Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (2024)

Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (1)

Written by our local expert SJ

Sarah-Jane has lived in Croatia for 10+ years. SJ, as she is known, has been traveling the Balkans & beyond since 2000. She now shares her passion for traveling with her husband & kids.

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You can’t miss trying burek when in the Balkans – and you’ll fall in love. So, here is an easy-to-make Croatian burek recipe.

Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (2)

I have made burek numerous times along with many of these other Croatian recipes. Although, I had never made burek from scratch as I was scared to try to make the phyllo dough.

I had always wondered how to make burek like a real Croatian while I was living in Australia. Burek is made here in Croatia and many other Balkan countries, plus many other parts of the world in its various forms, such as Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East.

Burek, also known as bourék, byurek, pita, bourekas, and cheese pie, can be formed into horseshoe shapes, coils, cylinders, or round pies, variously eaten as appetizers or as a main course. No matter what you call it (or dispute where it comes from), Croatian Burek is WAY better than any Australian pie I have ever had.

Burek, for those who do not know, is filo (phyllo) pastry filled with cheese, meat, potato, spinach, apple…. in fact, almost anything.

Burek is the food you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just as a snack. It’s not exactly very healthy, but on the upside, if you eat a big slice of burek, it is sure to fill you. That way, you can skip your next meal. I personally never skip meals, as someone once told me that’s bad for you (that’s my story, and I am sticking to it), so I always find room for the next meal. But that’s a good tip for those of you who can’t skip meals.

Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (3)

Please do not judge me, knowing I always purchased the store-bought phyllo pastry when I made burek.

I know, I know, it’s terrible – but it is oh-so-easy. While my cheese burek turns out great thanks to some great tips that Mr. Chasing the Donkey’s Baba (Grandmother) shared with me, it’s not anything like the REAL thing I buy here in Croatia.

The thought of making the filo pastry from scratch always seemed so impossible. Many Croats kept telling me just how ‘teško’ (hard) it is to make – so, needless to say, I avoided even trying it. But then, I stumbled upon an easy peasy way to make the filo pastry.

Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (4)

Okay, it’s not as easy as unwrapping the store-bought pastry, but he makes it look and sound so much better than that. As with all of the Croatian recipes I share, there are a gazillion ways to make the same thing, but this one, to me, is a standout!


And look, if the only difficulty you face is learning the technique of stretching and rolling the dough (or you are short on time), buy the phyllo dough – no one will know.

Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (5)

You can't miss trying burek when in the Balkans - and you'll fall in love. So, here is an easy to make Croatian burek recipe.


Burek Dough:

  • 500g all-purpose flour (3.5 cups)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 300-350mls lukewarm water (1 1/4 - 1 1/2 cups)
  • Vegetable oil

Burek Cheese Filling:

  • 150 g cottage cheese (2/3 cup)
  • 100 g crumbled feta cheese (2/3 cup)
  • 1 large beaten egg

Meat And Potato Filling:

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 medium, diced onion
  • 300 g lean beef mince (10 oz)
  • 1 potato, boiled cut into small cubes
  • 2 grated garlic cloves
  • Half teaspoon chopped rosemary, fresh is best
  • Half tablespoon smoked paprika
  • Half tablespoon salt


How To Make BurekDough:

  1. Take a large bowl and combine the flour and the salt
  2. Add the water bit by bit, mixing until the mixture forms a dough
  3. Knead the dough for around five minutes, until it turns quite stretchy
  4. Split the dough mixture into batches of four and press down to flatten
  5. You need to find a bowl or a pan which is large enough to hold the dough when it is piled up on top of each other
  6. Add a little bit of vegetable oil to the pan or bowl and put the first flattened piece of dough inside
  7. Add a bit more oil (not too much), and add another piece of dough – repeat until you’ve done the same with all four pieces
  8. Add more vegetable oil on top of the last piece and place to one side to rest
  9. Preheat your oven to around 200°C (390°F)
  10. Add a little vegetable oil over your work surface (a table is best) – just a little!
  11. Remove one piece of dough from the bowl and remove the excess oil
  12. Flatten the piece of dough until it reaches a thickness of no more than around half a centimeter
  13. Handle the dough and stretch it outwards, over and over, so that you pull it to around 1 meter in diameter – you might end up with a few holes but don’t worry about it too much. By the end, you should be able to see through the dough
  14. Take one side of the dough disc and fold it over, towards the center
  15. Repeat this process until you have a shape that resembles a pentagon
  16. Repeat with the second piece of dough
  17. Add your filling (see below for the filling instructions) to the dough piece
  18. Add the first piece of stretched dough into the middle of the second one, and cut away the thick edge of the second piece – you can throw this away, you won’t need it
  19. Fold over the edges of the dough, so that you get a pentagon shape once more, and put it into a baking pan or tray
  20. Put the pan in the oven and bake for around half an hour, until it is a golden color
  21. Remove from the oven and let it cool down
  22. Cut into 12 pieces
  23. Repeat the process with the rest of the dough
  24. Bake until the pastry turns golden, and serve while warm!

For The Cheese Filling:

  1. Take a mixing bowl and add in both kinds of cheese, combining together
  2. Add the egg and combine once more

For The Meat & Potato Filling:

  1. Take a large pan and heat up the oil over a medium heat
  2. Add the onion and cook until soft
  3. Now, add the mince and cook for around 2 minutes, stirring regularly
  4. Now, add the potato, the rosemary, the garlic, and the paprika, and stir to combine
  5. Add the salt and continue to cook, ensuring the beef mince is cooked through
  6. Once cooked, drain the beef with a sieve to get rid of any excess oil and press down to dry it out


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Easy Croatian Burek Recipe (2024)


What is burek in Croatia? ›

Börek or burek is a family of pastries or pies found in the Balkans, Middle East and Central Asia. The pastry is made of a thin flaky dough such as filo with a variety of fillings, such as meat, cheese, spinach, or potatoes.

How long does burek last? ›

Burek may be refrigerated for up to 5 days or stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Do you eat burek hot or cold? ›

Both! Some people like to eat burek hot, just as it comes out of the oven. Others love it best the following day when it's cold. And then there are those that like it in between.

Is burek Turkish or Bosnian? ›

Like many other dishes of traditional Bosnian cuisine, burek recipe has its origins in Turkish cuisine. In fact, there is a borek dish in Turkey, and you can find more about it in this blog post. Thus, with the Turkish conquests, Burek came to Bosnia, but here it gained a local twist and a different meaning.

What is the most famous food in Croatia? ›

Black Risotto

This popular and unique dish is one of the most popular foods in Croatia. Its characteristic dark colour comes from the inclusion of squid or cuttlefish ink, which infuses the dish with a delightful savory flavor.

Which country invented burek? ›

There is some history that indicates that the burek pastry was first used during the early Ottoman Empire in 1500 CE Istanbul, from whence it moved across Europe (and became pastries such as Hungarian retes and Austrian strudel and many others pastry-like foods).

Who made the first burek? ›

But recent ethnographic research suggests that it is more likely to have been invented by the nomadic Turks of Central Asia at some point before the seventh century. Börek reflected the harsh life of the herdsmen.

What countries eat burek? ›

Love for burek across Balkan countries — Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Croatia — is so strong that restaurants specializing in the dish are common, per Analida's Ethnic Spoon.

What is a burek in English? ›

Noun. A type of baked or fried filled pastry of the former Ottoman Empire.

What flour is best for burek? ›

In the US the best flour for phyllo (in my opinion) is King Arthur all-purpose flour. Also, there are different ways of shaping phyllo pastries. Two traditional Bosnian ways are to shape it as swirls or layer it. Here I will show how to make pita/burek swirls.

How healthy is burek? ›

Borek also known as Burek can be described as a meal that should be consumed in moderation because it is a hefty source of calories from fats as well as carbs.

What is the original burek? ›

When the nomadic Turks of Central Asia yearned for fluffy bread during their long journeys on the road, inspiration struck—they came up with a way to mimic the texture by layering their dough several times, creating a deep-fried filled dumpling known as Burga, the first form of Burek.

Do you eat burek with yogurt? ›

How to eat burek. Burek is best enjoyed with a yoghurt dip.

What do you eat burek with? ›

This burek recipe is Eastern European in origin. My mom is from Bosnia and made this for me while I was growing up — my whole family always looked forward to it. Serve with Balkan-style yogurt for authenticity.

What is a burek made of? ›

Burek in particular is a Serbian delicacy made with a spiced ground meat and potato filling that is wrapped in phyllo dough and shaped into a spiral. There are variations of this recipe found in eastern Europe, Turkey, Greece, and North Africa.

What is a famous Croatian pastry? ›

The classic Croatian kremšnita is a cake made of fine yellow egg custard and sometimes a bit of whipped cream, in between layers of golden flaky pastry crust. The cake is one of the symbols of Samobor, a small town some eighteen miles from the capital.

What is the difference between pita and burek? ›

borek are small pastries made with phyllo dough or with pastry crust. Pastries in the börek family are also called pita (pie): tiropita, spanakopita, and so on. In many languages, the word pita refers not to flatbread, but to flaky pastries: see börek for them.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.