacologic treatment of sleep disorders should be taken with extreme care in older individuals. There is a greater risk of side effect even at lower doses and interactions with concomitant medications. Benzodi-azepines and nonbenzodiazepine receptor agonists often used for treating insomnia can lead to tolerance, dependence, rebound insomnia, daytime sedation,

motor incoordination, cognitive impairment and in-creased risk of falls in institutionalized older individu-al. Because of these adverse effects and superior re-sponse seen in cognitive behavioural therapy, use of these drugs should be avoided in older individuals. To avoid similar adverse effects in treating RBD with clonazepam, alternative therapy with melatonin recep-tor agonist is often used because it is safer and better tolerated. Treating of OSA has some different chal-lenges. Very effective CPAP not only improves sleep quality and daytime sleepiness but adequate use of long‐term CPAP therapy improves cardiovascular out-comes. The main problem of CPAP treatment in el-derly is that studies show that CPAP adherence de-creases as age increases, and it is particularly poor in patients aged >75 years. Individualized treatment and close monitoring could possibly improve compliance.

Sleep disorders are common problem in all age groups, particularly in elderly. If untreated they are as-sociated with cognitive impairment so diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders are of great importance for healthy ageing.


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Aggravates Age-Associated Decline in Psychom*otor PerformanceIvana Pavlinac Dodig, Linda Lušić Kalcina, Renata Pecotić, Maja Valić, Zoran Đogaš

Department for Neuroscience, Sleep Medicine Center, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Ageing is associated with a decrease in various cog-nitive and psychom*otor abilities as well as problem-solving tasks, probably due to simultaneous structural and functional changes in specific brain regions, pre-cisely in the frontal lobes. In our study assessment of the dynamic properties of the central nervous system has been performed with the computerized psycho-motor testing device composed of numerous different tests using chronometric approach. In a large sample of 3420 subjects, we demonstrated that age positively correlated with the reaction times in tests of discrimi-nation of the light signal position, complex psychom*o-tor coordination, and convergent thinking. Thus, our results support the concept of association of reduced cognitive and psychom*otor abilities with the advanced age. The prevalence and severity of the obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) increase with advanced age. More-over, the untreated OSA is associated with various age-related disturbances, including decline in physiologi-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (69)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

cal and psychological performances. However, does OSA aggravate age-related cognitive and psychom*otor decline and to what extent remains to be evaluated. In another study, on a total of 103 patients with moderate and severe OSA, we demonstrated that severe OSA impaired the speed of perception, convergent, and op-erative thinking, indicated by prolonged reaction times in the perception of visual stimulus, solving sim-ple arithmetic operations, and in tasks requiring psy-chom*otor coordination of the upper and lower limbs. Furthermore, severe OSA decreased the stability to-ward the end of the test, indicating that OSA patients get considerably slower toward the end of tasks com-pared to control participants of the same age. Finally, in the test of the complex psychom*otor coordination of the computerized psychom*otor testing device, OSA patients had significantly more pronounced prolonga-tion of the reaction times in comparison to the control subjects of the same age. In conclusion, both ageing and OSA are associated with the decline in cognitive and psychom*otor performance. However, the impair-ments in complex psychom*otor coordination of the limbs are more pronounced in apneic patients sup-porting the conclusion that OSA aggravates age-relat-ed decline in psychom*otor performance.


Sleeping 8.5 or More Hours per Day – Is It Too Much? Characteristics of Very Old Persons (85+) According to Sleep DurationTatjana Škarić-Jurić

Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb

Introduction and Objectives. The extreme differ-ences in daily sleep duration provoke questions on causality and “normal”/acceptable/recommended rang-es. Specifically, it is often not clear whether and when should sleep duration be taken as a warning signal, especially when a person’s well-being is under the in-stitutional responsibility, as in retirement homes. This study aims at determining characteristics differing long (8.5+ hours), short (<6.5 hours), and mode-rate/“normal” (6.5–8.0 hours) sleepers (in a 24h cycle) among the very old persons (85+ yrs.). Methods. The rich data collection on 327 very old persons living in retirement homes in Zagreb (HECUBA; CSF IP-01-2018-2497) has been analyzed contrasting three simi-larly sized groups: long-sleepers (95; 29.1%), short-sleepers (102; 31.2%), and moderate-sleepers (130; 39.8%). Results. Long-sleepers spend their leisure

time more frequently with friends/neighbors (p=0.013) and less frequently walking (p=0.037). They more fre-quently declare that somebody is with them during the night (p=0.020), that they have help in their everyday activities (p=0.028), and they are content with their present life (p=0.041). They less frequently think that loneliness is one of the main problems of the elderly (p=0.033). Long-sleepers less frequently report a chronic disease (p=0.033), and take medications for heart/blood pressure (p=0.037). Short-sleepers more frequently report that they were separated from their families because of their job (p=0.010), they are less frequently content with their past life (p=0.013), and now receive a lower pension (<4,000 HRK) (p=0.046). They more frequently declare that nobody is with them during the evening (p=0.022), and their main current problem is the feeling of uselessness (p=0.037). Short-sleepers more frequently report depression (p=0.029) and a chronic disease (p=0.047). Moderate-sleepers more frequently have higher education (p=0.028), report that because of their education they changed their residence (p=0.046), and now have a higher pension (4,000–10,000 HRK) (p=0.036). They are also more frequently parents (p=0.046). Now they less frequently spend their leisure time with friends/neighbors (p=0.027). Moderate-sleepers less frequent-ly have heart problems (p=0.029) but more frequently have osteoporosis (p=0.015). Conclusions. The study showed that in long-lived individuals the sleeping du-ration is not related to sex and age/longevity or to the psychotropic drug usage, but is predominantly a re-flection of the personality, quality of life, and life-long experience. The revealed pattern indicates that the very old persons sleeping less than 6.5 hours are the least content.


Cardiovascular and Metabolic Changes Related to Sleep and AgeingMaja Valić, Renata Pecotić, Ivana Pavlinac Dodig, Linda Lušić Kalcina, Zoran Đogaš

Department for Neuroscience, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Sleep architecture and duration changes throughout the lifespan starting with dramatic changes during the first year of life, continuing to change through the childhood and finally becomes characterized by a re-duction in sleep quality and quantity during ageing. Although total sleep time tends to remain constant, older people spend more time in the lighter stages of sleep, sleep latency might increase, REM sleep decline,

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (70)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

and sleep fragmentation occur. The prevalence of sleep disorders also tends to increase with age. As some sleep disturbances among the elderly could be consid-ered as a physiological consequence of ageing, numer-ous sleep disturbances can be attributed to illnesses and the medications used to treat them. Snoring is the primary cause of sleep disruption for approximately 50% of older population. It is associated with over-weight and often becomes worse with age. Loud snor-ing is particularly serious as it can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Sleep is considered to be a modulator of metabolic homeostasis. The impact of sleep duration and sleep-disordered breathing in-creases the risk for obesity, insulin resistance (IR), type 2 diabetes (T2DM), the metabolic syndrome, and car-diovascular disease risk and mortality. Prevalence of OSA is estimated to be 26% in adults 30–70 years old, and as high as 45% in obese adults. OSA is associated with ageing independently of obesity. The prevalence of OSA among older adults is substantially higher than in younger individuals. OSA is associated with an in-

creased risk for hypertension, possibly via blunting the normal nocturnal blood pressure dipping. The preva-lence of OSA in adults with drug-resistant hyperten-sion is as high as 83%. OSA is associated with an in-creased risk of atherogenic dyslipidemia in adults showing higher total cholesterol and LDL levels, high-er triglycerides levels, and lower HDL levels. OSA also increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascu-lar diseases. The Sleep Heart Health study found that OSA is a significant, independent risk factor for chronic heart disease and heart failure in men aged 40–70 years, and that OSA is increases the risk for ischemic stroke; even in men with very mild OSA. In summary, evidence shows that OSA increases the risk of cardiometabolic morbidities in the context of obe-sity, hypertension, IR, and T2DM, atherosclerosis, CVD, stroke risk, and CVD-related mortality. Addi-tionally, OSA is associated with ageing. Thus, untreat-ed sleep apnea puts a person at risk for cardiovascular disease and metabolic disturbances, which increases significantly during ageing.

Invited lecture


The Impact of Neuroscience Research in Europe for Healthy AgeingMonica DiLuca

University of Milano, Italy; European Brain Council, Belgium

With a rapidly ageing population, dementia — par-ticularly, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) — is a growing public health concern worldwide. In Europe, an esti-mated 10.9 million people live with dementia, and this number is expected to increase to 18.7 million in 2050. AD is the underlying cause in 70% of people with de-mentia. AD is a neurodegenerative disease that pro-gresses in stages, beginning with a long silent phase before symptoms appear. The European Brain Council (EBC) is a network of key players in the “Brain Area”, with a membership encompassing scientific societies, patient organisations, professional societies and in-dustry partners. Its main mission is to promote brain research with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of the estimated 179 million Europeans living with

brain conditions, mental and neurological alike. With the aim to speak with one voice, EBC stands as the platform to foster cooperation between its member or-ganisations and other stakeholders, consistently pro-moting dialogue between scientists, industry and soci-ety. Notably, EBC emphasizes the importance of rais-ing awareness and encouraging education on the brain and the repercussions of neurological and mental health conditions on society as a whole; including dis-eases like dementia and neurodegeneration, which are strongly influenced by an ageing population, where an increase in healthy ageing is desired. The promotion of healthy ageing will have massive implications not only on health care costs but also on the quality of life for the elderly. In fact, as demonstrated by EBC, in Europe it has been estimated that the total cost of brain dis-eases on a yearly basis amounts to around 798 billion euro; for dementia only, the cost is 22.000 euro per pa-tient, per year. These are facts and we need to face them: it is therefore obvious that research in the field of ageing and dementia is not only needed but it repre-sents a societal obligation necessary to understanding the causes and developmental pathways of the disease, for its diagnosis, prevention and treatment. In this sce-nario, and as part of the EBC value of treatment proj-ect, the potential impact of a hypothetical Alzheimer’s medicine was assessed by researchers from Maastricht University, the Karolinksa Institute, the University

Session A4: Neuroscience and Neurodegenrative Disorders and Ageing

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (71)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Medical Center Amsterdam and the London School of Economics. A treatment that would delay the rate of disease progression by 50% would have, as a conse-quence, a smaller proportion of people progressing to advanced stages of the disease. This would result in an increase of quality adjusted life years (QALYs), a mea-sure for both quality and the quantity of life lived, of 1,75 per patient. Overall, a potential treatment is esti-mated to reduce the total lifetime care costs by 12.406 euro per person, per year. Considering the costs of de-mentia for the European society and that these costs will increase considerably in the coming years due to the ageing of the European population, one way of curbing this increase and eventually decreasing the costs is via intensified research. It is therefore impor-tant to focus our efforts on fundamental as well as in clinical neuroscience research. Only by improving the insight into the basic functioning of the brain and translating this knowledge to the disease state, under-standing the causes of the disease process and paving the way for better targeted and improved treatment can the upwards spiral of the costs of brain disorders can be stopped. Furthermore, there is a constant need for strengthening the information flow and accelerat-ing the exchange of experience on the on-going and future projects as well as maintaining continuous dia-logue between all the stakeholder groups at the nation-al and European level and initiatives to allow that ob-jectives are aligned, and needs are met.

R E F E R E N C E S1. Olesen J, Gustavsson A, Svensson M, et al. CDBE2010 study

group; European Brain Council. Eur J Neurol. 2012 Jan; 19(1):155–62. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1331.2011.03590.x.

2. DiLuca M, Olesen J. The cost of brain diseases: a burden or a challenge? Neuron. 2014 Jun 18;82(6):1205–8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.05.044.

3. Handels R, Sikkes SAM, Vermunt L, et al. The potential health-economic impact of treating Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), The value of treatment project Brussels: European Brain Council; 2017.

Oral presentations


Genes and Mechanisms Modulating Ageing and Neurodegeneration Derived From Studying Down SyndromeDean Nižetić

Barts & London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Down Syndrome (DS) (caused by trisomy 21 (T21)) is an accelerated ageing condition on cellular and or-ganism level. Paradoxically, people with DS have a much lower incidence and mortality from a range of solid tumours. They have an approximately 50–100 fold higher overall incidence of leukaemias in child-hood than normal children, including all types of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and B-cell acute lym-phoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Children with DS are prone to suffer a relapse and have a higher risk of death from therapy-related side effects. Paradoxically though, individuals with DS have a substantially re-duced incidence of second malignancies following ra-diation therapy, even at a juvenile age, despite DS hae-matopoietic cells in vivo showing a significantly in-creased “passenger” mutation rate per year of age. We also detected that T21 causes a significantly increased number of DNA double strand breaks (γH2AX foci) in undifferentiated proliferating hiPSCs, post-mitotic neurons derived from hiPSCs, as well as in a trans-chromosomic mouse model of DS. We also detected that IgG glycans in Down Syndrome individuals show extreme profiles that reflect accelerated aging. Experi-ments aimed at identifying the chromosome 21 genes whose trisomic overdose is responsible for accelerated ageing and neurodegeneration using iPSC and other cellular models are on-going using iPSCs from partial trisomy 21 cases, as well as CRISPR/Cas9-edited triso-my-correction for specific genes. Using isogenic T21-iPSC-derived cerebral organoids, we also identified a novel mechanism that delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, despite the triplication of the myloid precur-sor protein (APP) gene in T21.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (72)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN


The ALZENTIA System: A Sensitive Non-invasive Hidden-Goal Test for Early Cognitive Impairment ScreeningGoran Šimić

Department of Neuroscience, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

There is a need to identify reliable predictors of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia due to Al-zheimer’s disease (AD) in normal elderly people to en-able timely intervention. The Mini‐Mental State Ex-amination (MMSE) is the best‐known and the most often used short screening tool for providing an over-all measure of cognitive impairment in clinical, re-search, and community settings. However, MMSE is not actually a mental status examination designed to detect dementia as it was originally developed to dif-ferentiate organic from functional psychiatric patients. The MMSE has low sensitivity in detecting dementia as well as poor specificity, and low negative (NPV), and positive predictive values (PPV), especially in ear-ly-stage AD. A recent systematic review also did not find evidence supporting a substantial role of MMSE as a stand‐alone single‐administration test in the iden-tification of MCI patients who could develop dementia (Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015: CD010783). We have developed a new system (ALZENTIA) that helps detect early MCI, mainly caused by AD. This system consists of original software and hardware, and stems from the original efforts by the late Jan Bures and his colleagues to develop a hidden-goal task (HGT) test in which the human subject has to find a target that is not visible; instead, the navigation must be based on a pre-viously memorized target position, in relation to the starting position and/or other navigational landmarks (orientation cues). The average duration of the test is approximately 25 min. per subject. Our preliminary results obtained on 91 healthy controls (HC) and 33 MCI patients have been recently published (J. Neuro-sci. Methods, 2020; 332: 108547). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed that two mea-surements (variables) reached 85% or higher sensitiv-ity and specificity: combined allocentric-egocentric average error of all 8 attempts, and egocentric average error of the first 4 attempts. The high NPVs (over 90% in almost all subtests and at all prevalences) suggested high discriminative capacity and diagnostic potential for the ALZENTIA system as a tool to detect subjects in healthy population who will progress to MCI. Con-sidering the low sensitivity of the MMSE and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) tests currently used for

this purpose, we believe that ALZENTIA can signifi-cantly improve early identification of MCI patients who will progress to AD. Funded by the Croatian Sci-ence Foundation and HAMAG-BICRO.


Genomic Diagnostics in Patients with Neurodegenerative DiseasesFran Borovečki

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by progressive nervous system dysfunction caused by the death of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Given the prevalence, clinical hallmarks and associated costs of treatment, neurodegenerative diseases represent a significant and ever increasing public health problem. Despite extensive clinical research and dynamic devel-opments in the field of neurology, especially regarding the development of new disease-modifying drugs and therapeutic procedures, there is still no effective medi-cine capable of stopping or even slowing neurodegen-erative processes. A growing body of research points to the clear role of genetic mechanisms in the develop-ment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheim-er’s and Parkinson’s disease or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Insight into the human genome structure provides key information on possible hereditary dis-eases and genetic rearrangements which can cause common and rare variants of the genotype. Although numerous genes are responsible for the appearance of monogenic forms of neurodegenerative diseases, in most cases, inheritance is genetically complex and oc-curs through the interaction of multiple genes and the environment. Genomic approaches, such as gene chips or next generation sequencing, provide a better insight into the genetic risk factors that are responsible for neurodegenerative diseases. Next generation sequenc-ing approaches such as whole-genome, exome and panel sequencing have greatly enhanced our ability to detect genetic causes of neurodegenerative diseases. Novel genomic approaches will enable in the future not only the detection of new genetic risk variants, but will also contribute to increased treatment efficiency and reduce the frequency of adverse events to existing and future therapies.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (73)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Poster presentations


Challenges in Headache Treatment in ElderlyMarija Ana Bosnar Puretić

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Headaches occur less frequently in the elderly than in the younger and middle-aged population, but are nevertheless a challenge for diagnosis and treatment. Any headache that first occurs in the elderly must arouse suspicion of a secondary headache and require diagnostic workup, including a brain imaging. In addi-tion to primary and secondary brain tumors and intra-cranial haemorrhage, headache in the elderly may also be a consequence of systemic diseases such as arterial hypertension, polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis, which also require treatment as soon as pos-sible. Particular problems in older age are the primary headaches that continue since patient’s young or mid-dle-age, persistent in frequency and intensity. The treatment of such patients is a problem because of the comorbidities that limit pharmacotherapy, the limita-tions on the use of specific migraine drugs – triptans, polypragmasy and psychiatric comorbidities. The complexity of treating elderly patients with headache are best described by following case reports from ev-eryday practice: 73 year-old female patient with tri-geminal neuralgia, 77 year-old female patient with temporal arteritis, 90 year-old female patient with fre-quent tension-type headache, and 68 year-old male patient with chronic migraine. If left untreated, head-aches significantly reduce the quality of life of elderly patients already burdened with other diseases and conditions and can lead to the occurrence of medica-tion overuse headache.


Hallmarks of Corticogenesis After Ischemic Stroke in MiceDunja Gorup, Sanja Srakočić, Srećko Gajović

Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Stroke represents the most common acute neurological condition leading to permanent disability, and as such a significant burden of disease in a modern aging society. Animal models

of ischemic stroke mirror the postischemic changes at the molecular and cellular level, enabling the study of recovery mechanisms, that are presumably based on revoking the process of corticogenesis. The goal of this study was to identify the role of prominent markers of corticogenesis, SatB2 and Ctip2, in postischemic re-covery. Methods. Transient middle cerebral artery oc-clusion (tMCAo) was performed on male adult C57Bl6 mice (n = 5) and the lesion was followed up using 7T BioSpec MRI system, as well as observing neurological deficit (NS) in the analysis of behaviour (Day 3, 7). Control group underwent the sham surgery. From Day 3 to 7 both groups received 5 dosages of 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) in order to mark the newly pro-liferating cells. On the day 7 mice were anaesthetized, perfused by saline and 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) to preserve the brain anatomy for immunofluorescence (IF) using antibodies specific for SatB2, Ctip2, NeuN, cCASP3, GFAP and BrdU. Slides were imaged using the confocal microscope (Olympus, CIBR) and posi-tive cells were counted for each marker in the ipsilat-eral (IL) and contralateral (CL) cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Results were correlated to the lesion size determined by the MRI and cresyl-violet slides, and to the neurological score. Results. The lesion was the largest on the Day 3 after tMCAo, and this was in pos-itive correlation with the ND. IF signal of SatB2 and Ctip2 was significantly different between the IL and CL hemispheres of the tMCAo mice, and in compari-son to the sham operated group. Also, the amount of cells co-expressing both markers increased after tMCAo, as well as the number of BrdU positive cells. GFAP has shown an astrocytic reaction, while the total number of neurons (NeuN) was impaired in IL hemi-sphere after tMCAO. Conclusions. Subacute stage of ischemic stroke in mice includes increased prolifera-tion of cells, as well as the changes in the neuronal cor-tical profiling (SatB2, Ctip2) that resemble immature patters during corticogenesis. Modulation of those events could not only prevent the postischemic epilep-togenic conversion, but also enhance the speed and quality of rehabilitation in affected patients.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (74)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN


Effects of Age on Retinal Macrophage Responses to Acute Elevation of Intraocular PressureJelena M. Kezić1,2,3, Vicki Chrysostomou2,4, Paul G. McMenamin3, Jonathan G. Crowston2,4

1 Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb,Croatia

2 Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

3 Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

4 Centre for Vision Research, Duke-NUS Medical School and Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore

Introduction and objectives. There is accumulating evidence that aging shifts the central nervous system milieu towards a proinflammatory state, with in-creased reactivity of microglia in the aging eye and brain having been implicated in the development of age-related neurodegenerative conditions. Indeed, al-terations to microglial morphology and function have been recognized as a part of normal aging. Here, we sought to assess the effects of age on the retinal mi-croglial and macrophage response to acute intraocu- lar pressure (IOP) elevation and further, determine whether the age of bone marrow would alter the mac-rophage response to injury in bone marrow chimeric mice. Methods. For the first part of this study, C57BL/6J mice of 3 and 12 months of age underwent IOP elevation. Briefly, the anterior chamber was can-nulated and intraocular pressure elevated to 50 mmHg for 30 minutes. Control eyes were cannulated and pressure was maintained at physiological IOP (12 mm Hg). In the second part of this study, bone marrow from young (8 week old) or middle-aged (12 month old) mice was used to reconstitute the bone marrow of whole-body irradiated 12 month old mice. Bone mar-row chimeric mice underwent cannulation and IOP elevation 8 weeks after bone marrow transplantation. For both studies, eyes were collected for analysis 1 week after IOP elevation. Immunofluorescence stain-ing was performed on retinal wholemounts to assess changes to the density of retinal macrophages, microg-lial process length and activation of glial cells. Results.Retinal macrophage reactivity and microglial mor-phological changes were enhanced in older mice when compared to younger mice in response to injury. When IOP elevation was performed after whole-body irradiation and bone marrow rescue, we noted a re-duction in subretinal macrophage accumulation and attenuation of glial reactivity compared to non-irradi-ated mice that had also undergone IOP elevation. This effect was evident in both groups of chimeric mice that

had received either young or middle-aged bone mar-row. Conclusions. Our data suggest irradiation itself may alter the macrophage and glial response to retinal injury rather than the age of bone marrow.


Cognitive Training: New Therapeutic Approach to the Patients with Mild Cognitive ImpairmentNataša Klepac

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Cognitive training (CT) has attained attention as a non-pharmacological approach to maintain cognition in older adults. CT involves guided drill-and-practice on standardized tasks designed to load on specific cog-nitive processes, typically without explicit teaching of memory or problem-solving strategies. CT can target multiple domains and usually adapts task difficulty to individual performance. Recent randomized control trials and meta-analyses of experimental studies indi-cate positive effects of CT on the cognitive function of healthy older adults but also patients that demonstrate impaired cognitive functions due to several reasons. Furthermore, a large-scale randomized control trial with older adults, independent at entry, indicated that CT delayed their cognitive and functional decline over a five-year follow-up. This supports CT as a potentially efficient method to postpone cognitive decline in per-sons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and CT as therapeutic option able to prevent or delay cognitive or functional decline. Training in elderly with MCI had greater effect in the younger old and more cogni-tively preserved individuals. In MCI, CT is efficacious on global cognition, memory, working memory, and attention and helps improve psychosocial functioning, including depressive symptoms. Effect of CT was cor-roborated by a moderate effect size on common clini-cal measures of global cognition (mainly the Mini-Mental State Examination). Moderate effect sizes on memory is encouraging, as amnestic MCI profiles are at higher risk for dementia conversion. Participants in CT groups improved significantly over the interven-tion period but there are still insufficient data to deter-mine whether training gains can be maintained over the long-term without further training. Cognitive in-terventions can contribute toward promoting health and independence among patients with MCI. Further investigations in large samples with long follow up pe-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (75)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

riod are now warranted to verify the role of cognitive interventions as reliable tool to prevent cognitive func-tions and wellbeing.


Role of Vibrational Spectroscopy in the Early Detection of GlaucomaTena Križ1, Mia Zorić Geber1, Tin Šklebar3 ,Lorena Karla Rudež3, Katia Novak Lauš1, Marko Škrabić2 , Ozren Gamulin3, Zoran Vatavuk1

1 Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia

2 Department of Physics and Biophysics, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve that causes retinal ganglion cell (RGC) decay and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning, resulting in the visual field damage. It is one of the major causes of irreversible blindness in the world and is therefore a major public health problem since. Also, it is estimated that 80 million people will suffer from glaucoma by 2020. The most common type of glaucoma is primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), and, despite numerous studies, the exact pathomecha-nism of its occurrence has not yet been determined. Numerous risk factors for the onset and progression of glaucoma have been identified, the most important being the height of intraocular pressure (IOP), the de-gree of damage at the time of diagnosis and the life expectancy of the patient. Currently, the only treat-ment option to slow the progression of the disease is to lower IOP. The goal is to detect glaucoma as early as possible to ensure the best possible quality of life and prevent blindness. Since there are currently no glauco-ma-specific biomarkers yet identified and no glauco-ma screening method available, we decided to analyze molecular structure of aqueous humor using FTIR spectroscopy which offers a unique opportunity to in-vestigate the composition of unknown substances on a molecular basis. Methods. The study included 80 age matched subjects from the Reference Center for Glau-coma, UHC “Sestre milosrdnice”, divided into two groups 1) 40 glaucoma patients and 2) a control group comprising 40 patients with cataracts. For the purpose of molecular analysis, all aqueous humor samples were collected at the start of the glaucoma or cataract sur-gery. FTIR spectra of the samples dried on transparent silicon windows were obtained in a transmission mode, followed by principal component analysis (PCA) modeling of the recorded spectra. Results. FTIR spectra with vibrational modes specific to glau-coma and cataract were examined. In the chemomet-

ric analysis of the spectroscopic data, all 40 (100%) of the cataract eyes were correctly diagnosed as the cata-ract group and all 40 (100%) glaucoma eyes were diag-nosed as the glaucoma group, demonstrating a distinct correlation between studied eye diseases and their FTIR spectra. Conclusions. FTIR spectroscopy com-bined with the chemometrics has proven to be a prom-ising method for molecular analysis of the aqueous humor as the differentiation between eyes with cata-ract and glaucoma has been achieved. Separation of the two groups of FTIR spectra in the created PCA sta-tistical model also indicates that this method may have a promising role in the discovery of glaucoma bio-markers.


BDNF, IL-6, PPARγ Gene and BDNF Protein Polymorphisms in Patients with GlaucomaTena Križ1, Jadranka Sertić2,3, Ana Merkler2, Ana Kozmar2, Mia Zorić Geber1, Katia Novak Lauš1, Zoran Vatavuk1

1 Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia

2 Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatia3 Department of Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Glaucoma is a slowly progressive, chronic optic neuropathy that is charac-terized by retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death with sub-sequent loss of optic nerve axons and decrements in visual function. It is one of the major causes of irre-versible blindness in the world and is a major public health problem. It is estimated that 80 million people will suffer from glaucoma by 2020. Several types of glaucoma are known, and the most frequent is prima-ry open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Despite numerous studies, the exact pathomechanism of its occurrence has not yet been determined. Current treatment for glaucoma is directed toward lowering the IOP, but this approach only limits disease progression. The goal is to detect glaucoma as early as possible to ensure the best possible quality of life and prevent blindness. The molecular events responsible for glaucoma are cur-rently poorly understood, complicating the design of therapies based on the underlying disease mecha-nisms. Since glaucoma is accompanied by profound biochemical changes, proteomic profiling or specific biomarker detection in the aqueous humor may be a way to follow glaucoma progression and potentially to monitor treatment efficacy. The aim of this study is to

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (76)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

analyze the concentration of BDNF in aqueous humor and serum and to identify polymorphisms of the BDNF, IL-6 and PPARγ genes. Methods. The study in-cluded 145 age matched subjects from the Reference Center for Glaucoma, UHC “Sestre milosrdnice”, di-vided into two groups 1) 83 glaucoma patients and 2) a control group comprising 62 patients with cataracts. For the purpose of molecular analysis, all aqueous humor samples were collected at the start of glaucoma or cataract surgery. BDNF concentration was mea-sured in aqueous humor and serum by ELISA method and BDNF polymorphism (Val66Met, VM), IL-6 (-174, GC) and PPARγ (Pro12Ala, CG) by PCR-RFLP. Results. BDNF concentration in serum and aqueous humor: glaucoma /cataract 13.0/13.9 ng/mL and 4.5/3.0 pg/mL. Polymorphism gene distribution (%): BDNF VV 61.4/58.1, VM 36.1/35.5, MM 2.4/6.5; IL-6 GG 38.9/41.9, GC 45.8/41.9, CC 13.3/16.1; PPARγ CC 75.9/74.2, CG 21.7/24.2, GG 2.4/1.6. Conclusions. Preliminary polymorphism results indicate possible polygenic markers of BDNF MM, IL-6 CC, and PPARγ GG and differences in aqueous humor BDNF con-centration between examinee with glaucoma and cata-ract. Given the difference in the concentration of BDNF in aqueous humor between two groups, the potential for new treatment modalities opens. More research on a larger number of samples is needed to better understand the role of gene and polygenic markers in glaucoma.


Lend a Hand ProjectSonja Tošić Grlač, Valentina Biševac

Međimurje County

The project „Lend a hand“ solves the issue of social exclusion of people with Alzheimer’s dementia and other forms of dementia in the Međimurje County, Krapina-Zagorje County, Požega-Slavonia County, Osi-jek-Baranja County and Koprivnica-Križevci County by improving the quality of life of the patients and their families. The purpose of the project is to include 30 Alheimer affected persons into the community, therefore preventing their premature institutionaliza-tion. This will enable family members to reconcile be-tween family and business life. This will be achieved during the 18 months the expert team will work daily with the patients. The general public will become more aware of Alzheimer’s dementia and other forms of de-mentia through the Alzheimer cafe opening in 5 coun-ties. Dementia, as a progressive and incurable illness, quickly leads to loss of independence and thus directly affects the families of patients, leading to physical, psy-

chological, emotional and financial exhaustion. Family caregivers sometimes find it difficult to find a balance between work and family life, so they need help and support of the community which often doesn’t under-stand the needs of patients and their families. A big issue is the late diagnosis of dementia, since the early symptoms of the disease are difficult to recognize. The project contributes to preventing the early institution-alization of patients, enables a better work-life balance for family members caring for patients, and increases the number of professionals working with patients. The Call Center will also support the whole commu-nity. The target groups of the project are people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, their families, the professionals who work with them as well as the gen-eral public.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (77)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Invited lecture


Good Clinical Practices for the Improvement of the Age-Related DiseasesAlpana Mair

Scottish Government, Scotland, UK

The rise in the prevalence of multimorbidity (the co-occurrence of two or more chronic medical conditions in an individual person) in ageing societies is one of the greatest challenges now faced by health services internationally. Despite this, most medical research, guidelines, and contractual agreements (such as pay-for-performance initiatives) are focused on the man-agement of single disease states. In these patients, indi-vidually treating each condition inevitably leads to the use of multiple medications (polypharmacy), the risks and benefits of which are largely unproven and often unpredictable.

It is important to note that polypharmacy is not in-appropriate per se, and it is often beneficial. For ex-ample, effective secondary prevention of myocardial infarction requires the use of at least four different classes of drugs (antiplatelets, statins, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and beta-blockers How-ever, polypharmacy becomes inappropriate when the risks of multiple medications begin to outweigh their potential benefits for an individual patient. The risk of harm is generally higher in older people with multi-morbidity than in younger patients due to their re-duced ability to clear drugs (e.g., due to renal and/or hepatic impairment) and increased vulnerability to drugs’ adverse effects (due to general frailty and drug–drug and drug–disease interactions) and medication burden . However, the increased risk of harm is not always offset by increased benefits, and for many pre-ventive medicines, such benefits may never be realized due to a shortened life expectancy.

There is mounting evidence that polypharmacy is a public health threat and a major source of unnecessary harm, greater use of health services, hospitalization, reduced quality of life, and substantial financial cost to health-care systems. In 2012, the US Institute for Healthcare Informatics estimated that inappropriate polypharmacy contributes to 4% of the avoidable costs of health care, equating to an expenditure of $18 bil-

Session A5: Good Clinical Practices for the Improvement of the Age Related Diseases

lion worldwide, and one recommendation was to sup-port pharmacist collaboration with physicians for medication reviews. Up to 11% of unplanned hospital admissions in the UK are attributable to mostly avoid-able harm from medicines, and of these, over 70% are in elderly patients on multiple medicines. There are, therefore, significant opportunities to reduce this bur-den by timely and effective interventions. If this was extrapolated across the EU, this would result in 8.6M admissions . Similarly, it has been found that medicine related visits accounted for 12.5% of attendances, the main causes being adverse drug reactions (ADR) and non-adherence to medicines (33% and 19% respec-tively). The EU SIMPATHY project, evaluated all the guidance documents that were available across the EU. The literature review identified that there are guidance documents available relating to the management of polypharmacy in only 3 of the 28 EU countries only the guidance documents from Scotland, Netherlands and Germany score the maximum on the AGREE II-GRS criteria for quality. The third edition of Polyphar-macy Guidance, Realistic Prescribing, published in 2018, aims to provide guid ance on preventing inap-propriate polypharmacy at every stage of the patient journey. It contains a clear structure for both the ini-tiation of new treatments and the review of existing treatments, and has been updated to place a greater emphasis on “what mat ters to the patient?” The 7 steps were informed by existing literature and initially agreed upon and subsequently refined (based on feed-back from practicing clinicians and patients) by a guideline development group comprising a mix of pharmacists and primary (general practitioners) and secondary care physicians with backgrounds in clini-cal practice and academia.

Agreeing specific objectives with the patient in terms of both therapeu tic objectives and current life priorities (step 1) sets the context within which all fur-ther decisions are made, namely on which medicines are essential (step 2) or unnecessary (step 3), whether therapeutic objectives that matter to the patient are achieved (step 4), which medicines are too risky or cause unacceptable adverse effects (step 5), which medicines are not cost effective (step 6), and whether the patient is willing and able to manage their medi-cines in a way that avoids harm and maximises benefit (step 7).

While guideline development is a necessary first step, improving patient outcomes relies on their effec-tive implementation. The challenge of safely using multiple medicines for patients with multiple morbid-ities is beginning to gain international attention. In

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (78)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

April 2017, at the European launch of the SIMPATHY publication Polypharmacy Management by 2030: A Pa-tient Safety Challenge (15), the Scottish Cabinet Secre-tary for Health called on the other 27 EU counties to take action on addressing polypharmacy, and this was also supported by WHO. This work has identified six key recommendations to implement programs to im-prove medication safety, of which polypharmacy is an essential element: (a) Use a systems approach that has multidisciplinary clinical and policy leadership; (b) nurture a culture that encourages and prioritizes the safety and quality of prescribing; (c) ensure that pa-tients are integral to the decisions made about their medicines and are empowered and supported to do so; (d) use data to drive change and measure outcomes; (e) adopt an evidence-based approach with a bias to-

ward action; and (f) utilize, develop, and share tools to support implementation. The WHO Third Global Pa-tient Safety Challenge (12), Medication Without Harm, has included the appropriate management of poly-pharmacy as a key flagship area to address across health care systems.


1. Mair A, Wilson M, Dreischulte T. Addressing the Challenge of Polypharmacy. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicol-ogy 2020; 60:1,661–681.

2. Mair A. Medication safety in polypharmacy, Third Global Pa-tient Safety Challenge., World Health Organ, Geneva: 2019.

3. Mair A, Fernandez-Limos F, Alonso A, Harrison C, et al. 2017. Polypharmacy management by 2030: a patient safety chal-lenge. Rep., SIMPATHY Consort. Coimbra.

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Oral presentations


Early Intervention Optimizes Long-Term Treatment Results in Patients with Inflammatory Rheumatic DiseasesBranimir Anić, Ivan Padjen, Boris Karanović, Miroslav Mayer

Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Rheumatic diseases are a prevalent group of entities with a significant impact on quality of life and morbid-ity in the population. Progress in rheumatology over the last 20 years has led to a significant increase in overall life and work prognosis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) decreases life expectancy by 10 years. Inade-quately treated patients with active RA develop irre-versible functional impairment in over 50%. Introduc-tion of new drugs – biological and targeted synthetic agents – has changed treatment outcomes tremen-dously. In addition to the evolvement of therapy, new diagnostic algorhythms have enabled early diagnosis. Adequate timing of contemporary treatment that is available in Croatia has led to prevention of disability, decline in sick leave, prolongation of time actively spent at work, as well as increased survival. Over 800 patients have been treated with targeted therapies at our institution – 650 are currently under treatment. Continuous and focused education of family physi-cians over the past 10 years enabled us to optimize screening of incident patients. The latter serves as a prerequisite for better treatment outcomes. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a typical systemic in-flammatory rheumatic disease. Five-year survival in the 1950s was 50%, in contrast to 95% at the beginning of this century. Data from the literature suggested a bi-modal mortality pattern. Results of a study performed in Croatia demonstrated a 5-year survival of 90%. However, the study did not confirm a bimodal pattern: this may be explained by a decline in early mortality owing to early diagnosis and therapy, as well as by a lack of complications of aggressive therapy. This study demonstrated problems in the collection of public health data for patients with SLE. Insufficiency of the current criteria for SLE has resulted in a project within an international working group and, subsequently, proposal and publication of new criteria for the diag-nosis of SLE (our Division was included as the Referral Center for SLE of the Croatian Ministry of Health). Progress has been noted in the diagnosis and treat-

ment of common rheumatic diseases of the elderly such as polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteri-tis. Our experience in the use of contemporary thera-peutics showed good results and better treatment tol-erance. Finally, further steps have been noted in the treatment of osteoarthritis, commonly perceived as the most important rheumatic disease in the elderly. Improvement of surgical techniques and higher quali-ty endoprostheses have increased treatment outcomes. Steps forward in the area of osteoarthritis pharmaco-therapy have also been observed.


Pharmacogenomics – a Promising Tool for Elderly Patients on PolytherapyNada Božina1, Nikica Mirošević Skvrce2, Lana Ganoci3, Iva Klarica Domjanović2, Livija Šimičević3, Tamara Božina4, Vladimir Trkulja5, Viola Šarinić-Macolić6

1 Department of Pharmacology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, Zagreb, Croatia,3 Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, Division of Pharmacogenomics and Therapy Individualization, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

4 Department of Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

5 Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia6 European Medicines Agency (EMA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Introduction and objectives. Polypharmacy is prev-alent in elderly patients and is associated with drug-drug interactions, adverse drug reactions (ADRs), more frequent hospital admissions and higher health-care costs. A pharmacogenomic approach enables per-sonalized medication regimens based on individual genetic variations predominantly of ADME genes, in-volved in the pharmaco*kinetics of medicinal products. The majority of current pharmacogenomic decision support tools provide assessment only of single drug-gene interactions without taking into account complex drug-drug and drug-drug-gene interactions which are prevalent in polypharmacy and can result in ADRs or insufficient drug efficacy. Genotyping of metabolic en-zymes of phase I (CYPs, DPD), phase II (TPMT, UGTs, NAT2), ABC, SLC transporters, and drug targets, rep-resents a valuable tool for analysing the causal rela-tionship between drug intake and dose related ADRs. The availability of genomic testing has grown, but its clinical application is still insufficient. The objective was to develop comprehensive pharmacogenomic de-cision support for medication risk assessment in el-derly polymedicated patients. Methods. To study the

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Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

possible genetic associations with ADRs, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, and Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products & Medical Devices (HALMED) have piloted a project to collect DNA and phenotype data of ADR cases using international standardized phenotypic cri-teria. Patients with ADRs (N=860) and controls were genotyped for pharmacogenes. Univariate and multi-variate prediction of ADRs were carried by means of binary logistic regression in order to identify novel as-sociations or validate findings in cohorts of patients with well-defined phenotypes. Results. We developed a comprehensive knowledge repository of actionable pharmacogenes. HALMED developed a method for informing physicians or pharmacists and their pa-tients about a possible pharmacogenetic involvement in the ADR pathogenesis. An anonymized copy of the test results has been used for the interpretation of pos-sible signals. Several publications from this project have been published, depending on the medication in question (warfarin, statins, clopidogrel, methotrexate, AEDs, psychotropic drugs). Conclusion. Pharmacoge-nomic knowledge repository is an excellent starting point for pharmacogenomic testing implementation in clinical practice and pharmacogenetic counselling after a reported ADR. By using a pharmacogenomics approach, individualized strategies in medication can improve drug safety and efficacy in the elderly patient population.


International Networking and Clinical Practice in Neurodegenerative DiseasesErvina Bilić, Barbara Sitaš, Hrvoje Bilić, Mirea Hančević, Fran Borovečki

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Aging is a well-known risk factor for neurodegen-erative disease. As world population is continuously aging, both incidence and prevalence of neurodegen-erative diseases are rising.

The term neurodegeneration means that there is an irreversible loss of neurons. Available treatments can only modify and slow down the natural course of the disease, but not stop disease progression. Therefore, it is not surprising that the field of research and interest in these diseases is continuously growing. Amyo-trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterised by progressive loss of motor neu-rons leading to death in 3–5 years from symptom onset. Since there is still no cure, treatment is based on

a multidisciplinary approach in palliative care to im-prove the quality of life. To improve care and make ex-pensive clinical research more available to our patients, Centre for Neuromuscular diseases and Clinical Elec-tromyoneurography, Clinical hospital centre Zagreb became a member of ENCALS (European network to cure ALS) in 2017.

After joining the network, our Centre continued to provide up-to-date medical care, treatment and sup-port for patients with ALS as well as actively seeking ways to contribute to the pool of knowledge about motor neuron disease. This is reflected in activities un-dertaken over the last two years – clinically based reg-istry of ALS patients was created as well as blood and CSF bank. Registry provided up to date epidemiologi-cal data about Centre’s patient population. We includ-ed new members into our multidisciplinary team with genomics and sleep disorders specialists. Following this team expansion first genetic testing results for Centre’s patients with familial ALS are available. All of this enabled us to join TRICALS research initiative to find cure for ALS. Centre has also started validation and standardisation of the Croatian ECAS (Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS screen) in collabora-tion with Prof. Abrahams’ team from University of Ed-inburgh. Following this, same is intended with DAS (Dimensional Apathy Scale). Currently our Centre is exploring the quality of life of patients with ALS (first results pending). Considering all of the above it ap-pears there has been a change in Centre’s activity with increased productivity and improved structure, and change in team’s attitude from mechanistic to optimis-tic which is sometimes even more difficult to achieve.

In this report we want to illustrate the practical im-portance of clinical and scientific network and its pos-itive impact in everyday quality of clinical work in the demanding field of neurodegenerative diseases, espe-cially ALS.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (81)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

Poster presentations


Common Clinical Challenges When Prescribing Dermatologic Therapy in Geriatric PatientsAnamaria Balić, Branka Marinović, Romana Čeović, Zrinka Bukvić Mokos

Department of Dermatology and Venerology, University Hospital Center Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

One hundred years ago, only 2% of the U.S. popula-tion was over 65 years old. By 1980, this percentage was 11%, and by the year 2030, it will be 20%. With this tremendous increase in the proportion of elderly in the global population, geriatric medicine has be-come of great interest and importance. Data shows that around 40% of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 years have had a skin disease significant enough to warrant treatment by a physician. Given the high incidence of significant dermatologic disorders in the elderly, it is clear that all health providers need to fa-miliarize themselves with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of skin diseases seen in this population. The mainstay of therapeutic approach in the elderly should be proper skincare and treatment due to the preventable nature of most of the age-related skin dis-eases or treatable nature of another skin disease with their age-related specificities. Particular attention needs to be directed towards geriatric dermato-phar-macology as an ageing population has brought many therapeutic challenges that we need to recognize and overcome. Safely prescribing in the field of geriatric dermatology is a complicated task since there is an in-creased risk of drug interactions that may be caused by various factors including the prescribing factor, pa-tient-related factors or difficulties within the health-care system such as poor or insufficient communica-tion between the patients and medical professionals. Dermatologists and other specialists should be aware that prescribing medicines to their mature patients is a dynamic process that involves many patient-doctor-health-care providers’ oriented steps, which may influ-ence the therapeutic result. Also, they need to be aware of the age-related changes in the pharmaco*kinetics of common dermatologic drugs, their various interac-tions potentially occurring in the elderly, and the prin-ciples, and evidence-based strategies for their preven-tion, detection and management to improve adher-ence to therapy in order to ensure the best and the safest treatment of dermatoses occurring in the se-niors. By implementing these gerontopharmacologic principles and strategies, and a team-based, holistic,

personalized, and multi-disciplinary professional dy-namic approach we can achieve the desired therapeu-tic outcome and improved quality of life for this fragile group of patients.


Voice Disorders and Voice Therapy in ElderlyAna Bonetti1, Ivana Šimić2, Drago Prgomet2

1 Department of Logopedics, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb

2 Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Voice disorders in the elderly are usually the result of physiological changes in the larynx that result in poor voice quality, vocal fa-tigue, and vocal strain. However, part of the diagnosed voice disorders in this population is not due to aging. The aim of this paper is to present a clinical snapshot of such voice disorders – specifically the ones that ac-company organic changes in the vocal cords – as well as to demonstrate the results of their rehabilitation. Methods. The study involved 23 women and 7 men aged 60 to 89 years with paralysis of the vocal cords caused by thyroidectomy (12), gastroesophageal reflux (LPR) (9), post-operative vagal glomus tumor (2), Re-inke’s edema (6 ) and vocal cord polyp (1). Their self-assessment of voice-related quality of life and their acoustic voice characteristics (jitter, shimmer, and har-monic-to-noise ratio) were compared before and after rehabilitation. Results. After rehabilitation, the acous-tic parameters improved significantly, indicating that, regardless of patient age or the impact of functional dysphonia in the elderly population, a good rehabilita-tion procedure can evoke objectively measurable posi-tive voice changes. Self-assessment revealed that poor-er voice quality affects quality of life among these pa-tients as well, even though they are no longer pro-fessionally involved or maximally socially active. Conclusion. The results of this study clearly demon-strate the need for the involvement of elderly persons in voice rehabilitation and the benefits of exploring various rehabilitation options in daily clinical work to raise or preserve their quality of life.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (82)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN


The Person-Centred Medical Interview for Elderly PatientsMarijana Braš1,2, Veljko Đorđević1

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb2 University Hospital Centre Zagreb

As in other medical branches, person-centered medical interview is an essential and very important tool when caring for the elderly. The medical interview is an integral part of the comprehensive geriatric as-sessment and diagnostic. The interview must include a complete range of biological, psychological, social and spiritual components. In communication with the el-derly and the elderly patients, a special emphasis should be placed on certain challenges that highlight our communication skills, knowledge and personal views. It is essential to understand that older people will have to a much greater extent some functional dif-ficulties that we need to be able to recognize and ac-commodate in the interview. One of the challenges in communication is certainly the issue how to convey various bad news to patients with serious diseases. When communicating with this type of patients, it is also important to recognize some of the specific emo-tional responses of old people to the disease. Finally, when we are talking about medical interview, it is of immense importance to organize the consultations with a whole family when we have an elderly patient with an illness. For medical practitioners, it is essential the knowledge how to conduct the interview which will have a high motivational effect on the patient and their health. The interview should be led in such a way to promote healthy aging – to point out the good parts and to encourage healthy life habits – while at the same time explaining to the patient that they can still live a quality life regardless the numerous illnesses. The geri-atric assessment is interdisciplinary, requiring a high level of quality communication within the medical team. The patient and their family must be also a member of this team and equal participants in the communication process. Recognizing the importance of the above, we are pleased to have promoted and gradually introduced into the curriculum of the School of medicine University of Zagreb over the past ten years, the new modules dedicated to the communica-tion with the elderly. In the teaching, we have included patients, too, through so called “model patient as a teacher”. This experiential learning method has proven to be excellent and has had the most impact on chang-ing knowledge and attitudes among students and healthcare professionals.We believe that promoting healthy aging is a continuous process in which the im-provement of communication is essential element.


Stroke and Mechanical Thrombectomy in ElderlyMislav Budišić, Marina Roje Bedeković, Marijana Bosnar Puretić, Lidija Dežmalj Grbelja, Sara Drnasin, Lejla Ćorić

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. The worldwide elderly population is rapidly growing, so absolute number of strokes is ex-pected to significantly increase over the course of the next century. Therefore, the benefit of endovascular treatment (EVT) of stroke in the elderly becomes more relevant. Mechanical thrombectomy is an established treatment for acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to a large vessel occlusion (LVO) involving the anterior ce-rebral circulation in all patients within 6 h and in some selected patients with advanced imaging findings up to 24 h from stroke onset. However, in most recent meta-analysis (HERMES), the older patients did worse than the younger patients regardless of treatment modality, and increasing age was a strong predictor of poor out-come. This single center analysis aimed to compare the outcomes of elderly patients with younger patients after EVT for AIS. Methods.We performed single cen-ter retrospective analysis of 60 patients (30 of them over 80 years and 30 under 80 years) who received EVT for anterior circulation in AIS. We aimed to de-termine 90-day good functional outcomes (modified Rankin Scale mRS 0–2) in patients ≥80 vs. <80 years, compare incidence of symptomatic intracranial hem-orrhage (SICH), mortality and successful reperfusion rate (on TICI 0–2 scale) between groups. Results. Thirty two percent of our elderly cohort achieved good 90-day mRS outcome compared to 40% of younger pa-tients. Successful reperfusion rate and SICH were sim-ilar (73% and 12% in younger group vs 76 % and 10% in elderly group). Morality was slightly higher in el-derly group (22 % vs 17 %) which was most likely con-tributed to higher prestroke comorbidity. Conclusion. Our results support some of previous findings that al-though older patients may have worse outcomes over-all, there is no heterogeneity of EVT effect seen by age. Mechanical thrombectomy is just as effective in elderly patients as it is in younger ones.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (83)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems


Different Faces of the Same Problem: Lipid-Lowering Therapy in the ElderlyVlado-Vlaho Ćubela1, Iva Galić2, Ante Pašalić3, Petar Bešlić3, Edvard Galić3

1 Zagreb county Health Center, Croatia2 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia3 Clinical Hospital Centre Sveti Duh, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. At least 85 million patients in Europe suffer from cardiovascular diseases which are the cause of 3,9 million deaths per year. Most of them are elderly people over 65 years old, who have an indication for lipid-lowering drug therapy. However, there is a question whether benefits of this treatment arises its harms considering frequent co-morbidities in elderly population. Methods. Four types of patients that we meet daily in medical practice will be outlined. Their cardiovascular risk according to SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Estimation), pa-tient assessment, blood pressure (BP), laboratory val-ues: TC, HDL, LDL, eGFR and life expectancy, will be calculated. Given the calculated parameters and com-bined with an individual approach, decision of using lipid therapy will be made. Results. The first patient, female, 65 years old, BP 140/80 mmHg, TC 5.9 mmol/L, HDL 1.4 mmol/L, LDL 3.5 mmol/L, eGFR 89 mL/min/1.73m², non-smoker. 10-year CV risk: 4%. This patient belongs to the moderate risk group (SCORE ≥1% and <5%) and her LDL values are 3.5 mmol/L with no indication for initiation of therapy (IIa/A). The second patient, male, 65 years old, BP 140/80 mmHg, TC 4.9 mmol/L, HDL 0.9 mmol/L, LDL 3.1 mmol/L, eGFR 65 mL/min/1.73m², non-smoker. 10-year CV risk: 9%. This patient is in the high-risk group (SCORE ≥5% and <10%) and his LDL is 3.1 mmol/L, which means that therapy is recom-mended (I/A). The third patient, female, 80 years old, BP 150/90 mmHg, TC 6.9 mmol/L, HDL 0.7 mmol/L, LDL 4.5 mmol/L, eGFR 55 mL/min/1.73m², smoker with documented ASCVD. This patient due to ASCVD belongs to the very high risk group and therapy is rec-ommended (LDL goal <1.4mmol/L) (I/A). The fourth patient, male, 80 years old, BP 150/90 mmHg, TC 7.8 mmol/L, HDL 1.1 mmol/L, LDL 5.1 mmol/L, eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73m², smoker with documented de-mentia and heart failure. Due to severe CKD (eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73m²), this patient belongs to the very high risk group, LDL is 5.1 mmol/L, which requires the gradual introduction of therapy at lower doses (I/C). Life expectancy is 3.3 years. Conclusions. Ac-cording to the guidelines, particular attention should be paid to life expectancy and in some patients ap-

proach should be individual. In these cases, it is quite clear that it makes sense to introduce the therapy to the second and third patient, since their life expectan-cy is long enough for the therapy to reach its maxi-mum effect, which takes 2–3 years. However, if the last case is looked at, the efficacy of the therapy depends on life expectancy and the dose should be modificated de-pending on renal function and other comorbidities.


Therapeutic Options of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer in ElderlyRomana Čeović, Mikela Petković, Zrinka Bukvić Mokos

Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common human cancer, with increasing incidence in the last decades. Cumulative sun exposure has the main role in the development of NMSC, so a higher prevalence of NMSC in the elderly is expected. A me-dian age at diagnosis is 71 years. Of all NMSC, approx-imately 80% include basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and 20% squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Other skin tu-mors account for about 1% of NMSC. In the elderly, therapy for NMSC can be surgical and nonsurgical. Surgical treatment of NMSC is the most effective treat-ment that provides high cure rate of over 90% for both SCC and BCC, and over 95% for BCC. Despite the high cure rates achieved with surgery, this treatment modality is associated with the risk of morbidities such as infections, which may be fatal in this age group. Other therapeutic modalities depend on tumor local-ization, histological type, and biologic behavior, as well as patient comorbidities, age, and life expectancy. Nonsurgical treatments include cryotherapy, local therapies (imiquimod, 5-fluorouracil, ingenol-mebu-tate, and diclofenac), photodynamic therapy, radio-therapy, and hedgehog inhibitors. Some of these treat-ments can be combined with curettage and electrodes-iccation for better outcomes. Every treatment modality has advantages and disadvantages that must be care-fully considered individually. Because the facial area is the most common localization of NMSC, treatment modalities with better cosmetic outcome are preferred. Many times, despite good clinical condition, a surgery is refused by the patient because of their age. Patient life expectancy, functional and socioeconomic status, and quality of life should be taken in consideration when choosing the most suitable treatment modality

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (84)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

for this non-fatal disease. Surgical excision after the procedure requires outpatient visits, which can be in-convenient because older patients are dependent on others because of the transport and a home care. On the other hand, nonsurgical treatments also require outpatient visits because of the novel applications which are sometimes unfamiliar to the patients. After choosing the best therapeutic option for a patient, it is crucial that the patient’s quality of life is preserved in this sensitive age.


Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis in Elderly PatientsLidija Dežmalj Grbelja

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoim-mune chronic demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that usually starts between 20 and 40 years. Rarely, in about less than 10% , it starts after age 50. Currently, approximately a quarter of people with MS are mature adults over 65 years old. Methods. We have analyzed demographic characteristics of patients aged ≥65 years, clinical data including type of MS, age of disease onset, duration, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and type of treatment. Results. Among 133 patients, 12 (9.02%) were ≥65 years old, 9 (75%) was female and 3 (25%) male. The youngest patient was 66 and the oldest 86 years old. The average age was 73.6 years. The average age of disease onset was 40.4 years, ranging between 25 and 63 years. Th average disease duration was 33.2 years, range between 8 and 48 years. The most common type of disease was sec-ondary progressive MS, present in 8 patients (66.7%), 2 (16.7%) patients had relapsing remitting MS and 2 (16.7%) primary progressive MS. The average EDSS was 4.5, range between 1 and 9. Most patients, 91.7%, received only symptomatic treatment, 1 patient took immunomodulatory drug. Conclusion. This small pilot study on characteristics of MS in elderly patients proved data found in the literature. As in the young age, female patients dominate. Longer disease dura-tion means more frequent transition to secondary pro-gressive MS and higher EDSS, while in the late onset of MS, after age of 50, primary progressive MS is more common. Immunomodulatory drugs, according to Croatian Health Organisation, until 2018 were re-served for patients younger than 55 years. Most pa-tients in our study were treated only by symptomatic treatment, which could explain higher EDSS and pro-gressive type of disease.


Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction in Women Undergoing Three Different Operating Techniques for Pelvic Organ Prolapse – a Pilot StudyDržislav Kalafatić1, Slavko Orešković1, Lana Škrgatić3, Iva Miškulin2

1 Division of Gynecological Surgery and Urogynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia3 Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. There are different methods for surgical management of pelvic organ pro-lapse. Surgical treatment includes vagin*l native tissue repair, vagin*l augmentation with mesh, and laparo-scopic approach. The aim of this pilot study was to compare outcomes and patient satisfaction between three different operating techniques in a single hospi-tal centre. Methods. A retrospective cohort study in-cluded total of 60 women who underwent surgery for apical and anterior prolapse. They were divided into three equal groups according to operating technique: vagin*l native tissue repair (N=20), vagin*l augmenta-tion with mesh (N=20) and laparoscopic lateral sus-pension with mesh (N=20). Data collected included baseline patients characteristic (age, BMI, menopausal status, prior surgery), intra and perioperative variables (operative time, hospital stay, haemorrhage, wound infection, urinary complications) and six month fol-low up outcomes (recurrent prolapse, dyspareunia, de novo urinary incontinence or urgency, patient satis-faction calculated on scale 1–10). Results. Baseline characteristics of women included were similar. The mean operating time was significantly longer in the laparoscopic lateral suspension group (95 min) when compared with other two groups (p < 0.01). Neverthe-less, hospital stay was shorter in aforementioned group (p<0.001). Further perioperative complications were rare and comparable between the groups. During the six-month follow-up period, no prolapse recurrence and mesh erosion were observed in any group. De novo stress urinary incontinence and urgency were in-frequently observed and comparable between the groups. Overall satisfaction was higher in laparoscopic lateral suspension group (p<0.05). Conclusion. No difference is found in complication rates and short-term outcomes between three different surgical tech-niques for apical and anterior prolapse. Nevertheless,

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (85)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

shorter hospital stay as well as higher overall satisfac-tion confirms laparoscopic lateral suspension as a promising endoscopic prolapse surgery technique. Fu-ture prospective studies with larger sample sizes dem-onstrating the long-term outcomes are warranted to confirm these conclusions.


Osteoarthritis – Leading Cause of Disability in the ElderlyBoris Karanović, Ivan Padjen, Branimir Anić

Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a slowly progressive musculoskeletal disorder associ-ated with increased age and is characterized by joint pain and tenderness, limitation of motion, joint de-formity and instability. It has long been considered a noninflammatory process, but new insights suggest a role of proinflammatory mediators and proteases therefore enabling development of new treatment tar-gets. Methods. Pathological findings in articular carti-lage, bone, synovium and soft tissues of patients with OA are similar and vary in the degree of damage, sug-gesting a uniform response to various insults. Multiple risk factors for developing OA have been identified, including age, obesity, joint injury, genetics, gender, as well as anatomical factors. The pathogenesis of osteo-arthritis involves various cytokines, chemokines and proteases and resembles that of a chronic nonhealing wound. There is growing evidence implying activation of the innate immune system as a result of tissue dam-age. Epigenetic changes contribute to development of OA as well and are being actively investigated. Results. Available treatment modalities consist of pain man-agement but no treatment has been proven to alter the structural progression of the disease. Agents inhib-iting catabolic processes and those stimulating ana-bolic processes, as well as drugs that modify inflam-matory pathways and bone remodelling are being in-vestigated and are reffered to as disease-modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) or structure-modifying OA drugs (SMOADs). Investigational drugs targeting pain have focused on inhibiting nerve growth factor. Conclu-sion. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of ar-thritis. Since it affects mainly the elderly and is associ-ated with substantial disability and reduced quality of life, it represents a great burden for the aging popula-tion. Novel insights into pathophysiology of the dis-ease promise new treatment modalities, as opposed to current treatment targeting symptomatic relief.


Therapeutic Movement Therapy (TMT) and the Healthy Lifestyles (HLS) Education in the Day Hospital (DH) – Reflections and SuggestionsSanja Martić-Biočina, Perla el Hasan, Zlata Pjević, Vesna Barić, Kristina Draguzet

University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, Croatia

Therapeutic movement therapy (TMT) and the healthy life styles (HLS) education in the Day Hospital have been successful part of the program of the Day Hospital for the patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, grief , psychosomatic and stress related disor-ders, treated within this program. Patients who are treated are both sex, ages between 18–65, majority in the middle ages, with somatic diagnosis as comorbid-ity. Taking care of body helps to improve wellbeing. In this poster we will present patients´ reflections and suggestions about this part of the program.


Assessing Fitness to Work Among Older Workers: Literature ReviewMilan Milošević, Hana Brborović, Roko Žaja

Department for Environmental Health, Occupational and Sports Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Decreases in physical and mental functional ability due to aging can impair work capacity, productivity and fitness for work among older workers. There is no precise, generally recog-nized age at which someone is considered as an older worker. Some studies have focused on workers older than 55, while other studies examined those 45 years or older. It is vital to make appropriate fitness to work assessment of older workers duo to serious increase of aged working population. Objective of our study is to summarise current situation in assessing fitness to work of older workers from data available in recent lit-erature. Methods. Literature review has been made in PubMed database regarding following key words: age-ing worker; fitness to work; functional capacity; work ability. We focused our search for time period of past 20 years. Results. We found only five publications that satisfied are inclusion criteria. All studies agreed that tong-term health issues increase with age. At the same

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (86)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

time, mental and physical fitness are closely related and should be assessed together. Conclusion of fitness to work assessment is predisposed by the interface among functional capacity, health, the type of work, and options for work accommodation or change. In general, studies report that older workers exhibit lesser turnover, more commitment to the workplace, and have more positive work values. Absenteeism is less prevalent in relation to younger workers, although it is longer when it is caused by the injury or chronic ill-ness. With respect to clinical and/or laboratory mea-surements, some authors have recommended the use of a ‘work ability index’ for specific occupations as a practical means of selecting the appropriate worker for the job. Such index has been made at Finnish Institute of Occupational Health as an instrument used in oc-cupational health care and research to assess work ability of workers during health examinations and workplace surveys. Conclusions. Appropriate under-standing of the work nature and workplace settings are essential for any fitness to work assessment among older workers. The assessment should include physi-cal, mental and social capacity, as well as assessment of any disability. Occupational physicians have an impor-tant role in making longer working lifetimes as possi-ble with productive and healthy older workers.


Is Ischemic Heart Disease as Huge Problem as We Think, or Is It Much Bigger?Ante Pašalić1, Petar Bešlić1, Vlado-Vlaho Ćubela2, Iva Galić3, Edvard Galić1

1 Clinical Hospital Centre Sveti Duh, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Zagreb county Health Center, Croatia3 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among elderly, as the age rep-resents the strongest risk factor for development of the atherosclerotic changes along the arterial tree. Beside age, older patients are more exposed to many other known cardiovascular risk factors, especially arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, renal dysfunction, smoking etc. Many different studies have demonstrated a higher prevalence of advanced coro-nary artery disease (CAD) in elderly, like severe calci-fications, obstructive lesions of coronary arteries, commonly affected left main coronary artery, multi-vessel disease etc. From epidemiological point of view, according to famous trials NHANES, FHS, CHS, men older than 80 years of age are more affected with CAD than women, who present more likely with chronic

coronary syndrome. Older patients often have atypical clinical presentation, and according to MESA and CHS trials one part of them have subclinical disease assessed by carotid intimal media thickness or coro-nary artery calcium. On the other hand, GRACE trial showed that elderly present more frequently with non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA). Only 33% of el-derly are revascularised after ACS, while according to CRUSADE trial approximately 40%. Prognosis of such patients is unfavourable due to higher incidence of mortality, which reaches up to 50% at 3 years follow up. In EuroHeart survey in hospital mortality for ACS for people older than 85 years of age is approximately 17%. ACS in elderly is more complicated with various conditions such as cardiogenic shock, heart failure, papillary muscle rupture, malignant ventricular tachy-arrhytmias, heart blocks, etc. Eventually, older people are more prone to develope second type of myocardial infarction, most frequently due to anemia, respiratory failure, infections. To date, the major problem repre-sents small number of older patients recruited in ACS trials. Large registries like GRACE, NRMI and CRU-SADE involve just under 30 % of STEMI and approxi-mately 40% of NSTEMI patients. Stated facts leave for the task on future trials to involve more elderly in their investigations, therefore patophysiology, presentation and treatment can be better understood.


Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Epilepsy – Single Centre ExperienceŽeljka Petelin Gadže1, Katarina Ivana Tudor1, Maja Živković2, Andreja Bujan Kovač1, Biljana Đapić Ivančić1, Sibila Nanković1, Vlatko Šulentić1, Ira Brezak3, Petra Nimac Kozina1, Barbara Sitaš1, Borislav Radić1, Monika Mudrovčić4, Zdravka Poljaković1, Sanja Hajnšek5

1 Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Croatian Association for Behavioral–Cognitive Therapies, Zagreb, Croatia4 University Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljević”, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

5 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Epilepsy is often asso-ciated with comorbid psychiatric illnesses and the most frequent of these, in around 40% of patients, is major depressive disorder. Compared to general popu-lation epidemiological studies show a consistent in-creased prevalence of depression in epilepsy. The main

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship be-tween epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and de-pression. We also wanted to evaluate possible associa-tion between depressive symptoms in patients with epilepsy with the quality of life (QoL). Methods. This was a prospective cross-sectional study carried out at the tertiary teaching hospital (University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia) with Ethics committee ap-proval. Questionnaires evaluating depressive symp-toms and QoL were administered to consecutive pa-tients treated in the Referral Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for Epilepsy. Depres-sive symptoms were evaluated using Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM- D17). Quality of life was assessed using Quality of life in epilepsy-31 inventory (QOLIE-31). Statistical analysis was done using statis-tical software IBM Corp. Released 2011. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp, using t-test, one way ANOVA, post hoc Scheffe test, Bonferroni, Tukey test, and Pearson cor-relation coefficient. Results. 108 patients (63% women, 37% men; mean age 39.54 ± 15.91 years) with epilepsy were included. 14.8% of patients had focal, 35.2% gen-eralised and 40.7% both types of epilepsy. Majority of patients (65.74%) were on two and more AEDs and quarter was on monotherapy (25%); 42% were on newer, 19% on older and 39% on both AEDs. Mean total score on HAM- D17 was 9.94 ± 8.18 (men – mean total score 10.16 ± 8.85, women – mean total score 9.81 ±7.84). There were no significant differences on HAM- D17 regarding gender and age. We didn’t find statistically significant differences regarding AEDs (older vs. newer AEDs, or both types AEDs) and re-sults on HAM- D17, nor between the type of epilepsy and results on HAM – D17. We found strong negative correlation between the higher QoL and HAM – D17 (p=0.000). Conclusions. Results of this study evaluat-ing depressive symptoms in patients with epilepsy demonstrate that our patients mainly experience mild depressive symptoms, with no significant differences on HAM- D17 regarding gender and age. Patients with epilepsy with less pronounced depressive symptoms were found to have higher QoL. We did not find statis-tically significant differences regarding the type of epi-lepsy and results on HAM – D17, nor between the AEDs (older vs. newer AEDs, or both types AEDs) and results on HAM- D17.


Immunosenescence and StrokeMarina Roje Bedeković

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Aging is a complex phenomenon leading to numer-ous changes in the physiological systems of the body. Age-related diseases are closely related to age-induced immune dysfunction, by which reductions in the effi-ciency and specificity of the immune system are termed „immunosenescence“. Immunosenescence predispose aged individuals to development of cerebrovascular risk factors.In neuro intensive care units several neu-ro-related diseases including stroke are related to im-munosenescence and neuroinflammation in the elder-ly. Profound systemic immunodepression occurs as early as 12 hours after ischemic stroke and may persist for several weeks. T lymphocytes are central to the de-velopment of a sustained inflammatory response. There is evidence that they accumulate in the post-ischemic brain within a few hours of reperfusion. In-fectious complications, predominantly chest and uri-nary tract infections, occur in many stroke patients within the first days of the stroke. The development of an infection soon after the stroke is associated with worse outcome. The immune system is also a key play-er in central nervous system repair and maintenance that undergoes a profound remodeling process over the lifetime and has a major impact on individual’s poststroke neurorehabilitaion, survival and outcome. Several advanced countries with superaged societies face the new challenge of improving the long-term prognosis of stroke patients. A better understanding of the multiple biological phenomena leading to diseases via the immunosenescence associated with inflam-maging provides a powerful target for interventions to increase the healthspan of elderly subjects.


Preparing Life for Healthy LongevityMirna Sisek-Šprem1, Ninoslav Mimica1,2, Mira Štengl-Martinjak1, Aida Križaj1, Ana Papić1

1 Department of Biological Psychiatry and Psychogeriatrics, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, Croatia2 University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

Psychiatry, more than any other field of medicine, needs to view a person as a whole, recognizing and ac-cepting every patient’s individuality. A personalized approach is very important when working with pa-tients of older age for multiple reasons: these patients

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (88)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

come to us with a lifetime of trauma, they not only have medical but also social issues, they are isolated and less functional, aside from psychological disor-ders, they also have somatic comorbidities and are generally more sensitive to pharmacotherapy. They are a particularly vulnerable group of patients in every way. This is why with these patients psychopharma-ceuticals are prescribed very cautiously and various support therapy techniques are used, which includes stimulating patients towards a meaningful life. The im-portance of seeking meaning in life and positive atti-tudes towards life has been talked about since ancient times; Aristotle speaks of eudaimonia and resilience is a popular term today. For the past ten years research has been conducted on the impact that finding mean-ing in life has on a person’s overall health and in reduc-ing the risk of certain diseases, including dementia, stroke and heart attack, by increasing cognitive reserve and reducing the infection response. Frankl, the founder of logotherapy, states that a person’s basic need is to search for purpose and that he/she is willing to suffer if that suffering has a purpose, that purpose in life (and in the moment) is individual and must be sought out daily on an individual level. Logotherapy, as a method of psychotherapy, encourages patients to look for strengths within them and then direct them-selves towards meaningful action, which is the most satisfying when directed at others. An individual ap-proach is emphasized; together with the patient, his/her strengths, talents and aspirations from youth are sought out and encouraged, focusing on identifying positive moments. By designing daily activities, espe-cially those that restore the patient’s sense of being needed by others, that they should not give up because of those around them (family members), a brighter perspective is created, symptoms of anxiety and de-pression are eliminated and dementia is slowed through cognitive skills training. This approach achieves the preventative and curative effect that is necessary in order to increase the quality of life of the elderly and to increase lifespan.


Current Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of Age-Related Macular DegenerationDomagoj Vlašić, Helena Kaštelan, Antonela Gverović Antunica

Department of Ophthalmology, Dubrovnik General Hospital, Croatia

Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a degen-erative ailment affecting the macula. It is defined by the presence of distinct clinical findings, including drusen and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) changes, in the absence of another malady. Later stages of the disease are correlated with impairment of vision. AMD is multifactorial in aetiology where age and heredity have a central place in the disease occurrence. The re-cent epidemiological studies have shown that there are about 0.4% of people between 50 and 60 , 0.7% of peo-ple between 60 to 70, 2.3% of those 70 to 80, and near-ly 12% of people over 80 years old diagnosed with AMD. Furthermore, smoking and obesity are associ-ated with a higher prevalence of the disease. Modern classification divides AMD into two main types: non-exudative (dry, non-neovascular) holding around 90% of diagnosed disease and exudative (wet, neovascular) associated with more prompt progression of sight loss. The disease is diagnosed by funduscopic examination where the presence of multiple drusen is frequent for early AMD. The drusen may appear confluent in inter-mediate AMD with significant pigment variations and pigment accumulation. Furthermore, the retinal pig-ment epithelium (RPE) often appears atrophic, with easier visualization of the underlying choroid vascular plexus. On the other hand, advanced exudative AMD appears with choroidal neovascularization, RPE eleva-tion or haemorrhage. Further procedures such as fluo-rescein angiography, Amsler grid evaluation, ocular coherence tomography (OCT) of the retina and ocular coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) of the retina confirm the diagnosis of AMD. Disease man-agement can be divided into prophylaxis and active treatment. The first focus on the prevention of the non-exudative AMD, whereas the active approach is more common for the exudative AMD. Preventive ef-forts include exercising, eating well, and not smoking. No remedy or treatment returns already lost vision. In the exudative form, anti-VEGF medication injected into the eye or less ordinarily laser coagulation or pho-todynamic therapy may decrease the disease progres-sion. Antioxidants and minerals do not appear to be useful for prevention. However, dietary supplements may slow the progression of the disease itself. The

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 Main Topic A Ageing of Biological Systems

most recent disease control approach include subreti-nal stem cell transplantation and intravitreal injection of ciliary neurotrophic factor, steroid inserts and neu-roprotective drugs, including brimonidine.


Why Care About Nutrition and Eating Habits in Early Life? Impact on Healthy AgeingOrjena Žaja

Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The rapid increase of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a major global health concern. The increase has happened too fast thus suggests that epigenetic phenomena may play a pivotal role. The most critical period in life is during the first 1000 days (from conception until 2 years) that offers a critical window of opportunity to shape both short and long-term health, while nutrition plays a crucial role. An imbalanced intake of nutrients can have profound effects on the child development, in-cluding risk of NCDs in later life. Meeting the specific nutritional needs in this period can positively influ-ence health outcome throughout life and therefore represents the first step towards healthy aging. Feeding difficulties (FDs) are among the most common pediat-ric problems. Incidence is higher in children with psy-chom*otor developmental disorders and chronic ill-nesses. According to some authors, 25–30% of parents report specific feeding problems, and 1–2% have seri-ous problems classified as early feeding disorders (EFDs). This difficulty significantly increase the risk of malnutrition and can adversely affect healthy aging. The aim of this research was to analyze the character-istics of children with FDs in our department and ap-plied therapeutic interventions. Methods. Medical chart retrospective analysis of children who attended department due to FDs in the past two-year. Results. During the analyzed period, a total of 174 children with nutrition-related disorders were treated (FDs and eating disorders). Fifty-seven, average age 16.31±9.2 months, had FDs. Only 6/47 had a severe form (EFDs), while rest had mild form of FDs. Most prevalent was selective form of FDs, and infantile anorexia the rarest. On average, the difficulties lasted for 7.29±5.32 month before treatment. Organic diseases were excluded (GERD, food allergy, celiac disease). 40/57 children presented with failure to thrive and 35/57 had signs of malnutrition. Regarding risk factors, 24/57 children had psychom*otor development difficulties and 13/57

had perinatal complications. Therapeutic interven-tions implied parental reassurance, education on feed-ing patterns and nutritional supplementations. Only children with EFDs were included in further multidis-ciplinary treatment. Conclusions. Feeding difficulties are common in pediatric practice, but are not seen as a potentially serious problem that can have long-term health effects. When recognized early, the intervention is simple and significantly reduces the risk of malnu-trition and the negative impact on healthy aging. Thus, timely recognition and intervention are an important goal, for families and health professionals.


Clinical Practices for Improvement of Psoriasis in ElderlyKristina Žužul1, Zrinka Bukvić Mokos2, Romana Čeović2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia

Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease of mul-tifactorial etiology, in which an increased release of proinflammatory cytokines and activation of the im-mune system cause damage to various tissues and or-gans. It is a chronic disease affecting 2–3% of the pop-ulation, characterized by inflammation and scaling of the skin, but not limited to it. Mild psoriasis is gener-ally treated with topical therapy, while phototherapy, oral systemic medications or biologic therapy are treatment options for moderate to severe disease. Tak-ing into account the chronic course of this disease and the continuing rise in life expectancy, the prevalence of psoriasis among the elderly will further increase, which makes management of psoriasis in the elderly an important health care problem.

Management of psoriasis in elderly patients may be challenging since they are often excluded from clinical trials, and the data regarding efficacy and safety in this population is lacking. Consequently, some dermatolo-gists recommend only topical therapy and avoid pre-scribing systemic therapy, which may lead to inade-quate treatment response in this population. Individu-alized treatment to each elderly patient should be pro-vided due to possible drug-induced or aggravated psoriasis, higher prevalence of comorbidities, poly-pharmacy, adverse effects, self-care capability and quality of life.

Topical therapy is probably the safest option for treating elderly patients with psoriasis, although topi-cal corticosteroids should be used with caution due to

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (90)


Ageing of Biological Systems Main Topic A 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 29–63 LIJEČ VJESN

the physiologic changes in older skin and a higher risk of cutaneous side effects. The physical limitations and dependence on caregivers should also be taken into account, as compliance may be reduced due to diffi-culty in applying topical agents. Due to a higher preva-lence of hypertension and decreased renal and hepatic function in the elderly, special caution should be taken when prescribing conventional systemic therapy – methotrexate, cyclosporine, and acitretin. Biologic therapy is more often initiated in younger than in el-derly patients, although it may be a safer option than conventional systemic therapy in the elderly due to its high efficacy, a lower rate of adverse events, and lower frequency of hospital visits. Still, regular follow-up is necessary because of the increased risk of infections and malignancies.

Since psoriasis is becoming increasingly widespread in the elderly, it is surprising that studies regarding treatment efficacy and safety in the geriatric popula-tion are scarce. Further clinical research on treatment modalities in the elderly are needed, in order to im-prove management outcomes in this population.


Education of Physicians to Provide Healthcare to Elderly in CroatiaMiroslav Hanževački1,2, Venija Cerovečki1,3, Branimir Anić4, Spomenka Tomek-Roksandić5, Željko Reiner6

1 Department of Department of Family Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Health Center Zagreb – Zapad, Croatia3 Health Center Zagreb – Centar, Croatia4 Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

5 International University Libertas, Zagreb, Croatia6 Division of Metabolic Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The aging population rises the need for adequate education of specialist fo-cused on medical care for elderly. Physicians should be trained to adopt the expertise in certain areas to chang-

ing biological functioning and communicational and social challenges of elderly patient. Objective of this study is to present the most recent educational pro-gram for physicians providing health care for elderly in Croatia. Methods. Medical Faculty in Zagreb intro-duced the postgraduate program tailored to adopt the most recent recommendation of UEMS to the current best practices in all areas of medical care for elderly in Croatia. The program is structured for graduated medical doctors. Results. Training for health care of elderly is presents in almost of all specialty training programs and postgraduate education in Croatia, most notably in specialty training program in geriatric medicine. The five-year specialty training program in geriatric medicine includes internal common trunk during 22 months and specific part of specialty train-ing program in geriatric medicine during 33 months. During the internal common trunk residents in geriat-ric medicine have the same program as all other resi-dents included in specialty training programs with in-ternal common trunk. During specific part of specialty training program in geriatric medicine residents spend three months at internal medicine departments and acquire the competencies necessary for the providing health care for elderly, two months in training for in-terventional diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for elderly, five months are reserved for neurogeriatric topics, five and half months for psychogeriatric topics, two and half months for palliative care, two months for rehabilitation, one and half months for orthopedics ant traumatology, one and half months for endocrinol-ogy, one and half months for oncology and radiother-apy, one month for infectology and fifteen days for nutrition in elderly . Specialty training program in ge-riatric medicine includes five months for education in gerontology and public health. During specialty train-ing in geriatric medicine residents spend two months in family medicine because family physicians are basic physicians in primary health care in Croatia. Specialty training program in geriatric medicine in Croatia in-cludes three months’ theoretical postgraduate educa-tion in geriatric medicine as obligatory part of educa-tion of this kind of medical expert. Conclusion. Edu-cation in Croatia enable physicians for providing health care for elderly, mostly during specialty training in geriatric medicine.

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Theme B

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Session B1: IT Technologies in the Service of Healthy Ageing

Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:Suppl 1:67–88 https://doi org/10 26800/LV-142-Suppl1-3

Invited lecture


IT Technologies in the Service of Healthy AgeingGiuseppe Fico

Life Supporting Technologies, Spain

Throughout Europe and all around the world, mor-tality rates have fallen significantly over the past de-cades [1] leading to considerable changes in the age distribution of societies [2]. If these added years are dominated by rapid declines in physical and mental capacity without support, the implications for older people and for society are further more negative. Re-sponding to the burden of ageing presents challenges for all health systems. More emphasis on the preven-tion of diseases and frailty states, on new ways to reori-ent the provision of care, is needed. Strategies that in-volve multiple organizational aspects, that are setting shared decision making processes in the community, and incorporate a multidisciplinary team approach are more likely to be effective[3]. Among the few models that have proved worldwide to be effective in imple-menting paradigm shift, the Chronic Care Model (CCM), and its adaptations and variations, is the mostly used by several regions to reform health care system with a long-term and ‘big’ plan, to use the full potential of a single-payer system [3]. The CCM is one of the few models that conceptualized effective com-ponents of care, even though these components have been not structured, and have not been well and for-mally articulated. “Consequently, there is limited evi-dence about the real impact of any of the existing models” [4]. Is it possible to improve the way evidence-based healthcare impacts our systems? In this context, innovations could support to achieve better diagnosis, treatment and management for patients across the continuum of care. Despite the exponential and aston-ishing advances in medical technologies 1 , the way they are delivered is not sufficiently efficient, effective and consumer friendly. In a famous Harvard Business Review editorial, three types of innovations (techno-logical, services and business) and six forces (players, funding, technology, customers, accountability) should be analysed in order to understand how to introduce

innovations to improve HC systems, mentioning that In Europe there are serious barriers towards adoption of customer-based innovations, technology-based are restricted and regulated by Health Technology Assess-ment agencies, due to cost expenditure maintenance, causing the absence of a large venture capital commu-nity; however, the centralized nature of European HC systems offers the potential for innovation in services for long term treatment and chronic diseases [5]. Nev-ertheless, technological innovations have proved to be the major contributor to the growth of countries in the last two centuries, especially when they have been part of common evolutionary trajectories and when they are grouped into paradigms [6], meaning that they are identified as “activities to solve problems that are se-lected by the paradigm itself ” [7], acting as catalyst for innovations. Why this is not happening enough in the healthcare sector? The improvement of innovation de-livery involves the creation of multidisciplinary re-search teams and taskforces, rather than just working teams [8]: multidisciplinary research involves ‘‘not only the integration of discipline-specific approaches, but also the extension of these to generate fundamen-tally new conceptual frameworks, hypotheses, theo-ries, models, and methodological approaches that transcend their disciplinary origins’’ [9] and new chal-lenges in evaluating the processes, outcomes, and skill acquisition of members of multi-disciplinary teams” [10]. Over the past decade, data scientists and engi-neers have become increasingly drawn to and involved with healthcare. This interest has recently been accel-erated by the now near universal digitization of health-care, providing data scientists with a toehold and a progressively important role in daily care as well as research. In the same period, the European 1 Stanford Medicine 2017 Health Trends Report. Commission has been organizing a series of mul-tidisciplinary activities to drive the adoption of inno-vations towards improvement of healthcare systems and outcomes, such as the European Innovation Part-nership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA), the European Institute of Technology for Health (EIT-Health), the eHealth Action Plan 2012–2020, the Smart Living Environment for Ageing Well working group of the Alliance for Internet Of Things Initiative (AIOTI), the Study on Big Data in Public Health, Tele-medicine and Healthcare. Despite all these huge ef-forts, no one is trying to “connect all the dots”, and there is the risk that each one of these initiatives claims

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (95)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

to be holistic and breaking silos in a syncretistic man-ner. How can this group of diverse talents, interests, and schedules be brought together for productive col-laboration? The digitization of healthcare provides data scientists with a toehold and a progressively im-portant role in daily care as well as research. How can this group of diverse disciplines, sectors, talents, inter-ests, and schedules be brought together for productive collaboration? The main objective of this speech is to show how effective implementation of healthcare in-terventions can be driven through structured adop-tion of innovation and technological paradigms, un-binding the potential of the synergies between these domains.

Four main research activities are proposed: 1. Trans-late Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBH) into actionable knowledge through eHealth paradigm wide and suc-cessful adoption of effective models of care is only pos-sible when research findings can be translated. In order to transform knowledge and evidence into ac-tion, the way EBH is valued, synthesized, transferred and delivered is crucial. This means identifying a con-ceptualized model of care, and a suitable knowledge translation process, from discovery to intervention development, from development to delivery. The eHealth paradigm is currently used by the EC to im-prove efficiency of healthcare systems2 . 2. Face the complexity of healthcare through multidisciplinary research and teams, empowered by the Internet of Things and Big Data paradigms: once concepts are de-fined, it is then possible to understand which domains and disciplines are (or can be) involved, in order to

better analyse the way effective interventions can be put in place. The Big Data and Internet of Things para-digms, sometimes seen as two sides of the same coin, would allow multidisciplinary teams to use data when it is still in motion, and extract valuable information from it, as a sort of knowledge in motion. 3. Turn knowledge and actions into Decision Support Systems, making use of Artificial Intelligence: once concepts, roles and knowledge are defined, it is possible to create intelligence systems through the AI paradigm. Rule inference and machine learning techniques can be used to create common and well-defined intelligent systems that could accelerate the innovation processes and provide recommendations to stakeholders and end-users. 4. Validate the DSS retrospectively and pro-spectively, and define new ways of assessing healthcare innovations throughout their whole life cycle. Once the DSS is developed, verifying how can support stake-holders and end-users of healthcare systems in taking better decisions and with which results, are fundamen-tal activities. Understanding this means to define new ways of evaluating innovations in all aspects of health-care (technologies, services, organizations).


1. European Commission: The 2015 ageing report, underlying assumptions and projection, methodologies. (2014).

2. United Nations. “World population ageing: 1950–2050.” New York: Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2002).

3. Rechel, Bernd, et al. “Ageing in the European union.” The Lan-cet 381.9874 (2013): 1312–1322.

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Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

Oral presentations


Not the Computer but the Place: Designing and Evaluating Future Ambient Spaces for Improved Quality of Life in the ElderlyJohn Waterworth

Department of Informatics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

Introduction and objectives. In a set of related stud-ies, we designed, implemented and evaluated ambient environments that support the wellbeing of elderly citizens: a) Exercise and health. Engaging in regular physical exercise improves not only physical wellbeing but also mental health problems such as depression and is a preventative factor in cognitive deterioration. b) Social engagement. Loneliness and social isolation are risk factors for elderly wellbeing. c) Experienced safety and privacy when using networked technolo-gies. Methods. a) We designed and evaluated medical-ly-recommended exercise programs based on sensing technologies in the user’s home or in public spaces. In one study, outcomes in Spain and Sweden were com-pared. In another, exercise games with an added cog-nitive task were compared with similar games without. b) We designed and evaluated a range of interactive tools in the homes of users: a custom social network, ambient devices for signalling the arrival of messages or the need to communicate, and camera-based mood recognition. c) We are exploring attitudes to internet threats, such as phishing and counterfeit websites, using survey methods. We are also evaluating reac-tions to possible new ways of providing protection and assistance. Results. a) Physical exercise programs are popular with the elderly and effective for increasing levels of activity, but not motivating in themselves. Some commercial games are more entertaining, but do not provide medically-recommended exercises. Our designed games with approved movements were well-adopted, especially with an added problem-solving di-mension. b) Social networking is popular with the el-derly and can help reduce feelings of isolation. Ambi-ent interaction devices can potentially be successful to facilitate background displays of a variety of informa-tion, such as arriving messages. Tangible objects pro-vide a simple way of signalling a desire for contact from others, without the need to use a more compli-cated device. Camera-based facial expression recogni-

tion is effective for tracking mood change in the el-derly, and can be used as a basis for automatic requests for assistance. c) Internet insecurity is a serious issue for the elderly, but can in principle be addressed with carefully designed intervening technologies. Conclu-sions. Technologically-enhanced ambient environ-ments in the homes and meeting places of elderly users can facilitate and motivate healthy exercise, social in-teraction and to some extent allay concerns about safe-ty and privacy while using internet-based services. We must provide the elderly with responsive spaces, not complex devices.


Potential of Accessible Website for Elderly – Case Study ResearchŽeljka Car, Matea Žilak, Ivana Rašan

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Digital accessibility refers to a website, mobile ap-plication or electronic document that can be easily navigated and understood by a wide range of users, including those who have visual, auditory, motor or cognitive disabilities. Properly designed web and mo-bile applications possess great potential for removing barriers to communication and interaction that many people face in the digital world and may significantly contribute to the well-being of particularly elderly by offering new possibilities and services not only for ac-tive participation in the society, but also for support-ing living independently as long as possible. The “Ac-cessible Website for Persons with Disabilities” project is a product of long multidisciplinary cooperation be-tween the University of Zagreb FER and Croatian Reg-ulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM). The project includes several NGOs of persons with disabilities (PWD), students from technical field from Zagreb and Dubrovnik, middle-school students and elderly from retirement homes. The overall research goal is to analyze specific needs of PWD regarding web accessibility in the country and to implement open and innovative solutions for their digital inclusion. One of the results is the accessible web prototype ( with the pur-pose of providing information on telecom operators’ offers and benefits to young people, PWD and elderly. The prototype implements different accessibility fea-tures and presents the accompanied by corresponding method for developing accessible website that is dis-tributed publicly to help developers and designers in their effort of accessible website development. Proto-type evaluation was performed in several iterations

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

and representatives of elderly from retirement homes also took part in this process, the oldest participant was 89. Finally, total of 61.3% of respondents state that all accessibility options are fully implemented while 34.2% state that accessibility options are partly imple-mented. Part of the research performed in collabora-tion with the representatives of elderly focusing on those living in a nursing home shows that most of the elderly who use ICT need additional support mostly to communicate with the family and friends. This col-laboration discovered new insights on what the elderly really expects the most from the digital world, as well as new ways of engaging students of technical studies in improving digital inclusion of elderly. So new course named “Application of technical knowledge for social-ly useful purposes” is starting at FER where students will apply their knowledge to provide support also for elderly.


Determining the Parameters of Healthy Ageing Using Automated Neuron-Level Analysis of the Laminar Structure of the Human BrainAndrija Štajduhar1, Goran Sedmak2, Miloš Judaš2

1 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The ageing of the human brain is protracted process characterized by the loss of neuronal elements such as synapses and neurons. One of the most common disorders of the brain in older age are various types of dementia. The hallmark of dementia is accelerated loss of neurons which leads to the loss of many cognitive functions. In order to determine the severity of neuronal loss in dif-ferent types of dementia it is necessary to precisely quantify the number of neurons in different life peri-ods and disorders. The goal of this research is the de-velopment of novel computational methods for auto-matic and objective analysis of human brain at neuron level in order to achieve objective estimation of pa-rameters of healthy and pathological brain changes as result of ageing. Methods. Current golden standard in quantification is stereology for which, in order to pro-duce reliable number, many criteria need to be met (e.g. section randomization, tissue sectioning, etc.). Even when all prerequisites of stereology have been met, the estimate produce by it can vary ± 20% from

real value. As many differences between “normal” and “pathological” brain fall within the 20% it is difficult to asses the real influence of neuronal loss in dementia. Machine learning methods based on tree ensembles and deep neural networks were used to estimate den-sity of neuronal populations and predict neurons’ layer within the cortex. Results. In order to obtain more precise results about neuronal number in human brain we developed novel program for automatic cell count-ing, phenotyping and cortical layer segmentation. The proposed solution uses deep neural networks to reli-ably recognize all neurons on the histological slides. The advantage of such approach is the objectivity of counting (i.e. computer always recognize the same set of neurons), reduced estimate error (all neurons on the slide are counted instead of small proportion), and reduced influence of brain anisotropy (i.e. over or under representation due to the spatial tissue proper-ties). Through performance measurements it was shown that the machine learning model’s output agrees with manual labels in the same amount as they agree with each other, thus creating results indistinguishable from that of human experts. Conclusions. Quantita-tive analysis of neuronal distribution and exploration of its underlying principles resulted in novel frame-work and methodology for cellular-level investigations of brain tissue. The use of our approach provides more reliable data about neuronal population during healthy ageing and thus providing better baseline for analysis of neuronal loss in many forms of dementia.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (98)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

Poster presentations


Smart Home – a Solution Compatible with the EU Home-Based Care Priority?Mateja Banović1, Maja Banadinović2, Dorja Vočanec2, Aleksandar Džakula2

1 Health Centre Zagreb West, Zagreb, Croatia2 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Population ageing has become one of the leading challenges of modern health care systems. Chronic patient care, which greatly re-fers to the elderly, represents an increasing burden for health care. Combining that approach with modern technological advances, smart home care solutions emerge. Solutions like these are based on IoT network-ing technologies, wireless integration of parameters received from sensors and automated data transfer. The aim was to analyse compatibility of the smart home care solutions’ concept with EU home-based care priority, on the example of Croatia. Methods. SWOT analysis of the elderly smart home care model was conducted. It determines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding possible imple-mentation of this model in Croatia. Results. Smart home care may support independent living and reduce burden on the health care system. It enables both for-mal and informal carers to provide more specific and more effective care. 24/7 monitoring improves care making home a setting for the reassurance of continu-ity and comprehensiveness of care. It respects patient-centred and patients as a partner approaches. The level of population and technology readiness for smart home care solutions is still relatively low and limited. At the moment, the most developed seem to be sen-sors for monitoring daily living and chronic health conditions. Integration into existing healthcare system is also a complex challenge. Conclusion. As the grow-ing elderly population seeks to age at familiar settings, smart home technologies can be a potential solution to support home-based care while reducing chronic care burden on the health care systems. Remote monitor-ing and communication with carers via existing infra-structure could allow elderly patients to remain in their homes whilst still being cared for. Digital literacy, financial accessibility, immature technology, privacy loss and internet availability in remote/rural areas as the biggest downsides will need to be considered care-fully. There is a clear need for a proof of evidence study to demonstrate the software integration possibilities.


Modern Technologies and Devices for Remote Health Monitoring in Elderly HealthcareJelena Jakab, Nikola Volarić, Luka Malenica, Ljiljana Trtica Majnarić, Aleksandar Včev

Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

Introduction. Increased life expectancy along with the decreasing birthrate globally will result in a large aging population in the near future. Older age is often accompanied by numerous chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and lung diseases, stroke, diabetes and cancer, causing high mortality and strong impact on quality of life such as long-term diabetes-related com-plications. This unfavorable trend creates a significant socio-economic burden and increases costs associated with health care services. Therefore, enabling afford-able new strategies and technologies for providing bet-ter health care is urgently needed. Emergency situa-tions in elderly require immediate medical interven-tions and can result in prolonged hospital stay, all of which could be avoided or prevented by the continu-ous monitoring of the physiological parameters and activities. Remote health monitoring options: Remote health monitoring offers real-time monitoring, col-lecting and analyzing of physiological data collected by un-obtrusive sensors in a way that doesn’t interrupt daily activities of normal life. Smart home platforms allow people to remain in their home environment where physiological condition and motions are moni-tored by non-invasive low-cost sensors which are in communication with remote healthcare facilities. Ad-ditionally, modern smartphones are equipped with a number of sensors that can be used to measure several health parameters, analyze them, display on the phone and transmit to a distant healthcare facility. Quantita-tive assessment of cognitive and physical health, daily activities, gait patterns, and vital signs can be useful for early detection of a potential health problem. Diabetes monitoring: Diabetes-related complications cause kid-ney failure, lower limb amputations, and blindness. Optimal care for patients with diabetes often lack key health information necessary for tighter diabetes con-trol which would result in more effective therapeutic strategy. That is the reason for a recent boost in the development of glucose sensors with effective continu-ous sensing technology. Additionally, the broad spec-trum of artificial intelligence approaches for preven-tion, detection and treatment of diabetes are currently being developed in order to improve glucose control and reduce hypoglycemic episodes. Conclusion. The

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

primary purpose of remote health monitoring is to allow people to live uninterrupted and active lives with continuous surveillance of their physical well-being. The improvements in data storage and processing allow a low-cost solution for screening, early diagnosis and predictive algorithms development.


SEFAC App – Tool to Support a Better HealthMihaela Marinović Glavić1, Vanja Vasiljev1, Lovorka Bilajac1, Tomislav Rukavina1, Oscar Zanutto2, Stefania Macchione3, Anastasios Rentoumis4, Athanasia Karanasiou5, Tamara Alhambra6, Jorge Garcés-Ferrer6, Elena Curtopassi7, Nigel Clark8, Anthony Polychronakis9, Siok Swan Tan10, Ellen Rouwet10, Sophie Korenhof10, Hein Raat10

11 Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia

12 European Project Department, Istituto per servizi di ricovero e assistenza agli anziani, Treviso, Italy

13 Istituto per servizi di ricovero e assistenza agli anziani, Treviso, Italy14 Alliance for integrated Care, Athens, Greece15 Vidavo, Thessaloniki, Greece16 University of Valencia, Polibienestar Research Insitute, Valencia, Spain17 Covenant on demographic change, Bruxelles, Belgium18 Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly, Truro, UK19 Municipality of Rotterdam, The Netherlands10 Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam,

The Netherlands

Introduction and Objectives. The expansion of novel technologies and ICT solutions can serve for the improvement of population health when used appro-priately. The main challenge is digital literacy among population, especially older persons. Older persons can benefit by using new technologies and ICT solu-tions in many aspects (monitor of heart rate, activity time, calories, create and maintain social networks). The SEFAC project supports the population health with specifically developed ICT solution for the im-provement of lifestyles in order to reduce the burden of major chronic diseases and to increase the sustain-ability of health systems. Participants and Methods. The SEFAC project is developed for the improvement of lifestyles of citizens (+50) that are involved in 7-week program based on the mindfulness approach. The participants were given the opportunity to use SEFAC App on their smartphones or tablets. The main goal of the SEFAC App was to enable participants to use SEFAC knowledge even after the face to face work-shops ended. Results. The SEFAC app is available in English, Dutch, Italian and Croatian and it is a part of the implementation phase in four pilot sites of the

SEFAC project (Cornwall, Rotterdam, Treviso and Ri-jeka). The results of Rijeka pilot site implementation will be shown – creation of an user account, installing the App on the devices and showing features that SEFAC App offers (coaching and motivation, monitor nutrition and physical exercise, manage dietary/ phys-ical activity goals, mindful bell, mindfulness practices) in order to prevent, delay, slow down or even reverse the progress of a chronic disease(s), in line with their personalized dietary and activity goals. Conclusion. The benefit that the SEFAC App offers is the possibility to empower users for pro-active self-health manage-ment making it an excellent tool for supporting and encouraging participants in a service of a healthy aging with novel technologies.

Acknowledgement: This research is part of the proj-ect ‘738202 / SEFAC’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).


Information and Communication Technologies in Service of Improving and Maintaining Mental Health in Ageing SocietyHrvoje Mlinarić

Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Burdens of ageing like chronic diseases, cognitive and social problems may result in mental health issues. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) might offer solu-tion for this challenge. This review gives information regarding utilization of various ICT concepts in health care and everyday life of the elderly and how it may influence their mental health. Methods. PubMed data-base was used for literature assessment using following keywords: Information and Communication Technol-ogies, telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence (AI), elderly, depression and mental health. Official websites of World Health Organization (WHO) and European Union (EU) were consulted as well. Results. ICT mo-dalities like Ambient Assistive Living Technology (AALT) based on AI help elderly to be autonomous and live a physically and socially active life. Social iso-lation prevention may reduce the risk of depression in elderly. Several of the top 25 most influential EU-Funded ICT projects for Active and Healthy Ageing are developing cloud based cognitive training tools, fall prevention solutions, continuous care platforms and robotic systems with great potential as smart home assistance and as a part of social care for people

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (100)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

with dementia through loneliness and isolation pre-vention. Insomnia is a significant factor of mental health issues of the elderly. Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy programs and sleep technologies for remote monitoring of CPAP machines rehabilitate elderly with insomnia and improve their mental health outcomes. Initial phases of Agile Co Creation for Ro-bots and Ageing (ACCRA) project designed to be test-ed in mobility, daily life and socialization support re-corder a good overall attitude towards robotic technol-ogy and a great interest by the elderly participant to be actively involved in the development of tools based on their needs. Furthermore, different modalities of assis-tive technology, telecare and telemedicine have shown to be beneficial for Alzheimer disease patients and their caregivers through avoiding stress and depres-sion. However, there are articles that emphasize a con-cern about consumer health information technologies regarding patients with multiple chronic illnesses. Data they track (i.e. diet or glucose levels) could be emotionally charged and may lead to low adoption of such tools. Conclusion. Enthusiasm for ICT innova-tion adoption is increasing and there are different technologies that have shown to be beneficial for men-tal health outcomes of the elderly. Although there are concerns about adoption of some types of ICTs, future improvements might help ICT utilization in service of healthy ageing.


The Role of Standardized Diabetes Data Set in Improving the Quality of Care at Primary Care LevelMarija Švajda1, Valerija Bralić-Lang2,3, Zrinka Mach4, Tamara Poljičanin1

1 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Private Family Physician Office Affiliated to the Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Association of Teachers in General Practice/ Family Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia4 Diabetes Patients Associations, Zagreb, Croatia

Diabetes has become a major public health problem last decades because of the high prevalence and conse-quences it has on individuals and society (1). The prevalence of diabetes is highest among adults over the age of 65 and a global increase in diabetes prevalence can partially be explained by the aging of the world’s population (1, 2). Diabetes in older people also has nu-merous specificities in care and potential threats asso-ciated with treatment. To enable patients the highest possible quality of life in their third age, it is important to postpone the development of chronic complications of diabetes. Along with the chronic care model, that

could be achieved by implementing a standardized data set for diabetes monitoring, which has proven to be efficient in improving quality indicators (2-6). As a part of Chrodis + Joint Action, co-financed by the EU, the research on improving quality of care by using standardized diabetes data set (SDDS) was conducted. The intervention consisted of educating family physi-cians (FPs) about the diabetes registry and giving them feedback about their SDDS. Mixing methods approach (quantitative and qualitative) for acquiring data was used. Quantitative analyses enabled analyzing SDDS and availability of key quality indicators before and after the intervention. Semi-structured interviews have been used to get an in-depth insight into FPs’ usage and attitudes towards SDDS.An average number of patients with fulfilled SDDS per FP increased by 52.30% from 20.2 before to 30.8 after the intervention. Significant changes in values of chosen diabetes quali-ty indicators were not observed, because of a short pe-riod of post-education monitoring within the project. The output of qualitative part enabled better insight in data set usages and revealed the recommendations for improving SDDS and quality of care as follows: imple-menting albumin/creatinine index in laboratories on primary health care level, SDDS feedback to FPs, in-volving nurses in SDDS, reducing number of stan-dardized data sets and number of indicators per data set, making their patient management software more user-friendly, and additional funding.FPs mostly have positive attitudes towards SDDS and they use it as re-minders in regular monitoring of patients with diabe-tes. However, educating FPs about SDDS, and giving them feedback on their work, might further contribute to better monitoring of patients with diabetes. Other possible improvement areas which might additionally improve SDDS and quality of care are ensuring moni-toring of major quality indicators, higher involvement of nurses, optimization of patient management soft-ware, and additional funding.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (101)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

Invited lecture


Modern Urban Planning in the Service of Healthy AgeingJulia Wadoux

AGE Platform Europe, Belgium

“… healthy ageing is more than just the absence of dis-ease. For most older people, the maintenance of func-tional ability has the highest importance. The greatest costs to society are not the expenditures made to foster this functional ability, but the benefits that might be missed if we fail to make the appropriate adaptations and investments. The recommended societal approach to population ageing, which includes the goal of building an age-friendly world, requires the transformation of health systems away from disease-based curative models and towards the provision of integrated care that is cen-tred on the needs of older people.”

Dr. Margaret Chan, in WHO, World Report on Ageing and Health, 2015

Setting the scene: ageing and urbanisation

In its 2018 Ageing Report, the European Commis-sion said it expects that the proportion of the EU’s population aged 65 and up will rise from 19% to 29% by 2070, while the segment aged 80 and over will in-crease from 5% to 13%. At the same time, 80% of older people already live in urban areas.

Demographic shifts and urbanisation have created important challenges that need to be addressed to en-sure a good quality of life for all generations, while re-ducing inequalities and combating social exclusion. As populations age, pressures and challenges on health and wellbeing both mount and shift and policy makers are increasingly concerned about the growing burden on health systems in general and long-term care in particular.

Fostering healthy ageing through age-friendly environments

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical and social environments are the key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous long into their old age.

There are eight domains where this comes into play: transportation; outdoor spaces and built environment; housing; community support and health services; civic participation and employment; social participation; respect and social inclusion; and information and communication.

Improving these domains will help make cities more age-friendly. Such environments allow everyone to grow and get older in better health and to remain ac-tive and autonomous for longer. This contributes to lowering the gap between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, which remains about 15 years for men and 17 years for women (EU28 – Eurostat). This means we spend on average between 15 and 17 years of our later life with a disabling health condition.

Challenges faced by older persons in cities

Moving from a patient approach towards a citizen-ship narrative is therefore key to have a comprehensive approach of older people’s life. While it is important to consider the access and availability of care and health services, this is not enough. There are several challenges older people face and which impact their health status:•  loneliness and isolation: according to recent find-

ings of the Generations and Gender Survey, lone-liness was common among 30% to 55% of older people in Central and Eastern Europe and 10% to 20% in Northwestern Europe;

•  living in place: most people prefer to continue liv-ing in their own home and “the majority of older people will continue to prefer to live in communi-ties with a mix of ages” (Buffel, Handler, Phillip-son, 2018);

•  social exclusion: while material deprivation is de-creasing, inequalities are rising. This covers many different issues including the impact of gentrifi-cation in some urban centres as well as energy poverty;

•  accessibility: is key to foster autonomy and enable a proper mobility and access to goods and servic-es for everyone;

•  ageism and negative stereotypes: they have harm-ful effects on the health of older adults; research shows that older adults with negative attitudes about ageing may live 7.5 years less than those with positive attitudes (Levy et al).

In a nutshell, urban planning can be a strong tool to enhance healthy ageing and “enable older people to be and to do what they value most” (WHO, 2020), this requires to:•  create a positive view on ageing so we all can look

forward to a positive future in later life and move

Session B2: Modern Urban Planning in the Service of Healthy Ageing

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (102)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

Source: WHO, World Report on Ageing and Health, 2015

A public-health framework for Healthy Ageing opportunities for public-health action across the life course

from the emotional-alarming calls that a ‘Silver Tsunami’ is coming to an empathetic human-right based movement of society for all ages;

•  build a narrative based citizenship approach: age-ing is not only about a medical and care approach;

•  enable active involvement citizens, including older persons, in the development and implemen-tation of policies and activities in order to respect lifestyle choices, needs and preferences;

•  organize and plan cities for persons of all ages: fostering solidarity between generations is key for a sustainable future;

•  break the silos between the different municipality department and mainstream ageing issues;

•  ensure a strong political support with a fair fund-ing;

•  develop an ecosystem enhancing close collabora-tion between various stakeholders (citizens, re-

searchers, policy makers, businesses): everyone has a role to play;

•  provide a proper problem analysis, with meaning-ful data, and evaluation of the solutions imple-mented: this is key to learn lessons and move for-ward while ensuring continuity when needed.


1. WHO. World Report on Ageing and Health, 2015 –

2. European Commission, 2018 Ageing Report –

3. Buffel T, Handler S, Phillipson C, Eds. Age-Friendly Cities and Communities – A global perspective, Bristol, UK: Policy Press; 2018.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (103)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

Oral presentations


Social Design for Healthy AgeingIvana Fabrio

School of Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Social design is a fast-growing field of design in re-cent years, tackling many issues across all facets of human life. Designers, who have traditionally been de-fined as problem solvers, have broadened their scope of impact towards developing systems and strategies as well as objects, serving the needs of undeserved com-munities. Therefore, students, who have grown in age of economically turbulent times are focusing their am-bitions towards humanitarian work that helps solve complex social issues. These involve critical issues such as fragility of health, ageing, lack of natural re-sources or educational services and so on. Social de-sign uses methods of participatory practice in collabo-ration with social enterprises, NGOs, foundations, corporations, and governments, with a goal to gener-ate long-lasting solutions. Participatory design prac-tice includes design research methodologies as well as participation of all the stakeholders throughout the whole process, from problem defining to solution and implementation. The methodology suggests a pattern of steps to define a problem, generating ideas and translating ideas into value. These processes include attributes of design thinking, that consist of five cru-cial phases, each aiming at human centered solutions, and including practices of ethnographic research and generative processes such as divergent thinking. The ideas are then tested through rapid prototyping and validated through a process of convergency to create consensus necessary from all stakeholders in order to execute a solution that results in real progress. The presentation will show step by step appropriation of this participatory methodology in social design proj-ects that consider community members as partners in all aspects of the design process. The focus will be on projects that aim at empowering the ageing commu-nity through various approaches and solutions, focus-ing on intergenerational interactions and transactions that are materialized through urban, spatial and prod-uct solutions. Two projects will be shown as an exam-ple of social design aimed towards elderly population: 1. project LAND – is based on the daycare center that connects elderly people with kindergarten kids through a system of participating activities, that in-clude architecture and product design as tools. LAND is a collaborative project between students of Architec-ture and School of Design and has won innovation

award at the International FINSA Award 2018. 2. proj-ect „Volunteers in the park“- is a part of „Živjeti zdra-vo“ national program, which is a collaboration of six faculties within University of Zagreb, and was orga-nized by The School of Public Health Andrija Štampar


Inclusive Design (for Ageing Population)Sanja Bencetić

School of Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Global and local population ageing severely influ-ence common image of average person, and tradition-al methods of addressing human needs through de-sign. Contemporary principles and methods presented by inclusive design could answer these changes.

Basic inclusive design principles and methods are presented by review of four ground-breaking past projects. Following is the presentation of several origi-nal projects applying these principles and methods, with results, discussion and conclusion.


Green and Healthy Cities – Environmental Exposures and Urban Design for Healthy LongevityAgnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo

NeuroLandscape Foundation, Singapore

In the face of ongoing urbanization and aging of the society, we can easily conclude that soon enough most older adults will live in urban environments. There is a consensus between the researchers and professionals that the urban living is stressful and can cause mental health issues, what is more, aging itself causes risk of developing mental health disorders. It is then neces-sary to investigate the spatial and environmental de-terminants of mental health and well-being in cities, targeting different age and social groups (from the an-tenatal to elderly phase of life). In this presentation I will discuss possible mechanisms of environmental exposures and mental health outcomes, with a focus on green spaces network within the city. I will present the current research status and gaps in knowledge to address the mental health issues, the limitations and

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (104)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

opportunities of evidence-based urban design, as well as the good examples from Europe and Asia.


Healthy Urban Planning for a Better Future for Healthy Ageing – Healthy Urban Planning, the Croatian Healthy Cities Network, and the City of Vinkovci (Croatia)Mandica Sanković

City of Vinkovci, Croatia

Healthy urban planning is the attainment, preserva-tion and improving health of all users of space through urban planning, urban planning, organization of the entire space of towns / settlements / cities. According to WHO terminology, healthy urban planning in-cludes: urban planning, design, construction, supervi-sion, maintenance. Urban planning is a multidisci-plinary science related to: construction of new cities and settlements and study of their development, struc-tures and life in the past, present and future. Urban planning as a multidisciplinary science includes: geog-raphy, economics, sociology, ecology, medicine, phi-losophy, law, transport and many other sciences. The principles of sound urban planning are based on the principles of healthy city: equality, social cohesion, multidisciplinary cooperation and community in-volvement. The impact of healthy urban planning is monitored through healthy urban planning indicators, which include 37 indicators in five areas: A-Health in-dicators, B-health indicators, C-environmental indica-tors, D-socioeconomic indicators and E-general data for the observed population. The Croatian Healthy Cities Network and the City of Vinkovci, through Vinkovci Healthy City project, implement measures aimed at improving population health by using, among other, healthy urban planning projects based on sci-ence. Improving health using healthy urban planning is very effective, but it demands holistic intersectoral work, education and political support. Healthy urban planning holistically determines activities for sustain-able development, a better future, a healthy lifestyle from an early age, and creates the precondition for healthy and independent aging. The term and the ac-tivities related to healthy urban planning should be implemented into legal acts and at all phases of the whole process schooling and work. In that case, the implementation of healthy urban planning would be

mandatory and a sustainable development would be-come more attainable and sustainable development, healthy and independent aging more achievable. The Ottawa Charter on the Promotion of Health (1986), the Health for All Strategy, emphasizes the need to promote health, noting that only the health sector is responsible for the health of society. „Healthy city is a city for all its citizens, inclusive, supportive, socially sensitive, and capable of fulfilling different needs and expectations of its citizens”.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (105)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

Poster presentations


Urban Planning for Healthy Ageing: The Example of Park Planning in the City of ZagrebMartina Jurjević1, Maja Lang Morović2, Sanja Musić Milanović2,3, Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak4

1 City Office for Urban Planning, Construction, Housing and Utilities and Transport, Zagreb, Croatia

2 Division for Health Promotion, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia3 Division for Epidemiology, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

4 Division for Medical Statistics, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Urban planning with the aim of health preservation and promotion is a rather novel technology. The literature on urban plan-ning for healthy ageing is scarce. Still, within various national health promotion programs and projects, the need for urban planning for health in general and spe-cifically, healthy ageing is continuously emphasized. According to the World Health Organization, by care-ful urban planning it is possible to support physically active lifestyles in people in their environments, in-crease the share of healthy population and establish spaces that enable healthy ageing. The goal of this paper is to present urban planning of one of the public surfaces in the City of Zagreb as an example of healthy ageing promotion. Methods. Residents of the Zagreb City center are in majority elderly and lack public spaces that would motivate them to go outside in the open more often, socialize and be more physically ac-tive. Due to the meaning and proximity of leading na-tional public health institutions, the space at the be-ginning of Mirogojska Street with staircase leading towards Andrija Stampar School of Public Health and Croatian Institute of Public Health was selected to be-come a place where elderly people will be able to achieve some of the healthy ageing goals. This space however, was not used for years and has with time be-come unreachable posing a certain risk to the people. Architects in charge have projected this area to be the future meeting point in nature where people can be both physically active but also find their peace from everyday life while applying minimal interventions into the current architecture. Results. The healthy green city area was designed with minimal interven-tions. The impressive staircase was renewed. The plant

stock was kept to the fullest extent possible. The land-scaping is dominated by publically lighted walking path at which end points there are places to sit, relax and socialize. The herb garden, dominated by lavender and rosemary, follows higher part of the trail. This way, the park also ensures an olfactory and visual sensory experience. An additional area of this park is a plateau designed to gather residents for events. The space next to the plateau has been left behind for the future mon-ument of Slobodan Lang, a prominent physician and humanitarian, who spent his life working at both An-drija Stampar School of Public Health and Croatian Institute of Public Health. Conclusion. With multidis-ciplinary work for health and by taking people’s health needs into account in urban planning, we can contrib-ute to the rise of healthy people and promote, among other, healthy and quality ageing.


The Need for Early Evaluation of the Implementation of the Re-orientation Programme for Home Assistance Services to Ensure Its SustainabilityJadranka Mustajbegović

WHO CC Occupational Health in Croatia, CroatiaCroatian Academy of Medical Sciences, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. The EU project Zaželi (engl. Wish ) of the Croatian Ministry of Labour and the Pension System is re-orientation training pro-gramme for women in the Home Assistance Service, an extra-institutional form of the protection of older peo-ple. It covering unemployed women over 50 years of age, who fall into the category of hard-to-employ work-ers and it is being implemented polycentrically in dif-ferent parts of Croatia. The program lasts for 30 months and the first six months are scheduled for the education and training of women because they need to be edu-cated to do these jobs. EUSUZ – The Centre for promo-tion of European standards in health care provides ed-ucation and re-orientation training programme in Za-greb (Zaželi za Zagreb; engl. Wish for Zagreb). Accord-ing to the criteria of occupational medicine, it is a sensitive group of female workers who are engaged in work with also very sensitive users of their services: the elderly who need help. The circ*mstances in which the home assistance services take place are very complex and demanding. Therefore, the objective was to recog-nize the most prominent organisational and psychoso-cial factors that arise from the above circ*mstances,

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (106)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

which can significantly jeopardize or even disable the achievement of the noble goals of this project. Meth-ods. Based on first-hand experience in working with their customers, 54 trainees were asked: 1. List up to 3 interesting and enjoyable experiences with your cus-tomers; 2. List up to 3 of the most challenging problems you face when working with customers; 3. Do you think you need additional professional help to resolve any of the issues you have identified? Results. There are 3 groups of issues identified that require immediate in-tervention by those responsible for project implemen-tation: hard physical effort- hard labour; users’ wrong

perceptions of home assistance – what services they can expect; and considering the age of women who are in training- their working or health capacity are often reduced. Conclusions. To bridge the major challenges, the solutions can be: at the beginning bring the cus-tomer’s household to a “zero” condition with a cleaning service – then the home assistance service can main-tain afterwards; a written “agreement” with the cus-tomer and with the women in home assistance service; further training of women in home assistance service and their familiarisation with social security and health systems.

Session B3: The Role of IT Companies in the Innovation Practices for Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture


The Role of IT Companies in the Innovation Practices for Healthy AgeingRain Laane

Estonian Health Insurance Fund, Estonia

Abstract not sent.

Oral presentations


Health, Social and Financial Consequences of the Application of AI, ML and Digital Health – Going Far Beyond the Traditional Healthcare SystemStjepan Orešković1, Mario Ravić2

1 Department of Medical Sociology and Health Economics, Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Ericsson Nikola Tesla d. d., Zagreb, Croatia

We will employ the case of the ageing population to make an inquiry into the nature and causes of the tran-sition of the healthcare system and health-related in-dustries to the value-based healthcare model. The con-cept is based on the idea that purchasers of health caresuch as government, public and private employ-ers, and individual consumers and single payers, mul-tiple payers, individuals hold thehealth caredelivery system accountable for the best possible quality of care.Increasing cost burden from chronic health con-ditions and aging population is the key driver for digi-tal health solutions such as m-Health applications, RPM devices, telehealth platforms, and PERS. Fur-thermore, favorable reimbursem*nt policies towards clinically relevant digital health applications. There are significantly expanding care delivery models beyond physical medicine to include behavioral health, well-ness therapies, dentistry, nutrition, and prescription management – critical areas of care for the 65+ popu-lation. Healthcare is at a tipping point for leading tech

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (107)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

companies (Amazon, Apple, IBM, Google, and Micro-soft) developing technologies suited for healthcare in-dustry use cases. Applications for healthcare are gain-ing prominence as tech moguls are aggressively devel-oping applications such as quick medical scribes and transcription speech-based guided interactions to vet-ted clinical use cases such as elderly care and chronic condition management.The key “tool/instrument” of transition is AI/ML across clinical and non-clinical arena bolstering the growth of healthcare space. AI/ML will begin to see fruition, particularly in therisk analytics applications for the aging population. The application of digital health will continue to go far be-yond the traditional system and empower individuals to be able to manage their own health what is of criti-cal importance for self-dependent aging population. It is expected that digital health tech catering to out of hospital settings, including services for the 65+ popu-lation will grow by 30% crossing $25 billion markets globally.Application of AI/ML algorithms in healthy aging is highly dependent on data availability and in-tegrity. Ericsson Nikola Tesla has developed solution “Smart Habits” for independent living of elderly peo-ple which by collecting information from sensors learns the patterns of daily living using ML algorithms and provides actions on behaviors different than usual. Integration of various data sources from activity to machine generated vital parameters readings in addi-tion will serve as basis for prediction modeling in chronic disease management.


Humanoid Robots as Assistants in Healthy AgeingDora Matić, Ivan Bejić, Ivan Buterin, Zvonimir Jukić, Filip Kozlik, Vladimir Slošić, Ivan Hrabar, Frano Petrić, Zdenko Kovačić

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Medical practice worldwide is facing a problem with too few medical staff, given the growing number of older patients and their more demanding needs. Therefore, caregivers are often inaccessible, overworked, and patients are more at risk. To alleviate this problem, care systems based on the use of humanoid robots have been developed. We focus on using the characteristics of a humanoid robot to implement two demonstration scenarios: (i) dem-onstrator and supervisor of rehabilitation exercises for hands and arms, and (ii) medical assistant in a care-giving facility. Methods. We use the abilities of the robot to recognize humans’ faces and emotions, as well as the ability to communicate with smart devices (IoT-based) that offer better comfort and continuous moni-

toring of the health status of elderly patients. Results. Robot’s assistance to physiotherapists during execu-tion of hand and arm rehabilitation exercises was im-plemented using NAO and Pepper humanoid robots. We have implemented a robot choreography for 18 exercises. While each exercise is in progress, the robot first explains to patients how an exercise should be performed, repeats those instructions and counts how many times an exercise has been repeated. It also talks to raise their motivation during exercising. The tests were done in the laboratory conditions and in the ex-ercise rooms of the Clinical Hospital for Traumatology in Zagreb. The reactions of patients were very positive. During implementation of a medical assistant role, the focus was put on the interaction between the robot and the people around it, and the use of IoT devices had a goal to increase the quality of patient care. These new robot functionalities owing to the addition of IoT devices enabled the robot to perform the duties of a medical assistant more autonomously. This enabled the collection of patient status data (amount of sleep, physical activity, pulse). Conclusions. Assistive robot-ic technologies are recognized by the medical and care-giving community as being a strong support for healthy aging of the elderly population. They can help in slowing down the process of dementia, increasing the level of physical fitness and starting the process of becoming a social companion. One of the main bene-fits of using humanoid robots like Pepper is their abil-ity to easily communicate with care-giving staff, which greatly speeds up the task. In addition to technical as-sistance to staff, the robot also offers social aspects of patient care. With its appearance and manner of com-munication, it can provide emotional support to pa-tients and shortening their time through companion dialogue or play.


Simulating and Comparing the Effects of Preventive Programmes: An Application Example on Fall Risk ReductionSabato Mellone1, Pierpaolo Palumbo1, Beatrix Vereijken2, Jorunn L Helbostad2, Lorenzo Chiari1

1 Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi”. University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

2 Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Introduction and Objectives. Prolonged life expec-tancy and low birth rate is steadily increasing old age dependency ratio. In 2019, the ratio was 35.7% in Italy,

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (108)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

the highest value in Europe. Healthcare systems will have to shift, by force of circ*mstances, from treat-ment towards prevention of age-related medical con-ditions. Since falls in the elderly are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, fall risk assessment tools and intervention programmes are major research topics. Nevertheless, current guidelines for fall risk assess-ment have relatively low performance [1] and there are few properly validated risk screening methods. The PreventIT project developed and tested the feasibility of an ICT-based personalised behaviour change inter-vention for preventing functional decline at older age, targeting amongst others common risk factors for falls. Feasibility and cost estimates were assessed in a multicentre, three-armed randomised controlled trial [2], including a control group, a manual- plus instruc-tor-based intervention (aLiFE), and a mobile health-based intervention (eLiFE). The aim of the current study is to simulate and compare the effects of the PreventIT interventions using the Italian situation. Methods. Starting from the simulation analysis re-ported in [1], we introduced: i) the statistics reported by the Italian National Institute of Health about preva-lence, consequences, and related direct costs of falls; ii) the cost estimates for the PreventIT interventions. Results. Assuming the screening and intervention cost as direct cost of the healthcare service, the approach based on the simulation analysis in [1] would not be sustainable because of the poor performance of the risk screening tool and of costs associated with a tradi-tional multifactorial intervention. Assuming the same efficacy for the intervention and state of the art predic-tivity for the risk screening tool, aLiFE would not be sustainable because of the costs associated with health-care professionals and trainers involved in the inter-vention. In contrast, eLiFE, based on self-assessment and smartphone-based intervention, would be sus-tainable. Conclusions. Despite the limitations of this study, results emphasise the need to develop innova-tive solutions for empowering users to take care of their own health and function. The availability of ef-fective digital tools, the integration with electronic healthcare records, and the integration with patient generated data will become crucial for the sustainabil-ity of healthcare services in the near future.

Poster presentations


ICT Technologies as New Promising Tools for the Managing of Frailty: A Systematic ReviewAlessia Gallucci1,2, Pietro Davide Trimarchi1, Carlo Abbate1, Cosimo Tuena3,4, Elisa Pedroli3,5, Fabrizia Lattanzio6, Marco Stramba-Badiale7, Matteo Cesari8,9, Fabrizio Giunco1

1 IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Milan, Italy2 Ph.D. program in Neuroscience, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy

3 Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy

4 Department of Psychology, Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth, Milan, Italy5 Faculty of Psychology, University of eCampus, Novedrate, Italy6 Scientific Direction, IRCCS INRCA, Ancona, Italy7 Department of Geriatrics and Cardiovascular Medicine, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy

8 Geriatric Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy9 Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Objectives. Frailty associated with ageing is a major health issue as it encompasses functional decline, physical dependence and increased mortality risk. Re-cent studies explored Information and Communica-tion Technology (ICT) as valid alternatives to manage frailty in elderly. The aim of the present review was to synthesize current evidence on ICT technologies ap-plication within the more complex assisting models of frailty in older people. Design. A systematic review of systematic reviews was conducted. Data sources in-cluded PubMed, Psychinfo, EMBASE and Web of sci-ence, considering eligible those reviews on ICT appli-cation in samples of elderly formally assessed as frail. Two independent researchers screened the records, extracted data and appraised methodological quality of reviews and studies. Setting and Participants. Frail elderly with a mean age of ≥65 years in any health care or residential setting, or community dwelling elderly people. Results. Among the 764 papers retrieved, we included 2 systematic reviews. Sixteen observational cross-sectional studies and one randomized control trial were analyzed across the systematic reviews. Most of the studies defined frailty considering only few components of the phenotype, and used ICT to stratify different levels of frailty or to support traditional screening strategies. Indeed, assessment of frailty is the setting in which ICT has been mostly tested as compared to intervention. Studies did not report cost

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (109)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

effectiveness evaluations of the ICT technologies em-ployed. Conclusions and Implications. The research investigating the use of ICT in the context of frailty is still in its initial lines. Based on our results, there is no evidence supporting the ICT efficacy for the care of frailty, indeed ICT treatment strategies of frailty were

slightly reported. The lack of a proper characterization of the frail condition along with the methodological limitations prevented the investigation of ICT within complex assisting models of frail older people. Future studies are needed to effectively integrate ICT in the care of frailty.

Session B4: Mobile Techonoglies and Primary Healthcare

Invited lecture


Mobile Technologies and Primary HealthcareVenet Osmani

Fondazione Bruno Kessler Research Institute, University of Trento, Italy

Life expectancy continues to increase owing to bet-ter quality of life and improved medical care. While the increase in life expectancy is an important achieve-ment it tells only part of the story of the overall health of the population. Together with the life expectancy, the disease-free lifespan is also an important factor to be considered. Disease-free lifespan (known as health-span) refers to the years of person’s life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging. However, there is some evidence to suggest that healthspan has not kept up with the increase in lifespan (1). Data from World Health Organisation shows that a global increase of 5 years in total life ex-pectancy between 2000 and 2015 has been accompa-nied by only 4.6 years of healthy life expectancy (2). In fact, increasing life expectancy has increased the risk of chronic diseases including cardio-vascular, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, where majority of these diseases are primarily manifested in older peo-ple. Considering socio-economic implications of this trend, there should be a focus shift from lifespan to-wards healthspan as the principal outcome and most important goal of medicine (3).

Research into extending healthspan has been tack-led across diverse disciplines, from basic molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive ageing through to novel treatments and lifestyle interventions. While un-doubtedly genetics play a major role there is also a vast potential for lifestyle interventions that could delay manifestation of chronic diseases and ageing-related disabilities. The focus of this work will be on the latter,

describing the potential of technological interventions in increasing healthspan. A particular focus will be put on the potential of mobile technologies to administer large-scale, personalised lifestyle interventions. This work will also provide an overview of the research in this area including a review of the EU initiatives in healthy ageing as well as research from individual re-search groups. The work will conclude with a presenta-tion of the results from the projects and initiatives in healthy ageing carried out in the Trentino region in Italy.

R E F E R E N C E S1. Crimmins E M. (2015). Lifespan and healthspan: Past, present,

and promise. Gerontologist.

2. Melzer D, Pilling L C, Ferrucci, L. (2020). The genetics of hu-man ageing. Nature Reviews Genetics. /s41576-019-0183-6

3. Olshansky S J. (2018). From Lifespan to Healthspan. JAMA – Journal of the American Medical Association.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (110)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

Oral presentations


Set Up of an Ecosystem for the Digital Transformation of Health and Care: Campania ExperienceMaddalena Illario

Health’s Innovation Unit, Campania Region, Naples, Italy

Campania is a region of southern Italy, with 5.801.692 residents (ISTAT, 2019) and a growing per-centage of older adults from 14.3 (2002) to 18.8 (2019), with an ageing index of 129.8 and a dependency index of 49,9. Campania ageing population poses new chal-lenges such as the need to switch from acute and reac-tive care to a proactive approach to health and to the integrated management of multiple chronic diseases, with the aim of reducing dependency and disability. Innovative, ICT-supported solutions conjugated with change management can speed up the process of change and improve the sustainability of Campania social and health system. The involvement of Campa-nia in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing since 2013 has been stimulating and supporting the set-up of a local ecosystem to face the challenge of an ageing population with a lifecourse approach, where innovations are exploited to improve health outcomes, quality of life and sustainability of social and health services. The backbone of Campania RS has been developed according to the quadruple helix of the RS, and is rooted in the ProMIS@Campa-nia network. It is connected to the national ProMIS network for the internationalization regional health services, and includes a referent for each one of the stakeholders of the regional health system. This core network has then been building structured connec-tions along the 4 helix with: Universities and Research (Bioteknet District); No profit Organizations; Industry (Campania Digital Innovation Hub @Confindustria). Our ambition is connecting innovations with endusers by: •Increasing health equity for Campania citizens by improving sustainability through change management strategies and large-scale adoption of ICT supported services, strengthening  integrated care; •Overcoming the boundaries of a system oriented to manage diseas-es, improving health promotion and disease preven-tion;  •Strengthening  the  transfer  of  biomedical  and technological innovations to the market, exploiting the integration between research, training and service provision through international collaborations, for ex-ample through the EIP on AHA, the PPI and innova-tive procurement; •Stimulating multidisciplinary and 

multi-actor collaborations, through living labs that are designed to fit local socio-cultural contexts. To con-tribute in the achievement of these objectives, Campa-nia RS has been supporting its stakeholders to join col-laborative activities at locoregional, national and inter-national levels along 4 main directories: Disease pre-vention & Health promotion; Integrated Care; Strategy and change management; New market opportunities.


EU Project for Innovative Active and Healthy Ageing – City of ZagrebAntonija Balenović

Health Center Zagreb – Center, Croatia

Active and healthy aging and holistic care for the el-derly has been one of the most important public health priorities of the City of Zagreb since 1987, when the City of Zagreb became part of the large European net-work of the World Health Organization “Healthy Cit-ies”, which reflects the City’s commitment to improv-ing all policies that contribute improving health and social well-being, especially for vulnerable groups of citizens. Based on the results of a long-standing policy and overall care for the elderly, the City of Zagreb dur-ing 2016 joined European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Aging (EIP on AHA), which repre-sents a network of EU Regions promoting active and healthy aging. During 2019 the accreditation process was reiterated and the Health Center Zagreb-Center as holder and the City of Zagreb as a region confirmed the status of the Reference Site and upgraded it from one to three stars, indicating the status given to those organizations and regions that have shown excellence in development in the previous period and adopting innovative practices for active and healthy aging. This platform is a communication and information hub for all actors involved in Active and Healthy Ageing through Europe. It is the place to encourage partner engagement, promote news and events, meet and ex-change ideas with peers, and look for potential part-ners on innovative projects. Only cooperation can lead to structural changes that go beyond the scope that an individual organization could achieve on its own, thus helping to create an environment for learning, sharing knowledge and adapting to the capabilities and reali-ties of different regions. The improvement of the digi-tal innovation system and the use of digital tools is an area of development that needs to be invested since there is a significant increase in the proportion of older people with multiple chronic conditions in the City of Zagreb. Digital tools and ICT also can be helpful in

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (111)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

adherence to medical plans of older people living with chronic conditions and improve the quality of life and health outcomes by delivering tangible adherence ap-proaches for patients in various disease areas. Our ac-tions are based on a holistic approach, including en-hanced self-care, personalized care, better adequacy of treatment and increased adherence to safe and effec-tive care plans. Innovative organizational, technical and medical practices for better adherence can lead to more efficient use of resources and the efficiency of health interventions. Ultimately, it can improve the health of patients, their quality of life, reduce the wors-ening of the disease and avoid unnecessary hospital-izations.


Bridging the Digital Divide – ICT for Older People in RijekaJadran Mandekić

Department of Health and Social Welfare, Rijeka, Croatia

The population of Rijeka is demographically quite old. A negative population growth has been recorded over the past 20 years, while the effects of the econom-ic crisis drove a lot of young people to leave the coun-try. This is one of the reasons why fostering a healthy ageing environment and keeping people healthy and active as they age is at the top of Rijeka’s priorities. The importance of ICT technology as an effective social engagement tool cannot be understated in today’s world. This fact was clear to the City of Rijeka and so the City’s Department of Health and Social Welfare and the Information Technology Department started a series of activities that jointly became known as “A so-ciety in which I am learning and feeling good”. To help bridge the digital divide, in 2005 Rijeka started provid-ing free yearly ICT courses for older people. The courses are aimed at teaching basic and advanced IT skills. Rijeka is continuously financially and logistical-ly supporting the operation and activities of 16 Clubs for Older People. The Clubs provide an opportunity for socialization and participation in many organized and free activities. As the level of digital literacy of older people of Rijeka grew, the City started creating small Digital Centers in the Clubs and equipping them with PCs, free Internet access and other ICT equip-ment. In order to motivate older people to use their newfound ICT knowledge and to encourage greater social participation, the City of Rijeka created a web-site aimed at older people (, where the majority of content is created by the users themselves. To encourage greater activity on the por-

tal, a yearly “Top Online Pensioners” competition was organized. While it is challenging to properly motivate older people to engage in new activities and expand their comfort zone, Rijeka has learned that through education, proper means of motivation and citizen participation, older people are not only willing to par-ticipate, but are also very involved in creating new op-portunities for themselves and their peers. This is no-ticeable through increased traffic on the website, more visits to the Clubs for older people, as well as greater overall participation in offered activities. Healthy age-ing and the creation of a healthy ageing environment plays a large role in reaching many Sustainable Devel-opment Goals and therefore Rijeka is going to contin-ue to focus its efforts in this direction.

Poster presentations

No posters

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (112)


Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

Session B5: Computer Technologies in Healthcare System, Organisation and Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture


Intelligent and Explainable Shareable Clinical PathwaysDavid Mendes

Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Population ageing poses challenges to societies never equated. In fact, as a result of the lifepath of the current elderly, they are aging with high loads of dis-ease in the form of multimorbidity and dependence. Such circ*mstances induce a high consumption of care, a huge pressure on the health and social safety system and, at the same time, an urgent need to change the organizational models of provision and care due to the adjustment to the previous circ*mstances. We pro-pose that AI (Artificial Intelligence) comes to the res-cue. In order to enable automated clinical reasoning (aCR) both an innovative care model and a supporting infrastructure must be developed and put in place.

The proposed care contract entails all the levels of care from self to highly specialized care and can be pictured like this:

We are presenting a knowledge infrastructure to en-able the aCR in a timely and responsive manner. The knowledge base is a “Digital twin” of the health and care conditions throughout the lifespan that has some aspects specific for our model representation.2 Name-ly, two very important and distinctive characteristics that look obvious to any clinician but are not evident for any IT implementer:

1. It maintains a two-fold time series for represent-ing the health and care history and events: It has both a historical and a “current events” time se-ries and both are considered for the aCR to be performed accurately. In the first all the health condition antecedents are collected by a forefront running agent when the personal process is cre-ated and several and distinctive knowledge sources are used from the different institutions involved in our blockchain network. In the sec-ond a continuous stream of events are monitored for the adequate response generation and knowl-edge structure enrichment coming from the sen-sors available in the ALIE (Assisted Living Intel-ligent Environment).

2. A carefully crafted information fusion layer:2. The sensors that continuously gather vital signs

information are low powered artifacts that func-tion in the edge computing layer, very close to the person, but they must have some reasoning abilities. They provide features to the (automat-

Figure 1. Individual Care Plan

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (113)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems

ed) Machine Learning processes that must be cleansed and directed for the most effective rea-soning layer possible. An extreme example would be if a heart beating controller detects no beats it must, as quickly as possible, check if it is well po-sitioned, battery in good condition, perform a double third party checking using an alternative life checker and if proven that the heart has pos-sibly collapsed, activate the emergency services. This is all to be performed by the intelligence in the edge.

IT structure in placeTo develop all the system for specific ALIEs in the

currently globally most important multimorbidity conditions (OCPD, Diabetes and Coronary Chronic Disease), while maintaining the highest levels of infor-mation security and patient safety, we propose a mul-tilayered system of systems depicted in the following diagram:

Interactive sessionWe will be demonstrating a conversational bot based

in, an intelligent healthcare assistant, part of the User Aware Interfaces, that will activate a spoken dialogue in response of a possibly critical health event, a hypo-glycemic alert, simulated in an ALIE where a diabetic person is monitored.3 We intend to show how the most recent technology of natural interfaces render a much

more interesting way of interaction with the real world for increased healthcare providing value.

R E F E R E N C E S1. Vermesan O, Friess P. Building the Hyperconnected Society:

Internet of things research and innovation value chains, eco-systems and markets. River Publishers; 2015. 10.13052/rp-9788793237988

2. “What Is Digital Twin Technology – And Why Is It So Impor-tant?.” 06 Mar. 2017,

3. Saias J, Quaresma P, Salgueiro P. (2012). Binli: An ontology-based natural language interface for multidimensional data analysis. Intelligent Information. 2012.

Figure 2. ALIE Infrastructure

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Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems Main Topic B 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 LIJEČ VJESN

Oral presentations


Interprofessional Educational Intervention in Dementia CareAlexander Kurz1, Lea Pfaeffel1, Marina Boban2

1 Technical University of Munich, School of Medicine, Germany2 Referral Center for Cognitive Neurology and Neurophysiology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

In many countries of South Eastern Europe the quality of care for people with dementia and their fam-ilies falls short of international standards. There is a lack of dementia-related knowledge and skills among health and social professionals, poor cooperation and coordination, as well as a shortage of important ser-vices such as day care centres or specialised nursing home units. Education of key occupational groups is considered to be key for improving dementia care and enhancing the quality of life of people with dementia and their informal carers. In 2017, dementia experts from ten South Eastern European countries teamed up with policy makers and businesses to create an educa-tional intervention that simultaneously addresses mul-tiple professions involved in dementia care. The inter-vention is unique in providing a common base of knowledge, a groundwork for understanding and col-laboration, and a set of shared values in terms of a person-centred and holistic concept of dementia care. The intervention is in line with medical guidelines and complements existing or emerging national dementia strategies in the countries involved. It is delivered in a blended-learning format including traditional work-shop materials and an e-learning programme. The de-velopment of the educational intervention and its eval-uation in pilot actions in four countries is co-funded by the European INTERREG-Danube Transnational Programme from 2018 to 2021. The intervention is currently available in five languages (English, Bulgari-an, Slovenian, Slovakian, Romanian). Dialogue with patient organisations and the policy level is currently ongoing in order to introduce the intervention in Cro-atia. We see the initiative’s activities as a contribution to creating a “Better Future of Healthy Ageing”.


Commitment to Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and HealthBranko Kolarić1, Tomislav Rukavina2, Lovorka Bilajac2, Tanja Ćorić1, Nada Tomasović-Mrčela1

1 Department for Public Health Gerontology, Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

2 School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Healthy Ageing is a concept that refers to develop-ing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age. It is a process that is imple-mented through the span of an entire life course. Functional ability is determined by the intrinsic capac-ity of an individual (i.e. the combination of all the in-dividual’s physical and mental capacities), the environ-ment in which he or she lives (understood in the broadest sense and including physical, social and poli-cy environments) and the interactions within them. Longer lives are one of our most remarkable collective achievements. By the year 2030, the number of people aged 60 years and older worldwide will be 34% higher, increasing from 1 billion in 2019 to 1.4 billion. The ageing of the population affects all aspects of society such as education, housing, health, long-term care, so-cial protection, transport, information and communi-cation, labour and financial markets as well as family structures and intergenerational ties. In this presenta-tion, we will cover the strategic plans and actions re-garding the implementation of Healthy Ageing, based on UN Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2017 Lisbon Ministerial Declaration and WHO Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health. The five strategic objectives will be shortly presented: Commitment to action on Healthy Ageing in every country; Developing age-friendly environments; Aligning health systems to the needs of older populations; Developing sustainable and equitable systems for long-term care and Improv-ing measurement, monitoring and research on Healthy Ageing. As a conclusion, and for the final challenge, we will also briefly tackle problems related to ageism and professional burn-out, in preparation for the new chal-lenges and obstacles we will face in the future. This will enable us to be proactive and scale the ideologies of this concept.

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 67–88 Main Topic B Smart Technologies for Age-Friendly Ecosystems


Oživi Me – from a Student Initiative to National CampaignIvana Portolan Pajić1,3, Filip Glavač2,3, Monika Tomas2,3

1 City Office for Health, Zagreb, Croatia 2 ”StEPP” student association, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia 3 ”Oživi me” National campaign, Croatia

Introduction. The Campaign “Oživi me” offered public educations on prompt bystander cardiopulmo-nary resuscitation held in every major Croatian city, with the goal of informing as many interested individ-uals as possible. Furthermore, informative workshops were held on a monthly basis at the Croatian Heart House Foundation with the goal of providing a deeper insight into the importance of prompt bystander car-diopulmonary resuscitation with the use of AED. Short description of practice change implemented. The Campaign has successfully raised the awareness of the importance of early recognition of the sudden car-diac arrest, and prompt bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Campaign has been accredited by several important institutions, such as the Ministry of Health, Croatian Institute for Public Health, as well as the University of Zagreb School of Medicine and the School of Dental Medicine. “Oživi me” (“Resuscitate me”) has been supported by many public individuals, from celebrities to political and medical figures as well as other esteemed individuals. With its’ influence, the Campaign raised a question of the neccessity of intro-ducting the first aid and hands only CPR into the pub-lic school system curricula. Highlights.

The Campaign was announced and promoted via television and other electronic media by a promotion-al video and media interviews and presentations. An educational poster was created with the aim of placing it in public and gathering places. Through the interac-tive website any individual can educate him/herself through e-learning and instructive videos on hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and adult basic life support with the use of AED and take part in an online educational quiz. Schools and other groups can take part in a Campaign-related mini-project “School with a heart” or “Dance to the Rhythm of the Heart” as well as “Life Hotspot”. As a guidance method in case of an emergency situation, a mobile application was de-signed to help laymen assess the victim, call for help and deliver first aid. The application also consists of quick reminder of the standard first aid assessment, and resuscitation algorithm as well as an integrated AED map. Conclusions. Over 5000 laymen have been informed on early recognition and prompt first aid in

case of sudden cardiac arrest. Over 70 AED devices were installed in various regions of Croatia according to the Campaign goals. Regarding to the latest feed-back from the involved participants, 8 lives were saved as a result of “Oživi me” (“Reuscitate me”) workshops and educations.

Poster presentations

No posters

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Theme C

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Session C1: Demographic Challenges in the European Ageing Societies

Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:Suppl 1:91–138 https://doi org/10 26800/LV-142-Suppl1-4

Invited lecture


Demographic Challenges in the European Ageing SocietiesGerda Neyer

Stockholm University, Sweden

Over the past two decades, the aging of the Europe-an population has received increasing attention from policy makers and researchers. In all member states of the European Union the share of the population over 65 has been rising. The 2018 Aging Report issued by the European Commission projects a further greying of the European population over the next half century. It predicts a further increase in the old age dependency ratio that necessitates major reforms to tackle pension, health care and long-term care expenditure.

The old age dependency ratio varies across Europe-an countries. Differential longevity and migration dy-namics account for some of these differences. A cen-tral factor driving the differences is fertility. Southern, Eastern, and the German speaking continental Euro-pean countries have had persistently low or very low period total fertility rates (low = TFR 1.5 <1.7; very low = TFR < 1.5) during the past quarter century. These countries also experienced a drop to low or even very low levels of their completed cohort fertility rate (CFR) and thus a reduction in the average number of children per woman. In 2016, the CFR of women born in 1976 varied between 1.37–1.57 in Southern Europe and 1.90 – 2.23 in Northern Europe (European Demo-graphic Datasheet 2018). Persistently low and very low fertility will have major effects on the population age structure, on the aging of society and on the old age dependency ratio in the future.

The consequences of low fertility for aging societies and the differences in fertility level across Europe have revived discourses on how to increase fertility. Several European countries have amended their family poli-cies or introduced population policies to raise fertility. Whether and which policies will lead to sustainable fertility levels is still an open question. But some re-search results of recent fertility and societal develop-ments and of links between policies and fertility may

provide some guidance as to which directions policies might take.

Fertility and employment-supporting policies: Low period fertility (TFR) is partly due to an increase in age at first birth. This development implies that childbear-ing at higher ages becomes more important for fertility levels. Since women at higher ages are usually estab-lished in the labor market, employment related poli-cies will become more relevant for fertility. Recent re-search results underline the relevance of reconciliation policies for childbearing: Women living in countries with high income-related parental-leave support are found to be more inclined to have a child than women living in countries with high flat-rate, employment-unrelated leave benefits. With social security and old-age pensions being increasingly tied to continual em-ployment throughout an individual’s working age, women’s and men’s childbearing decisions may be-come even more dependent on the possibility to rec-oncile work and childrearing.

Increasing female education, social inequality, and fer-tility: Among the younger cohorts of women ultimate childlessness (at age 40 and above) has been increasing across Europe, but there exist still differences in com-pleted cohort fertility and childlessness by education. A common finding among older cohorts is that women with low education have the highest average number of children and are least likely to remain childless while it is the opposite for the highly educated. With the expan-sion of women’s education during the past decades, this pattern has changed. In many European countries, fer-tility among low and middle educated women has con-verged; but highly educated women are still more often childless than lower educated women. In the Nordic countries, however, the pattern has reversed. Highly educated women have the lowest childlessness and tend to have a higher average number of children than low educated women. This reversal in fertility among highly educated women is commonly attributed to the Nordic family policies, their employment and gender-equality orientation. With rising education among women, such policies may become a pre-requisite for further fertility de velopment in Europe. But the devel-opment also marks a new social inequality in fertility, with consequences for familial support and well-being among the low educated, to which policies need to re-spond in the future.

Increasing uncertainties and fertility: Declining and low fertility levels and higher childlessness among the

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

low educated may be associated with increasing eco-nomic insecurities and uncertainties about the future. The economic recession that hit Europe in 2008 has led to a drop in period total fertility levels in many countries. Research related has shown that the eco-nomic recession increased the perception of insecurity in the population and that this was associated with lower childbearing intensities. The perception of un-certainty may have led to fertility declines even in the Nordic countries, whose family policies are regarded as models to maintain sustainable fertility levels. With the uncertainties created by economic crises, the cur-rent pandemic, the restructurings of labor markets and welfare states, and the aging of European societies, there is a need to pay greater attention to the conse-quences that this may have for fertility development and design policies to tackle them.

Oral presentations


Croatian Priority During the EU Presidency – Healthy AgeingKrunoslav Capak1, Tomislav Benjak1, Iva Pejnović Franelić1, Ivana Pavić Šimetin1, Dunja Skoko Poljak2, Marija Bubaš1

1 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Ministry of Health, Republic of Croatia

Today, most countries of the world are recording an increase in life expectancy, and the elderly account for a significant part of the global population. Globally, there were 703 million persons aged 65 or more in 2019 . Over the next three decades, the global number of persons aged 65 and over is projected to more than double, reaching over 1.5 billion persons in 2050. In 2018, one fifth of EU’s population was aged 65 or more. By 2050, it is projected that the percentage of persons aged 65 or more will have increased to almost 30% of the EU’s population. Like most European countries, Croatia belongs among countries with extremely aged population. The share of elderly population has sur-passed 10% as early as 1971, while the trend of pro-gressive ageing is continuing further. According to Censuses, Croatia experienced an increase in the share of 65+ population from 13.1% in 1991 to 15.6% in 2001. According to the 2011 Census, the share has continued to grow to 17.7% (758,633) inhabitants aged 65 or older. Such demographic changes have a major impact on sustainable development, which is one of the reasons why the ageing challenges must be taken into consideration in all policies. With ageing, health problems become more frequent and, consequently, the healthcare needs of the population increase. Thus, an increasingly ageing population puts strain on the sustainability of health and social services. At the same time, it is important to stress that active and healthy elderly citizens contribute positively to the economy. In Commissioner Kyriakides mission letter, President von der Leyen acknowledged that “”we are becoming an older society and need more complex and expen-sive treatments””. In line with the Treaty provisions, the Commissioner’s task over the next five years is, ac-cording to this letter, to support Member States in con-stantly improving the quality and sustainability of our health systems in order to find ways to improve infor-mation, expertise and the exchange of best practices for the benefit of society as a whole. The Croatian Pres-idency proposes to continue this work and explore

Jalovaara, M et al (2019) Education, Gender and Cohort Fertility in the Nordic Countries European Journal of Population 35: 563–586

Childlessness in % among Swedish women (at age 40) by 5-year birth cohorts

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Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

how to best address the current demographic trends of population ageing by focusing on improving the use of available instruments and best practices at EU and Member States’ level.


What Does Healthy Age Mean – Sociological and Anthropological ConsiderationsMarija Geiger Zeman, Zdenko Zeman, Sanja Špoljar Vržina

Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia

According to the statistics, the population aging is a fundamental demographic process on both global and national levels (Nejašmić and Toskić 2013; Pulji*z 2016; United Nations/World Population Ageing 2015). That is why aging should be considered a “great theme of the modern world” (Pulji*z 2000, p. 109) and inescap-able challenges whose economic, political, social, cul-tural and demographic importance will only increase in the coming years and decades (Zrinščak 2012). Given that aging is a phenomenon in which biological, social and cultural processes are tightly intertwined (Zeman and Geiger Zeman 2015), the scientific ap-proach to it demands interdisciplinary collaborations and mind openness beyond usual limitations and re-strictions. It is indisputable that people neither do live nor get old in a social and cultural vacuum. Therefore aging – in spite of its universal nature – always should be viewed contextually (Sokolovsky 2009) and inter-sectional, and one should never forget the full spec-trum of important influences manifested in micro, mezzo, and macro-level (Silverstein and Giarusso 2011). By taking into account both the context of aging in Croatian society and relevant literature, the authors put the question from the perspective of sociology and anthropology: „What does ‘healthy age’ mean?“ (Hung, Kempen, De Vries 2010; Deepika and Manpreet 2015; Špoljar Vržina 2008, 2012). The authors emphasize im-portance of (a) finding valid answers to questions about potentials and boundaries of the idea of healthy aging; (b) getting new solutions for challenges posed by aging population in the contemporary national context; 3) creating locally based policies and pro-grams for healthy aging that would take seriously into account both older persons’ experiences and the knowledge of the professionals.


Legal Protection of Older Persons: Do We Need a Special UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons?Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička

Department of Criminal Law, UNESCO Chair Unit in Bioethics, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia

The presentation is based on the claim that all vul-nerable groups, such as the older persons, children and people with disabilities, deserve increased social protection of their rights and interests. On the UN level, by means of special Conventions, protection is provided to children and people with disabilities, but not to older persons. Therefore, the author analyses whether there is a need to support the drafting and adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Older Persons. The pre-sentation will also address the current state of regula-tion of special rights of elderly persons at the interna-tional, European and national level.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (121)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Poster presentations


Cognitive Impairment as Risk Factors for FallsLejla Ćorić, Marijana Bosnar Puretić, Mislav Budišić, Sara Drnasin, Lidija Dežmalj Grbelja, Marina Roje Bedeković

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Epidemiological studies conducted in developed countries show that, one third of older adults experi-ence a fall at least once a year. The incidence of falls increases with increasing patient’s age. Patients with neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke or Alzheimer’s disease, expe-rience falls significantly more frequently. These neuro-logical diseases are known to be associated with early reduction of cognitive function but also with early de-velopment of risk factors for falls, among which the most common are postural instability, use of medica-tion, neurocardiovascular instability – especially or-thostatic hypotension, and adverse effects of environ-ment. After experiencing a fall, the patient’s quality of life is significantly reduced in most cases. Between 5-10% of falls result in severe injuries, such as head trauma or fractures. It is well known that even if seri-ous injuries did not occur after a fall, in the patient’s condition can be noticed the fear of a possible next fall, self-restriction of mobility, decreased activity, depres-sion and social isolation. Not surprisingly, falls and injuries associated with falls are a significant problem not only for the individual but also for the social and health systems. Therefore, it can be concluded that modification of risk factors can prevent falls in pa-tients with cognitive impairment. Clinical studies con-ducted in subjects with cognitive impairment and de-mentia, show that physical therapy may play a role in the prevention of falls. In addition, risk modification interventions in patients with cardiovascular risk fac-tors and neurocardiovascular instability may have the effect on reducing the risk of falls.


The Correlation Between the Physical Activity and Health of Older Adults: Case of LithuaniaAsta Sarkauskiene, Leta Dromantiene, Zeneta Paskauske

Faculty of Health Science, Klaipeda University, Lithuania

Introduction and objectives. The rapid demograph-ic ageing is a reality of Western Europe, where within 25 years half the population will be over 50, one quar-ter over 65 years old. According to statistics, in 2020 almost 20 percent of the population of Lithuania is 65 years old or over. This demographic transition requires more public attention to healthy aging (WHO, 2019). Objectives of study – active ageing strategies with the aim to reveal the links between physical activity and health of older people. Methods. The empiric data has been collected by applying quantitative research and semi-structured interview method. To evaluate the physical activity of older people, an adapted commu-nity questionnaire for healthy physical activity model for seniors (CHAMPS) was utilized, to assess health – the SF-36 questionnaire (Short form of health survey) and the Hygiene Institute adult lifestyle questionnaire were used. Disease classes were also presented accord-ing to the ICD-10-AM systemic list of diseases to de-termine if the elderly are suffering from these diseases. The study was conducted in January 2019, at Universi-ties of Third Age in Telšiai and Klaipėda (Lithuania). 250 questionnaires were distributed during the survey, 123 of which were filled in correctly. Thus, the study included 123 persons, 8 of whom were men and 115 were women. All persons were elderly – 65 years old or over. The average age of respondents was 71.7 (± 4.9) years. Results. According to the results, older people most frequently tend to do light work at home (97.6%), read (95.1%), go for a walk in order to complete cer-tain tasks (92.7%), spend time with friends and family (91.9%), attend various events (80.5%), use a comput-er (77.2%), go for an easy walk to exercise or for enjoy-ment (74.8%), attend church (67.5%), do stretches or flexibility exercises (65.9%), walk fast (62.6%), visit a senior centre (59.3%), and do hard work at home (59.3%). Older people are predominantly affected by connective tissue and musculoskeletal disorders (56.1%), circulatory system diseases (49.6%) and dis-eases of the eye and the ocular adnexa (46.3%). Con-clusions. The analysis of study results revealed and confirmed direct relation between the physical activity and health of older people. Older people, who are more likely to attend group meetings, work hard in the garden and run slowly, complain less about endo-crine, nutritional and metabolic diseases. More active people are less likely to complain of depressed mood,

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Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

anxiety, nervousness, fatigue and restrictions on social activities.


Demographic Determinants of the Split-Dalmatia County PopulationIvana Marasović Šušnjara

Teaching Public Health Institute of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The Split-Dalmatia County (SDC) is the second largest county in Croatia, accounting for 10.6% of the population of Croatia. It is located in the central part of Southern Croatia with three distinct geographical-social units: Coast, Islands and Hinterland. As population is a core value of socio-medical interest, the aim of this paper is to present the Split-Dalmatia County population demographic de-terminants between the two censuses. Methods. The demographic analysis was based on the published 2001 and 2011 Census results and on the vital (demo-graphic) statistics data for the period 2001-2018. Re-sults. According to the 2011 Census, the SDC had a total of 454,798 residents, 71.2% in the Coastal region, 6.6% on the Islands and 22.2% in the Hinterland, with extremely uneven population density (Coastal areas 379.4; Islands 34.2, and Hinterland 40.0 inhabitants / km2). SDC demographic trend between the two cen-suses was negative (-8,878), the Coastal region (-754), the Islands (312) and the Hinterland (-8,436). Total depopulation was accompanied by the natural depop-ulation. The rate of natural increase in SDC in 2018 was -1.8/1.000 (in 2001 it was 1.0/1.000). The overall depopulation was also due to the migration trends in SDC (inter-census difference -12.531), especially in the Hinterland (inter-census difference -8.686). Age structure analytical change indicators point to a sig-nificant aging of the population. (2011 Census: aver-age age 40.8 years; age ratio 16.6%; aging index 73.6% vs. Census 2001: average age 38.1 years; age ratio 14.3%; aging index 56.1%). According to the 2011 Census, the Islands index was 123.1%. The aging pro-cess is largely due to the declining share of the young population (0-19 years) in the total population (in 2018 it was 20.42% versus the 2001 Census: 25.5%) and the share of the fertile contingent (women aged 15-49) of the total female population (in 2018 it was 42.62% versus the 2001 Census of 47.3%). Conclu-sions. Depopulation, population aging and uneven population density are characteristics of the SDC de-mography, which are particularly high in the Islands and the Hinterland. This demographic situation high-

lights the increased medical care needs and associated problems facing the health sector and society as a whole, and calls for urgent measures to remedy it.


Ageing as Main Driver of Healthcare Expenditures – Reality or NotJosipa Meštrović Špoljar

Croatian Health Insurance Fund, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The age structure of the EU population is projected to change in the up-coming decades. Despite to Eurostat and their projec-tion of overall increase of EU population over 2016-2070, there will be quite differences in population trends across Member States, in half of them popula-tion is going to increase and in other half to decrease. Changes in population size and age profile depend on fertility rates, life expectancy and migration. Increas-ing life expectancy is a great achievement of overall economy and health care system. But it is also chal-lenge for long-term sustainability of public finances because population ageing entails additional govern-ment expenditures. Methods. The Ageing report 2018, made by the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) and the Commission services, underlies macroeconomic assumptions and methodologies of the age- related ex-penditure projection for all EU Member States and also highlights future policy challenges for govern-ments based on demographic trends. Each EU Mem-ber State filled the questioner regarding age/sex specific expenditure profiles and provided country- specific information such as relevant implemented reforms. Respective services calculated age/sex expen-diture profiles for each projection year up to 2070 on the basis of twelve projection scenarios. Those scenar-ios included demographic and non-demographic vari-ables like ageing and health status of the population, overall economic growth, new technologies, the or-ganisation and financing of the health care system, and health care human and capital resource inputs. Results. Demographic changes of population, espe-cially ageing, are phenomenon of modern society. Ageing is one of the challenges of fiscal sustainability because the costs are allocated asymmetrical while people are getting older, smaller cohort of the elderly spent more than numerically larger but younger co-hort. Twelve methodologies defined for projection of public expenditure on health care, with demographic variables in focus, affects the increase of health care costs and the public finance sustainability in the peri-

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

od from 2016 to 2070. Conclusions. Aging and demo-graphic changes are highly influential factors of health care costs growth and finances of health systems. They should always be observed in correlation with other supply and demand health care factors (such as non-demographic factors). Aligning the health care needs of the population with limited resources, as well as on-going efforts to increase the efficiency and quality of healthcare services, should be high on the political and economic agenda for decision makers’ reforms.


Liver Transplantation and AgeingAnna Mrzljak, Danko Mikulić, Branislav Kocman

University Hospital Merkur, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Liver transplantation (LT) is one of the greatest success stories of modern medicine. The treatment initially reserved for younger patients has shifted to the present situation where most transplant centers do not have a strict age limit when waitlisting the patients. In parallel, the extension of organ dona-tion criteria has resulted in the increasing use of or-gans from older donors. The benefits of LT are un-doubtedly great, however the growing ageing popu-lation imposes new challenges for transplant pro-fessionals. Methods and Objective. The literature was reviewed to investigate the liver recipient and donor age trends, and to highlight the age-related aspects for major indications for LT, in terms of selection, alloca-tion and post-transplant outcomes in elderly liver re-cipients. Results. In the last decade there has been a significant increase in the average age of donors and recipients in LT. Regardless of the liver disease, elderly candidates have more age-related co-morbidities that may significantly affect pre- and post-transplant mor-tality. However, the transplant benefit may be similar in older and younger recipients, provided that elderly are carefully selected. As hepatitis C virus burden is decreasing by the use of highly effective antiviral drugs, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is be-coming one of the leading indications based on cir-rhosis with or without hepatocellular carcinoma HCC in elderly population. Overall, LT from older donors has good outcomes, but are not as good as those from younger donors. As the transplant population ages, is-sues concerning long-term exposure to immunosup-pression such as metabolic complications and malig-nancies impose growing burden to the transplant re-cipients. Conclusion. Liver transplant recipients and donors are getting older. There is no universal age limit for LT but frailty and co-morbidities are important to consider in elderly candidates. As the world’s elderly

population and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome continue to grow, NAFLD, as indication for LT is pro-jected to increase. LT outcomes in elderly are good, but can be optimized by strategies that modify recipi-ent co-morbidities, donor risk factors and utilize per-sonalized allocation and immunosuppression schemes.


Challenges of Ageing and Sexual HealthIskra Alexandra Nola1, Tatjana Nemeth Blažić2

1 Department for Environmental Health, Occupational and Sports Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Department for HIV, Sexual and Blood Transmitted Diseases, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Ageing related health is a new arising challenge and is high on the global list of public health priorities. Demographic projections say the global population aged 60+ years will double by 2050 (the proportion of 65+ in Croatia will be 26.8 %). People often stay sexually active at an elderly age, and globally sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is increasing in this population. However, sexual health among the el-derly is often overlooked. Sexual health is an impor-tant aspect of health, and population egeing brings new challenges. An overview of current state of sexual health promotion among elderly in Croatia will be presented. Methods. Search for information on sexual health and sexuality in elderly, key words: Older peo-ple and sexual health, Older people and sexuality, Pub-lic health interventions/actions. The search included papers, scientific and professional publications and data from official national and county public health websites in Croatian language, in the period of last 5 years. Results. The search revealed numerous docu-ments related to diseases common in elderly, but there was a small number of documents about sexuality in older adults, except for popular articles on the Internet with advice on how to maintain good sexual health in an old age. Valid sources, such as articles written by physicians are rare, and most of it debate on how sexu-ality in elderly is a taboo. Psychiatrists and psycholo-gists are very engaged about this topic and these arti-cles represent a valuable source of information. The official web page of the Public Health Institute of City of Zagreb, in terms of sexual health of aged people, was linked only to reproductive and urinary tract neo-plasms. Preventive Activities in Croatia in 2015 in-cluded projects aimed to improve sexual health, but only in youth. We did not find any official document or national research that puts sexual health of older

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Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

people in focus. We found the topic of ageing and sex-uality at the last and forthcoming Croatian Congress on gerontology and geriatrics, and two books that have been published recently. Conclusion. Despite imple-mented preventive programs targeting elderly in Croa-tia, none of them is dealing with their sexuality. Sexu-ality is part of healthy ageing and increased number of HIV infection and other STDs in older adults, may pose new problems in future. The stigma of sexuality in elderly, which makes them unwilling to share sexual issues and the lack of knowledge in health profession-als, can contribute to delays in appropriate health ser-vices. One of the solutions is to strengthen education of healthcare professionals and include sexual health in geriatric care.


Work of the Second Instance Committee of the Division for Occupational Health of the Croatian Institute of Public Health from 2014 to 2019Dominik Oroz, Marija Bubaš

Division for Occupational Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The data on workabil-ity assessments in the archives of the Division of Oc-cupational Health of the Croatian Institute of Public Health are available from 2011 onwards. The aim of the study was to present the results of workability as-sessments in relation to the age of the employees with-in the process of appeals to the Second-Instance Com-mittee of the Division of Occupational Health of the Croatian Institute of Public Health. The study provides a ground for discussion on the necessity for enhancing the promotion of health in the workplace and timely activities for preserving workability of workers almost facing the age 50+. Materials and methods. Workabil-ity assessment is most often performed at regular in-tervals in accordance with by-laws. In case the em-ployer or employee is not satisfied with the assessment, an appeal is initiated with the Second-Instance Com-mittee in charge. Appeal proceedings are initiated and conducted in accordance with legislation regulating the field of occupational medicine. In regards to legis-lation, the Second Instance Committee may, for ex-ample, evaluate workability as follows: capable, inca-pable, temporarily incapable and assessment cannot be made. In this study, we used the data and workabil-ity evaluations in the period from 2014 to 2019. Re-sults. Over a period of 5 years, 153 workers were in-

volved in the process of assessing their fitness to work. Men accounted for 81.05 % (N=124) and women 18.95 % (N=29) of the sample. The average age of the work-ers is 44.4 +/- 13.4 years. The majority, 57.52 % of workers were declared incapable, 24.84 % were de-clared capable and 17 % were temporarily incapable. The assessment could not be given in just one case. The average age of the incapable workers is 45.13 years, 48.08 of temporarily incapable and 40 years of capable workers. The incapable workers account for 43.14 % of all assessed workers with an average age of 49.5 years. In the group assessed as incapable for work, 25 % of the workers were declared incapable at a previous ex-amination, and 75 % were declared incapable at a reg-ular or/and an exceptional examination. Most of the incapable workers (40,9 %) are in the age group of 50-59 years, which is worrying because they are people who, given their experience, could contribute most with their work. Conclusion. Based on the results, it’s noticed that most of incapable workers are in their 50s, who, in the case of unsuccessful vocational rehabilita-tion and job adjustments, lose their jobs and become unemployed or retire early. Workers need to be moni-tored more closely and thoroughly before the age of 50 and we need to work harder to prevent ill health”


Long-Term Care for the Elderly in CroatiaUrelija Rodin, Ana Ivičević Uhernik, Tanja Mišić, Ranko Stevanović, Mario Trošelj, Sandra Mihel, Željka Draušnik, Vesna Štefančić Martić, Marijana Radić Vuleta, Ivan Cerovečki, Danijela Fuštin

Public Health Division, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Croatian population is experiencing a trend of progressive ageing, as the share of the 65+ population has reached 20.1% in 2018, an increase of 2.3% compared with 2008. A generally in-creasing trend can be observed for the whole EU (EU average 19.7% in 2018, 17.1% in 2008). Many of elder-ly require ongoing support on long-term basis, for nursing health care and/or for assistance with basic and/or instrumental activities of daily living (ADL and IADL). Coverage by social protection against the costs of long-term care (LTC) in old age varies widely both across and within countries in the EU. The rising costs for LTC are becoming a challenge for all Member States (MS) and put LTC on the high position on EU’s social protection agenda. Croatia is situated in country group with low public expenditure on LTC (EU aver-age in 2016 1.6%, Croatia 0.7%). Aim of this analysis was to explore expenditure for health component of LTC and discuss about challenges for ensuring fiscal

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sustainability for future LTC needs. Methods. Health expenditure data for Croatia in 2017, classified accord-ing to System of Health Accounts (SHA) methodology, were used for analysis. Expenditures for health com-ponent of LTC including palliative care were analysed according to providers and according to financing schemes which covered the costs. Results. Total ex-penditures in 2017 for health component of LTC were 761 million HRK presenting 3.1% of current health expenditures in Croatia. Public expenditures (includ-ing government and social insurance) form the major part (94.7%) of total expenditures for health compo-nent, followed by out-of-pocket expenditures (4.3%) and voluntary health insurances (1.0%). Share of ex-penditures divided according to the providers in total expenditures for health component of LTC was: 47.9% in hospitals (includes departments for chronic diseas-es), 21.7% in residential facilities (includes hospices, homes for elderly and homes for adults with mental disorders), 17.6% for formally provided LTC at home and 10.7% for informally provided care at home (in-cludes expenditures for paid sick leave for providing care to sick family member). Conclusions. Population trend in Croatia indicates progressive ageing and fu-ture rising of LTC expenditures. The public expendi-ture for health component of LTC is only part of the full costs of LTC, without social beneficiaries, out-of-pocket for ADL and/or IADL and informal care costs. Unpaid informal care is not included in the fiscal sus-tainability analysis in the SHA. Elderly with similar LTC needs can face significantly different out-of-pock-et costs, depending on which MS they live in.


Demographic Challenges and Long-Term Care the Elderly in CroatiaSanja Ožić1,2, Danijela Štimac Grbić3,4, Anja Belavić3

1 Postgraduate university study Health and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia

2 Zagreb Holding3 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia4 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Eurostat data (2019) showed that is in EU-28 almost three quarters (72.5%) of very old people (over 85 years) had long-standing illness or a health problem, and about two thirds (66.9%) of elderly people (75–85 years) and more than half (56.9%) of old people (65–74 years). Croatia is now ranked as the 14th fastest shrinking country in the

world and have a very old population. For the EU, pub-lic expenditure on long-term care is projected to in-crease from 1.6% to 2.7% of GDP between 2016 and 2070. Rapid expansion in the number of very old peo-ple presses policymakers for quality and sustainable solutions for long-term care. Methods. Institutional and organizational documents have been analysed by the document analysis method. It included the review and evaluation of printed and electronic materials. The analytical process involved the selection, evaluation, interpretation and inference. Results. The long-term care services including high levels of public expendi-ture and coverage are characteristic of Northern Euro-pean countries. Medium expenditure and coverage are characteristic of many Western countries and low ex-penditure and coverage by Mediterranean, Central and Eastern European countries. Croatia national-level data reveal large gaps in the provision of and access to long-term care. In 2014, less than 10 % of all elderly reported that they had made use of homecare services. The use of social services shows that of the 72,408 indi-viduals who received the assistance and care allowance, half were over 65 years of age and two thirds received the full amount of the benefit. In 2015, 3,328 old per-sons received home help assistance. Also 9,287 old people have received the guaranteed minimum benefit amounting to 9.07% of all recipients of this benefit (1.16% of all old persons). Further 3,226 old people re-ceived the personal disability allowance amounting to 13.58% of all recipients of that benefit. An analysis of social protection expenditure showed that the largest part of social protection expenditure in 2016. belonged to the elderly services (34.2%). Conclusion. Planning for comprehensive and integrated long-term care for the elderly in Croatia needs to be discussed and promptly initiated. Recommendations go in three di-rections: a) developing tools and training packages to strengthen formal and informal caregivers; b) building sustainable workforce for ensuring the quality and ca-pacity of integrated long-term care; c) increase capacity in long-term care: nursing homes, rehabilitation facili-ties and hospitals for long-term chronic care.


Local Community Answers to the Ageing ChallengesRomana Galić, Andreja Ninić, Antonija Bobić Lazić

City office for social protection and persons with disabilities, City of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. According to estima-tes from The Central Bureau of Statistics for 2018, 154,053 people over 65+, live in Zagreb, which means 19.2% of the total population. City of Zagreb, within

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its strategic documents, recognized comprehensive care for elderly people as one of the most important social and public health priorities, whereby the City’s activities are aimed at improving the material status of the elderly towards the development of various social services in the local community. Methods. In order to encourage the further development of social services, we have conducted several studies, the results of which show that awareness about programs and services is crucial for their use. The results also highlighted the need to actively promote the development of specific services such as those aimed at people with Alzheim-er’s and other dementias. Results. A significant step in the development of non-institutional services is the model of home assistance and day care services, whereas additional services are provided within the Local Community Support Program “Gerontological Centers of the City of Zagreb”. This is a standard that was created in 2004 as a collaboration between City of Zagreb and Center for Gerontology Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health. The vision of the Gerontology Centers is to adapt the local community to the needs of the elderly in order to improve their

health and functional abilities. City of Zagreb also es-tablished The Mutual path Foundation, which opened apartment-type housing units in 2012, the first such alternative accommodation for elderly in Zagreb. We are particularly focused on providing appropriate ser-vices for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias (specialized departments, counseling services for in-formal carers, education for staff). In order to ensure access to information on rights in the field of social protection, health insurance and other relevant infor-mation, we print the publication The Guide for Senior Citizens of City of Zagreb. Also, aware of the acceler-ated technological development that requires creation of innovative digital solutions, in 2018 we launched the communication platform Conclusion. Aware of the specific needs of the elderly people, we are developing a social policy towards pro-viding specialized wards for people having Alzheim-er’s or other dementia. Emphasis will certainly be placed on programs to prevent social exclusion, pro-mote the health and safety of the elderly, as well as their involvement in public policy-making in order to secure a friendly local community for elderly people.

Session C2: Bioethics and Ageing

Invited lecture


Dignity-Enhancing Care for Older Adults: An Ethical FrameworkChris Gastmans

Catholic University Leuven, Belgium

The number of older adults continues to increase worldwide. Over the past decades, the growth of the aged population has been particularly notable for the oldest-old individuals, those who are 85 years and older. This group will continue to grow significantly over the next decades. Given that older adults are es-pecially prone to suffer from dementia, many coun-tries will be confronted with a rising number of people with dementia. It is estimated that the population suf-fering from dementia will double every 20 years to 42.3 million by 2020, 81.1 million by 2040, and 113 million by 2050.

These demographic evolutions result in important new responsibilities for older adults, in general, and people with dementia, in particular. How do they deal

with the risk of become care dependent? What do they think about the quality of their life and about their subsequent end of life? What are their opinions about vulnerability and dignity in old age? What arrange-ments do they want to make with their family about the care they will need when they become more de-pendent? What do they consider to be ‘good care’ and ‘good death’ for older adults? What do they consider to be their own responsibility in ‘preparing for the fu-ture’? Do they want to write advance directives in order to plan their life and death after they become in-competent? What do they think about legal regula-tions regarding patients’ rights, advance directives, euthanasia, and assisted suicide, and what do these legal frameworks mean for their own situation?

In this presentation, we will propose a comprehen-sive clinical-ethical framework that addresses the above-mentioned questions about care for older adults in general and persons with dementia in particular. First, we briefly outline the general philosophical-eth-ical background from which we developed our frame-work. This is based on three aspects: lived experience, interpretative dialogue, and normative standard. Against this background, we identify three corner-stone concepts that must be observed in an ethical ap-proach on care for older adults: vulnerability, care, and dignity. Based on these concepts, we argue that the

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

ethical essence of care for older adults is the provision of care in response to the vulnerability of a human being in order to maintain, protect, and promote his or her dignity as much as possible.


1. Gastmans C. Dignity-enhancing nursing care. A foundational ethical framework. Nursing Ethics 2013;20(2), pp: 142-149.

2. Gastmans C. Dignity-enhancing care for persons with demen-tia and its applications to advance euthanasia directives. In: Y. Denier, C. Gastmans & T. Vandevelde (eds.) Justice, luck and responsibility in health care: philosophical background and ethical implications. Springer: Dordrecht, 2013, pp: 145-165.

3. Jones DA, Gastmans C, MacKellar C (eds.) Euthanasia and as-sisted suicide. Lessons from Belgium. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2018.


Ageing Ethics and Challenges for CareRenzo Pegoraro

Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican

The considerable prolongation of life, in our societ-ies, has made possible by: a broad improvement of the quality of life and advancements in the medical field. This phenomenon may be seen as an important “con-quest”, but it also gives rise to a new “challenge” on multiple fronts.

Questions:The meaning to become oldThe meaning to become “disabled” for the old per-

sonThe challenge for the family to take care for him/herThe role of society and institutions to help the fam-

ily and the elderlyAgeing and quality of lifeAgeing and “end of life”Focusing on the question pertaining to assistance

for the elderly had not so much an intention to provide an immediate “technical-medical” solution, rather to: create awareness of the problem in all its specificity and intensity – that is, in the particular way it is an issue by nature and then subsequently in the contin-gency of current social conditions; propose a cultural-ethical approach to the problem. When it comes to the social aspect, what is evident to everyone today is that the problems tied to care cannot be addressed in the manner that up until a decade or so ago was consid-ered the norm. One cannot place all one’s trust in the natural solution alone, namely the family. Further-

more, the specific nature of problems associated with care, and only in the field of health, often make it a matter that exceeds the resources that are to be found within a family context. Of course the family is and continues to be an indispensable reality, something that is with difficulty replaced by “something else”. But a challenge such as the care of the elderly speaks to the community as a whole (beyond the particular and in-dividual institutions, organizations, volunteer associa-tions, etc.). The expectation of continuing population ageing prompts questions about welfare states’ capaci-ty to meet the needs of their population. The State, in-stitutions and the family cannot avoid answering the challenge that arise from the needs of the elderly. Fam-ily, Nursing homes, Christian community and Civil Society as a global net able to give answers to the el-derly needs, according the different situations: no au-tonomous elderly; active elderly. It is important to re-affirm the intrinsic and inalienable dignity of all human beings, regardless of their age, health or exis-tential condition and to promote and sustain mutual relationships within families, according to the princi-ple of subsidiarity and real solidarity. It is urgent to develop a socio-cultural model including social pro-posal to maintain dignity and meaning for the life of elderly and the medical and care support: an holistic and integrated approach.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (128)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

Oral presentations


Ethical Challenges for Healthcare Professionals in Managing Elder AbuseLuciana Caenazzo1, Sarah Gino2

1 Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padua, Padova, Italy2 Department of Health Sciences, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy

Introduction and objectives. Abuse is a common challenging issue in both developed and developing countries around the world. It involves issues such as healthcare, justice, ethics, and human rights. Elder abuse is an example of human rights and freedom vio-lation that leads to a serious loss of human dignity, in-dependence and respect, and influences ethical prin-ciples such as autonomy, competency, beneficence, and non- maleficence. Different definitions have been provided for elder abuse over time: it may be defined to an act (or to the absence of a proper act) that will cause harm or suffering to an older person, and it oc-curs in a relationship that normally requires trust, and may be performed only once or several times. Elder abuse is an increasingly phenomenon that has created ethical issues for care teams, thus our objective is to determine the existing ethical challenges in this con-text. Methods. The present contribution is based on a critical review to determine the ethical challenges in-volved in elder abuse and was conducted collecting related documents, articles and sources. Results. Since awareness of abuse is influenced by knowledge, exper-tise and preparedness, the competence of health per-sonnel who take care of abused subjects in conducting the examination and evidence collection is of funda-mental importance to identify and report mistreat-ments and to support vulnerable populations such as the elderly. Intervention in case of elder abuse is ac-companied by ethical challenges, because lack of pro-fessional principles leads to personal, legal and ethical concerns. Conclusions. The goals of elder abuse pre-vention are to prevent unnecessary suffering, maintain autonomy, and maintain quality of life. Within this context, classical principles of medical ethics will be discussed.


What Sort of Discrimination Among the Geriatric Population?Hrvoje Tiljak1, Hrvoje Jurlina2, Nina Bašić Marković3, Antonija Balenović4

1 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Health Center Zagreb County, Samobor, Croatia3 School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia4 Health Center Zagreb – Center, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Discrimination among different social groups start to be an important public concern in the 21st century. Special population groups attract attention as deprived groups of individuals dis-criminated according their specific characteristics. Health and social service in Europe have a long tradi-tion of social awareness regarding the discrimination as well as promotion of anti-discrimination of any kind. Solidarity was early introduced and stayed es-sence to diminish differences between social groups. Such an approach demands adequate insight into dif-ferent population group’s needs. Methods. Health needs differ according to age. When talking about age-specific health needs one must take into account which age group is more vulnerable regarding health. What about senior citizens in Europe? What are their health and social needs? How they are met and are there suf-ficient resources for their specific needs? And finally, are there differences in social and health needs within seniors? Several problems of geriatric care and related discrimination options emerge when that age group is observed in detail. Results. First, seniority is defined as age over 65 and could last for 35 or more years. Spe-cific periods could be recognized during that period of life: pre-retirement and early retirement period, emp-ty-nest household period, deep age, etc. Assessment of seniors’ needs based on a look at the group in total can lead to discrimination.

The second differentiation lays in individual health status when entering seniority. Noncommunicable chronic diseases represent often health problems in the elderly meaning life-long medication and health status monitoring. The healthy ageing project pro-motes early prevention of chronic diseases resulting by chronic disease absence. Two groups of seniors on dif-ferent poles of scale (multimorbidity individual versus healthy individual) have different needs at the same age. That can also be the origin of discrimination in geriatric care. The third and most important difference represents the quality of inner-circle social support. Seniors living in common households together with inner or extended families have different needs than seniors who live alone without any family relationship.

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Needs for nursing-home settlement or other kinds of social/medical nursing for seniors who live alone are evident and important. Seniors who live alone could experience the whole scale of discrimination in case of medical emergencies. Conclusion. The problem of se-niors who live alone in case of an urgent deterioration of health status represents a critical geriatric problem that must be tackled with more attention.


Does Revascularisation Therapy for Acute Stroke Improve Functional Outcome in Elderly Patients?Zdravka Poljaković1, Svjetlana Šupe1, Josip Ljevak1, Marko Radoš2, David Ozretić2, Ivona Šomle3

1 Intensive Care Unit, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Division of Neuroradiology & Vascular system, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Revascularisation ther-apy for acute stroke including thrombolysis and me-chanical thrombectomy is now the standard care for acute ishemic stroke. However, in spite of numerous studies including elderly in the protocol, this group of patients still receive limited acute care considering modern revascularisation techniques. Furthermore, actual guidelines do differ age group of patients above 80 years considering inclusion criteria for thromboly-sis. Elderly patients are more critically judged while considering inclusion/exclusion criteria for revascu-larisation therapy which bring us also to some ethical considerations in this growing group of acute stroke patients. In this presentation, we analysed and com-pared recanalisation rate and clinical outcome of our patients in 2 years period according to their age in order to check whether in our cohort age differences do influence these outcome measures. Methods. In our work we analysed 139 patients treated in UHC Za-greb during 2017 and 2018 for acute ishemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion by thrombectomy, pre-ceeded or not with thrombolysis. We devided patients in three groups according to their age (less than 60, 61–75 and 76 and older) and analysed their recanalisa-tion rate (using TICI system, and considering all TICI 2b and 3 as a complete recanalisation), as well as out-comes using modified Rankin scale at 90 days consid-ering 0–3 as good outcome. We analysed mortality

rate (mRS 6) and patients with bad outcome having mRS 4 and 5. The results were analysed and compared.

Results. From 139 patients 32 were younger than 60., 64 in the „middle“ age group, and 42 in the group of elderly patients (76 and older). Low recanalisation rate of TICI 2a and less had 14 patients (11%) which is a recanalisation rate according to the literature. How-ever, the age differences in low recanalisation rate were not significant, namely low recanalisation rate had 36% of elderly patients, and 64% of middle age or younger patients. Considering clinical outcome, over-all mortality in our group of patients was 13%. When we looked to the mortality rate in groups, the lowest mortality rate (3%) was in the youngest group of pa-tients and the highest (17%) in the elderly. Bad out-come (mRS 4&5) had 5% of patients in the middle age group. Conclusions. According to the results of our study, it is not ethical to refrain from treating elderly people with modern revascularisation techniques in spite of higher mortality rate which is to expect in this group of patients anyway. The caution has to be aimed to the optimisation of patient selection, but not to the treatment selection or treatment withdrawal.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (130)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

Poster presentations


Ageing of the Yugoslav Population: Andrija Štampar’s and Branko Kesić’s Detection of Demographic Changes in the Middle of the 20th CenturyStella Fatović-Ferenčić, Martin Kuhar

The Division for the History of Medical Sciences, Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The subject of geron-tology aroused stronger interest among Croatian scholars only in the middle of the twentieth century, largely due to the demographic analyses brought by prominent Croatian public health experts Andrija Štampar and Branko Kesić. Our objective is to show their results in the context of the development of ger-ontology in Croatia. Methods. Our presentation is based on the analysis of vital statistics brought by An-drija Štampar in 1940, as well as his colleague and co-operator Branko Kesić in 1958. Results. Croatian pub-lic health pioneer Andrija Štampar was the first to an-

ticipate future public health issues regarding the age-ing population. In his book Hygiene and Social Medicine from 1940, Štampar analyzed demographic changes in several European countries, and showed how the decrease in birth rates and the prolongation of life would change “economic and social structure” and necessitate the introduction of “new social and health measures”. Adding upon Štampar’s analysis, the spe-cialist of hygiene, social and occupational medicine Branko Kesić published in 1958 a chapter Ageing of the Yugoslav Population in the Symposium on Geron-tology. Kesić noted that the age structure significantly differed between the 1931 and 1951 censuses, with the main changes being the higher life expectancy and a lower number of children. Štampar’s and Kesić’s analy-ses were the first to use census data aiming to warn about future demographic changes and their social, economic and health repercussions. Conclusions. Even though our public health experts focused their attention to the contemporary public health priorities such as infective diseases, sanitation etc., they did not neglect to spot the incoming demographic changes and their potential consequences. They agreed that medicine had to solve these problems not only because of its humanitarian roots, but also because of the social and economic reasons. Kesić’s article thus added to Štampar’s thoughts on the population structure from 1940, with a clear formulation of public health con-cerns that the changing vital statistics brought.

Session C3: Epidemiological Trends on Prevention of Age Related Frailty Syndrome and Diseases

Invited lecture


Frailty – What Is and What We Can Do in Croatia?Tomislav Benjak, Vesna Štefančić, Željka Draušnik, Ivan Cerovečki

Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Ageing is one of the biggest challenges that Europe is currently facing (WHO 2015). Demographic trends suggest that there will be an increase in age-related disability and dependence, which will ultimately im-pact not only on the wellbeing of the individuals af-fected, but also on the sustainability of health and so-cial care systems. Nevertheless, recent data suggests

that disability and dependency trajectories can be changed providing the opportunity for older adults to live longer healthy lives. For most older people, the maintenance of functional ability is of the highest im-portance. Healthy ageing is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO 2015) as the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age. Therefore, identifica-tion of conditions preceding the development of dis-ability and dependency is an essential prerequisite to effectively promote healthy ageing. Among the most important of conditions that contribute to functional impairment is frailty. Frailty is an identifiable decline in physiological systems that results in decreased re-serves, confers extreme vulnerability to stressors and increases the risk of a range of adverse health out-comes such as disability, institutionalization, hospital-ization and death (WHO, 2015). There is evidence that prevention and early management of frailty can avoid

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (131)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

many of the major negative health-related outcomes associated with ageing including functional decline and dependency (WHO, 2015). Nevertheless, although addressing frailty is a necessary step to enhance healthy ageing, frailty is not currently considered as a public health priority in many European Countries. Concern over this situation motivated the European Commis-sion (EC) and many of the Member States (MS) to co-fund the first Joint Action (JA) on the prevention of frailty: ADVANTAGE JA. Croatian Institute of Public Health was partner in that Project. In light of fact that is first time that we have in use term fraility in Croatia, for begging, we have to start with education health professionals about all aspects of that term.

Oral presentations


Ageing and Health: Importance of the Topic for Europe and the Croatian EU PresidencyDanijela Štimac Grbić1,2, Peter Allebeck3, Tugce Schmitt4

1 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden4 European Public Health Association (EUPHA), Brussels, Belgium

The ageing of the population, occurring worldwide, leads to increased prevalence of chronic diseases and disability. Yet, at the same time, it offers opportunities for long and healthy lives for people. This can be seen from two perspectives: on the one hand, people live lon-ger and to a large extent healthier. Many people can work longer, travel for leisure and practice sports. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that older people are especially in need of protection as they are more vulnerable to illness and diseases. It is therefore not very surprising that one of the current main public health topics worldwide is healthy ageing. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines healthy ageing as “the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age”.

Healthy ageing is expected to keep its importance in the coming decades in the Member States of the Euro-pean Union (EU). According to Eurostat data, low birth rates and longer life expectancy are changing the shape of the population pyramid towards a much older population structure. This requires adequate social as well as public health responses in many countries. Thus, the Republic of Croatia has chosen the topic of healthy ageing as one of its priorities during its six-month presidency of the Council of the EU, from Jan-uary 2020 to June 2020.

In an e-collection ( /pages/ageing-and-health), we have put together arti-cles on ageing and health, published in the European Journal of Public Health during the past three years and summarised their main findings. The oral presen-tation will give insights into this publication and sug-gest policy recommendations based on given evidence.

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Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN


Implementation of the SEFAC Project in Four European CitiesDenis Juraga1, Vanja Vasiljev1, Lovorka Bilajac1, Oscar Zanutto2, Stefania Macchione3, Anastasios Rentoumis4, Athanasia Karanasiou5, Tamara Alhambra6, Jorge Garcés – Ferrer6, Elena Curtopassi7, Nigel Clark8, Anthony Polychronakis9, Siok Swan Tan10, Ellen Rouwet10, Sophie Korenhof10, Hein Raat10

1 Department of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia

2 European Project Department, Istituto per servizi di ricovero e assistenza agli anziani, Treviso, Italy

3 Istituto per servizi di ricovero e assistenza agli anziani, Treviso, Italy 4 Alliance for Integrated Care, Athens, Greece 5 Vidavo, Thessaloniki, Greece 6 University of Valencia, Polibienestar Research Insitute, Valencia, Spain 7 Covenant on Demographic Change, Bruxelles, Belgium 8 Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly, Truro, UK 9 Municipality of Rotterdam, The Netherlands10 Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam,

The Netherlands

Introduction and objectives. Europe is facing an unstoppable epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases. That burden represents a particular challenge for the national healthcare systems, regional govern-ments, local stakeholders and policy makers. Lifestyle changes can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases so the SEFAC project introduces a novel approach to such changes in the community with engagement of social network of health and social care professionals as well as volunteers. The main objective of the SEFAC project (GA no. 738202) is encouragement of citizens in prevention and self – management of chronic non – communicable diseases. Participants and Methods. A total of 360 participants who are 50 years and older and are at risk of developing major chronic diseases or have a cardiovascular disease and/or type II diabetes mellitus attended the seven week workshop program in four European pilot sites: Cornwall, UK; Rijeka, Croatia; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; and Treviso, Italy. Mindfulness based workshops aimed at improv-ing health, promoting healthy habits and healthy life-style. By integrating mindfulness into the workshops, participants had the opportunity to learn new skills for improvement of self – efficacy, self – esteem and im-prove their ability to self – manage their health. The SEFAC program was supported by SEFAC App that was developed to improve the outcome of the work-shops. Results. Diversity of the SEFAC project in im-plementation in four European cities will be shown as well as similarities. Involvement of volunteers and so-cial/health professionals by community alliances is shown to be valuable for the sustainability and visibil-ity of the project. Conclusions. Community based ap-

proach as it is presented in the SEFAC project, is a challenge for every community, but taking into ac-count all the cultural and traditional values, it is pos-sible to implement SEFAC in every part of EU.

Acknowledgement: This research is part of the proj-ect ‘738202 / SEFAC’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014 – 2020).


Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Healthy AgeingMladen Boban

Department of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Split, Croatia

It is well established that excessive alcohol intake is associated with changes in brain structures, cognitive impairments, and an increased risk of all types of de-mentia. On the other hand, the vast majority of well-done prospective studies indicate that in comparison with non-drinkers, moderate, non-binge-drinking el-derly subjects have lower risk of cognitive impairment. Moreover, numerous cohort studies have shown that moderate drinkers tend to have longer lifespan. In some studies, a protective effect of light-to-moderate alcohol intake has been seen primarily among con-sumers of wine. Here we will review up to date epide-miological evidence for a favorable association be-tween moderate alcohol intake and cognitively healthy longevity. Further, taking wine as an example, we will give an overview on the biological rationale for a pro-tective role of its moderate consumption on brain health.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (133)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Poster presentations


Assessment of Risk Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Functional Limitations in Elderly with Cardiovascular DiseasesDijana Babić

Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases Magdalena, Krapinske Toplice, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living is a di-rect indicator of the level of functional capacity in old age, which is significantly affected by impaired mobil-ity, the occurrence of cognitive-sensory deficits and chronic diseases. The purpose of this paper is to deter-mine impact of sociodemographic and clinical risk factors on functional capacity measured by Groningen Activity Restriction Scale among elderly patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods. The Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated for the total result. Differences in outcome with re-spect to age, gender, educational level, marital status, number of medications and medical diagnoses of par-ticipants were compared by t-test or one-way ANOVA. Results. Statistical analysis of data showed certain cor-relation of patient characteristics (age, gender, educa-tion) and complexity of health status with the results of assessment of existing limitations in performing basic and instrumental daily activities. Conclusions. The functional capacity of elderly with cardiovascular disease is under influence of a number of factors, in-cluding age, gender, educational level, as well as the number of comorbidities and medications. These fac-tors should be taken into account when determining measures to prevent further functional decline.


Prevalence of Dementia in Croatia from 1995 to 2018Ana Balorda1, Marija Škrgatić2, Ljilja Balorda2

1 Department of Occupational Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Institute of Public Health Zadar, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Dementia is a neuro-logical condition characterized by functional impair-ment and decline in multiple cognitive domains. In

2019 „Alzheimer’s Disease International“ estimates that there are over 50 million people living with de-mentia globally, predicted to increase to 152 million by 2050. Almost 62% of healthcare providers worldwide think that dementia is part of normal ageing, 40% of the general public think doctors and nurses ignore people with dementia. The prevalence of dementia is increasing. It is mostly demographically induced and with a lack of causal pharmacological therapies, pre-ventive approaches are gaining in importance. De-mentia is more common after the age of 65. It is im-portant to identify the factors that may delay the onset, slow the progression, or prevent cognitive decline. The available evidence suggests that physical and intellec-tual activity and social engagement are the most help-ful factors. Materials and methods. The aim of this paper is to present the prevalence of dementia in Croa-tia from 1995-2018. We analyzed prevalence data for Dementia F00-F03 (ICD 10) diagnosed by General/Family Medicine teams from 1995-2018, according to the Croatian Health Service Yearbook, Croatian Na-tional Institute of Public Health. Descriptive statistical methods were used for data analysis. Results. In the observed period in Croatia, the prevalence of demen-tia had an increasing trend. In 2012 the rate was high-est, 290/100.000 (12,444 patients) and lowest in 1996, 132/100.000 (5,858 patients). The average annual per-cent change (AEPC) was 3.4%. The overall increase in the prevalence rate, compared to the beginning of the observed period, was 91%. At the beginning of the ob-served period, one family medicine team cared for 3 patients with dementia, and at the end for 5 patients. In 20-64 age group rate ranged from 24-69/100,000; median 40/100,000; AAPC decreasing by -3.7%. In 65+ age group rate ranged from 611-1,524/100,000; median 1,253/100,000; AAPC increasing by 4.1%. Conclusion. In the observed period in Croatia, de-mentia prevalence had an increasing trend. There is a need to increase the public health awareness of de-mentia and improve the quality of health care, social care and long-term care support and services for peo-ple living with dementia and their families. Public health awareness campaigns for the elderly should in-clude the promotion of physical activity, social con-nection, cognitive training, proper diet and manage-ment of cardiovascular risk factors. Early detection and better patient registration could be beneficial in shaping health policy and for the future development of dementia care.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (134)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN


Unintentional and Intentional Injuries Mortality Data for Women Aged 50+ in Zadar County from 1998 to 2018Ana Balorda1, Marija Škrgatić2, Ljilja Balorda2

1 Department of Occupational Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Institute of Public Health, Zadar, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Injury is a major cause of preventable death and disability. Most injuries can be prevented by identifying their causes and removing these, or reducing exposure to them. Unintentional in-juries result typically from transport, workplace, home and leisure time accidents. Intentional injuries result from assault and self-harm. Falls are a common prob-lem for older people and are often the reason for hos-pitalization or move to a nursing home. Materials and methods. Aim of this paper is to present unintentional and intentional injuries mortality data for women in Zadar County from 1998-2018 at age 50+. We ana-lyzed mortality data of the Croatian Central Bureau of Statistics for External causes, V01-Y98 according to ICD 10. Descriptive statistical methods were used for data analysis. Results. In Zadar County from 1998-2018 there were 2,213 deaths from injuries: 61% men, 39% women. In total death’s injuries share was 6% (7% M, 5% F). Falls, suicide and transport accidents make up 75% of all injuries (73% M, 78% F). In the observed period, men died mostly from suicide 27%, transport accidents 26% and falls 20%. In the same period from injuries, 864 women died: 49% from falls, 19% suicide, and 10% transport accidents. In 0-14 age group 1%, in 15-49 age group 12% and in 50+ age group 87%. In the 0-14 age group, the most common were transport ac-cidents. In the 15-49 age group most common were: suicide 42%, transport accidents 39%, assault 11% and falls 3%. In 50+ age group most common were: falls 56%, suicide 16%, transport accidents 6%, assault 2%. In 50+ group Exposure to unspecified factor, code X59, was very high 8%. In the observed period, the age-standardized death rate (ASDR) for External causes of death for women of all age groups ranged from 22.3-40.5/100,000; median 31.5/100,000. The av-erage annual percentage change (AAPC) in the mor-tality rate was -0.25%. In age group 50+ ASDR ranged from 17.7-32.6/100,000; median 24.6/100,000. AAPC in the mortality rate was 1.21%. The ASDR for falls ranged from 7.2-17.7/100,000; median 11.9/100,000, AAPC 2.05%; for suicide 1.6-8.3/100,000; median 5.0/100,000, AAPC -1.93%; median for transport ac-cident was 2.0/100,000; AAPC 2.69%. Conclusion. In

the observed period in Zadar County in age group 50+, overall trend in external causes of death had an increasing mortality trend. Falls and transport acci-dents had an increasing trend as well, while the suicide mortality rate decreased. Aging does not have to mean a loss of independence. Encouraging physical activi-ties and proper nutrition can improve older people’s ability to remain independent and reduce the risk of falling.


Injuries in the Elderly in CroatiaIvana Brkić Biloš1, Natalia Jadrijević1, Maja Silobrčić Radić1, Sandra Mihel1, Verica Kralj1, Mario Šekerija1, Lara Meden2

1 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Istria County Public Health Institute, Croatia

Introduction and objective. Although injuries are the leading cause of death in the first four decades of life, mortality rates of injury are the highest in elderly population.

The aim of this research is to present the burden of injuries in older age (persons 65 and older) population in Croatia. Methods. We used the data on injuries (ICD-10 codes V01-Y98, S00-T98) from routine mor-tality and morbidity statistics and database provided by the World Health Organization (Health for All da-tabase). Data were expressed as absolute numbers, percentage shares, as well as age-specific mortality rates using the revised mid-year population estimates and age-standardized mortality rates. Results. From 2001 to 2016 the age-standardized injury mortality rate in the elderly in Croatia showed an increasing trend (2001: 167.2/100,000, 2016: 192.6/100,000). The age-standardized injury mortality rate in the elderly in period 2001-2016 was higher than the EU and Euro-pean Region rates. With 1,875 deaths and a share of 4.3%, injuries in older age (65+) in Croatia in 2018 held the fifth position behind cardiovascular diseases, neoplasm, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic dis-eases, and diseases of the respiratory system. In 2018, the overall injury mortality rate was: 73/100,000, but among elderly population (65+) was higher: 225.2/100,000. As to age specific overall injury mortal-ity rates, they increase with age (age group 65-74: 86.7/100,000, age group 74-84: 242.4/100,000; age group 85+: 877.4/100,000). The male mortality rate of injuries was 247.1/100,000 and the female rate 210.3/100,000 among the population of 65+ in 2018. Falls, with 1,135 deaths and age specific rate of 136.3/100,000 were the leading external cause of death among elderly people, followed by suicides (30.7/ 100,000) and traffic accidents (16.7/100,000). The most

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (135)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

common somatic diagnosis in older people who died from accidental falls were fracture of femur and intra-cranial injury. More than half (62%) hospitalisation of elderly people treated for injuries in hospitals refers to injuries due to falls. Conclusion. Accounting for a large proportion of the overall mortality and morbidi-ty, injuries present a major public health problem among elderly in Croatia. A systematic implementa-tion of preventative programmes is required, especial-ly those for falls and hip fracture prevention.


Current Health Status of People 60+ in Federation Bosnia and HerzegovinaMilka Dančević-Gojković1, Senada Tahirović2

1 Health Promotion and Medical Education, Public Health Institute of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

2 Statistical Department, Public Health Institute of Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Introduction and objective. B&H is growing older. In 2018, there were about five people of working age (ages 15–64) for each person of retirement age and above (ages 65+); the proportion of older people (i.e., those aged 65 years or older) is almost 15% (14,6%) equal as youth 15% (0-14 years old). Retired people are 18,7% of total population of B&H inhabitants. Ratio of retired people (ex-workers) is equal as working popu-lation 1:1. The old-age dependency ratio in B&H (i.e., the ratio of people aged 65 years or older to people aged 15–64 years) is 42%. While the mean life expec-tancy at birth in F B&H increased, the healthy life ex-pectancy is not even measured. We aimed to describe the current health status of aged population in Federa-tion of B&H older population. Methods. Information on the prevalence of health problems among age 60+ in 2018 was obtained using regular health statistics, as hospital admission, and contacts with family doctors due to evident morbidity. Results. Reported diseases and conditions found among the population of 60+ are huge, as 40% in primary, and 42,5% of all inhabitants who were looking for health care in state health insti-tutions of Federation B&H. Although the multimor-bidity has not presented, the chronic morbidity and disability among the elderly are obvious at both, pri-mary and secondary health care level. The widespread morbidity of cardiovascular and circulatory diseases is represent at all levels of health care, while some condi-tions leading to functional impairment due to com-plex health status deficit accumulation could be treat-ed only in hospitals are not seen at primary level ( ex-

ample of malignant, or injuries). Discussion. This ar-ticle summarises some leading diseases that could have relevance to practitioners caring for older adults, particularly at primary health level, and in the absence of gerontologist. Management could include a proac-tive individualised assessment, which improves quali-ty of life by reducing treatment burden, adverse events, and unplanned high demand health care. Conclusion. This paper could open the discussion how to structure the future health care system in the absence of Strate-gic policy document of ageing in B&H, and in the area of community development of healthy ageing centres.


Pharmacoepidemiology of Benzodiazepine Use and Ageing in the City of Zagreb, CroatiaMarija Delaš Aždajić1, Robert Likić2, Antonio Kovačić3, Danijela Štimac Grbić4,5

1 Department of Dermatology and Venereology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia3 Archdiocesan Theological Seminary, Zagreb, Croatia4 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

5 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. A demographic trend of increased human life expectancy became common worldwide due to improved life standard and better access to health services. Nowadays, ageing population represents a significant global health challenge, espe-cially considering the economic burden of age related diseases. The new concept of healthy ageing developed by the World Health Organisation emphasizes the im-portance of individual’s functional ability in order to enable their ongoing well-being. The aim of this retro-spective study was to assess benzodiazepine (BZD) utilization habits among outpatients in the city of Za-greb. Methods. Information on prescribed BZDs for the year 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia was obtained from the Croatian Health Insurance Fund. This data con-tained several social and health indicators of all pa-tients who utilized BZDs more than 5 times in one year (drug classes N05BA, N05CD, N05CF according to the ATC Classification System). Descriptive statis-tic, parametric T-test and non-parametric Wilcoxon test were used to compare differences between groups in the study. The P value of <0.05 was considered sta-tistically significant. Data analysis was performed by use of the R programming language v.3.5.1. Results.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (136)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

Results of our analysis showed that significantly more women (472.741) than men (252.041) utilized BZDs in 2015 in Zagreb; however, men on average used more BZDs (mean ± SD; 11.97 ± 6.23) per year than women (11.24 ± 4.97) and the gender difference was statisti-cally significant (p<0.05; 95% CI 0.70-0.76). There were no seasonal variations in BZD utilization. Addi-tionally, there was no statistically significant gender difference in the order of drug prescriptions according to their chemical therapeutic subgroup. The most commonly prescribed BZDs were: diazepam, followed by alprazolam, oxazepam and zolpidem. We uncov-ered significant differences in BZD utilization between genders according to the first 10 clinical diagnoses for which the drugs were prescribed. Women tended to utilize BZDs at an older age than men, with a mean age of BZD utilization for women being 65.6 ± 15.1 (mean ±S D; median: 66) years vs 59.6 ± 15.3 (median: 60) years for males. Conclusions. Rational drug prescrib-ing and utilization present important public health is-sues for most countries worldwide, especially in the elderly. The obtained results indicate high prevalence of BZD use among females, and prolonged BZD utili-zation among males in Zagreb. These results indicate the need for improved promotion of mental health as well as rationalization of BZD prescribing, particularly in older patients and for a prolonged period of time.


Secondary Use of Routinely Collected Health Data and Caring for the Elderly: A Case Study of Potentially Harmful PrescribingKatarina Gvozdanović1,2, Željka Draušnik2,3, Darko Gvozdanović2,4, Ivan Jurak2,5, Kristina Fišter2,6

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Croatian Society for Medical Informatics, Secondary Use of Biomedical and Health Data Working Group (SEKA)

3 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia4 Ericsson Nikola Tesla d. d., Zagreb, Croatia5 University of Applied Health Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia6 Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Elderly are the largest group of users of prescription medications. Over 20 % of the population in Croatia is older than 65 years and this proportion is expected to increase as the popula-tion is ageing. Due to the multi-morbidities, multiple concomitant medicines, and underlying metabolic and cognitive changes, drug prescribing in the elderly can result in adverse health outcomes and unnecessary

costs for the health system. The objective of our work is to explore the potential of secondary use of routine-ly collected health data for generating the evidence in support of healthy ageing, using potentially inappro-priate drug prescribing as a case study. Methods. The Central Health Information System of the Republic of Croatia (CEZIH) is the largest source of routinely col-lected health data in Croatia. Based on the published functional specification, we analysed CEZIH in terms of its structure and available data elements. As a mea-sure of inappropriate drug prescribing, we chose the internationally accepted STOPP/START criteria (Screening Tool of Older People’s Prescriptions and Screening Tool to Alert to Right Treatment) for pre-scribing in older people. We compared the data con-tained in CEZIH with the information needed for the implementation of the STOPP/START criteria. Re-sults. The STOPP/START criteria provide 114 evi-dence based rules to avoid commonly encountered points of potentially inappropriate prescribing. The precondition to apply those rules is availability of in-formation on patient age, prescribed medications, in-dications, medical conditions. ePrescription contains structured information for over 99% of medicines pre-scribed/dispensed in the primary care setting since 2011. The attributes available in ePrescription include brand name, active substance, dose, form, indication, date of prescription and dispensation, patient identifi-er which allows for application of 38 STOPP/START criteria. Additional information can be retrieved from the electronic healthcare record within CEZIH (64 cri-teria). Conclusion. Routinely collected electronic pa-tient data in Croatia can be used to generate the evi-dence on inappropriate drug prescribing using STOPP/START criteria. Such analyses have been done in many countries to assess suboptimal prescribing practices, however, in Croatia, this has not been the case despite the importance of the issue. Secondary use is a com-plex process that requires accessible data, understand-ing of data sources, data structure and research meth-odologies. Interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration is important to make the most of the re-sults and to support regulatory actions and policy de-velopment.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (137)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability


Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality Trends in Croatia, 2001-2018Verica Kralj, Mario Šekerija, Ivana Brkić Biloš, Maja Silobrčić Radić

Division for Epidemiology and Prevention of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. In the last few decades mortality from cardiovascular diseases has been decreasing in many European countries. However, even with this substan-tial decrease, cardiovascular disease remains the lead-ing cause of death in most developed countries, in-cluding Croatia. Objective. The aim of this study was to analyse trends in mortality rates due to cardiovascu-lar diseases in Croatia between 2001 and 2018, using joinpoint regression, and to see if there are sex differ-ences in the observed trends. Methods. The data on deaths from cardiovascular disease (ICD-10 codes I00-I99), by age group and gender, were obtained from the annual report of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. We calculated the age-specific mortality rates using the revised mid-year population estimates, and rates were standardized using the age structure of Croatian Census 2011 population (HR11). We used Joinpoint Regression analysis to describe trends in mortality, with a maximum of 2 joinpoints and a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate p-values for a series of permu-tation tests. We applied the joinpoint analysis to the age standardized rates and their respective standard errors, for diagnosis group and each sex separately. Re-sults. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality, contributing the most to the burden of dis-ease and accounting for approximately 25,000 deaths per year. In 2018, 23,048 people died of cardiovascular diseases, among them 13,093 women and 9,955 men. They are a cause of death of 49% women and 38.3% men. Cardiovascular diseases are the second cause of death in persons younger than 65 years (malignant diseases are the leading cause), with 2,276 deaths and a proportion of 24.9% in mortality of this age group, respectively. There were 455 668 deaths due to cardio-vascular diseases in Croatia in this 18-year period. Standardized mortality rates (ASR-E) for cardiovascu-lar diseases in the 2001-2018 period decreased from 932.9 to 542.6/100,000 in men, and from 689 to 384.4/100,000 in women. Joinpoint analysis showed an APC (annual percent change) of -3.4% in men (CI=-3.6 to -3.1), and -3.5% (CI=-3.8 to -3.2) in women. Conclusion. Trends of mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases in Croatia show a continuous and significant decrease in this period. Mortality rates are falling more rapidly in women than in men. How-ever, it is still the leading cause of death, and cardio-vascular diseases mortality in Croatia remains above

the EU average, and therefore it is necessary to moni-tor trends and work towards reducing preventable risk factors.


Ageing of Persons Treated for Psychoactive Drug AbuseIvana Pavić Šimetin1, Maja Valentić1, Dragica Katalinić1, Danijela Štimac Grbić1,2, Dijana Mayer1, Ana Ištvanović1

1 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. According to the Background paper commissioned by the EMCDDA for Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide “Re-sponding to the needs of ageing drug users” older peo-ple with drug problems are considered those aged 40 or over whose recurrent drug use is causing them harm or is placing them at a high risk of such harm. Older people with drug problems are likely to encoun-ter negative life outcomes due to their drug use and they have characteristics and trajectories distinct from those of their younger counterparts. The issues relat-ing to problem substance use among older people have received little attention, and have only recently been recognized. Methods. The Register of persons treated for psychoactive drug abuse was established within the Croatian Institute for Public Health back in 1978. We have investigated the data from Register focusing on the issue of ageing. Results. People treated for psycho-active drug abuse are getting older. In 2018, their aver-age age was 38, for opioid users 40, while ten years ago, the average age of treated people was 30. According to the data from 2018, the older adults are prevalently methadone-treated opioid users, while one-third of the younger people are non-opioid users, and younger opioid users more often receive buprenorphine as a substitute therapy. Considering non-opioids, use of sedatives and hypnotics is more widespread in older people, while cannabinoids are more prevalent in younger ones. Older drug users are mostly treated on their own initiative or by referral from a primary care physician, while in younger patients a prominent role in referring to treatment also has a family, court, police and welfare centers. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are significantly more present among older people with drug problems. Considering the living conditions, in 2018 the the largest proportion of older drug users has lived with their parents (32.2 percent) and this num-ber has been steadily increasing over the last 10 years.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (138)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

Conclusions. The number of older drug users has been increasing in Croatia and older drug users have a unique profile, different from their younger counterparts. Healthcare services, policies and relevant strategies should pay particular attention to older people with drug problems, as the number of them is increasing.


Correlation Between Physical Activity and the Quality of Life of Older PeopleNada Pjevač1, Tomislav Benjak2, Neda Pjevač3, Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak4

1 Health Centre Zagreb – Centar, Croatia2 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia3 Department of Educational Technology and Educational Multimedia Center (EMC), Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

4 Division for Medical Statistics, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

The aim of the study was to investigate the correla-tion between the physical activity and quality of life of older people. Respondents were movable, older citi-zens of 70-90 years (N=100). Results were obtained on the basis of the completed Quality of Life Index. Par-ticipants were divided into two groups considering the frequency of physical activities. In the ‘active’ group were participants who participated in some sort of physical activity two or three times a week for more than 30 minutes (n=56), and a group of inactive peo-ple included participants who were not physically ac-tive (n=44). There was a low but significant positive correlation frequency of doing physical activity and quality of life in the domain of health (r=0.202;p<0.05) and quality of life in the domain of performance (r=0.198;p<0.05). In keeping with the recommenda-tions of the World health Organization, a number of research results, and the results of this research, which suggests an important connection between the fre-quency of physical activity and health domain of qual-ity of life, constant physical activity must be an essen-tial measure of primary health prevention of older people, although the results of this study do not indi-cate a statistically significant correlation between physical activity and overall quality of life.


Vitamin D in Fall Risk Prevention in the Elderly: Current Literature ReviewJasna Pucarin-Cvetković1,2, Milan Milošević1

1 Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Sports, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Division of Environmental Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Nutrition and nutri-tional status are very important for the elderly. A bal-anced diet taken in adequate amounts usually provides vitamins and minerals needed by the elderly; however, vitamin D, B1, B6 & B12 and folic acid deficiencies in this population are not uncommon. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining calcium and bone metabolism. The lack of vitamin D and calcium are as-sociated with osteoporosis, osteomalacia, falls and fractures in old age. This study aims to investigate into the impact of vitamin D on prevention of falls in the elderly. Methods. For the purpose of this literature re-view, the PubMed database was searched using the fol-lowing keywords: fall risk, vitamin D, older popula-tion. The search was narrowed down to the contribu-tions published in the last 10 years. Results. The search yielded 7 publications that satisfied the inclusion crite-ria. Vitamin D deficiency in older age can range from the 30th to the 50th percentile. Vitamin D serum levels were inversely associated with the first fall risk. This effect was more prominent in patients who were vita-min D-deficient at baseline and those co-administered with calcium. The quality of the evidence is low to moderate due to the heterogeneity and publication bias. Interventional measures seem necessary to in-crease vitamin D status and subsequently decrease the risk of falls associated with fractures and other major injuries. However, evidence gathered insofar does not allow for the determination of benefits and harms of taking vitamin D or calcium supplements in order to prevent fractures in premenopausal elderly, since the data are limited and inconsistent. Conclusions. Based on the available literature, it can be concluded that the intake of vitamin D in the elderly is often insufficient and can be related to falls and fractures. Nevertheless, research in this regard should be continued. In order to improve nutrition and health of the elderly residing in the Republic of Croatia, their nutrition status should be monitored, and their dietary habits evaluated on a regular basis. Should such a need arise, and should the attending physician so recommend, vitamin D supple-ments should be administered, combined with an ap-propriate physical activity.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (139)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability


Trends in Lung Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Croatia in the 21st CenturyMario Šekerija, Marijan Erceg

Division for Epidemiology, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, CroatiaCroatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. According to the in-ternational estimates the burden of disease regarding lung cancer in Croatia is high in comparison to other European countries (high incidence and mortality, low survival rates), and it is important to have an up-to-date insight to these issues. Many countries also report disparate trends in men and women. Our aim is to analyse incidence and mortality trends from lung can-cer in Croatia, separately for men and women. Meth-ods. The data on deaths from lung cancer (ICD-10 codes C33-C34), by age group and gender, was ob-tained from the annual report on deceased persons, prepared by the Croatian Institute of Public Health and Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS), while the data for cancer incidence was obtained from the Croatian National Cancer Registry. We calculated the age-spe-cific incidence and mortality rates using the revised mid-year population estimates of the CBS, and rates were standardized using the age structure of Croatian Census 2011 population (HR11). We used a Joinpoint Regression analysis to describe trends in mortality, with a maximum of 2 joinpoints and a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate p-values for a series of permu-tation tests. We applied the joinpoint analysis to the age standardized rates and their respective standard errors, by sex. Results. Standardized incidence rates (ASR-HR11) for lung cancer in the 2001-2017 period decreased from 149.1 to 114.7/100,000 in men, and in-creased from 26.8 to 39.9/100,000 in women. Joinpoint analysis showed an APC (annual percent change) of -1.3% in men (95%CI=-1.7 to -1.0; p<0.001), and +2.6% (95% CI=1.7 to 3.4; p<0.001) in women. Stan-dardized mortality rates (ASR-HR11) for lung cancer in the 2001-2018 period decreased from 131.9 to 107.6/100,000 in men, and increased from 20.2 to 33.8/100,000 in women. Joinpoint analysis showed an APC of -1.1% in men (95%CI=-1.2 to -0.9; p<0.001), and +2.7% (95% CI=2.3 to 3.1; p<0.001) in women. There were almost 50,000 deaths in 2001-2018 period due to lung cancer in Croatia. Conclusions. Trends in lung cancer incidence and mortality in Croatia are mostly similar to those in neighbouring countries, with a decrease of age-standardized incidence in men

but a pronounced increase in women, mostly as a re-flection of changing smoking habits in the past couple of decades. In the advent of possible major changes in these trends (the introduction of the first Croatian Na-tional Cancer Plan, the National Lung Cancer Screen-ing Programme, the availability of new immunothera-pies for certain subtypes of lung cancer, etc.) it is of utmost importance to have a starting point for future comparisons.


Elderly Cardiovascular Patients in CroatiaIskra Alexandra Nola1, Sonja Frančula-Zaninović2, Matias Trbušić3

1 Department for Environmental Health, Occupational and Sports Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Health Centre Zagreb – Centar, Zagreb, Croatia3 Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. According to the in-ternational estimates the burden of disease regarding lung cancer in Croatia is high in comparison to other European countries (high incidence and mortality, low survival rates), and it is important to have an up-to-date insight to these issues. Many countries also report disparate trends in men and women. Our aim is to analyse incidence and mortality trends from lung can-cer in Croatia, separately for men and women. Meth-ods. The data on deaths from lung cancer (ICD-10 codes C33-C34), by age group and gender, was ob-tained from the annual report on deceased persons, prepared by the Croatian Institute of Public Health and Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS), while the data for cancer incidence was obtained from the Croatian National Cancer Registry. We calculated the age-spe-cific incidence and mortality rates using the revised mid-year population estimates of the CBS, and rates were standardized using the age structure of Croatian Census 2011 population (HR11). We used a Joinpoint Regression analysis to describe trends in mortality, with a maximum of 2 joinpoints and a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate p-values for a series of permu-tation tests. We applied the joinpoint analysis to the age standardized rates and their respective standard errors, by sex. Results. Standardized incidence rates (ASR-HR11) for lung cancer in the 2001-2017 period decreased from 149.1 to 114.7/100,000 in men, and in-creased from 26.8 to 39.9/100,000 in women. Joinpoint analysis showed an APC (annual percent change) of -1.3% in men (95%CI=-1.7 to -1.0; p<0.001), and +2.6% (95% CI=1.7 to 3.4; p<0.001) in women. Stan-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (140)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

dardized mortality rates (ASR-HR11) for lung cancer in the 2001-2018 period decreased from 131.9 to 107.6/100,000 in men, and increased from 20.2 to 33.8/100,000 in women. Joinpoint analysis showed an APC of -1.1% in men (95%CI=-1.2 to -0.9; p<0.001), and +2.7% (95% CI=2.3 to 3.1; p<0.001) in women. There were almost 50,000 deaths in 2001-2018 period due to lung cancer in Croatia. Conclusions. Trends in lung cancer incidence and mortality in Croatia are mostly similar to those in neighbouring countries, with a decrease of age-standardized incidence in men but a pronounced increase in women, mostly as a re-flection of changing smoking habits in the past couple of decades. In the advent of possible major changes in these trends (the introduction of the first Croatian Na-tional Cancer Plan, the National Lung Cancer Screen-ing Programme, the availability of new immunothera-pies for certain subtypes of lung cancer, etc.) it is of utmost importance to have a starting point for future comparisons.


Motives of Alcohol Drinking in Different Age Groups of Adults in CroatiaDiana Jovičić Burić1, Barbara Raguž1, Ljiljana Muslić1, Iva Pejnović Franelić2, Sanja Musić Milanović1,3

1 Health Promotion Division, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Department for International Cooperation, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

3 Division for Epidemiology, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. In order to develop and maintain the functional ability that enables well-being in older age, one must consider healthy aging as a lifelong process. When talking about protection of health of the population alcohol drinking has been recognized as public health priority. However, changes in absorption, distribution and metabolism of alcohol and medications that occur with age, as well as high prevalence of noncommunicable diseases, ask for more focused interventions in early and middle adult-hood related to alcohol drinking. In order to get a bet-ter insight in drinking motives during adulthood, this study aims to compare motives for drinking among different age groups of adult population in Croatia. Methods. The data were collected as part of Standard-ized European Alcohol Survey (SEAS) during EU JA RARHA project on representative household sample aged 18–64 in Croatia. The motives for drinking were

measured by a 10-item scale. Participants who report-ed that drink alcohol (n=1171) were asked to assess on a 5-point scale how frequently they drank due to the reason described in the item. The FA confirmed four factors structure: motives related to pleasure, prob-lems, needs to fit in with others and healthiness. The sample was divided into three age groups: Young or Early Adulthood (18–34), Middle Adulthood (35–49) and Late Middle Adulthood (50–64). Differences in motives for drinking between selected age groups were tested using parametric and non-parametric tests sep-arately for each factor. Results. Statistically significant difference between the three age groups of participants was found in all four types of motives. The analysis showed statistically significant difference for motives related to pleasure, coping with problems and fitting in with others between participants in Young or Early Adulthood and both Middle Adulthood groups of par-ticipants. All age groups showed statistically signifi-cant differences in motives related to healthiness. Drinking because of healthiness was most frequently reported among participants in Late Middle Adult-hood. Conclusion. The results showed that there is a difference in alcohol drinking motives between age groups. The Young/Early Adulthood age group drinks more often than the other two groups for fun, because alcohol helps them cope with problems and makes it easier for them to fit in. With aging, motives for drink-ing shift towards healthiness and belief that alcohol is a part of a healthy diet. The results confirm the need to consider not only patterns of drinking but also mo-tives for drinking when planning public health inter-ventions for specific age groups.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (141)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Session C4: Community Based Approaches and Medical Wellness for Healthy Ageing

Invited lecture


Population Health Initiatives, Ageing and Health System Sustainability and Promoting Healthy LongevityJohn E. Vena1, Ronald W. Gimbel2, Hermes J. Florez3

1 Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA

2 Department of Public Health Sciences, College of Behavioral, Social & Health Sciences, Clemson University, USA

3 Division of Epidemiology & Population Health Sciences, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA

The future of public health and population health is dependent on: a commitment to broadening our un-derstanding of biology and behavior; medicine, meth-ods, and management; environment and economics;

policy and programs; and a host of other things; and the renewal of a vision of health and well- being for the whole community. There must be a corresponding commitment to the values that shape that vision. Part-nerships among public health scientists who work as part of public health teams in academic medical cen-ters, federal agencies, state and local health depart-ments and community and international organiza-tions are keys to our future. We present here the con-cept of a Population Health Institute Task Force (PHI-TF) at the Medical University of South Carolina was formed to examine the benefits and barriers of a PHI at MUSC and MUSC Health. Population Health Insti-tute provides an interdisciplinary inter-professional environment supporting improvements across four clinical domains: Improved Quality of Care; Improved Patient Experience; Improved Medical Provider Expe-rience and Reduced Medical Expenses. The Popula-tion Health Institute facilitates the successful transi-tion to value-based care, integrating efficient system-atic approaches at all levels of the patient experience to maximize the potential for Healthy Aging. This health-care landscape includes coordinating the delivery of

Population Health InstituteStrategic Approach

Logic Model

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (142)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

information, and insights to sub populations in the region. Community and clinical actions may include individuals segmented by age lifespans, socio-econo-mic segment, health status and psycho-social segment.

A task force has recommended the creation of a Population Health Institute (PHI) and Medical Com-munity/Neighborhood ICCE at MUSC. The current matrix and influence of actions approach has not yielded traction in the journey to pivot from volume to value. We are faced with additional delivery system ac-quisitions, affiliations and organic growth as well as new value-based agreements with requisite popula-tions. An institute or centralized approach appears to be a best practice for MUSC Health to model. A PHI can facilitate improved coordination between and among MUSC, MUSC Health and external partners for funding and investment.

New patient touchpoints must be established. Pa-tients within high acuity episodes require deft care co-ordination and real-time patient management. Pa-tients with long term conditions and risk factors for adverse health will drive new initiatives to engage pa-tients upstream from high periods of medical services consumption and decrease the overall cost of care from a longitudinal perspective. Additional supplier services and health care team member roles are re-quired to operate these new touchpoints.

These new approaches, innovation incubation, pilot projects and robust evaluation processes require train-ing and education beyond our current capabilities. A systematic model of skill and knowledge infusion must be established to instill the required set of workflows and patient interactions to drive out waste, care varia-tion and replace current approaches with proven methods to improve health in the most efficient man-ner. A suggested mantra is to think big – start small – and move fast. Financial justification and project man-agement must be coordinated across a complex group of departments and teams. Although challenging, this more centralized approach is considered critical to survivability as value-based contracting continues to grow in the U.S.

Seven key areas have been outlined to provide a framework for coordinating initiatives in support of population health within the organization. These areas may not evolve into formal workstreams although they serve as a roadmap for the PHI.•  Network and Systems•  Patient Empowerment•  Knowledge Gaining and Sharing•  Data Driven Decision Making•  Longitudinal Care•  Care Episodes•  Training and Education

Longitudinal care includes both episodes of care, treatment goals, disease prevention, patient goals and plans. The overall plan should be focused on the pa-tient and include the patient’s values and preferences. This long-range plan is dynamic and designed to inte-grate all parties in a synchronized approach to health.

Our vision: Coordinating innovative approaches to population health across the MUSC enterprise im-proving health in the daily lives of the populations we serve through coordinated, innovative approaches. As a world class innovator, is to drive improvements across the spectrum of population health approaches. The Population Health Institute will collaborate in university wide research efforts including data analyt-ics, big data insights, predictive modeling, compara-tive effectiveness research, and novel delivery of care interventions.

The Population Health Institute facilitates the suc-cessful transition to value-based care, integrating effi-cient systematic approaches at all levels of the patient experience. This healthcare landscape includes coordi-nating the delivery of information, and insights to sub populations in the region. Community and clinical ac-tions may include individuals segmented by age lifes-pans, socio-economic segment, health status and psy-cho-social segment.

In this session we will also provide a high-level over-view of a rural health innovation partnership that will engender healthy ageing. This includes leadership commitment, county and region-wide health outcome data analysis, legislator and key stakeholder buy-in, joint pilot study programming, early successes, and lessons learned. In addition, we will review how we are addressing in South Carolina the challenges associated with increased lifespan and growth of the older popu-lation globally. Our team seeks to enhance the imple-mentation of evidence-based interventions to reduce the burden of obesity and related conditions, such as diabetes, especially in minority older adults with less access to care. We will review lessons learned promot-ing healthy longevity with our multidisciplinary team in South Carolina.

R E F E R E N C E1. Dykes PC, Samal L, Donahue M, et al. A patient-centered longi-

tudinal care plan: vision versus reality. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014;21(6):1082–1090. doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-002454.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (143)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Oral presentations


Increasing Wellbeing Through Co-production of Health Promotion Activities at the Local Level – the Role of Senior CouncilsIwona Kowalska-Bobko1, Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka2, Anna Kozak2

1 Departament of Public Health, Institute of Public Health, Jagiellonian University Medical Collage, Krakow, Poland

2 Department of Public Management, University of Economics, Katowice, Poland

Drawing on the literature review, analysis of docu-ments and observation of practices, this paper sheds light on the role of Seniors Councils in increasing well-being through co-production of health promotion ac-tivities at the local level. Wellbeing is more than just happiness. It means developing as a person, being ful-filled, and making a contribution to the community. This last element makes that the co-production of public services – with all its capacity to increase the social capital and to address social needs and public expectation – has the potential to contribute to the wellbeing in every age group. Co-production is de-fined as the voluntary or involuntary involvement of public service users in any of the design, management, delivery and/or evaluation of public services. Due to the demographic changes and their consequences, particular attention should be paid to the wellbeing in old age. The significant role in this area can play Senior Councils which are active actors the field of social ser-vices and prevention and health promotion and im-portant partners for the local governments. Many older people enjoy life, but a significant proportion struggle with loneliness, isolation, low-level mental health problems like depression or even more serious problems that lead to suicide. There is a wealth of evi-dence showing that physical health is closely associat-ed with emotional wellbeing. This is particularly rele-vant for older people, who suffer much higher levels of chronic ill health than the rest of the population. The conducted analysis of documents and practices show that the co-production of health promotion activities by Seniors Councils and the local governments in Po-land occurs, is conducive to the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, thus contributing to im-prove the wellbeing of seniors.


Health Promotion for Older People in Europe – the Results of Pro-Health 65+ ProjectStanisława Golinowska, Marzena Tambor

Department of Health Economics and Social Security, Institute of Public Health, Jagiellonian University Medical Collage, Krakow, Poland

Introduction. Population ageing has been affecting all countries across the European Union (EU). It poses significant economic and social challenges, especially in Central and Eastern European countries where age-ing process it is very dynamic while policy response is often inadequate, resulting in poor health and low quality of life of older people. Health promotion has been proposed as a measure to delay health deteriora-tion and enable senior citizens to live relatively healthy and independent lives, and it serves as a base for the EU healthy ageing strategy and consequent European countries’ activities in this area. Methods. We present the results of an international project Pro-Health 65+ (2014-2017) on health promotion policies for older people in European countries. We include ten Euro-pean countries, which represent three country groups of different economic development, population health status, and welfare state model: 1) Germany, Nether-lands; 2) Italy, Portugal, Greece; 3) Poland, Czech Re-public, Hungary, Bulgaria and Lithuania. The cross-country comparison was based on literature reviews, including national regulations, as well as information obtained from country experts through questionnaire prepared for the study purpose. Results. The results indicate that the aging of the population in European countries commonly spurs actions related to improv-ing and sustaining the health of older people. In less affluent countries, adopting laws and policy strategies on public health and health promotion, has taken place. In wealthier countries, like the Netherlands and Germany, a number of practical measures aimed at older people already follow implemented regulations. Health promotion programs are undertaken by public entities – at the central, regional and local level, how-ever, a considerable amount of activities is initiated and lead by non-governmental organizations. Further, we observe that organizational solutions for health promotion in European countries are not always clear-ly defined. There is also lack of resources, i.e. profes-sional health promoters and funds, particularly in less affluent countries. Scarcity of evidence on effective-ness and efficiency of health promotion for older peo-ple as well as skepticism of health care professionals in this matter, have been also recognized as hindering factors. Conclusions. Adequate regulations, institu-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (144)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

tions and funds are necessary to improve older people well-being through health promotion in European countries. More research to generate sound evidence, and education to prepare qualified health promoters are also crucial factors.


Community-Based Approaches Towards Healthy Ageing in Croatian Healthy Cities and CountiesSelma Šogorić1, Silvije Vuletić2, Josipa Kern2, Dorja Vočanec1

1 Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Division for Medical Statistics, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The Croatian Healthy Cities Network (CHCN) is, since 1990, organized and hosted within the Andrija Stampar School of Public Health (ASSPH) that provides academic knowledge and research tools to support local authorities, en-abling them to put healthy cities concept into practice. Since the Consensus Conference held in Rijeka in 1996, when quality of life of the elderly was voiced as a priority in official local self-government document for the first time, until today there has been a continuity and dedication to the priority of healthy aging. In 2015, existing interventions carried out by the CHCN members were reviewed with the aim to evaluate their efficiency. Methods. CHCN had initiated the project ‘Introducing academic standards in the process of se-lection of public health interventions’. The academic team developed a “matrix of program description” to gather data on activities, features, and results of each program carried out by CHCN members. Results. In-formation were collected on 60 existing local public health programs, 28 of which related to healthy aging. Strategic, educational and direct service interventions emerged as three main characteristic differences of programs according to which programs were grouped. Strategic programs included comprehensive healthy aging policy development and implementation with the emphasis on transparent policy making process and development of local government acts and proce-dures aimed at equalizing opportunities. Educational interventions aimed at increasing visibility and opti-mal usage of available resources and services, lifelong

learning and modifying users’ behaviour. Direct ser-vice interventions aimed at bringing services closer to users, improving accessibility and establishing conti-nuity of care. These were provided within health care system, social welfare system and civil society, there-fore strengthening social cohesion. Although imple-mentation of a large number of programs was carried out their quality was uneven. Half of the programs were mono-competent as opposed to comprehensive programs, and thus achieved limited results. Conclu-sion. In order to create aging friendly environment healthy aging strategies and interventions should be devised comprehensively, contain a continuous needs assessment and evaluation, mechanisms to detect peo-ple in need and provide a wide range of services in-volving all relevant sectors (urban planning, culture, education, economy…).


Towards Sustainable Ageing: Overcoming Obstacles in an Industrial EnvironmentEfstathios Restemis

Municipality of Aspropyrgos, Greece

The Municipality of Aspropyrgos, Greece, well aware of the challenges of healthy ageing, has built its strate-gic plan, in three basic and broader pillars, in order to provide its citizens with longevity, quality of life and subjective happiness (positive psychology).

1. Free Medical Exams: covering a wide spectrum of nearly ALL known proactive and diagnostic exams, of nearly all medical faculties. E.g., breast cancer, Pap test, blood tests, otolaryngological exams, ophthalmic exams, spirometries, as well as special exams on the consequences of environmental pollution on human health, in cooperation with specific scientific bodies and national universities (Kapodistrian, West Attica)

2. Various Athletic Programs: In a recent coopera-tion with the Kapodistrian University and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, a new program was launched under the name “Exercise is Medicine”, focusing on the new accredited trend of mass exercise. Apart that, many conventional programmes are running, such as rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, pilates, Swedish exer-cise, as well as special sea baths, accompanied with a strong aquatic exercise protocol.

3. Recreational Events & Life Long Learning. Tradi-tional Dances, Theatrical Events, Visits in Museums, Theatres, Natural Beauty Spots, Choir, Exchange of

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (145)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Cultural Associations, as well as a local, municipal Open University (lecturing every Monday), focusing on various themes, especially of informatory Medicine as well as Nutrition (Mediterranean Diet).

We do understand that although man has no respon-sibility of the notion of time itself, he/she has an abso-lute responsibility for its management, a management of multidimensional fabric. We do believe that our mu-nicipality is doing its best to institutionalize these man-agement tools for its citizens, while motivating them, supporting them, and empowering them, to achieve a prosperous, vigorous, functional and gracious ageing.

Poster presentations


Healthy Aging Strategy of the City of Poreč-ParenzoNataša Basanić Čuš1, Tihana Mikulčić2

1 Healthy City of Poreč Project, Croatia2 Home for the elderly and disabled people Poreč, Croatia

City of Poreč joined the worldwide movement of healthy cities in the 1990s. Developing local policies for health and social well-being The Healthy City of Poreč identified local priorities for health and social security for years. The project Healthy City of Poreč is the base for the adoption of strategic documents (health plans) which contains local protection stan-dards for all residents, especially for vulnerable groups. The plans for the health of the City of Poreč-Parenzo have been adopted at the level of the profession, the public and the executive. They are based on available indicators and a quantitative and qualitative method-ology for researching community needs, relying on the Support Center of the Croatian Network of Healthy Cities, based at the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, University of Zagreb. The elderly, as an age-developmentally vulnerable group, are one of Poreč’s continuously and long-term identified priorities in the cycles of local health planning. Caring for the elderly and improving their community life were a priority in the planning period for 2006-2016. and in the new pe-riod of planning following the evaluation and imple-mentation of the methodology for redefining health priorities in period 2017-2027. Poreč is a community that, unlike many in Croatia, has a positive natural in-crease. However, at the same time the number of the elderly over 65 is increasing. The share of the elderly, in the total population of Poreč, has increased according to the available indicators from the two censuses from 11.9% in 2001 to 14.69% in 2011. Based on years of comprehensive creation of conditions for a better quality of life for the elderly, in 2015. was created a local strategic document in Poreč called – Healthy Aging Strategy of the City of Poreč-Parenzo 2015-2020. It has become the backbone of the above stan-dards for the health of the elderly in the City of Poreč. The elderly became a recognized vulnerable group in Poreč, in relation to which are developed and imple-mented local institutional and non-institutional pro-grams (services) in the community as a protective con-tribution and support of the community to the process of healthy, active aging. At the end of the implementa-tion timeline, the Strategy has been fully implemented

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (146)


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and its continuation is planned to improve the quality of life and health of the elderly in the community for the future period. The implementation of programs, activities and measures from the Strategy includes, among other programs, support for the development of volunteer assistance for the elderly in colaboration with international volunteer organizations.


Do Healthcare Professionals Age Healthy?Hana Brborović1, Ines Šarić2, Željka Sokolović Pavić2, Marija Bubaš2, Milan Milošević1, Roko Žaja1, Ognjen Brborović3

1 Department for Environmental Health, Occupational and Sports Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Division of Occupational Medicine, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia3 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Healthcare became on of the most dangerous industries. The number of rec-ognised occupational diseases and accidents at work for the healthcare are among the highest of all indus-tries. The question remains, do healthcare profession-als age healthy? Methods. Registry of Occupational Diseases and Registry of Accidents at Work were searched to identify relevant data on occupational dis-eases and accidents at work in healthcare and social services sector. Additionally, the occupational diseases data were searched to identify recognized occupation-al diseases for doctors and nurses in the 2009-2019 pe-riod. Various data sources were investigated to find information on work-related diseases as well as other types of chronic diseases for healthcare professionals. Results. In the 2009-2019 period, a total of 27 doctors had recognized occupational diseases. The average age was 48.19. The most common recognized occupation-al diseases were various acute infectous diseases, fol-lowed by occupational cancer and chronic hepatitis. In the same period a total of 73 nurses had recognized occupational diseases. The average age was 46.52. The most common recognized occupational diseases were various acute infectous diseases, chronic hepatitis and irritative contact dermatitis. A total of 1775 accidents at work were recognized for healthcare professionals (out of total 18 724) in 2018. The majority of accidents were falling down, as a result of moving with the out-come distortions, sprains and strains of the upper limbs, most commonly fingers. The data about work-related diseases as well as other types of chronic dis-eases for healthcare professionals were not publically available. Conclusion. Results provided do not neces-

sarily show the actual numbers of occupational dis-eases and accidents at work. We found no data on the number of work-related diseases as well as other types of chronic diseases for healthcare professionals. Litera-ture suggests that up to 95% of population suffers from some type of work-related diseases by the age of 55.


Healthy Ageing for Healthcare Professionals: A Transition to a New Role in RetirementLovela Machala Poplašen2, Hana Brborović1, Ognjen Brborović3

1 Department for Environmental Health, Occupational and Sports Medicine, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 “Andrija Štampar” Library, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. The aim of this review is to describe the impact of ageing for healthcare professionals and to provide guidelines to healthy transition to the re-tirement. Croatian healthcare professionals are aging and working in working sector that is in the top tree most hazardous due to occupational diseases and ac-cidents at work. Methods. Literature review was made in PubMed database, searching only English and Cro-atian language articles with MeSH terms: Healthy Aging, Aging, Physicians, Chronic Diseases, Retire-ment, Occupational Diseases, combining with key words: healthcare workers, work ability, professional diseases. Registry of Occupational Diseases and Regis-try of Accidents at Work were searched to identify rel-evant data on occupational diseases and accidents at work in healthcare and social services sector. Results. The data from the 2018 Registry of Occupational Dis-eases report showed that out of 80 recognized occupa-tional diseases, 27 of them were from the healthcare and social services sector making the highest rank. The average duration of exposure time was 20.35 years. 42.5 – 59 years of age. The data from the 2018 Registry of Accidents at Work report for the healthcare and so-cial services sector showed that out of 1775 recognized accidents at work, the majority were healthcare profes-sionals in the age group 51-61 (32-51%) and the fol-lowing was the age group 41-50 (24.56%). No data were available on Croatian healthcare professional’s other aspects of health (chronic or work-related). Our review showed that the clinical ability can be compro-mised with reduced muscle strength, visual and audi-tory deterioration, which are physical issues, related to

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

ageing. Accumulation of chronic diseases further re-duces capacity. Cognitive decline is particular impor-tant, as good medical care requires considerable cog-nitive function. Here we present, the most significant recommendations how to make healthy transition in to the retirement: 1. Adjusting clinical practice to com-pensate for age, reducing work-load, consider slowing down in aspects of practice that require rapid cogni-tive processing, 2. Continuing late professional devel-opment – mentoring, teaching, contributing to profes-sional organizations, 3. Health and well-being -main-taining a healthy lifestyle with regular health check-ups, 4. Actively and positive assisting their members to transition successfully into changing work roles to-wards the end of their professional life, 5. Financial health continuing working in private health sector, working part time with reduced taxes. Conclusion. Based on literary review the most significant recom-mendations were emphasized to preserve health and work ability.


Multidisciplinary Approach to Healthy Ageing in the Work of a Public Health NurseDanijela-Lana Domitrović

Health Center Zagreb – Zapad, Croatia

Introduction and objective. Promoting health and preventative work by family doctors and nurses is needed to maintaining health, improving a healthy lifestyle, and changing harmful habits. The goal of this course of action is to improve health and preserve functional ability into old age. Methods. Mutual gero-prophylactic measures are improving the health state of the elderly population, preventing early mortality, functional disability and sick aging. The nurse, accord-ing to the Health Care Plan and Program, provides in-sight into the family, as well as the entire community, their social, cultural, intellectual and spiritual ap-proach to life, and other environmental factors. In day-to-day work, she detects high-risk individuals or people with symptoms or signs that may already have an impact on health and, based on subjective and ob-jective data, evaluates and plans activities (individual and group) in collaboration with family doctors in other medical and non-medical institutions, organiza-tions and associations. Conclusion. Multidisciplinary approach ensures affordable, effective, continuous and holistic care that contributes to improving the quality of healthy aging.


Music and Psychological Resilience in the Process of Healthy AgeingHelena Dukić1, Sarah Bjedov2, Ivan Jakovljević3, Miro Jakovljević2,4

1 Centre for Systematic Musicology, University of Graz, Austria2 Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Pro Mente, Zagreb, Croatia4 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. An interest for healthy ageing has been growing rapidly in the recent years. Healthy ageing, resilience, music and expression of movement are related phenomena. The objective of this abstract is to show our model for the process of healthy ageing through music and expression of move-ment. Methods. A narrative review. Results. These findings demonstrate our theoretical and clinical ap-proaches. Resilience represents a very complex, multi-dimensional and dynamic process, highly important for understanding of salutogenesis and pathogenesis as well as healthy ageing. Resilience may be defined as a collection of protective factors that mediate the rela-tionship between a stressful event, e.g. disease, and positive outcomes. Resilience is considered a modifi-able process, gradually developed through the life span, by facing and overcoming of adversary events.Recent research has shown that the brain, due to its neuroplasticity, has the ability to change through-out our entire life, growing new cells and connections. Interventions to promote resilience and healthy ageing can be organized around three areas: 1. Developing disposition attributes of the individual such as healthy life style, physical activity and robustness; vitality, op-timism and positive affectivity. 2. Practicing positive mutual interactions with supportive resource. 3. Strengthening self-efficacy and self-esteem, as well as having a purpose in life. Music, in particular, can help an individual build their resilience. Music making can enhance the function and structure of many brain areas in adults, proving that training-induced plastici-ty is not restricted to the developing brain. Even more interestingly,research has shown that daily music lis-tening can improve auditory and verbal memory, at-tention and mood, thus contributing to the increase in psychological resilience in both children and adults. Passive music listening has been proven to increase levels of oxytocin in adults, and active music participa-tion (like group singing and dancing) has shown the same results. Individual music listening as well as group music activities, such as choir singing or group dancing (a practice such as 5Rhythms) would not only be beneficial to building psychological resilience, but

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (148)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

would also promote bonding, social interaction, sense of well-being and improve auditory and verbal memo-ry in older adults. Conclusions. This is our theoretical concept that we intend to execute through adequate models in practice.


Quality Aging in Krapina-Zagorje CountyValentina Đurek1, Martina Šarić1

1 City of Zabok, Krapina-Zagorje County, Croatia2 Zagorje development Agency, Krapina-Zagorje County, Croatia

“We are helping the elderly“ – (MI POmažemo Starijima – MIPOS) is a project that empowers and employs women to help the needy members of the Krapina-Zagorje County (KZC). The project promotes social justice and ensures a better quality of life for county residents. The project employs 55 women who provide home help services for 313 users, elderly peo-ple. The MIPOS project, in addition to the employ-ment of women for a period of 24 months, also pro-vided education in the field of a geo-nurse / caregiver. The Ministry of science and education has verified the mentioned programs and the women involved in the project have obtained a formal certificate of education that will provide them with easier employability after the completion of the project. This ensures that the long-term sustainability of the project is maintained. The overall objective of the MIPOS project is to achieve social cohesion and improve the quality of life in KZC, and the specific objective is to integrate disadvantaged women into the world of work. The analysis of the problem indicated that women are disadvantaged in the labor market and that it is necessary to focus re-sources on empowering them. One way to empower unemployed women is to invest in education that will improve their capacities, work potential and empower them to enter the labor market. The institutional sus-tainability of the project has been ensured through the strengthening of the capacity of the NGOs to provide social services. The project partners, primarily associ-ations, have strengthened their administrative and implementation capacities and put in place a function-al home assistance service for their beneficiaries that they will be able to use after the end of the project. The established system of control of beneficiaries and women who provide services, elaborated forms and implementation mechanisms remain permanently owned by the project partners and is used as an ex-ample of good practice in the local community, and disseminated to other stakeholders within and outside the KZC. The project created unique forms for moni-

toring women’s work and identifying user needs. The wide partnership of local self-government units and associations in the KZC in the MIPOS project has fos-tered a sense of social sensitivity among citizens and created a platform for continuation of activities and designing of a new offer of social services. The estab-lished concepts of non-institutional assistance to end-users has emerged as an example of the good practice of broad partnership that has led to changes at the re-gional level.


SWOT Analysis of Retirement ClubRea Janda, Ksenija Vitale

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Sports, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Previous publications show various problems that people over 65 have to deal with. Some of them are loneliness, illness, finan-cial problems etc. People at that age are also known to have health problems such as obesity, which increases the risk of chronic illness. For people over 65 there are retirement clubs in our community. Those clubs allow them to socialize with other people of similar age and make new friendships. They also go on trips around the country and beyond, mostly once a month and have constant physical activity, on average twice a week. The main objective of this paper is to critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of such com-munity and to identify opportunities for improve-ments and obstacles that they may encounter. Meth-ods. For this paper SWOT analysis was used. It in-volves identifying key strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment and opportunities and threats in external environment. Although it may not be possible to influence the external environment, it is important to know what opportunities and dangers are present in it. Results. Research has shown that such associations have many opportunities, especially if government or-ganizations are involved. However, there are also sev-eral problems, mainly of a financial nature, which make some of the identified opportunities impossible. An additional problem is that people learn about such associations verbally and most often members come because one of their friends brought them. Conclu-sion. Based on the results obtained, associations can achieve better organization and apply for donations to get more people involved or to have more activities. Information on the workings of such associations could also be expanded and more people might be in-terested.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (149)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability


Demonstrating Models of Good Practice in Working with Older People by Implementing Healthy City and Healthy County ProjectsIva Josipović1, Helena Glibotić Kresina2, Nevenka Vlah2, Jadran Mandekić3, Karla Mušković3

1 Primorsko Goranska County, Croatia2 Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko Goranska County, Croatia3 City of Rijeka, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Ageing is one of the greatest social, economic and health challenges of the 21st century. The share of people older than 65 in Pri-morsko-goranska county (PGZ), according to the last census (2011) was to 17.7% of the total population; in 2018 it was 18,91%, while in the city of Rijeka amounts 19,74%. Therefore, the goal of the Rijeka-healthy city and healthy county projects is to promote active, healthy, productive aging, preserve functional ability, improve health behavior, prevent risk factors in the oc-currance of diseases and injuries retain the elderly in their place of residence through one of their priorities and with their own family, improving care and creat-ing a” family spirit” in care institutions. Methods. Pri-morsko-goranska county has been an active member of Croatian Network of Healthy Cities since 2004. Ri-jeka has also been recognized internationally through membership of WHO Working Group of Healthy Aging and the Alliance for Demographic Change. In both projects, healthy aging was a priority. Numerous activities have been carried out to improve the quality of life of the elderly and are presented here. Results. Healthy county activities:

I. Health aspects: (health literacy program; cardio-vascular disease prevention program for residents of PGZ)

II. Social aspects: (establishment of home commu-nities; introducing EQALIN quality system into nurs-ing homes; development of a guide for seniors PGZ-printed educational material; extending non-institu-tional care to organized home help and care activities; hello home care program for Kantrida nursery home; the festival of sports and recreational sports, thanks to which the first Olympiad for seniors was held).

Activities Rijeka-healthy city:1. Creation and distribution of two 50+ publications2. Provision of poverty relief assistance measures3. Financing the work of 16 retirement clubs4. Co-financing free exercise programs5. Co-financing the work for the University for the

third age

6. Implementation of IT literacy project7. A healthy aging group formedConclusion. Health care of the elderly is an indica-

tor of progress, but also of the failure of health care for the population as a whole,the responsibility of society is important, with special emphasis on ensuring active, healthy ageing, so the both projects have initiated changes in perceptions of ageing, creating new condi-tions for new models of active healthy ageing, encour-aging the participation of elderly in the community and in the work place, improving and preserving the health, functional ability and quality of life of elderly.


Older Workers in the World of Work – Psychosocial AspectHelena Koren, Marija Bubaš

Division of Occupational Health, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Aging workforce is an important challenge for organizations across European Union. It is expected that the number of older workers will in-crease in the future, so it is necessary to devote more attention to this specific group of workers. Due to age related stereotypes, older workers are often perceived as less productive and less motivated to work, making more expenses than benefits for the companies. How-ever, older workers, if encouraged and well managed, are valuable source of knowledge, expertise and expe-rience. This article focuses on specific psychosocial is-sues that affect older workers’ health, motivation, pro-ductivity and well-being at work. Methods. In this ar-ticle a literature review approach is used to discuss main age-related factors and psychosocial issues spe-cific for older workers. Results. Older workers experi-ence some age-related changes, mainly in decline of physical or sensory capacities and cognitive abilities. However, they can compensate those age-related func-tionality losses with work experience and accumulated knowledge. Specific psychosocial issues affect older workers, more than other age groups, such as age ste-reotypes and discrimination, less education and career opportunities, low job autonomy, technological chang-es or job insecurity. On the other hand, older workers report higher work related well-being, have a more positive attitude towards their job and show higher job satisfaction. Older workers may perceive their work less stressful, mainly because they developed different coping strategies through the years of working experi-ence, and are able to adapt these strategies depending on the requirements of particular stressful situation. Conclusion. Aging workforce challenges organizations

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (150)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

to develop and implement policies and practices that would keep workers healthy, motivated and produc-tive. Rather than focusing on certain disabilities, such policies should aim at improving potentials of all age groups. Engaging and encouraging older workers to remain active and contribute to the world of work should be of interest to all, employers, organizations and society as a whole.


Healthy Ageing Promotion Throughout the Life-Course: Nurses as a Link Between Health System and CommunitiesMaja Lang Morović1, Slaven Krtalić1, Sanja Musić Milanović1, 2

1 Division for Health Promotion, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Division for Epidemiology, Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Within the health pro-motion practice it is necessary to enable people to take care of their own health. This can be done through education, support, urban planning for health and other methods that will empower people to have all the tools, knowledge and the environments to remain their health far into the old age. By creating healthy habits through early childhood and ensuring support throughout the life-course, healthy ageing will be en-abled in its full potential. One of the key links between public health system and the people are nurses. Nurs-es’ role is therefore important in the promotion of healthy ageing and overall life-course health. The goal of this paper is to present possibilities for collaboration between health sector and communities with nurses as the key link between the two. Methods. Croatia Health Promotion National Program Healthy Living aims to ensure that people learn how to keep their health and have support in the environment for leading healthy lifestyles. Due to its comprehensiveness, Healthy Liv-ing is divided into five components: Health Education, Health and Physical Activity, Health and the Nutri-tion, Health and the Workplace and Health and the environment. All of these components focus on main-taining lifelong health, whereas three out of these five, Health Education, Health and Physical Activity and Health and the Environment, can be strengthened by including nurses into its implementation. Results. Within the Health Education Component, nurses are recognized as the health ambassadors from the earliest age. For this purpose, education material was created

that is implemented by nurses in all day care centers in Croatia with the goal of teaching children the basics of healthy lifestyles. Further, in the Health and Physical Activity Component nurses are a link between health system and people with chronic illnesses who are not sufficiently physically active. The role of nurses is to motivate these insufficiently active, mostly elderly people to engage in regularly organized and profes-sionally supervised walking activity. Finally, in the Health and the Environment component nurses are the key health professionals who have all sufficient re-sources to connect people of all age groups to partici-pate together in organized health promotion activities in city parks. Conclusion. In order to efficiently pro-mote lifelong health including healthy ageing nurses are an important link between communities and health system. By empowering nurses due to their role in the society, it will be easier to reach people of all ages before the onset of the disease and motivate them to pursue healthy lifestyles.


Care for Elderly Women with Cancer at the Everything for Her Centre for Psychological SupportNika Lazić, Almenka Balenović, Ljiljana Vukota

Association EVERYTHING for HER (CSO), Croatia

Ageing itself poses great challenges for a person, but additionally being diagnosed with cancer creates stressful environment that reduces adaptive capacity of affected person and her family and friends. Mental health is also greatly affected in cancer patients who often feel lonely, fear for their future and often show symptoms of depression. The elderly have greater probability to be diagnosed with cancer. In Croatia in 2017, there have been 11,156 women diagnosed with cancer. The most common cancer sites were breast, colon and lung cancer. The total number of women with breast cancer in 2017 was 2,767, of which 1,335 were over 65 and as many as 1,716 were over 60 years old. With all the difficulties aging person can face, can-cer is an additional burden for older women. With all the emotions that combined age and illness bring, they often lack appropriate family care and support. Even with a supportive family, they often face resentment as they become a burden to their family, also affected with the illness of their loved one. Additional problem at that age is that there is a great number of women who are either divorced or widowed, without any fam-

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

ily or with very narrow social network. Unfortunately, with still existing prejudice against the elderly and cancer patients, the situation gets more complicated. Many affected women need more specific psychosocial support which they find difficult to find, especially in the environment that does not encourage them to seek such support. In 2010, Association Everything for Her opened the doors of the Centre for psychological sup-port for women dealing with cancer. Between 35% to 40% women participating in the Centre’s programs are above 60 years old. Unfortunately, estimates for those in need of support is even higher. Older women are a very diverse group and our statistic shows that they are more or less involved in all of the Centre’s programs: individual psychological counselling, support groups, specialized psychoeducational programs, attending expert lectures, engaging in complementary programs such as yoga, dance and volunteering on social and cultural events. Aim of our programs is enhancing the capacity to cope with the disease, adopting useful and healthy habits, expanding the social network and im-proving the quality of life. Our mission is to continue learning and improving our programmes to provide the best possible care for our participants and also to raise awareness in our society and reduce stigma of cancer patients.


Young Promoters of Healthy Ageing, Presentation of the MAMA Project, BE HEALTHY, PINK OCTOBER IN CROATIADijana Mayer1, Ivana Pavić Šimetin1, Anja Belavić1, Ljiljana Vukota2

1 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Association EVERYTHING for HER (CSO), Croatia

In Croatia, according to data from the Cancer Reg-istry for 2016, of the total women who have cancer 25% are breast cancer patients, 14% of colon and rectal cancer and 8% of lung cancer. From the gynecological cancers at the top lies cancer of the uterus and cervix with 9%. Croatia has three national early cancer screening programs (breast, colon and cervix) and it is extremely important to raise women’s awareness of the importance of responding to free screening in all three programs. In 2019, all three national programs were included in the educational leaflet. Caring for women’s health and informing them of the importance of a checkup is an important topic in society, and the As-sociation EVERYTHING for HER would like to con-tribute to it. To help raise awareness for the need to

respond to national programs, and to raise awareness of the need for regular checkups for women of all ages, the Association EVERYTHING for HER has designed the “Pink October Project” to inform women in detail about ways to care for their health and early detection of primary breast cancer as well as other cancers fol-lowing this. The association implemented the project “”Pink October”” as a pilot project in October 2017 in Glina and Hrvatska Kostajnica, and then in 2018 in 28 schools (in 2019 in 31) across Croatia. 19590 educa-tional leaflets were distributed to mothers by their children. Activities were well received in the school and in the community. The leaflet highlights the im-portance of timely gynecological examinations, self-examinations and breast examinations as well as HPV vaccinations. We are extremely proud of such a re-sponsiveness of the schools and we are sure that, through this campaign, we have all together influenced the awareness of women in different generations about the importance of preventive examinations and care for their own health. Children were instructed to give the leaflet to their mother, and the contents of the leaf-let were reviewed by the Croatian Institute of Public Health. Project is being implemented to help raise awareness of women’s concerns about their own health. We are witnessing morbidity in women of all ages from malignancies, as well as the often late detection of the disease, which significantly reduces the chances of cure. One of the main concerns for a sick woman at that moment is what it is like to be with children. Chil-dren can have a positive influence on parents and en-courage their more responsible behavior, which is why we designed the project incorporating children as a means for communicating preventative and educa-tional messages to mothers and other female family members, in order to encourage them to have regular check-ups.


From CrossCare to Integrated Care – What Have We Learned From Interreg Slovenia Croatia ProjectAndrea Miškulin, Saša Radić, Ivana Vasilj, Sanja Lulić, Marija Tufeković

Institution for Home Care Zagreb, Croatia

Health care systems with rising life expectancy, de-clining physical and mental health among elderly, de-clining family members care due to family members moving abroad, has increased the need on health and social system to provide institutional and community

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long-term care. Principle 18 of the European Pillar of Social Rights stresses the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular, home-care and community-based services. Institution for home care Zagreb has a long tradition of establishing inno-vative services in emerging area of community based health care, such as “Hospital care in home”, “Physical therapy and rehabilitation for people with disabilities in City of Zagreb”, “Palliative care coordination center” in Zagreb city and in conjunction with The dental clin-ic provides free dental care at home. So, the City of Zagreb with Institution for home care Zagreb has en-visioned and implemented a program through a Euro-pean project to provide one of the components in de-veloping innovative integrated ecosystem while ensur-ing delivery of services for better quality of life among the elderly citizens of Zagreb. This Program has been developed by the consortium of partners of an Interreg program area. Leading partner, Ljubljana Home Care Institution accompanied by Municipality of Ljubljana, Center for domestic help Maribor, Community Health Center Čakovec, City of Zagreb and Institution for home care Zagreb has developed an program through collaboration of professionals (doctors, physiothera-pists, nurses, occupational therapists, social workers). Hence, they took the opportunity of CrossCare project to insure a new community based service for their citizens – home based occupational therapy, which is in accordance with relevant literature in the area of cost-effective solutions for changing health system (Rexe et al, 2013). Occupational therapy has proven to be relevant to improve functionality and health out-comes in areas such as falls prevention, musculoskele-tal injury, stroke rehabilitation, mental disabilities, re-spiratory rehabilitation and home care, all relevant to eldelry citizens of Zagreb. More then 360 elderly per-sons have received occupational therapy services (di-rect one to one sessions in their home and local com-munity) which have resulted in positive changes in occupational balance, reduced occupational depriva-tion and isolation, enabled daily functionality and raised their quality of life. With support of City of Za-greb this project will continue after the project stops, which ensures that Zagreb has services just like most (much reacher) European countries.


Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Influenza Vaccination Among Elderly in Eastern CroatiaIvan Miškulin1, Katarina-Josipa Siroglavić2, Ivan Vukoja3, Maja Miškulin1

1 Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

2 Department of Public Health, Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

3 Department of Internal Medicine, General County Hospital Požega, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. According to Europe-an Center for Disease Prevention and Control data, seasonal influenza annually causes 40 to 50 million symptomatic cases in the European Union (EU), and 15 000–70 000 persons die of influenza sequelae. Most influenza-associated deaths in developed countries occur among elderly persons 65 years of age or older. At present, there is consensus among European coun-tries regarding the routine seasonal influenza vaccina-tion of elderly, however, vaccine uptake in many EU countries remains suboptimal. Since 2009, the EU tar-get influenza vaccination coverage among elderly is 75% but none of the EU members achieved this target. The aim of this study is to investigate influenza vacci-nation coverage among elderly in Eastern Croatia and to evaluate their knowledge and attitudes towards in-fluenza vaccination. Methods. This population cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted in conve-nient sample of elderly (65 or more years) from East-ern Croatia at the primary health care setting during 2018/2019 influenza season. Response rate was 81.6%. Results. There were 48.0% males and 52.0% females. Median age of all study subjects was 73.0 years (inter-quartile range 69.5-79.0 years). The overall prevalence of influenza vaccination was 33.3%. The vaccination was statistically more frequent among females, old-old subgroup (85 years or older), those whose perceived socioeconomic status was better than average and those suffering from chronic diseases (P=0.003, P=0.001, P<0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). Females, those with higher education and those who have a partner had statistically better knowledge about influ-enza vaccination (P=0.044, P=0.001 and P=0.036, re-spectively). Females, those with higher education, those whose perceived socioeconomic status was bet-ter than average and those belonging to the old-old subgroup had statistically more positive attitudes to-wards influenza vaccination (P<0.001, P=0.023, P<0.001 and P=0.005, respectively). Among those with better knowledge about influenza vaccination and among those with more positive attitudes towards influenza vaccination there were statistically more el-derly who were vaccinated during 2018/2019 influen-

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

za season (P<0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). Con-clusions. Bearing in mind that elderly population makes up 19.4% of the Croatian population, and the fact that elderly are one of the risk group concerning the influenza severity it is essential to strive for achieve-ment of the EU target influenza vaccination coverage. In order to achieve this, it is important to further im-prove influenza vaccination knowledge and attitudes among elderly in Croatia.


The Zagreb County – The Programme Home Care Assistance for the ElderlyIvana Pašer

Zagreb County, Zagreb, Croatia

The Zagreb County is a regional (local) self-govern-ment unit in the Republic of Croatia, consisting of 9 towns and 25 municipalities. In the County’s rural areas, a large number of the elderly and disabled live in single-person households. In that regard, in addition to the institutional care, the County promotes the de-velopment of the community-based non-institutional care for the elderly and disabled people, and the very Home Care Assistance for the Elderly and Disabled Programme has proved to be very successful. The Pro-gramme includes the services related to food, per-forming household chores, assistance in the maintain-ing of their personal hygiene, as well as in performing other daily activities. The Programme is intended for the elderly who have been socially isolated for many different reasons and live in the areas where there is no public transportation, live far away and do not have neighours around, do not have heirs or their children have moved out for work, their spouses are dead, and live within an area with poorly developed social at-tachments, with insufficient financial resources, often of poor health. For the users of the said Services, it is essential to maintain the level of independence and re-main as long as possible in their homes, within the safe environment in which they have spent their whole life. The Home Care Assistance Social Service Programme is conducted in cooperation with State institutions, local self-government units, NGOs and others seeking to reach longevity and a healthy aging. Owing to the funding of the Zagreb County and in conformity with the Social Plan and the Community Action Plan, the Social Service Programme is currently implemented in the municipalities of Žumberak, Pisarovina and Pokupsko. It is also important to mention the pro-

gramme named „Make a Wish“ (cro. Zaželi), imple-mented by the Red Cross town nursing centres for the elderly on the territory of the municipalities of Sveti Ivan Zelina, Vrbovec, Ivanić-Grad, Dugo Selo, Samo-bor and Jastrebarsko and the respective municipalities. The Make a Wish (cro. Zaželi) Programme funding is supported by the European Social Fund. The Home Care Assistance Social Service and the Make a Wish (cro. Zaželi) Programme is conducted by a team of ex-perts, programme managers, coordinators, nurses, el-derly caregivers and other assistants. With the purpose of extending the network of non-institutional senior care services, the Zagreb County will provide support to all those who want their parents, grandparents and citizens to live contentedly in their homes, according to its means.


City of Zagreb – Dementia Friendly CommunityIvana Portolan Pajić

City Office for Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. The City of Zagreb, in collaboration with institutions and civil society, has been sensitizing the public for many years to the growing problem of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and their destigmatization. In an effort to promote further in-vestment and enable people with dementia to live in-dependently as long as possible, the City of Zagreb has signed a Registration and Process Agreement on De-cember 14, 2017 to become “Dementia Friendly Com-munity”. With registration, the City of Zagreb joined European initiative and gained title “The City of Za-greb is becoming Dementia Friendly Community”. This made the City of Zagreb the first such city in Cro-atia. Policy context and objective. The agreement was signed with the Croatian Association for Alzheimer’s Disease, which in 2016 became part of the internation-al Friends of Dementia initiative. The initiative was launched by the Alzheimer Society of London, the UK’s leading dementia society. In doing so, the City of Zagreb has joined a growing number of world capitals that have already initiated this process. In order to meet the criteria of the agreement and create a work-ing plan, a working group have been established to govern the development of the “”Dementia Friendly Community””, which brings together key stakeholders who are necessary for successful project implementa-tion. The working group is composed of representa-tives of social care centers, physicians, neurology spe-cialists, police, city administration, public transporta-

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tion, firefighters and civil society. Targeted popula-tion. People with dementia as citizens (not only people defined by their dementia as ‘patients’), their carers and families. Highlights. The working group has start-ed with the Basic Education Program within the City of Zagreb’s “”Dementia Friendly Community”” devel-opment program, and in the first cycle of the educa-tion the program brought together the employees of the Zagreb Electric Tram, the Zagreb Police Depart-ment, and the Zagreb Public Fire Department.

The actors who are in frequent contact with citizens were educated, and the aim of the training was to fa-miliarize them with the basic concepts of the disease, how to identify a person with dementia and how to approach such a person. In addition to educating key actors who are in daily contact with citizens, an impor-tant segment that should be addressed is the care and care facilities for older people, such as hospices, nurs-ing homes, and day care centers. With this in mind, the working group is in preparation of a handbook for “Dementia F”.


Skin Cancer Has Become a Public Health ProblemEva Rupert1, Romana Čeović2, Branka Marinović2

1 Health Centre Zagreb – Zapad, Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Dermatovenereology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia

All over the world, the incidence and mortality rates of skin cancer have significantly increased over the last few decades and thus have become a public health problem. Despite increased public awareness of the risks of skin cancer and even though skin cancer is one of the most preventable malignancies, the incidence continues to rise worldwide. Ageing changes in skin are caused by intrinsic factors, which are genetically deter-mined and extrinsic factors, which are environmental. Intrinsic or chronologic ageing leads to thinned epider-mis, reduced pigmentation and fine wrinkles. By far the most common extrinsic factor is ultraviolet (UV) exposure which is referred to as photoageing. More than 90% of skin cancers are found in the areas of the body which are exposed to UV radiation. Both sun and indoor tanning devices are risk factors for the develop-ment and growth of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers. Important determinants of both the degree of risk and the type of skin cancer are the various forms of UV spectrum and timing of sun exposure. The inter-mediate levels of cumulative or constant UV light ex-posure during lifetime are common in lifelong outdoor

occupational exposure and result in development of actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma. They occur in older population who had time to accumulate DNA damage in cells and in light- sensitive individuals with skin phototypes I and II who have less pigmented skin and a higher tendency to burn easily. On the other hand, intense intermittent UV exposure and particu-larly sunburns that occur in childhood and youth cause basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and cutaneous melanoma (CM). BCC tends to develop after the age of 50, how-ever early onset of BCC is on the rise and results from frequent use of tanning devices. CM can occur at any age, especially at risk are everyone with a family history of melanoma or a personal history of bad sunburns. Avoiding overexposure to direct sunlight during the peak daylight hours to prevent sunburns, wearing pro-tective clothing, and applying broad- spectrum sun-screen with a sun protection factor of 30 or higher are ways to protect the skin. Primary care physicians play an important role in skin cancer prevention and should be familiar with recommendations on behavioral coun-seling and sun- avoidance strategies, especially for pa-tients with a history of personal or family skin cancer. Due to cumulative effects of UV radiation, appropriate age groups to target for sun protection intervention are children and young adults because only change in their behavior will result in decreased incidence of skin can-cer and healthy skin ageing in later stages of life.


Healthy Ageing as a Part of the National Mental Health Development Strategy 2019-2030Danijela Štimac Grbić

Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, CroatiaDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Prevention, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Ministry of Health Commission for Developing Na-tional Mental Health Strategy 2020-2030 drafted the document during 2018 and 2019 year. The purpose of the strategy is to improve the existing ones and to de-velop new models of promotion, improvement and protection of mental health in order to reduce the oc-currence of mental disorders and disabilities associat-ed with them, and increase the availability of adequate care in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The strategy is based on relevant international UN, WHO and EU documents and on the guidelines of the Twin-

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ning project: “”Ensuring optimal care for people with mental disorders.”” The specific objective of the strat-egy is to protect the mental health of vulnerable groups, with particular attention to the elderly popula-tion with specific care needs. There is need for early recognition and treatment for mental disorders in el-derly as well as prevention. Numerous studies have confirmed the importance of social integration as a factor in mental health: people with more frequent contact with family, friends and neighbors, people married, people involved in religious life or civic orga-nizations or clubs are generally better at mental health than people who are more isolated . People who live in societies or communities that are better socially inte-grated and provide security for their members, as well as a quality and organized living environment and housing, will have a higher level of mental health. Ac-cordingly, measures, drafted in Strategy, related to the protection of the mental health of the elderly include: conducting research and activities aimed at combating the stigma of vulnerable groups; participation in the promotion of active aging programs; encouraging ac-tivities to prevent violence against the elderly; actively supporting the development of mental health in old age, focused on individualized care, day care and local community care; promoting and supporting the fami-lies and carers of persons with mental health problems; prevention of deprivation of legal capacity through education of all participants in the process of depriva-tion of legal capacity; improving the professional com-petencies of healthcare professionals and associates in health and social care settings working with the elder-ly; developing the use of volunteering to assist the so-cial inclusion of people with mental disorders. The strategy foresees the adoption of a special action plan for people with dementia.


IMPULS for 54+Sonja Tošić Grlač, Valentina Biševac

Međimurje County, Croatia

The Impuls for 54+ project increases the social inclu-sion of people older than 54 from geographically iso-lated and deprived areas of Međimurje County using cultural and artistic activities as impulses for their acti-vation. The project activities have enriched the quality of life of the involved people over the age of 54 and en-abled their social inclusion. The mentioned group of people, for various reasons, have very limited access to cultural and artistic activities. Their issues are living in remote, geographically isolated rural areas with low fi-nancial income and limited mobility because they don’t own or can no longer drive their car. They find it diffi-

cult to move and need assistance for a difficult trip. Some of them live in single households and are unin-formed about the cultural and artistic content available to them in their community, especially the content made to suit their interests/needs. They require free and accessible cultural and artistic content appropriate to their intellectual and perceptual capabilities – con-tent in local expression that they can understand and comprehend. To strengthen their skills and enrich their quality of life, the offered content must also be highly stimulating. In response to the aforementioned issues of elderly people in Medimurje county, we have de-signed participatory cultural arts workshops in 4 areas. The elderly will be able to play the tambourine, sing, practice folklore dances and read in workshops as well as present art projects made by themselves at public performances and participate in cultural and artistic appearances (opera, performances, concerts). It is im-portant to note that all the workshops have a strong local expression (Medimurje folklore / customs, local composers and writers). Transit, presenting the main obstacle to the elderly from participating in cultural and artistic activities in their community, will be orga-nized. The aforementioned contributes to a more active participation of target group members in cultural arts workshops enhancing their social, cognitive, emotional and creative skills. The artistic projects designed and presented by the target elderly group members to the general public will increase their visibility and poten-tial, therefore indicating the need for greater involve-ment of the elderly into the community and society in general. The project has been approved for funding under the call for Arts and Culture for the elderly and has been funded with 100% European Union funding by the European Social Fund.


Projects Related to Ageing in Horizon 2020, Framework Programme for Research and InnovationSmiljka Vikić-Topić1, Miroslav Rajter2, Fran Borovečki1, Slobodan Vukičević1

1 Centre for Translational and Clinical Research, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Centre for Research, Development and Technology Transfer, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The current popula-tion share of people in the age group of 75+ in EU28 in 2019 is 9.5% and has grown since 6.8% in 2001. Share increase in this age group is even bigger in less per-

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Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

forming countries such as Croatia (9.45% in 2019 and 5.3% in 2001), intensified additionally by emigration. Ageing population represents an evolving concern in many aspects of life. It influences economy, demogra-phy, intergenerational relationships, living arrange-ments, health care approaches and unsustainable health-care costs. All of these challenges triggered an increased interest in research of ageing in many disci-plines. Advancement in medicine generated a plethora of new diseases among the ageing population that were not known before, comorbities being among the most challenging ones. Here we present the growing interest in the health research on this subject funded in EU pro-grammes. We aim to determine the proportion of re-search on ageing within Horizon 2020 programme /Societal Challenges/Health (SC1). Methods. We searched the Calls for Proposals, projects and their re-sults in the European Commission databases “Funding and Tenders” (, “Cordis” (, H2020 Dashboard ( oard/s ens e/app/93297a69-09fd-4ef5-889f-b83c4e21d33e) and others. Results. In Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 – Health, demographic change and wellbeing (SC1) word “Ageing” is men-tioned ninety-six times. Twenty-nine calls were dedi-cated to ageing (out of 295) and approximately one third of the funded projects are related to ageing (341/1039). We will present the number of projects, EC contribution and results coming out from these proj-ects; publications together with their content analysis and intellectual property rights. We will show main areas of research, top funded projects, and geographi-cal distribution of the participants. Conclusions. Age-

ing is a growing issue in various aspects and research fields. While research on ageing is present in the Hori-zon Framework Programme, the projects are scattered through various calls. The system for the monitoring of allocated funds, research topics, project results are overwhelming, but not harmonized nor easy to find. Based on the importance of ageing, but also other inter- and multi-disciplinary research fields, the systematic approach to tackle these issues are needed.


My Golden SplitMagda Vrvilo

Department of Social Welfare, Healthcare and Demography, Split, Croatia

“My golden Split” is project of city of Split for retired citizens in their golden years. Goal of this project is to help citizens, have better control of allocated funds and build a rightful system with social normes. Every month users get money from City of Split on their bank card which can spend in markets. Owners of this card can use different discounts for museum tickets, theatre tickets, sport matches, libraries etc. Main social normes to get card: total revenues under 2.000 kunas and owning only one property. Monthly, users get from one hundred to three hundred kunas on card. With this local goverment’s project we hope to im-prove the quality of life and get more active use of so-cial contents. Split is city on the sea and basic motive on the card – water anchor symbolizes choice of our citizens to stay in the city – calm and safe port.

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Session C5: Healthcare System Organization in the Advent of Chronic Diseases Caused by Ageing

Invited lecture


Can the Health System Be Better Organized to Meet the Challenge of Chronic Diseases and Ageing Disorders?José Ma Martin Moreno

Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Valencia, Spain

It is not difficult to understand how complex it is and will be for Europe to deal with one of the highest rates of ageing and chronicity in the world, nor to change the trend that confirms that around 90% of mortality in our country is due to chronic diseases.

Nor will it be easy to care for the growing number of Europeans with senile dementia and Alzheimer’s, or even to halt the growth of obesity in adults and chil-dren, which will mean even more diabetes, cardiovas-cular disease and cancer.

In short, we face more chronic diseases and greater stresses on the sustainability of health systems.

If we focus on financing, a scenario of inertia due to inaction projects that the health budget will have to grow by around 45% by 2020 in order to meet the de-mand for care, which does not seem bearable for our economies. Hence the need for an orderly transforma-tion of the care model that makes the sustainability of our health systems possible.

However, although there has been much talk of this in Europe in recent years, understanding the need to meet the challenge of chronicity, there seems to be a lack of energy and leadership to make something re-ally effective happen to improve the situation.

In fact, in the context of the economic crisis, health systems have been managed with a multitude of ac-tions to cut spending in a linear fashion, but without any real willingness to lead the necessary transforma-tion of the health system to focus on the management of chronic patients. This is despite the fact that the transformation of the model is the only way to gener-ate potential savings and improve quality in the health system.

One of the main reasons for the lack of transforma-tive leadership is the current paradigm of what medi-cine is, focused on rescue, on the acute, on attending

to the specific episode. Medical schools explain this, and practices are done in huge super-specialized third level hospitals. In addition, political logic is also caught up in it. Political leaders have fallen into this logic of immediacy by “rescuing” health care. They deal almost exclusively with “acute” health problems, moving from one crisis to another without thinking about the chronic structural problems of the system that require a medium-term transformation.

Thus, in the same way that it is necessary to comple-ment clinical care for acute patients with a model more in line with the care of chronicity, in parallel it is neces-sary to complement a policy or management of health rescue with a management of medium-term transfor-mation.

To achieve a good performance within the system, it is necessary to effectively transform the care model and manage the chronically ill more efficiently. There are also numerous similar examples in Europe and Spain with positive results in terms of potential for im-proving quality and sustainability. For example, the TELBIL study, carried out within the framework of the Basque Country’s Chronic Care Strategy, shows that a model of telemonitoring of complex chronic condi-tions from primary care onwards achieves a substan-tial reduction in hospital admissions and stays. In Swe-den, the county of Linkoping systematically achieves better health outcomes and efficiency than other coun-ties thanks to this type of intervention.

Moreover, these profound changes in the sector can-not be achieved without the participation and involve-ment of health professionals. The examples of good results cited above are not only a technological achieve-ment, but have been achieved through the active par-ticipation of health professionals. The more health professionals are involved in management and organi-zational issues, the better the quality and efficiency re-

Table 1. Management resources to lead the necessary reform of the health system in order to face chronic diseases and ageing disorders

– Transforming passive patients into active patients,– Introducing new professional roles for case management.– Articulation of integrated care pathways.– Technologies that allow for the provision of services at a

distance (e-health, m-health). Incentives and disincentives to reduce hospital admissions and readmissions.

– New forms of stratification of the population by risk (which allows better targeting of preventive or care interventions).

– New clinical decision support systems.– New forms of recruitment aimed at contracting value rather

than just activity.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (158)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

sults obtained in an organization. The literature on the involvement of health professionals (medicine, nurs-ing, pharmacy, etc.) confirms that it is no longer suffi-cient for clinicians to be excellent clinicians, but that active participation in management and organization is necessary to achieve good results. ASPHER may and should help preparing health system professionals to be better prepared.

Along with all of the above, it is essential to lead this transformation. The current fragmented model does not provide the quality, clinical safety and results ex-pected, especially for chronic patients. It is increas-ingly understood that better management of these pa-tients is not only a clinical challenge, but also an orga-nizational and management challenge.

We must use tools to turn passive patients into ac-tive patients, which are already well known. This bat-tery of tools allows the care model to be organized in a different way. The key will be to implement them in an aligned way.

In conclusion, there are effective resources and pro-cedures that make it possible to transform health care to offer more quality to the chronically ill while mak-ing it more sustainable. To achieve both objectives, it now seems more logical to transform than to cut.

R E F E R E N C E S1. Bengoa R. Transforming health care: an approach to system-

wide implementation. Int J Integr Care. 2013;13:e039.2. Carretero S. Mapping of effective technology-based services

for independent living for older people at home. Seville: Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Stud-ies, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports Series; 2014.

3. Naylor MD, Hirschman KB, O’Connor M, Barg R, Pauly MV. Engaging older adults in their transitional care: What more needs to be done? Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Re-search. 2013;2,pp:1–12.

Oral presentations


Clemson University-Medical University of South Carolina Rural Health Innovation Partnership to Improve Health Outcomes & Equity in South Carolina, USARonald Gimbel1, John E. Vena2

1 Clemson University – Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA2 Department of Public Health Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA

Introduction and objectives. South Carolina (SC), located in the southeastern region of the United States, is a state of nearly 5.1M people with about 32% at age ≥55 years. SC is not a wealthy state and the majority of its 46 counties are designated rural. Many of these rural SC counties suffer from a broad range of social determinants of health (e.g. high unemployment and poverty; lower income and education levels), a state-wide maldistribution of health professionals and fa-cilities, poorly controlled chronic disease, a notewor-thy proportion of uninsured or underinsured individ-uals, and health outcomes that dramatically impact healthy ageing. In this presentation the authors will provide: 1. Context for the rural health innovation partnership, 2. Comparison of health outcome data in target SC regions, 3. Overview of initial planning and implementation, 4. Planned state-wide expansion. Methods. We will provide a high-level overview of a rural health innovation partnership that will engender healthy ageing. This includes leadership commitment, county and region-wide health outcome data analysis, legislator and key stakeholder buy-in, joint pilot study programming, early successes, and lessons learned. We conducted a pilot study of four existing health pro-grams employing mobile health vans, health extension agents embedded in agriculture offices and other com-munity resources. Health extension agents began of-fering community-based classes in diabetes preven-tion and hypertension control. Partnership staff lever-aged health outcome data and county-wide health outcome methodology that guided planning for re-gional program expansion. Results. The State legisla-ture and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Health System (non-profit) provided seed funding for the Clemson University-MUSC rural health innovation efforts. MUSC Health also acquired four rural hospitals in spring 2019, in communities hampered by social determinants of health and poor

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (159)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

health outcomes. After > 18 months of pilot study col-laboration, the partnership was formally launched (fall 2019) as Healthy Me – Healthy SC (HMHSC). With HMHSC came a commitment to regional partnership expansion using a hub & spoke model in rural com-munities, aimed at reducing unnecessary hospitaliza-tion, reducing cancer mortality, and reducing the pre-mature death rate. Our presentation outlines key steps, lessons learned, and strategies to improve health out-comes and equity to support rural healthy ageing. Conclusion. The HMHSC partnership enhances healthy ageing in rural environments by supporting health services with innovation aimed at improving chronic disease burden and reducing premature death.


Formation of Endovascular Stroke Service Network in CroatiaDavid Ozretić1, Marko Radoš1, Ivan Jovanović1, Danilo Gardijan1, Zdravka Poljaković2

1 Division of Neuroradiology and Vascular System, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Intensive Care Unit, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Stroke is a third leading cause of avoidable deaths in European Union and lead-ing cause of disability. Mechanical thrombectomy, a minimally invasive endovascular technique is a leading method of treatment in patients with ischaemic stroke caused by occlusion of a large vessel, and has become a one of the most effective medical therapies available (1 in 2.6 patients are helped, ie less disabled at 90 days). So, it is of paramount importance to make this technique available to all EU citizens, especially in countries with high stroke and death from stroke rates, such as Croatia. Methods. Interventional neuroradiology (INR) practice has been established at University Hospital Centre Za-greb in 2003, dealing primarily with haemorrhagic stroke. First patient with ischaemic stroke was treated with intra-arterial thrombolysis in 2007 and since then treatment techniques have been improved and more and more patients treated. In 2015 when mechanical throm-bectomy has been established as effective therapy by multiple randomized trails, it became evident that INR service centralized in country´s capital will not suffice and that established means of transport will leave many patients outside diagnostic and therapeutic window of 6 hours. Our Department proposed a plan to Ministry of Health and Croatian Health Insurance Fund to establish a national stroke service network by training neurolo-gists, interventional radiologists, nurses and technicians

from university hospitals in other 3 major Croatian cit-ies, together with out-hospital emergency personnel, that started with the beginning of 2018. Results. In early 2020 mechanical thrombectomy is performed in 4 uni-versity hospitals (2 in Zagreb, also in Split and Rijeka) and teams from University Hospital Osijek are under training. In 2019, about 300 patients underwent endo-vascular stroke treatment in two clinical hospitals in Za-greb, 80 in Split and 50 in Rijeka, but that is still halfway to achieve a target rate of 5% of all stroke patients that should be treated every year, as suggested by European Stroke Organization. Conclusions. Good planning and effective training are responsible that endovascular stroke treatment is today available to ¾ of Croatian pop-ulation reducing mortality and permanent disability, but sustained effort is needed to cover the rest of the country and to maintain quality of outcome.


Healthy Ageing Through ICOPE and the Implementation of Lifestyle Interventions for Diabetes PreventionHermes Florez

Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, USA

Addressing challenges associated with increased lifespan and growth of the older population globally, our team seeks to enhance the implementation of evi-dence-based interventions to reduce the burden of obesity and related conditions, such as diabetes, which are also growing worldwide especially in minority older adults with less access to care. We proposed to use the World Health Organization – Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) in a pilot study in South Carolina (SC), a state experiencing increased disability in the population associated with large prevalence of obesity and diabetes. We will use ICOPE health assess-ments of mental and physical function to adapt life-style interventions from the US Diabetes Prevention Program and the Look-AHEAD studies that have shown improvement in the quality of life and potential reduction of disability in people with or at high-risk for diabetes. Lessons learned promoting healthy lon-gevity with our multidisciplinary team in SC could be applied in other populations, using easy to implement prevention strategies, overcoming challenges of access and potentially reducing healthcare costs, while we improve physical, mental, and social well-being for people as they age. The partnership of academic and public health leaders with the community and policy

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (160)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

makers will facilitate the future adoption in the State Plan on Aging and help us fulfill the promise of healthy longevity in SC and beyond.


European Union Legal and Policy Instruments for Improving Treatment and Prevention of Chronic DiseaseTomislav Sokol

European Parliament

Ageing of the population is a major issue in the Eu-ropean Union. As such, chronic diseases related to this phenomenon will put a major strain on the organisa-tion and financing of national health care systems in Europe. In this context, it is important to stress that health care in the European Union belongs to the pri-mary competence of the Member States. This is pre-scribed by Article 6 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), according to which the EU may carry out actions to coordinate, support or supplement the actions of the Member States related to the protection and improvement of human health. Furthermore, according to Article 168 of the TFEU, EU action must respect the responsibilities of the Union Member States for the definition of their health policy and for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care. These responsibilities in-clude the management of health care services and the allocation of the resources related to them. However, this does not mean that European Union is powerless to improve treatment and prevention of chronic dis-ease affecting the population of the Member States.

The aim of this presentation is to lay out legal and policy instruments the EU has at its disposal to tackle the issue of chronic disease. It will show that these in-struments can be divided into two major groups: regu-latory and financial ones. Some of the regulatory in-struments, like proposed regulation on health technol-ogy assessment, are already in the process of being adopted through ordinary legislative procedure. Ad-ditionally, existing legislation like the Transparency Directive and Directive on Cross-border Health Care have shown many deficiencies and are ready to be amended in the coming years. Financial instruments, including Horizon Europe, cohesion policy and Inves-tEU, may also provide an important added value for improving quality and accessibility of health care pro-vision in the European Union.

Poster presentations


Balneology for Healthy AgingDamir Andabaka, Jagoda Doko Jelinić

Department of Water Balneology, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Sport, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

People in the world are living longer, and the num-ber of older adults in the population is growing. 10% of the total population in the world are aged 65 or over, and this figure is expected to be over 16% in 2050. The European Union recognized the importance of the problem and named 2012 the European Year for Ac-tive Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. It also indicated that active ageing is not only about a higher quality of life for individuals, but also offers many benefits for the whole of society. Anti-aging medicine is another popular concept related to aging. It focuses on stopping the aging process, with the ef-forts aimed in turning back “to the young age”. All around the world is mostly the subject of plastic sur-gery, cosmetic medicine and complementary and al-ternative medicine. Balneological treatments have been being used widely in many countries for treating certain pathologies mostly the rheumatic diseases for centuries and could be a tool for healthy aging. Balne-ology implements treatment methods developed in balneology and physical medicine. Modern balneolo-gy aims to combine tradition with modernity. Balneol-ogy might be an effective tool in the prevention, treat-ment and rehabilitation of the diseases that occurs frequently in elderly. And finally, balneotherapeutics may complement and support other treatment options for elder population. Literature search by keywords “balneology and aging” provided several studies that uses balneotherapy, hydrotherapy and physical thera-py for treatment of elderly people with some chronical diseases. Studies monitored effects of balneotherapy on knee osteoarthritis, low back pain, musculoskeletal diseases and osteoarthritis. All studies showed im-provement of patients, reducing pain, positively con-tributes to functionality and quality of life. Balneo-therapy is an effective treatment modality in elderly patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and low back pain, and its benefits last for at least 3 months after treatment.The evidence on the positive effects of bal-neological factors and interventions on the elderly people indicates that balneology and spa tradition could be a tool for healthy ageing.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (161)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability


Value for Money in Spending on Pharmaceutical in CroatiaAna Bobinac

Faculity of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Spending on pharma-ceuticals in Croatia makes up a considerable share of total healthcare expenditure under the mandatory and voluntary health insurance (at least 23% but depend-ing on the costs included in the calculation, it could reach almost 30%) as well as about 1.5% of the GDP (2019). A large share of pharmaceutical expenditure is devoted to treating chronic diseases whose incidence and prevalence increases with age. Since the Croatian population is aging, the trend of healthcare spending on chronic diseases, including medicines, is expected to grow. One the other hand, innovative technologies designed to elevate the burden of chronic diseases are becoming increasingly more expensive. Since the Cro-atian healthcare budget is limited (i.e., less generous than many other EU members and already bearing ar-rears amounting to several million Euro), it is impor-tant to analyse whether and how the “value for money” is being considered in medicines’ pricing and reim-bursem*nt decisions. Methods. Policy documents re-lated to the process of medicines’ pricing and reim-bursem*nt were reviewed, as well as publicly available data on medicines expenditure in Croatia. Results. A closer look at the health financing situation reveals trends that could cause concern if not addressed in due time: while significant funds flow into curative care, there is not much information on quality of care and “value for money” spent on different interven-tions, including medicines. Value-for-money analysis of medicines proposed for reimbursem*nt, such as cost-effectiveness analysis, is not requested as a part of the submission dossier nor is it conducted by the bod-ies involved in pricing and reimbursem*nt decision-making. Health economic assessment is limited to Budget impact analysis focusing only on HIF’s costs. Value-for-money analysis requires high-quality, reli-able and available local epidemiological, outcomes and costing data – all currently unavailable in Croatia (e.g.,no patient registries or real-world outcomes data) with few clinical trials conducted to facilitate the pro-vision of local outcomes data. The appraisal process is not guided by formal multi-criteria decision analysis nor are the conclusions of formal appraisals publicly available. Although HIF manages a limited budget, there is no process of prioritization when appraisal recommendations or reimbursem*nt decisions are formed nor do these rely on a broader set of healthcare funding priorities. Priorities seem to be internalized in the reimbursem*nt decisions with no formal criteria.

Value-based pricing is currently not implemented with few managed entry agreements tying treatment outcomes to prices and payments.


Health of the Elderly in Croatia at the Primary Healthcare Level in 2018 Seen Through the Croatian Central Healthcare Information System (CEZIH)Željka Draušnik, Vesna Štefančić Martić, Sandra Mihel, Ana Ivičević Uhernik, Urelija Rodin, Mario Trošelj, Ivan Cerovečki, Danijela Fuštin, Ranko Stevanović

Public Health Division, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. There is a hypothesis that primary healthcare usage in Croatia is higher among the elderly compared to other citizens. The Cro-atian Central Healthcare Information System (CEZIH) is predefined by the Healthcare Data and Information Act and its main role is the storage of the data and in-formation for standardized processing at the primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare level. General practi-tioners (GPs) that have a contract with Croatian Health Insurance Fund, regularly exchange e-messages with basic data on patients and exact visits (incl. diagnoses, diagnostic therapeutical procedures, referrals and pre-scriptions). All the other healthcare providers are also obliged to ensure a certain level of medical data ex-change through CEZIH. The objective of this paper was to present the health of the elderly in Croatia at the pri-mary healthcare level through the analysis of the data from CEZIH. Methods. The data for 2018 were col-lected through CEZIH and analysed with a special focus to elderly (aged 65 years and more) and the use of primary healthcare services, number of contacts with GPs ( check-ups, visits, phone calls, counselling, etc.), referrals and prescriptions. Results.In 2018 there were 42.513.507 contacts with GPs registered in Croatia. El-derly aged 65 or more had 17.549.551 contacts with GPs (41,3% of total number of GPs contacts), almost 21 contact per person on average (1,7 times more than the average for the population aged 64 and less who had 12,5 contacts per person). Among the elderly, the total number of contacts decreases with the increase in age groups: age group 65-74 (51,6% of all elderly) had 8.420.053 contacts (19,8% of total number of all GPs contacts), age group 75-84 (36,1% of all elderly) had 6.948.351 contacts (16,3% of total number of all GPs contacts), age group 85 or more (12,3% of all elderly) had 2.181.147 contacts (5,1% of total number of all GPs contacts). The elderly acquired 3.851.002 referrals (on

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (162)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

average 4,6 per elderly person) mostly for the diagnos-tics tests (43,5%) and acquired 26.805.886 prescriptions (on average 32 per person), mostly for beta adrenergic receptor blockers. Conclusions. Data available through CEZIH show that elderly in Croatia acquire more than 41% of all GP contacts. The connection of the data at the individual level through CEZIH creates many pos-sibilities for further data analysis and provides great po-tential for creating prerequisites for improving the de-velopment of health indicators for the elderly. These indicators are necessary for a creation of evidence-based public health policies for elderly in Croatia.


Self-Reported Unmet Needs for Health Care Among Urban and Rural Elderly Population in CroatiaAna Ivičević Uhernik1, Sandra Mihel1, Vesna Štefančić Martić1, Željka Draušnik1, Mario Trošelj1, Urelija Rodin1,2, Danijela Fuštin1, Ivan Cerovečki1, Vlasta Dečković-Vukres1, Ranko Stevanović1

1 Public Health Division, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Aim of this research was to analyze self-reported unmet needs for health care among urban and rural elderly. Methods. Data from the European Health Interview Survey wave 2 conducted in Croatia in 2014/15 on a sample of 5,446 respondents aged 15 years and older, out of which 1,453 were 65 years old and older, were used for analy-sis with weighting applied in order to achieve repre-sentativeness of the results at the national level. Re-sults. Unmet needs for health care were higher among elderly (aged 65 years and more) compared to younger population (15-64 years) for all analyzed causes – long waiting lists (27,7% vs. 19,2%), distance from health care providers including transportation problems (8,3% vs. 3,7%) and financial constraints (10,5% vs. 6,8% for medical care, 7,3% vs. 5,1% for dental care, 8,3% vs. 4,7% for prescribed medication). When com-pared to the elderly living in urban settings, rural el-derly reported more unmet needs due to distance from health care providers including transportation prob-lems (9,6% vs. 7,3%) as well as more financial con-straints in approach to prescribed medication (8,9% vs. 7,8%), but also reported less unmet needs due to long waiting lists (19,0% vs. 34,2%) as well as less fi-nancial constraints in use of medical care (8,7% vs. 11,8%) and dental care (4,3% vs. 9,3%). Conclusions. Elderly in general reported more unmet needs for health care compared to the rest of population which

points out the importance of focusing on health needs of this particular age group. More problems due to dis-tance and transportation reported by elderly living in rural settings, emphasize the need to improve options for transportation and increase availability of health care providers in rural areas. More unmet needs for health care due to long waiting lists as well as more unmet needs for medical and dental care due to finan-cial constraints among urban elderly might reflect the existence of the real greater unmet needs of that popu-lation, but they could also be influenced by differences in perception of their own needs for health care among urban and rural elderly. Unmet needs for prescribed medication due to financial constraints could be con-sidered as more objective indicator as medication had to be prescribed by medical doctor and is not to that extent influenced by differences in self-perception of their own needs, which points out again a less favor-able position of rural elderly. Considering the health and social care needs of the increasing numbers of el-derly in Croatia is the prerequisite of ensuring that all people and communities receive the quality services they need without financial hardship.


Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Public Health and Healthy Ageing on the Example of the Andrija Štampar Association of People’s HealthIno Kermc1,2, Filip Njavro1, Maksimilijan Mrak1, Jakov Ivković1, Danko Relić1, Ivan Vukoja1,3

1 Andrija Štampar – Association of People’s Health , Zagreb, Croatia2 Health Centre Zagreb – Centar, Zagreb, Croatia3 General County Hospital Požega, Croatia

Europe is facing demographic changes causing the need for different solutions in long term care. Healthy ageing is the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age. That also means easing the burden on healthcare and social care systems. Governments are still not in-cluding enough of non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) as partners in creating healthy aging policies. There are different ways in which NGO’s contribute to healthy ageing process. Some of them organize various workshops and activities in which the elderly partici-pate and thus directly promote health, some of them teach people through various forms of educational ac-tivities and raise awareness of the importance of health promotion. Some serve as a place to maintain or create social interaction at an older age, which is extremely

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (163)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability

important in maintaining health. They all play a sig-nificant role in the design and testing of various health promotion programs. Furthermore, working directly with the elderly provides them with an irreplaceable end user feedback. We recognized the need for inter-ventions and potential of NGO’s in Croatia and found-ed Andrija Štampar – Association of People’s Health in 2009. Since then we have organized free counseling and lectures for the general population, many work-shops and public health actions to raise awareness of the importance of disease prevention and health pro-motion and increasing responsiveness to national pre-vention programs. By designing, organizing and im-plementing numerous projects, we have formed a net-work of experts in the field of public health and healthy ageing. Our next step is the creation of an Advisory Center for synergistic cross-sectoral cooperation, an institution that brings together experts in different health-related fields who could advise, influence and create new standards in public health activities, espe-cially tackling the hot topic of healthy ageing. Through their work and successful projects, NGO’s necessarily create a network of quality experts. It is extremely im-portant to harness this knowledge and experience and transfer it into the broader framework of policy, regu-lation and law formation. By doing so, we could sig-nificantly improve the healthy ageing process.


How to Live Longer Well with Alzheimer’s DiseaseNinoslav Mimica

Department of Biological Psychiatry and Psychogeriatrics, University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Alzheimer’s disease is pretty common today among elderly. Almost one third of people in future will be concerned old, and the age is the most common risk for developing dementia, e.g. Alzheimers. Today the soci-ety is aware of neurocognitive disorders and people are diagnosed much earlier than before. So, while persons are diagnosed earlier they also spend more years with the fact that they have Alzheimer’s disease. For sure, if the people with dementia (PwD) do not have post-di-agnostic support their life will not be easy. Modern management of dementia considered multi-profes-sional approach involving also non-pharmacological treatment. Of course, PwD need standard treatment with antidementives, but various individually tailored therapies like art, music, dance, pat, occupational etc. therapies are essential. For PwD the best thing is that they remain at work and at home as long as possible. That means that they will need adequate understanding and support in their surroundings to be capable to act

in this setting. Among every family, if possible, the un-formal caregiver should be recognised and this person should be trained and advised. This can be done in aca-demic or NGO settings. Also, family doctors should advice carers to think about themselves due to avoid burn-out syndrome, and to protect their health. When the stage of dementia progresses PwD would be ad-vised to attend the Day care centre. Nursing home should be considered for PwD with advanced demen-tia, if palliative mobile teams are not available. All these strategies should be planed and available in different parts of country and this is only possible if the national action plan/strategy to fight dementia exists and is im-plemented. In Croatia, we are still lacking such kind of officinal state plan although there is an initiative of Croatian Alzheimer Alliance (HAA) for several years ago. HAA has now 31 members, e.g. different societies or NGOs who are working for better life of PwD and supporting the need of developing national dementia strategy. A lot of dementia friendly activities have al-ready been developed in Croatia, but this is still the be-ginning. Much more can be done in the future for bet-ter life of PwD and their families.


EU Financial Period 2021-2027 Is Approaching – Is Croatia Ready for the Negotiations and Projects?Dorja Vočanec1, Iva Lukačević Lovrenčić1, Maja Banadinović2, Marko Marelić3, Aleksandar Džakula1

1 Division for Organization of Health Care and Management, Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

2 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Department of Medical Sociology and Health Economics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. The beginning of Croa-tian negotiations for the EU financial period 2021-2027 is approaching. The new Cohesive policy puts emphasis on five policy objectives set as investment priorities. For health care, the most important is “a more social Eu-rope“, founded on the European Pillar of Social Rights. Due to the population ageing , increasing life expectan-cy and burden of non-communicable diseases, the en-abling condition pertaining to health care priorities is a defined strategic policy framework for health and LTC. The fulfillment criteria include mapping of health and LTC needs, ensuring efficiency, sustainability, accessi-bility to services and measures to promote home and community based services. The aim of this research was to analyse capacities of the Croatian health care sector for LTC needs mapping and priority setting for the new

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (164)


Ageing and Health System Sustainability Main Topic C 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 LIJEČ VJESN

EU financial supports. Methods. Desk research, as a suitable first tool in policy analysis, was conducted for assessing Croatia’s readiness for the upcoming negotia-tions concerning EU fulfillment criteria for the enabling condition for health. Three topics were in focus of the research: consistency of the terminology within the ex-isting national strategic documents; availability of pop-ulation needs assessment data and appropriateness of the information about health system performance. Re-sults. Current national strategic policy framework for health includes National Health Care Strategy 2012-2020, Strategic Plan for Human Resource Development in Health Care 2015-2020 and Strategic plan of Ministry of Health 2020-2022. Terminologically, LTC was not recognized as a distinct entity but some of the existing services suit LTC definition. For reporting state and trends of health and health care routinely collected data were used. Structure and output indicators, referring to system performance and health outcomes were set. Pro-cess indicators were not set. Population needs, includ-ing LTC, were not shown. The connection between needs analysis and selected priorities was mostly un-clear. Conclusions. Current national strategic frame-work for health is not in line with the new EU fulfill-ment criteria for health. Since the time frame of nation-al strategic policy framework for health is near its end, there is an opportunity to make needed adjustments, namely mapping of health and LTC needs. Routine col-lection of population and health data which can serve as a basis for required health and LTC mapping is in place. Croatia being one of the countries taking part in the de-velopment of the methodology for the mapping as a part of EC Health In frastructure Mapping project should be considered as an advantage.


Age Distribution and Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients in General County Hospital PožegaAna Vukoja2, Ivan Vukoja1, Matea Vujnović3, Pero Hrabač4, Ivan Miškulin5, Željko Glavić6

1 Department of Gastroenterology and Nephrology, General County Hospital Požega, Croatia2 Department of Controlling, General County Hospital Požega, Croatia3 Legal Affairs Department, General County Hospital Požega, Croatia4 Department for Computer Science, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia5 Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

6 Directorate, General County Hospital Požega, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Healthcare systems are facing challenges related to sustainability, and costs become higher from year to year. New costs may be

associated with new therapeutic options and diagnos-tic challenges, but mostly with demographic changes associated with an aging population. According to the 2011 census report, there were 17,94% of those over 65 years old in Požega-Slavonia County. In total of 10016 hospitalizations during 2019 at General County Hos-pital Požega, 4134 referred to age of over 65, represent-ing 41,27% of total hospitalizations. Considering this difference, we decided to investigate whether there was a difference in the length of hospitalization be-tween the older and younger than 65 and whether there was a difference in clinical and treatment out-comes. Methods. In the study, we used hospital infor-mation system data, analyzing the total number of hospitalized patients in 2019. We distributed the num-ber of hospitalized patients according to the deter-mined age distribution in 5 age groups. Under 18, 18 to 30 years old, 31 to 50 years old, 51 to 65, and finally, older than 65. The length of hospitalization based on age was analyzed and treatment outcomes determined by the system for healed patients, unchanged outcome, improvement, worsening, and death. Kruskal Wallis test was used for statistic analyze. Results. There was a total of 10016 hospitalizations during 2019 at General County Hospital Požega, without gender distribution. There were 836 hospitalizations of younger than 18, 1182 hospitalizations 18 to 30 years old, in range of 31 to 50 years old there were 1575 hospitalizations, 2289 hospitalization of people aged 51 to 65, and 4134 hos-pitalizations at age older than 65 years. There was no significant difference in duration of hospitalization de-pending on age. Duration of hospitalization in young-er than 65 was 4,73 days, and 5,98 days in older than 65 (p=0,514). Treatment outcomes determined by the hospital information system show better outcomes within younger than 65, such are healed patients out-come 48,84% (p=0,001). In older than 65 there were statistically higher prevalence of death clinical out-comes 9,24 % (p=0,001). There was no statistical sig-nificance in outcomes such as unchanged condition and improvement of clinical condition. Conclusion. Hospitalization length does not depend on patients age, therefore health care costs are not related to the length of hospitalization older than 65 years. Increased mortality in the elderly should be considered in light of demographic characteristics, and not as separate in-formation.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (165)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 91–138 Main Topic C Ageing and Health System Sustainability


Propensity Score Matching to Determine the Impact of Metformin on Mortality in Older Veterans with DiabetesHermes Florez, Juliana Ferri-Guerra, Daniela Pirela, Raquel Aparicio-Ugarriza, Jorge Ruiz

Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, USA

Introduction. Diabetes (DM) is associated with an accelerated aging that increases morbidity and mortali-ty. Data from the UKPDS showed that metformin may lead to lower risk of overall mortality in middle aged adults with type 2 DM (T2DM) but the evidence is less clear in older adults. The study aim was to determine whether metformin is associated with reduced mortali-ty in older US Veterans with T2DM compared with other antidiabetic medications or insulin. Methods. Retrospective comparative cohort study analysis using propensity score matching (PSM) to control for con-founding by indication. From June 30, 2011 to June 30, 2014, community dwelling Veterans aged 65 years and older with T2DM who had new prescriptions for met-formin were matched with those with new prescriptions

for insulin and other oral antidiabetic drugs (OAD) using PSM with one-to-one nearest neighbor matching without replacement and followed until June 30, 2019. Matching covariates used to calculate the propensity score included baseline age, gender, race, level of glyce-mic control, DM duration and complications, BMI and frailty with a tolerance level of .02. At the end of follow up, data on all-cause mortality was aggregated and the association of metformin vs. insulin and OAD with all-cause mortality was determined using a Cox regression model. Results. A total of 352 Veterans with T2DM were included in the study (176 taking metformin and 176 taking insulin or OAD). After matching, all the baseline clinical characteristics were comparable be-tween the two groups. Patients were 80.1% White, 89.2% non-Hispanic, 97.4% male, mean age was 69.18(SD= 7.69) years. Over a median follow-up period of 2151 days (IQR=685.75), 112 deaths occurred (met-formin n=43, insulin and OAD, n=69). Compared with those taking insulin/OAD, Veterans taking metformin had a lower mortality risk, adjusted hazard ratio (HR)=.57 (95%CI:.39-.84), p=.005. Conclusions. These results suggest that metformin may reduce all-cause mortality in older Veterans with diabetes. Further stud-ies may be needed to assess the impact of metformin on quality of life and potential benefits on specific morbid-ity and mortality in this population.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (166)


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Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:Suppl 1:141–150 https://doi org/10 26800/LV-142-Suppl1-5

A Review of Public Health Project: Zaželi – Program Zapošljavanja ŽenaHaris Ahmić1, Petra Sulić1, Laura Tomić1, Robert Likić2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Internal Medicine, Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. The demographic pic-ture of Croatia shows two trends: decreasing popula-tion and population ageing. As a consequence of these trends, the increasing social and economic burdens are placed on the National Budget. The EU-funded project „Zaželi – program zapošljavanja žena“ emerged as a temporary and partial solution for the aforemen-tioned problems. This project with a budget of 400.900.000,00 KN created employment opportunities for crc 3000 women above 50 years of age and provid-ed social care for around 12000 old and helpless peo-ple, located mostly in rural and remote areas of Croa-tia. This review aims to present the contribution of the project to women empowerment and social/health care of old people in Croatia. Methods. The review was performed using the data obtained from govern-mental reports on this project, Croatian Bureau of Sta-tistics, Croatian Employment Service, as well as from the European Social Funds website. Results. Number of registered unemployed women aged 50 or more de-creased by 29% in the period from 2017 to 2019. This percentage also pertains to areas of Croatia that were not part of the project, and although this is not the sole result of this project, „Zaželi – program zapošljavanja žena“ had a considerable, national impact on unem-ployment decrease (more than 50%) of woman over 50 years of age. For example, in Požega city, there was a decrease from 165 to 115 unemployed women, and in the city of Karlovac, the number was halved (from 349 to 172). All women employed, most having just pri-mary or secondary education, were provided with ad-ditional education and different kinds of training: “gerontodomaćica”, cooking classes, driver’s license, first aid courses, occupational safety and health cours-es, basic computer skills and IT literacy etc. Conclu-sion. „Zaželi – program zapošljavanja žena“ project had a significant impact on the decline in the unem-ployment rate of women older than 50 years of age in Croatia. Additional education and training made women more competent and skilled which could also help them in finding future employment. Finally, more than 10000 elderly people in need received social, physical as well as psychological care.

Integration of The Elderly Day Life with The Children Day Care – Example from IsraelAdi Ashkenazi

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. In our time, loneliness and boredom are common problems among the elderly age group. Elderly living alone, or in nursing homes, becoming more isolated from the younger society. This by itself, may lead to a reduction in communication cycles, lack of physical or emotional contact, and negative feelings such as uselessness, emptiness, and sadness. As a re-sult, outcomes such as mental damage, cognitive de-pression and, psychological damage may develop. Aim. Present novelty idea which can ameliorate life-quality and, and decrease the risk of elderly depression and/or causative mental regression associated with loneliness and boredom. Case report. In Israel, from 2010, dozens of private projects are being operated, to give an ideal situation for two marginal age groups, the pediatric and elderly. This is done by merging nursery homes with kindergartens. Meaning, allocating kin-dergartens to work inside nursing homes. Moreover, to make it even more practical, the kindergarten schedule includes playtime and care with the elderly, giving each participant the option to be an active part of this new community which is being created. Dis-cussion. With the global development of new norms, which productivity and functionality are strong appli-cators of life, we have created a problem that disrupts the healthy community values. The idea of uniting the two extremity age groups is logical and yet, not that common. Inter-connecting between the elderly and children creates a new environment, where each par-ticipant benefit. To clarify, children are more likely to develop empathy, maturity, social awareness and at the same time, enjoy genuine attention. Likewise, the el-derly are surrounded by an energetic environment and lively attention, with an increasing feeling of value, im-portance and, functionality. Conclusion. Elderly lone-liness is a common problem which, should be ap-proached and treated. A solution like presented above is one of many, which is for the benefit of the elderly and, our society’s mentality and values.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (169)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 Student posters

The Effect of Different Exercises on Osteoporotic BoneHana Hajsok, Tomislav Kottek, Costa Shani, Ivana Karla Franić, Ana Giljanović, Luka Matanović, Damir Mišura

Student society for orthopedics and traumatology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Osteoporosis represents a major health problem worldwide with a rise in the number of osteoporotic fractures, expecially vertebral. Diagnose is made by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry showing T-scores of less than –2.5. Prevention is the strategy to avoid future potential fractures in women with osteo-porosis, who have already sustained a fracture. As non-pharmacological intervention, physical activity has been proven to play a major role in the increasing of lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD). The aim of this study, was to determine which exercises can im-prove bone health in adult women. Description. Me-chanical load exercises produce mechanical bone stress and activation of osteoblasts. Not all exercise modalities are equally osteogenic. There are certain training programs, that are classified as appropriate exercises for adult women, diagnosed with osteoporo-sis. Evidence shows that weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises can improve; agility, muscle strength, bone strength, posture and balance. Conse-quently, reducing the risk of falls and fractures. Con-clusion. At any stage of osteoporosis, exercise is equal-ly important. Prolonged aerobic training showed sig-nificantly low impact on bones, lesser osteogenic re-sponse and no influence on walking speed. High- -impact weight-bearing exercises (jogging, dancing, jumping), static weight-bearing exercises (single-leg standing) and high-impact non-weight-bearing exer-cises (progressive resistance exercise with free weights, medicine balls and elastic bands) showed improve-ment in muscle strength, balance and reduced fear of falling. Combination or single use of resistance train-ing and weight-bearing exercises, prevents major bone loss after menopause. Brisk walking exercises in elder-ly women found improvements in postural stability. Adding a weight vest improved balance more than walking without a vest. Several case reports describe the benefit of yoga practice, which may improve bone density, but if performed incorrectly, can increase the risk of vertebral fracture. Patients who combined exer-cise with antiresorptive therapy or hormone replace-ment therapy, displayed significantly greater increases in the lumbar spine BMD.

Can Elderly Sleep Without Any Medication?Nika Kelc, Lara Sever

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Aim. Aim of this paper is to see how many people above the age of 65 years take sleep medications in Slo-venia. Method. We observed two general practitioner offices in Slovenia. The number of patients above 65 years of age was taken. They were divided in two cate-gories: from 65 to 74 years and above 74 years. We ob-sereved how many patients in each group are taking sleep medications, what were reasons for prescribing, which drugs they take, and if use increase with age. Results. First general practitioner office:They have 199 patients in the age group 65–74 years and in the group all above 74 years there are 158 people. Total number of patients at this office is 1899, which means there is 19% of people above 65 years. Out of the people men-tioned and divided in age groups, number of patients that are taking medications for sleep are, in the group 65–74 years 83 (41,71%) people and in the group all above 74 years there are 116 (73,42%) people. Most pa-tients report problems and ask for the medication themselves. The diagnosis set in this case is insomnia. Medications most commonly prescribed are Quetiap-ine ranging from 12.5 mg to 25 mg, Trazodone and Mirtazepine. Less commonly they might be prescribed Diazepam ( apaurin ), Bronazepam (lexaurin) and Al-prazolan (helix). In second general practitioner office they have 375 patients in a group 65–74 years and in group above 74 years there are 222 patients. Total number of patients at this office is 1853, so there is 32% of people above 65 years. From group 65–74 years 41 (10,93%) of people are taking sleeping medications. In group above 74 years 36 (16,22%) are taking sleep-ing medications. As in practice above, most patients ask for the medication themselves and diagnosis is in-somnia. Majority of patients are taking Sanval (zolpi-dem) 10 mg or 5 mg. Conclusion. In conclusion, we can observe that a lot of eldely people require some kind of sleep medication to be able to have a normal night sleep. We can also see that the use of medication increases with age. It is always the patients who ask for the medication, because they are experiencing insom-nia which is interfering with their normal functioning. It is hard to say that the use itself could be decreased, but what doctors do is to try to avoid benzodiazepins, because of their risk of addiction.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (170)


Student posters 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 LIJEČ VJESN

Active Ageing in Croatia from the Public Health PerspectiveTihana Kuljiš1, Roberto Mužić1, Ivan Radilj1, Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak2, Marjeta Majer2, Iskra Alexandra Nola2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Active ageing is de-fined as a process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. WHO categorized deter-minants of active ageing as economic, social, personal, behavioral, physical environment and health and so-cial services. Our objective was to find out how health and social determinants are targeted through public health actions and interventions in Croatia. Methods. Data gathering was performed using keywords Healthy ageing, Public health interventions elderly, Public health actions elderly. Search included official Croa-tian sources: governmental and county websites, Croa-tian Institute of Public Health and Croatian Bureau of Statistics, in period of last 5 years. Results. The pro-portion of people ageing 65 and over is growing. In 2011 average age of the population in Croatia was 41.7 years and the share of population aged 65 and over was 17.7%. The framework of healthy aging is defined by Croatian Law on health care and National strategy of health development. Public health interventions and actions for elderly in the field of health care and social services include numerous prevention programs pro-vided by many local movements and organizations. Their active participation in the community aimed to health and social needs of elderly include in home sup-port, digitized health care – social alarm projects, edu-cation for volunteers involved in elderly health and social care, active socialization activities; all founded by government and EU projects. Elderly targeted health action and interventions are not as numerous as the social ones, yet. The isolation of low socioeconom-ic households and individuals in rural areas with in-ability to access health and social services remain chal-lenging. Conclusions. Although Croatia is following European trends in care for older people due to finan-cial circ*mstance and governing bodies there is an in-ability to provide institutionalization and comprehen-sive model of care on the state level. Digitization in health care has enabled greater independence of el-derly ‘everyday life.

Changes in population’s age should be followed by policy changes to ensure active and healthy ageing. This would enable increase of active and independent years for the elderly resulting in individual, as well as social and economic benefits for the society.

How to Optimize the Salt Reduction Interventions Targeting Elderly Population?Matea Marjanović1, Lea Kalajžić1, Antonia Precali1, Ema Kuhar1, Emanuel Brađašević1, Iva Lukačević Lovrenčić2, Aleksandar Džakula2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Increased dietary so-dium intake is a growing public health problem in de-veloped countries and a risk factor contributing to a wide variety of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCD). Preventable NCDs contribute to higher mor-bidity, mortality, reduced quality of life of the elderly population and increased healthcare expenditure. Av-erage daily salt intake in Croatia amounts to 11.6 g/day (World Health Organization recommendation is less than 5 g/day), and 19,41% of population is over the age of 65. The specific aim is to detect key valid sources of information, possible opportunities and risks, define main criteria and framework necessary to optimize fu-ture interventions and develop large-scale national programs. Methods. We used PUB HUB policy coil as a tool which encompasses all necessary steps for policy analysis and covers all policy development steps nec-essary for comprehensive policy overview. As a start-ing position for this policy analysis we used World Health Organization recommendations, and interna-tional studies focused on the salt intake in the elderly population. Information for mapping of the needs and setting assessment were: national strategic documents, existing interventions, available project evaluations and published papers. Results. National Strategic plan for salt intake reduction after 2020 is not yet devel-oped. A specific national program for salt intake re-duction in elderly population does not exist. Few in-terventions for the general population have been de-veloped, but still without noted relevant progress. In-terventions in other countries exist, mostly small-scale interventions or randomized controlled trials target-ing communities of elderly, e.g. in nursing homes. Some US states legally require inclusion of salt restric-tion in nutrition programs for the elderly in institu-tional settings. Conclusion. Preserving or improving health in countries with rapidly aging population poses a significant public health challenge and requires long-term planning. Elderly population is comprised of several subgroups, each of them requiring separate interventions – salt reduction is not an “one size fits all” solution. More studies are needed to properly as-sess the optimal approach, but this policy analysis pro-vides recommendations on how to perform specific mapping of stakeholders, setting assessment and vul-nerable groups which may be useful in future planning of large-scale interventions.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (171)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 Student posters

In-house Care for the Elderly in Town of Slavonski Brod Through the Projects of European UnionLuka Maršić, Ana Magdalena Glas

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. According to the latest census, conducted in 2011, there are 4 284 899 people living in Croatia. 17% are older than 65 years. 24% of people older than 65 years are leaving in single-person households. Slavonski Brod is 7th biggest town in Cro-atia. Slavonski Brod is 179th according to develop-ment. 59 141 people are living in Slavonski Brod. 10 089 residents of Slavonski Brod are older than 65 years of age. Reduced mobility, health problems and social isolation are affecting the life of elderly people. In-home help providers are trying to ameliorate the suf-fering and improve the quality of life of elderly people. We provide a detailed survey of in-home help organi-zation in the town of Slavonski Brod. Methods. Data were collected in the public institutions. Shortened in-terview was conducted with all the personnel engaged in organization of the in-home care. Project documen-tation was obtained and analysed. Results. In Slavon-ski Brod public institutions providing in-home help to elderly people are Towns Society of the Red Cross, Town of Slavonski Brod. In-home help providers are tasked with organization of nutrition, doing house-work, maintaining hygiene, providing care for the health and other technical chores. Towns society of the Red Cross, through the program “In home help”, in 2019, took care of 193 elderly persons with health problems and low income. 9 in-home help providers provided 53963 services to the persons in need. Proj-ect of the Red Cross, “Wish-accomplish” employed 55 women from marginalizes sections of the society as in-home help workers. In 2019 they undertook 93 766 hours of services. They distributed 660 packages of hy-giene supplies. Town of Slavonski Brod organised the project “Employed”. 62 women were employed. Women were over 50 years of age, some of them were disabled or victims of domestic violence. They cared for 285 elderly people in the wider urban area of Sla-vonski Brod. Conclusion. Croatia is dealing with a problem of increasing age of its citizens. Elderly people make up 17% of population. Poverty, disability and so-cial isolation are difficulties facing a large part of the elderly. In-home help providers provide care and sup-port to the elderly people. Through the projects of the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy, Social welfare centers and the European Union, in the area of Slavonski Brod, 126 women were em-

ployed and care was given to 754 people in need. 193 persons receive assistance based on impaired health and low income. 561 persons receive assistance through European Union Projects.

Are Elderly Family Members a Burden on Your Family?Jennifer Förster, Ana Mičić

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Even though elderly people are a valued part of society, they are usually not part of the working population; hence they may re-quire financial, physical and medical support. That support often stems from the immediate family, pen-sion funds, personal savings and health insurance. The aim of this study is to assess the financial and emo-tional implications of caring for an elderly family member on the rest of the family and whether or not it is a burden. Methods. For this study we constructed an online survey with 20 questions regarding the pres-ence of and solutions for the potential burden that comes with supporting an elderly family member. The country of residence of the elderly person was required to complete the survey. The questions were related to the following: living with or financially supporting an elderly person, assessment of mental faculty and men-tal and physical disability, emotional impact on the caretaker, health care access and coverage of the elder-ly person and opinion on who should carry the burden of the ageing population. We reached the participants through social media platforms and used the snowball effect to reach more working people (parents, superi-ors, professors and friends). Results. Two thirds of participants do not consider taking care of their elder-ly family member to be a burden. One fifth are finan-cially supporting an elderly person. Half consider fi-nancially supporting an elderly person to be some kind of a burden. Also half find the elderly persons’ physical disability burdensome. One quarter of par-ticipants consider an elderly persons’ memory impair-ment to be a burden. Two thirds experienced some emotional stress to varying degrees due to caring for an elderly person. Most elderly persons have basic health insurance, which in more than half of the cases does not cover home visits and nursing care. Two thirds attribute the majority of costs to the daily ex-penses, followed by medications and health care of the elderly person. Half the participants believe that soci-ety should spend money on the elderly, while the other half believe the money should be spent on children. Half believe that the government should carry the bur-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (172)


Student posters 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 LIJEČ VJESN

den of the ageing population. Conclusions. Opinions on whether caring for an elderly family member is burdensome are divided and differ between countries. However, many participants agreed that the govern-ment should take responsibility for their elderly. There are participants that consider the financial aspect of caring for an elderly person significant. Even more find it stressful caring for their elderly.

Vertigo in the ElderlyMislav Mokos1, Lana Kovač Bilić2, Mario Bilić2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 University Department of ENT&HNS, University Hospital Center Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Vertigo in the older population is a very common symptom and a frequent reason to consult a general practitioner. Its clinical presentation is not very spe-cific and its diagnosis and treatment are quite chal-lenging. Dizziness in this situation is quite benign but it can have serious physical, functional and psycho-logical consequences. One of the common conse-quences of vertigo is the risk of falls and fractures which has been recognized as a frequent and signifi-cant problem in the elderly which comprises multifac-torial causes. The most common causes are vertigo, poor vision, poor muscle strength and coordination, medications that cause sedation and low blood pres-sure, poor sensation and impaired proprioception. One of the most common causes of vertigo is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, but also neurologic problems, vestibular areflexia, vascular disorder and Meniere disease should be considered. Complete ves-tibular examination should be performed to be able to confirm the diagnosis and treat the patient. Impor-tantly, standard caloric tests, using video systems, may show slower responsiveness, possibly due to aging is-sues which is important to take into consideration and individually adapt all examinations. In conclusion, a careful medical history, adequate diagnostic tools and appropriate, early and usually multidisciplinary treat-ment are necessary to prevent falls and fractures which can seriously affect the quality of life in the elderly.

Elderly and Students HousingAmit Moses

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract. In the world of today, personal develop-ment and social efficiency are on the top priorities, and the world became nonfriendly towards the weak class-es of society which usually left alone. Who is included in these groups? The great majorities are elderly, but not only, handicap , patients with disabilities and chronic diseases can be also included. It might be be-cause they are a burden on society and they cannot contribute to the fast-developing world of today? This concerning trend became more common in developed countries leading to a silent crisis of abandoning our elderly, so what can we do about it? Introduction. While the negative demographics of Croatia is pound-ing and ratios between seniors to youngsters are in-creasing, the elder generation is left alone. The elderly are suffering from loneliness, sadness, and sorrow which have several consequences on the society, health care systems and economy. Elderly who suffers from loneliness is more prone to mental and somatic illness. The phrase “I am alone, nobody needs me anymore so I prefer to die” should not be standardized in our soci-ety and it is worth getting our full attention. We should run a policy that incorporates the young generations with the old once. Usually, those gaps are created as a result of biases. We can bridge upon those biases with a rewording system which can contribute to both sides. Aim. Our aim is to decrease the time the elderly spend alone by incorporating students in their lives and si-multaneously helping students with their expenses. Case report. Similar to a project in Israel, in which students will live in the homes of senior citizens. Stu-dents who participate in the project will receive free living as well as a scholarship at the end of the year. In addition, this is a worthwhile project that connects the younger generation to the older generations. The proj-ect addresses the most burning needs of both popula-tions. From one side the phenomenon of loneliness is common among veteran citizens living on their own, and on the other, the high housing prices with which students, mostly living on rent, have to deal. Besides, financial assistance the students will get credit points for their future residencies. Discussion. Our society is changing rapidly, values such as respect for the elderly is disappearing. Because of it, a large cut of the popula-tion is paying the price and neglected on a daily bases. Incentives such as scholarships, credit points and dis-counts in rent, might be a great solution for both sides. It is likely that at first, it will hard to convince both sides to cooperate, but with proper rewarding.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (173)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 Student posters

Cognitive Impairment and P300 Changes in Patients with Multiple SclerosisHanna Pašić1, Luka Vujević1, Tea Mikula1, Marija Bošnjak Pašić2, Ivan Mikula3

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 Special Hospital “St. Catherine”, Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Cognitive dysfunction is one of sel-dom analyzed features of demyelinating diseases, par-ticularly multiple sclerosis. It can be shown by psycho-logical testing and by electrophysiological analysis of event-related potentials. The most reliable electro-physiological parameters for the level of cognitive dys-function seem to be the latencies and amplitudes of P300 waves. Materials & Methods. Study included a group 50 patients (37female, 13male, mean age 37.5 years) with MS and the age and sex matched control group. Both groups were subjected to the auditory event-related potentials testing (auditory stimulation, oddball paradigm, 15% target (high-pitched) and 85% non-target (low-pitched) stimuli, total of 1024 stimuli in one run). Psychological testing was done using the California questionnaire. Quantitative variables were compared using Mann-Whitney Test. The Fisher Exact Test was used for comparing the qualitative data. Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient. Aim of Study. The aim was to determine the incidence of cognitive impairment among the patients suffering from multi-ple sclerosis and to correlate the electrophysiological findings both with the level of cognitive dysfunction and with the major features of the underlying disease (age and sex of the patients, present state of the disease activity, duration of the disease, location of demyelin-ating lesions, leading symptoms, and concomitant dis-eases). Results. The results showed that the latencies of late cortical P300 waves are prolonged in the group suffering from MS, particularly for target stimuli (frontal and parietal components). The variability of amplitudes was too great to allow any statistically sig-nificant difference between the groups. Correlation between electrophysiological and psychological find-ings was high and statistically significant, and signifi-cant positive correlation between level of cognitive dysfunction and the major features of underlying dis-ease. Conclusion. Electrophysiological studies mea-suring late cortical P300 wave latencies can be used to indicate the level of cognitive impairment in patients with MS.

The Attitude and Knowledge of Medical Students Regarding DementiaJosip Stojić1, Milan Milošević2,3, Marina Boban4,5

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational Health, Zagreb, Croatia4 Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

5 Referral Centre for Cognitive Neurology and Neurophysiology of the Croatian Ministry of Health, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Due to aging of population and increasing number of older people with dementia, in the near future ma-jority of doctors are likely to spend more time caring for people with dementia. Therefore, there is a pressing need worldwide to improve undergraduate medical education on dementia in order to improve skills of healthcare professionals for competent care for people with dementia in hospital and community settings. Additionally, healthcare professionals’ attitudes to de-mentia may also contribute to unsatisfactory care of people with dementia and should be modified. The main objective of our research was to determine atti-tudes towards and knowledge of dementia in a sample of final year students at the School of Medicine, Uni-versity of Zagreb. Students who were willing to par-ticipate were included in the study and filled an anony-mous questionnaire. The paper-and-pencil question-naire included questions on sociodemographic data (category I); overall and specific success during the study of medicine (category II.); personal interests (category III.); personal attitudes towards dementia and experiences with dementia patients (category IV); knowledge of dementia (category V); personal opin-ion on the representation of dementia in undergradu-ate curriculum (category VI) and Croatian version of “The Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Scale” (category VII). The study was approved by the Ethics committee of School of Medicine, University of Zagreb.

At the time of submitting this abstract, 226 students completed the questionnaire (out of approximately 281 students on the final year at the School of Medi-cine, University of Zagreb). Statistical analysis is cur-rently underway and preliminary results will be pre-sented on the conference.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (174)


Student posters 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 LIJEČ VJESN

Effect of Autophagy Modulators on Cardiac Aging in Mouse Models Studies: A Systematic ReviewPetra Sulić1, Haris Ahmić1, Petar Maleš1, Luka Vujević1, Hanna Pašić1, Filip Sedlić2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Pathophysiology, University Hospital Center Zagreb, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Progressive structural and functional impairment of the heart is among the most significant features of aging. As a consequence, the prevalence of cardiac diseases is increasing with a constantly growing elderly population. Novel inter-ventions are needed to address this upcoming prob-lem. Disorders of autophagy, a lysosomal degradation process, have been suggested to have an important role in aging. This review aims to provide information about the effects of recognized autophagy modulators on cardiac aging in mouse model studies, which could be useful for understanding changes in the aged human heart. Methods. This study is based on a sys-tematic review of medical literature. Pubmed search was done on February 8, 2020, for all existing publica-tions, using medical subject heading terms („aging“; „autophagy“; „heart“; „mice“) and text words („aging“; „autophagy“; „heart“; „mice“). The abstracts were lim-ited to English-language studies. Publications were se-lected for inclusion if they studied the effect of autoph-agy on the aging heart, using genetic or external/phar-macological modulations of autophagy. Publications were excluded if they studied only the effects of inacti-vation of autophagy-related genes. Our search strategy yielded 21 abstracts, out of which 10 were selected for full-text screening. Results. Full-text screening showed the beneficial or potentially beneficial role of autopha-gy inducers. These were rapamycin, AICAR, spermi-dine, oleate, and high-intensity exercise stress that tar-geted autophagy-related molecules, mTOR, Beclin-1, ALDH2, AMPK, FOXO, and NRF2. On the other hand, fasting in old mice, caloric restriction in young mice, and palmitate showed a detrimental effect on au-tophagy. Conclusion. Beneficial effects of autophagy are exerted by reducing aging-induced contractile dys-function, slowing down the aging process, and im-proving health. Since these studies suggest that au-tophagy has an important role in aging, it represents a potentially good target for reducing age-related cardi-ac dysfunction.

Medical Literacy and Opinion of Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy in MenopausePaula Pavlek2, Lucija Skalicki2, Zrinka Šakić1

1 Health Center Zagreb Istok, Croatia2 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction. Menopausal women are encountered to a greater extent with decisions about hormone re-placement therapy (HRT) in the context of contradic-tory views and inconclusive evidence. HRT use is a health-related decision which requires detailed infor-mation, consideration of various potential risks, ben-efits and a woman’s choice. The main reasons behind not intending to take HRT are general preference not to take medication and a belief that treatment of menopause, which is not considered an illness unless severe symptoms were present, is unnatural and un-necessary. Besides, potential side effects, fear about cancer and long-term safety concerns of HRT were one of the motives frequently mentioned in the litera-ture so far. Objective. We aimed to evaluate whether middle-age women are prone to take HRT, their atti-tudes and perceptions towards using HRT, as well as specific concerns and information sources on HRT. Methods. The study was carried out during three days in February 2020 and has taken place in three family physician offices and one gynecology office in Zagreb. The anonymous survey included 9 questions and test-ed perspective and knowledge of participants about the benefits and risks of HRT. The participants were women ≥ 45 years of age. Results. A total of 36 ques-tionnaire forms were filled and used for statistical analysis. The majority of women were informed (67%) about HRT. The leading source of information about HRT was their gynecologist (31%). The main reasons for participants to avoid HRT (89%) were not feeling the need to use it and the belief that menopause is a natural process that does not need to be treated. Con-versely, the supporters of HRT use (11%) cited the trust in their physician’s recommendation as the main argument of approval. Conclusion: Undoubtedly, due to prejudice and insufficient education on this topic, women are unfavorably influencing their quality of life. Since nowadays the limit age of retirement and life expectancy are prolonged, the goal is to make ones’ well-being optimal. As health care providers, it is im-portant to discuss with women both the benefits and risks of HRT and make the decision depending on the debilitating symptoms they are experiencing, their medical history, family anamnesis, and supremely willingness.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (175)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 Student posters

Sleep Deprivation and Its Role in The Early Pathology of Alzheimer’s DiseaseLaura Tomić, Petra Sulić, Haris Ahmić

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and it represents one of the biggest health challenges of to-day’s society. Sleep disturbances are one of the hall-marks of the disease, occurring long before the onset of cognitive decline. Assuming that therapeutic inter-ventions are most efficient during the preclinical stage, the aim is to present research showing a correlation between sleep deprivation, beta-amyloid, and tau pro-tein. Methods. To discuss the relation of sleep to the glymphatic clearance of the brain macromolecules beta-amyloid and tau, we searched PubMed with key-words sleep deprivation, Alzheimer’s disease, beta-amyloid, and tau. The search identified 19 studies in humans and non-human species. Only randomized control trials and review articles were included, which yielded a total of 9 results. Results. One randomized controlled study showed that one night of sleep depri-vation in healthy subjects significantly increased morning beta-amyloid levels in the CSF, while the other randomized crossover study showed no signifi-cant changes in the build-up of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers. All of the review articles presented studies that show a bidirectional relationship between sleep deprivation, in terms of increased wakefulness and de-creased NREM sleep, and accumulation of either beta-amyloid and tau protein, or both. Conclusion. Since AD pathology occurs 15–20 years before the start of cognitive decline and given that sleep deprivation re-duces the activity of the glymphatic system and there-fore reduces the clearance of AD biomarkers, consid-ering the important role of sleep as a treatable and a modifiable risk factor of AD might become a target for therapeutic intervention in the preclinical stage of the disease and a preventative strategy. Further meta-anal-ysis should be done to estimate the significance of the studies.

Attitude of Medical Students Towards Older PersonsLuka Vujević1, Hanna Pašić1, Haris Ahmić1, Petra Sulić1, Branko Kolarić2,3,4, Nada T. Mrčela2,5,6

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Department of Public Health Gerontology, Andrija Štampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

3 School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia4 Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, Croatia5 Alma Mater Europaea – ECM, Slovenia6 Department of Health Studies, University of Split, Croatia

Introduction and Objectives. The progressive aging of society, caused by profound demographic changes, goes with necessity of confronting the subject of biases against the elderly. Competencies include not only knowledge and skills but also attitudes and the ability of activating and utilising them in certain situations. Medical students often get a skewed perspective on older persons, being exposed mainly to sickest ones. Education in medical school can be a part of solution to combat prejudice and improve care for older adults. The goal was to find out the attitude of medical school students in their clinical years towards older persons. Methods. Scale Test About Meaning of Your Attitude Towards Older Person by Department of Public Health Gerontology, Andrija Stampar Teaching Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia was used. Test con-tained 16 questions consisting of opposing descrip-tions of older persons. Data were processed in a way that each description had 7 possible answers (7 levels ranging from –3 to +3). By summation of such values results were acquired for each question. 3-day online questionnaire for students in clinical years was made where they were able to voluntarily participate. Result. 112 medical students who responded to online test were questioned in order to assess their opinions on older persons. On 10 options in the questionnaire the greatest number of participants described older per-sons with a score 0, indicating that they are equally distant from both extremes and the least number of participants marked older persons with –3, showing that the least number of participants had negative opinion of older persons in these categories. Other categories showed that regarding some traits, older persons were considered positive, with greatest num-ber of respondents considering them useful and expe-rienced and minority of participants regarding them opposite. On the other hand, there were some catego-ries where greatest number of participants had such attitude, that they marked elderly as slower and more dependent on help. In the presentation, results are de-scribed in more detail. Conclusion. Most of the par-ticipants showed either positive or neutral stance to-wards the older persons. Many medical students still

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (176)


Student posters 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 LIJEČ VJESN

deem older persons as slower and more help depen-dent but at the same time think they are useful and experienced. More practical experience with a variety of older persons could help further improving the competences of medical students.

Timing of Antiviral Therapy with Neuraminidase Inhibitors and Baloxavir for Seasonal Influenza in Older PatientsLuka Vujević1, Hanna Pašić1, Emil Klarić2

1 School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Introduction and objectives. Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory illness, caused by influenza virus-es, which occurs in outbreaks and epidemics, mainly during winter season. Although it is usually self-limit-ed infection (uncomplicated influenza), older individ-uals (of age 65 and above) are at high risk of complica-tions, such as pneumonia and acute respiratory dis-tress syndrome, leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Such patients are target population for treat-ment with antiviral drugs such as neuraminidase in-hibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, peramivir) and the selective inhibitor of influenza cap-dependent endo-nuclease-baloxoavir. The aim of this study was to pro-vide information about application and timing of these treatment options in older patients with seasonal in-fluenza. Methods and materials. This study is based on literature review of treatments for seasonal influ-enza, performed in January 2020, with a focus on tim-ing of antiviral treatment with neuraminidase inhibi-tors and baloxavir in older patients. Results. Antiviral therapy can shorten duration of influenza symptoms by one half to three days, with greatest benefit being associated with starting the treatment within first 24–30 hours. Also, studies suggest that early antiviral therapy reduces severity and incidence of complica-tions of influenza, length of hospitalisation and influ-enza associated mortality. Despite prevailing impres-sion that there is little or no benefit when treatment is initiated two days or more after onset of influenza, some benefit may remain for older patients even after initial 48 hours, it was also found that only 13% of pa-tients contact their clinician within 48 hours of symp-tom onset. In older patients with moderate to severe symptoms, it has been found that antiviral therapy re-duces symptom duration by 2.3 to 3.2 days if it is initi-ated 48 to 72 hours after symptom onset. Conclusion. Antiviral therapy for seasonal influenza should be ini-

tiated as promptly as possible since it is most likely to provide benefit when initiated within the first 48 hours. However, therapy should not be withheld in older adults even after 48 hours of symptom onset be-cause of proven efficacy in such patients. Nevertheless, since antiviral therapy shows greatest benefit when started earlier efforts should be directed at detecting influenza earlier in order to obtain greatest possible therapeutic benefit.

A Review of Different Solutions for Automatic Fall Detection and AlertingLovro Pavlaković, Goran Šeketa, Ratko Magjarević

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Accidental falls are one of the primary causes of in-jury among the elderly population. Prompt arrival of help is crucial for minimizing the health risks and con-sequences posed by such falls. Automating the fall de-tection process and timely alerting can greatly increase the independence and quality of life of elderly people. This has proven to be a challenging problem due to the high variety of fall events and other similar activities that a fall detection system needs to correctly classify. User comfort and privacy also need to be considered while designing such a system. Numerous solutions to this problem have been proposed and tested with high levels of success. Most of these solutions are based on measuring the acceleration of a particular part of the body of the subject using an inertial measurement unit (IMU). However, in order to increase the reliability of the detection and alerting system, multiparameter ac-quisition from various sensors may be used. In this paper we compare some of these solutions, including those explored at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, and discusses potential future avenues of advancement in this field.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (177)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 141–150 Student posters

The Risk for OSA Increases with Advanced Age – a Large Population Study in Western HerzegovinaSijana Demirović

Department for Neuroscience, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, CroatiaSplit Sleep Medicine Center, University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Numerous epidemiological studies confirmed that the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is varying among different age groups of the general pop-ulation, with an increase in prevalence among older age groups. Since diagnostic procedures used for OSA evaluation are expensive and time consuming, appro-priate assessment of the increased risk for OSA with reliable screening tools is crucial. However, the effects of age on the risk for OSA and excessive daytime sleep-iness, as one of its leading symptoms, remain contro-versial. Thus, given the clinical and psychosocial im-portance of OSA and excessive daytime sleepiness, the aim of this study was to assess the risk for OSA and daytime sleepiness in a large population sample, with regard to age. A large population sample included 10108 respondents, 4748 (47.05%) men and 5344 (52.95%) women from Western Herzegovina, with the median age of 30 (IQR 20–51). The participants com-pleted STOP questionnaire and Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), validated screening tools for assessment of OSA risk and daytime sleepiness, respectively. An in-creased risk for OSA was considered as two or more positive answers to STOP questionnaire (snoring, tiredness, observed apneas and increased arterial blood pressure), while a high score on ESS (range 0–24) indi-cated excessive daytime sleepiness (ESS>9). Following allocation of the respondents to age groups, Chi-square test and Pearson’s correlation analyses were performed. A total of 2796 (27.66%) respondents had an increased risk for OSA, while 7312 (72.34%) were not at risk for OSA. The risk for OSA increased with age (χ2=1947.67, P<0.001). Furthermore, male respondents had a higher risk for OSA compared to female respondents in young and middle ages (<21 years, 21–70 years) (χ2=11.94, P=0.018). However, there was no statistically signifi-cant difference in the risk for OSA between male and female respondents in advanced age (>70 years) (χ2=5.678, P=0.018). Participants who had increased risk for OSA had more pronounced daytime sleepiness compared to participants who were not at risk (ESS score 7.99 ± 4.16 vs. 6.75 ± 3.83, P<0.001). However, a negative correlation was found between age of the study respondents and daytime sleepiness evaluated with ESS (r=–0.082, P<0.001 for subjects with in-creased OSA risk, and r=–0.122, P<0.001 for those with

no risk for OSA).The results of this study conducted on a large population sample demonstrated that the risk for OSA increases with advanced age. However, even though daytime sleepiness is one of the major OSA symptoms, it is less pronounced among subjects of older age groups, emphasizing the influence of age on OSA symptomatology.

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (178)


GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (179)

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (180)


Liječ Vjesn 2020;142:Suppl 1:153–158 https://doi org/10 26800/LV-142-Suppl1-6

Policy Paper on Healthy Ageing – BFHA2020 ConferenceAuthors: Mirjana Kujundžić Tiljak, Marijan Klarica, Željko Reiner, Ana Borovečki, George Vradenburg, Branimir Anić, Zoran Đogaš, Dinko Mitrečić, Irena Martinović Klarić, Dagmar Radin, Ilaria Bellantuono, Monica DiLuca, Dan Ehninger, Miloš Judaš, Agnieszka Olszewska Guizzo, John E. Vena, Julia Wadoux, David Mendes, Gerda Neyer, Venet Osmani, Boris Brkljačić, Davor Ježek, Ratko Magjarević, Stjepan Orešković, Zdravka Poljaković, Tomislav Rukavina, Sven Seiwerth, Josep Figueras, John Middleton

IntroductionPopulations around the world are ageing faster than

ever in the past. A constant and already impressive rate in the worldwide increase of life expectancy has led to the fact that the current proportion of the population above 60 years (17%) will double in the next thirty to forty years. In the next 30 years, every third person in the world will fall into the category of a senior citizen. This demographic transition will have an impact on almost all aspects of society and requires a complete and well-defined shift in the paradigm in the medical, social, and technological fields.

Croatia’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2020 highlighted demographic challenges and ageing as important issues. Under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme Health, demographic change and wellbeing 2018–2020 call 10 within the section “Other actions”, a conference Better Future of Healthy Ageing 2020 (BFHA 2020) took place as a part of “Croatian Presidency event – Innovation for better ageing”, orga-nized by the University of Zagreb School of Medicine at the Andrija Štampar School of Public Health.

The conference addressed growing demand caused by global trends of population ageing and the expan-sion of chronic disease by focusing on potentials large-scale implementation of innovations to foster func-tional ability and wellbeing of older people. The objec-tives of the conference were:

1. to address issues of ageing of biological systems through the topics of regenerative medicine, neuroscience, clinical medicine, and other fields of medicine with the emphasis on personalized and integrated medicine;

2. to showcase the impact of smart technologies for age friendly ecosystems by providing a dis-cussion on scaling up innovations and solutions for age-friendly environments;

3. to analyse the issues of ageing and healthcare system sustainability at various levels (e.g. insti-tutional, regional, state, EU level).

Based on the three objectives the conference Better Future of Healthy Ageing 2020 (BFHA 2020) was di-vided into three main themes:

• Ageing of Biological Systems• Smart Technologies for Age Friendly Ecosys-

tems• Ageing and Health System SustainabilityThis paper is a result of the conference discussions.

This paper aims to present the current state of the art in the three themes discussed during the conference and to raise questions important for future discussion within the EU concerning healthy ageing. It will also set out specific goals within each of the three teams and mechanisms for possible actions their monitoring to promote accountability in future discussions within the EU.

Ageing of Biological SystemsAgeing, although highly individual and not easily

comparable among subjects and societies, is a major risk factor for age-related conditions and is causal to many age-related diseases including COPD, cardio-vascular disease, neoplasms, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cataract and Alzheimer’s disease.

There is good evidence, shown in animal models and recent clinical studies in humans, that ageing is a risk factor and decelerating ageing has the potential to decrease risks of developing the disease. These ap-proaches include maintaining body composition (re-ducing obesity), good nutrition (less meat, more fruits and vegetables, e.g. Mediterranean diet), more exer-cise, healthy sleep habits, moderate alcohol consump-tion (glass of red wine taken with a meal), intake of probiotics.

From the biological point of view, it is challenging to link age-related diseases to general principles of age-ing, which means that discovering approaches to de-crease the rate of protein damage could have beneficial effects on all age-related diseases including COPD, cardiovascular disease, neoplasms, osteoporosis, rheu-matoid arthritis, cataract and Alzheimer’s disease.

Ageing can be accelerated or decelerated by interfer-ing at the cellular level with several mechanisms driv-ing ageing including the accumulation of excessive DNA damage or misfolded protein or cells which have aged and are no longer functional but release inflam-

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (181)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 153–158 Policy Paper

matory factors which are detrimental to the organisms (senescent cells). By decelerating ageing, it is possible to reduce the risks of developing age-related diseases and improve health span.

European Brain Council estimates that in Europe the total cost of brain diseases on a yearly basis amounts to around 798 billion euro; for dementia only, the cost is 22.000 euro per patient, per year. Consider-ing the costs of dementia for the European society and that these costs will increase considerably in the com-ing years due to the ageing of the European popula-tion, one way of curbing this increase and eventually decreasing the costs is via intensified research. Only by improving the insight into the basic functioning of the brain and translating this knowledge to the disease state, understanding the causes of the disease process and paving the way for better targeted and improved treatment can the upwards spiral of the costs of brain disorders can be stopped.

Particularly there is the need to emphasize the im-portance of raising awareness and encouraging educa-tion on the brain and the repercussions of neurological and mental health conditions on society as a whole considering that the vast majority of brain disorders are strongly influenced by an ageing population, where an increase in healthy ageing is desired.

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among older persons, as the age represents the strongest risk factor for the develop-ment of the atherosclerotic changes along the arterial tree. Older patients often have an atypical clinical pre-sentation and more complications. Stated facts leave for the task on future trials to involve more elderly in their investigations, therefore pathophysiology, pre-sentation and treatment can be better understood.

Rheumatic diseases are a prevalent group of entities with a significant impact on the quality of life and morbidity in older persons. Adequate timing of con-temporary treatment that is available can lead to pre-vention of disability; decline in sick leave, prolonga-tion of time actively spent at work, as well as increased survival.

Neoplastic diseases are, having some exceptions in the field of hemato- and neuropathology, by far more common in older people. The theoretical basis of this is wide, not always well defined by clearly including the passing of time as one of the key factors. Sophisti-cated technologies are today opening widely the field of multigene testing, meanwhile also opening the question of rationalizing diagnostic efforts.

Sleep is the state at which we spend around one-third of our life. It is not the only duration of sleep that is linked to increased morbidity and mortality like in chronic sleep deprivation and insomnia but also sleep quality which is reduced in many sleep disorders. Cer-

tain sleep disorders are strongly associated with age and so prevalent in older populations being present in 50% or more people. They are also strongly associated with the most prevalent diseases of today such as de-mentia, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension, as well as diabetes. Intermittent hypoxia during sleep in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients is a major concern in sleep medicine of today and it is highly prevalent but treatable sleep breathing disorder whose treatment is one of the strongest possible prevention measures which may help in securing healthy ageing by preventing some of the major causes of death in this age, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, arrhyth-mias, diabetes, etc.

Ageing is a risk factor for frailty, a common clinical syndrome in older adults, defined as an accumulation of deficits and loss of resilience to adverse events and increased risk for poor health outcomes including in-cident disability, higher hospitalization, and mortality rate. There is evidence that by targeting mechanisms such as senescence it prevents or reduces frailty and improves the ability to overcome adverse events such as fractures and infections.

Policies that will support the testing in clinical trials with a new class of drugs and integrate their use with existing public health interventions are required. There are many issues with establishing clinical testing for drugs targeting ageing in older patients with multiple chronic conditions. This group of people is often ex-cluded or under-represented in drug testing trials. Due to the lack of knowledge and a clear route to market pharmaceutical companies do not invest in the testing of these drugs and therefore governmental funding is required to risk their investments and open a new mar-ket which will bring both better health and great eco-nomic benefit and competitiveness in Europe.

The time and cost of current clinical trials in hu-mans delay the delivery of innovative medicines to those in need. The EU, working with national govern-ments, has an opportunity to reduce the time and cost of European and global trials by encouraging Euro-wide mechanisms for ethical reviews of drug proto-cols, by innovating digital means of recruiting and testing trial participants and by linking European trial support mechanisms with those in other regions of the world (e.g., the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia partnership with the North American Glob-al Alzheimer’s Platform).

It is important not only to focus on an already aged population but also on those who will inevitably enter this stage. Ageing is a continuous process starting in utero, and interventions should be focused across the life course. There is a clear need for the medicine of the 21st century to focus not only on persons with existing problems but also to shift its focus to presently healthy

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (182)


Policy Paper 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 153–158 LIJEČ VJESN

individuals who are soon entering the senior category. Similarly to focus on preventing certain diseases by applying standards of health promotion such as a healthy diet and exercise, we need to become aware of the need for programmes that will move us into pursu-ing the goal of healthy ageing in all its elements. These should include prevention of injuries, an individual approach to cognitive and mental health, prevention of chronic diseases, and general social engagement.

It is possible to decelerate ageing with public health interventions such as exercise and a healthy diet but also with the development of new drugs which have the potential to prevent multiple age-related condi-tions and improve the resilience of the older popula-tion. COVID-19 pandemic is an excellent example of how interventions improving resilience may protect older people from death.

Furthermore, there is a constant need for strength-ening the information flow and accelerating the ex-change of experience on the on-going and future proj-ects as well as maintaining continuous dialogue be-tween all the stakeholder groups at the national and European level and initiatives to allow that objectives are aligned, and needs are met.

Smart Technologies for Age Friendly Ecosystems

Modern Information and Communication Technol-ogies (ICTs) can play a key part in helping older people to lead more independent and healthy lives and to im-prove social participation. Age-friendly technologies and ecosystems allow older people to live indepen-dently, monitor their health, create and maintain so-cial networks, stay in contact with friends and family, have access to goods and services, and engage in work or voluntary activities. Smart ICT solutions and ad-vanced artificial intelligence (AI) implemented in homes, communities, and cities can be used to provide personalized healthcare and social services, solutions to overcome lack of mobility, cognitive and visual problems. They also can improve the general quality of life by providing interactions with family, friends as well as health care and social care providers through telehealth. Digital technologies can encourage all groups of patients, and older persons, to take a more active role in their health management.

Regarding the scientific approach to ageing research, we must improve measurement, monitoring, and un-derstanding of that field. Focused research, new met-rics, and analytical methods are needed for a wide range of ageing issues. This work builds on the exten-sive work WHO has done in improving health statis-tics and information, for example through the WHO Study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE). The examples of proven and good practices of using ad-

vanced technologies to increase the functionality and well-being of ageing citizens will contribute to a deep-er understanding of how to adopt and implement these proven good practices in various European and International contexts.

Smart technologies and the data collection related to the use of these tools could be a powerful research en-gine for age-related conditions and to advance healthy ageing. Consider Alzheimer’s disease as an example. Increasingly, the research community is developing evidence that indicates that cognitive and motor changes may occur before symptoms. Smart technol-ogy and digital tools may be best suited to detect cog-nitive decline in the earliest stages of the disease. To advance the opportunity, there should be broad col-laboration in the identification of readily accessible digital biomarkers to advance digital phenotyping with a plan to develop, test and implement new tech-nologies. One possible centre for collaboration could be with the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, being led by The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease and The World Economic Forum. The development of digital phenotyping for Alzheimer’s would also sup-port other areas of research focusing on ageing.

Addressing the issues of tracing and assessing the use and impact of advanced technologies for the func-tionality and well-being of ageing citizens to the ben-efit of transformative and mission-oriented research and innovation agenda, is going beyond the traditional focus on the scientific impact of research. On the con-trary, it emphasizes societal impacts, structuring im-pacts on policymaking and policies as well as impacts on innovation and economy.

Ageing and Health System Sustainability

Equally complex as biological ageing is defining and promoting actions towards filling societal needs caused by ageing processes. Apart from the need to bridge biomedicine and social sciences, it is important to focus on a macro, mezzo, and micro level scope when investigating ageing phenomena.

By thinking strategically, we must clearly distinguish a) strategies aimed at the individual level to slow down ageing in the biological system and b) strategies aimed at the population level to define and pursue societal initiatives and policy changes to establish clear and ef-fective approaches to address the public health impacts of an ageing society.

Today, we are facing healthcare challenges as the re-sult of the rising and potentially unsustainable health and care costs, due to the increasing prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases, to an ageing population requiring more diversified care and to in-creasing societal demands.

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 153–158 Policy Paper

Most health services and health systems are well de-signed to cure acute conditions or symptoms and tend to manage health issues in disconnected and frag-mented ways. Lack of coordination across care provid-ers and health services settings as well as not optimal time-management could be especially dangerous for organizing optimal care for older persons. Health sys-tems need to be transformed so that they can ensure affordable access to evidence-based medical interven-tions and timely organized shared care to address older people with specific needs according to their so-cial determinants of health.

Health care and social care should be connected. The single disease model of care should be replaced by a more holistic approach where older people with mul-tiple conditions are managed by a team of specialists and where the geriatricians are at the centre of deliver-ing care, involved in much earlier stage. It is the only way by which health care can prevent further health deterioration, disability and prevent complicated care dependency later in life.

We recognize an urgent need to define clear goals, both for caretakers and caregivers. What are the ex-pected outcomes? For a person impaired by joint pain, healthy ageing should focus on “active ageing”, while for a socially isolated person, it should include an ele-ment of community and social involvement. A retired person who is feeling superfluous should be able to at-tend a supportive programme to facilitate the transi-tion from work to retirement, and one who is diag-nosed with dementia should get adequate and quality support to better manage with this specific condition.

We often ask ourselves the following questions: Are we attempting only to promote longevity without an increase in the quality of life? Or are we also concerned with reducing costs linked to ageing? What are the final goals and measures that will tell us whether the users of our healthy ageing programs are successfully treated? However, there is no healthy longevity with-out an increase in quality of life on all stages.

Considering this idea, our health systems will need to become more aligned with the needs of an older population with the introduction of special programs to prevent the onset of diseases. The focus of the health service provision needs to shift from treating illness in clinical settings to preventing it by integrating care to include health promotion activities, and by including the often-overlooked mental health services, as well as non-clinical and non-pharmacological interventions, such as community and social services, as well as self-care practices. This would bring us closer to achieving a healthier population with an improved quality of life, which is one of the fundamental goals of a health care system.

We recognize a need for coordination among differ-ent caregivers as a prerequisite to offer complete care

and this is a natural and logical complement to inte-grated care. Creating age-friendly environments re-quires actions to combat ageism and abuse, enable au-tonomy, and support healthy ageing in all policies and at all levels of government.

An integrated approach to ageing targeted at all the segments of health care is also likely to reduce the need for an expensive, interventionist hospital to be used most intensively in the senior population and particu-larly at the end of life care, thereby reducing costs. As health includes more than medicine, the integration of non-pharmacological, self-care interventions with medical services in the care of the senior and pre-se-nior population would improve the efficiency and sus-tainability of health care systems that are continuously facing increased costs partly precipitated by extended ageing demands and increased costs of advanced health care technologies.

While limiting cost is one approach to ensuring the sustainability of the health system faced with the chal-lenge of extended ageing, creating innovative funding schemes to address differing needs caused by ageing is also important and a challenging prospect that re-quires a different perspective. When making policy recommendations, national governments need to con-sider the implications of these on general health, in-cluding healthy ageing, as defined by the WHO frame-work for country action.

The promotion of healthy ageing will have massive implications not only on health care costs but also on the quality of life for older persons. Every person – in every country in the world – should have the opportu-nity to live a long and healthy life. Yet, the environ-ments in which we live can favour health or be harm-ful to it.

The quality of the living environment and spatial epidemiology plays an important role in defining the health risks of the population. Especially in the face of rapid urbanization which is considered an important contributor to the growing burden of mental health across European and world populations. Equitable ac-cess to high-quality green spaces, in the light of new research as well as Sustainable Development Goals, becomes an issue of environmental justice and highly policy-relevant approach in the endeavour to mitigate the negative effects of ageing in the urbanized world. Another important factor is accessibility to quality health regardless of social determinants of health and other sources of vulnerability. These issues became more and more apparent when considering the ageing of the population. Healthy ageing is about creating the socio-ecological climate and opportunities that enable people to be and do what they value throughout their lives.

Active and healthy ageing is a societal challenge shared by all European and other countries of the

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Policy Paper 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 153–158 LIJEČ VJESN

world, but it is also an opportunity. It is important to acknowledge that the EU and European governments can learn from the experience of other countries the evidenced-based changes most effective in transform-ing their health systems to adjust to the growth of age-ing populations. At the same time, governments with-in the EU can learn from each other as well. To that end, the EU and individual governments would be well to consider sustainable mechanisms to exchange data and learnings in this regard. It is a chance for Eu-rope to establish itself as a global leader that can pro-vide innovative solutions. Considering the current context, it is essential to take the lessons from the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic which has particularly high fatality rates among very old peo-ple, notably those living in residential care, and chron-ic patients. It outlines the importance of disease pre-vention using hygiene measures, well known long-ago. It also has shown us all the importance of every per-son’s involvement in creating a healthy environment, healthy relationships and the importance of mental health, building solidarity, and social awareness of health needs of those who are in danger, especially se-nior citizens. The WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020–2030) is offering a unique opportunity to make this narrative a true reality for older persons, their families, and communities.

The scientific multidimensional concept of healthy ageing is defined as the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in older age. As people age, their health needs tend to become more complex determined by specific health issues and specific health demands of older patients.

Therefore, the following issues need to be included as research areas in future research funding and planning through different European Commission research fund-ing schemes in order to reduce mortality and morbidity of different age-related diseases:

1. Translational research into brain diseases will improve insight into the basic functioning of the brain.

2. Research into causal relationships and mecha-nisms that can reduce and prevent frailty syn-drome in the older population.

3. Research into repercussions of neurological and mental health conditions on society as a whole.

4. Research into sleep disorders strongly associated with age.

5. Special emphasis should be put on the research of gender, income, and geographically related differ-ences in the burden of disease in the older popula-tion and public health research into health pro-motion and disease prevention of age-related conditions.

6. Research in novel AI and IT solutions that can help in promoting health, preventing disease and alleviating in the burden of disease in age-related conditions and improve health in the older popu-lation.

7. Research on factors and causes that are connect-ed with the issues of polypharmacy and concrete ways to prevent mortality and morbidity that is related to it especially in the older population. (DIRECTORATE-GENERAL SANTE is respon-sible for EU policy on food safety and health and for monitoring the implementation of related laws. Through its scope of action together with the European medicines Agency (EMA) can play an important role in the implementation of suc-cessful policies related to polypharmacy.)

8. Develop EU-wide coordinating mechanisms to increase the speed, efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trials and establish clinical testing for drugs targeting ageing in older patients with mul-tiple chronic conditions (Here the European med-icines Agency (EMA) can play an important role by introducing policies that will support the test-ing in clinical trials with a new class of drugs and integrate their use with existing public health in-terventions are required.)

9. Project for education and training of both care-takers and caregivers in issues related to specific conditions related to ageing should be introduced and funded through EU funding schemes.

10. Projects that are oriented to reducing vulnerabil-ity and improving resilience, reducing social iso-lation and promoting social inclusion of older populations across EU also those projects that are oriented to healthy urban planning should be in-troduced and funded through EU funding schemes.

11. Support sustainable mechanisms within the EU and between the EU countries and other coun-tries to exchange data and learnings regarding the most effective evidence-based practices and innovations needed to transform national health systems in a manner best suited to prevent, treat and care for the chronic and social conditions af-fecting the health and well-being of older popula-tions.

12. Finally, within the European Commission the fol-lowing issues should be addressed and discussed:a) Is there a need to agree on the EU level for

creation for Pan European Policies that will define the minimum standard of social care and health care to all European citizens’ espe-cially older population? This will entail the creation of a special fund that can help reduce

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (185)


LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1; 153–158 Policy Paper

inequality across different age groups and dif-ferent EU member states.

b) In the light of COVID-19 pandemic which has particularly high fatality rates among very old people, notably those living in resi-dential care and chronic patients to come to an agreement on the EU level for creation for Pan European Policies that can in the future help in better coordination of rapid response among EU members states that will be based on the principle of solidarity and subsidiary in emergencies taking into account specific needs of each EU member state?

R E S O U R C E S :

• AGEAgeingReport2018• DecadeofHealthyAgeing2020–2030 – a final pro-

posal at the 146th WHO Executive Board meet-ing in February 2020. Geneva: WHO; 2020. Avail-able from: rsn=b4b75ebc_3. Accessed: April 17, 2020.

• Europe2020–AEuropeanstrategyforsmart,sus-tainable and inclusive growth. Brussels: European Commission; 2020. Available from: BA-RROSO%20%20%20007%20-%20Europe%2020 20%20-%20 EN%20version.pdf. Accessed: April 17, 2020.

• European Innovation Partnership on Active andHealthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). Brussels: European Commission; c2020. Available from: Accessed: April 17, 2020.

• EuroHealthNet2018data.• Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, Joint Pro-

gramming Initiative “More Years, Better Lives – the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change”

• JointProgrammingonNeurodegenerativeDiseasesResearch and similar partnerships.

• Horizon 2020Work Programme 2018–2020 – 8.Health, demographic change and wellbeing. Brus-sels: European Commission; 2020. Available from: participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2018-2020/main/h2020-wp1820- health_en.pdf. Accessed: April 17, 2020.

• The2018AgeingReport:EconomicandBudgetaryProjections for the EU Member States (2016–2070)

• XueQL.Thefrailtysyndrome:definitionandnatu-ral history. Clin Geriatr Med. 2011; 1–15. Med-line:21093718 doi:10.1016/j. cger.2010.08.009.

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2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Index of authorsAAbbate, Carlo 81Ahmić, Haris 141, 147, 148Alexandra Nola, Iskra 96, 112Alhambra, Tamara 72, 105Allebeck, Peter 104Amouyel, Philippe 32Andabaka, Damir 133Anić, Branimir 52, 58, 63, 153Aparicio-Ugarriza, Raquel 138Ashkenazi, Adi 141Augustyniak, Justyna 37

BBabić, Dijana 106Balenović, Almenka 123Balenović, Antonija 83, 101Balić, Anamaria 54Balorda, Ana 106, 107Balorda, Ljilja 106, 107Banadinović, Maja 71, 136Banovac, Ivan 36Banović, Mateja 71Barić, Vesna 58Basanić Čuš, Nataša 118Bašić Marković, Nina 101Bejić, Ivan 80Belani, Hrvoje 40Belavić, Anja 98, 124Bellantuono, Ilaria 9, 153Bencetić, Sanja 76Benjak, Tomislav 92, 103, 111Bešlić, Petar 56, 59Bičanić, Ivana 36Bilajac, Lovorka 72, 87, 105Bilić, Ervina 53Bilić, Hrvoje 53Bilić, Mario 145Biševac, Valentina 49, 128Bjedov, Sarah 120Blažević, Andrea 36Boban, Marina 87, 146Boban, Mladen 105Bobić Lazić, Antonija 98Bobinac, Ana 134Bonetti, Ana 54Borovečki, Fran 45, 53, 128Bosnar Puretić, Marija Ana

46, 55, 94Bošnjak Pašić, Marija 146Božina, Nada 52Božina, Tamara 52Brađašević, Emanuel 143Bralić-Lang, Valerija 73Braš, Marijana 55Brborović, Hana 34, 58, 119Brborović, Ognjen 119Brečić, Petrana 39Brezak, Ira 59

Brkić Biloš, Ivana 107, 110Brkljačić, Boris 153Borovečki, Ana 153Bubaš, Marija 92, 97, 119, 122Budišić, Mislav 55, 94Bujan Kovač, Andreja 59Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka 54, 56, 62Bulić-Jakuš, Floriana 36Buterin, Ivan 80Buzanska, Leonora 37

CCaenazzo, Luciana 101Capak, Krunoslav 92Car, Željka 69Cerovečki, Ivan 97, 103, 134, 135Cerovečki, Venija 63Cesari, Matteo 81Chiari, Lorenzo 80Chrysostomou, Vicki 47Clark, Nigel 72, 105Crowston, Jonathan G. 47Curtopassi, Elena 72, 105Cuvelier, Claude 30Cylus, Jonathan 3

ČČeović, Romana 54, 56, 62, 127

ĆĆorić, Lejla 55, 94Ćorić, Tanja 87Ćubela, Vlado-Vlaho 56, 59

DDamopil, Sanja 36Dančević-Gojković, Milka 108Dečković-Vukres, Vlasta 135Delale, Eva Anđela 40Delaš Aždajić, Marija 108Demirović, Sijana 150Despot Lučanin, Jasminka 40Dežmalj Grbelja, Lidija 55,

57, 94DiLuca, Monica 43, 153Dimitrievski, Ace 40Doko Jelinić, Jagoda 133Domitrović, Danijela-Lana 120Draguzet, Kristina 58Draušnik, Željka 97, 103, 109,

134, 135Drnasin, Sara 55, 94Dromantiene, Leta 94Dukić, Helena 120

DžDžaja, Domagoj 36Džakula, Aleksandar 71,

136, 143

ĐĐapić Ivančić, Biljana 59Đogaš, Zoran 9, 38, 41, 42, 153Đorđević, Veljko 55Đurek, Valentina 121

EEhninger, Dan 35, 153el Hasan, Perla 58Erceg, Marijan 112

FFabrio, Ivana 76Fassina, Ambrogio 29Fatović-Ferenčić, Stella 103Ferri-Guerra, Juliana 138Fico, Giuseppe 67Figueras, Josep 3, 153Fišter, Kristina 109Florez, Hermes 114, 132, 138Förster, Jennifer 144Frączkiewicz-Wronka, Aldona 116Frančula-Zaninović, Sonja 112Franić, Ivana Karla 142Fuštin, Danijela 97, 134, 135

GGajović, Srećko 46Galić, Edvard 56, 59Galić, Iva 56, 59Galić, Romana 98Gallucci, Alessia 81Gamulin, Ozren 48Ganoci, Lana 52Garcés – Ferrer, Jorge 72, 105Gardijan, Danilo 132Gastmans, Chris 99Geiger Zeman, Marija 93Giljanović, Ana 142Gimbel, Ronald 114, 131Gino, Sarah 101Giunco, Fabrizio 81Glas, Ana Magdalena 144Glavač, Filip 88Glavić, Željko 137Glibotić Kresina, Helena 122Golinowska, Stanisława 116Gorup, Dunja 46Grbavac, Hrvoje 39Gverović Antunica, Antonela 61Gvozdanović, Darko 109Gvozdanović, Katarina 109

HHajnšek, Sanja 59Hajsok, Hana 142Hančević, Mirea 53Hanževački, Miroslav 63Helbostad, Jorunn L 80

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LIJEČ VJESN 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 Index of authors

Himelreich-Perić, Marta 36Hladnik, Ana 36Hrabač, Pero 137Hrabar, Ivan 80

IIllario, Maddalena 83Ištvanović, Ana 110Ivana Tudor, Katarina 59Ivičević Uhernik, Ana 97, 134, 135Ivković, Jakov 135

JJadrijević, Natalia 107Jadrijević-Tomas, Ana 39Jakab, Jelena 71Jakovljević, Ivan 120Jakovljević, Miro 120Janda, Rea 121Ježek, Davor 32, 36, 153Josipović, Iva 122Jovanović, Ivan 132Jovičić Burić, Diana 113Judaš, Miloš 70, 153Jukić, Zvonimir 80Juraga, Denis 105Jurak, Ivan 109Jurić-Lekić, Gordana 36Jurjević, Martina 78Jurlina, Hrvoje 101

KKalafatić, Držislav 57Kalajžić, Lea 143Karanasiou, Athanasia 72, 105Karanović, Boris 52, 58Kaštelan, Helena 61Katalinić, Dragica 110Katušić-Bojanac, Ana 36Kelc, Nika 142Kermc, Ino 135Kern, Josipa 117Kezić, Jelena M. 47Klarica, Marijan 153Klarica Domjanović, Iva 52Klarić, Emil 149Klepac, Nataša 47Koceska, Natasa 40Koceski, Saso 40Kocman, Branislav 96Kolarić, Branko 87, 148Koren, Helena 122Korenhof, Sophie 72, 105Košćec Bjelajac, Adrijana 40Kottek, Tomislav 142Kovač Bilić, Lana 145Kovačić, Antonio 108Kovačić, Zdenko 80Kowalska-Bobko, Iwona 116Kozak, Anna 116

Kozlik, Filip 80Kozmar, Ana 48Kralj, Verica 107, 110Krasić, Jure 36Križaj, Aida 60Križ, Tena 48Krtalić, Slaven 123Kuhar, Ema 143Kuhar, Martin 103Kujundžić Tiljak, Mirjana 78, 111,

143, 153Kuljiš, Tihana 143Kurz, Alexander 87

LLaane, Rain 79Lameski, Petre 40Lang Morović, Maja 78, 123Lattanzio, Fabrizia 81Lauc, Gordan 37Lazić, Nika 123Likić, Robert 108, 141Lučanin, Damir 40Lukačević Lovrenčić, Iva 136, 143Lulić, Sanja 124Lušić Kalcina, Linda 38, 41, 42

LjLjevak, Josip 102

MMacchione, Stefania 72, 105Machala Poplašen, Lovela 119Mach, Zrinka 73Magjarević, Ratko 149, 153Mair, Alpana 50Majer, Marjeta 143Majić, Željka 36Malenica, Luka 71Maleš, Petar 147Mandekić, Jadran 84, 122Marasović Šušnjara, Ivana 95Marelić, Marko 136Marić, Andreja 36Marinović, Branka 54, 127Marinović Glavić, Mihaela 72Marjanović, Matea 143Maršić, Luka 144Martić-Biočina, Sanja 58Martinović Klarić, Irena 153Matanović, Luka 142Matić, Dora 80Mayer, Dijana 110, 124Mayer, Miroslav 52McMenamin, Paul G. 47Meden, Lara 107Mellone, Sabato 80Mendes, David 85, 153Merkler, Ana 48Meštrović Špoljar, Josipa 95

Mičić, Ana 144Middleton, John 22, 153Mihel, Sandra 97, 107,

134, 135Mikula, Ivan 146Mikula, Tea 146Mikulčić, Tihana 118Mikulić, Danko 96Milošević, Milan 34, 58, 111,

119, 146Mimica, Ninoslav 60, 136Mioč, Marina 39, 41Mirošević Skvrce, Nikica 52Mišić, Tanja 97Miškulin, Andrea 124Miškulin, Iva 57Miškulin, Ivan 125, 137Miškulin, Maja 125Mišura, Damir 142Mitrečić, Dinko 153Mlinarić, Hrvoje 72Mokos, Mislav 145Moreno, José Ma Martin 130Moses, Amit 145Mrak, Maksimilijan 135Mrčela, Nada T. 148Mrzljak, Anna 96Mudrovčić, Monika 59Musić Milanović, Sanja 78, 113, 123Mušković, Karla 122Muslić, Ljiljana 113Mustajbegović, Jadranka 78Mužić, Roberto 143

NNanković, Sibila 59Nemeth Blažić, Tatjana 96Neyer, Gerda 91, 153Nimac Kozina, Petra 59Ninić, Andreja 98Nižetić, Dean 44Nola, Iskra Alexandra 143Normand, Charles 3Novak Lauš, Katia 48

NjNjavro, Filip 135

OOlszewska-Guizzo, Agnieszka

76, 153Orešković, Slavko 57Orešković, Stjepan 79, 153Oroz, Dominik 97Osmani, Venet 82, 153Ožić, Sanja 98Ozretić, David 102, 132

PPadjen, Ivan 52, 58Palumbo, Pierpaolo 80

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Index of authors 2020; godište 142; supplement 1 LIJEČ VJESN

Papić, Ana 60Pašalić, Ante 56, 59Pašer, Ivana 126Pašić, Hanna 146, 147, 148, 149Paskauske, Zeneta 94Pavić Šimetin, Ivana 92, 110, 124Pavlaković, Lovro 149Pavlek, Paula 147Pavlinac Dodig, Ivana 38,

41, 42Pecchia, Leandro 24Pecotić, Renata 38, 41, 42Pedroli, Elisa 81Pegoraro, Renzo 100Pejnović Franelić, Iva 92, 113Petanjek, Zdravko 36Petelin Gadže, Željka 59Petković, Mikela 56Petrić, Frano 80Pfaeffel, Lea 87Pirela, Daniela 138Pjevač, Nada 111Pjevač, Neda 111Pjević, Zlata 58Poljaković, Zdravka 59, 102,

132, 153Poljičanin, Tamara 73Polychronakis, Anthony 72, 105Portolan Pajić, Ivana 88, 126Precali, Antonia 143Prgomet, Drago 54Pucarin-Cvetković, Jasna 111

RRaat, Hein 72, 105Radić, Borislav 59Radić, Saša 124Radić Vuleta, Marijana 97Radilj, Ivan 143Radin, Dagmar 153Radoš, Marko 102, 132Raguž, Barbara 113Rajter, Miroslav 128Rašan, Ivana 69Ravić, Mario 79Reiner, Željko 63, 153Relić, Danko 135Rentoumis, Anastasios 72, 105Restemis, Efstathios 117Ries, Mihael 34Rodin, Urelija 97, 134, 135Roje Bedeković, Marina 55,

60, 94Roksandić Vidlička, Sunčana 93Rosenzweig, Ivana 38Rouwet, Ellen 72, 105Rudež, Lorena Karla 48Ruiz, Jorge 138Rukavina, Tomislav 72, 87, 153Rupert, Eva 127

SSanković, Mandica 77Sarkauskiene, Asta 94Schmitt, Tugce 104Sedlić, Filip 147Sedmak, Dora 36Sedmak, Goran 70Seiwerth, Sven 34, 153Sertić, Jadranka 48Sever, Lara 142Shani, Costa 142Sikora, Ewa 37Silobrčić Radić, Maja 107, 110Sinčić, Nino 36Siroglavić, Katarina-Josipa 125Sisek-Šprem, Mirna 60Sitaš, Barbara 53, 59Skalicki, Lucija 147Skoko Poljak, Dunja 92Slošić, Vladimir 80Sobočan, Nikola 36Sokolović Pavić, Željka 119Sokol, Tomislav 133Srakočić, Sanja 46Stevanović, Ranko 97, 134, 135Stojić, Josip 146Stramba-Badiale, Marco 81Sulić, Petra 141, 147, 148Sunderland, Piotr 37

ŠŠakić, Zrinka 147Šalković-Petrišić, Melita 33Šantić, Ana Marija 39Šarić, Ines 119Šarić, Martina 121Šarinić-Macolić, Viola 52Šekerija, Mario 107, 110, 112Šeketa, Goran 149Šerman, Ljiljana 36Šimičević, Livija 52Šimić, Goran 45Šimić, Ivana 54Škarić-Jurić, Tatjana 42Šklebar, Tin 48Škrabić, Marko 48Škrgatić, Lana 57Škrgatić, Marija 106, 107Šogorić, Selma 117Šomle, Ivona 102Špoljar Vržina, Sanja 93Štajduhar, Andrija 70Štefančić Martić, Vesna 97, 103,

134, 135Štengl-Martinjak, Mira 60Štimac Grbić, Danijela 98, 104,

108, 110, 127Šulentić, Vlatko 59Šupe, Svjetlana 102Švajda, Marija 73

TTahirović, Senada 108Tambor, Marzena 116Tan, Siok Swan 72, 105Tiljak, Hrvoje 101Tomas, Monika 88Tomasović-Mrčela, Nada 87Tomek-Roksandić, Spomenka 63Tomić, Laura 141, 148Tošić Grlač, Sonja 49, 128Trajkovik, Vladimir 40Trbušić, Matias 112Trimarchi, Pietro Davide 81Trkulja, Vladimir 52Trošelj, Mario 97, 134, 135Trtica Majnarić, Ljiljana 71Tuena, Cosimo 81Tufeković, Marija 124

VValentić, Maja 110Valić, Maja 38, 41, 42Vasiljev, Vanja 72, 105Vasilj, Ivana 124Vatavuk, Zoran 48Včev, Aleksandar 71Vena, John E. 114, 131, 153Vereijken, Beatrix 80Vidović, Domagoj 39Vikić-Topić, Smiljka 128Vitale, Ksenija 121Vlah, Nevenka 122Vlahović, Maja 36Vlašić, Domagoj 61Vočanec, Dorja 71, 117, 136Volarić, Nikola 71Vradenburg, George 17, 153Vrvilo, Magda 129Vujević, Luka 146, 147, 148, 149Vujnović, Matea 137Vukičević, Slobodan 128Vukoja, Ana 137Vukoja, Ivan 125, 135, 137Vukota, Ljiljana 123, 124Vuletić, Silvije 117

WWadoux, Julia 74, 153Waterworth, John 69Williams, Gemma 3

ZZanutto, Oscar 72, 105Zdravevski, Eftim 40Zeman, Zdenko 93Zorić Geber, Mia 48

ŽŽaja, Orjena 62Žaja, Roko 34, 58, 119Žilak, Matea 69Živković, Maja 59Žužul, Kristina 62

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF …· 2020. 8. 6.· Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (189)

GLASILO HRVATSKOGA LIJEČNIČKOG ZBORA THE JOURNAL OF … · 2020. 8. 6. · Liječ Vjesn God. Vol. 142 [2020] Broj Num. Supl. 1 Str. Pag. 1–162 Zagreb, Hrvatska Croatia GLASILO - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.