Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (2024)

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by Todd + Diane

Ourdried onion dip mix recipe is way better because it’s homemade and you can adjust your seasonings to your preferred taste!Homemade is better than buying the bag of french onion dip mix.Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (1)

Dry Onion Dip {Homemade French Onion Dip}

Gosh, I still vividly remember my love of packaged onion soup mix sour cream dip. Back in high school (circa late 80’s) I was at a friends birthday party and her mom made a platter of veggies with what she claimed was “the easiest onion dip” ever. After one bite of the flavorful dip I was smitten and was making her 2-ingredient dip for every occasion I could think of. I was so obsessed with this dip, it started to land on my baked potatoes, sandwiches, tacos and what ever excuse I could use to eat this white tub of magic. Who would of thought a tub of sour cream and a package of lipton onion soup mix could change a girl’s life?

Fast forward over 25 years later, I still re-call the flavor of this dip that occupied so much of my high school eating years. It left me with onion breath for days and my belly filled with sour cream joy. Give me a bag of Ruffle potato chips and I was in snacking heaven. It’s been at least 20 years since I’ve made this dried onion dip mix recipe because I started to cook wholesome meals and have grown past my 11th grade years of snacking and munching for dinner.

Watch video: Favorite Dried Onion Dip Recipe:

A few months ago I had a hankering for this dip. I don’t know exactly what it was because I pretty much erased it from my list of favorite foods. Maybe it was walking down the potato chip aisle and seeing all the bags of Ruffles that made my stomach stir with memories and a desire to eat bad empty calories for a day.

Instead of reaching for the generic onion soup mix, I wanted to see if I could reach into my spice drawers and re-create this same memory fromour spice collection for a homemade dried onion dip mix recipe version. My first attempt was pretty close as I randomly grabbed what I was hoping to be close to my beloved paper bag of onion mix. Not bad. Not bad at all was my surprise response. After two more attempts, I finally landed on my favorite ratio of dried spices that made my taste buds dance in high school memories.

Tips on How to Make Homemade Dried Onion Dip

  • This is the dip that can be what ever you like. Adjust what spices you want and make it your own.
  • If you like it really garlicky, add extra garlic powder or granulated garlic.
  • You can’t rush this dip. It really should sit overnight in the fridge so all the spices can marinate in the cream.
  • For a spicy version add some red chili flakes or cayenne powder.
  • How about a taco-dip inspired version? Add about a teaspoon of chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin and 1/4 teaspoon of smoke paprika. Yum!
  • Best of all, make it creamier by using creme fraiche for a extra treat, which is what we love. But of course, sour cream works just as well if that suits your fancy.

Easy Make Ahead Onion Dip

The best part about this dip is that you can make it 3-4 days in advance. Before serving just give the dip a good stir and serve with some vegetables, crackers or firm potato chips. Done and delicious!



Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (3)

Dried Onion Dip Recipe

Yield: 8 servings

Prep Time: 10 minutes mins

Chill Time: 8 hours hrs

Total Time: 8 hours hrs 10 minutes mins

This is the dip that can be what ever you like. Adjust what spices you want and make it your own. Best of all, make it creamier by using creme fraiche for a extra treat, which is what we love. But of course, sour cream works just as well if that suits your fancy.

Makes about 2 cups

4.93 from 13 votes



  • 3 Tablespoons (45ml) dried minced onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon (3ml)celery salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon (3ml) dried dill
  • 1/2 teaspoon (3ml) onion salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon (1ml) garlic salt (or granulated garlic)
  • 1/4 teaspoon (1ml) mustard powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon (1ml) black pepper
  • 1 (16oz-455g)creme fraiche or sour cream

Serve with vegetables, chips or what ever crunchies you love


    • In a medium bowl, combine all the dried spices together (dried minced onion, celery salt, dill, onion salt, garlic salt, mustard powder, and black pepper). Add the creme fraiche or sour cream to the bowl and stir until all the spices are combined well.

    • Refrigerate overnight for best flavor and for spices to marinade into the dip. The dried onion needs at least 8 hours in the creme to become soft.

    • Serve as a dip or as a topping on baked potatoes, chili or tacos.


    Nutrition Information per Serving

    Calories: 117kcal, Carbohydrates: 3g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 11g, Saturated Fat: 7g, Cholesterol: 29mg, Sodium: 409mg, Potassium: 114mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 2g, Vitamin A: 358IU, Vitamin C: 2mg, Calcium: 69mg, Iron: 1mg

    Course: Appetizer, Dips

    Cuisine: Gatherings & Parties

    Calories: 117

    Here’s more Easy Dip Recipes:

    • of our baked cheese dip
    • stove top spinach dip
    • crazy good game day dip recipes.
    • roasted potatoes with sage
    • homemade pasta and shrimp scampi
    • this recipe was originally published in 2016

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    30 Minute Recipes Appetizers Dips Food Game Day Low Carb | Keto Paleo Recipes Side Dishes Vegetables

    12 Comments / Leave a Comment »

    Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (4)

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    12 comments on “Creme Fraiche (or Sour Cream) Dried Onion Dip {Homemade}”

    1. Debra S Weaver July 14, 2023 @ 7:45 pm Reply

      I mixed the dry ingredients as a seasoning mix. It works great in marinades, soups, and, of course, in dips.Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (7)

    2. Cammy November 11, 2022 @ 11:10 am Reply

      What a savory dip this was. I also loved how easy it was to make. The whole family loves it.Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (8)

    3. Dumbphone August 7, 2022 @ 6:37 pm Reply

      Ohhh my goodness!

      This was fantastic. I did forget to put in the mustard powder, and it was still terrific. No more store bought soup mix for me!

      Thank you.Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (9)

    4. Shelly December 23, 2021 @ 10:54 pm Reply

      This looks so good and simple! I’m ashamed to admit that I often buy premade french onion dip from the grocery store. I think I’ll try this recipe next time!Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (10)

    5. Sarah Gallardo June 15, 2018 @ 4:33 pm Reply

      I grew up with the same dip and I don’t think there’s anything better, as far as store-bought dip mixes. I just made this recipe and it is EXCELLENT! We are having it with some salmon croquettes I just made. Thank you!Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (11)

      • July 4, 2018 @ 7:26 pm Reply

        Hi Sarah! Yay! So glad you enjoyed the dip. It’s so much more fun to make it homemade!

    6. laurencaris January 15, 2016 @ 1:08 am Reply

      How delicious. I love foods that bring back memories. There’s something really special and distinctive about recognisable smells. Great recipe as always!

    7. Dana January 13, 2016 @ 9:26 am Reply

      I started following you after Patrick and Rachel’s wedding and am enjoying your posts! Patrick’s mother Patty makes an awesome onion dip as well. Totally different and easy as can be: 1 container sour cream (I use reduced fat and sometimes cut with plain greek yogurt), a bunch (use a fair amount–like 8 or 10 sprigs) of green onions/ scallions chopped fine, and a dash of S&P. Leave it sit in fridge for a couple of hours so flavors blend. It’s surprising how good this really is!

    8. The Urban Baker January 13, 2016 @ 8:24 am Reply

      You too are always an inspiration. As my career has exploded and taken off in a somewhat different direction, you, your writing, and your visuals are still something I look forward to receiving in my inbox each week. Your creativity and your authentic voice is a treat! Happy New Year xxx

      • Greg Mohney October 23, 2017 @ 11:44 am Reply

        Ohh, me too, thank you. 🙂

    9. Tracy | Pale Yellow January 13, 2016 @ 6:31 am Reply

      Onion dip is my go-to rainy day snack food! This recipe is easy and simple. For my next batch, do you think Greek yogurt would work well in place of sour cream or creme fraiche?Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (12)

      • January 14, 2016 @ 5:58 pm Reply

        Hi Tracy! Yes, looks like it would work based on Dana’s comment. That sounds like a great alternative.

    Leave a Reply

    Dried Onion Dip Mix Recipe Homemade Dry Soup | White On Rice Couple (2024)


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