15 Takeout Recipes to Try No Matter Your Diet (2024)

When you’re on a specific diet, takeout can sometimes seem like it’s totally out of the question. Even if you order something seemingly healthy, you never know what could be lurking in those stir fry recipes. The solution to this problem is to simply make your own takeout at home. This way, you control the amount and quality of ingredients, and you can get creative with it. Whether you’re paleo, gluten free, vegan or raw, there’s a homemade takeout recipe that you’re sure to fall in love with. Keep reading for 15 healthy takeout recipes to try no matter your diet situation.

1. Easy Spicy Coconut Milk Shrimp (Over Cauliflower Rice or Rice): Diet food that doesn’t taste like diet food is the ultimate #goal. This flavorful shrimp dish isn’t just deceptively easy — it’s low carb, gluten free, Paleo and South Beach Diet-approved. (via Kalyn’s Kitchen)

2. Coconut Mint Curry: Go ahead and toss the menu to your go-to Indian restaurant, because this vegan curry will replace all of those late-night orders. It’s full of hearty vegetables, and the spice level can easily be adjusted to your liking. (via Pixel Sprout)

3. Kung Pao Chickpeas: Chickpeas are a great vegan alternative to meat, but they go particularly well in this spicy Kung Pao dish. Meat-eaters will love it just as much as vegans and vegetarians. (via The Chunky Chef)

4. Thai Pork Salad Cabbage Wrap: You don’t even have to open the menu at your favorite Thai spot to know that you want the lettuce wraps. These cabbage wraps are a dairy-free and gluten-free at-home alternative and can easily be made paleo by omitting the brown sugar. (via Healthy Recipe Ecstasy)

5. Raw Vegan Curry With Marinated Mushrooms and Onions: Raw and vegan meals can be hard to come by, let alone recipes that rival the flavors of classic dishes. Not only will this dish ease that takeout craving, but you can feel really good about eating bowl after bowl. (via This Rawsome Vegan Life)

6. Crispy Teriyaki Tofu: Marinate the tofu the evening before your designated takeout night so it can soak in all those delicious teriyaki flavors. The next day, all you have to do is sauté the tofu to get it crispy and you’ll have a bangin’ vegan and gluten-free dish. (via Jessica in the Kitchen)

7. Honey Sesame Chicken: Say hello to your new paleo addiction. These meatballs are so full of flavor, it’s hard to believe they’re actually good for you. Did we mention they’re also gluten free? (via Jay’s Baking Me Crazy)

8. Grain-Free Tabouleh: If you didn’t already know that this tabouleh was made with cauliflower, you would never be able to tell. The cauliflower switch makes this fusion dish a healthy trio of gluten free, paleo AND vegan. (via Primal Gourmet)

9. Chicken Fried (Cauliflower) Rice: This cauliflower fried rice has all the flavor of the OG, but is paleo, GF and low in fat compared to the takeout version. It’s time to break out the chopsticks and wok for this one. (via Simply Sissom)

10. One-Pan Ginger Honey Cashew Chicken and Green Beans: One skillet, plus chicken, green beans and a ginger-laced sauce, make this delicious paleo-friendly dish a quick weeknight staple. It’s also naturally gluten free and dairy free. (via Real Food Whole Life)

11. Vegan Garlic Sesame Noodles: Sometimes a big bowl of garlicky noodles is all you need in the world. When comfort food is your goal, these vegan garlic sesame noodles are where it’s at. (via Pickles and Honey)

12. Paleo Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowls: It’s been a sad time since you broke up with Chipotle, but the good news is that you can make an even *better* at-home version. Other than being paleo and utterly delicious, this dish is gluten free and under 450 calories. (via Food Faith Fitness)

13. Paleo Orange Beef Stir Fry With Kale and Sweet Potato Noodles: Takeout rarely takes less than an hour to get to you, and that’s on a good day. This stir-fry is ready in just 20 minutes, and it’s loaded with body-loving nutrients. (via Food Faith Fitness)

14. General Tso’s Tofu Stir Fry: This healthier, vegan spin on the most popular Chinese order is spicy, sweet and packed with plant-based protein. It’ll be ready for you to devour in 30 minutes — just enough time to warm up some sake to sip on the side. (via Minimalist Baker)

15. Paleo Egg Rolls: It’s just not takeout night without egg rolls on the table. The good news is these are not only paleo, but vegan and gluten free as well, which makes them edible for almost everyone. (via Forest and Fauna)

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Paige Johnson

Paige is a blogger, food writer and culinary master from Louisville, Ky. She's a newlywed who's obsessed with dogs and renovating her 117 year old home. When she's not working on her blog — My Modern Cookery — you can find her binge watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S with a triple shot latte in-hand.

15 Takeout Recipes to Try No Matter Your Diet (2024)


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