Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (2024)

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Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (1)

Let’s talk about the relatively unknown beef roast called chateaubriand.

Do you love filet mignon, but have to cook for a dinner party?

Look no further than Omaha Steaks chateaubriand steak, which is otherwise known as a filet mignon roast.

This roast is our new favorite secret weapon for any dinner party because it’s so tasty, easy to sous vide, and saying the word chateaubriand just makes you feel fancy!

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (2)

What is chateaubriand?

Chateaubriand is a special super-tender beef roast. To put it simply, or to explain to your guests that will want to make it after trying your dish, it is a filet mignon roast/beef tenderloin.

This cut of meat is incredibly tender because it comes from the tenderloin, like your classic filet mignon, and is a part of the cow that is non-weight bearing.

To learn more specific detail around this amazing cut of meat check out Omaha Steaks’ chateaubriand information page.

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (3)

Chateaubriand vs filet mignon:

A chateaubriand is a the entire filet mignon tenderloin served in a large roast cut.

A filet mignon is just a chateaubriand that a butcher has hand cut into individual servings.

Choose a chateaubriand if you prefer less of the char on the outside of the meat and want more of that perfectly cooked medium rare center.

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (4)

How to cook chateaubriand:

Cooking your chateaubriand via sous vide is a no-fail and easy way to cook this premium cut of beef perfectly every single time, no matter how busy you are entertaining a party or taking care of your family.

All it takes is a sous vide (they’re very affordable), a water bath, an hour and a half, and a few simple ingredients. We’re a fan of a perfect medium rare or chateaubriand, and if you’d like that result set your sous vide to 130-131°F (54°C), and after the hour and a half you will have these perfect results every time.

If you’re a fan of sous vide, don’t miss our other sous vide recipes.

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (5)

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (6)

How to cut and serve chateaubriand:

After letting your chateaubriand rest for at least 5 minutes, it’s time to cut and serve this roast for your guests.

Because the chateaubriand is a filet mignon roast, we cut them about ¾ of an inch thick to allow our guests to enjoy a luxurious steak experience. Feel free to also slice it thinly because it will come out delicious no matter how it’s sliced.

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (7)

We served our chateaubriand feast with two new favorite Omaha Steaks sides!

Specifically our favorite was the multi colored carrots which a delicious natural sweetness. To top it all off, we made Omaha Steaks roasted potatoes, and finished them in our cast iron pan that we used to sear the chateaubriand to pick up all those delicious pan drippings.

Roasts are never anything you should be afraid of, and they definitely are not the bland or boring piece of meat that you may have experienced growing up.

Chateaubriand aka filet mignon roast is our new favorite way to make a large amount of beef for all of our upcoming dinner parties, and you should try it too! It is a sure way to wow everyone.

Click this link to pin this recipe on pinterest. Also, don’t forget to follow us on instagram and facebook for more recipes and foodie recommendations. If you’d like to automatically receive our posts in your email, register here.

Whip up this recipe? Be sure to tag us on social media as @coupleinthekitchen and we’ll share it with our foodie followers!

This recipe was created in partnership with Omaha Steaks, thanks for supporting the brands we love!

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (8)


Yield: 6

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Additional Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour 40 minutes

If you like filet mignon, you’ll love a chateaubriand roast! Here’s how to sous vide a chateaubriand tenderloin.



  1. Set your sous vide to 130-131°F (54°C) for a medium rare chateaubriand.
  2. Season your chateaubriand thoroughly with salt and pepper, and place in a ziplock bag.
  3. Cut ¼ stick of butter into four pieces and place two on each side of the chateaubriand.
  4. Finally, add in the garlic and the three sprigs of thyme. This herb will add a great flavor infusion into the chateaubriand while in the sous vide water bath.
  5. Place the ziplock bag in the water bath using the easy water displacement method to take the air out of the bag and let it cook for an hour and a half.
  6. Once your chateaubriand has taken an hour and a half sous vide bath, take it out of the bag and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  7. While it’s resting, preheat your pan on high heat and pat your chateaubriand dry. Add butter or an oil with a high smoke point, like grapeseed oil, to your pan and quickly sear your chateaubriand on each side.
  8. It’s important to remind you that your chateaubriand is already perfectly cooked from the sous vide. Your only goal is to add a nice crust to the outside of the roast.
  9. Once seared, take the roast out of the pan and let it rest for at least 5 minutes.

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BeefChateaubriandFilet MignonRoastsous videsous vide recipe

Chateaubriand Recipe - Sous Vide Filet Mignon Roast (2024)


How long to cook Chateaubriand in sous vide? ›

Sous Vide at 10°F Below the Desired Doneness for 3 Hours

Set immersion circulator to 10 degrees below your desired doneness and sous vide the roast for three hours. We recommend serving a chateaubriand medium rare for the best experience.

How long do you cook filet mignon in sous vide? ›

How Long to Sous Vide Filet Mignon
Level of DonenessSous Vide Steak TemperatureTime to Cook
Medium-rare130°F45 minutes to 2.5 hours
Medium145°F45 minutes to 4 hours
Medium-well150°F45 minutes to 3 hours
Well done160°F+1 to 3 hours
1 more row
Jan 13, 2024

Is Chateaubriand steak the same as filet mignon? ›

The filets come from the narrow end of the tenderloin, giving it superior tenderness. The Chateaubriand is the center cut of the same muscle tissue, offering a little more flavor with nearly the same texture.

What is the best temperature for sous vide beef tenderloin? ›

Temps and Times for Sous Vide Tenderloin Steaks

I cook my tenderloin steaks at several degrees Fahrenheit lower than fattier cuts, like ribeye or strip. I like my tenderloin in the very-rare-to-rare range, between 120°F (49°C) and 128°F (53°C), for optimal tenderness and moistness.

Can you overcook a roast in sous vide? ›

You can also potentially overcook your meats when it comes to searing them before serving, especially if you're using a much thinner cut of meat. So, while it's certainly very difficult to overcook your food using sous vide, to say that it's impossible is a little bit of an overstatement.

Is 4 hours too long to sous vide a steak? ›

So long as you're cooking at above 130°F, there are no real health risks associated with prolonged sous-vide cooking. You will, however, eventually notice a difference in texture. At 130°F, steak cooked for 1 to 4 hours will have a traditional texture with plenty of meaty chew.

Is it worth it to sous vide filet mignon? ›

Although we love a pan-seared filet mignon on busy nights, it's the best steak for the sous vide method because the precise temperature-controlled water bath guarantees the steak cooks to the perfect temperature.

Should you sear before or after sous vide? ›

Even if you do a pre-sear, the crust itself will go away and can only be established by searing it after the sous vide process is over. Not all food needs a post-sear, such as some fish or chicken and beef that is going into a sauce and you don't want or need the extra flavor for.

Can you overdo steak in sous vide? ›

For example, many chefs recommend that sous vide steak should not be cooked for longer than four hours because the connective tissue begins to break down and the steak can become mushy.

Why is chateaubriand so expensive? ›

Chateaubriand steak commands a higher price than all other tenderloin cuts because it comes from the one and only center of the tenderloin.

What is chateaubriand called in USA? ›

Today, a chateaubriand is generally agreed-upon to be a large center cut filet mignon, roasted and served alongside potatoes and a sauce (appropriately named chateaubriand sauce) usually made with shallots, beef or veal stock, white wine, tarragon, and butter.

Why is it called chateaubriand? ›

It is a thick steak cut from the center of a beef tenderloin, and is typically served with a rich sauce and various side dishes. The dish is named after François-René de Chateaubriand, a French writer, politician, and diplomat who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Should I sear beef tenderloin before sous vide? ›

To make this beef tenderloin even more special, I give it a double-sear: once before it goes into the sous vide bath and again after it comes up. The first time builds flavor in the dish; the second time gives the cooked roast a nice outer crust.

How long does it take to sous vide a 4 lb beef tenderloin? ›

Attach sous vide cooker to a heat-proof container of water and set temperature to 133 degrees F (56 degrees C). Sous vide until tenderloin has reached the desired temperature, 2 1/2 to 3 hours, depending on thickness.

Do you season steak before sous vide? ›

To prep your steak for best flavor development during the sous vide process, rub it with a light drizzle of oil before applying spices. Many of the flavor compounds in spices dissolve in oil. The oil rub will help the meat absorb these flavors while it comes up to temperature.

What temperature should you cook a chateaubriand? ›

Place roast on rack in shallow roasting pan. Insert ovenproof meat thermometer so tip is centered in thickest part of beef, not resting in fat. Do not add water or cover. Roast in 425°F oven 35 to 45 minutes for medium rare, 45 to 50 minutes for medium doneness.

How long does it take to cook a chateaubriand? ›

Once your chateaubriand is seared, add a tablespoon of unsalted butter to the pan, allow it to crackle, and then scoop over the meat to baste. Transfer the chateaubriand (still in the pan) and roast in the oven for 12-14 minutes. An internal temperature of 53°C is ideal.

What is the ideal sous vide time for steak? ›

If you are cooking two small steaks one hour in the sous vide is sufficient. For more than two steaks or larger cuts, sous vide for at least two hours. For our massive King Cut steaks, cook with the immersion circulator for three hours.

Is 2 hours long enough for sous vide steak? ›

Sous vide steak temps: Rare- 130ºF, Medium Rare- 140ºF, Medium- 155ºF, and Well Done- 165ºF. Option to leave the steak in the sous vide for up to 4 hours for ultra-tender steak, but 2 hours is just perfect, as well! Both will come out medium-rare.


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