Forgotten Realms Wiki (2024)

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  • ChloeLorde traveled back in time to the Eileanar enclave. She visited the Netheril Mint to collect some of the city's pyramidal currency, learned of its magical anti-counterfeiting prismatic effects from Elgiva and Evemerus, and passed Debac's security measures. Next, she visited Gallery Steamers to purchase a flying ship from Stuckley for a ready escape from the Fall of Netheril. (Spoiler: everyone died.)
  • SunderedShor became tongue-tied as he documented the different non-human languages, from Pixie, Dryadic, and Treantish to K'azz'jak'n (the language of neogi) and more, and even got to the bottom of the Alignment languages. (Are they made up entirely of political dog whistles?)
  • ItalianKarsus got entangled in intrigues in Suzail, running into such colorful characters as the ruthless dual-wand-wielding War Wizard Kelgantor, the rowdy nobleman Kathkote Dawntard, the club owner known only as Tress, and even the pet stirge known as Thirsty. (Maybe it's an emotional support stirge.)
  • We say well met to DM of Dragons, who stopped by Inn Plain Sight, and XStelliferous, who paid a discreet visit to Mother Salinka's House of Pleasure. We also welcome ContactOfSolitude, who rode in on a Demon Grinder from Fort Knucklebone and then wrote of Ladies Khara Sulwood and Mareldraea Hawkguard, two wise rulers of Shadowdale.
  • Meanwhile, Tomlesss delved into the dark history of House Thorm; Weisguar followed the Wind Walk through the Sunset Mountains; EngineerDali collected guano at Gull Rocks in the Sea of Swords; and Zeromaru X returned to Akanûl to visit New Breen, Deepspur, and Lake Akax.
  • Forgotten Realms Wiki (2)
    In Juniper's Companion to Venturesome Cookery, halfling wizard Juniper Churlgo (brought to life by Artyom.pavlov) cooks up minty wine sausages from Tethyr.
  • In our Legacy of the Green Regent campaign, our heroes seek a sage for advice on what they have and what to do next. They chose the crotchety professor with lots of cats. Can she tell them anything they don't already know?
  • And introducing Personal Demon by BadCatMan, a novella-length tale of possession, despair, struggle, and hope at the Yawning Portal, with three chapters up already. It's dark fantasy with depth and soul.
  • Now, braeunk vhos trolkh, as hobgoblins say farewell ("if you die while I'm gone, do it quietly," so poetic).

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Cosmology is the study of the structure, organization, and composition of all the planes of existence, and the World Tree cosmology model was one interpretation of the multiverse, attempting to reduce the complexity and sheer volume of information into concepts that were understandable and even useful to the brave, the curious, and the ambitious. First outlined in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, the World Tree cosmology model quickly overshadowed the previous Great Wheel model upon the discovery of an interplanar sentient tree-like being that acted as a conduit between a select group of planes. Dubbed the World Tree, it connected only to planes with the Good alignment trait and allowed passage only to those with a good and noble reason for their journey.

The concept of Inner and Outer Planes carried over from the Great Wheel model, with the Inner Planes (comprising the elemental planes plus the energy planes) remaining essentially unchanged, except they were accessed via the Astral Plane rather than the Ethereal. The Outer Planes increased in number from seventeen to twenty one and finally to twenty six, losing most of their interconnections. All Outer Plane travel was restricted to passing through the Prime Material Plane or along one of two cross-planar features: the aforementioned World Tree, or the River of Blood (formerly known as the river Styx).

Two other planes were discovered but were for all intents and purposes inaccessible to mortals: the Fugue Plane and Cynosure. Cynosure was a small demiplane that only the gods and their immortal servants could access. It was neutral ground for meetings and negotiations between the Powers. The Fugue Plane was the way station for the souls of the deceased while they awaited judgment and (hopefully) transportation to the realm of their patron deity.

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Red Dragon's Tale: A Lego Adventure by Christopher Perkins is an adventure for the 5th-edition ruleset set in the Forgotten Realms released on Lego Insiders on April 1st. Adventurers discover mysterious goings-on at an inn that lead to the case of a stolen red dragon's egg.

Take family and friends on an adventure! This official adventure transforms the LEGO® Ideas DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Red Dragon's Tale set (21348) into a playable game of D&D. The 18-page adventure was custom crafted by the D&D game architects at Wizards of the Coast and includes classic creatures re-imagined for LEGO® play. Download this remarkable, hand-illustrated digital booklet to turn an awesome LEGO build into an amazing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure.

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Saturday Morning Adventures II #3 is a comic written by David M. Booher, drawn by George Kambadais, and published by IDW Publishing. Bobby, Diana, Eric, Hank, Presto, Sheila, and Uni continuing their maritime misadventures aboard a flying ship they think is a spelljammer.

Shipwrecked! Having barely survived their brush with a Sword Coast leviathan, the party finds themselves washed up at the island hideout of a brutal pirate captain. The good news? They've found Bobby. The bad news? Bobby has joined the ruthless pirate crew! Forced to prove his loyalty, he must now choose one of his friends to face the most terrifying monster yet. And this creature is most definitely not thrilled to see them.

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Fortune Finder #5 is a comic written by Jim Zub, drawn by Jose Jaro, and published by IDW Publishing and the final issue in the series. In Mechanus, the amnesiac adventurer Finder discovers who and what they really are and want to do be.

After the shocking reveal of Finder's true nature in the last issue, our starry-eyed hero must make a life-defining choice: Will they return to the monotonous raison d'être they were destined to fulfill? Or will they brave the chaos of the multiverse, risking death to satisfy their curiosity? Fates are sealed in this final issue of the series inspired by the new !

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Treasures of the Savage Frontier is a Dungeons and Dragons computer game developed by Stormfront Studios and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. It is the sequel to the popular Gateway to the Savage Frontier video games, and was the first ever role-playing video game to feature romance with an AI companion.

The players are the famed Heroes of Ascore who recently halted the Zhentarim's plans to conquer the Savage Frontier and the Moonsea. Continuing this journey of heroism, they are called upon to protect ambassadors from the Lords' Alliance. In a turn of events, the Zhentarim and their allies regroup, abduct the ambassadors one by one, and "replace" them. The new "ambassadors" of the Lords' Alliance smear the Heroes of Ascore as traitors, and the party must regain their well-earned name. Treasures of the Savage Frontier sees the party reaching new heights, from freeing the oppressed people of Farr Windward to slaying the great white dragon, Freezefire.

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Today in the Realms... is 18 Tarsakh, or the18thofthe Claw of Storms. Selûne is a waxing crescent moonForgotten Realms Wiki (8). On this day:

  • In 1373 DR, a temple to Gond was established by missionaries from Lantan on the largest island in the Green Sisters archipelago off the coast of Maztica. They named the island St. Ippen and began constructing the Great Lighthouse.



  • Caerwich was a legendary haunted conical isle located somewhere in the Sea of Swords. It was wrapped in a blue mist and guarded by zombies of the sailors who perished on the surrounding reefs.
  • Captain Elwin "Raider" McAllister was a veteran ship's captain of Ravens Bluff. He was given the moniker "Raider" after rescuing a Waterdhavian merchant from Luskanite raiders and swiftly shed his given name.
  • The Inn Plain Sight was a zanily-named inn known for its hot wings, freshly made with a variety of dried chili peppers and magically preserved unrefrigerated chicken. Eat at your own risk.
  • Morfred was the architect of Moonrise Towers, a Selûnite stronghold owned by House Thorm. After Ketheric Thorm turned to the worship of Shar, Morfred sold his soul to the cambion Raphael to exterminate his lord's Dark Justiciars.
  • Lady Addee Ulphor was a ruler of Shadowdale renowned for her swift wit, physical strength, and exceptional culinary skills. She did not approve of Shadowdale's most famous resident, Elminster, feeling that his often peculiar and whimsical activities could lead to discord among the populace.
  • Hermit berries were known for their pleasant aroma and were given as signs of affection between lovers in Cormyr. The scent had the opposite effect on kelpies, who found it so repulsive they refused to attack anyone with hermit berries on their person.
  • The House of Screams was the nearest thing to a city hall in the Shadowfell city of Evernight. The city's tribunal of ghouls ruled the city from its top floor, while the cellar held a site where residents could resolve their disputes—a literal death arena.
  • After Ettvard Needle‎‎ moved on from spreading the news by having boys cry them out to founding the Baldur's Mouth Gazette in Baldur's Gate, he moderated his perspective so as not to lose the wealthy advertisers and patrons; Enver Gortash, one such patron, donated him a pixie-powered printing press.
  • Trollspeak, as non-trolls called it, had such tremendous local variation that trolls from one place didn't always understand trolls from another. Unrelatedly, the language used many loanwords from more uniform languages, such as Daraktan, Ghukliak, Jotun, and Hobgoblin.
  • Rhyester, a prophet of Lathander, wrote the Sermon of the Eclipse in anticipation of the solar eclipse of the Year of Drifting Stars, 760 DR to be read at Lathander's Dawn during the conjunction. The text touched on the ever-obscure Dawn Cataclysm.
  • Before Larak Dardulkyn acquired his home in Suzail, it had been the dwelling of the old Raskival Rhendever, who, in turn, had taken possession of the sprawling mansion after the passing of the noble Lord Sarlival, the last of his line.

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